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File: Eric Kim.jpg (150 KB, 1096x812)
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It's faggotry for trans jew niggers
Only kissless virgin incels do street photography. It's the closest they get to a woman.

See Vivian Meierburg.
This explains why there are so many Sony street photographers
street is the ultimate genre for gearfags. 'i got this cool camera, let's take it out for a session of street'. becuase all they have to do is go outside and take some snapshits. no waiting for the right light conditions, no waiting for proper weather, no waking up in 3 in the morning to get the sunrise. nope. just go out and take pictures of the next nigger you see.
street = gearfag
People love to talk shit about street because they are too scared to even hold their camera within 15 feet of someone. It really is that simple
this. if you ever have to consider if a camera is "pocketable", that means your only use for it is snapshitting. if your primary intention for going out with a camera isn't photography you're not going to take a good picture
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>as street photographers we have the right to take photos of anyone in a public setting and there's nothing anyone can do to stop us
>delete my photo
>y-yes sir
Today's swole Eric would just laugh in their face while eating a pound of pork from Whole Foods.
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Absolute fucking pussy lol

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-7M4
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 22.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)85 mm
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Image Width2890
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Image Created2024:10:03 15:28:34
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Uh.. is our boy Eric okay?
>no waiting for proper weather
Street fagtographers very rarely go out when it is cloudy or rainy.
yes and chads with 1000 hrs worth of sex shoot rocks and leaves in theit parents backyards.
correct i do that every time i visit my inlaws so my wife is the only one talking and also at my own parents house because my dad is a cock and always drinks shitty whisky

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