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recommendation thread?

can be full sized/compact
i like taking black and white photos
i want it to perform in lowlight
budget $1000 australian, can be second hand

my partner has a canon 2000d, but i’d like something for myself

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ill do as i please, and there is no need to call people names on the internet

maybe your mother could’ve taught you how to be communicate politely if she wasn’t gagging on my cock throughout your whole childhood
seethe harder faggotron

canon 6d and a 50mm f1.2 l
max sovl, makes gearfags seethe
-sent from my sony
6D as >>4379528 said or whatever the Niggon equivalent is (D610, D750, not sure). I would just get a basic 24 2.8 and 50 1.8 to pair with it.
Absurdly bssed.
Isn't this just a gear general without the gear general label?

Anyway while we're here. I just bought a 25mm lens for my rangefinder, what am I in for?
Aye, I just bought a 25mm eyepiece, we're both in for what's what.
gearfags already seething

6d+50mm f1.2 l
>50mm f1.2 l
Sorry!! The 50 1.8 is enough for me!
>In order from most expensive option to least
>Mirrorless if you want that
R50 w/ kit lens / RF 50mm f/1.8
>Full frame DSLR
5DIII w/ EF 50mm f/1.8
Olympus EPL-7/8/9 w/ 17mm f/1.8
70D w/ EFS 28mm f/2.8 & EF 40mm f/2.8

I would either pick the 5DIII or 70D. High ISO won't matter so much if you're only shooting B&W because you won't be deailing with chrominance noise, but going with the 5DIII would give you nicer photos overall.
>i like taking black and white photos
>i want it to perform in lowlight
nikon d700 and a 24-70 with a constant aperture to start out with.
state of the australian market:
$600 for canon 6D
$600 for canon 80D
$650 for canon 5Diii

specs look like 5Dii > 6D > 80D ?
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This doesn't seem like a super bad deal. Here you go OP
Guess I'm really in for it now

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>spend all money on leica body
>cant afford a proper lens
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>Many such cases
>Buys cheap leica body
>Puts cheap lenses on it
Makes sense to me idk bout you :)
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oh man im REALLY in for it now, im doing drive-by gas station snapshits

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and then a cool one

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wasted quads, color skopar is a nice lens

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