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How do I cope with it? It's impossible to take good photos under overcast sky. How do (You) kope with it?
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like a so

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nah that's cheating. I am talking about flat grey weather
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>go to work before sunrise
>go home after sunset
Broke? It's a giant soft box, use that to your advantage

yeah it looks like shit always.
Either wait to dusk to get a moody look or just wait for another day.
Its the flattest ugliest light known to man.
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Life's gray sometimes, that's just how it is

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:10:05 15:26:09
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Image Created2024:10:02 17:02:43
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And there's always black and white

An overcast sky means low contrast, so either shoot high contrast subjects and adjust in post, use a technique to emphasize the contrast (be that in post or in camera)

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-Pro3
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Windows
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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)27 mm
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Image Created2024:10:05 16:22:07
Exposure Time1/1800 sec
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What camera did you use to take this?
Fast lense, contrasty film stock and standdeveloping

>inb4 bbbut Sir, I shot digital T_T
enjoy your narrow dynamic range you plebeian
>narrow dynamic range
ok but what if we don't all shoot Cannot
>It doesn't matter, no digi matched dynamic range of film negative stock yet. At best current digi is somewhere around slide film dynamic range.
Overcast skies are fantastic for portraits, flowers, architecture, etc. The sky is one gigantic light box.
Why use a high contrast film and stand dev? Won't it just cancel each other out?
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I took this yesterday and I quite like it.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:11:10 23:22:52
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Subject Distance RangeDistant View
No, standdev and high contrast are two separate topics. Think about it like increasing local contrast in RAW files.
It's much better than harsh light in most cases
Stand dev flattens out the exposure curve. If you're using rodinal the depleting nature works by reducing development of highlights, preserving them, while correctly developing shadows. Reduced contrast.
Reduced contrast is a spectrum of possible reductions. You can use less contrasty film but you most likely would get totally different curve. You can bend contrast curve in zillions of ways. So no - stand development is not "undoing" contrasty nature of film neither is reducing the curve of whole strip of film. It's just like applying locally different curve to signal recorded locally on film surface.

Everything gets get developed until depletion of developer near surface of film (which can be countermeasured by agitation) or until development gets stopped (because thereis nothing to develop or because you stop the proces with stopper/rinsing developer out with water).

The trick is time of development is not the same for whole surface and is regulated by dilution on degree of exposure in local area. In standard development time of development is being cut after arbitrary time no matter what happens on surface and movements of fluid during agitation removes local "static layer of used fluid" so areas that would stop being developed in stand in agitation gets developed further.

So if you make solution potent enough it would overdevelop. If you make dilution very very high it would underdevelop no matter what method is used. The differences are time curves for differently exposed areas of film.

This would look so much better on a sunny day with that lake deep blue, the trees rich green, with a nice blue sky with a few fluffy clouds.
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2.05 MB JPG
real clouds have curves

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Windows
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Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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garbage shot
you do NOT clip clouds anon
who is this by?
that's ai dummy
US impressionist painter Charles Courtney Curran

WTF I love AI now
Thanks, I appreciate it
>An overcast sky means low contrast, so either shoot high contrast subjects and adjust in post, use a technique to emphasize the contrast (be that in post or in camera)
i feel like i'm retarded, an overcast sky always ends up being so high contrast that either it's blown out entirely or everything else is too dark, and stacking exposures isn't always an option
I wasn't there on such a day though, gotta work with what you have
Clouds get CLIPPED
If it's too bright for my eye it's too bright for my image
You are right on the fact that "contrast" is a retarded word that confuses the situation

I meant it's pretty low contrast because you don't have many shadows, because everything is in shadow
The only other thing you have is that white sky
But in between the two there are very few levels of darkness-to-light, our dynamic range is lower than usual, either X part of the image is too dark or it's too bright

Photography's about compromise, and when the available light is hard to use that's when you compromise the most, but it's also when you find alternative ways to make things work (editing the RAW file, pushing your film, going all artsy or using B&W)
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No sun

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>How do I cope with it? It's impossible to take good photos under overcast sky. How do (You) kope with it?
what's in the black stop stop on left side? looks evil.
File: June (1).jpg (2.64 MB, 2000x1333)
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2.64 MB JPG
this picture made me remember this one

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-Pro3
Camera SoftwareCapture One 21 Windows
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)50 mm
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what is that black spot on the left side? looks evil.
Those are the entrance to the dungeon
show me photos NOW
uv polarizing filters. theyre cheap, get the colored ones too despite their crime rates
absolutely mogged by a painting
Overcast is literally the optimum possible condition for outdoor photos. Do you want to get cucked by the sun that much?
i can't do it without sun. on grey days i am suicidal
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I'm more of a Grimshaw man
Overcast is manageable. Evening sunlight on the other hand is brutal. It's basically "RIP any and all foreground you might have in your photo"
Overcast is bestcast. I see blue sky, I am not happy.

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