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File: proper leica my guy.jpg (107 KB, 1280x960)
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Alright you motherfuckers, its time for pure SOUL!
I built this piece of shit in 30 mins out of the chassis of some failed repair project and whatever garbage I could find in my trashcan plus a random lens element

it has an aperture made from the lid off a tin of cat food
no shutter, you take the lens cap off and put it back on
manual film advance made from a 120 spool and a bottle cap
and light leaks
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so i've ran a roll of foma 100 through this thing, naturally most of the pics didn't turn out because, well, look at the state of this, but you know what? i did manage to get some photos
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and here they are

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And that's the lot.

I will now be taking questions.

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Shit thread, what a waste of film
Cool. Now you just need to do the hundreds of creepshots with it.
Epic opinion, dont sprain your hand as you click out of the thread nancy boy.
>Still looks better than m43

Sort of a fun project. Wood or 3d print may be a nice next step if you wanted to go harder in the paint.
are you a fucking serial killer rapist or someshit and these are clues?
Yeah a wooden pinhole camera project could be fun.
No i just like making cool stuff and im glad my art has invoked emotion
Do a pinhole tube camera where you use a whole sheet of 120 for the pano shot, Or you could fit a copal shutter or barrel lens. Set it up like an aerial camera with focus at infinity or make a shitty helicoid.
>im glad my art makes me think i am a seria killer or rapist

Bit involved, i wanna keep it simple.
I can't control your mind.
>shitposter (ESL)
like shittery
Hello Sir.

I am Sony representative from Sony India Head Qauter.

I am liking for you to tell us please sir how you're image are having such little vignette please sir?

Please sir you must telling us here Sony.

Dearest, Sanjay Gupta,

Tank you for contacting ree *clicking noises*

I sadly cannot provide details to the esoteric images i take they are copyright via explosive dirarhhea incorporated please contact them.

Yours truly
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36 KB
Glad to see the spirit of Tichý still wanders this board.
I would guess 90% of people on 4channel are just as coombrained as he was.
yeah I am thinking based, you are just missing the red dot on the camera itself.

I had been thinking about doing something similar just to finally use all that fucking microfilm that I have.
Kekd it’s like a first person view from Michael Myers mask
Lets see you do something interesting in your life :A)

Nah this is kinda like the Ur-Leica
Literally photos of nothing. No difference at all compared to buying 10 grand of gear and taking a photo of a wall. But at least you did something. I guess your two frens are proud of you, still you should not be soo uppity about it when people tell you that you did nothing, because that's exactly what you di.
Holy hell project more willya?
This thread lacks MTF charts. A whole lot of MTF charts.
I enjoyed the thread and the camera. I hope mr.fucker makes more cameras and posts the pics he takes with them. You should try being creative and having some fun sometime. It sounds like it would do you some good.

With all of my love,
File: tichy_tits.jpg (55 KB, 460x515)
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based and Tichy-pilled

You can only be serious defending this nonsense if you know the person that made it. And even if you know him, you should have the decency to tell him that it's bad taste, so he will, hopefully, improve and change his way. It's below any criticism otherwise.
fuck off retard
I've upgraded the poopcam. The hood is gone because it turns out this lens gives me a 90 FOV.
The lens has been centered and is no longer canted.
Ive also narrowed the aperture which will make controlling the light easier.
Now I just gotta order film, any idea what I should get? Foma? Filmferrania? Portra?

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Dear Mr.Fucker,

Ferrania might be a nice option because it will provide a high contrast look that seems well suited for such a wondrous poop camera.

With all of my love,
Unfathomably based thread
absolutely based, true piece of art
Finished another roll, expect photos later today

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clean your fucking house
Whats unclean?
Mr.Fucker does it again.
Pics gotted

Still have a lot of vignetting ohwell

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thems them

please like, comment and subscribe, and don't forget to hit the bell

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>no creepshots

Thumbs down, negative comment posted, unsubscribed.
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>improves the camera
>SOVL instantly gone
Nuh uh its more soulful because it has more tape on it
bretty cool
do a trichrome next time
lmao rekt the stupid racist cunt
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Good idea, either that or might run colour film through it.

One thing I've nooticed is whenever people on here disagree with something I do, they never 1-up me with something even cooler that they themselves did. No they piss and moan about how they would have or I should have done this or that but have absolutely zero work to show themselves.

And I think that's beautiful, because it obviously means I'm going the right direction to invoke such a strong crab bucket response.
>right direction
The right direction is off the board like the good trips. I mean this literally, /p/ is garbage and not posting your photos here because it's beneath you is serious progress.
Nice try
You're shit so belong here, I never said you should leave. I just told you which direction is the right one.
Everyone else just takes pics and posts them as anons without being a shitty attention whore like you. You just want upvotes and back pats.
You are more of a real photographer than any of these gear fags. Soul photography. Great work..keep at it.
stupid waste of time. you aren't even a hobbyist just a boring weird loser.
This. Wasting time taking low quality snapshits on purpose because le quirky poop camera is just retarded.
Black dude here. Yall lucky you live in Sweden or whatever, bitch. Dare your flabby white ass to say "nigger" when I'm around.
Mr.Fucker I like what you're doing. I think the meanies are probably angry high schoolers seeing someone have fun. It's really funny, but also quite sad.

With all of my love,
>they never 1-up me with something even cooler that they themselves did. No they piss and moan about how they would have or I should have done this or that
These are the anons crying about how /p/ is dead
Pretty cool. Mostly trash shots, but sone of them are interesting.
How do you manage the "shutter time"? Do you just randomly pop off the cap and put it back on, hoping it will work?
Yeah the shots are dookie, im just rushing through the roll to see if the camera is working.
And yeah you're right about the shutter. Cap goes off and back on, i get about 2 second long exposures including the fiddling.
I might try to build a diy leaf shutter sometime.
No more excuses FE2. Show us what you've really got. I believe in you my boy.
suppose i could make a compilation thread with all my favorite shots sometime, not today tho, I got a date with gta 4 and some homemade banana wine i cooked up last week
it's fomashit so nothing of value was lost
this isnt your personal blog, you pathetic old faggot
That sounds awesome! I hope you make your thread one day soon, haha! How was the banana wine?
stfu jamal
Better an oldfag than a newfag amirite?
Sucks you don't have any hobbies so you gotta project on a north macedonian rock stacking forum
The banana wine was fucking trash, it needs to age and needs more acidity.
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1.61 MB PNG
How did you scan the foma roll? I've got a roll to scan myself. my hp printer scans come out looking really low res, and shitty. best option for me was to hold the film up against some light and take a zoomed in pic with a 2009 lumix mirrorless, that's the best i've got them to look.
i'm glad you had fun
your haters are soulless
Nikon Coolscan LS2000
cool camera
its a good thing if you like a hobby to
work with its components at this type of native level
to understand better.
>button make picture
>sometimes button make good picture
Yeah the first few images were your best work, these really show how you fell off. I think you should load some color slides to keep this project afloat. (unironically based camera btw)
30 dollar film in a camera mostly comprised of electrical tape is a bit too boujie even for a memelord like me.
Maybe some gold later in spring tho.
Neat. Now go to the community center and take pictures of the women through the fence.
a rotary shutter wouldnt be too complicated
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475 KB JPG
I don’t know what it is about these photos, OP, but I really like them. It’s like they’re all fleeting memories or something. Good stuff.

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Thank you Mr Fucker for saving /p/
best thread right now in /p/
good shit.
Pretty low even for a namefag
nta but i might have to invest in one
Get the 4000, it has a usb interface
Scuzzy is shit
File: scan0053.jpg (2.95 MB, 4000x6301)
2.95 MB
2.95 MB JPG
4000 is firewire
5000 is the one with usb
>t. 4000 owner

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What the fuuuuuuuu i thought it had both
more sovl than any canonshit
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Honestly one of the better threads on this God forsaken board, sadly it's a tripfag.
This seems like a lot of fun to mess around with.
Dear fe2fucker, pumpkin or apple pie?
>I am liking for you to tell us please sir how you're image are having such little vignette please sir?
genuinely made me lose my shit at work.
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230 KB JPG
How will the gearfigs ever recover?
velvia 50 and go recreate xp bliss
he used a lens as you can see here >>4390935
so, he is still a gearfig, to not gearfug you must use a pinhole


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