You're not using a bag made by the elite class are you?
>>4391850literally just bought a 6L Sling unironically a few days ago. My main gear is WANDRD and Lowepro tho
>>4391850what are you doing posting this garbage man. i know you get a lot of hate but i like a lot of your work. any photo at all is better than a shitty gear argument thread. who gives a fuck what bag you use
What the fuck are you saying? Is the offgassing from all the ewaste hurting your brain?The guy who shot the health insurance scam ringleader used a peak design bag so i dont care i guess they’re useful
>>4391856all the good trips are gone anon
>>4391858CEO of Peak Design gave cops name & info based on the bag serial #seems voluntarily tooPD wil give your info to feds
>>4391862As far as you know they did so after a private phone call from a cop about not looking supportive or complicit in what could become a rebellion of sorts (they scared). You have no way of knowing. Regardless I don’t register products.
>>4391863welp, looks like it was all fake newsPD posted their response on Instagram
I was really looking forward to my peak backpack and it turned out to be incredibly mediocre. Waist strap is a stupid friction slip that won't hold wait, chest clip falls off randomly in carryon bins and shit, straps get super uncomfy on anything heavier than like 45 pounds....
This board has been shitted up by the same 2 tripfags for years at this point, they’re the epitome of a no photo neet. Can go one fucking thread without seeing their names pop up
>>4391873I hope to inspire this hatred someday
Imagine buying some overpriced meme bag in almost 2025
>>4391879imagine needing a bagi use mine to store my flash, strap, amd batteries when I’m not using them. anything else is turbo-gearfaggotry.
>>4391878pretty easy, just post photos and have an ounce of confidence and all the crabs will latch onto you
>>4391873>they’re the epitome of a no photo neetIronically we post more photos than most of you.
>>4392052why are replying? I've never seen you argue with anyone and you're usually basedalso any time I see one of your pics I know its yours, you're my favourite tripfag and /p/oster in generalt. S5ii anon[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
>>4391873once again the people complaining about trips are more annoying than the trips.. imagine choosing to continue seeing posts from trips that will make you mad instead of simply filtering. in any case, the two bad tripfags haven't been posting for like months at this point. and the board was unusable when they were posting unless you filtered them anyways so i really don't get the complaint
>>4391850>tripnigger is a commieI will now buy Peak Design products just to spite you
>>4392056Did you take this anon? Holy shit, it's good
>>4392123>redshift>boring ass city scapes>goodlmfao citydwellers are something else
>>4391850PGYTECH straps are better and cheaper
>>4392187It's okay anon, we'll wait for you to post your own photos that are objectively better.
>>4391878In due time, my young padawan>>4391873You haven't filtered me out yet?
>>4392123no, I'm 99% its one of Burt's
>>4392223Yeah thats me.
>>4391865>PD didn't do that you guys!>t. PD representativeSure thing bro