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Why do we even need big, clunky, interchangeable lens cameras when phone cameras already produce images as good as this??
>why do we need
why do you need to ask if you've already made your mind up?
go shoot with your fucking phone and stop bothering people, and post some pictures YOU took not some fake tiktok slop
That photo looks pretty good on a 144p video being shaken around the screen, but I think if you looked at in full resolution it would look flat, devoid of detail and the bokeh would look pretty obviously fake. That and it's a modern phone camera so it's going to have heaps of ISO noise, then heaps of ugly AI denoising then renoising, then AI filters etc... Also a huge part of photography is the shooting experience. If this weren't true then leica would not still be in business. Phone provide an absolutely hateful shooting experience. Also they suck at wide angles and telephoto.

phone ok in perfect condition still feels gross to use
ILC camera very good in all condition and feel good to use
the ergonomics of a camera, controls, and the sound of the shutter are something a phone can never replicate

it's like smoking cigarettes vs vaping. one is a slightly antiquated mature activity and the other just makes you look like a retarded child.
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540x690 with heavy blur from video compression, and it STILL looks uncanny. It really looks like a 12 year old tried painting in bokeh with the blur brush in photoshop and having experience with the 15pm and the sample galleries for the 16 pro - on a macbook or ipads retina display these photos totally fall apart, and in more demanding scenes than mid day full sun, they get so bad and unnatural looking it's hard to believe you paid over a thousand for it.

A retina display is just 8 megapixels. An 8x10 print. My moms digital photo frame has 8 megapixels

That's why apple includes raw support right in apple photos and just bought a raw editor to integrate with it. They KNOW anyone with eyeballs will be using a canon anyways. Not even apple recognizes their phone as a substitute for a real camera.

By the time AI is good enough to cope, no one will want it because AI will be good enough to generate the entire photo. And no one wants lies except for coomers (fake people are hotter than real people). People are starting to really push back against AI lies, it's why digishit prices skyrocketed and film is coming back. Most teenagers in asia are now using dedicated cameras again.
>average teenage asian IQ: 112
>average teenage american IQ: 98
>australian detected, opinion ignored
Well well well... looks like I was right... >>4403148
>mfw a seething third worlder is seething over America again near me even though he lives in a third world shithole without toilets
nah, I have 3 ILC cameras and the camera on my phone is broken and I never use it. I just hate third worlders
Looks like shit bro
You will never be David Lynch.
This only looks mildly good due to the video compression.
Even falls apart just with a screenshot. Fake bokeh always looks like pure dogshit...
America will be a third world country within 10 years
nah, we got rid of biden
>subject is a woman
Then it's a shit photo, simple as.
Use this this little test and you'll find very often, "woman subject, shit photo"
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Phone cameras have been mogging standalone cameras for years now. Its only out of touch boomers that are still using cameras.
the only people who agree with this statement dont even own a simple macbook air and are so brain damaged by 24/7 "social" media use that scientists predict the healthcare system will collapse when they all start developing dementia 20 years earlier and six times more often than any prior generation

there is a point where the new kids stop being cool... and it's when you are part of the gayest, most mentally ill, poorest, and most brain damaged generation to ever exist.
holy shit, have sex boomer lmao
All zoomers can do is have sex. Too dumb for anything else. Cant even have kids because they’re all on HBC and plan B at 16 and getting vasectomies at 18 lmao.

Meanwhile the 30y/o boomer life
>no instagram no tiktok
>luv me a7cr and gm lense
>plow the same girl with the same HUGE ass every night while screaming GET PRAGERNET
>2 kids and counting
Canon/Sony+native glass AF is so worth it if you have kids and dogs

Or for the zoomers who are physically fit enough, really energetic cats
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>yes I shoot sony, how did you knew?
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Uhhh Sony sisters???
now this is what i call seethe
Can anyone help me make my mft camera look this good? Please!
>i hate sony so much i collect pictures of anime trannies
i dont even know how to find a picture of an anime tranny holding a camera
i tried google images but gave up
>the snoy faggot still seething about m43rds
???? It was a serious question. I don't even know what a snoy is. Maybe you can help me please?

6/10 troll post, would normally be a 3/10 but everyone on the Internet is soft these days so there's more low hanging fruit.
its what you have in your purse
Are you talking about my mft camera???? Yeah, I'm asking for help to use it properly. I think I'm messing up a setting or something.
nah, purse fags have snoys. snoy is the official camera of the transgender community
Why are you just talking about purses and weird snoy things? I'm just asking you for help.
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Sony sissies...
>nonsensical tranny memes
>endless fountain of pictures of trannies holding cameras that no one even knows how to find
>purse obsession
anon… are you trans
>newfag doesnt know where he is
go back
Yeah! Don't you know this is an mft website?
To be honest most girls take photos on their cell phones. You see more tough men going out in the wilderness to photograph tigers in the harsh jungle with a heavy lens and heavy tripod on their back than with cell phones that a girl is like, "OMG LET ME TAKE A SELFIE!" And if it is an Apple iPhone it is way way girlier than a Sony. But anyway that's just my two cents, and to be honest to put a label on a camera to mean a sexuality is homophobic and a mod or janny is probably hovering over my post like a hawk and a chipmunk now.

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>no mft camera
Opinion discarded
I have a Canon t2i.
Male Female Transgender?
Micro four thirds like the Panasonic Gh5
Heh, pathetic chud doesn't know about the greatest sensor size on earth. I bet your pictures SUCKS.
They're all just tools that help to record an image, and that's all it is.
Likely story from a chud like yourself. Maybe one day you'll become a REAL photographer and understand that the CORRECT format is MICRO FOUR THIRDS. EVERYTHING ELSE IS PURE COPE, CHUD!
soft tranny hands typed this
Gear still doesn't matter.
Debunking a stereotype=not a sign of being transgender
Insecurity revolving the subject of transgender= possibly a sign of being transgender, and getting so defensive you report me to janny because apparently your heterosexuality over a camera is very important.
Gear matters a lot. You're basically saying it doesnt matter if a painting is watercolor or not. That's bullshit. Cut the cope.

Materials and tools have always mattered. "A poor craftsman blames his tools" - what should not have to be stated is that a good craftsman has the right tools to begin with and does not even waste his or others time trying to shoehorn bad tools into the wrong job.

>Well you should only view photos as postage stamps!
Alexander Wagner would like a word with you regarding viewing size
The word is as follows
Zach, most of your photos look like absolute garbage IQ wise. There is no satisfaction or pleasure when viewing them. Part of the reason why is that you're using trash gear.

In your case it's a great idea to use trash gear because you sorely lack any sort of understanding of fundamentals or composition, but once you do you will only be held back by the overly grainy, muted color shit you produce.
>what should not have to be stated is that a good craftsman has the right tools to begin with and does not even waste his or others time trying to shoehorn bad tools into the wrong job.
what if I am doing it ironically
Yes. The truth is very cool.
You better think its cool. You have a canon rebel and dogshit lenses. Not exactly a vintage CCD digishit. Not exactly a nice modern camera. All you can shoot pleasantly is B&W street photography and low ISO deep focus stuff, stopped down to milk as much decency out of crappy lenses that are neither sharp nor characterful - just blurry.

You also need to remember that megapixels are not resolution. They are the digital sampling rate, but not actually how much detail is resolved. You have to account for demosaicing blur, the AA filter, and lens blur. So the actual resolution of your camera could be half the output size. Near full sized images would only good for 300dpi prints, for the internet you should be posting half size instead of displaying blur.

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