How do you use a tripod? Do you make an effort to set the level completely horizontally? Have you ever used the weight hook? Do you whip it only for long exposures or do you use it as much as possible?
>>4403233>Do you make an effort to set the level completely horizontally?No, not really, unless you're doing video. Tripods come with three-axis adjustment for that reason.Yes, I've used the weight hook on windy days or, say, on an overpass with cars driving by. Tripods are mostly for long exposures/low light/studio portrait/product shots/landscape photography, but I will say that using one can make you a more deliberate photographer just because they're such a pain in the ass. I have found that I slow down and really think about the composition and scene more when I'm using a tripod just because it's so fussy.They are most essential for product, portraiture and landscape. If you don't do a lot of any of those, then you are going to spend $300 on something that you break out only every so often. On the other hand, I spent $300 on my tripod 22 years ago and it's still going great. Sort of a buy once cry once sort of thing.
>>4403233As a real estate photographer, I do use one. You could theoretically do it without one if your camera has HH-HDR or really good dynamic range, but a tripod is pretty useful as you can always use 50 ISO and f/9. I also like using mine for video, got a miller fluid head and it just feels so nice to use, really premium.
>>4403233That depends a lot on exactly what you're doing. Landscape? Astro? Large format? Extreme telephoto? Long exposure? Studio portrait? Your typical modern day digital snapshitter doesn't need a tripod. Modern DILCs have insane built-in image stabilization. If you shoot film, or a specific type of photography where you need a tripod, it is essential, but what type of tripod and head you need depends on what you're doing. I primarily shoot film, and within that I do a lot of large format landscape and architecture, and long exposure night photography, so I am constantly accumulating tripods. For what I do, the best head is a 3-way, a Manfrotto 3030 or 3047. For some reason people love ball heads these days, but I fucking hate them. There's no reason to pay $300 for a tripod either, troll Facebook marketplace and you can pick up an old Bogen with a fluid video head for pennies from boomers who don't know what they have all day long, then sell the video head and buy a 3030. The Bogen 3233 in pic rel cost me $50 on marketplace, and came with a fluid video head that I sold for $80 on fleabay, then bought a 3047 for $60 meaning that overall I only spent $30 on the tripod and head. These Bogens were made by Manfrotto for pros back in the '80s and '90s and they're built like fucking tanks, they will outlive you.
>>4403233>Have you ever used the weight hook?Most machine-guns are already pretty heavy
>>4403233I have used it for a few things (astro, macro, some night photography) but I prefer handheld when I can do that. I got a monopod recently and that's something I think I might use more, even without it extended its a nice counterweight to the camera body itself and makes me feel steadier with heavy lenses
>>4403233Mine has a built in level, so If I am doing a level shot I will use it, but I also have a level for my flash connection on top, and always shoot with the 9 grid bars so I'm usually good.Yes I've used the weight hook. I like to hike with a backpack to take photos when I'm out so it's a nice spot to put it. I spent over $600 on this thing so damn right I use it often. It's very lightweight and compact so no real reason not to bring it. Yes for long exposures and for when I have something I want to shoot that is worth the effort. Anything to bring that ISO down to 64.
>>4403233>how do you use a tripod?I only use it when I know It'll be dark as shit or I want really clean images. So pretty rarely.>do you make an effort to set the level completely horizontally?My camera does a pretty good job of showing me when I've done that, so yeah.>have you ever used the weight hook?No not yet. My tripod is a manfrotto I got for 50 bucks, it can honestly be used as an improvised bludgeoning weapon due to how much it weighs, wind hasn't challenged it yet.>do you whip it only for long exposures or do you use it as much as possible?I don't use it all that often, but when I do of course I have to whip it to get it to work, it is black after all.
>set tripod down>adjust height to minimize distortion>adjust horizontal to minimize distortion>adjust vertical to minimize distortion>adjust composition to minimize distortion>stop down to minimize distortion>mirror: up>delay: on>bracket: yes>weight hook: infrequently, whenever needed (windy, night)