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/compact/ v3

Talk compact cameras, post pictures, etc

Is that a camera in your pants or are you just happy to see me edition

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any decent tough compact options these days?

been kicking around the idea of lugging an A7 + marine case around with me, but i'd prefer to just get a dedicated STILLS camera for underwater use, but seems like anything standalone (not needing a case) is only for action camera use
The only option is the OM systems TG 7.
Not enough for diving but you can take underwater photos.
There is a case for 160 bucks that lets you dive to 60 meters.
That's 610 bucks for a brand new cam + diving case.
Honestly I might just sell my compact and buy a smart phone. Smart phones have good bokeh, flash and even telephoto now

The power creep is real and my camera feels redundant. Especially older compacts that only have more reach going for them h4wmhy
nah no way bro smartphone cameras suck ass and the ai postprocessing shit they all do now sucks doubly
>Smart phones have good bokeh
No they don't. Apertures of like f/22 in terms of FF equivalentcy. Any sort of background bokeh is completely software generated.
Sure, throw $1500 at a flagship and you'll *sort of* have 1" p&s capability. Except wait a minute, you don't have any sort of ergonomic controls, your software is very limited, and **maybe** you get a 20mm "telephoto" lens instead of something actually useful like 24-105mm.
Just ordered this piece of shit:
woah 5000W ultra clear pixels!
And then you look at the photo on a real screen or even a print…
Maybe he won't.
EOS-M w/ 22mm f/2 prime? Was thinking of getting one as a gift for someone who uses instant film but wants something that doesn't cost $20 every ten shots. From what I can tell, it's the best combo for Canon M mount due to the size and optical quality. Body is from 2012 though so I understand if it's an ancient pos compared to the more recent M series' like the M100; there's just a stellar deal on ebay right now for the M+22mm body+lens combo for fuck all money.
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The Chinese want me to kill myself and take a picture.
If a retard can control the exposure triangle on it, it beats an instax
If it doesnt have the standard fucking 2-3 dial arrangement and needs special button press sub menus to change settings it is shit. Unfortunately the EOS M original is such a piece of shit.
Do any M series cameras have features closer to accetable or is the entire mount system worth skipping? crop R mount seems small enough, just more expensive.
new to photography here, want a compact point and shoot so that i can use my phone less, esp when traveling. I've been looking at the ricoh gr & gr ii since they're affordable (~$290 & ~$360 on ebay) and I like the film-like look. can you charge the gr (original) with usb? looking it up i'm seeing confusing answers, and if not, is there some easy way to charge it otherwise? if it's not too much of a hassle, I'll probably go with the original gr since it's cheaper and seems pretty identical to the ii but I'm also open to other suggestions since I'm new to this stuff (last time I did proper photography was when I took photo/video classes back in highschool but that was all with dslrs/ cassette camcorders).
dont pay more than $300
you HAVE to use an original canon battery or the clock dies
I own a Fujifilm XF10 + box. What can I sell it for to some retarded gen Z whore?
answer me anon
don't leave me hanging
i dont want to ask the faggots over on reddit about this, so you guys are all i got

trying to fix my uncles old fujifuck finepix a205s for his 65th birtdhday, literally the only problem is that when i try to put it into photo or video mode it just shuts off adnd wont turn back on unless i reinsert the batteries. ive set power save off, changed batteries (everyhting from ni-mh to lithium) and just about everything else. if i open it up, what should i look for that needs a fix?

also anyone have any clue why my Canon ixus APS wont extend its lens when it turn it on? fuckass old cameras are a pain man.

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