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It's a good day to be a M43 chad.

>Compact early SLR design with weatherproofing
>pen F dial for people who like taking pictures instead of gooning in lightroom for hours on end
> OM-3 Kit with 12-45mm F4 Pro £1999 or £1699 for just the body
>new weather sealed compact primes
>perfect camera and system for pretty much any kind of photography outside of extreme low light and niche studio work (which should be using medium or large format anyways)

If your not a self hating sensor size queen doesn't this seem like the perfect everyday carry? Nothing can replace film but at least for digital shooting this looks perfect for most use cases not covered by the OM-2 Mark ii.
>chink plastic
This is a metal build supposedly. People have described it as the same build quality as the Pen F with OM-1 Mark ii internals. I do wish they had off center viewfinder though
And risk people thinking it's a Panasonic?
>$1700 for a quarter frame fuji knockoff
>but it has an effect dial! (olympus is not known for good sooc jpegs)
a7c better. x100v better. xm5 better.

micro fail turds misses the mark yet again. if its bigger than a lumix gf1 its too big to justify the inferior sensor and optics.
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>look it up
>it's real
>Compact early SLR design with weatherproofing
Great! Make the E-M5 great again. Except the E-M5/O-M5 series has surprisingly great ergonomics for a small camera, especially the Em5.2 onwards with the control dials that just fit right into your hand. This looks like a properly vintage block of awkwardness which is cool for street cred I guess and I hope they get the market they're looking for, but I don't wanna hold it.
>pen F dial
The Pen F dial is retarded. In a better world you'd be able to use it for whatever the hell you want, and it would be perfect for the various MySet configurations the old Olympus bodies had, but we don't get that anymore and I bet my fucking ass the top dial has a single Custom position and the other two (used to be three!) are accessed through menu-only. On the bright side, unless I'm mistaken that's another control dial on the top right (top left from behind it) around the power switch? The thing that used to be the PASM dial on the Em5.2 and is now just a raised button area.
>12-45mm F4 Pro £1999
> £1699 for just the body
>new weather sealed compact primes
This admittedly excites me because the 17 1.8 would be my perfect lens ever if it just had some sealing and better QC.

Expectations: it isn't a metal build, or if it is, they built the WRONG part from metal and the bottom is still plastic. MySets are still gone and Oly menus have had more features removed because people are still complaining they're too difficult to navigate. Still no flash port (this one is free, you can see it's still gone). Overall an E-M10 V and not an E-M5 IV. New lenses are laughably overpriced for being updated designs.
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>images of the 17 and 25 are around too
>the 17 has no focus clutch anymore
it's so fucking over dudes

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Correct. The photos look too goddamn bad for a camera the size of an a6700.
Can't be unhappy about the primes, I feel like we've been asking for that for ages. They're reasonably priced too, I'll probably get the 17mm. I might pick up the sync IS 100-400 too, but I'd really prefer an updated optical formula.
OM-3 is a nice compromise, having the new AF in a smaller body is pretty sweet but that flat body wouldn't be comfortable with the big teles so I'll be keeping my OM-1.
>(olympus is not known for good sooc jpegs)
lmfao (your retard is showing)
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Micro fool turds already lost. This is just a parts bin camera.

Sensor size is the single most important metric in photography.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.5.1 (Macintosh)
PhotographerMichael Sladek
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Oh hey, OM actually did something. They even did something people have been asking for this time.
Every olympus users spends hours trying to cope in lightroom+AIds

the jpegs are not good. looking forward to the torrent of “x100vi scaled to 20mp fucking mogs this” blogs and videos.
spotted the mft thread shitter

>more expensive than a Nikon ZF
The Zf came out at $2k/2.2k GBP and doesn't have a stacked sensor but yeah, you're not wrong otherwise
Whats the stacked sensor for? 39 autofocus misses per second or 4k120 that looks as detailed as 1080p120? Just guessing based on the om1. Even for micro four thirds its not good. The g9ii is actually passable, at least.
Came out as doesnt matter. This flop is competing with new and used cameras as they are priced today.

An a7c is $1k and walks all over this. The x100v is slowly trending towards $1k. The xt5 is getting cheap. Used a7ciis are already $1500 when they show up and it remains a best seller so any upgrade (ie: a7v, old a1s getting cheaper, a9iis getting cheaper) is gonna send prices lower since so many people have one to upgrade.
Too bad it has too big of a sensor to get good depth of field
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>the jpegs are not good
Correct. As a recovering Olympus user, the SOOC jpegs were always shit. There was nothing in camera you could ever do to save them and I would only ever process RAWs to keep.
>more expensive than a Nikon ZF
This is the thing I can't wrap my fucking head around. The brand and mount system are dying, and the play is to make something worth FF sensor money? Surely the money they save on using sensors 1/4th the size of FF isn't being put soley into build quality or features. So... the only people who will buy it are brand shills who can't understand their precious OLYMPUS is a zombie of its former self? Oh, and women who want a new fashion accessory.
>The Zf came out at $2k/2.2k GBP and doesn't have a stacked sensor
Stacking an M43 sensor doesn't magically make it even close to FF performance in my mind.
You’re not really this stupid are you?

Full frame can always stop down
But because of this thing called "distance to subject" people walk around shooting base ISO landscapes at f4. Whats next, you bring up "equivalence"? Like we need to debunk how irrelevant AND incorrect that is… again!
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You guys are so close to the end
Women are already buying superior fujis
Men are buying their snoys and niggons

Im convinced this company exists for the japanese domestic market. Olympus is a hugely popular name over there, and olympus cameras carry a fashion value similar to leica despite their lower price point. But only if you’re japanese.
take your meds
>camera makes just enough money to keep olympus out of the red and they die quietly, or it's the final nail and they're dissolved by whatever group owns them now
>camera is somehow profitable enough to split the difference elsewhere because ain't no one paying two thousand dollarydoos for that
>camera gains just enough of an audience for instagram influencers to descend en masse on the other, older olympus bodies, scapping up anything that looks even similar (see: Fuji X100 line on the other X-series and even the X-Pros) and irrevocably destroying the used market of "I have $300 and want something better than my phone" into "This $100(0) E-PL3 takes INFINITE FILM PHOTOS"
The more I think about this, the more it seems like OM-System is releasing this to prove that the camera company is dead, and to milk off the remaining assets.
>Camera uses previous designs with no new innovation
>uses materials, tooling, and moulds from previous builds
>BSI sensor is just taken from a panacopic
>company can now claim it is still releasing new products
>prices it absurdly high for what you get, almost guaranteeing poor sales
So when it fails because it's an overpriced despite the company trying "so hard to keep it alive", they can use that as justification to shareholders and the general public that the brand is offically dead and will start selling off everything to make back their investment money.
>ses materials, tooling, and moulds from previous builds
the bottom plate and lens surround is totally from the em5 1 or 2, isn't it? the metal-ring-with-leatherette lens release button in particular
Concession accepted
yeah but f8 gets double the depth of field on M43 you loser
No thanks I like cameras that last more than 20k actuations and can handle light rain. Enjoy your ugly soggy brick pal
Not an Olympus shooter, but criticizing them for not being innovative enough surely isn't something only they are guilty of. Rolling shutter sensors are at EOL and thus we see minuscule improvements across the board.
>i cant set a lens to f16!
Everything over f8 on m43 looks phone levels of bad too…
I actually checked 2chan for shits and gigs after reading your post but their photo board is basically dead.
Just cause your too small for you ex girlfriend doesn't mean you need a bigger sensor buddy
what primes? an upgrade for the 20mm f/1.7? If its the same form factor and this is weather sealed and the lens is weather sealed I might upgrade from my pen f
cool story, purse boi
Buddy they’re behind the QOL of the z6ii and xt4. Rolling shutter? Who caaaares.

>dearly held delusions
That's why you stay below f8. better quality than f16 on FF and lighter
17 and 25 only (and the mf mode is removed from the 17)
the 20 1.7 already got a version II not long ago, didn't it? but the autofocus still sucks because panasonic is in the full frame bed now
Uh, no. That’s not how it works.
Here comes the part where moopco tier skellies insist 0.2kg is an unbearable weight increase
the 17mm and 25mm f1.8
remember, this guy admitted to being indian and wearing a purse
Anything above F/5.6 on M43 is diffraction limited
Oh and lenses can go above F/8, so guess what fag, you can go up to f/11 on FF without diffraction meaning *GASP* you're wrong! M43 is just a limitation in all manners of speaking.
>snoy user has a tranny hentai on his computer
many such cases
Prove that it's worse bitch. and I'm sorry but some of us just like gear being lighter. I know .2k isn't noticeable when your already a 400 pound fatass
Your right they are basically the same except one is cheaper and lighter
crazy how much this indian seethes over micro 4/3rds images being better than xis
No, full frame and fuji have much better performance even at so called equivalent ISOs.

You may now make 8 posts in a row nonsensically seething
>the 20 1.7 already got a version II not long ago,
like 10 years ago
pen f with a 20mm f/1.7 fits in my pocket
>muh muh muh
base ISO it looks the same as full frame and name a pancake 35-45 mm lens that is doing significantly better DoF than f/3.5. most people aren't shooting a 40mm to shoot it wide open anyway
>Believe me guys even though I have nothing to show it!

Did you save a lot of rupee for that full frame you lug around to creep on women with?
>it totally looks the same
lol no
>no bro, it totally looks different if you zoom in to 800% pixels and look at the noise patterns
it looks the same and if I want a different look I have 3 35mm cameras and 1 645 camera. one of my 35mm cameras is literally a canon EF camera with canon EF glass so its the same as your fool frame, except better cause film. also the pen f can fit in my pocket
>it looks the same
lol no
check your eyes and your no photos, purse boy
woah your right they suddenly loom terrible. How did I never notice this before. Thanks so much!
this might be cope but maybe it's hidden under the wheel and you can slide it up for the ranges.
I doubt it, since it looks just like the new and the old 25 which doesn't have the slider- part of the scale is always visible even when it's in the auto position, both on the original 17 and the 12mm. The extra centerline mark near the lens hood mount is on all the Oly lenses now, it doesn't mean anything.
Just checked, micro four thirds still sucks. Maybe you should hang out in /dst/ buddy
you seem angry and gay
Oh, so that means phones and 1/2.3" P&Ss just straight mog M43 right? That's the logic you're using so looks like you lose either way.
>"M43 Wins because image quality is basically the same as FF at base ISO in good lighting at f/4 on a sunny day"
>That's retarded. FF can do the exact same thing but not be limited by all sorts of arbitrary shit like never going above ISO 400, or having shitty OOC JPEGs
>"N-n-no! The price and weight of it makes it superior!"
>Oh okay, so phones win because they're even cheaper and lighter since sensor size doesn't matter right?
>**Implodes in a shower of optically diffracted smeary shit**
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cool, so my pentax 645 shits on your snoy. no replacement for displacement
Canon R5 @ ISO 3200 >= Any current production color film in 6x7.
Yes, film is that bad.
>Fujifilm literally did this 7 years ago
>even has more MP
Holy shit the camera industry is so fucking dead. Zero innovation for a decade now. What went so horribly wrong?

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lol no, you are blind, gay and retarded considering 35mm film looks better than your gay digishit
People who are right don't behave like angry children. Looks like full frame is just the best all around format (DX MF and full MF digital have superior IQ but haven't received enough lens/software development yet desu)

Fuji+Sony killed micro four thirds in general. It's why olympus went bust and panasonic started selling poorly disguised camcorders.

Why do you think so many people on /p/ angrily spout lies about fuji and sony? Butthurt m43 fanboys.
>People who are right don't behave like angry children.
you are the pot calling the kettle a nigger
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Exactly. Large Format is objectively the most superior photo format. You just end up picking something you're willing to haul around. If you haul the 645 around for street snapshits I am both surprised and concerned.
The "muh grams" argument between FF and M43 is like... a hundred grams, and it's basically the same size unless you get something without en EVF? FF Mirrorless is like half the weight and size of the Pentax with all the features.
Cmon man that's retarded
why are they so afraid to show the back of it
>The "muh grams" argument between FF and M43 is like... a hundred grams
Genuinely curious, is there a FF macro lens with autofocus and weather sealing that goes to 2x and is within 100g of 185g (the Oly 60mm)? How about one with AF goes to 4x (and can take teleconverters for more) that's within 100g of 450g? I know some third party brands make some exotic macro lenses but I haven't seen anything like this.
>I do wish they had off center viewfinder though
It's designed to look like an om1/om2 SLR, and the placement of the viewfinder is pretty much the exact same as on that.
>Sensor size is the single most important metric in photography
K cool so every camera fujifilm makes can be retired since the ZF exists.
>but m-m-muh gee eff ex!!!
Hasselblad but dogshit, FoolFrame+TM, xtrans medium format is equivalent to CMOS full frame or stacked APS-C.
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No. Bringing lenses into play muddies the waters and makes the gap bigger, depending on the lenses you're using.1:1 macro lenses are typically on the weightier side, and my EF 100mm macro is 620g~. The Oly 60mm Macro is a bit under 200g.

It gets worse for FF in terms of weight if you're doing telephoto, which is one of the main reasons you can buy M43 and not actually cop so much shit. My RF 100-400mm is about 700g, and it's the *lightest* Canon lens with that much reech. Seeing you can get that from the Oly 75-300mm at 430g and with an extra 200mm of FoV... M43 has found a use-case.

But for kit lenses? Pancakes? Standard Zooms?
RFS 18-45 is 130g
RF 24-50 is 210g
Oly 14-42 is 150g

The 60mm Macro from Oly might be the best reason to buy an MFT camera though
>new weather sealed compact primes
I might actually buy this shit in that case, a compact rugged camera would be nice to have along my FF.
I dont understand why the 17/1.8 cant be a pancake. Canons 22/2 is smaller and covers APS-C.
Also is the 17mm II even smaller or the same size? Cant tell from that pic LMAO if its the same fucking size.
Those retards could have just made it full frame and started "adapting" the old actual OM "system" lenses to modern chassis. But no, retards gotta retard. I'll stick with film-era oly thanks.
Hmmmm... I like the sound of this idea, but what's actually stopping them? Just general salaryman retardation?
i might buy one, it looks sexy and retro
>buy canon r8 it's better
kys i never asked for your opinion.
>r8 and some nice canon glass
sounds like a solid alternative
>overpriced tiny sensor camera
>$1700 parts bin 20mp quarter frame camera thats larger than an xm5
>OP starts out by being angry at superior sensor sizes
Sensor size and sensor DR are the most import aspects of a camera. Every other feature is a skill issue crutch. Even "equivalence" cant make fool turds look as good as full frame in real world photography.
Here comes the Seething Snoy Squad!
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The sony 90mm macro and nikkor z 100 mc are plenty light. They are not too big to handle.
>now that this camera that is too big to go in a pocket is slightly shorter and lighter i can finally take a photo
Hit the gym fag

Dont forget there’s superior apsc

>oh no half a kg difference
Ffs listen to yourself. Your use case is saving almost no weight. You are a fag sissy. Hit the gym.

How about you cut the crap and give us the real answer instead
You are like this for fashion reasons and grams is your attempt at making your neurosis sound masculine instead of feminine and vain. You want a "cute" camera. It was never about an unnoticeable half kg and an inch.

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>better built
>superior iq lens for a superior iq camera (xt5/xh2)
>no matter what camera is too big to pocket or hide under a coat
fool turd sissies, hit the gym
or admit that fuji already won

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Imagine having the brain so fried by brandwhoring that you unironically post this >>4403862
I can fit my pen f with the 20 mm f/1.7 in my pocket. If I am willing to carry around something that doesn't fit in my pocket I can always bring my canon 35mm slr or my pentax 645 SLR. I've brought the pentax to shit like hiking up a mountain or to a ren faire.
no screen
doesn't nikon sell like fucking nothing now? I would think the full frame market is way too saturated at this point so its best to compete either on medium format or compete via making cameras smaller or more durable/weather sealed
its literally just you, the snoy fag, seething in every thread about people not buying snoys
this image makes the snoy boi shit and clutch his purse
the 20mm f/1.7 fits into my pocket, purse boi
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>no rebuttal besides "i cant lift 0.3 kg"
Xtrans V (40mp) has full frame noise performance in an APS-C sensor if scaled to 24mp. Better lenses. No moire. Better color science. Micro four thirds is pointless now.

>penis f

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>but guyth but guyth this sonee is sligntly bigger than this awful micro four thirds camera *inane ESL ramblings about purses*
Mindbroken into becoming an incoherently babbling schizo by the superiority of fujichads

Go make yourself $2000 poorer already, its ok when micro fail turds does it

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Nah, I don't want gay worm shit, purse boi. thanks for informing the thread you are ESL though. it makes your seething make more sense
Oh no, he has alzheimers.
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I accept your concession. Confirmed: Fuji made olympus and panasonic pointless.

Great minds think alike

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let's see the images from the fuji that the m43 can't take. surely you have image proof?
>inb4 some weird dof cope when the 27mm f/2.8 has a slower effective f stop than the 20mm f/1.7, not that that really matters on a 40mm equiv, its just the thing you always love to bring up with equivalence.
Go for it, sell me. show me the better images and show me the superior 40mm equiv, portrait lens and marco lens
There's already a 17 2.8 pancake that predates it, plus Panasonic has the 20 1.7 panny-cake and the PL 15 almost-pancake. The original 17 had to be a little chunky to have room for the focus clutch to flick forward and back while still being big enough to actually get your fingers on, I'd imagine the new 17 is the same size just out of laziness.
Why would i pull a huskyfag/doghair and waste my photos, and possibly get stalked by a deranged panasonic user, because you cant go look at sample pictures yourself
top kek, it do be like that
so you made it up and are trolling, cool
Good man. Don't fall for it.

You can find fuji and foolturd comparison pics everywhere. You can even download the raws yourself and open them in capture one/rawtherapee/darktable.

Fuji consistently has better color science, better contrast, less chroma noise, and no moire.
>same fagging
>trolling because xe knows there is no difference
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>inb4 "let me tell you who REALLY matters. instagram users on phones! YOU dont even matter! your real life friends dont matter! only instagram users on phones do!"
these crops are from photos scaled to 3000x2000.
no one fucking listens to the sticky because it was written by an australian

fuji is just better. and the sensor isn't even that much bigger.

micro four thirds is just worse fuji with a smaller usable ISO range worse colors worse jpegs and worse lenses
>look at these crops
>let me tell you what matters, only pixel peeping 800% crops. that is the only measure of a photo, amount of noise at 3200 iso on a 800% crop
>disgusting amount of noise and false color on mft cameras
>Fujifilm digital cameras look incredibly clean in comparison
>Fuji X-M5 is less than half the price of the micropoorturds
Those are crops from a 3000x2000px image. They're only crops because it's easier than posting 4 different 3000x2000 test shots.

In real life the differences are more dramatic than they are on dpreview, because dpreview uses as close as they can get to a "gold standard" lens (in this case, a near-$2000 f2.4 equivalent prime for mft). In real life no one sane would use that lens before just upgrading their camera because the same quality lens, with more aperture, is half as expensive on superior sensors.

Lenses have a significant impact on contrast and color, so using common lenses like the olympus 12-45 f4, 45mm and 17mm adds more of a green tint and washed out, hazy, flat look.
those images all look nearly identical even after being crops. you haven't proven the fuji shit looks better, just that you are a gay retard
>The sony 90mm macro and nikkor z 100 mc are plenty light. They are not too big to handle.
Will hitting the gym make them do 2x with AF and IS? Lmao
You’re not doing 2x macro. You’re doing 1x macro and cropping. a7rv does the same thing (1x macro and crop to mft) and it looks just as smeary and detailless.

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If Panasonic still won't make a GX9 successor, I'll consider it. If and only if the reviews are not catastrophic.
Wow you think a lot about who is and isn't a fag don't you. Have you ever had cock? I bet you have thought about it. Well if you want a taste i'm here for you baby.
Looks like the specs are basically the same as the OM-1ii, weight is 413g, 120fps with 0 blackout, AI detect AF, 7.5 stops IBIS, body is metal. Let's go???
eh, I already have that
I guess if my GX8 dies
Stacked BSI is apparently a plus, I don't know to what degree.
>AI detect AF
Just don't use it?
Fuji will continue to have a place until Nikon's designers get their heads out of their asses and start copying the dial situation of the X100 and X-T for their own retro cameras.
>seethes at gfx for nonsense reasons
Do i detect some sour grapes?

Obviously fuji crop has a place - performing better than micro four thirds at practically the same size for everything but close ups of beetle dicks.
>xtrans MF
gfx is bayer
>equivalent to CMOS
gfx is cmos and cmos has nothing to do with color filters
>t. worms lover
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You have literally no idea what you're talking about LMAO
Of course he doesnt he thinks micro four thirds is good.
>bros 1” is better than full frame
>muh price to weight to reech
>muh fps
>rx100vii > canon r5
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>5 custom modes are back, nothing wasted on scene/multi shot/full retard/etc
>everything else going on with that top plate
>bigass dial for 3 settings
all my wat. how does the power switch even work, it looks like it should knock into the diopter adjuster

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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
>The 17mm F1.8 II gains a degree of weather sealing, earning the IPX1 ingress protection rating. This is a pretty low rating, indicating that it hasn't been tested for dust/particle ingress and that vertically falling drops of water shouldn't have a negative effect. OM System describes this as "splash-proof and dust-resistant" but it comes at the cost of the removal of the manual focus clutch: a retractable ring that switched the focus mode when used on Olympus/OM System cameras.
>The Mk II lens also gains OM System's 'ZERO' anti-reflective coating. Removing the focus clutch ring reduces the weight from 120g (4.2oz) to 112g (4.0oz). Other than this, it's the same as before, with the minimum focus distance and, presumably, the sharpness, unchanged.
There is just enough space, but it's still a retarded design. Push to turn it on, then to turn it off you've got to reach over the lever and pull it back. The dial around the shutter release seems like it might be prone to accidental movement too.
how does it feel that you could have gone out and bought a 5D 2 and it would literally out preform your dogshit "le film simyulayshun" iphone camera in every single way. Especially autofocus. Lmao. You spend this much money or the poor mans leica only to get embarrassingly mogged by e-waste, meanwhile even a 80 iq white girl can tell your cheap toy is knock-off.
I don't even use MFT. You're literally just retarded LMAO
We both know I'm talking about fooji :) no need to be silly lil bro
Well I don't use that either. What's next retard? You don't know anything about any of the buzzwords you use. That's just embarrassing man
>Guy who spent last 45 posts lying
>Lies again
WoW. Everyone can tell you have autism and we're all feeling pretty sorry for you. The way you make these posts, it's always obvious who you are because your messages all sound like they were written by a six year old.
Ah, so you chose to down on stupidity after parading your lack of domain knowledge. Not unsurprising
Will you two faggots shut the fuck up and finger each others assholes on another board?
Fuck my life, the fact OM System is releasing anything is a good thing. Either it kills the brand outright on purpose, or the people who buy it will no longer be in the market for those of us buying a real camera.
this has to be one of the most retarded decisions in the M43 system ever
>film SLR LARP
stupid stupid stupid. it's a mirrorless camera, even if you want to make it all retro, go for a rangefinder design. this isn't an issue with this camera alone, it's literally every manufacturer right now. the only reason the viewfinder was ever centered in the first place was mirror/prism assembly. the people who developed this back in the day probably realized it was kind of impractical, but saw it as an okay compromise to be able to see through the lens. it also wasn't a huge deal because film cameras didn't have an LCD. even on a DSLR it's not too bad, because you don't rely on live view all of the time. with mirrorless cameras especially, this is completely retarded, though, because you have to press your nose against the rear display and fog it up with your breath. the rear LCD that you will need even IF you are using the viewfinder. no amount of LARPing can make up for this. especially flagship cameras should be practical first, nice to look at second.
speaking of which...
>flagship internals
this is a camera that people buy for the looks. and for pretending they're shooting film. it's clearly trying to breach into the Fuji market, but it's woefully overpowered for that in terms of computerization. people who would use this camera don't make use of half of the features it has. but it has them, and so it's $2000. a price point at which you could get an older professional full frame mirrorless camera used on eBay.
in conclusion, any nigger or slope responsible for designing this should be dragged to the town square by his testicles, drawn, quartered and flayed, with the remaints being force fed to his useless children, who would then also be executed in a similar matter. fuck them, fuck everything about this, I hope everyone involved in this dies a slow and painful death, ideally one that has them suffer for several days or weeks until they beg to be allowed to die.
>literally every manufacturer
[laughs in snoy]
No really why can only sony and leica offset their viewfinders?
>flagship internals are bad
It's the ONE thing that is actually good about this camera, because flagship OM-1 internals are only mildly competitive with the sony a6700/canon R7 in terms of focusing speed and accuracy. Sometimes OM-1 internals actually detect the subject sooner, although they focus less accurately and lose it more often. Tell me what do normies really want? They want to shoot one handed, on the fly, as part of the action, not stand in a corner hunched into a camera thoughtfully steadying themselves and adjusting things. The latter is what /p/ does and why they go "SKILL ISSUE SKILL ISSUE! SKILL FUCKING ISSUE!" if anyone dare complains about fuji autofocus. The former is what people with lives do hence they never recognize "skill issue" as a valid retort to "fuji autofocus is fucking garbage".

You are thinking in some weird terms. The OM-1 guts arent that special because its a flagship. Olympus is so far behind that their flagship can hardly justify itself over canon's mid tier camera, the EOS R7.

As for the E shutter peak FPS I have no fucking clue who even uses that besides all 200 people who really care about macro and aren't already on a nikon/canon, even people IRL i know shoot their R6IIs and a1s in single shot 99% of the time. FPS isn't a useful real world spec unless you are at a paid shoot, and no one is using m43 for pay except for a gutter tier gearfag "pro" trying to pay off their bad financial decision (ie: craigslist wedding photographer). Even then 10fps was always enough for pros. FPS is an internet dick measuring spec with very few uses outside of paid photography besides focus stacking.
Wedding fags complain that rangefinder bodies are too hard to shoot in portrait orientation and "aren't professional".

That's it. That's the only reason. Professional whiners. 100% the exact same people that NEED the most bulbous possible grip on every body.
i kneel and you are right.
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>$2k body
>$1500 lens
>this image quality
lmfao for 1/10th the cost my basic Nikon dslr and kit zoom lens btfo this and it doesn't even come close

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Not a m43 shooter, but this seems to be priced really high for just the body.
Is there any upgrades/changes from previous bodies to warrant it?
Weather sealing and IBIS is pretty nice but that seems really steep.
Seems like a cool small camera for m43 enjoyers at least.

Also Jesus fucking Christ the omsystem website is total garbage to use when looking at cameras.
>over half the page is useless show-off crap
>specs are down 3/4 of the page
>have to hit a drop down
>which leads to even more dropdowns
micro four thirds has bigger problems than shitty sensors

micro four thirds lenses i have used
12-45 f4
12-40 f2.8
20mm f1.7 and 20mm f1.7 ii
45mm f1.8
12-60 f2.8-4
100-300 f4-5.6 ii

micro four thirds lenses i have used with decent color rendition
12-45 f4
20mm f1.7 ii

micro four thirds lenses i have used with decent color rendition and capture one profiles
20mm f1.7 ii

micro four thirds cameras i have used that produced good SOOC jpegs:

>purse tranny is still seething
this post was made at 9:30 am tel aviv time, 1 pm new dehli time
the retard dials are because people like dials for some reason even though you don't really need 80 dials anymore. you can get a lot of 80s/90s canon and nikkon cameras that are pretty good and have a ton of features for cheap because retards pay a premium for muh dials and muh aperture ring on film cameras
fun fact, this post was made at 5:47 pm New Delhi time
pen f has the side evf
this seems like dumb cope when my pen f is more comfortable in portrait mode than my film slrs because I can just use the screen and have my right hand down
75mm f/1.8 and 60mm f/2.8 macro are pretty good
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>muh blobmera
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>6fps burst
>2000 dollar body

nigga the nikon ZF has a 30fps burst rate

im a huge mft nerd but this has sealed the deal for me. the system is dead , all they had to do was make a new fucking pen camera like everyone has been asking for but they couldnt do it
This is their DF, all eggs in the nostalgia basket. It's probably to try to force Sony's hands into allowing access to the newer higher-resolution sensors that they hoard for nonexistent security cameras
>Olympus: now you must give us 100mp m43 saar! We made shitty camera but retro!
>Sony: BAKA. *continues outselling all non-canon brands combined with just one ff body and being #1 in ff market share*

Thinks collecting obscure tranny erotica will btfo anyone but themselves

Micro four thirds is legit a cult

That’s not how it works. Olympiss cant even afford to move to a sensor with a base ISO of 100. They only make parts bin cameras with point and shoot sensors.
>snoy samefag still seething and lying
you are just mad as fuck you got called out for your post time, purse boi
not saying blob is good or peak performance, but I shoot Av most of the time. why wouldn't I want the camera that takes modern glass and has auto focus and a relatively modern meter and AEL and bracketing for $40?
>no you must pay a premium for the dials
>you are just mad as fuck you got called out for your post time, purse boi
the only person to get called out for "post time" in recent memory was a genuinely angry, seething micro four thirds shill who made like 7 posts in a row exactly 1 minute apart
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>Snoy shooters confirmed schizophrenic
Oh no no no
yup, purse fag snoy troon was posting during new dehli time
The more unhinged this sony hater gets, the more I like sony.

All indians argue like this. They never address any points, they just make wild claims hoping no one will bother to debunk them. Behold, the indian argument style
>Micro four thirds is better than snoy because only instagram users on cheap android phones matter. It is against the rules to have a picture bigger than 1000 pixels.
>No, tha-
There is zero reason to buy this when the a7cii is perpetually on sale for $1700 and sometimes less for LNIB cameras
Even if it was 1/2 the price there would still be no reason to buy it kek
Olympus will definitely have a hard time selling these when people can just buy a Sony a7cII that offers so much more features for the price
And then there’s all the ZFs you can buy for $1500 used/$1700 new

No reason to buy an om1 when the canon r7 exists

G9ii is a $1600 FF sized cinema crash cam

Etc. its over. There is legit no replacement for displacement. APS-C is the edge of acceptable quality.
Or a fuji xt5 which also offers better everything and even more compact lenses than sony+3rd parties
Or a fuji xm5
Or the upcoming xe5
Or the FF retro body canon has been teasing for a year (canon also has the best pancake lens on the market)
Knowing canon they’ll exclude some gimmick feature and sell it for $1000
I was hoping people would sell off their current primes and get the new ones so I could score a Vietnam 17mm for cheap, but I get the feeling a lot of people will hold onto them just because the new one doesn't have the manual focus clutch.
ewww worms. dont think anyone is touching fuji these days outside of instax
Man this is exactly what I was looking for. I was excited for the ZF but I returned it after actually feeling it in my hands. Felt like it was made for a chromosome deficient ogre funko-lens "collector". Not very inspiring to use. Hoping this will be more fun to use than a canikon blob
you talk like a purse faggot
they do make passable dry weather cameras for women
even then instax is garbage compared to polaroid. Genuinely an untouchable brand outside of maybe GFX
give it a couple months and then check map camera's ebay page. I bet the vietnam ones will be around 200$
you don't need gfx to shoot rocks and leaves, you can fo it with your phone
No it's a tax writeoff camera. You get it to take terribly edited portraits of celebrities or to review for your shitty youtube channel
you don't have neither
Yeah that was my point. That's why I don't have a GFX lol
Both Sony and Sharp offer 50mp sensors but claim they're only useful for security cameras. Sounds like money laundering to get tax write-offs, to me

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