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/p/ - Photography

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What are some recommended books to gain knowledge about photography? I'm thinking of buying this one, but the old publishing date makes me a bit wary.

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Yeah sorry Anon that one won't cut it, photography was updated to 2.0 in 2021.
This book won't teach you anything about how to compose with the new lighting reworks and composition meta. It's a completely different ball game.
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Magnum Contact Sheets is pretty good. It won't teach you how to operate a camera but it leans into good composition and story-telling. And overall just an interesting read.

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For me, its this.
I read books from the 60s and 70s and it's more useful than books now. Mainly it's because back then not everyone could get it right in the camera, so they had to make do with the closest they could. I like it most of all as it teaches you how to expose for low settings on a camera. Very useful if you're using a T2i.
>read photography book from the 50s
>"now before taking some swell photos of 14 year olds at the beach, beat your wife for messing with your settings"
big if true
>look up recommendations
>"this book by susan sontag" a feminist jew
>"this book that focuses on heckin oppressed BIPOC"
>"this book by a tranny"
Jesus fucking christ
the nature of photographs by Stephen Shore.
No technical information, no long winding essays with complicated art theory. just examples of photographs, and the all the different ways they work visually.
Have you tried not being a schizophrenic /pol/nigger?
Susan sontag is herself a schizophrenic /pol/cuck

Of all the people to contribute nothing to society she contributed nothing the worst. An actual zero value human being. There is no timeline in which killing susan sontag at any point does not improve the future.
>Book by a Bob Ross personality except now he is a photographer
>supportive info
Do I actually need any of these books to learn, or is all that information online?
I understand photobooks and history/technique ones have value, but what about tutorial books?

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