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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Wait wait wait, put the brakes on. You mean to tell me that this is supposed to be ACTUAL footage of a nuke destroying a house? I thought my whole life this was just a model house showing hypothetical devastation. There is no fucking way this is a real house.

This is a model house on a set. I thought this was common knowledge. Surely I can't be the only person who thought this.
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Do you think it's easier to build a full size foundation and house than a scale model?
Also the concrete slab, foundation, and chimney would have reacted to the blast at the same time as the "dollhouse" due to being miniature and having no weight. But since there is a split second difference in reaction to the blast indicates that the concrete and chimney weigh considerably more that the wooden, most likely slapped together quickly, house. Which wouldn't happen if everything was scaled down.
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The juxtaposition between soundstage and miniature is a nice touch, and on a brief viewing it would be very convincing.
Because they armored the camera box.
They did not armor the house to survive.
This is a very simple concept.
"hurr why did the tank survive a grenade test, but the honda accura blew up?" - your level of thinking.
You can see the hills in the distance light up from the explosion.

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1.Blood is overrated and the love you share with them is not freely given - it's mandatory even if they are horrible and not worth loving:
With blood relatives, there's often an expectation of love and loyalty simply because of shared genetics. However, this can be detrimental if the family member is toxic or abusive.
Chosen family, on the other hand, allows individuals to surround themselves with people who genuinely care for and support them, regardless of genetic relation. This love is earned through mutual respect and shared experiences rather than mandated by biology.
2.Too many children in this world:
Overpopulation is a pressing global issue that contributes to environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and social inequality. Every new child created = that much harder to own a house.
3.You can easily pick one with looks, personality, and intelligence you like, unlike blood children where it's often rolling an unsatisfactory die:
Adopting or choosing not to have biological children allows individuals to select a child whose characteristics perfectly align with their preferences and values, unlike a biological child who will inherit a random combination of genetic traits from their parents, which may not always align with what the parents desire or find desirable.
4. Women have weaponized children:
Having a child the old-fashioned way is NO LONGER safe.
5. Your genes are not you, and the child you sire will just be another individual with their soul as, again, they are random bits of you and another person mixed:
Biological children inherit a combination of genetic material from their parents, but they are not carbon copies of either parent. They possess their unique blend of traits, characteristics, and personality/soul.
I'm not raising the children of other people.
Give men guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy already. Women only need to exist in order to breed, they don't need to raise the kids of other families.
Wow OP you’re right I’m going to pick up a couple mutt niggers from the shelter today
I'll adopt an 11 year old Ukrainian cunny and groom her into wife #2, if you get my drift.

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▶Day: 786 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Tu-22m3 bomber was shot down at a distance of 300km from Ukraine, - GUR
>15 out of 22 missiles and 14 out of 14 shaheds of the chimpout destroyed, AS WELL AS ONE Tu-22m3 STRATEGIC BOMBER, in Stavropol Krai, (first such case), at least 1 pilot dead
>Major missile chimpout, a civilian building in center of Dnipro hit, 25 injured, 9 killed (including 3 kids) so far.
>NATO partners can supply Ukraine with 6 more Patriot systems, - Scholz
>Argentina applied to join NATO as a "global partner".
>Another IRIS-T air defense battery will arrive in Ukraine in the next weeks - head of Diehl Defense
>PACE recognized russian oil refineries as a legitimate target for the Ukrainian army, - Ukrainian People's Deputy Honcharenko
>Russia began withdrawing its troops from Nagorno-Karabakh
>20 countries have joined the Czech initiative to purchase shells for Ukraine, some participants do not want to disclose their participation, - Zbinek
>Ukraine has crossed Putin's nuclear red line when attacked the russian over-the-horizon radar 29B6 "Container" in Kovilkino, Republic of Mordovia, using a drone, - Newsweek (lmao)

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They probably count fucked up soldiers, not necessarily killed.
Show me fresh examples, sister.
as several of them he dissapoint me so god damn much, is no excuse for this.... other than grifiting...
BULAVA unit within the 72nd mechanized brigade, repelled a Russian mechanized attack. Destroying and damaging several pieces of heavy equipment. Among Russian losses are 2 tanks, 3 armoured carriers, 2 vehicles and 44 servicemen either dead or wounded.

>BULAVA unit within the 72nd mechanized brigade, repelled a Russian mechanized attack. Destroying and damaging several pieces of heavy equipment. Among Russian losses are 2 tanks, 3 armoured carriers, 2 vehicles and 44 servicemen either dead or wounded.
best bit

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Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Police, and are not, but are the synagogue of Criminals.

How do we stop criminals who masquerade as police?

you just need to kill yourself
trust me this will work police will immediately cease to exist

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The white male in america.

>Their house being taken by squatters
>Their bussiness becoming woke
>Their jobs being outsourced
>Their kids being indoctrinated at school by communists
>Their wifes being raped by niggers
>Their constitution being sold to israel
>Their daughter coal burning
>Their son becoming trans
>Their nephew being killed in some foreign wars
>Their food is poison garbage with microplastics
>Their air is polluted
>Their entertainment is about worshipping niggers and jews
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The absolute state of Californian police
Say what you want but that nigger just made more in 45 seconds than the average American will make in a year waging.
Also why doesn't Apple have the case locks where if you break them off it destroys the phone? They have yarn holding the phones there
Lol no he didn't. Those are bricks now. They get remotely disabled the moment you step out of the store. There is no software exploits or hardware that can unlock them. Apple also knows all their serial numbers and can track them remotely. This is a retarded nigger.
And when they turn on the jew, the jew will have no where to run.

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Atheism has been disastrous for Whites
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This has nothing to with atheism

>groom...err "entertain" children

Let a group of boys have at it, thing will be destroyed in about 10 seconds.
Prove it.
Uh atheist bros???
All those atheist white power groups totally prove the opposite.

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I think /pol/ owes him an apology
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Based Jenk
Water buffalo is right.
You first, they're not good at the manipulation stuff so they're not as dangerous. It's why they run people over with a truck instead of subverting governments and importing replacement populations. No long-term thinking.
>Cenk Uygur
"Yo Xi you missed one!"
This guy is still kind of a clown he is vehemently against the idea that jews control the American media no cenk they just all agree to support the comically evil jewish ethnostate organically. People like this might disrupt israel but they are vital in keeping jewish power in america intact.

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Post any and all proof, factually, preferably with all "scientific proven" articles with evidence that it's possible. I don't know about HAARP but if you can prove otherwise, tell me.
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Your parents lied about santa. What else woukd they lie about? I lie to my kids all the time.
The overton window about cloud seeding has been open for a while
>change name to an infamous conspiracy
>karma points
Did you tell them where babies come from?
>Even if cloud seeding did encourage clouds around Dubai to drop water, the atmosphere would have likely been carrying more water to form clouds in the first place, because of climate change
love the gobbledy-gook
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Moral of the story
>don’t listen to poltards.

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>killing innocent animalss.
perhaps you people will return to the LORD and Almighty God will relent of His judgements

>Two hunters 'become first Americans to die from ZOMBIE DEER disease' after eating infected venison


What will happen from now on is unknown, let the games begin!!!!
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I know, that's what I've been telling people, we're facing an ELE. Humanity can't survive on a planet saturated in human-specific prions.
I have to say I warned Americans not to eat Deer lately especially easily felled Deer... I wish they would listen. >>465490974
There are billions of people out there, like Lyndsey here. She did pioneering research with her own genome as the test subject identifying persistent expression of S protein.
Test was done in an array of 3 tests of monocyte cell lines, over 3 periods of time. First test was control, all 3 cell lines S positive. Second test conducted after intense S protein clearance therapy approaches, fasting, etc. - all 3 cell lines S-. Third test, taken some time after that, with no further protein clearance therapy, and S returned to one of the cell lines.
Proves it's in the genes. Proves it's going to be expressed life long unless under life long protein clearance therapy. Proves it's going to be shed.
The hunters ate the animals they hunt. I don't see the problem, especially if by hunting they are helping game wardens cull excess deer population.
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The S protein contains the prion region.



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Good kill your self
so the story was true
the US really made a deal with Iran to allow Israel a strike to save faces?
the whole world is a fucking joke
Means they promise to only use guerillas and patsies for a few more months
Always have been, goyfag
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what even was that..happening for nothing, nothing for happening

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...By the financial Jew, big corp and meddling politicians.

Good job on this. Now where the fuck can we non-seaboard people eat fucking seafood? Fuck sakes. Its bad enough we cant fill up our tank with petrol. We can barely pay rent or mortgage payments. We are constantly late on paying bills...can wr atleast get a lobster fucking dinner? Can we get motherfucking crab legs to forget about this god forsaken shit show of a life for 20 minutes. For fucks sake.

...You took away my Red Lobster
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>landcucks cant go to their shit tier seafood chilis to eat frozen shrimp and half dead gay lobsters
>not knowing the feeling of tickling a spiny out of his hole and eating him FRESH
Why even continue living
So cringe.
You have to go back
Exactly this. Restaurants nowadays have to have high price points or else niggers flood to it, demanding free food and screaming at their server while their 18 little nigglets terrorize the rest of the building.
Wait, I thought they *wanted* us to eat ze bugs

ACK ..
My dad rapes me at night while I’m sleeping
>tracking link
Desert herbs
She has to be secretly right wing. There's no fucking way some ordinary Stacy in Chicago even knows what a magazine is let alone is able to have the wherewithal to disarm her attacker and remove the magazine from the gun. This bitch was raised by a marine.
We know this leaf, you don't need to remind us.

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Zuck looks like THAT??
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>5'8" manlet faggot
who gives a fk about this faggot
Please let ME fight you
whens the new album
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He's starting to show his true model
a beard requires a minimum testosterone level
just shows how every1 can be a chad with the right hair, skincare, and clothes/jewellery

Does America really have religious freedom when a politician can just unilaterally declare that a religion he doesn't like is actually not a religion?

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So having a contrarian stance on an existing religion doesn’t count? One could argue Protestantism isn’t a real religion, “just a statement against Catholicism”.
This is retarded and you’re all faggots for taking the bait. Yes obviously these “Satanists” are just atheist libtards looking to troll Christianity, but this is a permissible form of religious expression.

Someone should start a Church of Hitler instead of seething about it
That’s just BS. It started as pragmatic population control but the power it gave to the priestly caste was supremely corruptive.
Just look at how it was practiced by the Aztecs. Towards the end sacrifices were completely a political tool to out compete with.
>you NEED to worship the jew!
>or else you are the jew! only a jew wouldn't worship a jew!
You faggots and your self-debasement are disgusting. If you cared about your own faith you wouldn't be racially conscious, you'd be trying to proselytize because the blackest gorilla coal nigger to ever walk the earth is doctrinally equal to von neumann to your jew god.

Most Satanists (for example ToS or Laveyan) are non-theistic, meaning they don't believe in the adversary's literal existence. Religion requires actual belief, and not just an appreciation for irony.
>noooooo you must accept the kike god!
ok retard

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Good morning Eastern Europeans. Did you have breakfast? Please share with the board your personal experiences with gypsies. Are they really that bad?
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It is a bit different within these faiths because witchcraft/magic/sorcery is a very large part of it. Actual posession is a large part of it all as well. Their adherents actually willingly get possessed. This is something unique
Did europeans ask the local hero to take full control over their body and animate their body for them? To completely possesses them and mount them as if they are riding a horse?
Did eurpoeans ask their local heros to communicate with them while they are in a trance state so they can tell them how to do witchcraft and other spiritual tricks? Ask them how to make summoning circles to contact various spirits?
These sort of things are at the core of these nigger religions
Perhaps it's just that their heroes are evil spirits or sorcerers and witches who do black magic
It is much different than just 'honoring the memory' of someone or even simple veneration . Literal possession is a core component of these faiths
I know of that christian mythology, I just don't really believe in the existence of these completely intangible spirits which aren't present in the world. Well, I guess it's complicated, and not a topic easily discussed on the chans.
But you have an interesting syncretic take. If all christians were like you, we'd get along a lot better.
>Malicious swamp spirits sound a lot like the vindictive spirits of the faggots executed by bogging them, doesn't it?
There are separate class of those too. Have not dig deeper, may be indeed there are some overlap between those. May be on weekend will go to look for some books related to this topic in book store.
Lucky you. There should be no gibs for racial strangers, and any unlimited gibs for our own people should be limited to the truly unfortunate (widows, orphans, crippled veterans and the like). Simple as.
sorry, but you are the stupid ones for throwing so much money at them and assuming they want to integrate

some cultures simply do not want this; if you provide Gypsies with money, they will take it all and spend it in a matter of hours or days

I remember some Belgian hipsters coming to one of the poorest Gypsy villages in my country to teach them about contraceptive measures, they would give them flyers and free condoms, while the Gypsies didn't even know how to read.

They took their condoms to sell, and then also robbed them of their equipment. Another fatal mistake of assuming these people are "just like us".

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WTF is wrong with Pajeets?
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Ok, this is a new thing i have never seen
Bacts die but remain on it. Also not all bacts die.
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I can get using your hands to mix, and portion out and shit. It's honestly a great way to save on having to wash up a ladle or whatever when you're making a bunch of any given thing at once. Assuming you're washing your hands, which is unlikely in India. But the point still stands.
Why the fuck do they insist on just putting their hands in shit for no reason? Why did he need to run all the eggs over his hand that hadn't been washed since he mixed the dry ingredients with the fat? What possible purpose does that serve beyond potential cross contamination?
I believe indian placing the hands in the wet ingredients it's a natural reflex of them
If you take a closer look at the videos, you can clearly see them trying to wipe out the excrement of their hands.
They do this with water too, look it up in the other webm
disgusting animal behaviour

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Men and women are drifting farter and farther apart. AI gfs will just make things worse.

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Would never want to be.

Fuck femboys literally.
>so you guys problem is not with homos but with ass fucking
No, it's with homos. Sodomites flamboyantly advertise their degeneracy, spread diseases, and are generally a bad influence to everyone. It's a behavior model to be pitied and feared.
It's gay
It's degenrate. A kind of mental illness. In the same category as asking, what is wrong with eating a shit covered dick. Oh yeah, same thing. Plus like jews, they can't resist raping kids.
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