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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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they are brown in spirit, asians also color their skin white but that doesn't change what's inside
they're not real, you've fallen for another psyop whiteboy
Jews haven't "outwitted" anyone. It was Europe's first interaction with culture that radically different from their (Judaism) natural a very different people and culture behave parasitically.
How can you guys not recognise AI still? This one is especially bad.
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I'm new here
Is this one of them pierce brosnan threads

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Previous: >>466102802

▶Day: 792 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia
>Most of the US military aid is already near Ukraine in warehouses in Germany and Poland - CNN
>UK will provide an additional £500m to Kyiv: more than 1,600 missiles are being provided, 162 armoured vehicles and 78 all terrain vehicles, etc
>USA will supply ATACMS missiles to Ukraine - Zelenskyy
>Russians struck the object of TV infrastructure in Kharkiv
>Lithuania and Poland have started military exercises in the Suwałki Gap
>Norway will contribute financially to the initiative to provide Ukraine with additional AA - TV2, referencing PM

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I wonder what an angry Estonian sounds like. Probably still very cute.
Normalize pet Estonians.

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Kaja is cute like Marin was but also competent unlike Marin
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Nah I'm sure this will be a nothingburger.
I'll need source.
Mediazona have been using social media posts to track Russian irretrievable losses, which the BBC references. 50k identified so far, but in reality will be much higher.
It actually stands for "Elektrooniline Elamus" (Electronic Experience), a name chosen to describe what surfing the web apparently felt like back in the 90s when the technology first got here.

Aren't you married? Also, estonian women are stuck-up whiny trash who think each and every one of them is entitled to an 11/10 billionaire Hyperchad.

How do we solve the manlet (5’11.999999” repeating and under) epidemic in the west?
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Lmao manlet cope

Otherwise, you know the rules.
Might be something to this… my Zoomer son, 13, is already 5’11. His height comes from my side though since my husband is 5’10 and all the men on his side aren’t any taller.
Do people actually fall for these shit tests?
You do realise she's purposefully needling him to test his reaction and how he handles light criticism... Right?
6'1 is manlet, im 6'8
? Good thing 5,10 isn't short.

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Why are boomers so adamant about leaving nothing behind and ending their bloodlines?
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Boomers had to pay for there college and millennials and zoomers get paid to go to college.

You owe us boomers everything
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Wait, is some Jap with a tiny penis making fun of "white incels?". The country where everyone is a virgin that needs sex explained to them like they are a fucking panda?
what is it with americans and their retarded obsession with *oomers?
zoomer, boomers, millenoomers, every single year has its own oomer, and every oomer is bad, every oomer is the enemy of the other oomer.

are you people fucking retarded?
what happened to americans?
mass retardnessesses?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Remember folx it's Millennials who imported 90 million niggers into America because they refuse to work

And Millennials are the ones demanding lgbtq+ and trans kids.

Millennials are literally demonic

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Previous: >>466107427
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Novomikhailovka, DNR, has been liberated by the Russian Armed Forces- https://archive.today/hRCfB
>According to "Kyiv" post, Grisha is scamming people via custom /chug/ & Chinese shells - https://archive.today/Gnz3n

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I want Crimea kun do that to my face using her feet
The reality is that all the guy shaking hand are US asset. People in those countries had no say in that.
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That is their standard metodichka talking points: monke, 3 days special operation, Muslim gatherings in Moscow, gay incidents in the Russian army, Russia is the actual globohomo, etc.

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The United States is importing the entire continent of India into America, I can't go anywhere without seeing hordes of shitskins everywhere
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The white men killed themselves. The white women started using makeup so they look like mulattos. Now there's no one left.
The problem is, like typical NPCs, they assumed their child would be "the exception."

>Sure, a lot of soldiers get blowed up in the military, but not me! I'm "the exception!"
>Millions of people lose the lottery every day, and never ever win after playing for years, but maybe I'll be "the exception!"
>No millennial can afford a house right now, but maybe my child will be "the exception" and strike it rich!
>Marriages have a 50% chance of ending in divorce but maybe our marriage will be "the exception."
Any warning signs, any future trouble that an NPC detects, they promptly ignore. They dont even worry about it. Bad stuff is happening to everyone right now, but surely my family and I will be "the exception" and we'll be ok! Were gonna win the lottery, and our kid will come back from the military with all his limbs, and he'll buy a waterfront mansion for $200,000 with his money from his successful peogramming job, and our pension will never ever dry up, because we'll get lucky!

This is how NPCs think and plan for the future. Everything is a best case scenario. Then when the worst case scenario happens they defect all blame and say "I got mine!"
This board is nothing but seething indians and muslims hating on western nations and Christianity out of spite at their own failed cultures of cruelty, stupidity and poverty. Deport all hindus and muslims
>For real they're abusing the h1b visa so hard. They're not even highly skilled, the Indian managers just say they can't find an American for the job so they can get their cousin for their village into the US using h1b lmao
This they are also abusing international student programs getting in with fake degrees and then staying illegally, the universities that accept them know they are frauds but let it continue because they want the money. They have destroyed Dublin and hundreds of thousands of them have arrived from the UK since Brexit as they feared deportation. They are hated and a wave of sexual assault and fraud has followed them. If they don;t leave there will be a bloodbath here soon. They were drawn here because a corrupt political party put in a second generation homosexual Indian as leader. Now there will be a mass murder of them unless it is resolved peacefully. They are not human hideous ugly little rude stupid stinking noisy goblin creatures that attack children
>Reeee someone worship me
You can tell jews have no friends nor loving family if they need shitters to validate them LMAO

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I was lifting and complimented his form, asked for a few tips just to be friendly.
He barely said two words to me and kept autistically going at it.
>he might be autistic
no he isn't, he's clearly more friendly to other niggers at the gym

It's impossible not to be racist when they're more racist than we are.
They are invaders that need to be kicked out by policy.
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Africa is very diverse ethnically and culturally. They range from friendly jolly blacks on one end to muslim terrorists, extreme violent racists like in South Africa and cannibals on the other end.
>sometimes it just happens.
it happens to me way more often with other races than spaniards
>Next class he just walks right past me and pretends he doesn't know me.
tism, poor facial recognition, I wouldn't blame them for it
>Just ignore him and get fucking shredded
If you think I workout to get girls you're dead wrong, I just can't think of living without exercise, longest I've gone without was a month where I hurt my knees running, and I was moody and irritable all the fucking time.
Yes, you're being actively invaded and the men who identify as invaders have not historically treated displaced natives very amicably.
>If you think I workout to get girls you're dead wrong
Never said you did or should, please reread the post. The emphasis was on avoiding threats from men, with bitches liking muscles as a little added bonus.
>complimented his form
woahh nice muscles, they're so big!. please fuck my wife?

>asked for a few tips
how can I make women orgasm? i never do that.
I got so used to how cold they were that when I moved back amongst my own kind I was surprised how strangers would make eye contact and small talk like normal. Or even just saying thanks for holding the door for them. White people are just better people. That's why they want to live among us, but they don't want to give back.

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>this is what ukrainians are dying for
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feels bad man
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The most brutal blackpill is that our grandfathers died so their daughters/granddaughters could get blacked, same thing with ukrainians are russians right now.

Aren't russian girls learn african languages in school too to prepare themselves for all the black men coming to their country?
I thought only retarded Americans wore Crocs. The west has truly fallen.

>tfw you'll never enjoy prime american culture
>You'll never experience all year round sunshine
>You'll never rent cheap shack and surf and skate all day.
>You'll never be able to literally work part time and fully support yourself with a flat near the beach:(

You'll never experience the real American dream.
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The Deep State™ ruined him. He had good principles.
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This image actually looked off to me because there were no brown people in this type of setting
But i did.
I lived on the cali coast for 2 years.
Best part is waking up and walking out to the ocean to piss in it at 3am.
Skynrd were a good band, but their choice of airline was atrocious.

You mean NI reuniting with the Republic. "Mainland" is what NI British (Loyalists) called Britain. But this place overwhelmingly needs a gigantic kick up the arse, and dissolution would is necessary for that.
>A mood that slowly went away the more spic-infested the place got.
Nonwhites simply don't have souls. They make everything fake, plastic.

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is this allowed? doesn't it break humans rights or something?

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Ukraines cant lose wont lose
US nafo will print billion trillions to keep the war going to the absolute LAST hohol, its very clear and cant be told more precisely
Russia wont ever know what peace is for next 20 years at least
Even if Ukraine is defeated as state and army, Ukrainian men will serve in French and Polish armies and they will be in Ukriane keeping the war going, but thats 11 yeara from now

Even when Russia is tired and wants peace even if giving up everything except Crimea, theyll be told lol no fuck u and war goes on, then if Russia says okok fine 1991 borders Crimea is Ukraine, nato will says lol jk Belgorod is also Ukraine and Bashkorisran and Checnya independent, war will continue

Entire east Europe Slavic area will have war for maybe 30 years
Yes, they can hang out with Russian liberashkas here, basically hohols with a paint job.
Providing ZOG with manpower will never be against the rules, goytard
>but they'll gladly keep the Indians and Nepalese

because they are cheaper than even ukrainians. that's the reason.
poles loves cheap labour.
Zelensky's Law. Stop trying to blame Europe for what Zelensky does to his own people.

fucked me up for good
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It's cringe, but big bucks cringe. The worst was the casual cringe, not televised. Neighbors going crazy, psychotic people in the street with crazy eyes. Real life pandemic was the cringest part, and living with them is the reason why a lot of people voluntary isolate, not the coof. Don't want to be near them either kek.
And yet the antifa faggots did not attack the goofy armed larpers because one of them might turn into a Kyle and put a few rounds through through them. LMAO faggots.
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>doll is already wearing prison stripes

Shouldn't they move closer to Christianity?

Why is Islam preferred now by young western men instead?

Did Christianity fail?
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You need to get rid of the subversion. Converting to a religion in an area with Freemasons gets you this. Those churches are all near Masonic lodges. They were hyper focused Christianity. They will be followed by satanists.
do you have the original German quote?
ah, explains not posting a German quote originally.
I'm sure it's out there somewhere, maybe.
>but this supposition that the Nazis were about to convert to Islam
i never said so but some probably would've had especially Himmler who by all account extremely admired islam
and some of the elite that actually survived the war actually did such as Aribert Heim and Johann von Leers
Evola admired islam , Nietzsche also viewed it positively and better then Christianity
Lot of the people consuming red pill slop are non-whites. Islam is only used to seem based, none of these people view it as spiritual path. Only something to use for politics or money, the thing that always causes most conversions to any religion. What converted Europe to Christianity, it was not sword or pen, it was gold.
The average American and the average muslim share IQ and skin color

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Ok let's see what americans think about their homeland and neighbours
Let it gray if you have no opinions
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Based ‘there is no political solution’ Western resider.

Would that China and Russia make this a reality. He also appreciates that Chicago and NYC can be repopulated; post the exit of DC and all it’s ilk of course.
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You could have saved him.

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Does a multicultural society work? Has it ever worked?
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Hi fag
Whites and Asians can get along but they never integrate together.
Add niggers, browns and it becomes chaos.
fuck off jew
>Create ghettos
>People refuse to integrate as there is no reason to
>Have no opportunity to get work because they refuse to integrate
>The only option is to become criminals
I think this is the biggest problem, everyone wanted shit tons of immigration immediately instead of actually working on integration
no, send these fucking subhumans back and hang the politicians responsible for it, then have a war with the faggots that voted for it.

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You have now been blessed with Mullah posting.
Respond with "TKD" to show your gratitude.
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Why do you hate jews
TKD, based rarer mudslime.
Fugg you pedo mooooohamut woeshiper.

Here's a picture of moolah and his wives...
Wtf are you on about everyone loves Mussolini. He's the better Hitler.

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>someone must have painted the painter!!
how old is the universe?
there are no atheists in foxholes
kek, classic
CS Lewis

but you know how that story ends

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>Hamas kills and abducts a bunch of people. >Israel tries to destroy said organization.

Somehow Israel is evil for this? I dont get it.
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What is their excuse for the west bank where Hamas isn't located? Why has Israel evicted hundreds of innocent people from west bank?
yes u know nothing jew
i dont think most people would consider a father willing to save his own child over 13000 others, an evil person.
It proves that they know what they are doing.
you, jew. me, blue

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