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So many incels have been lied to to keep them in the workforce in hopes of getting a beautiful girl one day. The thing is reading books and lifting heavy objects does not make women love you
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Someone post that meme where you lift so you can carry your grandma's grocery bags.
You don't lift to impress women. You lift so that you can decapitate kikes and niggers with your bare hands.
The best warriors in the French military aren't even French. So of course you would have this opinion.
I competed in the CrossFit games once. I’m incredibly jacked. I learned this

> when you’re in very good shape, you attract women

> when you’re in FANTASTIC shape, you attract men

T. Married (to a girl) super fit dude.
It took me until eleven years into marriage to finally commit to improve myself. I don't do it to get laid, I do it to set a good example for and to be around longer for my people in general and my children in particular. I self-improve because it is the right thing to do, not to get laid. I can get my dick wet any time I want just by telling my wife to take care of it.

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Why do you need to rape beautiful women, /pol/?
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I skimped through the dude's posts and can confirm, his wife is an actual woman, not a tranny
though he mentions that she was severely abused by her parents
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>It's heckin' illegal in Germany!!!!!
Remember that story of the wife whose husband turned in to a tranny and it was an absolute nightmare that ended up with the tranny throwing a bloody dilator at his wife.
All this tranny shit is more like a distraction or an ill guided focus on outliners. If i would be a viehmale human i wouldnt want that big chungus in my locker room even though she looks kinda passable.

Me thinks it is more about an incision of their femininity since the overt moloch wants them to be like men.
is putting on fake tits and targeting women who were abused by their parents the new dating meta?

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Mexican president about the U.S:

''"The U.S is obsessed with being the world police, U.S is obsessed with interfering with countries since two centuries ago, U.S has tons of "zombies" and poor people getting stabbed by blacks"''

I'm thinking he's based
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Kikes and cucks like him
lol shit for brains

the jokes write themselves kek
and you are controlled by and fighting wars for the fucking kikes, you're objectively in a much, much worst position

15 million in Europe

https://youtu.be/SgXZvl3IeSA [Open]

Turkroaches just ran out of copium.

Germany just approved dual citizenship for this scum. How on earth are they complaining about racism? Disgusting race of opportunists, no better than arabs or pajeets

Did Jacob go to Hell for all ETERNITY for lying to his father?

He dun lied and said he was Esaus. Gok DAYUM!

France and Germany just officially protested against giving nukes to Poland. They would probably want Poles to serve as a cannon fodder like hohols instead of really detering Russia from attacking us. Very two-faced and disrespectful.
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lol is Poland going to be used to start another war?
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France should get out of that shit asap, and from the EU too. Let the russian rape babies deal themselves with their dad, not our problem. You feel strong because you think western countries will back you up, so you want to act tough and start shit with Russia. I hope you get rape by them like your grandma. The fall of USSR was a mistake, you eastern shitholes belong to Russia.

If Poland put their nukes in the east, they would have to nuke "invading" Russians when they are in Ukraine and Belarus. It's just a tactic to keep Russians out of western Ukraine.
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Why do Subhuman Polackencattle think that it will be "their" nukes?

At least intellectually evolve enough to develop nukes on your own or eat shit.
Just housing someone else's nuke just means you'll be a prime target while Master John from Washington Oblast decides if he's willing to incinerate his country for using your slavish prolapsed asses as a jumping pad against Russia.
Poles are good cannon fodder though.

Another Jewish W
Maybe we can get him to produce some classic Hollywood bangers again.
This was the plan and it took a decade linger than they thought. He'll still get hounded everywhere he goes in la.
The metoo movement began with grown up child victims speaking out and got overshadowed by adult women who chose to be whores for money and fame. Theu sacrificed Weinstein to keep people focussing on roasties and not in the children.
And you thought he was a rapist.
All of the women should be in jail for prostitution

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Historically and factually it is niggers who do not tip at all. No matter how good the service was or how above and beyond the wait staff went to make their experience pleasant, they do not tip. I've seen /pol/tards take on this behavior as if it is something to be proud of. So if you don't tip your waiters, you are basically a fucking nigger.
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i'm not in charge of firing shitty workers, that's on the employer.
if your serving staff is ass i'll go elsewhere.
I don't tip the mailman because he'll throw my packages around otherwise, why is blackmail ok in restaurants?
If you go to a restaurant and don't tip, you're a nigger. White people understand and follow social norms, which means you give the same 20-25% as everyone else so that you don't get judged cheap.

If you can't afford to pay that extra money, don't go out to eat. You can cook better food at home anyway if you aren't a retard.. the only thing restaurants are doing differently is going nuts on the oil and salt. Try doing that yourself and you'll find you can make food just as good for a small fraction of the cost, and impress friends and family in the process.

That said, it doesn't make any sense to support tipping culture. It allows low IQ hypersocialized people to make $30 or more an hour doing a retard's job. It takes money away from people who care about social custom(tippers) and gives it to people who don't(non-tippers). Any system that makes honorable people pay more so that niggers can pay less is communist in nature.
Or why doesn't the restaurant just add it in the price.. why put that unspoken burden on the customer?
>the waiter fucks up, just write a complaint to the owner, and that's it
>it's 20%-25% now
it was 10-15 less than 15 years ago

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Previous: >>466110107

▶Day: 792 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia
>Most of the US military aid is already near Ukraine in warehouses in Germany and Poland - CNN
>UK will provide an additional £500m to Kyiv: more than 1,600 missiles are being provided, 162 armoured vehicles and 78 all terrain vehicles, etc
>USA will supply ATACMS missiles to Ukraine - Zelenskyy
>Russians struck the object of TV infrastructure in Kharkiv
>Lithuania and Poland have started military exercises in the Suwałki Gap
>Norway will contribute financially to the initiative to provide Ukraine with additional AA - TV2, referencing PM

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In case of subhumans, the morality is "when we get boo boo, it be bad, when we do boo boo, it be good".
Well, I'd say that it's because of Golden Horde power structure in the base of russian political structure and all the gay sex, but who am I to argue.
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>daddy monke wished for 9th May some victory
it's literally still "secure the whole of donbass" which they defined after the kyiv gesture of good will. they've spend the last 1.5+ years trying to achieve this. like they just need to move another few dozen kilometres until the whole donbabwean oblast is under russian control but they still didn't manage to do that
>Ukraine needs more warm bodies to throw in the trenches because they're currently losing on the battlefield.
And Russia needs warm bodies because all the warm bodies they send keep becoming cold bodies...

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what am I watching?
My half-brother was born when I was 15. Spending three years as the unpaid babysitter destroyed any willingness I had to have children of my own.
What does bring you joy anon. What bought you joy before.
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Well said anon

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>AI is going to take ov-

How is AI going backwards?
Why do you need to say hi to a computer?
i don't know but this happened with ChatGPT too. i think when 3.5 came out or shortly before. it was returning really good results and then got noticeably worse- more hallucinations, less complex answers to questions.
it makes you wonder what goes on behind the scenes at these places. we haven't heard very much since OpenAI got taken over by microsoft and the council of Epstein-connected spooks replaced its board.
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Same reason humans like to give names to their stuffed animals. We enjoy being silly.

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That was pretty kino.
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What the fuck is with mexicans having loud ass backyard parties?
Do they not trust each other in their houses?
>le 'not jew' changed last name
Kill yourself
possibly the most important film ever
Great film

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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This fucking guy
Yes, that's right. I don't care if you don't like the political spectrum, it exists in every group of people.
Conservative and religious jews are easy to spot, they don't hide what they are or who they are. Hate them if you want, but don't pretend they aren't easy to spot or figure out.
Left wing jews are chameleons. They're the ones who pretend to be White when it suits and non-Whites when they want to be victims. They are completely duplicitous and subversive.
There is a distinction. You side with the scorpion and you're getting stung. The smart thing to do is let the kikes fight each other and stay out of the way.
People should get the chance to grow up properly. Ain't going to happen when the neighboring country uses them as target practice weekly for the last two decades before the war even kicked off.
Carlos... I-
their culture tells them that anyone who isn't a muslim must convert or be killed

they aren't growing up to be rocket scientists

> uses images of kingdom of heaven a movie with an anti-Christian / anti-Western bias, probably didn't watch the move

> "Christ is king !" never read the bible can at best make contradictory arguments on how it's based

>"muh Norse Pagan" when the biggest influence on the west was Rome and Greece

Is the point of the whole op to justify being an incel or being a self hating homo?
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>looks at thread
>everyone calling bullshit
Look again
Thinking about the application and meaning of this theory I have started to consider the meaning of the European pre Christian religious pantheon. I believe that it symbolised the greater meta. The sum of all European greater meta is the all father/Zeus. Above the all father is the goddess of life/nature as nature is the highest law in the universe. Different aspects of the greater meta are the lower gods. Consciousness processes when merged become higher level.
Now let’s consider that the Druid class was the only part of the meta that had contact with the greater meta. A Druid class is present in all societies such as the Rabbi, shaman, Druid, monk and abbot.
When considering the metaphysical and quantum biology, previous spiritual and religious ideas become tangible and explainable through scientific understanding.

When the greater meta is stressed and it’s normies face pressure they are converted to noticers. The parasites have evolved to replace the leadership class of the European meta. But the meta always shakes them off. Thus we get this endless cycle of expulsions, returns, takeovers, degeneracy and once again expulsions. The longer the stress on the meta goes on the more the greater meta exerts itself and the noticers breakthrough to higher levels this is equivalent to awakening of the greater meta. When individuals talk of seeing god they are talking of the greater meta. Perhaps through contact by some form of quantum biology that we don’t understand. This would explain the studies done on animals in which members of a species/meta would improve in a skill when a member of the meta learned it in a different region.(Morphic Resonance)
If you are doubtful of my theory then you can read up on accounts of European druids and the social hierarchies of the Aztec society along with the recent research on the existence of quantum biology.
to be fair, people that are into religion and haven't read the bible are much less retarded than those who have
Words are cheap. Symbols lose their meaning. Weapons against self victimization are always turned around into weapons against the world. Jesus says judge not, look into your heart, cry out for help, stop with the laws and pretend piety... He gives up his body and shows us he is more than just flesh and blood, and we get cultists convinced his physical blood is pouring out of a wine cup, and that this has anything to do with God in you. Superstition is the enemy of Jesus and those slaves of it often use his name to hide from the world, but God sees and judges, silently, without a grand show.
As humans we gain understanding of the world around us by observation and definitions. These concepts just like atoms, dna, chemistry and evolution are all part of the world we live in but only by observing, recording and understanding their existence can we start to take advantage of them. With the existence of quantum biology the idea of an afterlife doesn’t sound too far fetched. As long as the ethnic group is still alive and uncorrupted. We are part of one body and one higher consciousness.
I often wondered about the similarities between the religious pantheons of various European people. I think that based on the theory of genetic social hierarchy the meta/ethnic groups that are related to each other would share similar greater meta aka the memorised knowledge shared by the druid class. Having a social class of teachers that have knowledge of medicine, metal crafting, wood working, hunting and having them teach normies would have been incredibly efficient. One older druid can teach five and that five can teach hundreds of normies so that they can carry out their tasks. The druid class also worked as researchers that advanced the research tree so to speak. A group without this system would get wiped out if they faced a group with druids. Just imagine hunter gatherers going against horse riding milk drinking Europeans swinging bronze weapons! The personalisation of gods would have been based on the specialities of druids. Like metal working, weather forecasting, tracking constellations and warfare.

They went to kill others in foreign lands so that mental zeros in gibermint have power to restrict free speech, mandate vaxx injections. Fuck christo-fascist anglo dogs
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Eh no use sperging out in public. More important to be aware of the history jew so you know what’s coming
>be a meek gay cunt and blame ANZACs for why I can't get a girlfriend
You just wouldn't get it
Another bootlicker denying history
Right on cue
The point is you stupid fucking bastards is that our country was sold out to the jew and it started with the Anzacs rushing to die for king and country.

No one is exempt. No excuses
How is that bad you fucking freak if anything it takes balls, you cannot view history through the lens of the problems today faggot

You would be the first to say BASED when speaking about the empire and commonwealth in the 18th-19th century

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>not my problem
...let's just order a chinky, love.
Kek australians literally eat cigarette ash and chicken wings and anus worms
Nigger, you've scarred your taste buds with too much seasoning and now you wouldn't know properly cooked, nutritious delicious food
Because you're not White.
I couldn't even explain it to you, it's a White thing, you wouldn't understand

Oh and one day one of us is going to slit your throat and bury you in a mass grave, but you keep up the tired reddit bs about Le White People Unseasoned Food
What do you make with the food you steal from the food bank saaar?

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They can breed an Ebtreiver
shortterm it would be massive disruptions to the supply chains
A subspecies of gibsmedog
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>seeing how they brought his ancestors over and miscegenated with them
Good job, kike.
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Kyle Rittenhouse has a black dog.

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Killing junkies should not be legally considered murder, at most a small offence like a parking ticket.

Those people are worthless, unsalvageable, soon to be dead anyway.
They are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more worthless than the average person or highly productive, valuable humans.
They are human garbage and should be allowed to treat as such.

Superior humans should be allowed to shoot them for fun, like rats.

Human life is simply vastly different in value, and the low-life is not only not worth anything, but a burden, a cost, to others and society.

Everything else than making it legal to kill them at will is hypocrisy, because nobody really gives a damn if they die, freeze to death, or kill each other, already. Nobody cares, and the superior, more valuable humans, are happy when junkies die and vanish.
Therefore, making it legal to kill them is only logical and rational.
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Really? Do you consider yourself a serial killer? Its a very passive way to kill someone but still...
What communities did you target?
"everybody who isn't a government bootlicker should be executed"
tax/fiscal optimization experts are laughing at you
so they don't support the system that hates white people?
sounds based, wether it's intentional or not lmao
Those junkies would fuck you up boi.

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