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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Mogs the whole American/NAFO war industry
Maybe they will use drones with more armor piercing.

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Properly Formatted Edition

Come watch niggers beg for freedom after killing people

Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZUa02btdZ8
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Oh what the hell sudden black bogged cameo.
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Back to your cage chirp nigger
God I wish they actually looked like that

I know he was a pig and traded sex for film roles, but is that illegal? I always thought it was kinda crazy he was in prison for life for doing that and assumed it was just due to the public outcry (like with Chauvin)
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>You can just leave
You don't understand women at all.
More likely he pissed a lot of powerful people off related to something else that they didn't want to bring into the public, so they used the sex stuff as a way to get back at him
People went to the cops in LA who refused to investigate because he had friends in high places. Jews can do anything the want because nobody will stop them.
So Harvey, you are saying it's ok to force women to do sex acts on you in order to get a job?
I believe he's still in prison.

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>Russian men are dying in the streets while Russian women enjoy Muslims and Chinese in the sheets.
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ukraine is bad at propaganda. so is russia. it's so cringe.

>but they get paid
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Why didn't you save her?
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i was busy, if you must know nosey newton, playing with my action figures. i like to have gi joe and cobra team up to take on hulk hogan and the macho man...pew pew pew!

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Historically and factually it is niggers who do not tip at all. No matter how good the service was or how above and beyond the wait staff went to make their experience pleasant, they do not tip. I've seen /pol/tards take on this behavior as if it is something to be proud of. So if you don't tip your waiters, you are basically a fucking nigger.
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Lol you're so stupid
You might think this is the case but since there is something called minimum wage tips are like gravy for waitors, especially men, as they don't get tipped as much as the women. Women make a lot of money because they are glorified strippers now. The whole model is fucked, gynocentric, it shouldn't exist anymore. Workers do the minimum because they get paid the minimum, regardless if they're lazy niggers or not this is the case. Minimum wage is demoralizing, tipping does help that fact just makes a profitable whore, and also customers expect cheaper food, or free sauces, or free this and free that.. no i paid for that shit, I brought it here, that means you pay me.
>But I do get good service.
Lel no, you're accustomed to trash
>Minimum wage is demoralizing
Your pay is strictly between you and your employer. The menu items' price, which is insanely inflated as it is, includes your share. Don't like it? Unionize, protest, or find a new job.

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>be japan
>have streams of collecting trash and cleaning up the city
>thousands of views
Why can't white people do this/interested in watching this?
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Don’t cast stones fren, The best channel from your country is a rug cleaner. And it’s quite good. Second best is a welder building cool things out of metal that is so rusty I have to assume he found it on the side of the road.
white people do it all the time, retard. there's a youtube video of a dude cleaning up streets for free. problem is that the state doesn't like it, so they keep sending goons after him to try and shut it down
We used to clean the streets in middle school but sadly majority of society is now too low iq and too uncivilized to not litter
the best from yours are kikes raping kids this is your top cultural influence
You're about to import 800,000 Africans (to start with)
Good luck keeping the streets clean then.

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Is the TikTok ban justified?
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No because kikes didnt care when it was promoting degeneracy and only want it gone now that its redpilled zoomies on jews
Because a foreign government is subverting, brain-washing and degenerating a whole generation. Only local jews can do that!
Chinese aren't human beings. They need to be eradicated.
Welcome to Communism, comrades.
I hope you enjoy it.
The worst China does is race-agitation, which the Js already do.

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Havent been to a hospital in a few decades.. its pretty amazing how absolutely packed ALL the waiting rooms are, hours and hours of waiting.

I estimate that I see 20x more people waiting for services in the same buildings built 50 years ago.

I dont know if its more health problems or just more people.. but it was a massive shock to see.. pic rel is somewhat akin to it. Just a massive room full of people camped out basically..
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there's enough help for the population of 15 years ago
Yea and now its bursting at the seams, but its not in the news headlines thats for sure.
It's in the professional magazines, but you have to read between the lines.
immigrants and welfare junkies that think "emergency" means "i want you to serve me right now instead of making a dr.s appointment"

the one time i was in the hospital the waiting area was packed and half the people who walked in left after 30 mins of arriving. must have been a real emergency.
the worst was the guy who limped in with some giant homemade contraption strapped to his leg, admitting desk seemed to know him, he walked out just fine once he got bored of waiting.

they mostly ignored me until i threw up twice in the adjoining bathroom within 45 mins, and then i was admitted right away.

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This lady rips apart the Jews and their kvetching. For those who sat through decades of the having your opinions crushed, where even the slightest criticism of Jews meant your life would be destroyed, take a step back and savor the moment. We made it through to the other side.


Within 10 years minimum, the entire political system will change, as it did during the Civil Rights Era. The Neoliberal Neocon Jewish Hegemony is over. Nothing can stop the change.
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Iceland and Eastern Europe based as fuck
>I have become so myopic my left eye can't see at any range
Me too.
Denounce the Talmud so we know you’re not a Marrano.
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Cannot wait for the new wave of anti jewry movies. Everybody is open about how horrible the jews are. My NAFO friends here just try to change the subject and want to talk about Russia and Evil putin anytime the middle eastern agenda is brought up. Once the American Golem turns their back on them their only ally will be the pajeet. They dont have any other sympathizers but the lowest losers on this planet.

And the irony is that they hate pajeets too. It is the most disgusting thing. It is a symbiotic relationship with the most horrible races on this planet. The jew and the pajeet. A match made in hell.
6 years till it'll be the 30s again.

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We should spend more money on nature conservation.
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Nature literally exists without money.
What the fuck do you want to pay a chickadee for?
Kill all brazilians, chinks, niggers and poojeets and nature can heal.
But no, I have to use fucking paper bags for my groceries because we are obviously the reason the planet is going to hell.
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/pol/ knows how to fix everything
Imagine being that tree.
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Agreed,while we are at it we should reform our nations into National Socialism for ultimate nature conservation.

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How do you resist the draft?
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Same in Alberta.
One brave anon posted a picture of him pointing a rifle at two officers and suddenly nobody wants to enforce COVID tyranny out west.

>East coast force vaccinated it's prisoners.
>Coerced everyone who had a job because there are no jobs.
>Needed to be jabbed to go to school.
>I'm a pureblood not participating in their shit and casualty smoking and enjoying my day.
If you were you would have already left
This works
Lmao I remained unvaxxed in leafland. There's nothing the vaxx cattle can do to dhame me for anything anymore. Get fucked lol
Thats what winning looks like boys!

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Previous: >>466124871

▶Day: 792 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia
>Most of the US military aid is already near Ukraine in warehouses in Germany and Poland - CNN
>UK will provide an additional £500m to Kyiv: more than 1,600 missiles are being provided, 162 armoured vehicles and 78 all terrain vehicles, etc
>USA will supply ATACMS missiles to Ukraine - Zelenskyy
>Russians struck the object of TV infrastructure in Kharkiv
>Lithuania and Poland have started military exercises in the Suwałki Gap
>Norway will contribute financially to the initiative to provide Ukraine with additional AA - TV2, referencing PM

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Should i keep this thread for another iteration?
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Do you expect their script writers to work that fast on their meager salaries?
So I see that the Musicians have been busy northwest of Avdiivka
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>a better Russia
why not a few dozen better russias?

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Novomikhailovka, DNR, has been liberated by the Russian Armed Forces- https://archive.today/hRCfB
>According to "Kyiv" post, Grisha is scamming people via custom /chug/ & Chinese shells - https://archive.today/Gnz3n

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Because much like all astroturfers and grifters, he needs to feed into the algorithms to make his/her shekels.
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a classic as old as time
Behold the power of the mighty algorithm
I support Russia.

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>y-you can't stand with those fucking leftists, anon
>t-they're only anti-israel because they're anti-white
>i-it's like the BLM protests all over again
>the KGB (which has gone underground like HYDRA in the Marvel universe) is behind it all
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this is the correct position on the issue
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And that's the only language they understand, and for those nice ppl who says that's terrible, let me repeat what Moshe Arons once said: "this is the middle east not the middle west" that's right, this is the middle east and that's what the Arabs know and understand, If you're good to them you're not good you're weak, and if you're week you're dead, but if you're strong they listen to you
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fuck the kikes they are criminals, these protests are based.
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Yeah, its a fucking kike fest right now
Hasnt been this bad since last election season
Something is happening
pol/ is full of brown mudfarts and retards suggesting that aligning with far left marxists and assorted troons is somehow a win even though they hate white males and see anyone mildly nationalistic as a “fascist”. These same people at the protests want mass immigration and refugees, they hate whites and see them as colonizers, they support BLM, antifa and other chimpouts and tranny indoctrination in schools. The rest are mudshits who want to bring in all their cousins and impose sharia zones.

They went to kill others in foreign lands so that mental zeros in gibermint have power to restrict free speech, mandate vaxx injections. Fuck christo-fascist anglo dogs
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>OP all along was just a muslim shitskin seething about white soldiers
Fuck the jewnited states of Muttland
I jerk off to dead ZOGBOTS who died so niggers could enjoy gay anal sex between each other in Africa.
Taliban didnt kill enough of these Amerimutt kike slave golems, no nation in history is more pathetic than the United States.
Imagine existing solely to serve Jews.
Dead Amerimutts make me hard, I jerked off to the Iraq Juba videos where he sniped 200+ Amerimutt ZOGBOTS by himself and mutts STILL couldnt find him.
Juba is a true hero, do you know who Amerimutts treat as heroes? Marvel movies.
Thats right, Amerimutts think spiderman and blackwidow are their heroes from kikes in Hollywood, Amerimutts worship these pretend characters that Jews give to them its so fucking pathetic.
What a truly pathetic group of mixed race subhumans, China needs to wipe them all out ASAP holy fucking shit they spread their faggot LGBT globohomo culture on us like a plague not even Jews are as bad as these Amerimutt kike slave golems.
Nobody is worse than an Amerimutt.
God laughs when Amerimutts die.
>the only day white aussies and kiwis have to themselves is a reminder that their military might exists exclusively to carry out the zog agenda: past, present, and emerging; and that white men are only allowed to give their lives in service of jewry, like good golem
it is nothing more than a humiliation ritual: state mandated stockholm syndrome
It's just after (You)s
ignore it
Give me some more (You)s

I have developed a simple movement. RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION to the USA.

It's simple. Bring back consititutional rights to Americans. Federal, state and municipal govenrments have spent a long time trampling those rights and we are here to restore them.

Think of all the problems - "hate" speech being criminalized, protests being violently disbanded, 2A rights destroyed in most states, voting rights being trampled by allowing mail ins and illegal beaners to vote, allowing the border to remian wide open to all illegals.

If Trump were to adopt "restore the constitution" to his campaign he would win in a landslide. Plenty of people out there can see that rights are being eroded and the consititution disrespected.
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I agree, but there has to be a greater limit on the power of the federal government this time to ensure that the Feds do not abuse their authority over the states.
There is some value in reading the CSA constitution, because they sought to achieve just that.
For instance, the CSA did away with the Supreme Court, because they considered it as nothing but a tool for the federal government to conveniently override state laws as needed.
There should be a massive review of all laws on the books and anything found to be contrary to the constitution should be immediately stricken.

restrictive carry laws, income tax, anti speech laws (hate speech or anti semitism laws) and even things like vehicle licensing should all be looked at.

Also free speech should mean exactly that. Free speech. Should extend beyond just govenrment into public life. Nobody should be losing their job because some pearl clutchers don't like their opinions on twitter.
The only thing that will save White people is burning the fucking constitution to oblivion and making a new once that explicitly rejects Jews and Niggers.
*enforce cousin marriage
Indeed restore the original where only land owning white males can vote.

Removing that is what started the whole downfall and putting it back is the start of fixing things. The start of killing all Jews.

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Why the fuck are people paying immigrants to deliver their fast food instead of cooking themselves? Don't they realize they are literally funding their own demise?
Mmmm. Vinyl spackling.

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It wasn t a baby in a oven.


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