will defend this
Shocking response.
>>480627427You're scaring people, chud
>>480627567(((Goldberg)))Becomes a liberal fascist himself so easily.
>>480627747the laughable part of this cuckwars analogy is all of this is measurably arguably true, the Republic era Jedi were arrogant haughty retarded cunts forbidden to love who fucked up most flashpoint events they intervene in UN Bluehelm style like General Grievous' entire original origin story and the Death Star was made primarily for the purpose of destroying horrible bio-planetoid supercapitals made of meat brought in by the galaxy scale invaders of the Yuuzhan Vong, along with every other superlaser bearing supercapital or other superweapon the Palpatine era Empire ever built
>>480627244How come? What he did say? He was very lenient at least until I stop watching, after the end of the nigger even where the guy almost cry, fucking ridiculouscan anyone point out the part where he talks about it?
>>480627747imagine thinking history a movie made for children
>>480627244MUH HOLOCAUST is the source of the Jews' power, and entering WW2 is what cemented modern America's transition into Shabbos Goydom. Only 20% of Americans wanted to go to war back then, and antiwar candidate Huey Long was going to win until he was assassinated by a Bolshevik Jew, which allowed Shabbos Goy FDR to win and twiddle his thumbs knowing the Japs were going to attack Pearl Harbor. Jews are afraid of all the recent knowing that is is going on amongst the Goyim, so they're trying to start WWIII to change the subject and throw more Goyim into the meat-grinder, ensuring that they will remain the masters after whatever happens. When it becomes mainstream that WWII, from an American perspective, was just a Bolshevik harvest of American Goyim, other dominoes - like legitimizing Hitler and calling out the lies of the Holocaust - will fall and end Jewish domination forever.
>>480627747>>480628158>>480630242The destruction of Alderan is one of the most nonsensical scenes in cinema. It makes no political, tactical, or economic sense. It only exists to justify cold blooded murder by the films protagonists for the remainder of the franchise. It's the holohoax in space. The kikes had been dehumanizing the enemies of anglo-american imperialism for decades, and this film and others like it continue the process of conditioning people into seeing military conflicts in moral absolutist terms. This franchise was always shit, we just didn't all realize until later.
>>480630242>imagine thinking history a movie made for childrenImagine the effort put into making your propaganda into a wildly popular children's movie only to throw that away in two generations by alienating the propagandized.
>>480630821>end jewish domination foreverWho will? The dickless troons, the shitskin imports, or the bootlicking zogbots?
>>480627567>Jonah GoldbergJewTrotskyite Pseudo-elite
>>480627244>Roaches scatter when you turn the lights on Imagine that
>>480627244Yea me too.I wish the good guys would've won ww2.
>>480627747>The inevitable childlike Star Wars comparison
>>480629120Filthy kike. Please self-combust.
>>480627567>jonah goldbergWhat other than being "God's chosen" gives that nepo baby kike the right to be so smug? What are his impressive accomplishments?
>>480627427Oh no the goyim are noticing! Our lies are backfiring!
"Churchill was a retard" is a good gateway redpill. It's impossible to look at Britain today compared to Britain in 1939 and say that it looks like a victorious country. The British Empire was objectively fucked over by WW2, in spite of it declaring war on Germany and refusing multiple peace offers.
>>480630949>It's the holohoax in space.Kek. Shitposting about how Alderaan deserved it is fun though.
>>480627567so the jew admits to not being a friend for 30+ years, admits he should have been knocked out
>>480636203No need to shout, my guy.
>>480627567>jew calling something a le griftlol
>>480634411>>480633458>>480636500You literally sound like Nazis.
now now, we can't look at history with an objective lense. every bad guy has to be 100% bad and only acted on their evil urges. We aren't allowed to fully analyze the motivations of people we deem evil.
>>480627427can't have white people looking out for their own interests.
>>480627244>/pol/ will defend Yes, I will. No lies were said
>>480636518BASEDHeil Hitler
>>480636309Sorry, i just popped some mystery capsules and im feeling a bit edgy
>>480627244Its actually that you were espousing mixed race eugenics
>>480629471the last half or third is talking about WW2 and the guy basically outright says that the world would be better if the Nazis had been left alone...what was wild to me was Tucker basically agreed and egged him on. Lmao. The fire rises.
>>480639834>NaziThat's a Bavarian word for redneck. Stop using it. It's a jewish trick. If anyone else says it, accuse them of using "that racist N word." If challenged, point out that they always mean a specific race when they use it.
>>480627244>the goyim are breaking the spell, oy vey!!!
>>480630949Yeah, I've always said if not for that one scene, the empire are good. Putting it into holohoax perspective really explains it. Just another nazis = bad jewywood production.
good. why are they always only all talk though? why cant these kikes ever actually leave?
>>480640970Drumming up persecutions points is instinct. They don't really want to leave, but they want people to think they're threatened enough to consider it.
>>480627427Wait so Robin DiAngelis is based?!
>>480627567If you actually listen to him talk he's being very reasonable, and he specifically points out that going against the mythos gets to accused of supporting one party or the other. Churchill was a warmonger but Hitler was still responsible for his own actions, like not planning at all for prisoners or refugees in their conquered territories, he specifically points that out
>>480627747The military was be ran by a religious celibate cult. In what world are progressives for that
>>480640970They are not done parasitizing yet and are still in the process of stealing more land.
>>480638705That's fucked up.
>>480627427They are against us so deeply, they don't want us to believe we are a people at all. And they want us to die unemployed and childless for it. Yet they are surprised when they are attacked by us Truly sickening cowards they are Take up the sword against the people you wish to die or accept what you deserve
>>480641603how the fuck did he predict taht shit 20 years in advance
>>480641826>that's so fucked up
>>480639834Tucker mentioned Mosley. It spoke far more than anything else in that interview.
>>480636708It's stupid on the jew's part to reinforce this too. If Israel wasn't fucking with Western politics I'd be sympathetic to their muzzie killing as a matter of national pragmatism.
>>480640772There is no spell.
>>480641886He saw what those smelly jews did with his own two eyes and zionist were publishing their own books.Just read Mein Kampf and you will see the parallels with today.
>>480640263Nazi = Ashkenazi = Nazi>Your precious retards were zionist pawns who killed more Christians than any other group in human history.
>>480627244Like holy water to a vampire.
>>480627427> what is white privilege and why did jews create it then
>>480640894Lucas isn’t a jew
>>480643636Nazi just means nation desu.
>>480627244> Go to Hell, Paris.It already has.
>>480627747It's amazing how much the Babylon Bee flies off the rails only when it comes to Israel/Jews. Sad.
>>480643035whats a good translation of mein kampf in english? im sure dutch can read german no problem but i cant so need an english translation thats not kiked by (((historian authors)))
>>480647480Read the Dalton translation which you can find here: has a few pages on the different translations available and how good they are.You can even buy a copy with German and English on separated pages;
>>480648538> interesting how theres no amazon link on his page. im gonna order a physical copy from that authors link thanks. always been curious to read it and compare to the propaganda i was pushed for 20 years in school.
>>480627427>scientifically asinine and historically disastrousto who? shitskins and niggers? lmao
>>480648538why are there 2 volumes? was the original book split in two also? do i need both or is the second volume like an analytical thing thats not the actual hitler book?
>>480627244WTF does his tweet have to do with Jews?Jews: you're fucking NUTS!
>>480627427Dang, he really makes me want Jews to suffer
>>480627244His interview with Tucker is long but fantastic >
>>480649310>14 seconds to replyHoly shit that’s sad
>>480627747any reader of the old EU understands that Palpatine despite being a sith was the good guy.
>>480644350kvetch more snippy
>>480649477Fuck off.
>>480629471he literally says the only reason western nations are being destroyed is because whites are the only people 'they' fear at being able to stand against them
>>480627747Weirdly enough this is unironically true once you take into account all the expanded universe materials. Since having an empire based on evil wouldn't last long, EU authors have made it outright benevolent in order to explain why it had such popular support. The rebels were basically religious extremist terrorists.
>>480649583it's true though, see >>480627427They are taught to keep white people down as hard as possible cause they all believe the holobunga its their foundation myth where they beat the ebil white unity and got their parasitic tentacles all the way to the brain.
>>480648728Amazing banned a lot of books a few years ago.>>480648897>was the original book split in two also?I think so yes. > do i need both or is the second volume like an analytical thing thats not the actual hitler book?Volume 2 is about the NSDAP movement while volume 1 is about his youth and his time in Germany and writing down all bad things he saw that they did to destroy Germany.
>>480627244>>480627427>>480627567>>480627747At least the west keeps it honest. Anybody can work any job but they still study who works what job so nepotism and cronyism don't mess it up for everybody.
>>480649477you are posting on pol, buddy, THAT is sad
>>480640894To be fair wasn't destroying Alderaan fairly controversial in the Imperial Navy? Iirc it was basically Tarkin acting out.
>>480627747>manchild compares the largest conflict in human history to a children's space opera movie
>>480649800Oh I know it's true, I just hope enough of my people wake up in time
>>480639834The US would have been pretty fucked had it not intervened in WW2 due to losing European markets.
>>480628158Can't tell if GPT or if anon actually read the books.
>>480627244If Jewish people from the time they created Judaism to present time says there is always antisemitism. Then why do they care is somebody studies the idea if the Nazi won. Those Nazi leaders had high IQs but Hitler was mid. If you waited it out God knows how Europe would be after World War 2.For Germany's size they have alot of resources like Russia and the greedy world elites know this.
MUH HALLS OF COST and Hitler was a feral methed-up homosexual madman who had to be stopped! is the foundation myth of the zionist occupied regime which has been in-power for a century. questioning that myth, rebuking the official Narrative of ww2, causes every jew and zogger to flip out because without it...they have no legitimacy. they are an immoral and international mafia of thugs, thieves, perverts and psychos (always have been) and it terrifies them people are waking up and realizing they got conned.
>>480627567i think this is to tarnish massie. i also think tucker, or some member of his crew, poisoned massie’s wife.
Fascism was normal citizens trying not to be exterminated by jewish commies.
>>480644350What are you whining about, bitch?
>>480644714Does anyone have the meme showing the high-ranking National Socialists who went on to become part of NATO?One guy went to Israel, too.Not surprising, given that Japanese painting of the Jesuit.
>>480650879Do you have any idea how bad the conditions were for early 20th century factory workers?
>>480627244>6 dead hostages in Rafah this week Normies need to realize that the number 6 is their lucky number, the number 6 had the alleged power to unlock next levels on their kabbalistic Tree of Life. It's a farce. Yet it's the most dangerous thing that could ever happen.
>>480627244This cooper guy is just another one of Russia's puppets in the west
>>480650502wookiepedia crawlertard who read a few comics, thank you very much
>>480628158>the Death Star was made primarily for the purpose of destroying horrible bio-planetoid supercapitals made of meat brought in by the galaxy scale invaders of the Yuuzhan Vong, along with every other superlaser bearing supercapital or other superweapon the Palpatine era Empire ever builtwhich movie is this in?
>>480630949It's similar to the 'Hitler shoots the dog' scene in Look Who's Back. They need a reason to make the villian hated, and the rest of the film couldn't do it on its own. If it weren't propaganda they would allow for a morally grey villian.
>>480627747>>480627747>>480627747MUH HECKIN STAR WARS GOYSLOP TALMUDIVISION
>>480650034The space opera was specifically written to be an allegory for that conflict
>>480627244If the Nazis opposed everything that you also despise, then were they truly the bad guys?
>>480652412extended universe, mostly trashy paperbacks, from the pre-Disney era back when canon was an onion in which the closer you were to George Lucas the more canon it was and everything existed in a state of abrogation based on these layers like a giant nerd Qu'ran. The books and games after the original trilogy are a series of half reruns of it and elements of the prequels even before the prequels with the Empire breaking up into successor states and the New Republic being a half-competent mess held together by most of the Imperials being psychotics or incompetents and the protagonists being a part of it. Ends up in the galaxy getting fucked over by cyber-dinosaur torture fetishists and crabshell wearing force negative pain fetishists that hate technology, I can't remember if in that exact order. Retroactively, every doomsday weapon like the Death Stars or Super Star Destroyers were being made to deal with the latter threats' Worldships based on a force vision by Palpatine of their invasion with any use as terror weapons to continue consolidating the Empire being secondary
>>480649310Is that supposed to hurt our feelings LOL
>>480629120>You're scaring people, chud >Antisemite>You literally sound like Nazis>CHUD>That's fucked up>There is no spell>Naziit's obvious to nearly everyone in this thread that you have absolutely no idea where you're at & even less of an idea of what you're doingthis is /pol/ sweetie, everything you've said above is considered badges of honor to most people hereyou're literally walking around handing out medals of valor to the people you hate & telling them good jobwhat's your next trick going to be?extinguishing a fire by drowning it in gasoline?you should go sit in timeout & think about what you've done
>>480650502that kinda autism flaring up instantly should give you your answer. kinda like me with Halo.>the Forerunners got what they deserved
>>480630949Turns out Palpatine didn't want Aalderan destroyed, and that was literally just Tarkin being a retard and obsessing over his doctrine of terrorizing the enemy into submission. EU material shows Palpatine being royally pissed and planning to execute Tarkin for this, proclaiming him to be a rogue element who seized imperial assets to carry out terrorism, but Tarkin died when the death star blew up so he never got the chance to publicly execute him and salvage the fiasco.
>>480641479it currently is. have you not seen the troons running our military? it's a religious celibate cult.
>>480631262Found one.
>>480631242Feel that.Also a good portion of the talk was on Weimar Republic interwar period and how much a of a disaster it was, but the Machine loves keeping things one dimensional to serve it's purpose.
>>480630821>and antiwar candidate Huey Longyou say this, but judging from the rest of your post, you would have called him a communist at the time
>>480627427Start grouping people based only on skin color, don't be surprised when the folks in that group identify with each other.
>>480627244IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!
/pol/ became way shitter, but twitter and Tucker have picked up the slack
>>480631262Wouldn't you like to know, rabbi
>>480630821>other dominoes - like legitimizing Hitler and calling out the lies of the Holocaust - will fall and end Jewish domination forever.Why should Hitler be legitimized if he didn't actually holocaust the jews?Hadrian, Titus and Nebuchadnezzar need to be legitimized.
>>480640263Pagan is also a word for redneck and is also a jewish trick.
>>480652895>If the Nazis opposed everything that you also despise, then were they truly the bad guys?The Germans in WWII most certainly the good guys. Defeating them was the greatest tragedy in human history. Hopefully next time around, everyone will understand the jew, and there will be no meaningful opposition when the time comes. They are quickly losing their monopoly on the media and it's only a matter of time
>>480627244go back to israel?
>>480657509>Nebuchadnezzarwhen did he do it? also which one? I knew about the other two.
>>480629120You’re damn right
>>480658159 destroyed the First Temple in 587 BC.
>>480657509Hitler's assessment of jews was correct. The only part he was wrong about was letting them live and move to Palestine.
>>480658379based NebuCHADnezzar, and also typical of history. his one mistake was letting any of them leave, same as the others.
>>480627567Everyone is so scared of "Nazis," that they will run into the arms of the Maoist.
>>480658484>Made a peace treaty with Russia then broke it>Allowed the British army to escape at Dunkirk>Declared war against the US after the japs attacked Pearl Harbor>Sent millions of the fastest, strongest, bravest, most patriotic German men to their deaths in human wave attacks in the Eastern Front.>Didn't actually holocaust the jewsNigga just let it go. Hitler fucked up in many ways in addition to his failure to holocaust the jews. History has many examples of White leaders who actually won wars, improved the lives of their subjects, and curb-stomped the jews all at the same time.
>>480636518Everything sounds like Nazis to you idiots. You been calling all of us Nazis for years. I guess now is as good a time as ever to just actually be one.
>>480631262Well, with the 110th domino the jews will have to run and be nomads again. Israel is not sustainable and will be swallowed by palestine. Imagine if every nation suddenly stopped giving israel aid. They would be consumed quickly and swiftly.
>>480658932>lists all this irrelevant shitI clearly stated I was talking about his assessment of jews. Re-read my post you illiterate faggot
>>480659073Hitler's assessment of jews was irrelevant, since A) many important people throughout history have also hated the jews, and B) Hitler didn't actually do anything to harm the jews in the long-run.
>>480658932it was completely obvious that the goal of the second war was to complete the mission of the first: the destruction of the german people as the defenders of europe. Hitler was beset on all sides by enemies. that the german army remained decent and honorable to the end despite being betrayed on all sides and having all rules of war forgotten is not something that is a demerit to the german character, or to hitler himself. You will rot in hell.
>>480627244>If you don't have Tranny's and immigrants forced in your face 24/7 then another holocaust is going to happen.What a strange group of people.
>>480658932youre not the romans tho
>>480640970Italy isn't in the middle east though
>>480659306>We had the best army but lost the war>This isn't a demerit of HitlerOk, retard.Here's a pic of an actual faggot who curb-stomped the jews harder than Hitler ever did (or even wanted to do).
>>480659527I'm a student of history, and I prefer to learn from the example of those who DID curb-stomp the jews, rather than those who DID NOT curb-stomp the jews.
>>480650367This is retarded and untrue
>>480659560you will rot in hell
>>480660007>Waaaaaa!!!! Someone mentioned the elephant in the room (Hitler didn't actually holocaust the jews)!!!!
>>480660007Why you so mad, bro? You know he's right.
>>480660081Nobody was expecting him to until the war propaganda kicked off, how can you say he failed at something after the fact? He did promise to kick them out of Germany, which was in progress
>>480660532>Nobody was expecting him to until the war propaganda kicked off, how can you say he failed at something after the fact?This is a fair point.
>>480627244Extermination didn't start until 12/11/1941.
>>480627244>>480627427fair enough that the sneaky kike wants to flee from the 4th Reichbut we'll hunt those fuckers down even if they're in the middle of anarcticaTKD motherfuckers
>>480630821FDR was a crypto-jew himself.
>>480661778LBJ and Golda Meir were both played by the same actor.
>>480658932Titus was playing on easy mode. Hitler was playing on extreme difficulty.
>>480627747It has been common knowledge since 1994 that the Rebels were the bad guys all along and the Empire did nothing wrong.
>>480627244I'm confused because he didn't say anything that we weren't literally taught at school?
>>480663114I mean about Hitler's invasion of Poland and Churchill playing with toys. Even starting POWs. None of this is new information so why is everyone upset?
>>480627244>NazisNo way are we going to be that nice to them this time around. After all the abuse and damage they've done, what we're going to do would make Hadrian blush.
>>480663114>>480663198Because, without "evil Hitler theory" the obvious conclusion from the facts as commonly accepted is that the Allies started the war. Most people actually even accept this once you point it out, but revert to "we had to stop Hitler." The whole thing hinges on mustache man bad, so when someone frames him in a rational light, it blows the entire narrative.
>>480662752Based. TIE Fighter was awesome.
>>480627244I don't understand. The X poster thinks you would prefer being occupied by a murderous state than being the host of the Olympic games? Syria should be happy they were occupied by IS? Imagine the horrors if they instead had to host the Olympic games.
>>480648897>>480649837>was the original book split in two also?Yes. I got the original right here, was one of the first things I got uncensored asap when entering the swamp here>Zwei Bände in einem Band => Two volumes in one>ungekürzte Ausgabe => uncut version
>>480664258Vichy France > 2024 France
>>480664258Quit being a disingenous cunt.
>>480643035a big part was also that he was there for WWI and its consequences, he has a whole chapter on states who have to give up their weapons>there has been examples in history in which a people that had to let go of their weapons rather chooses to subserve than to even attempt and change their fate
>>480630949>The destruction of Alderan is one of the most nonsensical scenesit was to flex on Princes Leah dumbass
>>480641251she was your best friend and you don't even realize itit took a generation of pushing privilege theory and simlar idpol crap in schools to make you relevant again
>>480628158It's not real. take this disgrace to /tv/.
Germany was a rising empire who was defeated by a declining empire's rising colony. As cooper pointed out in the interview with tucker, the war was over in 1940, as far as Europe was concerned. Then the us got involved. In my mind it was the saddest example of a lone nation state fighting for survival in the new era of superpowers. I respect the Germans and German culture. And the demonization that's gone on is crass and dishonorable. Convincing innocent little German boys and girls that overnight they just started skeet shooting Jewish babies is evil and unnecessary. But then again a lot of what the superpowers did in the 20th century was evil and unnecessary. We should put the lies and genocide of the 20th century behind us entirely. Thankfully communism is dead, at least.
>>480664606Quit being a nazi chud.
>>480627427Jewish colective for me, no white collective for thee.
>>480627244Oy vey the conservatives are breaking the chains!
>>480627244>>480627427>>480627567>>480627747good morning I love Hitler
>>480627244>/pol/ will defend this/pol is not a person.
>>480627244any tldw? I doubt its like the priest he had on.
>>480629120Proudly. If i knew i would get away with it, i would drop kick jewish babies into campfires
>>480627567What's a chud?
>>480629120What's an antisemite?
>>480627244No more jews
>>480627747Seth obviously has never seen the acolyte. Because he lived it. Many such cases.
>>480657745>Pagan is also a word for redneckThat's "heathen", homie
>>480670883Jew Hater.
>>480627567WTF are we actually winning chudbros...? How big is this