Gradually, she began to hate them.
>>480634974Candace and I could win this election.I'm a Jew, she has truth about Jews, I agree with her. We could be a force of good.The future is bright Lambright/Owens 2024.
>>480634974So I have modified my 4chanX to properly sort threads according to posts-per-second, however I can't even tell where the anons are posting. I've even checked the hidden threads. everything's frozen except the generals. are the bots doing wear-leveling sliding right now?
>>480637323Here's how you do that, btw:Put this above the sortType assignment: tmp_time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);And replace the 'activity' case with this: case 'activity': return, b) { return (a.replies)/(tmp_time - a.time+1) - (b.replies)/(tmp_time - b.time+1); }).map(function(post) { return; });The stock version is broken; it only tracks number of bumps in the last minute rather than amortizing over post age (which is what my version does)
>>480636578op fucked up the link
She keeps saying Macrons wife is a man.
>>480638948yep. left the www. on the shortened version. thanks.
>>480639033clearly lurks here.
Candace, don’t trust the crackers! They all lie! Every. Single. Time.
>>480634974What do they have on Piers Morgan? You can literally see his soul dying behind his eyes on a nightly basis....
>>480640310he's always been a shitface. my question is why's he playing mockingbird to conservatives all the sudden?
>>480640257pro-tip, candace: all meme flags are shills.
>>480640310He lives in the UK.The UK is jailing people for months for yelling >Who the fuck is allah.Can you into basic maths?
Is she still doing that gay Sabbataen-Frankist thing? It literally came from a zionist jewish rabbi.
>>480641780Is that fucker wearing a bra?
>>480642010>>480642053>>480642088According to the heebs who'd have you believe it's all the Frankists, the Rebbe and Chabad are based Talmudic jews who just want to exterminate the goyim.Rabbi Antelman, who started the kosher diversion, and his books have even been promoted by Chabad-linked websites.
I don't think I've ever rooted for a black, not even going to call her the n-word. She literally destroyed him, amazing.
>>480634974Does she just do this half foot in, half foot out, blame the jew, name the jew solely because she would just lose all credibility/they'd just completely shut her down if she went fully into it?
>>480643971I think she's just trying to avoid the harsh reality that it's just the jews - effectively all of them. The copes about how it's not the jews but some sect of jews who aren't really jews and hate the "good" jews are an appealing out. As pilpully as it is, it's no surprise that a lot of it came from a literal rabbi.
>>480644436It's always a cope until you realize it's all of them. She'll figure it out sooner or later.
>>480634974>zog in the URLPottery
>>480634974Great clip is doing a very, very good job. Jews on suicide watch.
This bitch it's controlled opposition. A Pied Piper leading retards (Christians) back to the "true" and "real" Zionism. Not that Zionism that Bibi Netenyahu is all about. No. He's a poor representation of Zionism. Similar to her schtick about "not the real jews"; that these people are PRETENDING to be jews. The "real jews" are not like this, you see. They're peaceful, loving and tolerant people. There "chosen". Listen to this bitch CAREFULLY! Her sponsors are jewish. Farther Mike Schmidt, Mark Wahlberg, Johnathan Roumie. These are HOLLYWOOD jews! NIMI skincare, HOLLYWOOD Israeli jew shit. This bitch glows!!!
>>480646079Niether Shmuley nor Morgan addressed the topic of jewish supremacism.
>>480634974These kikes ran the gulags. Be glad they can be laughed at now. Things might change quickly.
>>480647406You're right about the issues with what she's saying, but I'm convinced she's well-intentioned, and just being duped.When she gets it right, she's right to the point where controlled opposition would never be allowed to go, but she ostensibly has somebody in her ear leading her astray.
>>480636476unfortunately the rule applies to all jews. we are gonna lose some good ones. I am sorry for that but it has to be done
>>480634974What a phony nigger candace is. It's muh sabtean frankists. She's controlled op 1000 percent. Tired of fake bitches and jews fr.
>>480644436Everyone knows about the jq, Candace's job is to try you pull back in into not all jews mentality. That's it. She's controlled op, limited hangout.Her whole backround is heavily jewish, prager, wire, her father in law. All jewish.
>>480639033>dubsapproaching truth
>>480654107You shills will say absolutely anything to stop a movement.
>>480654107Because of her previous employers, her audience is made up of some the biggest kike-slaves, who are also emotionally invested in her as the based black woman who proves their but racist.Aside from the Sabbataen-Frankists bullshit, she's doing good work.
She's hilarious. Guaranteed she lurks /pol/, and she's telling the truth about Jews. No one else who has this sort of audience does. They either sperg out like Fuentes or go too far like Tate and get b&. Candace is special.
>>480641489ive never seen schmuley just sit there and shut the fuck up and not interruptCandace is like his archnemesis too
>>480654806>Aside from the Sabbataen-Frankists bullshit, she's doing good pussy faggot.
>>480654639A movement that's trying to keep the lid on the jq with frankist bullshit. Nobody who's still on YouTube can be taken seriously. At the very least.
>>480655619They're all linked because they're all jewish, the frankism shit is a red herring.
>>480634974holy shit hes getting destroyed in the comments.
>>480655619You're literally citing "the Rebbe Blog". "Sabbataen-Frankism" is a jewish cope, that doesn't stand up to the slightest of scrutiny.Jews didn't just go bad because heretics declared themselves messiah and tried to invert their vile racial doctrine. The jews had been expelled hundreds of times before either Zevi and Frank had been born, and there's no shift in their behavior from before Sabalbatai Zevi declared himself messiah to today. The Talmud is the most direct manifestation of the jewish racial character, where their genocidal, schizophrenic, and perverse nature is out in the open, for the world to see. But Jacob Frank burned the Talmud, and a key tenet of the jew-apologist "Sabbataen-Frankist" mythology is that the Talmud is really a beautiful text, that these - obvious deranged - apostate jews rejected.When jews declare that "even the best of the gentiles should all be killed" or perform fellatio on an infant, they aren't doing Sabbataen-Frankism, they're practicing traditional judaism.
>>480634974Rabbi got his ass handed to himLmao at all the jews in the comments defending the lunatic shmooley>OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN
>>480656776Cope harder faggot. It's a specific Frankist system/program, and specifics are important.The Frankists gained control of the Jewish community so the program is specific to this new upstart Jewish faction of the Jewish mafia.Go be a faggot on reddit or something.
>>480657418You don't have an argument, and your copes would be totally accepted on kosher conspiracy subreddit, or even /r/judaism.Sabbatai Zevo and Jacob Frank have no influence over the jews today, nor did they make jews, judaism, or jewish culture "bad". It was a flash in the pan heresy. Its popularity is a testament to the jewish racial character, but that's it. It's nothing but a footnote when discussing the jewish problem.
>>480638948i am watching this nowI will provide my thoughts in one hour
>>480641722goddamn even their names are ugly
>>480655619And if it wasn't obvious, these kikes aren't "linked to Sabbataen-Frankism". There's either some extremely, extremely tenuous connection, or, in most cases, none at all.The Rebbe, a jewish blogger, obviously, just took a list of secular kikes, and arbitrarily assigned them this designation. It's the jewish version of making lists of members of the Illuminati or "secret 33° Freemasons".As much as it's an act of subversion, on a lot of cases it's something genuinely believed by low IQ Mizrahi Kahanists, inbred hilltop heebs, and Chabad tunnel-rats.
>>480634974lol this rabbi is such a schizophrenic retard even by jew standards
>>480660267agreed, and he's grotesque. i regret posting this thread because i have to look at replies with memes of him.
>>480634974>KLANDACE OVENS
This debate is gonna blow up faster then Hiroshima tomorrow
>>480660348I had to focus on candace's face the whole time to make it through the video.
>>480659333Candace destroyed rabbi shmuley, it wasnt even close
>>480654806This. I personally am still on the fence whether there's something spiritually evil about Jews, so maybe my opinion of her will change, but for now she's doing great at calling out jewish supremacy in my country and exposing evil genocidal zionists like Shmuley for the shit they are. I wish her all the best in the wars to come.>>480641722>>480641813>>480641854>make statements which clearly indicate he was a jewish supremacist>Candace references these quotes>NO HE LOVED EVERYONE YOU'RE A BAD PERSON
>>480662942So I guess I'm not voting for anybody yet againGood thing I actually un-registered to vote yeeeears ago
>>480634974Wait didn't they already do this or is it round 2?
>>480637323>>480637889stop using a web browser. everything is more comfy in a terminal
>>480662942The beauty of his post is, it just once again shows American leadership being manipulated by jews.The more people are visually exposed to the huge amount of jewish influence, the more they are forced to struggle against their own programming and ask the JQ.
>>480640257Is true sadly the anglos are know to be demonic by nature a race of people who lies come off naturally
>>480634974Holy shit. I need to take breaks every four minutes, because listening to that faggot drops my IQ in real time.>the comment sectionlel
>>480636476Hi Wayne how are ya big fan . Crypto Wagie Extreme has a huge porn folder on you . every thing from some guy cumming on one of your pictures to EVERY time you have been in your underwear . its bad
>>480642000Tranny on the right, almost certainly means the jew is wearing a bra.
>>480634974 understood she's an idiot 6 years ago, still would though.