>Tenet Media is a Russian-funded propaganda arm targeting the United States>patrolled dozens of useful idiots and 5th columnistsIf you think you hate Russia enough, then you probably don't. Put your weight up.https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-rt-employees-indicted-covertly-funding-and-directing-us-company-published-thousandsDon't ever ask me why I celebrate watching dumb ziggers be droned to death, again. It was always a stupid question.
>>480650721what's actually illegal about this though? I can literally watch the news of any country on the internet, and we also fund US propaganda all over the world.
>>480650721why would they steal the name and logo of a christopher nolan movie for their business?
>>480650721It's a shame. I kind of liked Lauren I thought she was a little smarter than the rest of them.
>>480651059The illegal part was Chen not declaring the ownership or funding properly, and taking active steps in the laundering.>>480650721The indictment says that none of the reporters knew about the Russian part. In fact it shows they were lied to by Chen.
>>480651059>An indictment charging Russian nationals Kostiantyn Kalashnikov, 31, also known as Kostya, and Elena Afanasyeva, 27, also known as Lena, with conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and conspiracy to commit money laundering was unsealed today in the Southern District of New York. Kalashnikov and Afanasyeva are at large. You hide subversive propaganda, because inherently knowing the source reveals the agenda, bias, and dishonesty. Hiding it is the crime they always get caught up in...
So they made Tenet to obfuscate how fucked Tencent is. Won't name the real beast in the room which is Tencent
Here's what OP is sliding, in case anyone's interested:>>480632698
>Everyone I don't like is a Russian agent
>>480650721I don't hate Russia because I don't live there. If I did ill probably will. I hate my country not some foreign shithole.Go fuck yourself, jew lover.Go read Ashley St.Clair's tweets today. She's exposing herself to all.Fuck jews. TOTAL KIKE DEATH.
>>480651782so paid content good? unless russia then bad?
>>480652819>muh Russia bulliedYou're not allowed to hide your connections to foreign governments in the United States. It could be Britain, Japan, or New Zealand and it wouldn't matter. Only shills try to hide the origin.This has been the law for almost 100 years, and most countries have similar statutes.
So Russian news offered an alternative news story to the propaganda put out by CNN and Fox News and paid a couple of YouTubers to talk about their side? What's so bad and illegal about this? Fox and CNN do this all the time with AIPAC talking points. So does RadioFree Europe and those NGOs. Why is this being touted as some sort of big deal?
>>480650721I dont get how this is surprising for anyone. They're grifters, they'll do anything for money.
>>480651059Probably related to FARA where you need to register if you want to lobby for foreign interest unless it's israel like AIPAC
>>480653402To reiterate, this is why:>>480652012
>>480650721hey i have intentionally unfollowed all of the people on this website at some point
>>480650721All that will happen is this shit get's tied up in court and nothing ultimately happens to tenet.
>>480653559Do you magically believe that if I hate Russia, then I would like bugs? I can make a chink gore thread later. Stay focused. They're the same picture.
>>480651059Giving money to Benny Johnson should be illegal. He's the smuggest lying grifter in history, and now a traitor too I guess.
>>480655111>Benny JohnsonOh yeah there's no way that's his real name. Probably a -stein or -berg or something.
>>480655111As he breathes...
>>480650721I still kek watching 9/11, so funny watching burgers fly & knowing everyone was exposed to asbestos dust. Your comeuppance for your jew ways
>>480655320UK are even more zogged than the US what are you coping about?
Big ‘ol nothingburger. The retarded grifters like Tim Pool didn’t cooperate with the Russian government explicitly or covertly, agents of the Russian Government covertly sponsored them through a shell company. Fortunately for the Russians the grifters are easy enough to manipulate and take advantage of, but they themselves didn’t actually commit any crimes as they were lead to believe they were cooperating with US citizens and a legal company. They were just taken advantage of by foreign state actors who where in the process of committing a crime. Although I’d like to see Tim Pool and the like get arrested anyways. Plus isn’t Lauren Southern a leaf?
>>480650721>when Israel does it it’s perfectly fineSorry kike shill, I’ll never hate Russia as much as I hate ZOG/Pissrael and their puppets
>>480650721Fuck off, globohomo jew Who funded the Maidan coup?
>>480656320Tim knew I'm sure. He once said his goal in life is to become a billionaire, I don't think he gives a shit about unethical or illegal behavior if he gets away with it.
>>480656768In the midst of deceiving the US government, I doubt they were advertising their disposition to US citizens that could alert the authorities to their activities.
>>480650870Meet the cringe
>>480650721Why are you flying an American flag when you’re posting from Israel
>>480650721Hello Chaim!
Anyone who opposes the US government and corporate media will be labeled a Russian or Chinese agent
>>480657329because a real american should care about traitors
>>480652819Sponsored content is fine if you're honest about sponsoring it. Sponsored content that is secret or hidden is not good, as its usually deceptive in nature. If you need it to be explained in Gen Z terms, think of it like this:>Youtuber says "this episode is brought to you by our sponsor, RAID SHADOW LEGENDS">totally fine>Youtuber randomly starts throwing in odd comments about how "damn, I really want to play some Raid Shadow Legends right now" in the middle of their videos>really sketchy and not cool
all this muh russia FARA bullshit just because Waltz is a CCP puppet huh? youre all fucked and no amount of shilling will keep you from getting the rope after November
>>480653226not canada
>>480650721>RussianLooks Jewish to me
What does it say about the "talent" if their content is the type fucking Russia wants to fucking sponsor? Bonzo doing barrel rolls in his grave you right wing retards.
>>480659273What are you talking about? Oh, you mean the "investigation" that was opened by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce? The committee that currently holds a Republican majority and is unabashedly leveraging their majority standing to spout partisan rhetoric? Have you seen the committee's website? The members page is hilarious. All the Republican members are listed at the top of the page and have big, friendly photos attached to them, while the Democrat members get a tiny text-only list at the bottom of the page. And if you look at the committee news feed, they've done nothing but push Republican-backed motions since they obtained a majority. Virginia Foxx, the residing chair, is one of the biggest Trump shills in Congress. Tell me more about how this "investigation" they're opening, now of all times, is anything other than a shameless MAGA ploy to sucker people in with a juicy-sounding headline. Can't wait for absolutely nothing to come as a result of it.
>>480653226Funny how this literally never applies to Israelis.
>>480650721>>480650870Gen Z Grifters and a PittanceGen Z Grifters and a PittanceQatar would've paid a lot more
>>480650721they dindu nuffin, bitch set me up, MAGA
>>480659947Been saying it for years. The biggest shills on /pol/ have always been Russian and MAGA subverters.
>>480653559Stfu, hentai-kun
>>480650758A media company paid people for content? Holy fucking shit alert the fbi!!
>>480650721Based Russia
>>480656320Lauren Southern is literally a CSIS honeypot agent
>>480650721I really really don’t care
>>480651656So this is just a bunch of fake and gay nonsense . Neat, it's like usual
I can't take Tim seriously. He's such a softbodied basedboy pussy.
>>480660201Why hide it though? Why not do things the legal way and just announce where the money is coming from? Why did Russia hide the true reason they were building up military forces on the border of Ukraine? Why did they tell everyone it was just a military exercise within their own border? Why does Russia keep obfuscating or hiding the truth?
>>480650721Only jewish and Chinese shill farms are allowed in the US, you silly goys.
The USA has been funding media shills against Russua for decades, look up "Radio Free Europe"
>>480650721Pool hid all the money his traitor ass was being paid under that beanie
>>480659770Walz visited china 30 times and had his honeymoon thereKinda weird
>>480660458>Why hide it though? Why not do things the legal way and just announce where the money is coming from?First tell me which stories they were told to talk about.You cant because its 100% made up bullshit. If any money changed hands it was probably from the feds. This has all the earmarks of fbi operation
>>480660564The key difference, you dunce, is that the US is forthright about funding RFE. Russia hides their sponsorships because they didn't want it traced back to them, so it would appear like the sponsored opinions are just Americans "having some thoughts" and not paid actors.
>>480659911I mean, for $400k a month...I'm not going to pretend I don't get the shill motivation.
>>480651656Prove that Chen lied. You cant, glownigger.
American freedom of press
>your russian handler that you pretend is in western europe won't respond to your emails>google "time in moscow"LMAO
>>480650870Coalburner, fags, cringelords, who gives a fuck?80% chance it's all about about as legit as the fusion gps bullshit anyway.This board is in the toilet, Might as well put up the reddit logo.
What specifically were they paid to say? Can I see the script? I only have a passing familiarity with these people, but the only talking points they share are stuff like; gun rights are a good thing, become as self-reliant as humanly possible, sponsoring forever wars in other countries is not good. Are these suddenly pro-Russian talking points?
good goys dindu nuffin
>>480662306>>480662662https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx8W_ydVrSgJe3dVjburIag8gsnGCn49pLlmaoooo>I didn't know where the money was coming from bro
>>480661678that's what a trial is for
>>480661678She didn't disclose to the "talent" and the doj that she was acting as a foreign agent. The fact that she hasn't been indicted yet means she's probably cooperating with the feds.
>>480661900Holy fuck, my sides. These people are so fucked.
>>480661065>anonymous>verified blue twitter checkmark
Interesting how this came out right at the same time as Tim Walz got subpoenaed about a quarter billion dollar fraud scheme related to covid relief funds. And shortly after an advisor to New York's current and previous governors got arrested for being a Chinese spy. It's almost as if the DOJ wants to take attention away from certain stories.
>>480662871>Beanie man says ukraine badThis is the only clip any of you can post, isn't it?
>>480663479who the fuck watches tim pool, nigger? you go crawl over this retarded garbagedid they get russian funds for it? seems so, even though my left nut could've strung together a more coherent and convincing argument vs that clip, dumb nigger didn't even know when nordstream got bombed
>>480663682You seem very invested in this for someone claiming to not be invested in this.
>>480656320Honestly I would bet $1000 that the Russians were covertly funded by the DNC and told to pay these guys so they could "investigate" later
>>480659947>>480660111So why do vodkaniggers spread anti- white faggotry to turd world countries but spread “right wing” propaganda to white countries? That doesn’t make any sense. At least kikes are consistent with their bullshit what are these fags even trying to accomplish? Also MIGAtards have been cancer since day zero and that’s not an argument
>>480663865what the fuck are you even talking about, stupid nigger? where did I claim any such thing?
>>480663911Don't you have anything better to do?
>>480663454This is the most weaponized the DOJ has ever been. It is time for the federal government to be thrown out. The rot is too deep. States can manage their own law enforcement.
>>480663966yeah I could be fucking your mom right now, but it's much more entertaining to watch you whine about your favorite fagtubers getting caught with their hand in the cookie jars like a bitch
>>480663883Also adding Russia is anything but right wing. The kremlin jail white nationalists, gulag holohoax deniers, their gay army rape each other all the time, constantly suck off third worlders, flood their cities with said third worlders. They’re no different to the west so what’s even the point?
>>480664040You do know you need to be 18 years of age to post on this website, right?
>>480664118yeah, hence fucking your mom
>>480663454The only one trying to distract people from certain topics is you, in this thread, trying to change the subject from one thing to another. It’s very transparent and obvious what you’re doing.
>>480661900I liked the detail of running a conspiracy to violate FARA through Discord.
>>480651200Are you mentally deficient? Her grifting was next level, rode it to the US election reporting racket and then when that dried up took her grift to Europe before settling down and then getting a divorce because being a trad wife was too much of a change from the jet setting she had been used to.
>>480650721How about Israel?
>>480664396cool it with the antisemitism
nah let's talk about aipac
>>480650721Why do they all look like East European gangsters?
Depressing to think that low iq morons like Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Lauren Southern are making millions for doing little work.
>>480650870>the gayest of gaysI already ignore these fags because well they're fags.
>>480663883>So why do vodkaniggers spread anti- white faggotry to turd world countries but spread “right wing” propaganda to white countries? That doesn’t make any sense. At least kikes are consistent with their bullshit what are these fags even trying to accomplish?They don't have a coherent ideology themselves, although I think they usually have a logic to it, they're trying to adapt their message to different groups of people who feel frustrated in different parts of the world for different reasons, but I also don't think the Russians are thinking more than one or two steps ahead. It's like, "do I look like a guy with a plan?"For example, Russia also pushes pro-Bibi stuff in Israel while adding in stuff that Ukrainians = Nazis. I think the logic there is that Jewish immigrants to Israel from Russia are more pro-Putin and will be more receptive to that. Bibi also fucks with this stuff I think because he wants votes from the Russians. But Russia will push pro-Palestinian, pro-Iranian stuff in other contexts for anti-Western audiences.I think this kind of thing is just going to backfire and blow up in their face. This kind of shit always leads to blowback. It's the same with our own influence operations. We sponsored the Mujahideen to fight the Russians and then they turned their guns on us. Russia pushes right-wing stuff in the West, but it's making the "right" look like chumps, while Russia is also spreading the anti-white faggotry. It ends up being harmful to the people who take the money. Eventually people are going to get tired of being played.
>>480651782Is Rupert Murdoch registered under Fara? What about the Mexican owner of the NYT?
>>480663009There won't be one, charges dropped between Nov 5th and December
>>480650721>Don't ever ask me why I celebrate watching dumb ziggers be droned to death, again. It was always a stupid question.How is the Kursk offensive coming along, fellow hohol?Was it such a genius idea to let the frontlines collapse in Donbass?
>>480650721>>480650758>>480650870>>480651782>>480653226>>480655240>>480661065>>480662662Very interesting. Fascinating even!Now do Jews and Israel.
>>480650721What about AIPAC?
>>480663883Because they need those third worlders to be the peons in their military to fight the evil woke whitey in europe