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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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it's over
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The Hindu rape rats are deliberating targetting areas with the highest white populations so they can groom and rape white women. Their Hindu religion tells them they need to seek out and "take" women wherever they go. "Love jihad" was just another poos law, the lecherous Hindu rape rat accusing others of what they do as always.
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And here they are infesting as far as Latvia.
They wanted globohomo, they got globohomo.
Lindus stand with israel which means they're Europe's best friends. Open borders for pajeets
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Iceland has fallen
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They are a disgusting plague that infests every single other country. The dream of every Pajeet is just to leave India.
The great flush must commence if we are to save our countries, our cultures and our way of life.
assalamualaikum bhaijaan how much?
why memeflag?
why post same copy paste on ever indian thread ?
> Allah hafiz
hare krishna guys
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These threads would not exist if you shitskin invaders stayed in your own country and weren't shitting up the internet.
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French traditional coconut busting ritual
Hindu culture is so wholesome and welcoming. While as islam and cucktianity is a fucking cult recruiting more retards like them.

Keep an eye out for indian behavior, There's not a single person in the world who would defend india/indians but indians. There's not a single person who would add india to any conversation but indians. There's not a single person who would give excuses to the state of india but indians. There's not a single person who would blame "the pakis" but indians. There's not a single person who would try to explain how india is different from pakistan/bangladesh but indians. There's not a single person who would refer to india as Asia but indians. There's not a single person who would try to convince you to eat cow shit because of bioavailability of vitamins but indians.

No matter where the poster says he's from or how his name/profile pic looks like, if they so much as bring up india in any way, they are indians; don't believe that someone who speaks english is American/European. Blaming "the pakis" is something that only has meaning to indians because no one in the world cares or knows enough about any of them to know any differences. Anyone who blames indian hate as "angry canadians" is an indian because taking pride of their invasion is indian behavior, they see it as "colonizing the colonizers". Those who posts any anti-christianity are invariably indians, no one else does this(except jews but keep an eye out for "christcuck", this is an indian phrase). Anyone who blames britain for the state of india is an indian because they are incapable of self-reflection. Anyone who brings up "indians are CEO" are indians because they take credit from others. Pay attention to the seething your posts will attract if you say key indian trigger words, they will begin to spam the thread to "defend" themselves: saying anything bad about india, posting pictures of indians, posting pictures of pakistanis and claim they are indian(you won't even know they aren't), say anything bad about cow shit, say anything about hinduism, talk about eating shit
>Nomad Subhuman
Do peejeet dogs really ?
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There's no Muslims on /pol/, they are out working hard and building civilization. There's a reason why it's only Indian Hindu shitskin rape rats who infest /pol/ and shit it up 24/7. Hindu rats leach on welfare in the west, and contribute nothing of value to the world.


Sure Hindu rape rat. That's why you infest the countries of your Muslim superiors and cry and scream when you don't get a visa. Why don't those Hindu rape rats in Pakistan want to return to India? For some reason, people only ever want to flee from you subhuman inbred roaches and your cult of rape and pedophilia.
The American pie ritual
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I'm pretty sure /pol/ is 90% Hindu rape rats larping these days. They are starting to use proxies more often beacause it's so obvious whenever an anglo flag shows up to seethe and deflect to pakis/Muslims.
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I see them more and more each year. For past 4 months, I see them daily (in days when I am leaving my home).

Mostly there is not much issues, as we are quite introvert nation. Occasionally they get some beatings, when they misbehave (like, when crossing on red traffic light). To be fair, it is not specially targeted at jeets, occasionally we beat each others when some of us misbehave, and another one see it as an opportunity for some nice brawl.
those aren't jeets, they are hare krishna cultists
is moneymake more than redeem the gift cards sar??
In local news, there frequently are shown events of some fire in houses and so on. Small country and all that jazz. So if some random car burned down, there is chance that it will be shown in news related broadcast. And frequently there was cases when there was some kitchen fire, because jeets did not managed to properly use gas stove, and there was fire in the kitchen. So for landlords, there are also FIRE HAZARD risk, if they decide to rent their apartment to jeets.
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>not much issues

Just wait. Croatia is already getting enriched by them trying to rape passing school girls and women walking around the city. This kid saved a girl from the rapejeets and gets attacked by a swarm of them.
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Globohomo head of ministry that allowed this, has son who has monopoly on importing shitskins in Croatia
Basically free globohomo money non stop
bros is it just fucking over? It seems like there's no corner of the world that's immune to the billions of pajeets/pakis/niggers/muslims/spics invading. what do we do?
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The most disgusting thing of euroshits is they will ban everything from their neighbors but they will eat shit from savage foreigners
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You're part of the problem when you lump in pajeet Hindu rape rats with the rest. The enshittification of the world including the internet is entirely by Indian Hindu rape rats. And yes, it's going to be fucking over unless the west does a 180 on India like they did on China. But with Jews controlling the media, that's unlikely.
Well, to be fair. We don't have much issues at moment. Their numbers are increasing each year. Who knows what will happen in few weeks.

Last week some kids got suspended sentence because they assaulted some food delivery drivers, one was from Cameroon, other was dark indian. When asked by judge, why they did it, they said "We hate blacks". No real sentence, nothing. But if they will get caught doing something illegal during probation (If remember correctly, 4 years), then they risk that they will have to go to jail for 9 months, or smth.

So even judges are not very protective towards jeets. But they do SOMETHING, so EU would not breathe on their necks. Basically, if they would have assaulted with some valid reason (like trashing on sidewalk), most likely that police and judge would have rulled in favor of those kids.
Lithuanians voted for this
>I see them more and more each year.
They just multiply exponentially until everything is India. Look at what they've done to Canada. A ruined country.
We are comparably shithole, even on just Baltic scale. And it is quite impressive that they decided to study here. So, if their numbers have significantly increased here, it is way worse in Lithuania and even worse in Estonia.
>Well, to be fair. We don't have much issues at moment. Their numbers are increasing each year. Who knows what will happen in few weeks.
I was in Riga 4 years ago and there were already fuckton of them.
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Why is this happening? Just because Europeans don't want to pick up their own food? Or is uberjeets just some scam they use to infest countries with some visa fraud?
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sir no please, it's not us sikhjeets, it's the hindujeets and muslimjeets, we are different sir, we love glorious america, phull sapport sir!
I mostly move around periphery of Riga, and previously it was not as widespread. Seen them on weekly basis. But in past 2 years, their population exploded.

Interestingly, in winter there was 2 months, when did not seen even single one of them. Either they were staying in their homes, or were covering their faces that others could not positively identify them.
there are 30 million surplus male pajeets
What else should we do with them
They are not going to find a wife in India but with all of the incels in the west bring them here will solve both problems
In our case, those are students, which are trying to get "European education". Likely, that after studies, most of them will try to GTFO to other EU country.
But that large influx of them, makes even tame normies somehow more uneasy.
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>We are comparably shithole, even on just Baltic scale.
You might think so but once Pajeets reach critical mass you will wish you could go back to the shithole you had before they showed up.
They are just a plague of locusts, they destroy and consume everything in their path and shit it up.
Everything you enjoyed, everywhere you go, every place that was special or had any meaning to you is covered in jeets. You cannot even find a job or afford housing in your own homeland or the city you were born in. Everything becomes unaffordable and you become steadily poorer.
Pajeets are the worst thing that can ever happen to a country short of a war.
>And it is quite impressive that they decided to study here.
They don't care about study. They care about entering the country and never leaving. Student Visa is just their way to infest.
Obviously the Russians have gone soft. So many pajeets are here and they aren't being beaten up on the bus. Latvian men have always been soft. It's a miracle freak event of history they even have a country and it's actually the Latvian women who made it happen, not the men.
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the Lithuanian language literally came from Sanskrit, they are just going back to the roots.
They want to replace us
They can't make riga worse. Literally can't.
For most of them Latvia is a gateway to the E.U. schengen zone. After they get some papers and a drivers license they fuck off to Germany or whatever. Some stay, mostly teachers with fake credentials, to molest little girls at school.
If it's so great any amazing then it should stay in India and all Indians should move back to India.
Retard this EU shit with jeets is very common.
Portugal has been doing jeeting in Europe for over 10 years with agriculture. Their goal is to get EU passport and just move to Germany, France or Sweden where they can leech more money.
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They're never interested in being students, learn from Canada. Once you let them set foot in your country, they are never going back if they can earn any kind of money, even under the table. They are exploiting the "student" visas everywhere to colonize and infest forever.
sir we are the real aryans sir, we are colonizing the colonizers, it's not that aryans passed through our lands with their language and religion and made us slaves, it's that we are the aryans and we are the ones who travelled through europe sir, that we are poo brown? no sir, aryans were supposed to be like poo all along, that's why we eat it
1% of the Indian popukation is enough to genocide the Finns and Balts. But we live in an era of open borders so who can stop them?
We have a legit severe worker shortage. Even unskilled labor jobs.
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Not just student, any kind of temporary visa will be exploited by the Hindu rapejeets to stay forever. A cockroach does not leave a human's home, and an Indian does not go back to India. If they have to groom and impregnate a 14 year old to get their residency, they will gladly do it.
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Interstingly, there was also some cases when they participated in human trafficking. From my head, there was 2 cases this year. In first case, there was paki and jeet who got jail time, and after sentence, they will get expulsed from country, with ban of entrance for 10 year.

Second case was intersting. There was 6 sri-lankians involved. They rented mini-buss, and went towards border of Belaruss, to pick some migrants which slipped pass border guards (Lukashenko sends hundreds of migrants to here, some got intercepted by our border guards, and turned back to Belarus).
Why sri-lankians decided to go there, in a group of 6, instead of one or two, it is beyond my understanding.
this, we all derive from Indians, because our language are Indoreuropean
we wuz Indians an shit
Woah, that is insanity.
>ftw there will never be streetshitters in your cunt.
feels good, spicbros.
It is literally a matter of time before it is morally just to murder jeets in the streets. It won't be long when people begin realizing that jeets do not deserve the same kind of human rights we all afford each other. The only thing that will stop racism is unification through jeet hatred
Guys I'm so scared. What if this doesn't stop and they take over the entire world and make it really awful and poo will be everywhere, and everyone will be poor and ugly and brown just like them.
Fucking chuck destroy your dick with brick
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>India: 2 billion, +25 million roach babies every year
>Pakistan: 200 million

Go watch some vlogs of Pakistan vs India. Pakistan is very comfy and liveable provided the kikes don't fuck with their government. India is an unimaginably savage shithole, totally unfit for human habitation. That's why Indians are OBSESSED with Pakistan and never the other way around. How many paki flags do you come across seething about India vs the other way around?
There were jeets in Lithuania to begin with, they're called gypsies
It's time to go back buddy.
>the Lithuanian language literally came from Sanskrit

Not really. Lithuanian language is closest living language to Sanskrit (sacred language in hindu religion). Both of them have same roots, in same time, they are separate "branches".
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They don't do unskilled labor. Hindus consider it low caste to do any manual labor. They will absolutely refuse to do any kind of hard work to the point of leaching on welfare or scamming foodbanks. All of them see themselves as CEOs and managers who want only office jobs where they sit around and try to roofie and rape white female employees all day long.
ah, a pakijeet, so different, these ones don't rape or shit on the street! it's the pajeets not us!
>Their goal is to get EU passport and just move to Germany, France or Sweden where they can leech more money.
There is no money left. Germany is deindustrializing. Europe wasted whatever opportunity to make anything of itself by building up China and getting nothing but worthless Pajeets and muslim rapists in return.
The only way Europe could ever become a productive and prosperous society again now is if they remove all shitskins. Unless and until that happens there will be nothing but decline.
Pajeets represent the death of civilization. Like their god, Nurgle. They are rot, decay and disease. A return to nothing.
>Not just student, any kind of temporary visa will be exploited by the Hindu rapejeets to stay forever
Certainly seeing that here.
The only way to ever keep them out is never let them in in the first place.
>They can't make it worse
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The INDO in indo-european stops at Pakistan, where the aryans settled. Hindus are called hindus for infesting the other side of the indus valley river. That's why pakis and afghans and iranians all look like caucasians and you Indian hindu shitskins look like roaches. You made ZERO contributions to civilization, all you do is infest what others build, breed like rats, and then destroy it.
Had very limited interactions with them. In all those years, it was may be 30 min, and that was with jeet project manager in one IT company. So cannot really tell what motivates them.
There's no such thing as Pakistan. It's a fake country that used to be part of India. YOU ARE INDIAN. All south asian "people" whether from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, need to be contained with a giant dome. You must not be allowed to destroy humanity.
Why would a Latvian befriend a filthy shitskin? I won't even let a shitskin checkout my groceries
>this, we all derive from Indians, because our language are Indoreuropean
we wuz Indians an shit
Well, it would be more that we are from Pakistan area. As Indus river valley, it is now located in Pakistan.
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Their is just something about them that inspires primal revulsion in every group of humans. The way they look, the way they behave, their subhuman religion of rape and savagery. I fucking hate them sooo much bros, the things I would do if the government offered me legal immunity....
he's not sikh or a poopjeet he's a maghrebi north african muslim from france who thinks muslims should be permitted to stay in white nations. Funny considering a moroccan clandestin just murdered a french girl and violently raped her and buried her in a park. All over the news here, but you won't hear the dirty rebeu talk about that as he probably thinks he's white
>the things I would do if the government offered me legal immunity....
They're not ever going to. You just have to take your chances and do as much as you can until you get caught.
It's the only solution to the Pajeet question.
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The Jeets can take all the 60-90 years olds if they want to.
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Cope, rapejeet. Actual white people who make vlogs on youtube can clearly tell the difference. I know you desperately wish you could be the same as your aryan conquerers, but you will never be. Literally no one except one of you inbred Hindu rape rats would seethe this much about having to admit that Hindu rape rats are the lowest of the low
>their religion
But the religion is European paganism

It's changed a little bit today, but it's originally a european Aryan religion.
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I'm waiting for WW3 to start. Then it's on. If that means I have to go to China and volunteer with their army so I can exterminate jeets, so be it! But the Flushing will come!
Tell that to the thousands of girls you smelly rapey pakoid fucks kept sexually abusing in the UK. Genetically, you are all brown to white people.
>I'm waiting for WW3 to start. Then it's on.
2-3 years max. At this rate if we make it to 2026 I'll be shocked.
I am not going to fight for globohomo but if they force draft me and put a gun in my hand anywhere near Pajeets there will be so many "friendly" fire incidents that I single handedly defeat India before the chinks even fire a shot.
He is not a Paki, he is an Arab
यह सही है
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This is you. You were very stupid posting your face all over /pol/, because now your face is going to be used for tranny porn. you were claiming you were white earlier, toughguy.
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Yeah sure, let me take it from the kike media that tells me there are ZERO Jewish grooming gangs and Hindu grooming gangs even though comparing the news from India and Pakistan clearly shows the Hindu religion of rape is uniquely savage and rapey. Keep seething ranjeet. Pakis >>>>> you inbred Hindu rape rats
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The Jewish media keeps printing articles about how we are already in WW3. I think its a lot sooner than you realize. The western economies have already collapsed and are running of of pure scam numbers. They can keep this going for a few more months max. I think their plan is to get Trump elected and dump it all in early 2025. Things are already bad, but the combination of inflation and mass unemployment will be the spark.
2 more weeks dude, trust me
It must really make you seethe that to Europeans, Indians and Pakistanis appear the same. I understand that you badly don't want to be seen as Indian, but you are in fact, seen as Indian. You will never be white. You will never be welcome. You will always be associated with your shitskin brothers in Jeetland.
Fucking dumb evil bitch lol, women destroy civilisation.
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every fucking time
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I'm aryan, you're an inbred Hindu rape rat. I don't even bother reading your text, I just shit on you to get some thread bumps in the hopes that some based chad who is ready to take care of you invaders gets brown pilled.
>the other side of the indus valley river

Hitler was fan of Hinduism, specially bhagwat geeta, that Geeta war happened in kurukshetra, India the "other side" of indus river.

The Aryanism Hitler was fan of, Happened in current India, what are you even talking about retard?
>I think their plan is to get Trump elected and dump it all in early 2025

As D.Trump is more pro-Israel than K.Hariss, it is pretty sure that he will be next president. Question is, what happens next? Israel is preparing offensive in Lebanon. What next? How long Bibi will be able to stay at power? How long will be able to use war as tool to concentrate more power? Dunno. But pretty sure, he have some plans for D. Trump.
>I think its a lot sooner than you realize.
I don't understand this sense of complacency. The west is in absolutely no shape to fight a war, we have so many imported external enemies we cannot even hope to engage in a conflict against outside forces. We're being set up to lose this one.
You turkroaches don't live in any consequential part of the world so I don't expect you to understand what is happening in western countries or the SEA region.
You're like 50 shades darker than the average European LOL. You are a shitskin. Not only are you a shitskin, you are a 1:1 lineage copy of India, because before the last 100 years your shithole was part of India. Kys, jeet.
So you mean if a white person follows Hinduism, he is automatically a Jeet?
Can't believe you retards are actually replying to the memeflag paki.
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That's funny
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The theory was that the reason the west is mass importing Indian rapejeets and sucking up to India is because they want the 2 billion Hindu rape rats to be available to fight China in WW3. Which would be somewhat based if true, but knowing the jews, they will send white men to die first, and keep the jeets in reserve to repopulate our lands with our women.
Well, what can I say, fren!
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Ok great go back to India.
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>saar hitler liked hindu so we are white now saar
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Those are cultists, they're been walking around the streets singing for way maybe 20 years, as I can remember.
But in last year or two there's been influx of jeets. No matter that parts of Vilnius you're in - just stand for few minutes - you'll see jeets on their Wolt/Bolt ebikes delivering food. My God they're so many of them.
You don't. Just make do. Only the greedy care about more money, more productivity at the expense of the home.
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Ever notice how every single one of them is posting from our countries? Statistically we should be seeing equal numbers of Chinese and Muslims and blacks posting from these same countries if the immigration stats were true. But it's only ever Indian Hindu shitskin invaders, and by such a crazy margin that the only explanation has to be they are hiding the true numbers.
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>but knowing the jews, they will send white men to die first, and keep the jeets in reserve to repopulate our lands with our women.
Very obvious. Which is why myself and many other whites just refuse to sign up. We will not be drafted to go die for kikes and let Pajeets take over our country while we are gone. If they want soldiers to fight, they can send their endless waves of Pajeet roaches.
>our countries
ain't no one posting from pakiland dumb memeflaggot
Is this a joke? Watch the video idiots
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Yeah it's really fucking obvious now that suddenly they are dropping the woke shit from the military recruitment ads and featuring white men front and center again. And now Jews have all pivoted to "le baste jew" mode where they are against the same woke and DEI and trans shit that they themselves pushed all these years. Sorry kikes!
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>Ever notice how every single one of them is posting from our countries?
The dream of every Pajeet parasite is to flee their shithole country. They want to be anywhere else but India, and anything else but a Pajeet. But when they get to other countries everyone hates them and they seethe on the internet endlessly about how everyone from that country they just infested didn't just drop to their knees and hand all of society over to Pajeet number 1,512,612 as soon as he landed.
>Saar why isn't this country exactly like India I should be at the top of society I hate white people
>why aren't all these white women instantly spreading their legs for Rapejeets like me? It must be racism
>I've been here 5 minutes and I am not a billionaire like the CEOs I see on Instagram that posts pictures of them posing with money they stole from someone grandmother? We have to get rid of all these whites and replace everything with India so I can have more money
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>Hindu shitskin invaders
What if Muslim Aryans like picrel migrate to the west,
Are they accepted or are they invaders?
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Even at the highest levels they can reach in the west, they will STILL insist on turning everywhere into India. That's all they are, brown sludge who turn everything and everywhere into India.
>Yeah it's really fucking obvious now that suddenly they are dropping the woke shit from the military recruitment ads and featuring white men front and center again.
Too fucking late. You don't get to spend a whole decade straight shitting on us and then expect us to lift a single finger to help a society that is actively trying to replace us and rewrite and erase our entire history.
>Are they accepted or are they invaders?
They are also invaders and they need to go back.
Together with your muslim cousins you are a plague on this earth.
that looks exactly like you pradesh
Hitler hated curryniggers. He suggested to the British ambassador to Germany that Ghandhi be shot and another hundred of his supporters to get the point across, in May 1930, Hitler wrote that the Indian independence movement was carried out by the "lower Indian race against the superior English Nordic race", and in 1937, Hitler informed British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax that the British should "shoot Gandhi, and if this doesn't suffice to reduce them to submission, shoot a dozen leading members of the Congress, and if that doesn't suffice shoot 200, and so on, as you make it clear that you mean business." His favourite movie after King Kong (1933) was The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935) because it depicted a handful of "superior race" Britons holding sway over the Indian subcontinen
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>Haha yes we came to the country and destroyed your living standards you should be willing to live 25 people in a single apartment if you want to get ahead, just like my rapejeet dalit work slaves!
>You can't compete on a level playing field you that's why I need to bring my 50 year old cousin and his entire family into the country on student visas to fill entry level jobs at my franchise business for $0 an hour
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Except Pradesh rapes 100x more, Shiva commands it!
>this is the le heckin' hwite and based paganigger master morality that anti-Christian streetshitters spam on /pol/
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Getting an Indian manager in any business, tech or otherwise, is instant company destruction. They are incapable of integrating with human civilization, thousands of years of history has shown this. The amount of damage Jews and Hindus do to society is far worse than dindus. Especially when you realize every Hindu shitskin rapenigger hired to these white collar positions is one white family deprived of income, which is less money spent at white businesses; but the rapejeet spends that same money to import more rapejeets.
What happened?

Whites are returning to their original religion, instead following the middle eastern cults!!
Nice theory but the white men will be fishing and drinking whiskey while China fucks up shit back in civilization. Not my problem.
Nigger you sell your own ass into slavery in Dubai just to escape your own original religion.
You're all a bunch of idiots. Indians are respectful of local cultures, cherrypicked webms aside. They don't rape or torture like niggers or sandniggers. I would take an indian over a syrian or an afgan or a paki any day
Instead of* following the middle eastern cults, whites are returning to their roots.
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>india is pagan
>only in India you can find eating poop as a religious practice

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Likely that it was during Midusummer Fest, which is big thing in Lithuania and Latvia. Not sure about Estonia though. And that guy just got some episode when he did his own thing, during Midsummer event. As most activities starts at evening, at bonefire. At daytime, then are mostly preparations.
Kek, still kill yourself gypsy!
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So you won't try to infest a Muslim or Christian country, right Hindu rape rat? You'll stay in India and enjoy your pagan shithole? Right?
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It's not just managers. It's everything.
Once Pajeets gain a foothold in any company or establishment, any town or city or country, eventually that place just gets turned into India. These days I am steadily just crossing things off a list that I will never use or purchase again because it's just become bloateded Jeetware or is not longer safe or reliable enough for me to use because Pajeets have ruined it.
>You're all a bunch of idiots. Indians are respectful of local cultures
If they were respectful of local cultures and those people they would not want to destroy that culture or ruin those peoples lives by existing in those places and infesting them in endless numbers.
slab bait frate
>t. OG gypsy
you should share that list, we should all share what products not to use that are jeetfected already
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Incel, kys. Everyone hates you, even your momma. If you knew who your dad was, you’d know he hates you too. Again, kys.
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>Christian country
Christianity is paganism, they are frens, just here and there some problem because of middle eastern cult, and European mind made paganism out of it, because it's THE way.
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yep,, indians are a plague that shit and rape everywhere they go
That looks proper worshipp preparation as it happens in Hinduism.
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>Hindu shitskin rapejeets come in and buy up some local goyslop franchise as part of their visa scam
>immediately fire all the native workers, replace them all with other visajeets so you can import them too
>immediately try to cut costs by skimping on everything, reusing leftovers, using expired ingredients
>everything goes to shit, people stop coming
>call up your friend Ranjeet in India and tell him about the other franchise across the street that is suddenly for sale for some reason

They will be the death of human civilization.
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No this is proper Hindu worshipping
Post toilet.
Doesn't happen, never seen anyone, only saw webms here.
Cows are sacred, but cow shit I don't know who they are, why they are.

Also it's the Jeet race, there WILL be retards who misinterprete everything.
>South Indians
They follow their own tribal religion
Might be. But also it looks that it is made during Midsummer fest. Because of flower crowns which some woman have, and some National costumes. Have no idea, may be in Hinduism there are also some ceremony related to Summer Solstice. And might be that in this case, those events were partially united. Kinda, cultural exchange. Each shows some of their traditions.
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Basically where I'm at right now is I want to just entirely remove the google ecosystem from my life. All of it. No gmail. No chrome, no google search or scholar or anything else. No youtube or whatever. It can all just get fucked.
I will not purchase any Apple products.
I'm going to replace Windows and just never use it again on any of my devices. And I will be getting rid of all microsoft services, I had an old hotmail account I used to sign up for things and it's just entirely full of spam at this point. Endless scams and not useable as any type of email.
Xbox, everything microsoft it can all go.
I don't use any Adobejeet shitware. I don't even use X becaue of reportjeets. I just want an Indian free life as much as possible.
Any fast food place that employs jeets I no longer use. Don't ever get delivery anymore. Only cook at home. Places like Subway and Red Rooster (Australian chicken company) are just dead to me now.
I understood that.
Yes, hinduism is inter connected with seasons, you can say the shared paganism, which exists here and existed/exists there in Europe.
Every religion is connected with seasons.
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Anon, the Hindu rape rat always lies about everything. Nothing of value can come from talking to them. They have no shame, no empathy, no humanity. They only exist for extermination.
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many of these jeet run stores are never making any money I don't even see customers in them. Where I live there is this intersection where every corner has 24/7 jeet run convivence store and there is just 4 jeets that stand out the front of their empty stores staring at eachother across the intersection. I rarely see customers in them and there is no way they could be making enough sales to make a profit or even pay the lease and keep the lights on.
The entirety of their money is coming from being Visajeet hubs that have slave dalits that work for $0 for PR.
that's not solving the problem, you are just running away, what you need to do is spread the message of truth, the faster the seed is planted on people the easier it will be to deal with poos
>Every religion is connected with seasons.
Yes, but the rituals in Nature are only found in Hinduism/European paganism religions.

The other religions are just dates in calender.
>I want to just entirely remove the google ecosystem from my life. All of it. No gmail. No chrome, no google search or scholar or anything else.

Chrome collect way too much data about you. They (each chrome instance) generate unique ID, and send it as cookie when you visit some site. Even if your IP changes, that ID allows tracking. In terms of security, even tranny-friendly Firefox have more sane defaults.

Gmail, likely data collecting thing too.

Google as search engine have deteriorated past years. In a lot of cases, yandex is more useful as search engine.

It is not just that google should be avoided, because of jeet workers. More that, even their once-decent products have deteriorated in quality.
why are these people running away from a good fight? what kind of pussy ass men are these?
There are lots of Indians here and not just students I also see whole families from India.
We actually need them seeing as our fertility rate is very low and median age is so high
Without any immigration many jobs would simply not be fulfilled and our young would have to pay exorbitant amount of taxes towards pensions.
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>what you need to do is spread the message of truth
I try constantly but I cannot do much these days when I can barely maintain an account on any website for more than 3 seconds because of seething reportjeets.
Ah, interesting. Thanks for clarification.
so you eat shit because roaches do it and they are the closest to vishnu because they have so many arms?
>Anon, the Hindu rape rat always lies about everything.

We are quite introvert, and somehow superstitious and suspicious nation. We are not as friendly and open as say italians.

There is no message or truth to spread if you can't connect it with experiences in the minds of people. Incel lingo went mainstream because people , especially men actually are finding it difficult to date.

If you keep shouting Indians are street shitters on the top of your lungs in a townsquare , in a situation where people who actually live among Indians in your countries can clearly see that they are not street shitting, then only you will be perceived as the town idiot

In countries like Canada, the government literally pays their salary so companies will hire them. So if one rapejeet buys a goyslop franchise, the government will pay him to employ his rapejeet family as "employees". The ultimate goal isn't to make money, but to fulfill the visa requirements of holding a job long enough to convert that into permanent residency. Making money is only a secondary goal, the primary goal being to never go back to India.


That's one white kid against a swarm of grown ass Indian Hindu rape niggers who could just as easily stab him. Good luck telling them apart so you can convict the right one. The real problem is that those Hindu rats feel comfortable enough in that country to try to rape passing girls, and then to beat up whites on the street, with other whites just watching. Do you think these same jeets would ever try something like this in Saudi Arabia? They know whites are soft and polite and they will viciously exploit it to destroy us and rape our children.
Sadly /pol/ doesn't understand economy but I hate that foreigners are needed anyways, I don't want them near me.
At the start of the video you can clearly see there are 6-7 boys. With a gang like that you can kill anyone.
sorry jeet, when I said "message of truth" I meant your truth, the truth of indians. The faster the people become aware of the truth of your person the faster things will get better, there can't be a single person who doesn't know how you are, what you do and how you think, you do not belong outside your hole
That probably is one of local jeets.

That "we need to import more jeets to keep economy afloat" is propagates by (((busineses))) who want to keep salaries low.

What you just states was exactly what I addressed. Must be the Mexican reading comprehension
Why don't you just move to a developing country if you miss bunch of young people and high fertility rate?Nigeria or India itself would be just the spot for you.
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>Chrome collect way too much data about you
I have not used this for about 6 years now and never would again.
>Gmail, likely data collecting thing too.
100% compromised and serves advertising based on the content of your email
>Google as search engine have deteriorated past years.
Not about presenting results. It's about serving ads. It's biased and filters out any useful results to only present the (((narrative))) and nothing else. Gemini was an absolute failure and the last straw with their diverse British Kangz. It is a useless service.
>It is not just that google should be avoided, because of jeet workers.
It's not longer reliable or fit for purpose. Why use any of that shit or their shit fucking Youtube that censors everything?
It's just an advertising platform that Jeets will squeeze every last cent out of until it is dead. There is no innovation or future on that ecosystem.
Microsoft is the same. They just release increasingly more shit versions of a product that doesn't need tens of thousands of Pajeets shitting it up constantly.
>There is no message or truth to spread if you can't connect it with experiences in the minds of people.
That's just why you need an army of reportjeets to censor people like myself and Barry Stanton and any other account with more than 3 followers that says anything bad about India or Pajeets right?
Everyone fucking hates you.
You were not a thing until a few years ago and anyone older than 5 years old can look at their lives before the flood of Jeets, and after the flood of jeets and decide for themselves that you make things worse. You are a cancer on civilization.
No, he is right, life is getting crazy expensive and salaries are growing slowly, and without immigrants prices would just go through the roof.
Let me use real estate as an example, if foreign slave labour wasn't used as workers and you simply "paid natives more", even if we assume there would be enough construction workers, all of that would drive the cost of real estate even higher. Low tier immigrants are sleeping in some shacks with 20 other people in the room so they're not driving prices up (as much).
But there is simply no interest among the Europeans to be a cheap labour force. For example I'm told by Russians that while many of them are poor, very few work construction and other such jobs.
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I'm pretty sure this is the Hindu shitskin proxyjeet who has been using that serbian proxy everywhere. Fucking jeets ruin everything, online and off
I'm not a pajeet you massive faggot, I hate them all. I am just using my brain. Maybe the conclusion is wrong, I don't know.
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We can't even have a conversation on 4chan about Pajeets infesting our countries without you head bobbling retards trying to derail the conversation and infesting the board with your endless spam.
You're hated by everyone and you just refuse to leave and fuck off. You're the same in every country you go to. Just absolutely disgusting parasites that nobody wants to be around. The hatred of your kind is almost universal at this point. Nobody likes Indians but other Indians.
I have never heard a single person in my life say anything positive about you worthless animals.
Everywhere you go becomes significantly worse as soon as you are there, and you ruin everything and turn it into India.
Why are you even here in the first place Shitdeep? Because you want to ruin this website just as you have all others and make sure everyone has to take unlimited Pajeets into their country until everything is India and you can say "ahh yes India superpower" even though the entire planet is just a third world shithole where everyone lives in poverty just like you.
Without low salaries there would be no salaries at all because Latvias only positive to western investors and businesses are our pathetic wages
>Oh noes he's......le censored

Upside down Island nigger, I can't even count how many times I've been banned just for stating that homosexuality is a disorder. In the most non-hateful tone possible that is. You must be genuinely retarded if you thought thay shit would fly on X.

>and after the flood of jeets and decide for themselves that you make things worse. You are a cancer on civilization

>Oh noes I see people 3 shades browner than me. Moi life iz ruinned

Lol pathetic bitch made cuck
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this country is fucked anyway
the jews already crying
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when we say everywhere
we mean everywhere
i hear there's indian immigrants even in india (they're from guyana)
>Microsoft is the same. They just release increasingly more shit versions of a product that doesn't need tens of thousands of Pajeets shitting it up constantly

Very rarely using windows, as linux have been main workhorse for more than 7 years. But in rare cases when interact with it (some relatives need to for something), can see that in past Windows versions, it somehow .... deteriorated. Windows 7 was decent (for Windows). Windows 11, well, not so much. Updates without user input, some mystical driver installations in background. Some guys says that there just need to make some neutering and adjustments, then it is ok. But dunno. That trend does not look encouraging, as that mindset eventually will likely start to linux community as well.
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>I'm pretty sure this is the Hindu shitskin proxyjeet
And you are a Muslim Aryan, aren't you?
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Barry Stanton is proof that Indian Hindu rape rats are the problem. He was fine when he was shitting on Muslims and blacks. It's only when he talked about Hindu savagery that an Indian Hindu rape rat visajeet employee stepped in to get him banned.
Windows is trash, Linux is superior by far, though I'm using Windows because of convenience and unavoidable reasons.
It's not very fun to game on Linux.
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I fucking hate Hindu rapejeets so much bros

Would be nice if someone dropped a MOAB right then and there.
Higher number of immigrants create pressure on rental market. Rent becomes more and more expensive, and with it, other things too. In result, if you import more migrant workers, things become more expensive. If you don't import, then also things become more expensive. And if there is similar outcome, in terms of inflation, then why import?

Both Linux and Windows are jeeted (the latter much more). The operating system of the white man is mac os x. You'll never see an Indian rapejeet with a mac, they're too cheap and dysgenic.
I really can't see this global infestation ending in anything but poo genocide, not being edgy either, they're extremely fucking annoying to even the most hardline open minded person and they're so physically weak to the point where you wouldn't even need to try that hard.
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>Upside down Island nigger, I can't even count how many times I've been banned just for stating that homosexuality is a disorder.
Australia doesn't have dozens of discords and telegrams of seething reportfaggots that spend all day and night searching the internet for any content critical of shithole country so they can seethe and click the report button.
This is all Pajeets do because you have no content of your own and generate nothing but spam so you follow white people and western culture around and then seethe endlessly when we don't elevate some worthless fucking parasite over the top of us.
We don't fucking like you and there is NO REASON to like any Pajeets. You contribute nothing to our societies or civilization. You only make it worse.
We are literally going backwards in real time and declining so rapidly it's shocking. A single generation, less than 20 years and you fucking ruined everything. The internet, western civilization. All fucked because of endless floods of third world shitskins infesting our countries.
Yeah 7 was peak WIndows and then it took them 4 revisions just to get the performance and stability back to that level with 10 times the resource consumption because it's just bloated shitware. If the rumors of Windows 12 being a subscription service are true, Microsoft will die.
They're just seething reportfaggots but we all know this.
That is somehow related to Summer Solstice? That is time, when it is remembered?
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Would be nicer if those Muslim aryans exterminated every last one of you inbred Hindu rape rats including your inbred lil cockroach babies while they had the chance

>India shits out 25 million Hindu male cockroach babies every year
>inb4 saar we only shat out 24 million, we are below replacement so we are humans just like you
Of course, I agree with you, though I assume in the short term at least prices and the lack of labour would hit the country harder than some imported slaves. I don't have the numbers and I haven't heard people talk about this, I just thought about it myself.
Long term solution, the right choice? Fuck if I know. I think things are fucked regardless of the choice. Something needs to give, change, whatever. Things aren't working, especially for smaller countries like Latvia and Serbia. Eventually we will simply go bankrupt.
all the memeflags ITT that are takkiyaing about "Hindu Invaders" are part of ummah muzzcord
they're are so brain-dead that they even keep repeating the same phrases
most of these threads are created by some malayshit muzzgook
It was exposed just a few days ago
They're even in DRC. Yep, the poorest, most corrupt country in Africa. Pajeets are taking over every single country on Earth.
Actually what will happen is that we'll fall into a crisis in all sorts of meanings anyway, so that will give, the life will simply get tougher.
That's the most blackpilling thing I've ever seen I had no idea so many rapejeets were being shit out every single year.
That's like they're just spreading their asscheeks and spraying the entire population of Australia out of their assholes every single year.
Humanity is doomed.
I hope you die
This indicates that the Baltic countries have reached the 1st world status and comfy enough living conditions as the crowd would just watch a pajeet groom or rape a child. And the country is 1st world enough for rape apes to go there and be welcomed. Congrats.
I'm starting to notice much more casual racism against niggers and arabs after /pol/ moved on to racism against jeets. Even kikes are getting shat on openly in the office I work at. So based on this we can safely say that society is just downstream of /pol/.

How much longer until jeet hate becomes mainstream?
chamar you're not interacting with some ausfag
it's kangali subhuman with VPN
it was outed days ago in /int/ after failing VPN takkiya
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>a board destroyed by Pajeets
>he's using anything posted there as evidence of something
The lack of self awareness you creatures have is astounding. Fuck back off to your dead board you shitskin parasite.
do something about it bitch
>So much seethe

Some flowers from Darjeeling to make you calm down
I know he's muslim and everyone with the brain does, but that does not make Indian immigrants good or wanted.
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Everything about them is horrifying beyond comprehension. You could go to the most savage parts of Africa or the uncontacted tribes of the Amazon and you would still never come across the level of subhuman savagery as seen in the Hindu. The worst part is, instead of telling them to stop breeding like rats, their Hindu leaders are telling them to have 10 kids each.

>all that impotent kangali seethe
Let me break down why you say is stupid.

>There is no message or truth to spread if you can't connect it with experiences in the minds of people
The ENTIRE world has seen evidence of your actions, the reason why you can't comprehend why the world sees you as pariah is because you can't imagine a world where everyone shits on their houses, when everyone else does it. You see pictures or videos of other countries and don't see shit and an infestation of trash on the ground and so it sits outside of your perception. Problem is, these things are already outside of your perception in your country, so you don't even notice when they are there, while everyone else who gazes at india SEES what the fuck is going on in your country.
>Incel lingo went mainstream because people , especially men actually are finding it difficult to date.
The jeet fails to grasp the problem with india, he thinks people hate them because men have nothing to do and they are just randomly spreading racism without reason, again, because he is blind to the reason why they are hated, when even women, no, ESPECIALLY women hate them for their own behavior. Remember how they used to blame fucking pewdiepie for indian racism? They just can't see what's wrong.
>If you keep shouting Indians are street shitters on the top of your lungs in a townsquare
more and more people are doing this, and more and more people see its true
>in a situation where people who actually live among Indians in your countries can clearly see that they are not street shitting
it's precisely because you are infesting everything that people can see FOR THEMSELVES what you do.

As always indians are incapable of self-reflection, they just can't conceptualize that they are different, they truly believe they live like everyone else and don't see that they are the only filthy ones. This is The Real Problem with Apu
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You people can't die fast enough.
Some months ago looked at unemployment data, and at that time it was around 6.2% or smth. If unemployment decreases, we will become less attractive place for investors. Similarly as Poland with their ~3% unemployment.

Foreigners are actively selling their assets in Baltics, because ... well, Russia and risk of invasion. We already are borderline unattractive area, as there are more profitable areas. When unemployment will fall below 5.8% our politicians will start again to talk about "simplifying visa procedures for guest workers". But because being unatractive for investors, it keeps unemployment higher, and less need to guest workers. From economical point, shitty situation. From ethnic, we have less migrants.
>Mexican doesn't understand metaphor

That's almost as bad as muslim iq
Jesus they're an actual plague.
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I got banned from /int/ the other day by one of those Hindu rape rat infiltrators. All I did was post this video and title "Are you going to miss Japan?" Thread was deleted in less than 2 minutes and I was banned. I had to go to the irc and talk to the higher ups to get it reversed. Hindu rape rats are cancer to all forms of civilization, nothing has done more to confirm my belief in THD than having to interact with them.
>As always indians are incapable of self-reflection, they just can't conceptualize that they are different, they truly believe they live like everyone else and don't see that they are the only filthy ones. This is The Real Problem with Apu
you're proving his last point right
>but that does not make Indian immigrants good or wanted.
fair enough
but I am not the coward here hiding under memeflags or doing takkiya
watch as the muzzcorders will now accuse you of being Indian
I'm not the one coming into a thread about how shit their country and race of invasive parasite shitskin dalits is so I can cope. You're the one seething as usual.
You have no defense for your actions and you can't stand the endless ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED hatred of your disgusting kind so all you can do is click the report button instead of fucking off and leaving us alone.
Nobody wants millions of rapejeets on their english speaking websites or in their countries. You add nothing of value.
Using steam, and in most cases, just werks. But in same time, playing older games, and strategy games (less demanding on system). Have no idea how more demanding ones would perform.
my ancestral homeland, it's over

Except my comment still stands. It's you who cannot conceptualize that your propaganda will never stick because it's divorced from reality.
>Still seething

Forgot to post the flowers
You don't even have the balls to show your real flag takkiya ratkike
but don't worry
it's only a matter of time before your ummahcord is found
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>I got banned from /int/ the other day by one of those Hindu rape rat infiltrators.
I don't even go to the board. Just let it die. /int/ is the perfect example of how Pajeets infest a board or website, spam endlessly and just constantly click the report button until the site is nothing but India and everyone leaves. Then they spread their wings and migrate to the next website to shit up. They did it to /biz/, they did it to /int/ they did it to /v/ and they constantly try do it to /pol/
>my ancestral homeland
It was originally a pagan religion
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what exactly is divorced from reality? they're posting videos and pics, are we supposed to not believe our lying eyes?
believe you instead?
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Your current homeland too.
>The operating system of the white man is mac os x.

Here Mac Os have reputation that it is more widespread among homosexuals and vegans. In result, if not forced by company, likely would not use Mac, even if offered for free. In USA, where Mac Os is used by like third or may be half of population, it might be different.
The world need a way to exterminate this rats in one fell swing.
I can smell everyone out. He's glowing like a christmas tree.
Proton does work, but the thing is if you need to use Wine, what people tell you is that when "everything works with a bit of tweaking" is that sometimes things simply don't work, let's use a dumb example, no audios in the cutscenes, or the textures are bugged in certain areas. Things like that are annoying.
I don't play many new games either, old games are based, new games are good as well if they're made by people that actually love to play games and aren't faggots.
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I'm just going to stop speaking to you because you're just shitjeet number 1,152,621,157 out of 1.6 billion and growing and your opinions don't even matter.
If you can't understand why you are hated that's not my problem.
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>Pictures and videos

I think you are proving my point even more. The only people you can convince with the propaganda are those who actually don't live among Indians and their only source of info in the matter is a spastic Australian on a basket weaving forum

They are doing it on /pol/ too, but since it's just a cabal of Hindu rape rat jannies, they can't be as blatant less the other jannies discover them. A few weeks ago there was a horrific video all over /pol/ of a Hindu rape rat fucking a dead corpse full of maggots, and the jannies kept banning everyone who posted it for "illegal content" even though it was clearly not illegal. You also get threads being deleted randomly but never the endless spam and bait threads by the Hindu proxyjeets
you had to go pick porn though
they are not posting porn, they are just posting life in india
>Join nato
>Billions of jeets pouring in
balts are such cucks it's not even funny
cucked by communism and then cucked by globohomo one after the other
>If the rumors of Windows 12 being a subscription service are true, Microsoft will die.

As much I know, department of which develops Windows OS are under department of Office. Basically, Microsoft Office is their main product, while Windows is just accessory. As long as they can keep Office decent-ish, they should be ok.
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>Here Mac Os have reputation that it is more widespread among homosexuals and vegans.

How many non-white vegans do you know? If we only allowed mac users to post on 4chan, this board would be instantly saved from the endless Hindu rape rat hordes that are shitting these boards up.

Porn IS life in the west. People are doing this for money. Making that decision. Furthermore a lot of shit eating videos from India you post are performative too.
Indians honest to fucking god don't understand that people have a real reason to hate them, this is why every single pro-jeet meme is an inversion of existing memes, they think people say shit about them for the sake of it, they don't understand that memes are based on reality and that that's the reason why they stick. Remember the anti poo AI pictures? when this was happening they immediately began anti-american and even anti-mexican AI pictures where they tried to replicate the pictures of indians shitting themselves but for other ethnicities. THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THOSE PICS WERE MADE WITH INDIANS. They saw the pictures and they are truly convinced that they were made like that for the sake of it, they do not understand they are based on reality because they can't see reality. From their perspective they are clean, fron their perspective it's normal and natural to live in filth, from their perpsective cow shit is sacred
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good morning sirs
>Porn IS life in the west
but you were the one that posted, and you're indian

It happened to Finland too. >>482816468
>inb4 the snow chinks cope with "at least they're not Russian"
The only reason I even have office on my computer is because of a free version from my university. Most of their business comes from bulk consumers in institutions and not actual people that go and purchase Microsoft Office.
There is nothing I would use it for in my daily life and if I had to pay for it I wouldn't use it at all. I can easily get open office or one of the many alternatives that does the same thing.
>they think people say shit about them for the sake of it

No. It's a targeted agenda. Nobody says some Indians don't do some weird things that may not be palatable to other cultures. But the brigading IS propaganda. The point is to shoehorn that this is what all Indians are and all that they are.

You clearly can't do abstraction otherwise you'd see the distinction. But then again you are likely disingenuous to begin with
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>>Porn IS life in the west
I don't see porn when I go outside. Just endless floods of shitskin parasite invaders from India.
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i just see my neighbors and cows/horses

You were talking about le "pictures and videos" and forming your entire perception from those.

I posted a picture of two clearly white guys living in the west having Anal butt sex (performative butt sex is still butt sex)

Don't be pedantic and get the point
>Porn IS life

poop is life

And how many of them have you yourself seen and recorded shitting in the streets?

My. Point. Stands.
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i did get your point, mine was: the .webms that they post is not porn, it's normal life in india
you had to go find porn to even compare to something bad. why don't you post indian porn then? it's just cuckoldry
i'm against porn in india and in the west, to be clear, but you're the one being dishonest here
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Based. Total Poo Death.
Why are they invited into every white country? I don't care whether they work hard or not. They are polluting the local culture and ethnic composition.
>it's normal life in india

It IS normal life in the west for two men to have anal butt sex in California for money
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I wish I had that option. Sadly the first person I see when I walk outside is usually a Pajeet and I'll see 20-30 of them on my way to the store that's just a few hundred meters from my house. They're everywhere and increasing exponentially. Entire suburbs of my city have just become India. There are no Australians there.
If you ever need to know just how subhuman Hindu rape rats are- ALL OF THEM ARE- just read this. No one should ever import these subhuman rape rats except into a gas chamber.

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you literally invented transgender faggots, dude
it's normal life for faggots to have gay buttsex, and it's normal life for indians to eat poop
the fact you're pretending you don't understand this is proof enough that you don't have an argument
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>I posted a picture of two clearly white guys living in the west having Anal butt sex (performative butt sex is still butt sex)

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Jews, as always.
The destruction of /int/ is precisely why I added a mention of "bioavailable vitamins" in my pasta
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Don't you have a little girl to rape abdul?
i meant to quote>>482827811
Lithuania? Ah, that's far away. I would need to drive all day to get to their capital city.
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>Khajuria first attempted to strangle the girl with his bare hands, but when that did not work,
KEK that fucking weak grip strength. Can't even strangle an unconscious 8 year old girl.
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The important thing there is that this is taught at Hindu temples. Child rape is a core part of the Hindu religion. Shiva raped 6 year old Rukmini, other gods did the same shit. So child rape is a holy practice for them. They literally rape babies in their temples. They are subhuman in every way possible.

Pretty sure /r9k/ is mostly just a bunch of prison gay faggots and troons that think they're grooming young incel virgins for sex but actually they're just grooming pajeet Poocels.
I don't know how they can just destroy a board like /int/ and then pretend that literally everyone leaving the board and it dying is some kind of improvement.
They did the same to Quora and I forsee X taking a similar route.
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X is already jeeted although it's still based if you want to shit on everyone else, including kikes. The problem is that Hindu rape rats are the ones who need to be talked about and they are infiltrating and censoring every website.
>The important thing there is that this is taught at Hindu temples
It's quite sad that the little girl had to die to rapejeets. But then again she is one herself and they raped another 23 million of themselves into existence last year alone apparently.
Only a Pajeet could think that a plan to rape and murder someones daughter to get them to leave the area was a good or justified thing to do. That story sums up everything about the Pajeet mind set really.
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the baby girl was polish
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>Hare Krishna
just larping hippies

I won't engage in this game with you because you clearly have given up your ability to reason in favour of whatever carnal pleasure you achieve from lying about Indians and Indian culture. I know that the right /Pol/ response would be to just call you a filthy monkè and move on.

What I would say finally is what I've already said before. Your propaganda will fail because:

People of other cultures who actually live among Indians will notice that:

1. Indian immigrants are actually not shitting in the streets en masse or eating shit.

2. That the "media" that you hold so dear as proof of your distorded (intentionally?) worldview is exception not the rule. And actually much less commonplace than white men having Anal butt sex. Or white women eating human feces for that matter.

And for that it'll grow into nothing more than a joke among middle schoolers and internet memes shared by spastic Australians on an anime website.
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Why did your prophet rape a little girl tho?
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>X is already jeeted although it's still based if you want to shit on everyone else, including kikes.
I see no reason. The reporjeets killed two of my accounts there and got someone I enjoyed talking to arrested for posting videos of herself flipping them off.
What is the point of being on a website with seething reportjeets that will literally contact your fucking government to try get you arrested if you say one word about their shithole race or country?
X can die.
I don't care you get what you signed up for.
I'm going to laugh at all the EUtard bitching impotently at the pajeet floods.
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Yeah I bet those "larping hippies" will vote the right way when India starts demanding you take in tens of millions of single, fighting age Hindu male rape rats every year
2 more years and toronto would feel as warm and welcoming as Delhi lmao.

Yeah I knew Elon would cuck to the kikes eventually but I didn't expect him to turn a blind eye to the rapejeets banning people on behalf of India. This is a national security threat far worse than MUH RUSSIANS ever were, how come the FBI doesn't investigate Indian/Hindu infiltrating and censorship across the internet to help promote endless Hindu invasion into our countries?
Such is the fear of satan XD
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>but I didn't expect him to turn a blind eye to the rapejeets banning people on behalf of India.
They will always use any opportunity to punch down on whites and destroy them and having seething reportjeets infest all white spaces on X saves them money on having to monitor wrongthink. They literally have Pajeets there that will do it for free.
They know that Indian Cyber defender and all the other seething reportjeet telegrams and discords exist and choose to ignore it.
So in my view X can die and I do not care about that platform any longer. I just refuse to ever use it again.
Much like Facebook, I lost nothing of value by leaving the platform for good.
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We really do deserve global white genocide. I don't even care anymore, I'm completely demoralized.
>Burger flag
>Bug ai
>Shit vomiting art
>see jeets
>wish for white genocide
let me guess, you're around 2% jewish
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Don't worry. A million more years of evolution and you'll get there eventually
Why don't they stay in their own country?
incapable of self-reflection
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Being demoralized at white people doing their weird Hindu cow poo rituals and celebrating their replacement.

This is happening everywhere, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia. Normie white people support mass immigration and white replacement by arabs, Africans, rapejeets, mexicans, etc. It's over.
so he is from pakistan using a meme flag
cant even buy a proper diaspora flag
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Mom's credit card put to good use.

I'm waiting to see how the Barry Stanton thing plays out. He said he is in contact with someone who has a direct line to Elon Musk. This might be the thing that brown pills elon on the Hindu rapejeet problem and he ends up rooting out and firing the Hindu rape rat visajeets working at X. Keep in mind people like Candace Owens are dropping giga redpills on Jews and would not be able to do it anywhere else. But I repeat that it's the Hindu shitskin rape rat who is the most dangerous threat and the least talked about.
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It's a shithole. There's no jobs there and massive unemployment. They don't have enough education or infrastructure or anything else to cater for their ever increasing number of worthless rapejeets so they have to flee to infest everywhere else.
They are like a plague of locusts or rats.
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imagine having to live in india
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is that me or you?
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>I'm waiting to see how the Barry Stanton thing plays out. He said he is in contact with someone who has a direct line to Elon Musk.
Elon will do nothing. X made their decision on Barry not once but 3 times and that decision was to throw whites under the bus to cater to reportjeets.
I will never use the platform again and I feel at this point I will never sign up for any social media or website again unless I have the option to block India.
>around 2% jewish
Is that Mars™? Snicker™? Or the good ol southern frontier delicacy?
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But i don't live in india
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you're 770 times more likely to be muslim than i am, they're 14% of your population
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Based Brazil upgrading with true aryan genetics. Now the extermination of the two great aryan parasitic enemies, jews and hindus, will be a global effort.
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Why is there an optimus prime casually chilling in the back?
AI self-insert, it's a vouyer
you are not muslim yet
but in ideals you are one already
this post of yours explains it well
>it's a vouyer
Dayum, you are even worse esl than me.
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none of those posts were me though
this poster here has an indian flag
is it you?
he is observing your people
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>thread posted for whites
>on a white imageboard
>board gets infested by Hindu rape rats
>even then they still have to infest the threads that explicitly hate them and chimp out

Why is it only ever Hindu rape rats who are like roaches like this?
voyeur? sorry i don't write that shit often
As bad as pajeets are, I'll happily swap you
>country overrun by muzzies
>barbaric inbred arabs and muzzie jets everywhere
>people stabbed to death
>apartments randomly broken into and old people beaten, stabbed, raped
>will try to rob you in the middle of the street
>will stab you if they can't rob you fast enough
>he is observing your people
Why? Lost his job to them?
It's quite a difficult word to spell. So is Amateur which is why there are multiple categories for both on Xvideos.
It's a brown thing.
I frequently make threads shitting on Muslims and it gets brigaded by muzzie diaspooora seething.
this is easy to tell since you never criticize islam or muslims
your anti indian tirade started after oct 7 2023
its extremely easy to put 1 and 1 = you are islam apologist

you consider muslims as allies - 100% correct
You dont find it necessary to criticize islam - 100% correct
you are pro islamic immigration = more or less correct
You think Islam is based = 100% correct

you dont disagree with any of these 4 statements
lol, you are okay pajeet, I smiled and chuckled a bit. Hope you are having a great day
Here are some sources to get brownpilled on the Hindu rape rats before the thread dies. Everyone bookmark these

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Gonna have to agree with Rajesh here, far too many sucas simping for islam.
Unsurprising of course:
>that many Arabs in Brazil
>your anti indian tirade started after oct 7 2023
>this is easy to tell since you never criticize islam or muslims
did many times, but i mostly come to shit on you, yeah
>you consider muslims as allies
i only consider my own people as allies
>You dont find it necessary to criticize islam
already did and posted you a link showing why someone with a CROSS TATTOO on their arm wouldn't be muslim
here it is yet again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa6RT6MFzzA&t=1s
>you are pro islamic immigration
incorrect, i'm against all types of immigration
>You think Islam is based
also incorrect, you just think that because i bully you
i already posted the stats, it's only 35k: >>482831777
he's a jeet

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