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Can anyone make a coherent right wing argument against Israel?
“We should conserve the money for ourselves”
The Kike's claim is a theological one, and that theology is wrong. It is a demonstrable heresy. See 2000 years of Church history. Start with Premillenialism vs Amillenialism.
Can you make one, based on actual right wing principles, for supporting Israel?
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That's something I agree with mostly in that we give them too much money, but that's not an argument against Israel itself, just our financial support of them.
“Israel is the stabilizing force in the Middle East, without Israel the US would no longer have hegemony over sounding Arabia, Jordan, etc. China would”
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israel targets children, a vile war crime.
They're destroying our countries, which is the antithesis of conservation.

Otherwise, I don't give a shit who they murder in the brown people countries, the more the better - but you just know they'll send the survivors to us.
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rape is a war crime.
I think war crimes only apply to the killing of humans
>They killed JFK for denying them nuclear weapons which they stole from the US
>They planned or atleast allowed 9/11 to happen with knowledge of it happening
>They have stolen state secrets from the us
>Their agents like Epstein blackmail American politicians
>USS liberty
>Lavon Affair
>They are actively spying on citizens all over the world

And this is only the top of the ice berg with an emphesis on the Berg
they kill babies... intentionally
1% of the population
99% of the government officials
they have thus taken our rights to self-determination away.
the only reason Israel exists is because people in charge of the winning side of a war said so, against all will of Palestinians.
Winning a war waged from Germany to Russia has never and will never justify the re-allocation of land in the middle-east.
Thus, Israel's existence is unjustified.

What about the center wing?
jews decide what is war crime
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Then Hitler did nothing wrong.
And thanks for proving my point asshole.
It's so cringe to listen to you modern kikes, at least your forebears had an idea of nuance. You idiots are just growing more delusional by the year, history will only repeat with the roles reversed
Might is right. None of that is persuasive against right wing support for Israel.
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I hope every last kike is destroyed. And as long as my government supports them, my government is my enemy
>Israel is the stabilizing force
>the country currently attacking most of it's neighbors and that every other nation in the region hates is the stabilizing force
That's exactly what black radical leftists say about white people.
They stole our nuclear weapons tech and have conducted extensive false flags, spying, cointel ops etc. against us, 9/11, JFK, the list goes on and on.
The right wing generally values courage and independence. Israel likes to hide behind America and beg for money and weapons, then pretends to be a victim when their targets retaliate. No spine, no balls, just endless complaining and whining while dropping American bombs on children.
And I respect their opinion. Now, on to destroying the kike menace
That is one of the first right wing arguments that makes sense, but you could argue that they help us more than they hurt us.
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Unironically in a totally non-MAGA'tard way, America first. All foreign aid, including to Israel, is bullshit and hurts the average US citizen. Dual citizenship should be the same as being a traitor or spy for another country. Why the fuck do all of our congressmen and senators have an APAIC minder? Why is the State Department and intel agencies staffed with so many dual citizens?

If China or Russia were doing to us what Israel is, there would be a civil war to oust all that influence, and then we'd go to war with that country for subverting our politics, culture, and economy.
Idgaf what you say as long as we kill all Jews.
theocracy bad and should be bombed
yes the vatican too
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You've had close to a century to resolve the Israel/Palestine issue and like with everything else regarding you useless bloodrinking mendicants, the rest of the world has to do your job for you or it'll be shit or never complete...
So go take your daily retardnap and it'll be done if you wake up, but we're gonna use the muppet plan we tried to elaborate in vain to you earlier. Picrel
You could argue that if you are ignorant and brainwashed and blinded by religious beliefs.

They faked their Holocaust and for many if not the vast majority of Christians, even their understanding of the relationship of their religion to the Jews is all twisted and fucked up and fake.

People don't even know that the Jewish Talmud wasn't completed until 600 AD or thereabouts, that is says Jesus is boiling in shit in Hell and that Jews need to lie to the goyim and not reveal the teachings of the Talmud, etc.
>but you could argue that they help us more than they hurt us
What fucking help?
They are genociding Europeans
I really doubt you understand how exactly theyve been propped up so long.
Without the financial support they would disintegrate, therefore it's one and the same thing
The Byzantine empire was an explicitly Christian state with an absolute monarch. It lasted for a thousand years and was second only to the Roman empire in greatness.
There isn't one except joos

The Nazis were leftwing.

Israel, as a successful ethnonationalist state, should be celebrated by the right and emulated by other ethnicities.
>We give them vouchers
>so they can buy weapons from US companies
>They have to pay it back
>We aren't just giving them free shit
If I give you $10 to buy $10 worth of candy from me, did that actually cost you anything?
Yeah, we just give them billions of dollars, free access to our politicians, and discounts on our military equipment. You're right, we barely give them anything, the poor things. We should be giving them more!
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>Israel is the stabilizing force in the Middle East
Lmao good one. Too many people are aware of the oded yinon plan for that to fall for that
Right article is fake. Delete.
Just like the imported niggers from the fed government get free vouchers for food, housing, free cars and drivers licenses without any tests. I won't hesitate to kill you or your family if you support this shit.
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>All foreign aid
Surely you won't deprive the poor lil jews of your homeland security grants?
His, now deleted, argument doesn't even fucking make sense. Unless you're using kike logic I suppose.
Saying Israel is a stabilizing force in the region is like saying hitting a wasp nest is a friendly and safe way to introduce yourself to stinging insects.
What I said still stands.
>What I said still stands.
No, it fucking doesn't. If Dave & Busters gives you some of their play money to spend on shit, and then you spend it on that shit, Dave & Busters received nothing while you received that shit.
If I give you $10 to buy $10 worth of candy from me, did that actually cost you anything?
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Foreign parasite controlling your country is good now lmao.
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Here's a few reasons among the plethora why Israel deserves to be made the shiniest status in ME, by glassing it...
Next time you hit a pothole in your car, remember, about 10% of your taxes go to Israel
It does. I'm going to hunt down Jews and murder them and their families and take everything they own. What are you going to do to stop me? Nothing. That's what. Stfu faggot. You're all going to be hunted down and killed. I hope you realize that
Israel will wipe out Christianity and subjugate our population the second they get the chance.
It is time for you to leave your fake country on stolen land
Did you mean to post that with a different VPN?
In the book of Revelation, Yahweh/God's chosen people are gathered to that land *after* Jesus returns.
Kek, this must be a bait OP
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Will dump the rest of my collection here if some of you bump the thread:
The central tenet of the right is worship of Israel, so obviously they are not going to provide such an argument.
His wife died suddenly (not vaccinated) a few weeks after this interview.
Nah the feds got my ID changing every post I make on my cell. Maybe it's to discredit me or maybe it's to give me plausible deniability. Idgaf, I stand by everything I said and I never try to hide.were coming for all you kikes, gonna murder your families and take everything you have
if it wasn't taken from anyone who matters, is it really "stolen"?
lol yeah there was just an empty space there until the UK said "now Israel is there"
You're literally retarded, it's the only country in the world that is perpetually at war. It's entire purpose is to destabilize the middle east so that mudshits don't unite and kick out Western influence
>Jews are born traitors and can be trusted by no movement striving for the betterment of the ingroup, IE any non-cucked rightwing or even some of the legacy left wing
>Israel is an escape vector for traitorous antinational Jews, who at every turn sabotage any and every actual right wing movement, capitalist liberal neocohens do not count
>the Mossad runs child sex blackmail operations to compromise western politicians, IE Epstein
>they do this so we'll accept masses of refugees from the Middle East and Africa they themselves create
>the purpose of this is to disenfranchise/miscegenate/directly kill whites and scare diaspora Jews into making aliyah to the ponzi scheme of Israel
>these diaspora are to be fed along with conscripted goy into a meatgrinder of doomed expansionist wars for Greater Israel to try and claim everything 'from the Nile to the Tigris to the Euphrates'
>Jews have wrecked the world economy as the worst tech industry moles & cheats and by fucking up the price of oil by fooling NATO into killing all their and the Saudis' rivals, secular Arab nationalists, etc
>Jews were the disproportionate inventers of vanguard state communism and assistants in the rise of hybrid State Capital-Maoism, the antithetical enemy of 'the right wing'
>Jews intend to kill the entire world with atomic weapons in the Samson Option if Israel or the world domination of Jewry is ever existentially threatened
>They want to steal depopulated southeastern Ukraine with the Heavenly Jerusalem project so they can have two rogue nuclear states full of aid thieving child porn producing Hasidic welfare ultrakikes, now with atomic power plants to mint infinite shitcoin
TKD, including OP
Israel did 9/11.



Israel has a long history of using false-flag attacks against us.

>The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists"...

And let's not forget the USS Liberty:



Israel's attack on the USS Liberty was a failed attempt at a false-flag operation. The plan was to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame it on the Egyptians so that the U.S. would bomb Cairo and send in troops. Fortunately, the Liberty survived (but with 34 dead and 171 wounded). Unfortunately, shabbos goy President Lyndon Johnson (whose mistress, Mathilde Krim, was a Mossad agent) made sure the entire incident was swept under the rug, and the crew of the Liberty was threatened with court martial if they spoke to the press about what happened.

Here are some of the people who helped plan the 9/11 false-flag operation and carry it out: Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Philip Zelikow, Ehud Olmert, Larry Silverstein, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush, along with the scores of Israeli operatives arrested by the FBI but ordered released by Chertoff and returned to Israel where they were lionized.

Nuke Tel Aviv as payback for 9/11 and give what's left of "Israel" back to the Palestinians.
>I stand by everything I said
But what you said was actually retarded, you understand that yes?
They obliterate sandniggers and then force white countries to accept "refugees" that they previously deemed as terrorists. They brainwash the white normies into lowering their guard with niggers and promote racemixing and porn. Etc, they do too much evil stuff.
They won't say it's fear. Well now everyone knows. They are either cowards or stupid to support Israel.
Right wing and left wing are golem spells used to control you retard
>but you just know they'll send the survivors to us.
No..I'm going to kill you and your family and take everything you have. We'll see who comes out on top in the end
Hello poojet, did things get to real for you on chip? You know with all the bullying and that's why you aren't spamming our thread
You're a pajeet being paid by Israel to shill. I'm not a random woman by myself against you and five of your cousins in Hindoostand. You're not a threat to me.
Israel also got caught stealing nuclear technology and material from America, but by pure coincidence, the Attorney General at the time was a jew, and decided not to prosecute.

Israel regularly does shit that would be grounds for war if it was any other country, especially if a supposed ally was regularly betraying us in such obvious ways, but they get away with it every time, no consequences, because our politicians bow to them.
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Tbh it seems it was a bad move to get your own land. In only 70 years you have gotten almost the whole globe to hate you, recently eve so more openly and even those who still speak for you, only do it because of getting paid/blackmailed and hate you behind your back. Thats 200 countries and their inhabitants.
At least as a landless travelling plague you only managed to be kicked out of 300 places in a few Millennia. Where next? The moon?
That's a weak argument. In the end you and your family still get slaughtered and everything you own belongs to me
>Takes my tax money
>lobbies my politicians to work against my interest
>destroys my country's image by defending their crimes "mainly killing kids and women"
>wanna drag me to a war to die for it's shit "greater israel"
They can pursue whatever conquest they want, with their money. END ALL FOREIGN AID, END ALL TAXATION.
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
Noooo, every human civilization has been mean to jews for absolutely no reason. It's not because they always do disgusting things and hurt everyone around them. Hundreds of cultures and people just decided to be mean to jewish people for no reason at all.
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I would feel hungry to murder you and your family.
who was there? a bunch of primitive desert goatfuckers living in the 11th century? who gives a fuck about them?
move, bitch. get out the way. western civilization coming through.
>Can anyone make a coherent right wing argument against Israel?
israel should not exist
jews should not exist

any more questions?
It's insane how many sellouts are there. They control the american "democracy" pretty much.
>It's entire purpose is to destabilize the middle east so that mudshits don't unite and kick out Western influence

sorry - was this supposed to be an argument AGAINST supporting Israel?
you retard shitreal is actively destabilizing the middle east while pushing everyone away from America saudia just made 30 billion dollar deal with china while killing the petrodollar everyone is screaming for an end to America arming israel.
and now they wanna open a second front to drag America into a war.
Right wing in what sense? Economically? Socially? A libertarian's argument differs from a paleo-con or neo-con position. Do you mean religiously? Evangelical Right supports Israel, but TradCath and old Lutheran are against it. Define your terms, sir.
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Ya, you're a pajeet. Bummer, man.
Judaism has more in common with Islam than Christianity.
Also, not our backyard, not our problem.
Still going to laugh when I'm slitting the throats of you and your children
Muzzies don't have civilians against Jews and Christians.
Yo, you're SatanAnon.
>before israel
no islamic anti america terrorist groups
>after israel
7 islamic militant groups that are actively getting stronger

remember Hezbollah was nothing before Israel invaded Lebanon. the more israel starts wars the stronger their enemies become
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if you don't keep the mudslimes under control, they will be in your background, and be your problem.
idiots blame israel for muslim rapefugees in europe without realizing that in a world with no israel, the muslim invaders wouldn't need to pretend to be refugees, they'd be coming in large, well-equipped armies like they were for 95% of european history.
picrel was the heartland of europe less than 200 years ago.
It's Europe's problem.
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>>before israel
>no islamic anti america terrorist groups

you're either a maliciously dishonest muslim doing taqiyyah or an actual retard. about equal likelihood of each.
there was ISIS in europe in the early 19th century. they were called "bashi bazouks" at the time. but they did all the usual ISIS shit: beheading, burning children alive, raping women, raping children, etc.
I'm Jesus. Dug myself out of that vat of shit and semen you were boiling me in. Now whose gonna save you? Not enough chickens in the world to absolve you of your sins.
Yeah. The most fertile and productive lands in the entire region left completely empty until Israel was made to exist.

Western civilization? They're a parasite on it, a destabilizing force, they contribute nothing, they only take and take while simultaneously weakening their hosts. And when the people notice and complain about it, controlled media and legal forces are used to shut it down, like some sort of immune system.
A foreign government should be able to influence our government to such a degree. We literally have presidential candidates arguing more about which one will be better for Israel than about who is better for America. We send them billions and then they use part of it to bribe our politicians. We let their dual citizens who have more loyalty to Israel than to the USA take part in governance. We fight all their wars for them while they fight in none of ours, we have made enemies with most of the world for them while they actively sell our state secrets to those enemies. Literally the only reason conservatives support Israel is because Mossad pimps out children to be fucked on camera and then fills our governments with more paedos who can all be controlled the same way.
>there was ISIS in europe in the early 19th century
And that should matter to America because...
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We dont even need to make any. Just luok at what you kikes say when you think nobody hears and what you do and condone (mass murder, pedopphilia, bloood harvest, lie ä, cheat, steal, backstab, endless list desu.) is argument a plenty why you and your ilk dont deserve to live. Its actually Hard to come up with a single redeeming factor about you that benefits anyone on this planet. You yourselves included
Without Jews, it would be very unlikely non-whites would be in Western countries in any numbers. This includes Muslims. Remove that influence, and it wouldn't matter how naughty Muslims were, because they would be largely restricted to their own countries.
I'm no5 boiling you in anything, you schizo. I denounce the Talmud.
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at least they invent shit, unlike useless muslims who come over only to get on welfare and form rape gangs.
Checked. Its because we have worked with jews before. Thats why.
I'll tell you if you take that vpn off and show us your real flag, abdullah
So now you're a kike denouncing the Talmud. I've seen everything apparently.
>Can anyone make a coherent right wing argument against Israel?
Jews are racial supremacists for a race that is not my race and Israel is their ethnostate. Supporting them in any way would be like a black person supporting the KKK.
For one? Not a big fan of the Jews. For two, we have our own problems on the homefront, this globalism stuff is nicht so gut.
>only to get on welfare and form rape gangs
Sounds an awful lot Hasidics.
There are 2 possible scenarios:
1. OP is retarded
2. OP already knows the following...
It's good if you are a right wing Israeli.
It's bad if you are right wing in a nation getting jewed.
This is my real flag and I'm White, kike. Red hair, blue eyes, and I burn in the sun.
What are you talking about? What page of the Torah do you need to be on to believe the lie that Palestine was literally just sitting completely empty for thousands of years despite its location and history?

>"We have forgotten that we have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from people inhabiting it"

Moshe Sharett, Israel's second Prime Minister (1953-1955):

It wasn't until recent memory that Israelis started pretending it was empty and tricked retarded bible belter and Jew Yorkers that was the case.
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muslims invaded the west non-stop for over a thousand fucking years. was it because of jews that bearded rapists were kidnapping americans off the high seas so aggressively that we had to send the marines after them more than two hundred fucking years ago?
Is that bald Jesus?
You've seen Jack shit and need to take your meds, retard. Stop doing dph and frying your brain. Go back to /x/
What does loving or hating a country have to do with the political wing war?
>muslims invaded the west non-stop for over a thousand fucking years
Guess who quite literally opened the gates for them?
>was it because of jews that bearded rapists were kidnapping americans off the high seas so aggressively that we had to send the marines after them more than two hundred fucking years ago?
No, but that was also two hundred years ago and well settled. It could easily be well settled again if they decide to get froggy again. Kikes, like you, are actively harming us right now.
My goal is to conserve the nation my lineage helped to build. Israel and Jews in general are the greatest threat to the future of America. It doesnt even come close. Russian nukes would be less distructive than jews and Israel.
>Reads the Quran
>"There is no reasoning with these savages." -Jefferson
>Establish military branch just to crush their boats
I didn't say the land was "empty". I said that it was empty of anyone who actually mattered. do you think I'm some leftist faggot who is going to cry about a bunch of illiterate low-IQ child rapists getting pushed off their land?
they weren't doing anything worthwhile with that territory. fuck 'em. do you think we should have just let the stone age retard injuns squat on valuable territory forever, too?
What would happen if the US and nato forces abandoned Israel?
so jews are bad because they somehow facilitated muslims invading europe to rape and enslave white people.
so therefore, we should... help muslims to rape and enslave white people?
So you come out left field trying to defend a kike. I assume youre a Satan worshipping kike too. I got your number. I thank you for making yourself apparent.
>do you think I'm some leftist faggot who is going to cry about a bunch of illiterate low-IQ child rapists getting pushed off their land
If it were your fellow jews, which many are in fact very low-IQ and almost all of them are child rapists, yes you'd be kvetching quite a bit about a whole nudda shoah.
you sould like a hasbara-kike desu
read some history if you are legitimate ignorant.
World Peace
Please keep that exact train of thought in mind when someone in the government takes your land from you for their own projects deemed more valuable than your existence.
>we should... help muslims to rape and enslave white people?
How does wiping out a group of people that are quite literally doing exactly what YOU describe, mean that ackshually we're doing it?
He's absolutely a kike.
No we should just stop giving isreal money and let the muslims murder them for us. Then if they try to attack europe them we do something.
was there supposed to be some reason I should give a shit about muslim trash getting genocided off "their" land in this post?
why the fuck do you? are you a muslim?
>right wing
>left wing
Get fucked retard. Those terms have never been useful except to describe parts of a bird. There's a Christian argument against the modern state of Israel, which is all you need
what did I say that was ahistorical?
if I was an arape and/or a muslim, the government would be well justified taking my land from me, because literally any project would be more valuable than my existence
Not at all, we just both know that you cried tears of impotent rage on October 7th last year. I can see your nose from here, kike.
Because everytime it happens where do you think those Muslims go retard?
Everytime you destabilize a nation and fund Islamic extremism to fight stable governments what do you think ends up happening to you after a while? You complete fucking moron Jew.
>because literally any project would be more valuable than my existence
Well, you are a kike, so that is in fact true. Gimme your address and we can make this a reality.
I denounce the talmud. jew fairy tales are all bullshit. fuck moses in the ass.
now, can you talk shit about Mohammed? call him out as the pedophile pig-fucker he is? or will you "mysteriously" get all respectful of this 7th century schizoid trailer trash who convinced a bunch of camel-piss-drinking retards that he talked to an angel?
They are the natural enemy of Islam, the most powerful right-wing ideology on earth.
Perhaps. We shall see if you feel the same way. When the nigger breaks into your house with the same lack of regard for your own existence I wonder if you'll empathise with him and say yeah I deserve that because he thought my existence was worthless.
let them build nuclear weapons and amass into an army and then we'll deal with them. wow, amazing fucking plan you've got there. everyone knows the absolute best way to deal with a problem is to let it grow out of control and only confront it when it comes breaking down your front door
>There's a Christian argument against the modern state of Israel
>which is all you need
I mean, maybe to finally convince your fellow kike-worshippers that supporting Israel is not in our interest. But not super great for those people that don't believe in fairytales.
No Muslim terrorist ever called me a goy or charged me 30+% interest.
muslims will always try to invade the west. it's what they do. they don't need jews for that.
Mohammad was a rapist, I've actually killed sandniggers in Afghanistan, it was the only thing worth a damn I ever did in that shithole. You are a kike.
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I'll just shoot the nigger, thanks. just like israelis are shooting the niggers trying to invade their country, lol
And you kikes always help them.
>hasn't read the early life section of the joseph pullitzer wikipage
Just stop lying. For once in your fucking yid fucking life just stop.
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yeah, like, what did muslims ever do to us, senpai?
Not a real quote.
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>they weren't doing anything worthwhile with that territory
either you are an edgy teen or a sionist fuck.
>please ignore the dancing Israeli's
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They didn't do that to me, they did that to Larry Silverstain and pro-tip, it was the Jews.
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you mean the muslim paleshitstainians?
I lived through this shit as a kid. every time I am tempted to feel the slightest drop of sympathy for paleshitstainian women and children getting blown up this past year I think back to that ugly fat sow with the glasses, sticking her tongue out and hooting like an ape.
fuck these people. fuck them all to death. I hope the kikes do the job fucking properly and wipe out every last one of them this time.
The Arabs that the USA armed funded trained and established to fight moderate and secular governments?
You literally created the taliban and the Israelis funded and planned out 9-11 you poor little kike thrall.
by "moderate and secular governments" you mean commie trash?
yeah, in retrospect, it was a bad idea. but just because trying to fight ebola with AIDS is a bad idea doesn't mean that ebola is fucking good.
I also refer to several of your fellow members of the tribe that watched the towers fall, danced, got arrested, were released, and they & their offices immediately disappeared/got emptied. But you knew that, because you're a kike.
Checked what is the left argument? Also why are you afraid of white people?
what do you mean by right-wing?
if you mean libertarian then it's easy.
not my country, not my problem. end all foreign aid
if you mean fascist then that should be obvious.
if you mean christian fundamentalist, the jews killed jesus and reject him as their savior.
they are definitionally the worst form of heretic possible.
other heretics like pagans are simply ignorant of christ's teachings.
even muslims acknowledge his existence and recognize him as a prophet.
to be honest, I don't know how you can be on the right and support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state funded by US taxpayers.
confirmed jew.
world policing is a leftwing position.
the left is internationalist/interventionist.
the right is nationalist/isolationist
Israel is not America.
Judaism is not American religion.
Yahweh is not American.
Every stein is a stain. Thank you for confirming this
no muslim is a civillian.
they are all soldiers for god according to their own beliefs
but... they're brown though....
I think most was suprised in the world that we did not take the vaxx, we used the sejd
No Jew is a civilian, they're all forced to enlist with the IDF. So now that we agree that every one is a soldier there should be no issue slaughtering them all?
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Their younger generation is supposedly right wing nationalist. So maybe as they get older Israel will become more based. Unfortunately, all their cousins are still and will probably still be actively subverting and destroying every white country on earth

So why should we ‘like’ them, in particular?
Alla vet att vi är inte kristna, våran monark har ingen makf
I really can't wait until Hezbollah kills you're wife and daughter while you're sleeping
none whatsoever.
Make Jerusalem Christian Again
Lavon Affair, Apollo Affair, U.S.S. Liberty, subverting our democracy with AIPAC, Johnathon Pollard, King David Hotel bombing, trying to take away my freedom of speech because somebody probably said "free Palestine" picrel, a kike judge in California forcing us to give taxes to illegal immigrants, giving us Amy Schumer, taking away our foreskins, being chameleons who only identify as White when they can use it to degrade us, starting up multiple degenerate interracial porn studios, getting into the sleeziest industries (porn/landlording/banking/lobbying/media), being fucking ugly, dragging American souls into their holy wars, unironically calling themselves "chosen ones," and sucking on baby penis.
Also they're religious and want me dead/enslaved for being an atheist. Also they murder children. Also they've destroyed over half of Gaza's infrastructure, which is only going to contribute to Europe's immigration crisis.

Any more fucking reasons you need?
Nothing wrong with the land. Give it back to the 1930's borders and expel the fake khazars.
Christians are slaves of the Jew. And I'm not saying I don't believe and follow Jesus.But he never spoke one word about Christianity. He said to go in your closet and pray
this is one of the better ones.
Ultra orthodox jews are right wing and anti-israel. You can probably start there. I am not rightwing so I can't really answer with such a perspective.
And now thanks to advances in technology that can't happen any more. The Marines were formed to stop Muslim piracy, and that's just what they did. Since then Muslims would be incapable of invading the US or immigrating here if not for Jewish insistence we change out immigration laws back in '65
Islam puts women in their place, places prohibitions on vice, has legally enforced prayer, etc.

You would think American conservatives would love it.
So what you're saying is that conquest, colonialism, and acting in the best interest of your own ethnic group is fine, even if it fucks over people already living there and who pose no immediate threat to you? Got it. In the future I'll send anyone complaining about Columbus day or supposed "white supremacy" to you so you can straighten them out for me.

Now you'll excuse me if I act in my own ethnic group's best interest and totally disentangle the US from Israeli influence.
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>was there supposed to be some reason I should give a shit about Muslim trash getting genocided off "their land"?

Is there supposed to be some reason I should give a shit about Jewish trash getting genocided off of "their land?

To be clear, I don't really give a shit about two sand tribes fighting each other on the other side of the world over shit that doesn't immediately affect my county. Both Jews and Muslims hate me and mine, want to conquer, kill, and enslave my people. One would bomb me and slight my throat, the other would impoverish me, send my children off to die in their bullshit wars, black mail our politicians, rape our kids, and otherwise scheme to bring about my downfall. Different methods, the same goals driven by the same hate. I have zero love for either. They can kill each other all they want, just do it over there and don't bother me about it.
There are many coherent arguments against them, but only a few good ones.
Complaining about USA funding israel is dumb, the amount of money given to them is too insignificant.

many such cases
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and why would china have stronger influence? because the USA is controlled by jews and the muslim countries won't trust a country run by jews?
You're a kike and it's see through
And whenever He wasn't traveling, resting, teaching, or performing miracles, Christ was talking mad shit to and about the Pharisees. Todays Jews are the direct ideological and sometime genetic descendants of those same Pharisees. They espouse the same demonic ego fluffing dogma they did then, they are the same stiff necked, dishonest, pride filled hustlers and back stabbers they were then. There's a reason they hate Christ so much, and a reason Christianity spend the vast majority of it's history excoriating Jews.
Yeah you are without a doubt a jew. You might not be aware of it but you are def 100% a KIKE
Somewhat fru>>482850211
I need some bumps.
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The us aid is 1/3 of the Israel gdp every year. Iirc since israels foundation. Thats money to be used on top of their already relatively enriched budget. Mostly to subvert and cause chaos around the world. On top of ll the nepotism and other benefitsthey suck from their hated "ally".
Then again, you are lithuanian so wtf would you know
*latvian, same shit just smaller and likely as kiked as your neighbour
They're jews. Nothing good has, or will come of it. It just causes more shit and mass immigration into white countries.
Yeah. Just kill kikes
Eternal blood libel by every White goy
Uss liberty
Kike killed Lincoln. McKinley, jfk.
Etc etc
Simpme as. Kikes have no argument t against it
>So what you're saying is that conquest, colonialism, and acting in the best interest of your own ethnic group is fine, even if it fucks over people already living there and who pose no immediate threat to you?

muslims pose an immediate threat to everyone, by virtue of being muslims. they constantly invade everyone they can reach. and unlike europeans who make the places they colonize better, muslims turn every place they go into another backwards pedophile shithole.
Israel is just bad financial sense. Your gas isn't cheaper, you're feeding a welfare state in the Middle East, gifting bribe money and arms to them only for them to lose against farmers and cultural prisoners in the region. Conservatives, being aspirationally jewish, should look after their wallet and cut ties for that reason alone.
>send my children off to die in their bullshit wars

in their "bullshit wars" against WHO?
against the aggressive horde that was attacking the west non-stop for a thousand fucking years and is still desperately trying to mount any kind of invasion that they can even now that they've been too beaten down to use overt military methods?
>muslims pose an immediate threat to everyone
Almost as much as kikes.
>against WHO
Things that directly threaten Israel by far more than they threaten us. You have a more negative impact.
And the point is that without Jews constantly promoting, paying for, and facilitating 3rd world immigration into Western countries, Muslims wouldn't be here to be a threat to whites. This is very obvious and well know to anyone on the non-boomer right. No Jews, or at least no Jews in the West and no Jewish influence in the West, and the attitudes of Muslims would be a moot point as far as whites were concerned. We could spend the rest of forever fighting against Muslims while importing them and defending Israel, or we could disengage from Israel, deport or limit the power of Jews in the West, and both problems would be addressed at the same time, and for much less cost in treasure, time, and blood.

I have to think you're being purposely obtuse if you don't get this obvious fact.
> "right wing"
Well then, good thing I'm not "right wing".
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>against the aggressive horde that was attacking the west non-stop for a thousand fucking years and is still desperately trying to mount any kind of invasion that they can even now that they've been too beaten down to use overt military methods?
Easy there pal, you are sounding AWFULLY antisemitic right about now.
Anon, he is very clearly a kike himself.
>the aggressive horde that was attacking the west non-stop for a thousand fucking years
Who exactly is that? Yids?
Muslims had been a zero threat to the US since the Barbary pirates were put down, right up until the state of Israel was created and a Jew pushed through the change in US immigration law in 1965. That gave Muslims a renewed reason to hate and attack the US while simultaneously opening up the gates to allow Muslims to immigrate here.

"See, they attack you just like they attack us! You have to kill them for us!" In truth they wouldn't be here attacking us if not for your own conscious actions. Muslims and their terror attacks in the West are a symptom. The cause is Jews pushing them in via immigration, attacking them over there, and using our resources to do it. There's a reason they call the US the Big Satan and Israel the Little Satan. You're like the shitty little brother that starts fights in a bar, then expects their quieter but bigger brother to beat up the guys you went out of your way to piss off. I'd rather just go home and let you both beat the crap out of each other. You deserve each other, and this fight is none of my concern.
You're right. But at this point I've become morbidly curious to see if I can get him to admit the painfully obvious point that there would be no Muslims in the West to cause us trouble if Jews weren't working so hard to import them while pissing them off.
>average eastern euro trash
I see you're working overtime jidf, i'm still not siding with kikes
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>but they did all the usual ISIS shit: beheading, burning children alive, raping women, raping children, etc.
Why do you keep repeating these vile antisemitic assertions? You need to stop questioning G-d's chosen people or else.
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>too much money
We should kill them if they don't give us money. They have money because they are killing the Palestinians and taking their shit. We should be taking their shit. They are little tinny pussies and need to be sending us money, the little faggots.
Oh it IS clear. So when do we start?
>sand nigs have been killing each other by the millions last few decades and theyre planning to kill more of each other in the future
>israel is the stabilizing force
more like the corrupting force

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