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These YouTubers intentionally go to Dalit slum areas or ride the lowest class train and complain that India is awful when 90% of the country is not like that.

This, you are 100% correct OP
I have a feeling these videos are funded by pakis, the India hate is so inorganic
As a white man I went to India before but in reality places like england and france is more dirtier
why is a jeet in Japan?
They're funny and collectable.
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Get the fuck out of Japan jeet jeet, you don’t belong there
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There's noting more organic than Indian hate.
Because it is a cesspool of degeneracy and makes for great content that people will watch.
I have lived with Indians in the USA, and there is nothing in these videos that I wouldn't dispute. The sense of cleanliness and hygiene is non-existent for many of them here
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Kira Thorn lives in Goa India, and claims she gets called racist all the time for not fucking Indians.
I had Indian kids in school growing up and many of I've talked to complain about how dirty India is
cause india is trash
yeah its weird bald and bankrupt was taking a shit on india too even though he made bank out of saying look how interesting these shit holes are

probably because these travel videos are getting a bit samey and old and they probably know most viewers are chuds
>sudden surge
Nigga there is jokes about india's smell in the simpson s14e09 wich aired in 2003, its common knowledge since forever
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We are white Saar!
She has an Indian boyfriend
There’s not enough jeet hate. More slurs must be invented for these subhumans.
India is a shithole
I curse Ganesha
Damned be Brahma
Fuck Shiva
Fuck Vishnu
Cursed is Hanuman
Fuck Parvati
Fuck Kali
Fuck every Single of the Devas and the Devis with a Plutonium rod
Damned be Modhi
Cursed is the indian people
Fuck (you)
Fuck Jannies
Because they smell. And it's still socially acceptable to liberals to go after indians, you can't make a video about africans because it's racist.
Wrong, places SHOULD be judged by the WORST PARTS of it. This is why "come visit here" advertisements always feel so fake and gay, they just show all the best stuff, and none of the bad shit that likely is also there. If more ads were like these youtubers, the world would be a much more truthful place.
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unfortunately there are tons of jeets in japan now. they are in on low skill worker visas to work the corner stores
I legitimately have no clue why Pakistan hates India but I don't care either and want them to nuke each other back to the stone age. Bonus points if China gets involved. Indians are worse than niggers. Pakis are basically Indians. Chinese are Indians but more capable.
Do not @ me.
Ben was there with bald and bankrupt you can see him in his video

>Lowest class train
Is it though? Just because it isnt some luxury train you mean to say its the lowest class but then let me ask you how do rhe lowest class trains look in japan?
>flood every corner of the earth
>act just as annoying as niggers but somehow smell even worse
>wtf why foes no one like us
Hello Saar
>when 90% of the country is not like that.
You got it backwards. Most of India is poor. Why do you think every company outsources cheap labour to India.
It makes no sense. They do nothing for the economy. The only plausible reason is that the Japanese elite have betrayed their citizens and are now ramping up immigration to destroy the homogeneity of Japan.
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>but the smell!
And you say this while you type on your windows laptop
As someone who had traveled to India for business, it truly is a dump. But that doesn’t necessarily explain all the India hate. It could be due to the massive influx of Indian immigrants to the west (specifically north america), but I don’t think this explains the sheer level of India hate since you don’t really see this for other countries from which we’re getting a major influx of immigrants from. I think China is behind a lot of it. A big smear campaign since manufacturing jobs are moving there as well as geopolitcal tensions. It is nonetheless hilarious since the poojeets are severely delusional about themselves and their country
But Indians didn't build or create any of those things or echnologies, merely became the temporary steward of a company. Being the CEO of a company is not the achievement you think it is.
there's one jeet who posts from Japan then tries to put up a memeflag to samefag. He still hasn't figured out how IDs work.
Our cultures are incompatible. And we don't want them in the US. It's that simple.
To add I don't really hate them, there are too many of them because they breed like rodents but I like the group Shakti with john mclaughlin, indians can play some really complex music sometimes...
Besides reality speaks for itself. Even assuming it is the 10% worse in India that still makes it the most disgusting place on earth.
all these youtubers are paid off by the ccp there are many poor places in india but there are very few and much of india is very beautiful with great culture, india space program is decades ahead of chinese

There's a sudden surge in indian hate videos because there is a 'sudden surge' in INDIANS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES! The stench from these fuckers alone is enough to get people starting klan meetings in liberal cities.
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Jeets spotted
social engineering, they did the same for china
Yes, 90% of the country is even worse.
Wrong and jealous as fuck. It's the whites that are low skilled English teachers here. Most Indians come here to work as software engineers, it's Sri Lankans that work in convenience stores. Whites are the lowest class here and it makes you seethe
India has a very serious problem with rape and most indians do not give a shit. 90% of rapes go unreported in India and so India has the highest rape rate on earth if you include the unreported rapes, thus making India the rape capital of the world. And indians dont even feel ashamed of this. Hell, some indian men feel proud of rape. India truly needs feminism. The horrific sex crimes, rapes, gang-rapes that take place in India are horrifying. Indians should be horrified and ashamed. Why don't they do anything to stop this? Why don't they create a fast track court system to put rapists in jail? Clearly, most indians do not care or do not see rape as a serious problem, otherwise they would demand change. And as we've seen on 4chan, many indian men actually feel proud of rape, they laugh at the rape victims and think rape is something hilarious or funny. It should break our heart to see this horrific culture of abuse and rape of women in India. We all have mothers and sisters, imagine if your own mother or sister was getting gang-raped and murdered. No serious action has been taken to stop this rape culture. It can therefore only be concluded that most people support it. Otherwise they would demand an end to it. How can such a culture even be fixed? A culture where women are treated like livestock, animals. If only indian women were treated with as much respect as their holy cows
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Shitjeet, you are universally hated by all races. Go back to India.
White people can't comprehend being truly free. If you drive with cuck road rules you aren't free.
it literally started when India refused to suffer with America and go to war with Russia when NATO forces kept encroaching on Russian borders and forcing Russia to retaliate in Ukraine.
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jeets invading japan and giving them a bad rep. no fucking way a japanese person wrote that
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So why is it being shilled so hard?
India has a literal rape culture because most Indians support it. Otherwise they'd do something to stop it. India truly needs feminism. The human rights abuses going on in India is absolutely sickening. India is the worst country on earth and even African countries look like a paradise by comparison. It's time to boycott all Indian stores and companies until they stop the mass rape of women. 90% of rapes go unreported in India. In India, you have a patriarchal culture of male entitlement, men are spoiled by their parents and never disciplined when they are children and so they grow up to be over-grown manchildren, spoiled brats, and they think they are entitled to sex, entitled to a woman's body, and so entitled to rape her. India is proof of why the patriarchy is evil. Most of the anti-woman threads on this board are posted by incel indian men, incel asian men. Only feminism can fix such a broken culture. Indian men need to be disciplined by their parents and stop being raised as a bunch of spoiled little man-children with massive egos. Of course, the bigger the ego, the more fragile it is, which is why indian men get so triggered and offended by the idea of women's rights, feminism. They take feminism as a direct personal attack against their horrible culture of abuse of women
>gift card scammers
No, they totally deserve all the hate
Because of lack of Indian self awareness
>sudden surge in India hate
Hating the jeet is the one thing in the world everyone can get behind. Even Jeets can't stand each other.
>meme flag
>"As a white man"
Good morning, sir!
>the japajeet
They should all be gone (except me)
what the fuck are you doing?
you got hired as cheap labor. you dont have to be smart to "run" a large company that is already micromanaged to a t and is a well oiled machine. street shitters didnt make laptops or google you nasty shit golem
you have tons of niggers there. ive lived in japan before. also japanese girls have fucked up teeth and flip girls honestly look better.
Pakis are the only people not Indians. You are an Indian if you are not a paki. Just the way it is
LE CEO SAAARs are 0.000000001% of the Indian population that were raised in the West.
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success breeds jealousy
Why aren't you in India?
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busy conquering canada
There are so many indians on this planet so there's bound to be a few that made it in the world, how about 99% of the other ones that just pollute the earth with their garbage and do nothing. There's a huge garbage island floating around in the indian ocean. Indians pretend to be spiritual but they pollute the earth.
You aren't conquering anything
Shut up bhenchod
Paki cope. Whites in Japan are all engineers and educated, pakis/indians/africans do all the shit jobs like cleaning toilets.
this. it started when india became one of the biggest importers of russian oil against sanctions. you could see all the (((organic))) chinese cctv spam suddenly replaced by pajeet train videos here on 4chan
Whites don't even know who their own father is and you expect them to know engineering?
A lot of people have working brains and noses
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Well pol?
Because you cunts are flooding the world and bringing India with you? Not even I in the goddammn rainforests can get away from you fuckers.
That is 99% of india goy you should go there its fucking magical
Women would save BTs and kill every jeet in india. This isnt even a choice for them.>>482869225
While that's true, what makes you think they'll save you over BTS?
they would genocide a million unattractive, low status men to save 1 good looking, high status man
the india hate is totally organic, is just tha british glowies riding it
Pakis breed with their cousins, isn't 80% of pakistan inbred?
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>As a white man
What's this high status low status faggotry? Someone who has accumulated enough goy bucks is high status? So Harvey Weinstein and all the other kikes are basically high status according to you guys. Secondly, women's opinion is only second to the opinion of children, who make more rational choices if you look at it.

Yes it's called avoiding race mixing at all costs, unlike your women that fuck niggers spics and anything that's not white.

Isn't it a death sentence in France to get a paternity test because no actual person has the father his mother claims?
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>paki talking shit
You're even more pathetic than pajeets. Sit the fuck down paki.
Codex pajeet was the start of the spark
Holly shit this nigger is proud of being a cousin fucker. How the fuck do paki even live with the fact that their race is made of retarded inbred cousin fuckers?

lol no, its just being normalized, anyone with half a brain knew about these disgusting fucks antics way back
shut up paki bastard
That's a jeet photoshopped image. Why would paki even be in that image in the first place? We aren't that important. In any case most of the population is rural and stronger than you. A paki was able to chuck a spear further than any white man in history. Can't do that without strength

Because India is a shit hole filled with sexually deprived poop skin smelly Indians. Jacking off in public like a bunch of monkeys. I'd Nuke India if I could.
And you're proud of the fact that your women are nigger fucking whores that claim any tom dick Harry is the father. How could you be proud of that? On top of that you're a mutt
yea its crazy to me how their 'culture' is just an echo chamber of cousin fucking inbred indians convincing each other they're different from the people who live 100km away
Paki "men" are weaker than ALL women?
the entire plan was to genocide the majority of the european nation and replace them with sirs. Sadly most people are waking up to this reality before the plan has been fully enacted, which is bad news for the indians just trying to make it in this big world.
Nice one Ranjeet did you eat some crispy cow dung today?
Crackers are slowly being replaced and losing their dumbass jobs
disgusting pajeet
the vatican now prefers to use sirs rather than jews, as sirs have even LESS morals than jews! They really are the perfect people to flood western nations with.
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The Indian numbers are also the muslims, except a few southern tribal states(which also have Muslims as well+tribals)
drive them out sanjay. they are a cancer
Ben is not a "surge" he literally is baldie's pal.
I'll answer as an Indian. The main reason is because chuds are now a big enough demographic that you can profit off them.

I do not like Indian chauvinism and Indians are not self aware and slightly retarded. But most everyone does not give a fuck about them. Or if they do, it's some "generic illegal immigrant". Most suburban Americans have an Indian friend. Most Canadians have a Sikh friend. They are profiting off chudtube
We always make fun of our own people for bad english. It's absolutely stupid and funny. They are obsessed with english and still can't learn it proper.
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I believe you, on the condition that you show us your flag.
Jeets and English teachers are on the same tier (caste, for you Jeets out there)
Lowest of the low

Keep an eye out for indian behavior, There's not a single person in the world who would defend india/indians but indians. There's not a single person who would add india to any conversation but indians. There's not a single person who would give excuses to the state of india but indians. There's not a single person who would blame "the pakis" but indians. There's not a single person who would try to explain how india is different from pakistan/bangladesh but indians. There's not a single person who would refer to india as Asia but indians. There's not a single person who would try to convince you to eat cow shit because of bioavailability of vitamins but indians.

No matter where the poster says he's from or how his name/profile pic looks like, if they so much as bring up india in any way, they are indians; don't believe that someone who speaks english is American/European. Blaming "the pakis" is something that only has meaning to indians because no one in the world cares or knows enough about any of them to know any differences. Anyone who blames indian hate as shills from other nations are indian because they actually think others are jealous of them. Those who posts any anti-christianity are invariably indians, no one else does this(except jews but keep an eye out for "christcuck", this is an indian phrase). Anyone who blames britain for the state of india is an indian because they are incapable of self-reflection. Anyone who brings up "indians are CEO" are indians because they take credit from others. Pay attention to the seething your posts will attract if you say key indian trigger words, they will begin to spam the thread to "defend" themselves: saying anything bad about india, posting pictures of indians, posting pictures of pakistanis and claim they are indian(you won't even know they aren't), say anything bad about cow shit, say anything about hinduism, talk about eating shit
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if you weren't an underage b& you'd know that indians have always been made fun of on the internet long before the scam baiting videos became popular
I know it's you little jeet, I said I would follow you, you can change remove your memeflag if you want
>They are a cancer


Islam for you.
>bragging about being a literal spear chucker
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>As a white man I went to India before but in reality places like england and france is more dirtier
And thats because of jeets and other non-whites like you
White ethnostates are always clean, but when you Jewish bioweapons come in you bring your filthy behaviour with you
Are you one of those hybrid indians like pic related, if not then stfu, Ranchjeet.
>I have a feeling these videos are funded by pakis
Preety low IQ feeling you have in there. Do you really think a country who live off by sucking Uncle' dick has the capacity or competency to "fund" such videos. Listen as an Indian i believe the situation gonna be worse. We'll come back anyway.
if it's so nice then fucking stay there
You got that right these pakis need not apply to these threads, only white man is allowed to bash the Jeet Fatigue.
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>A paki was able to chuck a spear further than any white man in history.
Paki liar.
The best throw of all time is from a Czech man, your paki is only #6.
Even we have a dude above you, a country of 5 million people, while you have 235 million people, White as the driven snow.

What the fuck is the problem with you non-whites that you always lie.
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This guy is literally a Porki
>90% of the country is not like that.
Prove it
Oh, Im sure there are nice areas for the rich and high class tourists but thats not the 90%
Why do Indians always have such delusions of grandeur? It can't be that people just don't like smelly shit eating rapist but there is actually a secret Chinese/Pakistani/CIA psyop going on to make people dislike smelly shit eating rapist
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They didn't use to, back in the 90s there were zero niggers in Japan.
It's the Jews ruining all the ethnostates.

I hope one day people wake up from their Jewish propaganda induced fever dreams and understand that Jews are the reason why all the White countries are burning, and we declare open season on Jews and start killing them.

1000+ expulsions yet the rats always slither back in, they just can't stay away like the parasitic demons they are.
>only white man is allowed to bash the Jeet Fatigue
It's like saying only Blacks are allowed to bash Snowbunny pussy.
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All of those companies were founded and built by White men.
Because you can scam yourself into what White men have built when you infiltrate a White country because Jews let you there, does not make you "smart".
It just makes you a scammer.

>built by White men
>Jews let you there, does not make you "smart"
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There's a reason Indians are desperate to leave India.
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Yeah you are like Jews you literally can't tell the difference between achieving something honestly or by scamming.
You people think that scamming is "smart" and getting scammed is "stupid".
That's why all your countries suck. Because you're all scammers, you can't even understand how to put your actions into larger societal context and not to try get ahead by scamming and you don't realize that its who you are and because what you are is the reason why your country sucks.
Its not about "brits stealing 45 trillion piles of poo" or something like that.
Its because you're all indians, and you suck, your genetics suck.

The same reason niggers are dumb violent feral apes, are that jeets are dumb rapey smelly scammers.
It's all about genetics, all about race.

No non-whites should have ever been let into White countries, and Jews are the only reason why any were ever allowed to step foot here, because they pretended to be White and then destroyed our countries from within, exploiting our trust.

You can't even understand the quality that makes our people and countries good.

I do admit though that Jews are the ones that need to be exterminated, they are the true enemy.
As if it were not for them, our countries would still be White and I wouldn't give a fuck about the brown people since they wouldn't be in our homes.
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Stay in your leash Pudo
>jeets being shoveled by the millions to every corner of the world by kikes to server as their new golem
>every grows to hate jeets
Not rocket science faggot. Jeet hate didn't exist to this level prior to them flooding every country and exposing themselves to everyone.
It's not hate. Disdain, maybe. Banter, also maybe. Hate? Where? Is the video's title "I want to murder all Indians"?
Even Indians don't like Indians...
More pajeets are flooding into the west
Jeet spores have been spreading worldwide in greater abundance. Governments are eager to import quadrillions of them as laborers. People ar starting to notice jeet encroachment
>being the CEO of Microsoft isn't even that hard bro
Boring video
Jesus Christ, do subhuman shitskin jeets think anyone can tell the difference? I don't give a shit about your caste hindu voodoo, just fuck off back to India. I have literally never heard the word paki on /pol/ for a decade outside bong rape gangs, and now suddenly every other fucking thread brings up the word paki. Just how many fucking jeet shills are infesting this shit hole?
>sar why is this of the happen
>saaaaar its not of the true pliss to be stop the redeeming
Which part of your country isn't a fucking shithole Ranjeet? Wven your capital city is a cesspit of shit, filth, and squalor the likes of which would embarrass africans to live in.
>saaaar plis to believing its not of the being organic saaar
>saaaar plis to believing
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>have a lower average iq then niggers in africa
>physically the weakest race
>3rd shortest average race on the planet
where does all of the arrogance that jeets have come from?
> Why is there a sudden surge in India hate videos?
Literally /pol/ again. Ai Microsoft shtting jeets really turned up the heat here, then like everything it spread across the internets. Now normies have picked it up and think they're on the cutting edge of culture. When of course it's actually /pol/ being way ahead of the current trends and timelines
Retarded summer child. It's all tel aviv making these threads. Creating conflict groups is literally what this place is about. Go back to ledit if you don't have stomach for 101 psyop.
India is going to partake in the next global conflict. This is just preparation.
it's all bluster and bravado and chutzpah like jews, except only like 10% Of them are actually smart enough to make use of it.
>saar plis to believing its of the jews saaar
>saaae plis do not be redeeming of the true sars
Why aren't you in India? You fucking shitstain
saar you couldn't even handle your conflict with Pakistan, and unarmed chink border guards kick your asses all the time. You're the weakest, least athleticly inclined people on the planet, and even have the smallest brains to boot. None of you can fight for shit, and none of you are fit enough for battle, let alone not shitting in the street.
>90% of the country is not like that.
You know that Google streetview exists, right? The world knows what you are
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I started hating on indians because they are so annoying and worthless /pol/ posters, cant even imagine how they are irl
Hating on subhuman Indians is the decent and humane thing to do Sanjay.
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Just saw the video
This person is saying FACTS
>as white man
The feds probably had a plan to get people to hate Indians due to India not submitting to the GAE on everything, but it turns out that Indians are just so repulsive that it wasn't needed.
Oh it sounds great there, Indians should stay in India and never leave that wonderland
because the past few years jeets have flooded EVERYWHERE
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Why did pajeets invade Italy?! They are currently leeching on italian taxpayer. With UK i understand there is some revenge for being colonized but Italy?
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Yeah I'm disgusted by jeets but the true, pure unadulterated hate is reserved for the Jews who pretended to be White, came into our countries pretending to be friends while not only parasiting from us but then destroying our homes by changing the laws that the entire third world could be imported TO OUR HOMES, WHAT WE BUILT.
I think jeets like niggers are too fucking dumb to understand what is even going on and they just think they have the right to White homes because they're too unevolved to even understand what is wrong with it, its like an invasive species of animal.

When someone brings in locusts to destroy my crops I don't hate the locusts, I hate the Jew that brought them in.
saar it is just slum area, rest of india not like that saar! do the needful and look at south india that is very clean
>its equally shit
NOO saar not that area of the south look in southwest is very good!
>its even worse
Your ID betrays you jeet
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I knew it was Patjeet Rapeman immediately, before I even noticed that ID.
Fucking kek.
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>the indian in the drawing is white
>smartest pajeet on /pol/
mf is a spammer, bro posted this shit on like dozen other location
mf you are a boomer country, indians are literally making the tax money
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>As a white man
>places like england and france is more dirtier
>is more dirtier
You pajeets are hilarious!
nigga are u serious?
So many countries are being flooded with jeets which has a near-immediate effect on the citizens who have never had to occupy the same spaces as these shit eaters before. Don't say it's Pakistani propaganda because Whites see no difference between the two.
that train look more like bangladesh..

India introduce new rail

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Our Alaska Democrat Congresswoman is trashing Indians in her campaign ads.
daily reminder that all jeets are the same, pakijeets, island jeets, banglajeets, default jeets and mountain jeets are all jeets.

maybe our country does have a lot of problems. Desperate poverty and backwardness.

But we're a secular democracy. We're not a natural resource economy. We don't have weird demographic and cultural hangups about our future like Europe and the Islamic world. Our government isn't anyone's bitch. So we will keep working and developing, and be hopeful about things changing for the better in the future.

can all jeets design and operate their own reactors?

>secular democracy
>majority hindu rapists
Sar plis to believe we are of the secular saar
Oh, please. The Jews are the ones doing their best to cover up your subhuman jeetery. Every paneer hate threads that pop up are purely organic.
>Fuck Parvati
I wish
>Fuck Kali
That would be painful
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Chuds like you and I are a big demographic, you can't upload kill all jude videos to youtube otherwise it would be flooded with instructions of how to best strangle jude or how jude was psychopathic, again-type videos. So to cash in on us chuds and spread judehate you can bully india instead, create chad chuds that are first time watchers of judeworld conditions and realistic non white behaivor without a jewed opinion influencing them. Truthful india reporting is a slippery slope to chasing down rothschilds in an alley and stabing their jewish necks, it's a very great development. Kill all jude
>when 90% of the country is not like that
hahaha, 90% of India is fucking shit and the rest is the rich places where they don't allow low tier Indian class.

I've known plenty of guys from India, all say the same "shit people and trash everywhere".
OK, but as part of the truthful reporting, you can include newer cities as well


Bald and his sidekick can visit Paharganj or whatever as many times as they like, but India will still build new cities as people move from the villages into urban areas.
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we're taking your gfs, bhenchods
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>we are ceo saar
what jeet country are you from?
I've been to the place in your pic. To Bangalore, MG Rd and Brigade Rd. It is somewhat nicer than other parts of India but it is still shit. Cracked and crumbling pavements, it still has dirty areas, it's full of low IQ pajeets , scamming auto-rickshaw drivers, unhygienic food handling, people pissing in the street, fucking mangey old cows walking around. India is a shithole, that is truthful reporting. There's a reason why millions of Indians want to get the fuck out of India.
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>i'm dating a white girl sar
>here's the picture
>er... you can't meet her, no, no...
>she shits in a different street.
India has its problems but I guess all this hate is to make India bend the knee and accept the terms of the west. Yes saar okay saar
Text too small can't read faggot who TF is barry
You are brown.
That was disgusting
>Text too small can't read faggot
The streetshitter mind is truly something to behold. For its simplicity if nothing else.
look at "their" ID
Because pajeet rape rats are spreading exponentially around the globe and they are all vile disgusting subhuman shit
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it's crazy, they don't even get the simplest meme
You are brown
The advent of every Jeet getting a cell phone, and watching copious amounts of free HD porn on it, pushed the nation beyond redemption.
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there's no redeeming them anymore

Almost no Indians leave India though. It has one of the lowest emigration rates on the planet.
Exposure to Indians.
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look who's here
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These are the people who have access to our financial and healthcare data in the US. Actually makes me nauseous. May as well take a shit directly on my floor.
It’s not really hate
It’s just being honest
India is an overpopulated dirty shit hole
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>as a white man
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here you need this one

Thats wrong as well, it has one of the largest diaspora in ABSOLUTE numbers but still one of the lowest in relative %.
In other words you guys are morons if you think every Indian is trying to leave India. Most don't want to and never will.
And the ones that do are sending all the money back to India
Why do I get the urge to crush this jeet's skull. Those meek eyes and brows, fucking disgusting
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your percentages mean nothing when you have 1/4 of the world's population, 1% of you is still too many for the rest of us
here's a more fair comparison
India's immigration is equivalent to 57 muslim countries
Lmao, you surely don't look like that, vermin
He’s always been cynical though
I love the smell of indian copes in the morning. WE FUCKING HATE YOU. Get it through your stupid bobble heads
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Yeah Bald and Bankrupt did a video called "I visited India so you dont have to " video and hes supposed to love India and speaks rudimentary hindi.

The world system operated by shaming, so they are shaming India into developing
Fucking lazy jannies do your job. There are no more obvious troll threads than this
Look, dude - Your women don't look both ways when they cross the street. You gotta leave. You just have to go, man.
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> your percentage mean nothing
Yes, they mean you are wrong when you say "every Indian wants to leave India". Almost nobody leaves India in reality.

> immigration is equal to 57
What? That's not evne waht your image says lmfao Stop replying to me you low IQ monkey
Yeah your comment is so organic and genuine. Fucking kek the lengths your subhuman race is willing to go to to defend ab absolute shithole that you are all desperately fleeing is astounding.
>they mean you are wrong when you say "every Indian wants to leave India"
where did i say that?
>What? That's not evne waht your image says lmfao Stop replying to me you low IQ monkey
it's exactly what it shows, don't tell me you need the exact same type of map art to understand a graph?
are you really that stupid?
Hey pratykush what's up man, another lonely day on 4chan huh?
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not gonna read your posts anymore, just a waste of energy due to your low IQ
>every Indian wants to leave India"
Nobody you replied to said this though. Fucking kill yourself.
Never EVER trust the words of a pajeet. Theyre all dishonest vermin who lie as easily as they breathe
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a cop out to not address reality, from someone that actually looks more like a monkey than me
Wow 7 jeets got dei appointments so the board could virtue signal
meanwhile non of them built those companies or had shit to do with their success
Regardless that’s .000001% of the Indian population lol
Liberals always push for the exception to prove the rule but it never does
Jeeters stink
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I'm not him actually.
CEO do what the board tells them
I dont actually care pratykush, youre all the same bobblehead jeet to me
It's funny because most of the jeets I've seen here have some kind of a vacant bovine state, and they're constantly in a ready to loiter state. I've noticed them sitting in that weird squat position with their knees hugged. It's incredible how strange they are, almost alien like. I honestly feel kinda bad for that tiny percentage of normal jeets, and frankly I think they're in dire need for some healthy eugenic measures. Yesterday if possible
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just the same caste, race, city, college, job, and opinions
oh and when we mention "him", like you said, you often called him "chadjeet" before
it's you bro, you also ride a bike like a child
where do you ride it? front or seat?

> none of them did anythign!

That's very , very wrong. Indians developed a lot of shit in Silicon Valley and founded many of the companies as well. Most of the wealth the US is enjoying now is/was also based on these companies. You can just look it up but you are just a loser so it's pointless to argue with you.
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i looked it up
*bovine stare
Like I don't get it. Explain to me why your women don't look both ways and just walk right out into the street. Explain to me why you just throw garbage on the floor, both indoors and out. Explain to me why your people rub cow shit on their bodies. A man survived getting struck by lightning and you suffocated him to death under cow shit. Explain to me why all of your food is LITERAL slop and involves so much rotten milk - Not yogurt, specifically milk that has gone rancid and turned yellow-green. Explain why you replaced Nigeria - A literal black country - As the world's scam center. Explain why you hate white people so much and yet still want to live in our countries. Explain why you think you're so superior when every single metric available and just looking at the street views of your country reveals that every single inch of your nation is covered in garbage. Explain any of it. Did you ever see Wall-E? You know the giant mountains of trash that reach into the sky and look like cartoonish exaggerations? That was based on a place in India. It's called the Ghazipur landfill. It is three hundred and nine feet - Almost a third of a kilometer high - Of garbage that burns 24/7. Your people are a fucking nightmare. Explain how you got to this point, please, I need to know.
Saved and kekd. Holy shit, streetshitters on suicide watch.
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we often post it, but they just keep repeating the CEO line
jeets are the best at coping, i wouldn't take that away from them
Sar, many people, many flags sapport bharat, sar
I think what's happening is that Indians were getting off easy as fuck for a long time because most of the world didn't have to deal with them except for the Brits. Now, India is the most populated country in the world and jeets are moving to literally every other country, so people have to deal with them now, and they don't like it. Jeets are creepy, stinky, ugly, and rapey. I see India getting a lot more shit across the planet in the coming century. Jeets could even someday replace niggers as the most hated race on the planet.
They choose jeets because if psychopatic tendencies, same with jews
Indians were ruled over by Muslim mongols before the Brits lol
The British also unified their shit hole country
“India” as a national concept didn’t exist before the bongs
A country with over a billion people needs to be held to the highest standard. China, India, and certain African countries that make up the world majority represent humanity. We need to stop giving them a free pass.
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we should start throwing them free nukes though
Jews fear Jeets' numbers.
The Jew fears The Jeet.

Jews are propagandizing hate against jeets investing in a future genocide of jeets.
You still recognize the British crown
As a commonwealth country
Just lmao
For all the shit skins complain about
To try and deflect criticism they know they are better off with white involvement
Stay in your country
Reduce your population
Make it a better place
Do not move to the west and make it a shitty place
being essentially scabs for liberal corporatism to fuck over normal white people who have their wages cut
That’s what Indians don’t seem to understand you are being used and colonialism never ended saar
Russian psyop to alienate Indians from the western world and push them closer to BRICs
>I have a feeling these videos are funded by pakis
Kys shitdeep
Because they have over 1 1/2 billion fucking people lmao
You stinky rat Kumar Patel.
Indians are exposing themselves and their Indian hindu culture as being evil. I wouldn't say it was evil if they wouldn't reflexively defend India or Indian hindu culture. Why defend cow worship? Manure eating? Piss drinking? Raping by their deities? Why defend elite hindus treating poor and low caste people like garbage? They defend all their shit behaviors. That's why they are evil. This is why minorities are escaping that shithole and going to the west, like Sikhs for example.
Hideous hair style to "hide" the fact that hes almost completely bald
It wasn’t a great video it seems like it was more about actual traveling in India than anything else
Looks like David Bowie
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I see you Kumar. The only people who started talk about conquering are you hindu rape rats and muzzies.
This is another hindu shill thread.
>Indians developed a lot of shit in Silicon Valley and founded many of the companies as well
Such as
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Pakis and jeets are the same thing you brown rapey midget cunt.
>Such as
A lot of shit...literally
Theres an obvious "its ok to criticise India" thing going on
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Hindu shill threads and Indian hindu troll farm workers are just riling you up.
>Indians developed a lot of shit in Silicon Valley
You've got to be fucking kidding me...that' a really poor choice of words
Not new or sudden. India has been an ez2hate shithole for as long as every current living human on /pol/ has existed.
But, if you wanna believe this is a new thing…
Kamala is responsible. She’s a stinky, scamming jeet.
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>i am microsoft saar your computer have wirus
>intentionally go to Dalit slum areas or ride the lowest class train and complain that India is awful

I've never been to India, but I would assume it's because negative content is very popular. Look where you are.
>Most of the wealth the US is enjoying now is/was also based on these companies
The companies in that twatter cap have shit to do with poos
They weren’t founded by poos
Palo Alto network
Have had zero involvement from poos
Just lmao
>Indians developed a lot of shit
Curiously they were unable to develop this in India.
(you) It could be apart of a war strategy to reduce American and European allies.

Basically if you tell Indians that Americans and Europeans hate them and love muslim palestinians then Indians might support breaking ties with west. India can nuke pakistan and in a war having that kind of support is what America’s enemies may not want.
>WE WAZ Silicon Valley and SHEEIT!
Baring for the fact that most of the actual successful companies predate the Jeet IT
Scourge of the late aughts
I can’t think of a single company that was created by a poo let alone one thats actually relevant
>The Uber Eats Conquest
Sure. Also why do you shitters draw yourself as a Med, the average Italian and Spanish mog even Indian actors.
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>In other words you guys are morons if you think every Indian is trying to leave India. Most don't want to and never will.
If even 10% of the Indian population moved to any other country that country would be instantly destroyed.
It doesn't matter how many Pajeets want to leave India. What matters is making sure they fucking stay there and out of our countries.
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fuck off monkeys behave better than you


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ayy keep your hate away from Vance Jr

Thats all im going to say
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Jeets don't seem to understand they aren't offered the same protections by jews other shitskins are.
Niggers are cultural bioweapons, chinks are economic bioweapons and sandniggers are anti-personnel bioweapons. Streetshitters are just detritus that have strength in numbers but don't fill any of those roles well enough to be of any real value to globalist kikes, so any (deserved) racial criticism of them won't be defended.
Why do you make this same thread every day? Sage fuck jeets
Is this why San Francisco has a street shitting problem
Are we being gaslit about it’s “the homeless”

Say "I curse Brahma and I damn Vishnú and fuck Shiva and I denounce Krishna and Ganesha as faggots" to prove you are not a disgusting pajeet
They are telling you that you create such a fuss and try to justify your stupid imbecilic culture....when the only thing you had to do was: NOT TO SHIT ON THE STREET, CURRYNIGGER.
It's literally only pakis and bangladeshis who make these artificially funded hate propaganda
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>90% of the country is not like that.

Google Street View says otherwise. Every random attempt I made came up shithole.
Yeah but my point was he didn’t do anything other than travel so the focus was on the actual traveling part
He didn’t go to any slums or really any destination to get down and dirty
Also he has always been tongue and cheek cynical about the places he travels
All be it more subtlety in the past including the UK
Jesus for all the energy they spend shilling they could actually make India and themselves better
>The Uber Eats Conquest
Reading this gave me an epiphany of sorts. It's like the late bronze age collapse, and jeets are part of the "sea peoples". This time it's more like the shit people.
Racism is being normalized again, just shut up and let it happen.
show me the nice parts of india then
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Why do you Indians always draw yourselves as white?
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i hope you are trolling
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>More dirtier
You make it too obvious that English is your second language "white man"
It's because India has near-full control of YouTube's algorithms. The India hate videos are attempts at forcing Sundar Pichai into admitting his connections to Modi
OP is right it's just a bunch of benchod Dalit chooha ladaka Desis from Gujarat giving us all a bad name
This streetshitter same fags multiple times a day.
None of that is you in the pic and you’re in Japan to be a poor wagie. You will always smell like shit.
>Indians have a caste system
>Everyone know this
>Go to a low-caste region
>Film 70 IQ unskilled laborers
>Upload it online, claim that's all of India
And it's usually Brits or people descended from Brits doing this.
Jeets and English teachers are the same tier
One is retarded and brown and the other is retarded white/and or brown and very retarded
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jews need distraction from their crimes against humanity and warmongering they recently got bad optics for
so they kinda passed the ball or however burgers call it
whole point of flooding our societies with uncivilized non whites
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Just a bunch of people butt mad that I celibrate with glee the murder of muslim children
not very hinduistic of you
the surge in antipajeet propaganda began about a year ago. india did something behind closed doors that really pissed off israel.

you misspelled israel
you fucking yid
The lack of self awareness with you people truly transcends all of the meme's.

You are not ready for western technologies
Yeah that Paki Twitter handle is telling you the truth.
>jeets are the best at coping
of course, as a evolutionary protection instinct
otherwise, they would just kill themself in a matter of minutes
How to tell you're Indian without telling you're Indian.
You must leave, Ranjeet
I hate them so fucking much. They're a plague, a literal parasitic bioweapon ruining everything and everywhere. I have to deal with them all the fucking time. They're incompetent, arrogant, and act intentionally retarded. I could go on and on about examples, but this one from yesterday sums up my feelings perfectly.
>get a call from a scammer
>ask them who they think they're calling
>hear their brain short circuiting
>starts repeating himself
>ask again
>gets scared and hangs up
>couple hours later
>another call from these faggots
>I recognize the retard on the other end of the call, I spent 15 minutes insulting him the last time he called
>immediately ask him if he remembers me
>you can hear his brain short circuiting
>tell him I'm going to insult him and to stop calling me
>tries to argue with me and says he will call me tomorrow
>call him a small dicked faggot living in a sea of shit making pennies on the dollar
>he doesnt get it, keeps arguing with me
>call him a lower caste dysgenic retard whose entire country had less medals in the olympics than a single chinese woman
>call him a dalit madrachode or however you spell it
>starts calling me a motherfucker
>tell him his women are ugly and smell like armpits
>says he will fuck my women
>tell him they will hear his silly accent and their pussies will get drier than the sahara
>hangs up
>later that day, order uber eats
>they ALWAYS fuck up the delivery despite extremely clear instructions, ao I have a note that says call me if your confused
>give him one word answers, generally hostile and short with him, but not outright hateful
>he starts kissing my ass and begging for a good review
God I hate them so much.
India took a neutral stance in the Rukrain vs Ussia war so the west is cancelling their student visas and making us all discriminate against them again.
the diploma mills of india are fucking up better white peoples countries, so glowies have determined its operation fuck your assimilation curry niggers
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i hate them so fucking much
Ethnically intrinsic inferiority complex.
I can't stand streetshitters, they're utterly repellent
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i dont think you look like that saar
But they're also spreading truth about India and Indians
Disgusting people, country, culture, religion, language food...
Cope faggot.
Pakis have created nothing.
You call yourselves muslims and youre not even middle eastern youre just jeets.
Whites invented everything that has any actual value.
do the "brahmin" purebreed variety of indian really look like that?
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>Whites don't even know who their own father is

7 posts by this faggot!

This faggot posts under both Pakistan and India flag.

Probably a shill for CCP
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>Why is there a sudden surge in India hate videos?

OP is a shill who'se been baking divisive posts under Japanese flag.
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Still Striking out in Japan Ramjesh?
O.P. is a Rapejeet faggot who'll never get laid in Japan unless it's /rape
Slide////it unless sneeding
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"Arrest Made in Central California Bio-Lab Investigation">> https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/arrest-made-central-california-bio-lab-investigation

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Reedley Chinese Bioweapon Lab">>

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