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HAPPENING! Britain UTTERLY DESTROYED Russia at the UN Security Council in New York!
London is going to end up getting nuked and the US won't do shit.
That's called 'destroying'? Destroying what? Britain's credibility?
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My town is filled with Turkish barbers and the highstreet has been closed down and the buildings filled with cannabis farms

Russia status = epicly pwned
Holohiax document 666bten kings of anti christ schneersons plan its chabad speaking cult code and adl bnai shit pools we knew this in the 90s and 2000s
London will be a smoldering crater if they continue to rant like a petulant child.
with what ICBMs? Russia's new ICBM's don't work
Based. The British are lowlives.
>illegal war
hmmm didnt the uk take part in a couple of those
Russia would completely fuck the UK up. Starmer needs to shut his commie mouth or else.

Compared to yours, their old ones (of which they have more than enough) do work quite well.
>Talking about Topol-M, Voevoda and even YARS which is like 15 years old at this point
Nuking a Paki colony sounds pretty based to me
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Wow Keir Starmer is so hecking based and redpilled now
Hurry up with the fucking nukes already god

Enough of this 2 more weeks bullshit
Can I see Russia testing these missiles 6 times a year? Because that's what we do
Our nuclear arsenal budget is larger than the entire Russian military's budget
His daring russia to nuke the shitskins, he secretly wants them destroyed.
They better nuke the US too, what have I been preparing for since 2008 if not???
london is foreign occupied territory
the uk government is complicit in the genocide of its natives
Clicked on the link expecting Poseidon, the rusted submarine sitting in port for two decades, instead got CGI cope of a land nuke
At least they're changing up the copes
For years they just kept talking about Poseidon, which didn't work and never worked and would never work
Western politicians are disgusting
muh guns muh nukes
You won't do shit pleb go back to the work a pay taxes sucker , someone has to pay the aid for the middle-east and Ukraine and all the fancy military gear and weapon

chop chop mule
The official Nato estimate is 350.000 dead and wounded. But sure thing UK, let's just almost double that for show...
Russia wouldn't have claims to Ukraine if England didn't side with the Soviet Union and let them have Eastern Europe for 46 years.
Britain deserves to be nuked just to end starmer's entire bloodline. Dignity and rights....except for native britons. Fucking disgusting pig, the poster boy for Western governments not giving one shit about their own people. His day will come. His day will come.
So, no, you cannot
Cope about it
they declared war on germany for invading poland but not the soviets for a reason
Everything you western technocrats do at this point is project your own intentions towards your own citizens onto specifically either Russia, Iran or China.


they want to genocide their natives and rule over the brown mass and be worshipped.
Starmer attends synagogue with his Jewish wife and kids
So the idiots who run european countries believe their own propaganda, amazing!
8 million niggers and pajeets are about to get eviscerated. I'll give him the coordinates
If NATO and the EU fucked off the war would end tomorrow. As long as the policy of the West is geopolitical realignment there will be war.
It's worse. The local council is actively assisting the Turkish barbers and vape shops. They waive their rates and give them grants to set up business up to the value of £125,000. These grants are only available to foreign businesses and it's why you'll see a vape shop in what was formerly a grand old bank and wonder "how the fuck do they afford to set up in there?" They're not paying any rates.
Please make it happen, let the nation heal
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USSR didn't "envade" Poland, it just took back the parts of Ukraine and Belarus, stolen by the poles in Polish-Soviet war of 1922.

Not for long, the west is running out of juice military wise and the stars of Jeffry's home productions are losing elections.

samat has had successful tests; everything new tends to fail.

now, how's the minuteman-iiis and trident-iis going?
and NATO is STILL losing
Two-Tier Kier like to make speeches about how war is bad while their own countrymen are imprisoned and killed during an invasion he condones.
Kier Starmer the granny harmer. Two Tier Kier. Free Gear Kier taking massive bribes and bungs from his Paki millionaire mate, his wife getting all manner of free gifts and clothes from them. They call her Victoria Sponge.

All this after they butchered Boris for taking money from friends when he was renovating his flat. They're doing exactly the same with that awful pitbull Angela Raynor saying "what's the problem, politicians have always taken gifts?"

I can't see this government lasting much longer. Once the protected 4,500 excess winter deaths hit home from his disastrous penalty on pensioners he will face a revolt.
>They must!

Lol. What's this faggot going to do if they don't?
>wow aren't you embarrassed? stop it! get out!
puppet shows aren't like they use to be
show more than one successful test
>how's the minuteman-iiis
we test them 6 times a year
we test them 2 times a year
> illegal war
Such a retarded concept, every war ever has been illegal according to somebody. But of course they specifically mean illegal according to the united states and her allies.
Bruh they can’t even defeat Ukraine lol
Be careful he was arresting people for online hate speech after the anti-rapefugee riots that happened a few months ago.
The US is sitting on its hands until after the election.
Get ahead of the curve by growing opium and selling it to their kids, some proper british imperial ingenuity.

If the well is already poisoned, why not hand it out to invaders and the people inviting them?
I work in social housing as an electrician and I see all the time these snivelling councillors grinning from ear to ear as they hand the keys of a fully renovated house to another Somalian or Afghan family, meanwhile the locals are living in dilapidated mould ridden hovels and are told the council is not responsible for replacing the rotten front door and are left with stairs and landings that have to be cordoned off because the floorboards have rotted away.
But Russia has no business with the UK despite how hard the glowies want it.
I assumed he meant illegal under the UN's international laws, which would put the UK/USA and so on all in the same boat with Russia of course after illegal invasions of Iraq and many other nations
Based. We just walk our dogs and laugh as Muslim kids get hit by cars jumping into the road to avoid the dog.
Starmer's party was elected by 22% of eligible voters or only 34% of those who actually voted. He doesn't represent British people he will he gone soon.
That is exactly right, if Kamala wins we will escalate in Ukraine sharply.
>Anyone I don't like is Hitler
>I'm taking my ball home
It isn't your ball you utter gimp
Absolutely delusional statement. It bears absolutely no relation to the lead up where the US outright broke NATO agreements, installed an unelected official (Zelenskii) as it's leader who literally HAS emptied his nation of people for the great replacement.

Total clownworld.
You are an absolute retard.
An-cap flag is all you needed to see to determine that one.
He spent his career protecting the rights of child rapists and murderers. Hmm I wonder why?
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Something about this fuckers face makes me hate him. And then he goes full globohomo russia hate and I want to rip his face off. Also his name is gay as fuck. Keir Starmer, it just sounds like diarrhea. He looks like a reddit mod
Starmer won't make it to Christmas. He's already at war with the Blairites in his own party. It's a strange dynamic wwirh Labour. You've got the old Trotskyists, of which Starmer is one and then you've got the globalist Blairites. They don't get on with each other, Starmer wants to go full Soviet Union but with extra gay whereas the Blairites are all in with Blackrock and Co.
ukraine is 20 times stronger and smarter than the meme bongs, who are you kidding. As soon as 3 people die in the bong army, their country would riot and collapse.
Kier Starmer the Granny Harmer
Two Tier Kier
Free Gear Kier
And his wife Victoria Sponge and her Free frocks
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Hahaha, hey! This loser sounds just like you guys!
Yeah that tracks. I wonder if he is, or will be the most unpopular PM in modern British history? He wouldn't be far off. The man is an absolute menace.
Genuinely the UN needs to send a peacekeeping force to the UK to stop the police and politicians from persecuting the native Brits and to protect our children. The UN itself has said that Britain has poverty levels as bad as parts of Africa in most places outside of the big cities. It's true, life here is fucking grim. We are a 3rd world country attached to a city state similar to Singapore.
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he looks like a faggot. Zesty ass nigga
Why was Russia supposed to let NATO get black sea ports?
He is now the most unpopular PM in history. They're hoping to get all the unpopular policies in place early and survive a vote of no confidence because the Tories collapsed and there is now no opposition. Then they're hoping to ride it out and everything will have got memoryholed. They've already got 10,000,000 foreigners who vote for them that covers for the similar number of pensioners they'll lose. But then the pensioners will all have frozen to death so it's not like they'll be able to vote Cinservative or Reform next time. They've made a brutally cold calculation, that the pensioners will genuinely be dead by the time of the next election and they'll have enough migrant votes to stay in power. 80% of all foreigners vote Labour. The problem here though is that the Tories are all for foreigners too. There is no party that represents the British, Reform are not viable and Farage is already looking to stand down.
can someone just sink britain already? its just embarassing at this point. put it all under the water.
Rules based order, chud. Their rules, no order.

Figures. And man, that sounds like up front sociopathic behaviour. What a cunt.
no man putin is a madman who wants to reconstitute the USSR he is CRAZY the new HITLER he just did it cause he's INSANE.
>But what about the Sausages!, Won't somebody please think of the Sausages!
Kunt Sharter is a homosexual who is possibly the most hated and unpopular politician of all-time in the UK and he's only been in the job for about a month
The sad part is that is actually like a lot of the media sounds like.
He looks like a man that has molested children. Heaven knows, he threw out TWO high profile sex abuse cases during his time as a chief prosecutor. Jimmy Saville and Muhammad Al Fayed. How many more skeletons are in his closet.

It's becoming increasingly evident that the old conspiracy theory around powerful paedophile elites is in fact a cast iron truth.
In a way he is like that jug eared moron Andrews, they both look retarded and gay and both are retarded and gay. And they genuinely don't think they are doing anything wrong, there is no limit to how far people like that will go because they are too fucking retarded to see what is going on and what the consequences of their retardation will be. Basically it's going to get a lot worse
Yeah we got one of those at the moment. It's almost like the political system favours useless parasites.
Stop prolonging it then by sending your little proxy weaponry and funding and the conflict will take its natural course.
Tyrannical is the correct term, as defined by Aristotle. You can add anarcho-tyranny as there is a new element of the preference towards criminals and crime against the population too. Crime is always a political choice and our politicians choose to allow a specific amount of crime to flourish, that lower level street crime that blights communities. Drugs, violence, burglary. They're not stealing millions of pounds from banks but it's that regular day to day crime that makes life an absolute misery for those who suffer it.

When foreign dignitaries arrive or there is some pomp and ceremony going on then all the street crime, drug addicts and homeless all miraculously just disappear. But once it's over then it's back to normal with kids stabbing each other, niggers mugging pedestrians from their electric scooters and pakis raping women and children. It's all designed to keep us absolutely traumatised, terrified and without hope.
2 more weeks
You're not wrong. I have certainly noticed this. Here it's more white collar crime, but you can really see it when basic crimes get 5 years+, but some massive bank fraud in the billions gets... a fine. Really gets your noggin' joggin'.
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That's not the latest NATO estimate of Russian troops killed and crippled in the meat grinder in Ukraine.
>London is going to end up getting nuked and the US won't do shit.
Most bongs would send Putin a medal if he did this.
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That's what I say and you get called a Russian shill. You either fight a war or you don't. You either go all out to destroy the Russian army or you stand back and let it take it's course as that leads to the fewest casualties. At the moment the West is prosecuting another forever war that is seeing catastrophic losses on BOTH sides. It's obvious to us who gains from this though.

Captcha kek


Why doesnt Russia or to a lesser extent NK just give nukes to Iran or any US adversary at this point?
>Focus gets redirected elsewhere
>It'd be more costly for US to spread out even more if Iran gets nukes
>Russia loses little to nothing if they are already going to shit, and if a nuke is fired by Iran only they suffer, not Russia
>Can easily fabricate a story that Iran finally got their nukes too through building them
>Worst case scenario world ends which would happen anyway if Russia kept its promise with nuking Britain so it wouldnt matter either way
London was the great satan before the U.S. was even born. Please god some one put that shit hole out of its misery.
How can Keir show his face when he locks up people protesting the constant murder of children and lets pedos out of jail?
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ukraine WILL lose, and you WILL be mad.
Who then do a landgrab? Take a look at how much foreign equity firms now own of Ukraine. Absolute crock of shit.
You gotta address this complaint with KUKtin, the chief of KUK warfare
I see you are ready to fertilize the fields of Iran.
>Good GOY
He's right but he'd do the exact same if you removed the guardrails.

The whole UK antipathy Russia has is just a proxy for the US, they can't threaten the US, so they threaten its ageing mum.

Starmer is still an incredibly creepy man governing with almost no majority.
Iranians are reasonable people, it's just the theocracy that needs poisoned
It's more accurate to say we'd be fertilizing the mountains of Iran, but that's not going to happen
You see even now how Turkey, Iran, and Syria are coming back to us
Did you just dox yourself?
600,000 is that the official tally?
so 1.2 million total in 3 years?

so it would take 15 years of warfare between two countries to reach a death toll of one holocoaster? That's not looking plausible now is it.
Post Sofia's arse
>You see even now how Turkey, Iran, and Syria are coming back to us
Deranged on NAFO fella level.
TURDkey just said its prepared to go war with Pissrael.
>It will be hilarious to see if you will give them the boot once they go full roach mode and go against pissrael
>Or alternatively will drown them in Civil War with their kurdish population (which makes up about 35-40 millions - about 45-ish % of turdkey's whole population)
I bet you will not do Option 2, as this will be favor for EUROPE (turdroaches annihilating themselves in civil war - that is pure gift)
Huh? No. That's weird.
>Iranians are reasonable people, it's just the theocracy that needs poisoned
Most ordinary people are reasonable. They just want to be left alone. Look at the conflicts in the last few decades and you'll see one small tribe is mostly responsible. A tribe which won't leave other people alone.
Kek, I've doxxed someone else though. What a moron.
he isn't called two-tier keir for nothing
Did you just send UK athletics a 4chan Captcha?
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>"How can you show your face here when you've lost 600,000 troops?"
How can Starmer show his face when he's going full stalin against his own people?
Based Starmer.
>he isn't called two-tier keir for nothing
You're two names behind. He's now called "Free gear Kier" for all the bribes he's taken. He's not going to last much longer.
>Thinking a tongue lashing is going to stop Putin.
You are an idiot. Putin only understands force.
Why would russia declare war on Pakistan?
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>t. antisocial chud
I've no idea mate. Could it be to do with a dynamic IP. I get weird things happen like it tells me I'm banned for threats or something but I've never done those things. Is it from public WiFi?
Man I can't wait until you send in the trannies. It's going to be beautiful.
>someone else
Okay Dave
What topping do you want?
Time to move house David you retarded nigger
Free the sausages.
Pepperoni please
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He's obsessed with meat
For their tasty curry recipes?
I hate everything you stand for, Dave. I hate your lies and your weasel half-truths. And I'm only down the road.
Why do jews want Europeans and Russians fighting with each other, it seems like the thought of Europeans and Russian joining forces scares the shit out of them.
Anchovy it is.
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who votes these clowns into office? even "anonymous" shills know not to say obviously made up shit like that
thats NAFO tier brainrot
>Deranged on NAFO fella level.
Sure thing bud
How much will you seethe when Turkey gives over control of their S-400s to the USA?
>who votes these clowns into office?
People tricked by the system to think any party is on their side.
Meanwhile 1.3 million hohols are dead.
Russia give me the suitcase nuke, I'll walk it to number 10 myself
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This. Pshek narrative is always based on lies, as they are chronic liars.
The UK election was something of a freak result. Nobody likes Starmer or the current Labour Party. It was more a case of the Tories losing than Labour winning - they got the lowest vote share of any majority party since WW2.
that's how he treats his citizens and we're not even in a war

I'm convinced it's because bongland has the most insufferable and ugly roastie bongaloid whores that I can't even get hard to, in fact they do the opposite for me (and they fuck niggers).

Whilst Russia has the most beautiful trans girls that I have ever seen and I would like to marry one. (pic related)

That's what this is all about.
Someone should tell him what the CIA does to every country on Earth and their own citizens. Yeah, the whole fucking human dignity thing is a joke. It's just an attempt to guilt trip others into a position of weakness so you can financially and ethically rape them out of existence.
london is a complete niga fagget we dont care what they think or say to be honest.

Verification not required.
^ip locked.
how the fuck do russsians get trannies meds bro.,./ im seriously confused about that one.
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idk, but their hormones are super potent, I saw this one transform from a boy into a hot chick in 6 months, it's insane.
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That's just a pathetic zigger cope fantasy. Unfortunately.
The US is a broke joke that can’t even raise an army. Meanwhile BRICS is adopting a new currency based on the gold standard while our own Ft. Knox was raided decades ago. Half of all Americans want to team up with BRICS and butcher glowniggers. A proxy war is all the US is capable of and even that wont last much longer.
Thank you for this dish of impotent rage. How are your"red lines" doing these days?
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You funny
>Russia started this illegal war
Any proof of this?
Or is it more of saddams WMD's
Nooo please don't nuke London nooo especially not my beloved Tower Hamlets noooook

Yawn. How does he know the Russian causality rate? And not air Ukrainian somebody he is arming?
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getting there
i don't give a shit about your thread.
just stopping by to point out your democrat memeflag.
does anyone else notice this nigger starts too many threads?
This man is a tyrant. At least he didn't rant about niggers like his nigger foreign secretary did.

That's very kind of you to think we have any left to lose.

I am genuinely confused by this? They claim Russian causality constantly and do not state the nation they arm?

I am also confused on how that is the number if Russia have 900000 troops involved in the Ukraine war now currently. The current Russian army is double what it was prior to this war. It amassed 300000k at the start of conflict. Now the Russian army has doubled its active troops?

How does that occur through so much presummed causality? The other nation Ukraine has significantly lost population throughout any war and apparently has problems recruiting more troops according to every press outlet.

I am confused by such accusations as somebody trying to understand them?
wow her emotional outbreak combined with some madeup numbers really showed them.
TKD äää i mean TUV (otal urine victory!)
How can Russian dogs ever recover?
He's technically right because he's talking about wounded
But yeah, it's fucking stupid
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And yet a UK backed NGO like mediazona can only find 60k actual deaths. In fact they stopped counting from funeral data, obituaries and social media to instead switch over to “estimating” after their backers got upset at the lack of deaths.

I don't talk in acronyms.

You can look at an almanac of what the Russian army was prior to invasion and what it is now. It has doubled in size.

Outside of this prior to Kharkiv earlier in the year Putin said he had 900000 personnel involved in the Ukraine war.

The number amassed at the start of invasion was around 300000k-350000k. The big huge tank build up.

How has the Russian army doubled in size. Find it. If it has had that much causality. It is not under conscription currently although it partially mobilised in the second year rostering certain demographics from certain areas. It is still recruiting with incentives. But it is not in conscription.

Explain the phenomenon where an army massively jumps its standing size on paper documented if it is losing a lot more than a quarter of it. It's standing size was around 1.6 mil troops now it's around 2.6 million.

He's claiming 600k causality?

I am not Russian. I don't care. I am trying to find out what Ukrainian causality is.

I am trying to understand when any war will conclude. Accusations or calling to exclude somebody else from a Global body doesn't produced peace. Not that it was any intention from a conflict clearly arming and warring away from it
Heckin "x" totally curbstomped "y" like a bitch using facts and logic. Here is why sucking the systems dick is based and valid. Take that liberals.
this damage control is 800 years old: "we lose all wars to russia, but at least we killed 6 gorrilions of them. dont lose trust in your lords, peasants, we are still strooong!"

russian populaton increased during the war LOL, there is no excessive death, max number of dead is not higher than 60-65k
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Wen Putin release sausages?
Shhhh, let him cook.
redditspacing esl pajeet
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>Putin said
Putin says lots of things, depending on who the audience is. Stop being a retard.
anglokikes always projecting hard
its so cringe
It is unreal how the UK warmongers like it does without having a functional military.
I hate my country so much for subsidizing the world to act like chimps.

Not being a retard. It hit western press. Like all threats or escalations do.

Outside of an troop number of personnel.

You're obviously retarded
>russian populaton increased
lel you mispelled churka* you deceitful little fiend.

We are not on Reddit. That is trolling. Spacing is the grammatical correct form
Senile british elites have phantom pain, they still think their economy is relevant and their empire still exist

they look at russian with envy and butthurt, lord of Chobham-upon-Shaft still cant calm down his butthurt due to destroyed challenged 2 tanks

we can conclude that UK officially joined butthurt belt
The side not releasing the sausages is NATO.
Please don't nuke us. But if you wipe Parliament off the face of the map I would be very understanding and quite appreciative.
ukraine started it though by not demilitarizing the the donbass region like they agreed to and instead continuing to shell it
can you provide statistics of ethnic composition of UK population

nuking UK at this monent would be an act of mercy

i think this is the biggest UK military secret LOL LMAO
>Russia's new ICBM's don't work
Then they use an old one. Or just a cruise missile from a submarine.
No. But if I walk into my town center, sometimes I see 20 people and I am the only white one. Its horrific and disgusting.
But no, nuking is a bad idea. Simple execute those who have taken over our democracy and then camps for the immigrants.
oh noo please dont nuke london haha
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Meanwhile Lavrov and Putin respond to R lammy

>we are definitely NOT a laughing stock of the world right now
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>big black nigger mugging a white lady
>"no, no, don't help her. just let the mugging take its course. that nigger deserves his sphere of influence and in reality it was whites who forced him to mug her by not giving him everything he wanted."
>London will be a smoldering crater
What's the disadvantage.

Funny. Trident just had two miss launches. Minuteman also had atleast two miss launches. Whose counting? You do when it's a disaster. Faulty tests happen frequently. But they shouldn't be blowing stuff up unless it's Nasa, Space X, Boeing? Ridiculous comparisons. Stuff fails.

I think the real success is China currently? Nope that rocket also went boom on its space vehicle?

Britain does not give a single fuck about human dignity when it comes to poor white children . Queers are allowed to do what they like.

Putin would be our best post - WW2 leader if he nuked London. Better than Thatcher even.
Conventional weapons, or chemical would be best. We cannot allow all the brown scum to flee to other parts of England like cancer.
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>keir starmer
jew golem
>best post - WW2 leader if he nuked London
You know the fallout would affect the areas that are still mostly native Brits, right?
Imagine the new gov saying we have to all host a London refugee in our homes, by law.

Nobody's nuking anything I hope, leave us alone, and out of it.

Apart from Kier as nobody else likes him.
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>they've got it figured out
their plan only works if the populace believe there will be a political solution to their problems*
but more and more people are realising that wont happen - even the guardian's comment pages yesterday were mutinous.
the 'great unwashed' are already restless and have tested the streets..what happens when the next layer up realise they're fucked too....

(*im not saying even immigration or economy, just whatever they believe their issue is)
If you want your own country to be nuked by an asiatic madman you are not white, simple as. Move to Russia
>their plan only works if the populace believe there will be a political solution to their problems*
Exactly. I didn't join the riots because if it ever got to that point I would go armed to the teeth and I would not stop killing and burning until either we won or they killed me.
That's the thing isn't it. London is no longer seen as our country its occupied by foreign scum.
i hate to be that guy but as image search yields nothing...who dis?
>billions must die
Take some deep breaths, have a walk in the park, call your mum
They did end it and get out though
>anglokikes always projecting hard
i cant disagree but its hard to take serious from an italiabro... how many "neccesary immigrants" has meloni fucked...sorry i mean given passports today.
>pieces of meat for the grinder
more sausage imagery. starmer is sausage mad.
600k is a mi6 talking point and not true. why are you following lewis goodall? he is a shabbos twat
werent they're some stats that said if USA was nuke'd theyd go back to the ethnic make up of the 1800s cos the cities are where the ethinc population is.

i imagine it would be that on steroids in the UK - the main cities are very mixed but outside the british white population is around 95%

basically nuke london and the m4 corridor, the m6 up to brum and then manchester. do liverpool because...liverpool. then lets have a review
>your own country
ease up there bigot
Stop being so butthurt zigger
So? Eat a dick you kikes. Hope russia falttens the UK and France tonight
Kier Starmer talking about 'dignity' is a riot.
>own country.
lololololololoolololololo. where's that then? where is the english country? its certainly not england thats been diluted into some wierd great britain amalgamation
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We want whites dead. Simple as.
>They waive their rates and give them grants to set up business up to the value of £125,000. These grants are only available to foreign businesses
sounds like bullshit. what do you even mean foreign businesses. they will be uk businesses registered at companies house. you can look them up.
if you are talking about grants for foreign investment into the uk, most countries have these.
there are grants for you if you are english too.
>dodging the point by bringing up irrelevant bullshit
Hello rabbi, watcha doin?
>Hope russia falttens the UK and France tonight
Do you think they'll mind awfully if we shoot back?
> he's giving the propaganda figure

600k kia + wia would be the entire size of the Russian army. Brits have the most retarded gov in the whole west. Nation in full decline, salaries shit, service quality below former 2nd world nations. Brits conquered by Pakis and Indians lmao. Salaries are also incredibly bad compared to cost of living.
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>sir, our sources say what Russians lost 80k while killing over a million of ukranians
>just say something laughable and sent more weapons to expendable mongoloid mutts, their lives worth nothing anyway
>...word is granted to Keir Starmer
Yet you still live here and do nothing like the coward you are. Why haven't you enlisted in the russian military?
Kek. I've seen more vatniggers die in .webm than the Kremlin admits to.
He's one to talk
>600k kia + wia would be the entire size of the Russian army
How retarded can you be? Putin literally just signed an order increasing the size of the army to 2.38 million people, 1.5 million of which are in active service. On paper, sure, but still.
The UK is a fucking shithole I've never been to Russia but I can't imagine it's much worse
>sounds like bullshit

knock yourself out.

inb4: they're available to all.
if it has 'community' 'minority' or 'leveling up' in the title its aimed at non-british people. even the british govt arent stupid enough to advertise 'grants for turkish hairdressers'
>can afford 2 tests
> fail both

every accusation - a confession

woah.. just watched the meeting
this really changed my perspective on the war
>Yet you still live here and do nothing like the coward you are.
why should i feel ashamed to live in the country of my ancestors?
how do you know what i do or dont do?
pragmatism != cowardice.... being locked up or dead furthers no ones cause let alone mine.

>Why haven't you enlisted in the russian military?
im not interested in dying for my country, why would i die for them?
There isn't a continent on earth that has not abused, made war on, or stolen from by these bandits.
Remember what Anglolek has done to you.
I hate living in a country where people are so pathetic. All it would take is a few % to decide enough is enough and start taking action. But no one ever does. All everyone does is moan, but still follow the law and continue paying their taxes which are directly used to replace us.
does he already forget that his government jailed his own people complaining on social media over stabbing pajeets?
what a fucking joke. he is just as draconian himself, i hope he fucking dies.
Anyone using the term anglokikes comes off as a fed
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Australia/America will step in at that point.
This levels of copium needed to be pulled directly out of the collective “West” ass is ridiculous

Rusted out barely working shit from the 70s LMAO being compared to problems Russia has with just ONE of its newest systems deployed a couple years back

Completely ignoring the Yars, Bulava, and the Layner

Smell the coffee and wake up
post your real flag pajeet
name a country that isn't like that
It’s impressive how britain managed to go from one of the nicest places in the world to sub-brazillian levels of human development in 10 years. And we were in a nasty crisis for 7 of the last 10 years, so it’s entirely your fault.
Step in to do what? It’ll be over, the nuke happened and the city destroyed. Not an occupation. No ground invasion of Russia will ever succeed just like it won’t in America. That’s why we should be getting along with Russia not provoking them with childish pearl clutching lies and moral grandstanding.
Don't threaten me with a good time
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>the 'West'
has bigger problems than its military hardware. it's become a joke and the rest of the world has realised..pic very related.

whats worse is, its turned on its own people so when they want to start shit everyone is going to shrug and turn away. thats when things will get interesting.
How is that supposed to be a threat?
Nobody would, aside from possible retaliation from the UK everyone would just virtue signal. Greater population cant stand the London governance.
Beaners and turd worlders imported en masse to America are comparable to the central asian imports in Russia, there you have the first step to the modern “invasion” strategy

Russians roflstomp inside mosques and make the muzzles kiss the floor at any sign of mass unrest

BLM was allowed to rampage untouched

Russians are doing better
And Israel... ?
i mean come on roberto...things are bad here but I've been to Brazil... fantastic women, caprinhas are great but everything else is a shitshow.
We test trident twice a year since decades ago, you retard
She should go be a tough girl in mexico.
They'll find bits of her here and bits of her there.
Mexicans see themselves as a hispanic white race regardless of what niggers and kikes say.
>“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Israel holds enough mossad pedo blackmail for the next couple decades involving all western admins

They can start VX gassing the whole region unopposed
God please. Tel Aviv and New York too
cool, can't wait for that episode of eastenders to air, looks mint
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>600,000 killed or wounded
so what 150,000 killed, 450,000 wounded?
and that's an inflated uk estimate so it's probably more like 110,000 killed, 360,000 wounded, most of which are drunkards/minorities from the provinces
covid vax killed millions
>wait …is that….an ILLEGAL war ?
He complained that he only have to have 10x advantage over hrukromutts, what he wanted is 30000 thousands of shells a day to to lose a single soldiers since their lives are incomparable in human value.
If that faggot midget needs any help, I'd be more than happy to be complicit in the melting of his own daughter, thousands of billionaire Russian oligarchs and all the illegal immigrants who live in the shithole that is London. Suggesting that you might nuke London is not a threat to a native Briton, it's a tease.

Go on you pussy, I dare you. I double doggy dare you.
Just repeating the 600k line isn't going to stop Russia from wanting to bodyslam Ukraine, whether the number is a lie or not. Is Keir Starmer a moron?
>repeating an inflated and impossible number to try and perpetrate political power.

i feel ive seen this film already?
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That chart is bullshit nafo memeflag.
Mediazona was the only independent one up until May 2024. They tracked the total # dead at 60,000. Than they got the message from U.K. gov that they needed to update their methodology. So they went offline for 3 weeks and came back with a non-disclosed methodology and upped the total amount to 180,000. No clarification given. Given that the Russians are only getting stronger according to the Ukrainians, I’d say the total amount of dead is below 70,000.
The Ukrainians on the other hand, are probably at 500,000. USA colonels, former Polish generals etc estimate that the total # casualties on the Ukrainian side needs to be measured in the millions.
Kier Starmer really is a remarkable piece of shit. Like, historical level of piece of shit. He just comes out with this wormy nonsense day after day, with lies and clever inversions, and retards buy it.
- The UK destroyed the peace process under Boris.
- There were actual WMD in Ukraine, in weapons labs, pointing direct to Russia - this is an actual casus beli, by any measure.
- Kier Starmer zealously attacked all anti-vaxxers, and was happy to coerce his own people into taking a bioweapon. This has, unironically, killed more bongs than Russia ever has. There is also a ... rumor that if the data is ever collated, we would observe a strange statistical pattern around race. Lots of whites killed.
- Zelensky has thrown 50 year old men into the meatgrinder, and bongs I cannot emphasis this enough - Starmer would too.

>tldr: Starmer is a piece of shit, ignore that guy.
He looks like a lesbian granny
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they already cut russia from everything and russia is stronger than ever. putin should drown these globalists with poseidon but that would be saving the world from them and that will never happen.
To add to this, in his acceptance speech when he won the labour leader seat he said, "I support zionism without qualification". Bit weird to say this when you've just been voted as a UK party leader, no matter the context of unseating corbyn
>illegal war
As opposed to the legal wars that the kikes start.
Not a fan of pepperoni?
Starmer is weak and will be ousted to replaced with Angela rayner
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>Western politicians are gross
Chink commies run over their own lesser bugs in the street and eat bats.
>"ur stinky, stop interrupting my child trafficking."
>"oms, this so hecking wholesome and based!! Russia will surely lose now!!"
Oy vey, nigger.
>I'm a rootless cosmopolitan, I have infiltrated your country and want it to fight for an pay for my wars
>If you disagree you should live in Russia
Lol this doesn't work anymore you dense cunt
How much of that did he achieve so far? Or at least started to work towards?
Do you know what a colossal loss half a million is especially in modern times? That would absolutely be crippling to the Russians to the point where their military would be falling apart and mandatory drafts would be enacted to maintain the war. We would also be seeing plenty of people getting snatched up in Russian villages which we don’t see - only from Ukraine. Plenty of evidence can collaborate this as bullshit especially independent YouTubers like Patrick Lancaster who goes on the frontlines and measures moral.
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> treat your citizens as pieces of meat
Why do these nutcases always project so hard?
Their long range ones dont fuckwit. UK is well within range of the rest
He looks like a dyke.
lol. lmao. isnt that the guy that imprisoned its own citizens for wanting justice for literal child murderers? how can these people claim moral highground in any way, shape, or form? how evil do you have to be to just blatanlty lie to yourself like that?
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>YYYou can't even post online bong
>Chink can only post online from Australia
Personal awareness 0
humiliation rituals are expensive, yo
You retards really are gambling on the whole, "Their nukes don't work" meme? Absolutely amazing. Zoomer hands typed this post.
Russia is a meme country at this point. Even fucking UK is humiliating them
How, exactly, was Russia humiliated here? I'm just not seeing it. I'm just seeing empty platitudes and inaccurate nonsense being said by the leader of a country who is already historically unpopular after only a few months on the job.
Yes, its complete bullshit and no such grants exist.

You've confused government support for families. Those people don't need gibs or banks to set up businesses they have their own backing.

Your parents probably spent it on a Honda Jazz, a plastic lawn and a cruise.
>actual WMDS
dont be stupid. they did store soviet era bio/chem materials but there were no delivery systems.
They could have destroyed them but it was a scam to store them forever at the taxpayers expense.
We dont know what they were doing but we know at labs in Africa they were torturing puppies.
Ackmed I

Wogs get grants and also if the move to set up (((businesses))) they get tax from allowances

Oh and did I mention they can have underaged brides? As long as they don't fuck them till they are over 16 of course tee hee
> they did shave bioweapons but there were no delivery
Oh well I guess that makes it ok. Retard.
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600k dead or wounded? Highly unlikely
>they did have bioweapons but there were no delivery
Oh well I guess that makes it ok. Retard.


>russian populaton increased during the war
Because they gained new donetsk and luhansk areas which have more people than what died during the war
we sacrificed 600.000 hohols, when will you finally give us what we want? reee
>random mutt fatasses on /pol/ determine the US military’s nuclear doctrine
You should plant a pig's head in the wall cavities or something.
This will unironically never happen because

1. Nukes are fake and gay
2. Putin is a kike puppet who's doing what he's told which is to kill as many white people as possible.
3. London is the Rome of the 1000 year Anglo-Kike reign so even if nukes were real and straight that'll be the last place to be hit.

>Captcha: WHYY
prove me wrong, retard.
I am just stating what we know for sure.
>muh nukes
>muh budget
>muh 40k trashcans
kek fuckin k faggots
While I doubt 600k ruskies have died this way. over 600k have been raped/exploited/trafficked/molested recently in the UK. Treating your own girls like pieces of meat.
>Gay british man says words news at 11
Putin could level the UK in minutes.
Keir ought to watch his mouth.
it dont matter retard. starmer needs to worry about how many ukies are getting rocked, imagine pretending you give a fuck about russians when your whole rhetoric for the past 20 years has been negative
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>Russia bad
>the war must continue
that's just the standard Western narrative, memenigger
twitter is dead
three of a kind makes it mine
Lel, same here. I swear all towns are pretty much made up of varying numbers of turkroach barbers, vape shops, phone accessory/repair shops, shitty corner shops, greasy takeaway slopshops, charity shops, and drugnigger setups all operated by brownskins and all of low-effort and low-quality.
This country is laughable.
The current generation is full of exaggerating faggots.
Destroys, claps back, mic drops, etc.
All nigger loving low IQ degenerates.
UK is a joke nowadays. No one take them seriously.
We all are well aware how inefficient US is with money.
It takes you a billion to make something that others can do with a tenth of that.
London is like 35% White British. Putin would be doing them a favor.
unironically this if you listened to the man before 2014 anyone could know how he is a stable and sane diplomat, a true leader
>inb4 zigger on vpn
fuck you you opportunistic shills you would send 600000 of your own men to the front and certain death even if it meant so little as to keep you alive for another day
media officers ... pah
Hope you're right, anon.
>Sounds like bullshit
Not so long ago the DWP were giving out diversity grants to set up new business. As for local councils they have their own diversity funds to assist diversity startups FACT. This is on top of the council funded refugee centres popping up everywhere. This is on top of the private foreign solicitors assisting in completing all these applications and this is on top of the entire private sector sponsorships. I suggest you shut the fuck up as you are completely embarrassing yourself. There are many more schemes, programmes and funds but those are the ones of the top of my head.
Then we go on to the housing advantages...
The thing is, mudslimes have already started creating and funding their own sharia approved parties, so labours are actually losing votes in historical labour areas.
Type in "business grants uk diversity" to a search engine you disingenuous lying cunt.
I wish a nigga would
Ackually, the number is 6,000,000 Kier Starmer.
The gypsy projection lol
Kys ass-mad rat
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Putin won't do shit.
so i was actually working but i see others have replied in my stead.

whilst I know you're being a disengenious cunt, others reading might like to learn of the other ways our govt gives out money.. they work with other organisations who do it on their behalf providing a veneer of seperation.

Take for example the Esmee Fairbairn foundation. You can apply for many racially based grants here. If you read the first page it looks great -they invest and use their profit to give grants and charity..
but actually read their anual accounts:
and low and behold they talk about their partneship with the government to fund 'social enterprises'...

as fort he personal attacks, at least i know who my parents are and how they spend their money is entirely up to them cos they earned it,
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forget the snip from the report
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>It’s impressive how britain managed to go from one of the nicest places in the world to sub-brazillian levels of human development in 10 years.

Why would a brazilian disparage brazilians unless he's pretending to be brazilian?
So far we know for sure that russian electronic warfare forces can send signals to all of nato guided missiles to send them somewhere else of into the enemy territory. Ehile americans can't do that to russian missiles. We knowbthat russian s500 can shot down all nato missiles. While none of nato air defence can shot down kinzal.
It would be a suicide move to use nuke againt russia or china.
Keir ateiner is a fucking faggot who needs his faggot skull kicked in

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