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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Manchester Piccadilly and other UK stations targeted with terrorism message in Wi-Fi 'cyber security incident'
>The Wi-Fi at Manchester Piccadilly was hacked in a 'cyber security incident' on Wednesday night (September 25). An investigation has been launched after the Wi-Fi provided at all 20 stations managed by Network Rail were targeted.
>Users attempting to log on to the service were met with a webpage, which has been seen by the Manchester Evening News. Headlined 'We love you, Europe,' the page contains information about terror incidents in the UK and abroad and appears to have an anti-Islamic message.
>The cyber incident hit Manchester Piccadilly station, among others across the UK, with 11 targeted in London, including Euston and Victoria.
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is it normal if i laugh at gored muslim children
Those bloody racists again, hacking WiFi and disturbing the lovely Muslims as they're on their way to rape a teenage girl and butcher them into a kebab
Don't, the British government will fast track the fucker straight to England
What is normal lad? Something alien to you could be normal to someone else and vice versa
Oh look the Jew is posting again.
post the full thing please, nigger.
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How's mental illness levels lately?
idk, but more importantly machiavellian levels are too low and they need to be raised
Only uncensored image I could find.
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What a delightfully attractive postulation
Yes, psycopathic and sociopathic tendencies are archetypical among yids.
Russians are literally not human. You lot are lower than niggers.
Need a shit and only 2 hours into my shift and I have anxiety about shitting in public. Got to drop a load into London in more ways then one by the looks of it
Manchester arena was a glow op fraud.
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>yout00be's at it again
gleamers seething
I'm drunk and I spent 10 mins trying to hack this site but I'm gonna ddos it instead
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ngl I'm enjoying d4
a normal adult snoker now spends £31.90 a day on cigarettes, which is £972 a month for a normal 2 pack a day habit.

chainsmoking is now out of reach for the working class
>not seen best m8 for a year
>last time i saw him he gave me shit for moaning about boatwogs
>see him last night
>he starts talking about hitler and eugenics
Good morning, job seekers
This is why we have jeets and romanians who sell packs for a fiver

maybe in 2012 ya lying fucker the price even for smuggled fags is waaaaaaay higher
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I might 'work' a biro into his neck
£20 for 50g, only a tenner cheaper than retail
Baccy is half price in france. Our government are a gang of rapacious thugs.
God he's such a bastard lol
Emmanuel McRon lol
can the boat wogs look for work, back home, before they come here?
>doesn't post link
I wonder why
>Long-term benefit claimants need to look for work if they can, says Starmer
>Sir Keir Starmer has said the “basic proposition” that long-term benefit claimants should look for work is right, after announcing new laws to crack down on welfare fraudsters.
he's said nothing that the tories didn't say and didn't put into practice for 15 years
I've done you
cope seethe dilate
one of the many reasons to simply leave the UK. a pack of 20 is £1 in vietnam, you can also light up a spliff in starbucks there and no one bats an eyelid.

the UK will ban smoking soon. you know where else you cant smoke? prison.
>A man has been stabbed at a London train station, with police swarming the scene.
>The attack occurred at Barnes, south west London, earlier this morning, with the station closed as a result.
putting a fiver on the cause being ops news
Tarquin and Jemima's school - done
Greedy boomer pensioners - done
Greedy landlords - done
Benny spastics....

Almost wish I'd voted Labour
I shit on the Talmud and wipe with the Koran and I endorse this. Just knowing that right now dogs are eating the remains of these creatures and curling them out where they used to live makes my day
notice he didn't use the keyword "denounce"
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What happened to him?
whats the price for a gram of weed in london these days.
About 10 quid
idk not sure he even exists
Like big brother in 1984, posters everywhere but probably just a jungian archetype
> the English growing balls against their shitskin invaders and their treacherous government
What's your raisin detra lads
it's easy, you either stand with Islam or you are part of ZOG
there is no middle ground anymore
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ouch, thats £166 a month for a normal smoker.
no because it was already £12 years ago
I actually just found out about this case from some youtube videos, how was it when it happened? I imagine you would have seen his face plastered everywhere. Very sad for the parents.
fuck all of them
do you need a loicence to grow baccy?
Was only a matter of time before he started going for the bennie claimants after getting away with the OAP winter payment cuts.
European lives actually matter Kek
We don’t want our own kind smoking that shit
our governments and corporations incite brown people to terrorize white people to scare us from having any political views at all
how about i beat your little glasses wearing face in with my fist
What's the goal there, they're long term sick so they're most likely at best going to be unreliable/part-time workers maybe?
Then when they're sick, they will get paid statutory sick pay (business holds the bag) and eventually fired for not showing up & be left destitute with no income whatsoever.

God damnit Herr Starmer, better get to saving those sausages or goading Pootin into launching a nuke or five our way, schnell.
Remember buying 50g pouches for £4 20 years ago
black (lung) market very active
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violent sand monkeys ook ook ooga booga
its boomer bait
they've been targeting boomers since they got into power and its made their approval rating drop massively on all fronts so now they have to attack another group they know the previous group frowns upon to balance out the equation and gain favour with the aformentioned boomers and similar generations
thats why they've not presented anything new, its all the same language and the same policies of the last 15 years being presented as if it might be something new to fool seething boomers into thinking others will lose as they have lost. because they know boomers are greedy and hate the younger generations, so the second best way to soothe that seethe is make them believe others are getting the same deal they are
hence why you get boomers posting here anytime there's a mention of bennymongs (younger generations) losing out. its the desire to share misery and a sense of loss out of spite
Little Asian “man”
34 - size of a child - no hair on its chest - talks like a tough guy on the internet because he can’t get away with it in person
>the second best way
as opposed to the best way which would be to do a u-turn on taxing pensions and making the winter fuel allowance means tested. which they obviously won't do. but still need to placate the wrinkled masses somehow
> does anyone wanna meet my Muslim nigger dog?
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I denounce the Talmud and hate Jews but I have to admit enjoying watching them blatantly target the muzzie population, if Iran strike properly I might switch my support. What are Malaysia doing about it? Weaponised fush curry?
taxes on tobacco, alcohol and gasoline etc are stupid as people won't stop using them and all that tax is off from other spending
Non-Europeans think when they score a European partner they’re sitting at the table eating with us when in reality they’re eating our scraps off the floor like a dog
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First one to confirm where I'm rooooaming gets a pic of my wifes feet
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Washing machine is broken lads. And I was planning on doing laundry tomorrow.
Thankfully I've got enough clean clothes to last me until next Saturday, but I don't want to be risking it.
get a crisis loan
Shepton mallet
> his wife is a fat Indian nigger with bunions who had a sex change
No thanks nigga
It was a hack. A british person is less likely to mention europe since they're also forins. More likely a yank. God bless him.
I've got backup plans if I can't get it fixed/replaced in time.
(they're using other people's machines. Or worst case scenario going to one of those gross laundromats)
White women are the perfect kind of tight
Asian women are as tight as a vice grip
They’re such small people - no good for the white man
- Hitler
Lots of things.
I remember when it were 50p for 20, and corner shops sold seperates for 5p.
Based left wing dictator.
Get the useless eaters toiling.
between leeds and hull somewhere slit your wrists depressing like that
Spite and rage
Somewhere in the UK

The cuck bosses will throw in the towel early, because they want to be slaves of Muslims, and probably are already. Muslims are allowed to lie all the time to non-Muslims. You cannot believe anything they say. Starmer or the King could be Muslim. But they won't admit it. That's how childish they are.
I want to take out a loan for a low mileage GTi (0-60 in 7seconds, loads of service history) but now Labour are in I might be made to pack boxes or make Christmas crackers for a pittance.
It amazes me how well you know them
> t. Dutch guy who grew up in Riyadh
why is josh larping as an australian dutch person from riyadh. is he really this sad that using a VPN amuses him ?
What was the average wage then?
Who the fuck is josh
Want me to psych you out more? I grew up in america as well
Can prove
I hate Americans I like making you realize how stupid you are
you're a fat nonce from runcorn using a VPN and larping as an Australian posting paki pedo images
Probably not far from here.
Or, you could spend a couple of k for picrel, sub 3 sec 0-60, 5 sec 0-100
You're not a real yank.
Confess to who you actually are, lest I accuse you of being Dago.
Looking online, about 7k. Average house price was 20k.
never said i was. im working here.
Fags are 14 times more expensive today kek
Can't even befriend them, says in the book not to unless its transactional
Nah, you can't shag in the back. Or unwind a window to let in someone's cock.
damn, thats so affordable for a house
Your country is a piece of shit with no culture
It’s the same corporatized city no matter where you go
Your women are race mixing whores as well - whites don’t mix except in america
nice try dipshit. seen that picture many times.
>no timestamp
imagine my surprise
its bogdan on a vpn, clearly
Do it putler
Is brit/pol kill?
What up.
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yeah, we know
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I need a livestream
Go for a pint then or what?
bots got shutdown kek
I look forward to seeing Kier SEETHE
Where's that lad? Looks familiar
A footpath through the North Kent Wheat fields with Tilbury in the background
thought it was Yorkshire for a bit kek, looked familiar to me too.
>Sue Gray’s salary is not for the public to debate, says Starmer
>Prime Minister defends his chief of staff over her £170,000 pay and takes ‘responsibility’ for No 10 briefing war
He only seems to speak in scolds, really missed his calling as a really shit teacher
>this thing that happened 7 years ago is just a small taste of what's coming
But that was the last terrorist bombing. We haven't had any more terrorist bombings since then.
>World Tier 1
Hmm, who will I talk to now?
A field, post feet
>Nineteen major railway stations across Britain including ten in London have been hit by a major cyber attack impacting their public wi-fi systems for passengers.
>Network Rail confirmed London Euston, Manchester Piccadilly, Liverpool Lime Street, Birmingham New Street and Glasgow Central were among those impacted.
>British Transport Police launched an investigation after travellers logging into the wi-fi at stations reported seeing a message about terror attacks in Europe.
>Wi-fi at the affected stations is controlled by a third-party provider called Telent, and MailOnline understands other organisations have also been impacted by the attack.
>The wi-fi landing page following the hack said 'We love you, Europe' and contained information about terror attacks, according to users posting on social media.
>The attack has been compared to the BBC's new drama Nightsleeper which features a sleeper train travelling from Glasgow to London which is hacked and hijacked.
might try being a Wigger
how do i start?
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yourself as usual
>a sleeper train travelling from Glasgow to London

whats that, £599 one way
You have to stretch vowel sounds and replace some for others, so "riiiight, yaaaa knaaaa whit I mane", and then add vernacular phrases like "bra, geez, blud, innit, propa, sick, homie". Listen to Eminem probably. Be quite slight or if you're muscular covered in tattoos. Wear Nike sandals with white socks in broad daylight. Wear your PE kit about town. Shun education for the time being or affect ignorance.
>Musk hits back after being shunned from UK summit

Anything which annoys out of touch billionaires is a good thing
At least the conversation will be somewhat intelligent, and highly sophisticated.
what's funny is two weeks ago the bbc released a miniseries about network rail getting hacked by terrorists
LNER £200, 5 hour journey.
just checked. its £345. and £650 return. which is bullshit. you can get a return flight to bangkok for that.
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>gleamers seething
To normal people it's a good thing, but I guess you prefer to suck billionaire cock instead
Vietnam or Spain?
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>I don’t think anyone should go to the UK
>cries about not being invited to the UK
pottery. fuck that south african kike
return train ticket to scotland
Midges and alcoholics. No
You're an abnormal freak and people like Elon for letting them speak freely about things that are happening in their country
Nam has the cheaper beer.
if you live in britain you dont value your freedom
simple as
Yes but the London ladyboys are better
Out-of-touch politicians vs. out-of-touch billionaires.
New plans will require University Graduates to pay £480 a year minimum no matter their situation

Mr Leunig, who is a visiting professor at the London School of Economics (LSE), said all graduates should have to repay at least £10 a week “no matter their income” to make the system more financially stable.

University leaders have warned of significant financial concerns as a result of frozen tuition fees paid by domestic students and a drop in overseas students.

The previous government raised the cap on university tuition fees in England to £9,000 a year in 2012, but it has been fixed at £9,250 since 2017.
>The Gooners have had enough.
He's right to raise it
Not really mate. Their ideology is dogshit, and has no place here, but a child is a chlid, and deserves a chance (just not here,but back on the Arabian peninsula).

If you're white European (likely you're not with that flag), you'd be better than this and have some empathy. Odds are, you're an African far from home, and are trying to fit in because you're too much of a fag for your local gang.
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I just saw this Alex Jones clip;

"how's it feel to kill more people than Hitler?"

he really does have his moments, kek!

graduates leaving is going to spike
or people will stop doing bullshit degrees they can't get a job in afterwards like "Film and Media" or "Women's studies" and getting it all paid for for free from the government
The hole education system needs a overhaul.
boomeroid take
I spoke with a young lass and she said no one is going to university because all you get is in massive debt and there are no decent paying jobs afterwards,

as always, successive govt's manage to fuck up the simplest things out of sheer stupidity.
Things should be taxed in accordance with their social cost. When it comes to fags, society needs to cover
>healthcare costs and research
>cleaning streets
It should be down to the manufacturer to ensure that streets are by and large free of cigarette butts, and that hospitals up and down the country are fully funded to deal with tobacco related disease, with world-class research departments.
If tobacco companies think they can handle these externalitities better privately, they should be free to demonstrate they can handle the costs internally, and get that tax lowered to raise sales.
Not a fan of using smokers as a free tax source. But societal costs are societal costs.
Story? (if true)
remember, through all that is yet to come
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go look at what the media is putting out, an endless stream of dross, I can't see how it's profitable or sustainable,

when you've only got lemons make lemonade,

when you've only got students of film and media make endless remakes,
i doubt there is a significant downturn of british undergrads (be it native or wogs), people might say nice vibes things but at the end of the day they will still partake
What are the political implications of binmen getting blown up?
She knows you don't need a degree to show your bumhole on OF.
>Britain wants spending and a better NHS, not this obsession with growth. That’s why there’s big trouble ahead
>Starmer speaks of a decade of renewal but he is on borrowed time, and is not offering even Labour voters what they want
>jew meets jew lover
he'll probably kiss feet and compare circumcisions.
Round my way all the binmen are niggers now, even the bottom-tier jobs aren't employing whites anymore
runcorn's proper lovely in some areas
look at this lads
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it's a sad statement on the current economy that a girl can do better flashing her minge on chaturbate than she can taking a regular job,

be honest, if you could do it and live the neet life never leaving your home, you would.
Film and media is a HUGE industry in the UK though. #2 in the world for TV and #4 in the world for film production.
The tourism impact alone is fucking massive.
More like bumcorn.
>not this obsession with growth
Immigrant bros... they don't give a shit about the GDP anymore...
yes, but of all the graduates that study it at the uni i work at < 1% get a job in it. So many zoomies want to be le great film director, and every fag with an iPhone thinks they understand how to edit, use LUTs etc. None of them get a job in it. It's a sham degree
Sounds like the political implications are positive. We need a Dustbin Laden to emerge from the shadows, to take back jobs for r proud britpol community.
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Convince everyone they need a degree to do any worthwhile job.... profit.
>I hate you all and now I have power over you
quite a clear political statement if you ask me
>kweir constantly in shit for receiving money from a muslim
>kweir protects muslims
>kweir offers protection for mosques
>kweir penalising whites
theres no proven link between cigarettes and cancer or cigarette butts for that matter. try again hitler
ah had no idea. what a fucking scam. imagine being such an epic place to study film and not being able to run serious courses which tie into reality.
unis should be shut down if they can't provide value.
if i'm studying film, i expect to fucking work in film after for a decent salary, not have my teenage fantasies played around with for 3-5 years.
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sooooo...what are the odds that some rich muzzi faggot was getting some Bacha bāzī from stammerers underage son in a posh Covent Garden flat during lockdown?
Is this the dirt the ummah have on freebie Stalin?
I don't understand the financial model, there's more content coming out than anyone could ever view (most of it you wouldn't want to view)

it must cost 'X' to produce, who invests and what is the return?
is it just fishing for ad revenue?
if so, are people actually watching?
don't give a fuck mate. tired of the experts. makes sense that if you inhale burning shit, it'll fuck you up. also makes sense if you throw something on the floor, it'll stay there.
don't need your '''scholars''', '''citations''', peer review''' and '''funding''' to tell me otherwise you dirty muslim rat.
There are loads of really pretty young women working minimum wage jobs who, while they know the cash potential of porn, still wouldn't do it.
I'm not sure I would want thousands of people seeing my todger.
>It's a sham degree
This. It's why the quality of TV has taken a nosedive in recent years.
post-scarcity economies are weird like that
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Manchester bombing was fake as fuck
I would imagine this is more work from the extreme far left to push hatred of the English in the now majority brown Manchester. I mean seriously, only nigs and iphone users would log onto a free wifi in a station. Humans rarely use the train and if they do I'm sure they can manage 3 minutes without checking istagram.
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Why is the media so against Stamer?
Yes, the old saying about politics being show business for ugly people is very true.
>I'm not sure I would want thousands of people seeing my todger.
Go on. Giz us a gander. I won't tell your missus.
Because he's turned on them. Just like he turns on anyone who doesn't worship his absolute right to rule and bullshit his way through life.
fuck off you lowlife cunt
Why are globalists obsessed with using creepy giant puppets for propaganda purposes?

>the normies are questioning immigration, let's make a weird giant puppet called "little Amal" and parade it round the world, that will surely change their mind
>giant naked infant
pedo shit
I appreciate that, it's a sick world where the only way a girl can make her 'big break' into showbiz is flashing her minge online to dirty old men like me,
actually, it's almost a social service in itself, rather altruistic,
but it is part of the decadence and moral decay of a civilisation on the brink of collapse,

there probably won't be a functioning internet by 2030.
all of this
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Not for free.
>designed to help children talk about the environment
Someone should firebomb it for a laugh.
Irish people all have that irishy look to em
Are they? Only normals watch the media so prolly the peasants are booing and they are playing to their audience. The public are fucking retarded beyond the realms of possibility.
>Designed to help children talk about the environment
How about not importing a million bames per year?
I've got £50
Pussy is all the same
Fuck islam.
this seething red is pissed little musky turned his romping ground into 4chan
Is he free to act as he pleases?
It's going to take decades to work through the trauma these cunts are inflicting on pre-schoolers.
this isn't a post scarcity economy, that's typical

it's a post industrial economy being squeezed by a decline in surplus energy where no one can afford to produce tangible stuff and still make a profit, so they come up with progressively weirder schemes to scam money out of people whilst the govt. prints the currency into oblivion trying to maintain the Potemkin Village facade.
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Expand please. Whats triggered you here?
in Rochdale of all places
Yeah and why did you pit zionidt and jew sin power to exercise coudenhove kalergi lenin who plan and marxism socialism and apostasy and then wage war on Hitler
How long does Queer Starmer have left? Thinking about placing a bet that he'll be out before the end of 2024.

Bookies have it at 3/1, but I can get 20/1 on Polymarket up but it's not very liquid.
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Yes. As were these people.
taxes only enrich the bureaucrats
>#2 in the world for TV
How? What are we producing that anyone is watching? Bridgerton? Doctor Who? Surely the big Asian countries produce more?
Global spending on tv/film is $250bil/year apparently.
Netflix's revenue was $37bil last year

People around the world like tv and film and spend money on it, whether it's subscriptions, watching ads, cinema tickets, tv licenses, taxes, cable tv bills, digital taxes, etc.

I think how we earn is 2 fold:
>The popularity of British productions abroad
>American companies outsourcing work here

You'd be amzaed when you travel how popular British TV is. Only Fools and Horses is HUUUUUGE in Serbia, for example, and every old woman around the world loves stuff like Murder She Wrote. I even saw "The Chase" on Bosnian TV.
Companies around the world have to pay to air this stuff, and "Britishness" has clout. People think we're whacky, eccentric, creative people, and trust our output. Smaller countries also can't compete with the English language so just accept our output.

Next up, lots of big American studios outsource work here as it's cheaper. The UK is apparently a great filming location as you have the above, a rich heritage of theatre for unlimited cheap actors, diverse locations a short drive away, decently educated folk and good infrastructure.

This may explain better: https://www.socialfilms.co.uk/blog/uk-film-industry-statistics

Also think of the tourism impact. The amount of kids who want to come to study in the UK because of Harry Potter is fucking HUGE, and they bring big cash. We've also used TV to advertise London and our countryside as amazing locations. Other countries pay massive amounts to advertise their tourism (i.e. Saudi Arabia), we actually get countries to pay US to show our content.
>giant naked infant groomed by giant animatronic paki
>islamic etremism
Please proofread your fucking messages it makes yo look amateur.
They've already fucked it by locking kids up in their homes for a year and half because the boomers got a bit scared

I reckon hes got another year left. You know how slimy the lawyers are.
Red Dwarf.
it's just Kabuki theatre, the media hates on whoever is in the public eye to farm clicks,

Starmer is just a puppet anyway, he'' be gone pretty soon and another goofball will be put up for ridicule,
meanwhile the nation descends into a neo-feudal corporate tyranny.

welcome to the decline and fall of the western roman empire 2.0 electric boogaloo.
it's always funny when bureaucratic pigs come up with random numbers like this
I like the schizo theory about Death Grips disclosing the bombing beforehand
>her 'big break' into showbiz
Even actual actresses suck dick for roles. And it kills them inside. You can see the dead eyes on the ones who can't live with it.
It's interesting to note that Starmers paymaster, "Lord" Ali, has a background in media. So he's playing to the real money as usual.
10 pound a week
Less than an hours wages pays for that
Thats Prime Minister David Lammy to you.
>How long does Queer Starmer have left?
At least 10 years. A few moaning gammons counts for nothing. All of the press coverage just elevates him in the minds of the public above any stupid nigger the Tories will put forward. You must be new to this.
I can't wait to see the back of him, but dread who he will be replaced with,

my guess is 'soon'
Is that still going? I loved the earlier series but haven't watched any of the new ones.
He can stay in for as long as he wants. Public opinion is irrelevant.
Do you believe it was a real bombing and real people died?
As soon as the rioting gets to the stage the police can't handle it, his own party will throw him under the karma bus. The real question is how long does the uniparty have?
>a decline in surplus energy
which is entirely manufactured and political in nature, with "green" policies and other bullshit like that
take the UK for an example
why isn't 100% of electrical base load covered with nuclear power?
why are Britain's many rivers not dammed and used for hydropower?
why isn't surge capacity being provided by gas-fired power plants using abundant gas deposits in the North Sea?
rhetorical questions, all
the (((elite))) cannot maintain despotism if energy is abundant
simple as
>At least 10 years.
27 years, same as mao
> humiliation ritual
>The real question is how long does the uniparty have
Forever. Any of the "alternate" parties like the Lib Dems, Greens or Reform are also part of the Uniparty. Spooks shut down any effort at making a breakaway party.
what you're not recognising is a steady compression of discretionary spending across the advanced economies,

when given a choice of eating, paying the rent or subscribing to Netflix, it's Netflix that gets the boot,
the entire 'tech' media, advertising sector is in a bubble and likely to being imploding soon, everything is hyped and oversold but doesn't actually bring in enough in the way of returns,

it'll be very much like the bursting of the dotcom bubble,

hardly anyne watches broadcast tv and cable, that's dying rapidly, all the legacy media is, it will be followed by the new streaming services, they'll have to cut back, soon we'll all be watching only fools and horses, it'll just be old production recycled.
>The UK is the second-largest exporter of television programming and the fourth-largest exporter of film content globally.

This could be bullshit, I'm not an expert. But I know the UK is a massive destination for film and TV as I used to work (kinda) in the film industry in a moderately-sized European nation and we'd speak about such things.

It's the small things like "I want to film here". The UK is pretty open and has established systems to get shit done easily, and for cheap, without dealing with retarded local governments.
wanking on the internet is a lot more wholesome than being banged by niggers on VHS,

US porn is grotesque, as is their society.
Kek the kikes love humiliating their foes/goyim
Their method of warfare is very psychological
Petty coating a nigger who is meant to have the “gangsta rapper” persona
Seems so. An unkillable sci-fi series. A scary thought indeed.
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You understand that these security organisations have been "woked" as well, right?
Insanity is catching, and always ends in suicide.
Dunno about that. He's promised us 10 years of austerity. If he doesn't make a noticeable improvement to people's lives in 5 years, he'll probably lose the next election. But, yes, it's dependent on the Tories too and they'll probably pick some retard as leader and no one will want them back. The country is so fucked.
it wouldn't surprise me, Britains first mentally handicapped nigger prime minister.
oh you really are a dummy, you're so hooked on ideological hate fests that you completely ignore physics,
It makes sense because our stuff can be easily exported to the colonies and Europe. Asian stuff doesn't travel well outside of weeb nonces.
There are 10,000 citizens of the UK in Lebanon currently

We will see how Starmer reacts to the Israelis killing at least a few dozen of these
Daytime riots would have to go to local party offices, while the MP and all his employees are there. Nighttime riots to their homes.
There's not enough private security for scared politicians to go authoritarian alongside Kier. They don't have castles and fortified manors.
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Not too keen on the ukraine tbdesu de lids, you know that money is never coming back
I think there's a few things to add here, though.
The UK is in a very sweet spot of being decent, trusted and English, while also being relatively cheap and excelling in low-key content.
When the market shrinks, it'll be the huge budget madness and the small domestic productions which will suffer. The UK straddles a nice middle ground which is relatively sustainable because of our theatre heritage.

Places like Romania will just not bother making TV content and will buy UK content as the Romanian market is miniscule and they don't have established infrastructre which can compete with cheap English language content. On the other end, the US' big budget slop will implode in the bubble and leave a big gap.

read that, written in the 1940's, it sounds exactly like a description of today.
That rapper can literally just say "no".
He might lose his record deal and be kicked back to the ghetto, but at least he'll have his honour.
>If he doesn't make a noticeable improvement to people's lives in 5 years
He won't. He can't, unless he is willing to do mass deportations. As long as the brown hordes continue to flood in, life is going to get much worse for everyone, including the browns themselves who are already here.
But I’m talking about the ones who can’t help themselves and get sucked in ———- >>482882736
You see it in their porn as well
That’s one of the reasons it makes you sick
They take sex - a beautiful thing - and weaponize it
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It's all very well blaming this on groups like the jews and the muzzies, or the queers and the communists, but the simple fact is there are only 2 sides in the world that matter.
It's not gay v straight, or left v right, or old v young, or any of those other divide and conquer strategies. They exist, but only as a subset.
The bottom line is that it's just grifters and grafters. Workers and shirkers. Those who put in versus those with their hand out. And the longer this isn't addressed, the worse it gets, because grift loves company.
To find out which side someone belongs to, just ask the question:
>if this persons (6 figure) job disappeared tomorrow, would anything bad happen?
That's how you sort this out. The ship of state just needs the barnacles scraping off.
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>A pathocracy may emerge when a society is insufficiently guarded against the typical and inevitable minority of such abnormal pathology, which Łobaczewski asserts is caused by biology or genetics. He argues that in such cases these individuals infiltrate an institution or state prevailing moral values are perverted into their opposite, and a coded language like Orwell's doublethink circulates into the mainstream, using paralogic and paramoralism in place of genuine logic and morality.
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Morning spackers. Wondering what to have for dindins...
You actually think I read that
we've had 15 years of austerity, they couldn't reverse that, 10 more years of austerity is hardly an oracular prediction,

basically the end of the fossil fuel era is ending, without the surplus energy fossil fuels could supply the economy will contract and simplify,

modernity will end between now and 2050, by then we'll be in serious decline, returning to much simpler times and a smaller population.
>We will see how Starmer reacts to the Israelis killing at least a few dozen of these

He'll call them right wing thugs and then everyone will forget about it
wow thanks for the information captain reddit. i love being taught new things.
Environments are antisemitic now since greta became a literally hitler
>a smaller population
Who is that going to be when the food runs out?
That is the worst Pepe I’ve seen in my life
Have you no shame
benjamin nosferatu could fuck Starmer up the arse live on tv and Starmer wouldn't bat an eyelid, it would be anti-semitic to say anything.
>expecting a serious reply to a contentless coment
back atcha. You sound like you might be in the "grifter" section.
>basically the end of the fossil fuel era is ending, without the surplus energy fossil fuels could supply the economy will contract and simplify,

Because it's being regulated out of existence by commie central planning, we're just replacing it with millions of wind turbines that each shed 60kg of microplastics per year from the blades, bisphenol-A mmm yum.
Sounds like Marxist nonsense tbqh.
Plenty of full time workers don't have a pot to piss in.
I'm almost exclusively watching legacy output from the 1970's back that I find to stream for free online,
I'm not spending a penny on media, I'm sure I'm not alone,
1950-1980 was they hey day of visual media, you could say the same about music, everything since has just been shittier and shittier.
Imagine not barricading the Morecambe, Wash and Severn estuaries, ffs. Could have ezpz free power and create 3 new business hubs outside of London with new transport links.
>Because it's being regulated out of existence by comm
Fossil fuel consumption is at an all time high. Mug. Try getting some real facts instead of wank bait from Jeremy Kyle on Gammon radio.
sounds familiar huh?!
It was rhetorical
I didn’t read that either
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i see, so there is no net zero legislation then, gotcha m9
Yeah because stupid niggers such as yourself fearmonger the public in regards to nuclear power
That money is being spent to protect r democracy. It's not a loan or an investment.
> you’re in a race war, white man
> your women, land, and folk are being conquered by niggers of all kind
the people who can provide for themselves will survive, you either need to be very rich, or be very practical and just go live somewhere quiet and be as self sufficient as possible.
>Could have ezpz free power
But a capitalist will lose money. That would never be allowed.
True. The world should be led by the productive.
It's about paying interest on bullshit faux currency.
The money for the interest wasn't magicked into existence with the debt, so the only way to pay off the "loan" is to borrow more. Eventually the requirement to return the (unprinted) interest exceeds the GDP and the whole system collapses. For all his other nonsense, Richard Tice has it right. The interest on money "borrowed" from the BoE should be ignored. But we know how much chance there is of that happening
At the moment they are trying to bullshit it afloat by pretending that importing millions of bames magically makes the impossible possible.
Soon...very soon now...
He's Bouncing Back.
brit/pol/ always has the most factually incorrect and out of this world takes nowadays
Have a surprise dinner. Wait until 6pm then open the fridge. Whatever is in there, you cook.
>be island nation
>not many resources
>securing resources is bad
We should be baiting Rwanda into carving up Congo, and going extractionmaxxx on the Falklands while we're at it, too. Bunch of fucking faggots running the country who only care about looking at birds through binoculars.
Here's my take:
If your neighbours are brown
It's time to leave town.
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>vote 4 change
>right wing thugs

kinda bored of the slogans tbdesu, lets get sum thuckin massive tax rises in
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Look at the state of the site now.
1pbtid twitter screenshot threads litter the catalogue on here.
The whole site needs ID's. But this site is fucked now, trannies and lefties are jannies and mods.
You filthy Jew , we’re going to be burning you for heat soon
>Plenty of full time workers don't have a pot to piss in.
Because all the money is going to grifters. Marxism is grift.
Do YOU produce something society needs?
Everything else is just "jobs for the boys", even if they have to create them.
It's interesting to note this does not exist to any great extent in the private sector (except for shit like DEI imposed on them by the bureaucratic grifters). It's the public sector grift that is draining the coffers and slowing down the productivity of the nation.
If your neighbors are brown
Burn the Jew down
Jew pig
Almost like theres too many people living on a small island.
They won't be able to do that without some sort of national catastrophe. If they can start and end a war in those 5 years, then they can convince people life is better (after the war).
>I didn’t read that either
except you did, obviously.
ok, you're drunk with ideological hate,

it's simple physics, with a finite resource you start by extracting the easiest to reach, then move on to the more difficult and expensive, all the time the consumption rate grows, eventually you're extracting stuff that's so expensive no one can afford to use it and the entire economy is geared up to use those fossil fuels,

it all grinds to a halt in pretty short order because the consumption rate is so massive, you go from half left to zero in a matter of 15 years,

none of the alternative energy sources are new, they're all sources exploited before fossil fuels,
none of them produce the volumes and densities of fossil fuels and their cost are much higher,
GDP and primary energy usage are closely correlated, less primary energy = less GDP,

80-85% of todays primary energy is fossil fuels,

we could go back to an economy a fifth of the size and complexity of today in just a couple of decades.

all the big 'green' energy infrastructure projects are entirely dependent on fossil fuels to build them, they won't produce enough surplus energy to replace themselves,

this is why for 10,000 years civilisation never got above an agrarian economy with proto industrialised production,
there just wasn't the surplus energy available to make the leap to full industrialisation until an efficient condensing steam engine unlocked the potential energy in coal.
Didn’t read
You’re a kike
You and your family will be drug from your home and shot in the head
It’s going to happen
>and a smaller population.
When i was in school in the 80s we were putting on our serious hats and discussing how the uk is over populated. 35mil at that time.

Then at uni in the 90s it was a given that we are facing a population decline which will be hard. 40 mil at that time. No probs though because a reset was needed as there was well too many people anyway.

Fast forward to today and apparently we are at 80 mil and still facing a depopulation threat as our nation gets old.

Ons lies is the only conclusion. There are too many people here, simple as.
Y'all are just haters
well the current financial paradigm is dependent on growth, the economy has to keep expanding to produce the extra money to pay off the interest as well as the principle,

this is ok all the time it's possible for the economy to keep growing, if not here then at least somewhere else in the world,

but now we really have reached the limits to growth, growth has ended on a global scale, we need to shift to a new financial paradigm that can cope with contracting,

wankers like starmer are still betting the farm on growth coming to the rescue, but it won't, that game is over.
Too many low quality people and too little for people to do. With all these bodies, we should be taking on truly grand infrastructure projects. But most are just let to sit around and do nothing, like african tribes waiting for the rain or for their one hunter to come back with an egg.
yup, if we're going back to the economy of the late 18th century, an agrarian economy, we need to get down to at or below 50ppl per sq km,
currently we are at 280ppl/sq/km !!

we really need to get down to a population of 12.5 million by mid century or it's going to get really rough here.
>taking on truly grand infrastructure projects
Do you really want the average pleb to be working on stuff like that?
Isn't it weird that farmers that produce the real value. Aka, things required to survive don't make that much money....
>he doesn't know about digital economy
the UK is actually underpopulated its mostly empty space. a country the size of the UK can easily have a population of 150 million if they were all white and not filthy browns
unlike the great scientists who collectively built the london underground in the 19th century, or kickstarted the industrial revolution?
charge too much for food and you get murdered. charge too much for a massive yacht, and people kinda understand.
the American economist Nordhaus said that agriculture is only 4% of the global economy so it's not very important,

this is how fucking retarded the people in charge are!
>we are at 280ppl/sq/km !!
450 in england, scotland and wales are basically empty
>muh gommies
actual commies would be building more nuclear power plants
People have a completely different mindset today. Deano would 100% chuck a time capsule into a huge concrete pour and ruin the entire thing.
sure, there are wide open spaces, but also more than 10 million people within the M25,

you need an average population per sq km to make a proper appraisal,
Thinking some kind of holy war is the way to go.
you can smoke in prison anon
the only places in the uk where you can legally smoke indoors are prison and mental hospitals (to keep the mongs calm)
99.9% of new arivals are grifters.
So, yes.
for the UK the average is 280,

the average for China is 150.
the ideal UK would be as homogenous and densely populated as greater tokyo. half a billion total population. unrestricted white immigration.
Valid concern, since the big infrastructure works will need complicated machinery and engineering. Building a new nuclear reactor isn't going to be made easier by bringing in thousands of men with shovels.
But then what does the average pleb do? As technology improves, what do people do?
Maybe we do need to slide back into feudalism. Deindustrialise the farms and mines, return those to pure physical labour.
although I'm for exterminating the Jews, I'm afraid there aren't enough of them to make a significant impact on population reduction,

but it would still be very helpful getting rid of those demons in human form.
If people are outside and working on doing productive shit, you can improve them.
Get a nigga outside doing gruntwork from the age of 15, and he'll understand the importance of studying physics, so he can be planning shit, not carrying heavy things.

All for UBI and some kind of 4 day working week for those upskilling. We need some kind of education passport, like a sphere grid on FF10, where people can constantly upgrade their skills for free.
Half of China is uninhabited desert.
>not buying smuggled baccy from Europe for £10 a 50g
Plenty of spiritual jews around. Holy wars, or rebellion against the crown, who let's face it. Don't care if you are starving.


poor bastards
you can only support a population density of 50ppl/sq/km without fossil fuels,

that's why the world population went from 1 billion in the mid 19th century to 8 billion today, the surplus energy of fossil fuels made it possible,

taking the total land area on the planet and 50ppl/sq/km you get a figure of 7.44 billion, but that would require every square food of land to be productive and intensively farmed and managed.
the population must fall, it's going to peak in 2050 without reaching 9 billion and be back down to 7 billion by 2089,

screenshot this.
You felt those floods?
China is slowly rehabilitating that degraded and barren land and putting it back into production, it's really quite impressive what they've achieved already and they understand how important it is.
>he'll understand the importance of studying physics
Maybe, but will he be capable? There's a massive range in intelligence among people. Some are absolute geniuses who pick things up to master level in seconds, while others will still forget their daily operations and have to be reminded of how to do something they just did.
We had r floods in 2015.
excuse me?
Just gotta throw numbers at it. The retard who struggles through physics and doesn't apply it will probably see the value in teaching his son the importance of studying maths from a young age.
Also when you've got a pub full of retards who are all studying something, you might just get them speaking about something a bit different than muh boats, muh man city, muh 5g masts and muh reality tv.

It's a shame the UK has abandoned these principals in the home, and the knowledge culture has been plundered. It'll take a generation to rebuild it.
We should go back to coal and start the mines up again.
some of it is nutritional deficiency causing congenital retardation,
you can improve niggers quite a bit just by managing them better.
Bames go in the mines obviously.
they'll escape
And they call it a mine. Also, fuck thatcher, the absolute dumb cunt.
well you have a white supremacist flag, when you think you're superior to everyone else and everyone else is wrong, you'll never examine the possibility that you might be wrong too.
Tell them they can escape through the other end of the mine, and they just have to dig their way to freedom.

not sure what was wrong with letter northern retards just die out in the mines and slowly shutting them down, just to keep em busy
Why is it so expensive?!
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lmfao. Have you seen how much of it there is?
We're not talking scrubland here! It's thousands upon thousands of square miles of nothing but rocky mountains and desert with zero vegetation.
"improve" it all you want. As soon as you stop pouring all your resources into the vanity project, it will revert to what it is now.
Exporting the production of real value is a death sentence for all nations.
minimum wage innit
British coal production peaked in 1913, it's been in decline ever since,
we've already used up all the affordable to access stuff,
some of those mines went several miles out under the sea,
Are they going to dig themselves out? You can't dig up.
I'd unironically go down the mines, pays decent, loads of mates and creates a tight knit community, the work is real and feels rewarding.

I would go down the mines
white supremacy is scientific fact
the last 2000 years of world history can be summed up as "whites rule, everyone else seethes hard"
what "physics" are you talking about?
Keir Starmer lived with Lord Alli during Covid Lockdowns, not his wife...

Lads... Did I summon KEK and make our prime minister a gay?
it's funny tho
Been down a mine in Poland. Pretty scaring endlessly going into the darkness in a 3-storey elevator. Feels neverending, and you feel every movement of the lift when it bangs into the shaft.
There's a pub down there though, which balances it out. Pretty kino excursion. They even have mines with canal boat trips inside, and underground marathons.
you're in denial so you want to bargain, fine, do whatever you need to do to cope, just don't bore me with it.

what was argies mum's snatch like?
ok, well you're probably a low IQ mutt who uses this myth as a comfort blanket,

why not go back to licking that window you're so fond of.
It's all gone. The dream of bame mines is over.
ffs had me shitposting flag on. I've never been down one but it would beat the shit out of working in an office or stacking shelves I reckon, I imagine it'd be 12 hour shift minimum but I wouldn't mind 3 on 3 off type of thing.

this is a kino doc on the last mine in the uk, made me want to be a miner
Who remembers Bradley from S Club 7
oh look you have no arguments lol
Mines are based.
lmfoa. It's a VANITY PROJECT
As soon as you stop pouring resources into it, the desert will come back. This is crap land, end of.
It's also irrelevant to the original argumant. Half of Chine as currently uninhabited, so their population density is about the same as ours.
We should be using our '''foreign aid''' budget to send bames and pakis to North Africa to green the desert.
my grandad used to work down the pits, my shithole northern town has a load of disused mines underneath it, caused some subsidence where they tried building over them. I wish they would bring it back.
vile paedo watching vids on minors getting dirty
Why would a married man spend lockdown with a gay muslim man?
>'''foreign aid''' budget
Can't look after your own. But, have money to spare to help forrens. Peak (((jew))).


why would an atheist practice shabbat?
Large scale bio-engineering projects are going to be the No1 industry of this century. But only the viable ones. Greening large parts of the sahara is possible, but we all know they will simply goat graze it back into desert within decades
> you know why
Kier can get out of this entire scandal by just claiming to be secretly gay. He can say he's been living a lie his whole life, forced to cover up who he truly is and deny who he really loves. He loves Lord Alli, he always did. But they had to keep it a secret because society is so bigoted and judgemental.

BUT then he would have to divorce his jewish wife and abandon his jewish children. They won't look favourably on that.
I'd block all migration to Britain,

but at the same time I'd stop British interests fucking over the countries the migrants come from,

and there's fuck all you can do to rewild Britain, but there's massive amounts of work to be done rehabilitating barren and degraded land around the world, it's all in the poor countries people want to leave, get them fixing up their environment and they'll stay home and have a comfy life,

it's a win win deal,
Ropes of paki cum all over dear leader's face
good series about the subject
amazing how much cool stuff is in chinese territory
>Gay Jew shacked up with Muslim lover during Covid lockdowns, abandoning wife and children
Is this what will finally win back the north for Labour?
have none of yall lads renewed your baking loicence?
Media rats are digging, does not take a genius to 1+ 1 = 2, at this current rate it is not going to be long.
>Keir Starmer lived with Lord Alli during Covid Lockdowns, not his wife
why are these revelations only coming out now
>peak coal
are you a reader of tim watkins?
>get them fixing up their environment and they'll stay home and have a comfy life
I get what you mean, but they still won't. They want the riches and the permissive, easily abused society over here. They don't want to work, they just want to take.
It's happened time and time again in Africa. Even the white farmers found the blacks to be lazy workers. When the blacks stole the farms through violence and now owned those successful farms, they still didn't do any work and let it rot.
There is deffo something very, very dodgy about this whole Lord Ali thing. Every time it comes back to him. Is he the only go-to donor Labour has? It looks like he's trying to buy himself a government of a major world power.
kek. Muzzies are soooo fucking stupid, he probably thinks he can get away with it.
If you want to get even crazier, compare this to what happened with Philip Schofield, and how he's now being allowed to make a media comeback. It's almost as if a celebrity has been used to pave the way for a gay man betraying his family for his gay lover and then being accepted by the public despite it.
anyone baking? ive got 5 mins
Brits need jobs. Providing Brits with jobs is the only matter that matters. Everyone wants a job. A job that will provide for their family.
dont want 2 threads popping up at once I hate that, speak now if youre baking
I'm not a fan of muslims but Manchester arena was a false flag hoax still it's not like this will ever be publicly acknowledged so no harm in using it
Colonial occupation is the way forward. Keep em busy and working, and give them some ownership of the future of their land, while we scrape a profit off the top.
Zero tolerance shooting down anybody who illegally enters Europe by land or sea.
Immigration seen as a huge privilege only available to a select few who denounce Islam, have a master's degree from a reputable university, speak flawless English, and can pay £100k deposit refunded on 5 years of flawless behaviour where they demonstrate value to their communities, recorded in an open-sourced portfolio.
remember mugabe stealing all the white farmland and then pleading to the world for famine aid a year or two later
they are quietly giving the land back to whites now
Schofield posting coming back? Those were some crazy days
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he doesn't give a fuck about native english
no? no baking? I will press ze button in 1 minute
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push it
wonder how many d-notices there are on issues regarding starmer's private life

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