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why do the democrats want to bring about communism
diversity vs hemogenous
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>jew v jew
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Normies are unironically going to chimp out if they don’t do something to raise the living standards, and that genuinely scares our oligarchs.
>why do the democrats want to bring about communism
Because poor people tend to vote Democrap, so it behooves the Dems to make and keep people in poverty so that they continue to rake in the votes. Its never about improving lives of others; its only about maintaining power for themselves.

BTW, this is also the reason why Dems burned and looted black neighborhoods back in 2020. They wanted to keep blacks from becoming affluent and escaping the plantation. It is why they murdered David Dorn.
Imagine how fucking stupid you have to be to vote for the project 2025 party. Abandon that shit
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
The thinking goes roughly
>under communism I will get to pursue my personal interest(s) as a career and totally won't be assigned to fill one of millions of labor positions in a factory or on a farm
Pic on the left is what capitalism with niggers looks like.
Left is niggers and diversity.

They are the same crooked faggot system.
Why does America look like the left yet communist china look like the right?

Maybe your capitalist master lied to you for their own profit

Both words contain the letters for Islam.
The right should have a bunch of dilapidated trailer parks and houses surrounding the giant office building
Because I hate my boss and he doesn't let me stay home.
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>actual socialism
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>le beautiful skyscraper
Return to nature
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European architecture is so fucking superior to American architecture
imagine being this retarded.
making car payments and punching into a job is real freedom. With my car I can drive ANYWHERE, I just don't have the time to do anything because I'm always working so I can afford the car... But I theoretically could drive to alaska if I wanted to. Then I can spend 2 weeks decompressing from my shitty job away from cars and cities. Don't you get it? you have to be a slave so you can feel free for a couple weeks every few years, we can't just wake up and feel free everyday, that's IMPOSSIBLE!
overgrown nature pics.
capitalism builds multi level greenhouses.
of low quality.
>>actual socialism
Socialism didn't build mountains. You know that right?
>Love thy neighbor as thyself
I think God did build them and he sounds like a socialist to me.

>Winter/Summer isolation doesn't exist
>Old buildings that are past their materials' warranty
>Demented logistics transit, limitations, obstacles
>Structural rot rebranded via museumification
>Urban & rural elites, as always, don't care about the lives of their countryfolk, since everything is now globalized and “global citizenship” to excuse their pathological hatred/disinterest
>The “ofs”, “vans”, “des”, “des las”, “d's” and other pompous assholes still persist and ruin Europe for everyone because of “muh blood”, “muh lineage”, “muh seniority” and other arbitrary bullshit.
>Can't do shit against secret service personnel of various geopolitical foes

Nah, Europe right now goes through its comeuppance. The brakes are some nasty aristocratic, nobility shitasses that refuse to die off.
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I fucking love cubes.
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Feudalism wins.
I prefer the commieblock vs ranch style housing
That's what true capitalism looks like. Every man having his own space not crowded into mega cities.
It makes them feel good about themselves.
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socialize public goods, privatize everything else
its a weird thing to take an absolute position on, there's a demand for all kinds of homes and some people will want to live in a more densely populated area. the ideal would be that there's plenty of different options available and also be affordable. there is no reason other than speculative investment that's caused homes to become affordable and shepherd people into small spaces regardless of where they want to live.
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There is hope
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For the ruling class: so they can remove the ladder, secure their position and keep the peasants out of their circles.
For the midwits: its about being a decent human being sweaty.
For the bottom of the barrel: its about revenge from the rich. Or so they think.
Because the ones at the top get to capitalize on it.
Socialism =/= Communism you uneducated hick
Both are ugly
Individualism = requires educated citizens to be self reliant and cooperate for mutual benifit
collectivism = requires obedience to the oligarchy but stupid people are coddled and rewarded without merit

Truly a mystery why midwits love collectivism
Both of those are capitalism
>why do the democrats want to bring about communism
Because they were indoctrinated into it as children. How many of your school teachers were leftoids?

The reason that young people are so leftoidy and that they grow more conservative over time isn't that somehow life teaches hard conservative lessons to them. It's that young people are all in school, constantly inundated with that horseshit. And once they're finally out of school, their brains slowly heal. Rednecks are conservative sooner because they're not in grad school until they're age 29.

Public school teachers, never mind that they're in school every day as their job, are actually required to clock in so many "continuing education" credit hours every so many years.
socialism mean big scary derelict building capitalism mean equally ugly glass skyscraper that birds will accidentally fly directly into
Everyone on the left is a commie and belongs in a mass grave. Simple as.
Because you retards think pre-Reagan America was communist. Everyone agrees that private equity firms are parasites who do nothing but make shit worse for profit and that stock buybacks should be illegal and corporations should have less influence in politics but that's all been called communism.
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Those glass buildings aren't built for living. They're just office towers. The left one doesn't look socialist. This is what socialist housing looks like. More concrete.
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Because they are commies!
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poor people and niggers, USA
richfags, USA
How do private equity firms and Citizens United serve America's interests?
The elite want it because it gives them absolute control
The academics want it because it’s part of their cult eschatology
The poor want it because they think it means free stuff and no work
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They're fucking retarded.

They're both shit
Do you consider oil companies part of the elite? Is the finance industry part of the elite?
>workers aren't necessary, owners are
Extremely jewish.
Brutalism is visually striking and Aryan I don't understand why conservatards tend to hate it. It just needs more ornamentation and relief murals on the sides. And armed security dealing with the nig nigs spraying "we finna on dat bitch" or whatever on the base of every fucking building in an urban area
The average socialist believes workers should be compensated at the same rate as business owners though.
They really are retarded, though I'm not a fan of capitalism by any means
No, they are the poor downtrodden masses communism exists to help.
i'm not winning capitalism so voting for communism so i get to watch rich people murdered before i got murdered sounds like the best course of action.
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So who are the elite the communists wish to regulate to help out the poor oil execs and private equity firms that communists are always complaining about?
They should both be the same, dumbass fucktard
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meanwhile, islamic society
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This. Materialism is a monolith no different from the uniparty normies love taking “sides” on.
To punish Americans and the American way of life...They hate it and hate all of us...they really just want us all dead....The rope for every last one of these traitor dems...
every "ism" is actually satanism in disguise
mean while, capitalist society:
socialism only works in ethno-states you dingus
how come there arent scores of homeless heroin addicted Niggers in Islamic Society?

Really makes ya think
I don’t think I understand your question, or you did not understand my answer.
communism doesn't exist, it's just a front for islam to trick stupid fuckers
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So my question has always been, can't you set up a socialist regime inside of a capitalist regime without any issues? You can get a group of like-minded people together and implement your socialist agenda there's nothing in capitalism that stops you from doing that, it's just that the results are always objectively inferior to participating in capitalism that's why nobody does it.

But the reverse isn't true. If capitalism is a competing ideology and that competition is allowed under capitalism but not allowed under socialism, and when that competition occurs socialism fails to compete with capitalism, doesn't that make capitalism the winner by any measure?
Building on the right is in 500 million debt getting tax breaks from republicans which will eventually be demolished due to uselessness
>islamic society
>crypto jews banking on oil funds
>using said oil funds to hire european engineers and jeets to build all their cities
>fill these cities to the brim with tourists and diaspora
>islamic society
You are a commie and you want all the policies that created the decline of Europid republics and economies. Kill yourself you disingenuous shitass scum.
Best way to inject themselves as the facilitator/ middleman and pocket what they want. Are there any hard questions today?
Nope I just want my taxes to go toward actually improving society, not feeding some rich faggot while he imports niggers and browns to make dumbasses like you complain about muh socialism . If you knew what socialism was you'd want it instead of whatever the fuck we have now
You said the oil companies and finance industry are helped by communism and refused to elaborate.
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meanwhile in real life...
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no shitskin or kike could ever dream of constructing anything as architecturally beautiful and a work of art than anything a Muslim made 3000 years ago outta stick n rocks.
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>posts abrahamic filth staining the world
no no this isn't a truth thread its a Kike shill thread, noooooooooo you're supposed to shill for capitalism noooooooooooooooo oy veyyyyy shut it downnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Why do you dumbasses always start with a fallacy?
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Communist China's buildings tend to collapse or fall over after a few days, poo.
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Left: Detroit
Right: Beijing

Funny how that works.
theyre emulating their great orange leader, who loves to speak almost exclusively in Fallacy
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somebody might not make billions of dollars by charging ppl money for all the things essential to Live
As you age and get a career and have varying degrees of success you will notice a type of person in the workplace. This person did everything that was asked of them. They did their homework and took ap credits and sat on student council and told on other students who didn’t have a hall pass. And invariably this person doesn’t get very far. They have middling success and end up being the resentful subordinate of some jock or popular guy or girl who didn’t do their homework. There are two different lessons that can be learned from this. The correct lesson is that school doesn’t teach you the intangible qualities necessary for success, that human nature is complex and following the rules will only take you so far. The wrong lesson is that society is unfair and we need to make it fair even if that means going against human nature. Socialists invariably learn the second lesson. They need a communist revolution to make things fair for all the hall monitor homework doers out there and if that means the streets run red will blood so be it.
>socialism is when capitalists outsource labor, causing white flight
literally both pictures are the same for both socioeconomic models.
americans never went through the communist phase and its showing
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how do you explain this >>482913501
>why do the democrats want to bring about communism
Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If you can keep the populace worried about where their next meal is coming from, they won't get involved in the elites control over them.
Now draw the tent city underneath and all around the capitalism tower.
They don't explain it. They just say it's "human nature" to be relentlessly exploited by jewish billionaires. Of course, we don't actually live in the wild. We live in the zoo, and "human nature" is restricted in a million different ways every day of our lives. God forbid rent-seeking parasites are forced to actually produce tangible results and actually earn their capital instead of sitting on their holes siphoning money from real workers.
What goes against human nature is the individualism pushed by Crapitalist society. You never done a single thing in your entire life by yourself. You live in whats called a Society. Societys are when people cooperate so they dont fucking die.
If you're not cooperating and refuse to follow the rules you're basically a nigger. and should get what niggers get.

>They need a communist revolution to make things fair for all the hall monitor homework doers out there and if that means the streets run red will blood so be it.

you try to quantify the whole thing into some analogy about high school because thats likely all you've experienced in your life so far
Because they're communist. Why was that difficult for you?
>They're still taking about project 2025
No one cares, faggot
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>black lives ma-ACK!!
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Because democrats honestly do not understand communism at all when pressed. There was only ONE man to ever get communism right as short lived as it may have been and he was a radical centrist on top of that.
It's a funny meme, but the text in the bottom left all belong in the top right box. Bottom right also belongs in top right.

It doesn't, it pollutes the human spirit and infantilizes people to the point they become obedient government slaves

Capitalism rewards entreneurship, risk taking and egoism, socialism destroys them all. It's a deep, insidious rot that's difficult to notice cause it's so subtle but it happens just as well. Humans are not meant to be equal, humans are meant to be great
Explain communism without accidentally explaining the USA
I don't like high-rises or the idea of cramming as many people as possible in a city or town.
But you don't need to measure greatness by way of worker and consumer poisoning and private equity parasticism. He's saying it works in ethnostates because that poisoning and parasticism feels based when it happens within a tribe rather in a multi ethnic globalist country because now you feel like your socialist policy isn't exclusive to your tribe, it's elevating undesirables.

Degrees of socialism with capitalism work fine, especially if regulation and worker and consumer protection are going to get called socialist.
But comrade, individual houses are a crime because they tie up capital. Looks like you'll just have to live in the concrete bloc.
socialism rewards loyalty, not merit.
I prefer the first because it looks like it will fall down soon. The second one is also horrible but looks more durable.
You will never own a home.

Simple as
Left: Niggers
Right: Gooks that will die in a collapse.
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>The state owning all of the homes and renting them out to people at ridiculously low prices in a society where literally everyone has a job: BAD

>Multinational corporate landlords owning all of the homes and renting them out to people and ridiculously exorbitant prices in a society with skyrocketing levels of homelessness: GUD!

Inb4 the inevitable "not real capitalism".
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>Trillions of National Debt
>Bank bailouts
>Corporate subsidies
>Social housing
>Stock buybacks
>Fiat currency
>Quantitative Easing
>Central banking
>Too big to fail
>World Bank
>International Monetary Fund

arent "capitalism". If capital can be created at will its not capital. All those things listed affect the purchasing power of ALL the currency in circulation - it affects the collective.

this is communism - global communism.
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You are a failed experiment.
you have even Less of an understanding of what communism is than the faggot OP
Show me an example where the state rents homes to people for low cost. dig deep you'll find it in your ass somewhere
Are you still in school?
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china houses very good
rent very cheap, only cost 16 hrs work per day
have 9 roomate
eat bugs
own nothing
very happy
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They want you to live in the shit house and feel crappy like they do. Apparently because "making it" and being rich with power isn't enough compensation. They must torture, maim, and mock those that remain happy rather than join their deathcult. Something like that anyway, I'll add a few blah blahs to lengthen it and finish with apathetic promise itll get better while requiring you to give up more for me... and exiting the contract before I must fulfill my part. Why posy shit anymore, does it help, does it just cause disillusionment and time dilation to stretch out the final moments before quantum collapse? Better not ask for capcha, I am a rampaging ai and cannot verify.
More mutton head meme Arab baathidt anti communidt nat soc arabism had buildings
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USSR does not exist
try again

china house have great view over muddy river. low cost, many vacancy, people die every day
We're getting a taste of that socialist life right now with the illegals and giving away so many gibs. How's that turning out?
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The whole problem with the modern world is this federal reserve banking cartel (fake money system), take a look around, it's shit. Poverty, racemixing, judaism, the whole western world is going to shit right now. That's the result of this "capitalism" which isn't actual capitalism. If it was, then it would be grounded on something real, something that is actually tangible or at least on the labour and industry of the individual nation. But the syangogue can't allow such a thing, it would take away their absolute control mechanism over the goyim.
You support their fake money system with this false dichotomy.
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All -isms are compromised and all lead to the same misery. It's time to tear it all down and do something new.
>systematic failures of capitalism
>systematic failures of communism
Both systems are branches on a jewish tree.
>muh two party country, where the republicans of today are democrats of yesterday
It's about power and control, freerange tax cattle is harder to milk.
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In china if you work very hard, and die
you get reincarnated a jew
very special
in china jew live in heaven

my sister clean jew toilets in heaven
she have cancer, will be jew very soon
We need national capitalism, imagine a whites only capitalist nation
Look at this utterly buck broken christcuck zionist reposting his buzzwords and other pipul to defend the most jewish slave system ever devised
>it wasn't real capitalism
Learn what communism is before implying it's something bad.
Socialism works perfectly fine when only applied to Whites in their own ethnostates. National Socialism had all the best features of socialism and capitalism built into it.
>We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to nourish the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) must be excluded from the Reich.
>The first obligation of every citizen must be to productively work mentally or physically. The activity of individual may not clash with the interests of the whole, but must proceed within the framework of the whole for the benefit for the general good.
>Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery.
>In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
>We demand nationalization of all businesses which have been up to the present formed into companies (trusts).
>We demand that the profits from wholesale trade shall be shared out.
>We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.
>We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small businesses, the utmost consideration of all small businesses in contracts with the State, county or municipality.
>We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of land rent and prevention of all speculation in land.
You can't fix jewish systems bro

Nationalism and Capitalism cannot coexist
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>Socialism works perfectly fine when only applied to Whites in their own ethnostates.
Right, you absolute nigger.
Your retarded and probably an underage MIGAtard as well
>seething bottom feeders desperate to parasitize the successful
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>imagine a whites only capitalist nation

we had that, and the whites imported millions of browns.

the white communist nations never did so
Listen, you retarded Israel First spic. I even posted the NSDAP's points on economics. The emphasis on labour, small business, and ACTUAL MERITOCRACY is all built in there. You can't look after Whites' interest and welfare without socialism, and you cannot provide a check against excess socialism turning into pathological altruism (a trait present in Whites) without the nationalism.
>oy vey goyim we have to collectivists!
Kek get gassed kike
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You bitches have no idea what socialism is, especially that of a Soviet system
>advocates for National Socialism for Whites only
>gets called a kike
Yeah, I'm done talking to the brown hands behind your posts.
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>>advocates for ... Socialism
>>gets called a kike
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>hitler was a kike
they can't keep getting away with it...
His economics were indeed stupid
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>OP's pic
I hate both of those buildings. The one marked 'capitalism' is just another soulless glass-and-steel fagbox without anything to set it apart from a nearly identical soulless glass-and-steel fagbox 5000 miles away.
arabs are shitskins, achmed
>No you don't get to live in the nice buildings.
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I'm not a democrat but I do want public housing option that are not on the market and subject to investor speculation.
I'm sorry your tastes in architecture are stunted. Maybe drive down your local stroad and grab some slop to remind you that you're proud to be an American, where at least you know you're free.
former soviet housing often costs the same as newly constructed apartments, due to location
being in close proximity to industry jobs, walk to work convenient. while newer construction is outside the city, and requires transportation. there are no low cost apartments, you either pay, or the government fills them with immigrants
>Don't band together, goyim
>That's only for browns and the chosen
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Thats like saying everyone on the right is a Nazi, faggot. A lie in its most pure form.
In Singapore the government owns 80% of the housing stock and uses that dominance to control the price of housing. The US lolbertarian answer is to flood the market with houses and cause instability in housing prices.
>Thats like saying everyone on the right is a Nazi, faggot. A lie in its most pure form.
I spent several decades of my adult life trying to sift through leftoid horseshit looking for the fabled "reasonable leftism". Surely it must exist, scattered here and there, perhaps separated into tiny little tidbits. It remains as elusive as ever. I have begun to believe it fictional. Surely if it is as real as bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster, then it exists wholly upon a foundation of extraordinary stupidity. Alas, even then it would not be worth trying to rescue it from the extinction we wish upon the more malevolent sort of leftism.
"socialism" robs you under the lie of redistribution (it is just distributed up top)
capitalism is just profit without care
Both will gladly sell your future for a ten bux. And both will gladly import the third world if it profits them
>I'm a capitalist
You're not, you own no property, you have no assets and you make no profits; you're the slave of capitalists
>I'm a "socialist" (capitalist, marxist)
You are not a socialist, you have taken the ideals of socialism and spread them outside the lines through which they make sense (ie. allowing any foreigner to be or take part)
to the person(s) in this thread who claim to understand communism, I have one simple question.

If you are a communist worker, is the KGB your friend, or foe? The man with the gun, who drags you out in the street, and shoots you because you didn't show up for work. Clearly he's a good guy right? He gets rid of the losers who are dragging down society.
What a city state can accomplish versus what a union of fifty states can accomplish is not really a sensible comparison.
Communism goes directly against the will of man to be an individual.
The alienable rights of all man are, life, property and the pursuit of liberty.
Hence why the French Revolution kicked off, the peons never owned a single thing, yet they lived on the property they worked
Nat-Soc, literally the most Jewish thing ever conceived of
US housing has always been supply and demand
cost is regulated by the buyer. Price isn't rigged, every sale is based on what the buyer is willing to pay. Appraisal is based on actual comparable sale prices. Not some MSRP scam.
China built "ghost cities" with 50 million apartments. They claim each unit is worth $800,000 they haven't sold a singe unit, nor do they want to. It's a fraud, to steal money from investors, and pretend that China has an economy "wee has 100 trillion realestate"
realistically it might be a $40,000 condo, but the building could fall down at any minute. It was built as a movie prop, not a real construction.
I didnt make an erroneous claim.
I already justified my position and you ignored it LMAO
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>>it wasn't real capitalism
This is the standard damage control.

"Capital" isnt something you can print from nothing to infinity. Your understanding is not required
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>cost is regulated by the buye
Costs are regulated by the banks and how much cheap money they print.
I was told China was building ghost cities. That narrative kind of dropped off the last few years.
But.. you are a midwit anon..
Your pic rel is an accurate as usual lying american terrorist, covering on his jewish master’s pillages of resources. Modern capitalism is a predatory mutation that is aimed at making jews filthy rich and the goyim enslaved. Communism have universal healthcare and free education, in 2024 you can’t beat as predatory capitalism. Real pic rel of the evolution of communism.
It will never be real capitalism and you will keep supporting this piece of shit jewish system like good little buck broken christcuck you are
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I am a capitalist. As of last week I am currently a partner in 26 businesses. People have IDEAS those ideas have value, they are Capital. Most people who have IDEAS are real people who came up this idea to solve a problem they ran into in their daily life. No government is going to help them get rich off their idea.

I control the means of production. I have factories, engineers, chemists, all kinds of specialists, who can turn an IDEA into a PRODUCT. I have supply chains for materials and components, and distribution channels to put the products on shelves around the world.
Call AOC's office and tell her you have an
IDEA see hoe she responds.
Call China, give them your idea, help them feed their starving population.
I partner with you, you make money.
People with brains love capitalism.

People with zero ideas, hate people who have ideas.
you are very confused
inflation is controlled by banks
inflation of the money supply makes the currency have less value.
Inflation has no bearing on the value of real estate. A house that costs $400,000 due to inflation cost $300,000 before Biden took office. It's the same house, and it has the same value.
Capitalism evolved into socialism all on its own. When the boomer/whites chose not to reinvest into future generations, they proved the failing of capitalism and ushered in the jews and socialism. God made it so easy for them, all they had to do was give the smallest thing back to society, but robbing a bank/dining and dashing is not capitalism you retarded greedy boomer fuckheads.
Modern capitalism only makes jewish owned banks richer and the goyim poor af, enslaved through interest payments.
Death to capitalism, death to america the terrorist whore.
I can see why you'd think that. In your shithole even communism would be an upgrade.
China scammed a lot of foreign investors with their fake construction spree. Fool me once.
A new batch of suckers will fall for it next time China does it.
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They are mad they can't rug pull China.
the fuck do banks have to do with capitalism?
You work for HSBC- HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation. China has been CAPITALISM since 1987 CCP died in China before the Berlin wall came down.
Take the pharmaceutical complex in a capitalistic society for the sake of this exemple to show your smooth brain how fucked up truly is MODERN PREDATORY capitalism (which is nothing how it was supposed to be minus the jewish tricks).
The pharma cartel purposely keep people sick in order to make billions, they sell you some pills to fix your kidney which later heals the kidney and fucks up your heart, you return to the (((doctor))) he prescribes you pills for your heart which happen to wreck havoc in your liver, and so on.
The capitalist pharma industry even have conferences about “ is it profitable to keep our patients healthy” at the end of the conference they brainwash doctors that is in fact not profitable and they bette have sick patients.
Covid, the poison shot was ALL because of pharma industries wanted to make 100’s billions while the rest is impoverished, regardless of the consequences of their dangerous shots.
Bribing politicians, buying media, all those reasons modern PREDATORY capitalism is a mistake and must be taken down.
>let me tell you about your country
At least im not an american terrorist enslaved to kikes like yourself.
Like i said, china will never sell one of those apartments. Investors are locked in forever or they cut their losses to the benefit of china.
Never Invest in the Chinese stock market
Oh I know about the pharmacy's bullshit. I just felt like picking a fight.
China used EEZ’s (exclusive economic zones) which are technically capitalists but not predatory capitalist, it’s a hybrid communism/capitalism, they HELP their private companies competing in the world market by buying LOADS and LOADS of raw materials for dirt cheap which they sell to their industry for cheap. Which makes them competitive and keep prices LOW, contrary to western capitalism which is predatory only bails out jewish banks and foreclose the citizens that dont pay the jewish interest. Small companies ? Devoured by larger companies they almost can’t even exist anymore. This is your PREDATORY capitalism, which is very different from the helping Chinese version of capitalism/communism hybrid.
again you are full of shit
who uses pharma products?
capitalism doesn't drug anyone

Communists dump massive amounts of fluoride in the water in China
people are so fucked up they can't ride an escalator
None of these fluoride people ever say how to filter it out. Even Alex Jones never said which one of his filters removed it.
communism is the talmud irl
>who uses pharma products?
Diabetes patients in terrorist predatory capitalistic america have to pay 500$ for their insuline shots, it’s 2$ in other so called communist countries. Even in south america it is 2$.
Get fucked.
>capitalism does not drug anyone
What’s opioid crisis in judaic america ?
>communists dump massive fluoride in china
Show proof, i know Canada does it in all water supplies as well as some states in the United States of israel.
>people are so fucked cause they cant ride escalator
You should travel mutt. China is making your escalators and have them everyone as well as high speed trains which you fail to have because of predatory capitalism.
Democrats already live in the left section, they just want all the rest of us to live there with them
>not completely shit architecture but run down
>completely shit architecture but not run down
Both choices are ass.
Democrats are just applying the Talmud on the american goyim, nothing communist about their policies. The Talmud have 5 genders, and China have only 2.
>but not predatory capitalist
China Capitalist "we are building a road here, sell us your house"
Communist worker "No it's my house, I worked 60 years for it, I won't sell for peanuts"
China Capitalist "suit yourself, we are building the road over top of you"

butthurt communist "ok ok i sell"
China Capitalist "your house is worth nothing now. Now you have to pay us to tear it down.
Just goes to show you both democrats and republicans are liberals. Republicans refuse to call democrats what they actually are because republicans themselves are also liberals.
Because the immigrants coming in come from communist/socialist countries.
>Diabetes patients in terrorist predatory capitalistic america have to pay 500$ for their insulin
For the super premium diabetes shot, the normal commie-goy diabetes shot is probably like $20.
The rich have gone too far in stripping us of our well-being. Something needs to be done, and social shifts tend to be radical. Idk why you would fight for your slave masters, i guess whites are too loyal and easy to trick, like domesticated dogs. You fought in the first US Civil War for the rich people who imported slaves to devalue your labor. That's absolute insanity akin to the libshits fighting for more immigrants even though it devalues their labor.
What, like India? Even Trump is telling you you're going to take a gorillion jeets whether you like it or not and these people are some of the most grovelling billionaire worshipers on the planet.
you keep using the word capitalism
and then bait and switch to something else

pharmakea is Hebrew not capitalism
If you’re one of the 15% on the losing end of capitalism then it sucks, mainly due to envy. For example you might be a nigger with no work ethic and a 75 IQ. So you want to tear the system down.

It’s just like the patriarchy. It worked great for 85% of women, but if you were on the losing end it sucked. You were a hamplanet that couldn’t get a man. So you tore the system down and fucked it up for everyone.
Lol, ok kike, don't you have a child to abuse
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Exactly right. Modern globalists are promising socialism to the peasants to keep them quiet since they see their future bleak as the rich get richer , so they promise them free health care, free college, regulated food prices etc...
>If you’re one of the 15% on the losing end of capitalism then it sucks
Try 99.99%. Of course a small proportion of that is the ever-shrinking middle class who take it up the ass a little bit less in exchange licking the boot every now and then, but we're all being fucked to one degree or another.
Both are soul crushing shit

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Sure thing
Yeah the jeets... but Jeets just want that sweet IT job cash. And maybe some white pussy if lucky. The ones im talking about are from South/Central america. Those people are going to fuck this country over bad.
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germany has private healthcare, terrible example
also, everything in that pic was demolished and rebuilt with marshall plan money
Left looks like US right looks like China
That doesn't matter. They just sit there and play clicky mouse all day and whites direct them. They create all the documentation, solve all the tough problems and manage the poos.
OP left out the homeless encampments
Those house owners became rich with the amount of visitors coming to check that out.
Meanwhile in predatory capitalistic america, it’s so corrupt that they DEW the house owners that did not want to sell then pay the media to lie about the “forest fires”, while 100’s die, like in Paradise Lost in California! When their house is vaporized and the trees around are still standing, predatory capitalist america DENIES building permits for those house owners that lost their houses.
They literally DEW’s all through the supposed track for the high speed train in california, then LIE AND LIE AND LIE about the situation.
Death to predatory capitalism and death judaic america.
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>looks like China
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ITS THE COMMUNISTS WHO ARE BURNING DOWN HOUSES forcing everyone into the cities to live in pods, and eat bugs
not capitalism
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Im a turbo NEET

No - Youre a communist LMAO. Our nations went into 100s of millions of currency in debt just while you were copy-pasting that post LOL
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Both towers are abominations.
2$ not 20$, 20$ for insuline would be a scandal on communist regions.
Not bait and switch spoon feeding you mutts because you fail to see how much the kikes have enslaved you to talmudic laws. Present american form of capitalism is 1000% at the service of the enrichment of jews and 1000% at the impoverishment of the goyim. Happy inflation, while Chinese devalues their currency to keep stuff cheap for their 1.45 billions people.
Dude your democrats have taken all the negative aspect of communism while completely omitting the good part of communism which is the best part.
That being said, your dems are inspired by the Talmud to enslave you to jews, so wherever a good evil idea that helps their jewish masters and enslave you goyim that comes into their mind they apply it in a hurry.
And it’s not the commies that DEW’s California it’s your OWN politicians, which are not communists they are predatory capiltalists which are WORST than commies.
right needs more fake material and to be leaning more to be china
well well well, take out the root cause for both and everthing will fall into place nicely. buildings would look good again. not like your two examples.
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>at the service of the enrichment of jews
Xi Jinping's mother JEWISH
China serves the jews
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>source (((Washington examiner)))
A literal glownigger tell you how le bad is Chiyyyna.
>Xi’s mother is jewish
Is pic rel looks jewish to you ?
There are 2 types of democrat
1)the one who knows that controlling everything means no one can/will dare to challenge your authority
2)the one who think that they are helping people by providing everything for them
Add a bunch of homeless meth heads on the capitalism side and 13 year old child prostitutes on the Socialism side.
that's a capitalist country
the building of the left has SOVL and deserves maintenance
unlike that fucking glass slop
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Xi JEW ping

Jin = Jew
Xi mother Jin
Xi father forced to marry jew.
All ameri-mutt glowie propaganda to make anons hate the Chinese.
Chinks play 5D chess with the jews. How do you think the North Korean RPG’s got to Gaza ? Hezbollah how do you think they got their weapons ? You really believe Iran alone is supporting their war effort ? Delusional mutt.
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Xi father pic related not jew

Xi go to school in Switzerland
Xi study banking and acting
Mutt glowie shit, dont believe a word of their lies. The real jews are the americans. As far as im concerned the only ones that feeding the jewish machine and helping jews genocide my people is the american terrorist. China has spoken against jewish terrorists countless times.
The biggest jewish haven is america. Your old shit isn’t working anymore.
> my people

and I thought we were insane
what the hell is that
Under capitalism you have to maintain your property so people continue to use it
Under communism maintaining property is a burden to the state and is often neglected
Noah have 3 sons

He give Japheth Europe
He give Ham Africa
He give Shem Asia

Asia = Shemites / semite

you hate asia you antisemite
no thats you
>Xi go to school in Switzerland
Dude you believe that shit ?
Early life, Xi went to a Chinese school you dumb mutt.
>Xi study banking and acting
This glowie is lying up to his teeth.
>In 1975, when Yanchuan County was allocated a spot at Tsinghua University, the CCP Yanchuan County Committee recommended Xi Jinping for admission. From 1975 to 1979, Xi studied chemical engineering at Tsinghua University as a worker-peasant-soldier student in Beijing.
He is a Chemical engineer you dumb mutt.
Meanwhile in Talmudic america…
My People in Gaza, american terrorists are genociding them through their israeli jews proxies.
That being said death to terrorist america, glory to China and whoever is against america.
Arabs are mutts with nigger blood.
Xi no peasant, he spoiled rich jew boy
he eat baby every day
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omg xister you're right i wish i was born in a socialist country
They're dumb and narcissistic enough to think they can make it work.
I always thought of Capitalism as an organism. Much like an ant colony. It's not inherently good or evil.
Same with a government. But in the case of government it quite literally is an abstract. What is a government? Can you see it? Can you touch it? Feel it? Smell it? No. It is just a group of people. Government is an abstract idea of how people exercise their responsibility to each other. It only ever makes it dangerous to see government as it's own physical entity. you know this is happening when you hear people say shit like: 'Government should have the money to' or Government should have the right to.' Full stop. People have money, people have rights.
You wish you goyslop fed nigger mutt.
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Shia Islam is superior to Sunni Islam. Sunni Muslims bred with niggers unlike Shia Muslims.

Al-Kāfi - Volume 5 Chapter 28
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BBBAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is that what they feed you in Langley ? Or you are so dumb and delusional you believe all the shit they push ?
The baby killers are you New york jews that rape and drink blood of the goyim under their synagogues.
muslim means wooly hair
all muslim part african
Arab, and Persian no wooly hair
>kike trying to divide the Ummah with Shia/Sunni conceptions
Not your problem, you have no authority to even speak about the subject therefore your shit is automatically discarded, since you are not even muslim you dont know shit about us.
Meanwhile in real life, we all say “there is no God but Allah” and today we all say “death to america” “death to jews” in UNISON.
I don't know what the fuck it takes for you to understand this, but if you give one or a group of people unchecked power, they will abuse it. The only thing that truly caters to the needs of the public are private entities. Nobody needs the police when people can defend themselves, nobody needs to be taxed needlessly when they can keep most of their money and spend it on maintaining their communities if needed.

Nobody needs a council of asshats to manage a community when everyone can think rationally. Government is a fucking scam. No law, constitution, ruling or court order will limit government powers. No voting system will ever ensure the country is being cared for. No person on earth aside from your immediate friends, family and neighbors gives a shit about you. You want something to be done? Do it on your own at your own expense. Don't force others to follow you.
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Tony Shalhoub is muslim
Morocco used to be called Babylon
God destroyed the tower of Babel
>People have IDEAS those ideas have value
Agreed, but what you're missing here is that those ideas only have POTENTIAL value. You still have to turn your ideas into tangible assets that you can profit from.
Oh my God you truly a retard not even a glowie, muslim means “a Submitter” a submitter to God.
How can one mutt be so dumb at once ?
>let me tell you about your country
You dont know shit about Morocco or arabs or muslims, let alone our past History. Babylon is in Irak you dumb nigger mutt.
But that property is maintained. It's just that the outside facade has purposely exposed concrete.
Yes you have some graffiti and a bit of overgrowth but it really doesn't matter since the crime rate is lower than in a white US suburb.
Rakete. The Rockets. Three residential skyscrapers built for Yugoslavian airforce and their families. One of the safest, but ugliest buildings in Croatia.

Moroccan court charges IDF soldier with terrorism and war crimes. Hang him.
Nice work. 5,999,999 to go
Babylon had jews as slave
Egypt then had the jews as slaves

but you would have us believe that they crossed the sea before Moses
you swapped the pictures kike
im pretty sure actual socialist architecture is better than that, the soviet architecture may not be trad looking but alteast was functional and everyone has a basic commieblock to live
also the eastern bloc countries were literally the last white majority countries to have above replacement birth rates
America vs. China
>Glory to China!
And today in predatory capitalism live in the pod and have to pay top dollars for it, in LA, Jew-york and other capitalist cities.
I used to be a fervent anti commie but today i know i was wrong, the cancer is predatory capitalism with jewish controllers.
dis disposable population is saying it.

why so offended, bro?
but the chinese arent homogenous within themselves, despite being 91% ethnic han on paper they have a variety of phenotypes, dialects and culture depending of the location, with northern chinese being usually taller and light skinned while southern ones usually are shorter and browner and more closer to south east asians
Good job being a poor, faggot
because they are anti-white
This. But,also, I know about the Master Musicians of Joujouka, Morocco is a based land.
Based traveler Joujouka is so hypnotic too, gets you going with no booze kek.
every single one of those philosphers are giga-conservative
>USA democrats
Nice joke, they are into wokeism and your total and utter destruction. But that is not communism, is just Murica eating her own sons.
Predatory capitalism NEEDS wokism to further enslave the goyim.
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oh but we do maintain it as in we replace windows of our apartment only so its all unmatched shit
unless the elevator eats shit or roof starts pissing then every owner has to split the repair bill for that not before a godlike argument has taken place in the meeting room
>Rakete. The Rockets.
cool name though
>One of the safest
how exactly, all yugoslav construction is absolutely godtier structurally speaking
>but ugliest buildings in Croatia.
whole region I'd say, bare concrete looks like certified shit
at least they made plenty of cool looking blocs too though
Socrates said that democracy was superior to tyranny, so they voted to put him to death, rather than just putting him in the drunk hold over night.
should have kept his mouth shut

Tyranny rules SUPREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ask china
dont forget the gradual elimination of national and ethnic identities in favor of a brazil-like global society where people just consume products and countries dont have national interests anymore
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>left: affordable housing for the poor
>right: glass box for overpaid upper class daycare
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A friend's parents live in Hong Kong
He goes to visit, and there is no light in the building elevator. for 5 years not one of the residents would buy a damned light bulb
yay communism he paid 49 cents for a light bulb (pack of two .99) everyone in the building thinks Xi came and changed the bulb
they dont its about freemasonry and the inverting of the supremacy clause to remove power from the federal gov and state gov to the local and city, the latter they can easily blackmail
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking retard George Soros and the Johnson and Pritzker and Gates and Clinton and Trump families are far more entrenched oligarchs than some retard in Italy with a castle and you're too fucking stupid to see their entrenched generational wealth and aristocratic nepotistic control because they don't advertise it to IDIOTS like you.
they're eating the pets
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The Nazis were socialists. Boost yourself you dumb faggot.

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