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>Quick Rundown
Helene, expected to impact Florida as a category 4 or 5 hurricane beginning as early as Wednesday, with landfall expected on Thursday. Surge on the bend will reach upwards of 20 ft. From there it will move straight up to Atlanta where it is still expected to be a hurricane and residents don't know how to act. Georgia has been inundated with rain as of a few hours ago with no signs of stopping, meaning pine trees are sure to be falling frequently. Recent recon data shows ~971MB at surface level and her eyewall is closed, meaning she is starting to intensify as models predicted. Kino all around.

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


>Twitter Feeds

>Preparations and Safety
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Cat 4 roll.
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Asheville is toast
Doesn't seem like it'll even reach Cat4
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Rolling for historic Atlanta chimpout

Just gonna throw this out there, up to date map of all electrical infrastructure: https://openinframap.org/#2/26/12

Also: NYC blackout lasted less than 2 days and…

Looting and vandalism were widespread in New York City, hitting 31 different neighborhoods. Possibly the hardest hit were Crown Heights, where 75 stores on a five-block stretch were looted and damaged, and Bushwick, where arson was rampant, with some 25 fires still burning the next morning. At one point, two blocks of Broadway in Brooklyn, which separates Bushwick from Bedford-Stuyvesant, were on fire. Thirty-five blocks of Broadway were destroyed: 134 stores looted, 45 of them also set ablaze. Thieves stole 50 new Pontiacs from a Bronx car dealership. In Brooklyn, youths were seen backing up cars to stores, tying ropes around the stores' grates, and using their cars to pull the grates away, then looting the stores. There were 550 police officers injured in the mayhem, and 4,500 looters were arrested.[3]

Fuck off, bongs.
I grew up in Dunedin but I haven't been there in a while. I remember parts of it being a real shit hole. Anyways storms can't hit Tampa because of Indian burial mound magics and scientologist weather control machines.
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noooo I fucked up the title
Remember that the storm surge is going to be the main impact
20 feet
>Anyways storms can't hit Tampa because of Indian burial mound magics
Funny. The reason traffic always sucks in Ocala is because of an ancient Seminole curse.
So where the fuck is this thing actually going last night it was Pensacola, today it's fucking 200 miles east in to the bend
Popeyes betta have da chickin, dats all I know.
bing bang bong
I had made one which isn't fucked up but I thought it would die but now we can't ctrl+f ahsg you fucking tard
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Who's laughing now?
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I just took a giant dump
The size of it and the fact that most of the storm is east will make some damage on the west coast of Florida. Tampa might get hit with some decent surge.
Cat 2 or 3 is the sweet spot for work. It's fucked up enough that insurance will pay, the wind speed is enough to damage the building evelope of most structures (but not severe structural damage), and there is a minimal amount of debris that will block roads and prevent linemen crews from restoring power.
Yep flooding is gonna be an issue, parents home is too close to a flooding zone in tampa. It was already getting tough with the little tain they got these past weeks kek
>Looks like the eyewall is closed

Everyone is adjusting east around Wakulla to Tallahassee. There is no certainty yet though I guess.
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Based Cthulhu enthusiast
There will be so many uninsured niggers with trees on their shit. Atlanta is the wild card because of the trees. The rain will liquify the soil, the roots will come loose, and then the 80+ mph winds will blow them the fuck over onto niggers' shit
Eyewall was supposed to be closed 8 hours ago.
>Recent recon data shows ~971MB at surface level and her eyewall is closed
961 on latest recon pass. the wind field is very wide on this storm, slowing its potential peak intensity, but increasing its overall storm surge potential. helene is now feasting on the gulf loop current, the area of max available energy on it's path to florida
Could be a Category three soon. 125 mph landfall
for florida*
Flooding and tornadoes are what florida has to worry about.
Georgia has to worry about niggers who lost power and don't know why the only thing still making noise besides their mouth breathing is the smoke alarm chirping.
2 more mB
>last night it was Pensacola
checked, but wrong
it hasn't been going to p-cola since Monday morning
t. canceled flight Mon morning out of p-cola before update
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idiot niggers on discord/weather forums are saying "muh she can't be cat 4/cat 3 even"
It's too big and the wall is too loose to really get a super intense storm from what I'm hearing.

Also from what I'm hearing, the eye low pressure is going to change depending on the overall size of the storm so if this is a big storm the 961 pressure doesn't necessarily indicate a Cat 4 or 5.
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Niggerman should be a superhero.
He's coming for you, Israel.
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thanks to the fucking KIKES feeding helene dry air
more winds = more mogger surge
especially if the storm size (not wind) is big
Sponsored by Jenkins
it is now nigger

URNT12 KNHC 261447
A. 26/14:15:30Z
B. 25.28 deg N 085.55 deg W
C. 700 mb 2792 m
D. 962 mb
E. 220 deg 8 kt
G. C30
H. 66 kt
I. 340 deg 13 nm 14:11:30Z
J. 064 deg 59 kt
K. 338 deg 15 nm 14:11:00Z
L. 76 kt
M. 091 deg 35 nm 14:25:00Z
N. 186 deg 101 kt
O. 090 deg 58 nm 14:31:30Z
P. 14 C / 3043 m
Q. 16 C / 3049 m
R. 12 C / NA
S. 12345 / 07
T. 0.02 / 4 nm
U. AF308 1609A HELENE OB 04
MAX FL WIND 101 KT 090 / 58 NM 14:11:00Z
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I guess so
CopeCasters like Bryan Hall are palpably unhappy or dismissive when anything suggests the storm won't be "Storm of the Century." Bryan Hall said the eye would close like yesterday at 2pm. Everytime a dry stream of air would blow in he would start coping saying it's just a fluke it will be gone in a few mins etc etc.

Which is understandable considering they love weather events and would have a natural fascination with the watching a giant storm form. On the flip side we have happooners like here who just want a happening which is totally understandable kek but don't pretend there isn't just as much cope coming from here.
Granny asshole is top tier
So long as the eyewall is closed by the time it reaches the loop, she is golden.
The loop is still 5ish hours away or so.
Cat 4/5 still on the table.
>G. C30
It's getting tighter
Checked and would
The eye wall was getting disrupted all through last night kek. I mean I'm not saying it still won't be a strong storm but how are you going to maintain a prediction that assumes the eye would be closed 12 hours ago and NOT revise it when it was getting disrupted all the way up to this morning?? It's crazy.
So how long after power loss do water and natural gas systems fail? I assume they have their own generators to keep the pumps going, but still

INIT 26/1500Z 25.5N 85.5W 90 KT 105 MPH
12H 27/0000Z 28.8N 84.3W 105 KT 120 MPH
24H 27/1200Z 33.9N 84.5W 55 KT 65 MPH...INLAND
36H 28/0000Z 36.4N 86.6W 30 KT 35 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP
48H 28/1200Z 36.5N 87.5W 25 KT 30 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP
60H 29/0000Z 36.3N 87.6W 20 KT 25 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP
72H 29/1200Z 36.2N 87.2W 20 KT 25 MPH...POST-TROP/EXTRATROP
96H 30/1200Z...DISSIPATED

105 mph now
New NHC update just dropped
Still 960mb
105 mph winds
anyone have the other lovecraft meme where he runs into a nigger i can’t find it anywhere, i think it’s a 4chsn exlusive
So you believe that a prediction which assumed the eye wall would close 12 hours ago shouldn't even be revised now that the eye closed a full 12 hours later?? Help me understand this retardation?

If your prediction is wrong it's okay to revise it but you can't have a major difference on the ground and just keep the same prediction.
about 2 hurricanes after
Sorry, I pointed my hair dryer at the gulf and left it running all night to blow the storm away from Pensacola.
what a fucking joke cat 3 if lucky. next 1pm update 110
just like how it should
helene 1 - 0 shlomo

We want the storm of the millennium, to wipe out ZOG asskissers
I'm rooting for humberto and pablo next year desu, minorities are more likely to be giga low inhib and go TTD
I'd fuck granny hurricussy
I only just got this just now
Bakers aren’t updating the QRD, that’s the same QRD I made 12 hours ago. Can get back to proper bakes when I’m done working
more like HELLene
Hey baker how about dedicating the next thread to Felicia Combs?
new NHC update
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based chudette
Jeanne Claud
>Felicia Combs
More like Felicia Cooms
Look I totally understand wanting a happening and God knows if we get a direct hit on tallahassee it might be a minor happening but cope is cope.
>can’t read
Never said I’m revising any official predictions or that predictions shouldn’t be revised. This storm absolutely still has potential for RI to 4/5, re. Michael. I know niggers struggle to read, but Jesus Christ; go to /uhg/ and take your nigger retardation somewhere else
odd they show the eye going west of ATL when all the models have it going east.
Fuck off mate

qt nigress was on the beach getting blown by the wind
Rolling for cat 7 and an end to all jewmanity.
the nbc girl was saying the gulf waters are hot right now and that could give it energy. like 89 degrees apparently
Wtf does /uhg/ even have to do with this lol? The fact that such a connection even made sense in your tiny mind- in a thread about a hurricane in the gulf- just goes to show the clinical levels of retardation and cope that have seized upon your tiny mind.
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cedar keys gettin spicy..was calm as fuck yesterday, 3-5 ft chop current
you said tiny mind twice you redundant /uhg retard
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Who else is ready? I am only upset that I might miss Smackdown…
what the cone is intended to show is possible locations of the center. so that cone would be showing possibilities from the alabama boarder, to east of atlanta.
Every report I've read from the NOAA reports the temperature of the gulf at 85°F
what do you think the storm will be like? I live near levy/gilchrist. Idalia and Debby didn't really do much in my area outside of knock the power out for like 18 hours
>I might miss Smackdown
Do you watch it on TV through your phone camera? Wrestling has sucked for 20 years.
Insane cope.
Roll for this happening
sorry bro, it's your turn...don't worry, we are in Foley outside pennsacola waiting for dispatch to send us out, unlike Houston, your cities seem to actually give a fuck about you...won't be that bad...say high if you see a linefag with pepe on his helmet
t. lineman
She's perfect for these low temperatures.
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Aqua will save you.
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idalia, that pics from webcam close to my families home, from what I hear everything is getting blown wayyyyy outta proportion
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on a more important note, who found the OF account from last night
very on brand for flordia
I'd hope it's like Idalia where I'm at. Idalia just knocked out the power for close to a day here and I wouldn't mind spending a day just sleeping comfortably
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My oh my
Did you just say India
she was wearing a yellow bikini top 100%...if u really squint u can see horizontal stripes
pensacolafag here
stay safe fren
Wait, is that bitch cheating? I think she might have a light colored bra on.
Fucking fox news lmao,
"Here's an important update from the NHC!!!!!"
>Cuts to a corrupt nigger (Mayor of NYC)
>"Mip mop da boo muffuga racist crackers"

People will die because you interrupted the NHC update to put a group of hoot and ollering niggers on.
The slampig not the storm you fool
But thank you for your service
nice tits
o shit levy is like right next door lol, just realized that
I'm peacing out, just hoping that the Florida curse doesn't happen to me and my place doesn't get demolished
Someone make a shop with a bunch of Georgia Pines surrounding a nigger like the Blacked memes
Hard to say, I thought they were just tan lines last night.
It's only a matter of time, unfortunately.
you have been blessed
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yes, that's a bra. i can tell from the underwire and i've seen quite a few bras in my time
lmfao, go thank a fireman...i do this for fun, well and money...moreso money actually. yeah i do it for the money, your welcome bro
thats a man
She's probably got trashy underboob tats
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idk, looked like an OF photoshoot to me
o7 will do, shouldn't be over 30 knots where I am
My sister is freaking out saying it's going more east, literally nothing is showing that
my man staying up til 1:30am to see storm hoes flashing a camera
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We windy now east coast bros!
lol, i def think she planned it but everyone knows that cam goes fuzzy with the lightest of spray
i didn't know that
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Millions will drown.
If it was a bra, you would see it scratch across the dark valley between her breasts.
I am doubling down on no bra
What has the world come to when you can't even trust some Key West whore to flash her tits anymore.
Stretch, not scratch
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im cooming
the high five at the end is... special, like shes unlocked a new level of whore
i was told jacksonville is getting 8 foot of surge by some agent orange motherfucker @ cracker barrel this morning during breakfast, i lol'd
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Run it through the pickle enhancing algorithm
the zaBOOBder film heh
well if its ur first time watchin it of course u wouldn't silly goose
wonder what shes up to these days
Anon, young man, you've heard of titty-fucking?
Some women have their hairy vag between their tits, this woman is obviously one of those.
That's the dark patch, it's not a bra.
man if there was no swimsuit top/bra then that bitch flashed more than this one chick from my high school that we used to float the river with, and that whore flashed enough to get a group of 20 dudes multiple jello shots each...lol she was on a cinemax late night soft core porno show under a year after graduating...now she's the weathergirl for one of the biggest cities in alaska
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I am in ATL and playing this on a loop. Stay blessed and protected frens.

30% of the viewership have turned off during the nigger mip-mop dindu nuthing section btw.
Good to see Fox viewers hate niggers, and rightly so.
>hairy vag hair between their tits
we call that buckshot where i'm from...mostly a mexican thing
>SIRS, do not redeem the hurricane
JUST IN: recon says #Helene’s eye wall is now CLOSED What does this mean? The storm has finally blocked out DRY AIR that has prevented explosive development. If it can keep the dry air out for good, rapid intensification is likely this afternoon before landfall tonight.
sar do not redeem the hurricane
show was called miami beach heat
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lol Shitlanta is so fucked.
>poo voodoo
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Chaffee exit cb? That nigga knows.
you stole my joke by 7 seconds
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Some women, especially pick-me girls and women with fake tits, look for any excuse to show them off.
naah im outside pennsacola rn staging with all the linemen, Foley florida to be exact...cb off S mckenzie
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Going to be a lot of brap farms without power.
lol lindsay def had fake tits installed by her 18th birthday, the smol ones that made a perfect circle...she would get all the guys to massage it to "break up the scar tissue"...lol whore
>now she's the weathergirl for one of the biggest cities in alaska
>the forecast for tonight is cold, then heading into tomorrow with more cold, then freezing your ass off, with cold and more cold and then some cold. 20% possibility of snow tonight with 35% chance of more snow tomorrow. My parents literally made me move up here so I'd keep my shirt on. (flashes boobs to camera)
>Foley, Florida
You're in Alabama, anon.
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And that's why the panthers won in 7.
The sky butthole is going to open back up
>dumb neighbor drunker than I am tried to start an argument about some dumb shit after I tried to make a joke
Dykes really should hang. No idea how this bitch managed to make it out into the woods but she might not leave it.
>healthy eyewall
That means no more CNN.
>after I tried to make a joke
Be honest anon, did you sperg out? What was the joke?
Morgerman updated that the water is already rising in Panacea on Ochlockonee Bay. The storm is still 300 miles away.
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Tried meaning her dumb ass was too drunk to understand it kek
I didn't make it to the joke, I started it and she uhm akshully'd me between drunk wobbles.
I don't even know what joke I was going to make at this point. Truly amazing how women of all kinds manage to be insufferable no matter the circumstance.
ahsg discord -
Digits for slight westward jog and TFSUD
that isn't a thing, glownigger.
queen of plappers
I feel like this is going to end up being the main event of this storm. We are not ready for this wind anywhere in GA. This dry soil is now getting swamped, pine trees are gonna struggle in those winds
happeningfag cope is just so pathetic
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The Time of Category Storms Is Over
The Time Of Weather Slampigs Has Begun
>I am Phat Ass Weather Girl Lucy
>And this storm is surging
>Like your dick
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I still prefer long nosed dominatrix but that is why the weather girl game is so good right now you have options.
are the peaches jeopardized?
I legitimately do not want a Cat 4 or 5 unless that means it rolls through Georgia as a Cat 1 or 2.
Out of season. The peaches escaped mass-cyclonic genocide
There's about to be so many niggers than get Tree'd
Little Rock sure is cloudy.
Sorry fag...disasters are my bread and butter.
fat slob
Imagine getting smacked by a peach moving 130mph.
I ate so much fucking cobbler this year. Fuck me that shit was on point.
get your test checked
They're saying up to 30 now in some places.

The Villages are going to be totally destroyed.
How will it affect the environment when all those STDs get washed into the surrounding area?
Good cobbler is the best dessert. When you get a rich soft gooey crust it's fuggin heavenly.
It will be the thing that clears the algae blooms we keep having in florida every year
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lionfish with herpes
>When you get a rich soft gooey crust it's fuggin heavenly.

I do one like that and one that's like a big peach pie with top and bottom pie crust. That second one is more about the filling than the crust it's almost like a sauce for icecream with the crust just there to add crust flavor lol. Fucking heaven.
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962 mbar and still a little lopsided.
i live in atlanta and nothing is going to happen. worst case? power outages and some light flooding. nobody gives a shit about this here because its not dangerous for us
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no thats 1 cat
here's a cat 2
Imagine this happening right before harvest the the entire exterior your home got cobbler'd by surface to air peach missiles.
>he thinks niggers will act reasonably in a situation where they are without power
nothing burger confirmed, I'm in the tropical storm wind fields and it's not even raining but nice and breezy with some moderate sunshine.
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How common are EV's in the area?

Whenever it flashfloods where I live a bunch of Tesla faggots think that they're lifted trucks and the next week their shit bursts into flames.
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>i live in atlanta
is this cunt blue balling us and it's just another weather psyop?
If you're in the keys shouldn't you be sucking dick right now?
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NOOOOO MUH COBBLERS!!!!!!! *commits honorable seppuku*
Would it really hurt for the Tampa Bay meteorologists to put the fork down every once in a while?
and what does 3 cats look like?
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Holy crap WNC is toast
>nobody gives a shit about this here because its not dangerous for us
Well, not compared to the niggers, anyway. Nukes are mild compared to that.
But Anon climatefags told me that GOM cyclones would all become Cat 6 hypercanes the moment their feeder bands hit that boiling water bath and it's all Trump's fault.
Keep this up and you are going to have a wave of haitians to deal with
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i hope the furfags at the innawoods con get soaked.
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They're already soaked anon.......
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these ships better be hauling ass
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cat 4 checkin in
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Tallahassee checking in here... we're full of Teslas and I see people ford floods in their meme cars all the time.
hey i got a friend near Spartanburg
praying for his chickens
Guys Tallahasse Tim here
Power is out where Im at
Has the storm passed over us yet
Looks like the storm fucked my shit up
Do you copy? over
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did the beaner weatherman get deported for letting that kitty die?

>TampaChads...we just cant stop winning. We need to start a pool when Tampa's year will be. By the time it actually comes imagine the winnings

>For now the streak continues but we will still have some ill effects here.

Hurricanes don't move that fast. It won't make landfall before 9pm tonight.
they are
much safer for them where they are/heading
have the wind behind them
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CAT 10
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Fuck you asshole quit slandering the beaner he went and got the cat.
oh lawd
You ruined everything.
Back to the lem again
Oh there goes gravity
Oh there so mad but he wont give up that easily
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>Holy crap WNC is toast

I've been watching my webcams up there and chewing my fingernails man.

Hope my hillbilly buddies are OK. It's a getaway for me, but they're gonna have to live in it.
>2638 Postby ElectricStorm » Thu Sep 26, 2024 11:09 am

>I'm just not seeing anything that supports 90kts outside of FL winds. SFMR and drops still suggest these winds are not mixing to the surface very well. Think it could be closer to 80-85kts, pressure 962mb. Intensification should be halted unless it can mix out that dry slot and with less than 12 hours to landfall it doesn't have much time

KYS you fucking cancelfag
That's a Jew.
all 5 of those pixels are way funnier than any aislop ever generated by ((("ai")))
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>last seen 19 hours ago
Press F to pay respects to Daiwan Leader, bros
and she'll peg you
Some stations will surpass the 1916 flood
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hows my situation since last update from yesterday
what am i in for
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In the future, hurricanes will be able to be tuned to only kill brownoids.
well you're a memeflag so your situation is terminal sorry about that.
make sure your guns are loaded.
...you do have guns right?
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She's a big girl
that the one that likes it in the ass?
Siesta Key is deserted
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checked. still gonna get hurricaned.
Shoot directly into the eye of the hurricane.
No she wants to put it in YOUR ass.
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i just don't wanna go to work tomorrow. In want to smoke cigarettes and watch TV (if the power even stays on)
>Fuck you asshole quit slandering the beaner he went and got the cat.

We've already been over this. The faggot was too scared to get his white shoes wet and the cat disappeared.
For you
>We've already been over this.
No "we" didn't, nigger.
He is "local" to me and it was a whole thing kek
vid of the cat being saved?
No storms don't hit because you have two glowie headquarters in Tampa, (((CENTCOM))) and (((SOCOM))).

ryan is live
arent all the scientologists in Clearwater?
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she eats pies so good
I hope he drowns, ya'll
too cringy to watch, post comfy streams
i thought it was a good channel
loads of good info
i would never pull out of any of these weather slampigs
Why? This is a nothingburger. Again. Lime every time you losers post these threads. A 4 or 5? Won't even be a mid 3 lmao. Jesus christ. Rope and a tree. Make yourself useful.
Ryan “Reddit” Hall
I'm in SW Florida faggot
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Helene showing her monkiness
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>Recent recon data shows ~971MB

971 Megabytes?
Unlike niggers, peaches were ontime
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>t. bait thread poster
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what about facesitting "life" guards?
Then you aren't in the wind fields. We're only getting the edges of wind bands as we have been overnight in SWFL. That or you're full of fucking shit.
The storm is 250 miles away from the coast.
can the next edition be storm hoes edition. asking for a friend
That's it I'm going surfing
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>ryan crying about others citing catastrophic
>only I can do it
hate this reddit faggot
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get a load of this faggot
Oh yea. There's my girl.
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are you dumb? I'm literally 50-70 miles from the eye right now
Should probably recycle >>482899559
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Watch out for Surge gator-niggers
Try david schlotthauer. Dude is a spazz and gets triggered so easy over nothing. He'll put up a vid or go live, gets called out for clickbaiting in the comments and then gets pissy and bitches over and over.
I'm in this picture and I don't like it.
forgot to change my flag, im retarded

what is it like being in the direct hit of a hurricane, i usually get hit by tropical storms and i slept through michael
>his whole gym was about hiding stuff in trash cans
this poor dude is a PTSD case and instead of getting him help the military gave him voltorbs.
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Orlando here it doesn't even look like it's going to really rain. What a fucking nothing burger
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I'm always astonished when I get the bill. I'll never know how she finds room for that last lemon meringue.
During Irma I watched my neighbor's manufactured home have its roof lift up by all but one side and slap the house over and over. That was pretty cool. Being flooded in for 3 weeks after that and without power was however, not as cool, strangely.
Ian picked up the entire porch roof, supports and screen and all and threw it 2 houses over, flung fifth wheel trailers around loaded up with equipment like it was nothing, and so on.
Ian was probably the craziest storm I've dealt with but more for the aftermath. Florida still hasn't recovered especially SWFL.

give this multilink a go
put 4 different streams in it

I'm in the hurricane warning cone and it is basically a mild thunderstorm right now. Been raining since last night. Hopefully it keeps tracking eastward.
Lol this is the weather lady for fort myers
nah fuck this bong use this link
Dumb attention whore
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oh, how you know?
Helene is NOT strengthening.
Gj thirsting after slampigs instead of giving Helene your energy /ahsg/
If this thing doesn't get over a mid/low 3 then RyanHall deserves a boot up his ass.
Fort myers beach still looks like a warzone. It’s going to be a long recovery and ultimately it will be made into a second Naples with properties built to endure massive storm surges. Which is fine with me. Never liked fort myers beach and the trashy weirdo hippie billies it attracted. Hope the lani Kai gets bulldozed next.
Yeah, I expect it's just going to hit the panhandle and fuck like atlanta and tallahassee, which will be funny.
Fuck (((them))) for force feeding her dry air
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That’s how
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He deserves that anyhow
>going to be a long recovery
They stopped the recovery in 2023 after cameras stopped filming. Once sheriff carmen couldn't get his photo ops no one was interested.
>ultimately it will be made into a second Naples with properties built to endure massive storm surges.
You mean fort myers beach will be owned by amazon and co and limited to only faggot jews and niggers that work for them like you.
>the state of that sad tv and the lonely led strip
I gave her plenty of energy, they sabotaged her mighty winds.
i had to move from pinellas to hernando county because the cost of living is insane and homes are 1/2 the price up here. how are you niggers doing it?
does anyone remember the live streamer north of tampa that would get irate over people telling him there's a hurricane coming? he would always be piss drunk and one night the chat got him so worked up he went and got his rifles out? I wish I bookmarked that stream
fucking kikes
You mean fort myers beach will be owned by amazon and co and limited to only faggot jews and niggers that work for them like you
No. It will have upscale hotel chains instead of trashy weirdos who get hammered at lani Kai and cause problems. Lani Kai has long been a blight on this community and I’ll be thrilled when it’s gone. Tired of the artsy faggots who came to FMb and made it gay as shit.
kek I love how many lee county bros are on here, yet I've never met one in real life. I advertise it which I'm sure you don't as well.
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>instead of getting him help the military gave him voltorbs

Such is life, Vermilli-anon
don't advertise*
Also I stayed away from FMB even before Ian. Barefoot beach is the best beach in SWFL.
>artsy faggots
You mean the wives of naples niggers who ruined places like matlacha and expanded outward building art studios and the like everywhere with nothing to sell in them?
Not exactly something I talk to the trees in the woods about often.
407 here. Just woke up. How fucked are we? Is it happening? I prepped and got comfy for this, we better at least get a couple days' power outage.
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the southeast eyewall is finally closing, she's about to rip
Based 239 bro. Fwiw even tho I have always hated FMB I hate fema even more. La Ola was actually kinda comfy, and it sucks what they did to the owner there
Fix the leds and TV level and repost fag
>You mean the wives of naples niggers who ruined places like matlacha and expanded outward building art studios and the like everywhere with nothing to sell in them?
Yes, and the artsy weirdos who all retired to FMB from all around the country. Glad those faggots won’t have a place in the new and improved FMB. They were the rejects who couldn’t afford a spot in Tin City
Sarasota status?
>I love siesta key except for all the fucking people
Two more hours
>wind just picked up and flung a chair with authority off into the distance
Well I guess I did not need that chair anyhow kek
*when* your ilk hang don't pretend like you don't know why.
Recon is about to pass through. Let's see if the pressure is finally lower than 962
FMB has always been shit, Captiva / Sanibel ftw
Tampa Chads how we doing? Awful bright out here hope you guys have your sunglasses handy.
What a vulgar sow she is. Dress appropriately, you disgusting slob.
The first to go when SHTF will be the artsy faggots who shout down comfy anti gay preacher. Basically, (you). FMB is the trashiest gayest hub of SWFL. I’ll cheer when they demolish Lani Kai, and I hope you’re on the top floor when they do it.
memory unlocked... i remember him having a view outside of his house, and he wanted to order pizza with crypto or something, but he got so drunk that he passed out before he could slip up enough to get doxxed
now is a real good time to be there
Sarasota had a mid afternoon thunderstorm yesterday, then a few overnight showers, it's currently breezy and waiting for the real show.
downtown is completely under water

>n-no you will!
kek you fake "rich" faggots are going to suffer so much right alongside your masters you have no idea. The "artsy" types you deride so much CAME FROM YOUR SHIT you stupid faggot nigger. You are the rot. You will be treated just like the cancer you are. There would be no "artsy" shit on fmb if it wasn't for you scum. You are the florida problem. Fucking northerner jewish degenerate trash.
They truly have no shame
thats the guy!! i can't even remember the streaming site
Why have the kikes been force feeding hurricanes this year with dry air?
The news anchors are getting fed too!
I’m not rich. I just hate artsy liberal faggot TRASH. The type of people who for too long have stained this great area via Fort Myers Beach. I will not be visiting FMB. Why would I when I have barefoot beach to visit? But I want that trash OUT. And the fact that you don’t tells me everything I need to know about you. Faggot.
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oh ya, she's primed
as a 7th generation lee county resident I agree the faggy shit came from northerners. Faggy shit, housing shit, renting shit, traffic shit, all of it. Stay out of my state
Because they need their golem right now because they are losing pissrael. Won't save them. Their golem is just a shell at this point.
they hate erhabenen kino
Just like how they flooded out Libya and Palestine but Israel is sunny with good weather 24/7
>I just hate artsy liberal faggot TRASH.
You are that trash, cope jew.
I just finished walking on Bayshore for about 2 miles, the bay waters are angry and crashing up onto the boardwalk, no flooding yet though from what I saw. Starting to get gusty
>t. 1-2 miles north of MacDill anon
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Any Hernando County fags here? Spring Hill here
site was robotstreamer, think i found his page but says he hasn't been on for 88 days
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>Any Hernando County fags here? Spring Hill here
Former Shady Hills/Brooksville/Spring Hill here, now up in the panhandle. I miss Weeki Wachee :(
Macon anon, the real show will come from Macon.

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