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>Quick Rundown
A bunch of people who don't live here are going to make a big deal about something that won't be that interesting. Brace for videos of trees falling, downed power lines, water going over things like roads and walls and stuff. There will be pictures of destroyed houses in about 2 days. Black people will probably rob a few stores.

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


>Twitter Feeds

>Preparations and Safety
nevermind, another bread is here >>482899400
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praying for TTD
they made all of our freshman evacuate the dorms
Up to 105 mph now, wind field expanding.
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holy shit the south will drown
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It's beginning to happen. Strap in fellas.
ahsg discord:
TampaGOD here. Guess what? TTD didn't happen.
oh foot fetishists are going to like this one
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Ft Myers anons, why is it so damn windy? I thought this thing was going to miss us completely
Storm is big, storm wide, storm thicc
Storm slingin them rain bands all up in it.
so overnight, it went from drowning gainesville to georgia?
No, yesterday anyone with a brain knew florida will handle the storm "fine" and that its where the storm goes after that will be what is important to watch. Northerners don't handle wind and rain well.
Lemmy's not a Floridaman, he's from Birmingham
That motherfucker aint from alabama
Shit. I'm in Marion County (south of GNV). I figured being so inland that I'd be safe from the winds and rain. That map makes it look otherwise. I guess I'll be enjoying a nice pressure washing of the house. Hopefully it takes down the wasp nests built over the year his his house was built. I have way too many giant 15" clay pot plants to move so hopefully they don't become projeciles.
okay but the question was whether it happened overnight. more rhetorical i s'pose.
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It could hit Gainesville GA
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Checked. I'm in marion county - far inland. 7 of my giant pot plants already fell over twice so i gave up. 20lb 15" clay plus 17 quarts of soil and rain + the trees or sugar cane growing in them. So likely well over 50lbs each, and yet the winds knock them over like dominos. It doesn't even feel like the winds have really even started yet, and the rain stopped a couple hours ago. I hope you got your chicken tendies subs stocked up, made lots of ice bricks, and lots of gatorade premade
>70% of black folx live in South
>less than 5% of black folx know how to swim
fortunately the southern white population are all obese, and can used as flotation devices
irma was even bigger and closer and that was a nothing burger.
cat4/5 landfall is not happening anymore for florida, but georgia is about to get quite the ass fucking regardless of landfall strength
All thanks to the kikes feeding her dry air
KYS shlomo steinberg
If you're going to post TWC shit post kino not garbage c'mon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Um_EWmajs speaking of which
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I'm a little surprised at how slowly this thread is moving, could FloridaMan actually be prepping today?
The storm is passing by the coast for the most part, it is JUST NOW giving some real wind again in SWFL. Most of it was overnight and just wind and rain. The storm is yuge and a long way away from the coastline. about 6pm things will pick up as it nears the armpit and really starts slamming them up there.
this is the wrong thread.
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>me sittin over here in Louisiana looking sadly at the dry weather and PIERCING blue sky
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Sarasota anon here again

Wheres the bri'ish angry fag from last night?


SWFL here I just had to take the tarp down from my car port ITS HAPPENING
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Fun part is that the storm surge is going to be at it's highest level during the night, making it an absolute horror scenario.
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South Carolina is fucked
Storm stole a chair from my yard just a bit ago. Storm owns that chair now.
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It's fucking nothing.
How the hell does that make any sense??
Base chair gona smack some nigger in Atlanta
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So just like SWFL and Tampa are experiencing today the most dangerous part of the storm for them will be the winds coming off the storm. You're getting hit with rain and you're in prime location for winds going the other way hitting it causing tornadoes.
If you see a white metal deck chair impaled in some nigger's head tonight in atlanta that was me.
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Outer bands bringing supercells onshore
I'm loving this wind
Wait a sec is Biden trying to use HAARP to put all of the people of Tallahassee out of their homes for election da, flooding the surrounding counties with refugees that will turn them blue?
Basically I left the bird feeders up because Tampa is invincible and I doubt we even get a wind gust over 30 mph.
Ho lee fuck just got hit with some actual serious wind beyond the chair stealing wind just now. Helene may have some balls to her after all.
We're at TARPCON LEVEL III already? Peace be with you, Florida Man.

collection of cams
He just knows the storm would steal his tarp just like that motherfucker just stole my chair.
Big chilling in 813. No rain right now but lots of wind.
Pasco Lutz here. Where's my boy Ware Co? We gonna get some weather or we just drinking for shits and gigs?
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dont use the bong's fake links
I have only one can of Yuengling left
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damn look at that surge on the bottom right cam
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To prepare for the hurricane I have stockpiled

1 box of Triscuits (family size)
2 tins of sardines
1 jar of peanut butter
2 loaves of bread
10+ bottles of whiskey
Any better cams?

cape coral reporting, we had a little tornado touch down, my neighbor lost power. Windier than I expected today too.
i looked for things that might break
oh no anon you gotta go break into a store or something quick
Make my fuckin day looters
Clearwater reporting in why is it coming towards me now instead of those Perry niggers :(
based 10/10
Coon road had a transformer catch on fire down bayshore. About the most exciting thing beyond the rodeo ring's bleacher's getting destroyed and cvs's mulch clogging a drain on an intersection in cape coral
you dun fucked up
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It took a goddamn hurricane for us to finally get some cool autumn weather.
You sure that is enough whiskey? Storm aftermath may last a couple days.
I don't know bros...wasn't this supposed to be "catastrophic"? Just looks a little windy. I'm starting to smell a nothing burger
How come you have retards standing near the ocean in those livecams anon?! Are your citizens that fucking stupid??
>cool autumn weather
Uhhhhhh what cool weather are you getting I'm getting hit with heavy wind bands and its almost 90 here in SWFL kek
lol you saw me?
>Florida Man says you’re a fag and you should go home
based and ‘canepilled
It was in the 90s in central Georgia before this rain.
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I counted just for you and I have 19 bottles several of which are 1.75L
Zephyrhills and I'm not worried in the slightest
Brevard County Floridanigger here, literally zero wind, i can see the fuckin Sun shine thru little shittass rain sprinkles.
Yes and it was mid 90s here yesterday. Briefly last night it got to mid 70s between rain bands and it was almost nice out.
ok you might just make it then

Praying for total destruction of the shell factory, they deserve the insurance money
Think we'll get a rainbow afterwards anons?
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92 in bumfuck TN
convection is starting to fire up
she's hungry
they actually officially closed last weekend for good
Checked. Here in my town the gas station wagies are complaining that their bosses make them work through hurricanes. Lmao fuckin babies I swear.
This faggoty storm keeps popping the screen on my lanai screen door out. I’ve had to go back outside 3 times already to pop it back in.
thats enough calories to last you for like 40 days well done anon
South Fort Myers, its breezy here currently no rain. Went out to FMB at about 10am, there was some water over the road going out there, deepest behind Margaretville where it always floods. Times square had a few inches of water
It's spelled Margaritaville anon.....
Bonita Beach has mild flooding too. It’s not so bad
Nothing like that coming here, still might get some ybor faggot drowning but highly unlikely
>A bunch of people who don't live here are going to make a big deal about something that won't be that interesting.
Holy fucking OP cope!
I know, kinda makes me sad, thats why I'd rather see it demolished natural disaster style.
Screaming winds hitting sarasota

Tempted to start eating those Triscuits now ngl
Leon County reporting in. Slight rain. Just had meatballs. I think Cantore left outta here. Later dudes.
reminder that michael fucking exploded right before he made landfall
it aint fuckin' over lads
god damn auto correct and not proof reading nukes me yet again
I’m gonna miss that Jankie zoo. Used to love sitting outside the bobcat cage. Would just chill with him. He was a cute little guy. Also miss the old stuffed animal room. I hate hate hate that it’s gone now. Used to stop up there after going to the manatee park in winter
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if the next update doesn't have it near cat 3 it's fucking nothingburger. 10mph since 6am
>jumping into something you don't remotely understand and ignoring both the op and the posters in it
Holy fucking retard jew!
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Triscuits and Deenz, Triscuits and Deenz, I'm a little lad who lives Triscuits and Deenz!
im going to get a cat 1 hurricane in the night, am i going to die lads
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I was gonna say I have been watching it track east, I think TTD is happening
I know, not my first rodeo, I've been here 42 years
eastward shift lessening, still strengthening
I'm near Tampa and I wouldn't mind a big shit storm. Right now it's just windy, no rain.
As long as you don’t have big pine trees around your house you’ll be fine
Promising that after the wind correction Helene will finally be below 962 mbar
if you are surrounded by georgia pines, certain sappy impalement awaits you
>its going to hit LA and send even more niggers to Texas
Kill me now
>cat -1 storm
Lol. LMAO even
old shit
Sure thing. Totally believe you.
>CAT 2
It will be CAT 1 when it hits.
Triscuits are the ideal deenz delivery vessel
Or old ass oaks that are hollowed out as they die. Already got one that came down in Ruskin
Popeyes betta have de chicken. They don't, we burn it down.
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Imagine if thing takes a hard turn and yeets directly at Ft. Myers just like Ian did, with zero warning and zero preparations. I haven't even done anything because I thought it was passing us by. I bet the boomers would be outside the local news stations with pitchforks if they get this so wrong again.
>you can't understand a storm, it's impossible unless you're a legal resident of florida
Florida is chock full of retards.
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Ian turned because it hit land just like Irma did.
And yet, you ignored the OP's summary and how it conflicts with your retard post, and ignored the posts in the thread after that.
Crazy how you're calling anyone retarded.
Its official
Internet is down statewide in Florida
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I don't know what this picture means or what you're trying to tell me
Very windy in Miami right now. No rain. Heard some trees fall not far from my back yard. Hope the power stays on.
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Last night in tallahassee
Yes. We charge them extra when they're here because they can't handle snow.
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oh that eye is tight right now
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Very nice, fun begins tonight!
my friend is a vet and I met their wallaby at his office right before he euthanized him...It sucks but I haven't been there in I don't know how long so I guess people like me are to blame. Its just not in the right spot, its a miracle they held on this long.
Leon Wakulla line here, little wet, niggers are panicked, and wally world only has the fancy bread
>And yet, you ignored the OP's summary and how it conflicts with your retard post
It doesn't, and you're just a stupid girl. How did you even find this web site lol?

Tomorrow this board will be shill free as the suckers at Eglin will be busy mopping up their soggy britches. It will be nice.

why would you doubt?
Waffles Canceled
only water now
958 and dropping
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Omg guys this is looking to be the purrfect storm. There's gonna be nothing left but litter when it hits!
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indeed it is, she is waking up lads
Black trans woman of color here. I work at Eglin AFB. Will I survive?
crawfordville supercenter is a great place to people watch until you realize those people live by you
Hopefully not
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It's ogre...
I hope all the kike offices in tally get wiped out.
South GA anon here. I'm prepped
352 how are we feeling? I'm northwest in 352 so I'm still cautious but otherwise feeling pretty good like I did Idalia and Debby
Pressure lower AND winds higher on the latest pass. They'll likely fix the center MSLP < 958 mbar.
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we thicc, bois?
Pic didn't load
Double checked, went there with the old lady a few days ago and even spotted a real life midget
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what if theres a shelter nearby like this so i can sleep, minus the possible drug addicts
still has some trees behind it though but theyre not thick and huge
winds in the eye I mean, lower pressure + winds not calm means they messed the true center
This has been a big nothing burger
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no lol. still a cat 1. has only sprinkled here in st pete, light breeze. i guess it's supposed to be worse up in the bend but this is a joke so far.
oh fuck its gonna RAIN?? nothing ever happens.
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>punta gorda

>India and Debby

Didn’t know Debby loved big pajeet cock
Strengthening has resumed.
this confuses and enrages the cane
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it’s joever
99% none of that happens and cut the precip totals in half
im happy the pressures lowering but this one is 70/30 done nothingburger at this point unless we hit a nice warm patch
Roswell, fleeing to Fulton at a friends house with no trees soon. Hope the Mexican place nearby stays open for dinner
>the belly of the dragon will drip water

oh shit this is it, prepare youassholes appalaichia
>and you're just a stupid girl.
Because you said it like anyone gives a fuck. No one native to Florida would say some shit like that. We're full, fuck off.
I'm gonna need that water doubled scattered and covered.
The two nearest me were slap full of people yesterday when I drove past them. I can only imagine the heartbreak in tallahassee.
She still has the loop current to churn through. We will likely see the most RI then. Still doubtful we see anything higher than a cat4, but Michael went apeshit right before land so there’s hope
The water is plenty warm The problem has been dry air ingestion.
That should be “inner pancake attack”
Ryan Hall Y'all is the best weather channel on YouTube.
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An update from retired meteorologist, Glenn Burns, regarding Georgia:
>Storm is expected to be a low end Cat 3 at landfall
>Do not concentrate on center. The wind field is HUGE, at the upper end of the scale
>This will still be an unprecedented event with rain and wind gusts of 50-70 mph during the overnight hours
>Rainfall will increase in intensity overnight with 4-6 additional inches and up to 8 inches for NE mountains
>Winds will increase in north Georgia with tropical storm force SUSTAINED winds moving north into Macon around midnight and 3 am in the metro, then 6 am in far north Georgia.
>Severe threat for brief spin up tornadoes are more likely in southeast Georgia.
>The EXACT track is still in flux and will be until we see exactly where land fall occurs.
>High probability of trees and powerlines going down. Power outages will be very likely.
>As the storm moves in our winds will be from the east and southeast. As it passes winds will change direction and will be from the west and northwest. When this happens, winds will be the strongest. Trees blowing one way will then be blown another way…many will go down.
>Our NWS projected path is east of the NHC official forecast. We will get an update at 4 pm.
He's gay
No you aren't and no one cares.
Internet nagging isn't a man's job. It's woman's work. What do women do in the military? They sit online and try to nag the general public. Cat's been out of the bag for a while sugar tits.
It's already running out of the hottest water soon and the eye just closed.
are we going to get anything notable in the Jax area?
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We comfy af...
Balls with timestamp or gtfo
Damn you gotta stingray in ur pool anon! Be safe.
Minimal nigger deaths compared to a just normal day
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This nigger is just repeating everything I posted yesterday.
>reddit hall ya'll
piss off
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FEMA girl says the whole state of Florida is under some sort of warning
you gonna let the bird feeder get wrecked?
Will do
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you gonna wake up dead
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Nothing ever happens bros did we get too cocky?
Those fuckers never catch a break, kek.
>wanting a photo of my junk
See? Woman confirmed. You give a woman Internet and all she can do is nag and engage in smutty behavior. Sad!
Bro - that little twink in the hoodie has calling out tornadoes is cute AF. unnnggghhhh
Nah he left out the part where you talked about how niggers were going to chimp out without access to popeye's chicken for 24 hours straight and that shaniqua can't get her weave in time for the club this weekend so riots are guaranteed.
Not me, I am smoking weed and gooning hahah
balls with timestamp or gtfo.
you know the rules.
It's concrete
Are you standing in fact retired Georgia meteorologist Glen Burns?
I think he's talking about the bird FEEDER not bird bath, the plastic thing on the stick.
Oh yea.. fuck it. Peckers will be fine. I've got a couple
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Hopefully we get some kino like this
Oh yeah its all coming together
>Because you said it like anyone gives a fuck. No one native to Florida would say some shit like that. We're full, fuck off.

I'm not native, I'm 47 and came here when I was 5, so guess you called it toots
>trying to cope by flipping the script
>inventing a balls rule
Oh my dear woman it must be your first day here.
There's a lot more variables involved than just the shape. This is nothing.
an asymmetric CDO, ongoing burst, and thin band ALL JUST FLEW OVER MY HOUSE!!!!!
>FEMA girl
that's a man
get a load of this newfag over here...
I had an asymmetric CDO once.
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Kek look at this little pipsqueek. I can just imagine landing a full forced punch square in his jaw and just shattering his entire frail body. lol what a gay little retard
It is funny because FEMA won't help anyone and spends 99% of their money sending out surveys asking people who are still recovering "hey how much did our lack of giving you any money or help help you on a scale of 1-10?"
hope that devil's lettuce tastes good when Helene's moist bands come a callin'
I used to shoot those retarded bastards for hammering on tin soffit. Every morning they would wake me up.
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doppler 9 prediction is lit senpai
how the fuck did this happen. cat 5 hurricane or tornado?
Hes a furry too
Give it an hour
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katrina, mississippi
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Lots of models showing it going further and further east. Idk why RyanHall's BOZO-A model is showing it so far west.
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because he's a plebbit faggot
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>watching anything other than the slampigs
based bird enjoyer
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When da lootin be startin?
Katrina farted on my balls. Thought you should know.
brave. i dont think gays have enough representation in meteorology. all the hurricanes are given heterosexual names.
For the first time in a long time the eyewall has stayed closed between passes:

G. C40

lol that thigh fat distribution....she's gonna explode into a slampig any day now.
This little spinner bitch looks like she wouldn't peg you but MAY do kinky shit on weekends.
Wish WINK and NBC/ABC would send those ugly nigger sheboon reporters they have out into the flooded water again. They always look so pissed its hilarious.
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It's nigger o'clock somewhere right now.
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>*smacks lips*
about 11pm tonight sheeeeeiiiit
Whats in the right panel, it wont load.
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her hip bones are a good 1 foot below where they should be. wtf is going there. shes going to explode after pregnancy.
Why does she have one leg longer than the other?
Check the future hurricane names
A lot of nigs and spics
El'e'em uh clock
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I was born in florida lived in Sarasota for two decades, some British tourists were stabbed to death in newton while I was there, old timer told me before all the yuppies moved there Main Street downtown was a dirt road and a guy he called tim used to walk it with a 5 gallon hat and two pistols on his hip, it’s a cosmopolitan urban sprawl shithole now...let too many Jews move in
guess thats the last time I watch ryan faggot yall his fucking lead meteorologist is a furfag? did he not learn anything from mr beast?
Elmo got dp'ed and was forced to like some of that zero bar all in his sugar azz
Kek 10 Tampa Bay is telling people mcdonalds and waffle house are closed so people should take it serious. I think I know who they are trying to talk to.
What's a good Livestream to watch? Preferably one that is switching between multiple streams
checked. i knew somethin was off about his whole operation
Pasco residents are staying put.
Is this that Salt Life i've heard so much about?
Is Jeff live? Or Reed?
imagine being the meteorologist who tells Shaniqua to go to the hurricane
>"Yeah Shaniqua it's your turn to go stand in the flood waters. Avoid the pythons and alligators. There's a popeye's down the street if you get hungry"
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I'm with you. Who should I watch for general weather shit instead?
Lol no those are the people that used to star on live pd back in is heyday
Don't you have some pakistanis to give checks to or something?
Last time a real storm moved through (not hurricane) they had this one sheboon out reporting from kneehigh water in wading boots and gear that was so visibly pissed she was seething at the camera. You could hear the unease in the voices of the anchors. It was great.
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Jeffs wife has him chained to a telephone pole in the back yard. He ain't doin shit
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110 mph
NHC cucking as usual
whats the next update? 115 but we swear it'll still get to cat 3?
Anyone have the webm of news anchor leaned over fighting the wind and rain before a couple come casually walking by in the background?
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the fuck is this shit HELENE
get your act together
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No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
>ripping on the bong flag
thanks for reposting my memes paki
850, we ready? 448 need not respond
lol, Ive had farts stronger than this thing will ever be. Again, massive hype for nothing.
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Ryan Hall now, Reed will be live in a couple of hours.
God I hope so. My ex gf lives there.
Ryan Hall Y'all on YouTube is good. He has a little twink calling out tornadoes that is cute AF.
>North Carolina
Literally no one cares
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160mph TTD
I’m currently in Orlando and I see blue sky. It’s overcast, but it’s not windy and there’s zero rain. This is bullshit of a storm
He’d love to be fucked by bbc hurricane deshawn
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Gets and the Russians use their version of HAARP to flatten DC with this storm
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Fuck kikes. Fuck niggers. Fuck faggots. Fuck trannies. Most of all fuck jannies.
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this is why we need more batteries in the ocean to fuel these storms
It's so over. Tampon bay wins again.
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we have about an hour or two before the situation changes
What about Church's?
Tampa chads just cant stop winning
churchs will be open. i used to get 2 chicken breasts with jalapenos on the side for like 3 bucks back when i was an apprentice in st pete. good times.
Yeah, fuck it.
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>nhc graphic says tropical storm winds over tampa
>discussion says one report of winds in south fl
>cam says 10mph breeze
we beez kangs so gibs funding ok
I'm 30 miles north of Tampa and we have fuck all right now. Some kind of high winds. No rain right now which is a shame. I love the rain and I want more rain.
Ian surpasssed rain predictions, especially in orlando and volusia
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Im in sarasota and the wind is intense. Losing internet and flickering power

Only going to get worse

Give it time
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HAFS-B and Euro are both showing it hitting well east of St. Marks.
I want to say it's too far set to do that
But TTD is still on the table
Lemmy is an honorary Florida Man

thats a collection of cams with one streamer in top right
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New models just dropped
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Don't drown, turn around
recon flying unusual pattern, turned east back towards the eye instead of flying south
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tornados running through, anyone in this path should probably keep an ear out.
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I live in Sarasota but I’m in Orlando for the weekend.
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Based sunshower enjoyer
Give it time
I prefer Mitch West, but Ryan Hall is good too. His livestreams are comfy for stuff like this. Reed is obviously the GOAT tho
>I love niggers.
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it's coming fren. im excited i dont have to water my tropical fruits this week
rolling for another i4 dead zone cane
Orlando is so ass. Trying to be a big city but just a Florida town instead. Leesburg going the same way. They tear down a Sonny's for what? A Tesla station. Fuck off man.
Ah, publix 828, hate that store. Between mall shoppers, zoomers and boomers, its hell in there
One of these years Tampa is going to get fucked, and nobody is going to bother leaving because they always manage to skirt by
And full of eurofaggots
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i wish there was a place we would only run into other anons at. can you imagine how smoothly that place probably would run?
# 115 KNOT FL
Finance and retireniggers killing us man
Pool's closed sign on the door lmao
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And touristniggers
Celebration is a eurofaggot enclave
i can bake, hold fast
I hate Disney with every chromosome in my genepool
Lord have mercy, I need some chickin tonight
Checked, Baker with the big cock
I've made a few friends irl from 4chan over the years. When soc came out, it was a bit different, or maybe i was just young

Stay safe, and there will be damage to the area on the trip back. Hell, irma has left stop signs diaganol for years
twink update alert
Big gust just came through Vero Beach.
Godspeed, West Coast anons.
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Rain is my favorite weather, it's calming and zen. The noise also drowns out my tinnitus which is nice. I sleep with thunderstorm noises as well.
AHHH I just want it to happen. We got a little rain earlier and now some high winds.
retard northerner
yes we know you do, your country has made that VERY clear. part and parcel I'm afraid.
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Only a storm will end the endless i-95 construction.
Gulf looking like a demon. Start praying bros
I went to celebration before and all I could hear were eurofaggots. Especially bong accents
checked and standing by
Sauron is here...
Portal to hell is open.
Thats probably the angry internet brit everyone was shitting on last night

Fuck off faggot nobody cares about your opinion in these threads.
bitch got a loose pussy
That store is at university and Tuttle. By my old house.
Just like 9/11 threads somehow the hurricane threads attract MULTIPLE retarded bongs. It makes no sense but that is how it has been for years on here.
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Pray for this lil anhinga. He’s fighting this storm out
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I-95 is eternal. They achieve this by constantly constructing on it.
He can swim.
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>Two niggerlovers licking each others arses.
You're a disgrace to your parents.
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>he's not only obsessed with niggers, but eating ass
oh so you are a jew with worms? got it.
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The Lord is his rock.
I pissed on that thing.
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Wonder how things are out on the barrier islands. Sunset Beach was getting it good from storm surge a few hours ago.

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