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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Give me your most unpopular opinion, /pol/
Unpopular by /pol/ standards, that is, not unpopular to normies.
me coom
trickle in and win
Beyonce is actually a good nig.
You'll have to elaborate on that, what makes her good?
redpilling normies breaks them and does nothing good for the group
Raw talent, the amount of programs and donations she doles out. Like her Beygood program, actually funds shit to help backwards niggers. Not at all like other rich as fuck assholes who outright promote every tax write-off as an act of their mercy. (Oprah) All around just seems like a genuine good person.
I am a globalist. I think the world would work better if we eliminated all sovereign nations and judged the world strictly by science.
I’m only racist on here. Irl I like non-whites. Most people will respect you if you respect them.
That green policy making is based and white supremacist, because determined implementation would annihilate the economies of india, china, and fledgling africa.
>Unpopular by /pol/ standards
I'm not white and I don't wish I was
Netherlands belongs in th UK
>t. half dutch/english mutt
Whoa sheathe the katana, edgelord.
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I think we should do a one time amnesty for people who are established here. I think we should fast track recent entries & asylum requests while understanding how NGO groups are exploiting the process, and funding migration to the US.

Those NGO groups should be censured, and fined heavily for their actions. Then we will need a complete halt to immigration for a few years while the dust settles.
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>Unpopular by /pol/ standards
That's not really possible as we have genuine posters, and then we have the employees which post (((approved))) opinions.

Unpopular by genuine people?
Then probably...
>Filters are for pussies.
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>strictly by science
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REally green, though, not this fake ass eGreen crap that is basically a corporate mega-grift.
Pajeets would make an excellent renewable fuel source and the number one way to fight global warming is to replace dirty coal fired power stations with clean Pajeet fired power. Just toss the Pajeets in and set them on fire instead of using coal. It's just that easy
Niggers can be civilized
cringe hammer has been almost always shit
>my entire life is validated simply by the fact that le shitskinerinos like mee!!!!

quintessential americuck post
Christ is king.
We should be focusing on less car centric infrastructure and finding ways to have small rural towns support a local population/economy that can have its needs met without having to drive everywhere.
it was wrong and arrogant of the new world explorers to try and "civilize" lesser races. if they wanted their resources that bad the natives should have been killed off completely. the white mans burden is the root of all shitskin related problems.

also there's no such thing as bleaching. just weak willed faggots thinking with their dick.
Society should get this ww3 shit over with now so I'm not 36 and having to survive with back issues.
she'd be a good nig if she were slamming her ass onto my cock while howling like a banshee
>voluntary bride of christ lol
trump is a false messiah and equally as bad as everyone else, if not more so
/pol/ is a webcomic board
There's probably no gods.
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I think women, sex, and the modern dating and relationship society is actually based as fuck and most of the guys here are hopelessly incels and DO NOT represent normal men as much as they would like too.
Greenies would be far more tolerable if they werent crypto-commies and they didnt have a huge hateboner for nuclear energy
>balknigger referring to others as shitskin

kek. I don’t care if they like me. I’m proud to be white. I just don’t hate people for being non-white unless they’re genuinely assholes. Chronically online anti-social faggots wouldn’t understand.
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>Unpopular by /pol/ standards, that is, not unpopular to normies.

I don't hate the Jews
I don't hate the Niggers
I think Vax was a good thing for humanity and everyone that does not take the boost is an absolute retarded that should die
I don't hate North Americans (USA)
I don't hate Russia
I don't hate the faggots or the LGBT exactly, i hate that mongoloid hysteria that we are seeing now

Still i would like to declare:

I hate jannies, the CIA and the globalists.

Important to clarify that CIA is symbolic right? Every country have his "special force" and they probably act in a similar way and i hate every single one of them.
Bill Gates and the eugenicists pushing for mass culling of lesser humans are entirely correct, and the jab was a beautiful approach. It gave everyone a choice. And I hope more is coming, this world is vastly overpopulated, humanity is mostly just a plague upon this land, rendering a paradise into a wasteland. Very few humans deserve to live.
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>and the globalists.
Judaism is a more life affirming and positive religion than Masochistic Christianity

>The above concepts are reinforced by one of the fundamental points of Chassidic philosophy which teaches that the world is essentially good. Other approaches teach that one has to fight against the world to improve it. In contrast, Chassidic philosophy trains us to appreciate the good in the world and use it – and all the world – for positive purposes.
I SWEAR - The great majority of the woman that i fucked i have made them orgasm by intercourse alone.
Jews = Germans
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>You may call me these names but never a ____
of jews.
being an incel is a choice
no i won't elaborate, you're not worth it if you need it
Instead of arguing about who won't do shit, we should be supporting those that do shit. Donate to legal funds, donate money for commissary for those imprisoned, support the families of those that can't. Also, we Americans should be supplying small arms to anyone who will stand up to globohomo. And we should stop letting the police arrest folks
>judged the world strictly by science
read Hume you fucking moron
only those who have a room temperature iq wont come to this conclusion
nukes are fake
green policy is literally strengthening their economies by offshoring everything, you fucking moron
All the problems with immigration are due to the government. If there are no gibs for immigrants, no government-backed "NGOs" and no anti-discrimination laws, then free immigration is beneficial, yes even the Somalis and jeets.
Science stopped in the 1980s. What do you mean?
America is a good place to live with fine houses and wholesome friendly people
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The very best course of action to make the world a better place is to live as a devout Catholic, marry a devout Catholic woman, have a ton of kids you homeschool and raise to be devout Catholics.
Nukes are real.
Negroes are fake, like i've never seen a nigger. I don't think they are real. I think they are optical illusions like sun spots.
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>judged the world strictly by science
That is not being a Globalist.
What makes you a Globalist is the fact that you are trying to attache science and this perspective to being a Globalist.

Judging the world by science perspective is the only one path.
You may think that this ignores peoples cults and culture. But that is not true.

It's well know by science that all kinda of religions and a protective cope mechanism layer for people avoid the certainty of death.
Science is ok with Culture and Religion or Cults. It will just point out that is fake because there is lack of evidence aka fake/false.

Science also take in consideration emotional health. So you can't say that people that are pro science are cold and uses only reason to judges things up.
Human is a complex being and feelings plays important roles in his development and group (aka society).
Empathy for example is vital and i always bring it to the table.
>Give me your most unpopular opinion, /pol/
i didn't think it would be that unpopular here, but it is.
I want to make tattoo parlors illegal.
Socialism is based and we need to destroy the class system.
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covid wasn't a grand conspiracy and there is no immense dying forthcoming. It's just that most institutions are totally rotten.
That doesn't mean that you should take the damn vax.

can we have a pol version?

>Niggers are measurably stupid
>Jews have genetically self selected for extreme tribalism and deception
>White people are statistically the most creative and beautiful by a large margin.
>the holocaust offers no scientific proofs
>most conspiracies are either seeded or coopted by CIA, FSB & Mossad
>no UFO stories managed to produce hard evidence
>nuclear energy is the cleanest option
>there is no evidence that jesus was anything but a fanatical jew, if he even existed
>pol and Hitler are always right in the end
research is important anon
>Christ is king
This is true though. /pol/ is a Christian board.
This is a NS board. Take your jewish filth and fuck off straight into the gas chamber.
White people spit on talmud, bible and quran.
I fucking hate you anon
I like cycling.

Its a really nice way to get around. Where I qualify this though is that bikes and cars should be segregated. It would require massive investment in infrastructure which would be expensive but everyone would be better off.
>Bill Gates
>entirely correct

You are just dumb and nature will eliminate your gens from the pool naturally.
Beyonce is a literal psycho who hates whites and had herself personally filmed by a crew every day for a year.
Pajeets deserve to live.
Incels aren't a real thing, just men too pussy to pony up for a hoe.

Hoes are great and doing the world a service and always have, just know that they are hoes and we can't build a society on hoes.
But not at the expense of cars. Cars are liberating. They are massively useful. The propaganda around this is infuriating.
Based. Mandatory tattoo removal at the retards' own expense, too.
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>/pol/ is a Christian board.
>/pol/ is a NatSoc board.

It's not. It's a politically incorrect board and all opinions are welcome.

You affirmative have no logic and authority.

I will be here as much as i want independently of your cope and you won't do shit.
>Give me your most unpopular opinion, /pol/
thing i like=good
thing you like=bad
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i honestly think you should kill yourself
2025 40 countries fall off the map from a lack of fuel. Maybe 38 but I'm rounding up.
> So eh should our taxes increase or decrease
1+1=2 BIGOT
a most cromulent pepe
into my collection it goes
I'll give you a tattoo of your choice. Nice shoulder ink. Dragon scale and iron. Couple of nice runes carefully prepared to blend the 'juice' into the ink. Or maybe some plain old barbed wire to show time served in state or military?
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12 years on /pol/ and i couldn't tell you what opinions are popular here. I don't particularly care what any of you think.
There needs to be more antitrust regulation. Stock buybacks should be banned. Any corporate welfare given should require an equal amount to be given to social services (in the hope that they just stop doing corporate welfare).
If you don't have children you will never know what true happiness is. You can't even conceive it
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Star Wars is overrated.
the obsession with jews is just a psy op to distract possible dissidents from real corruption and malicious actor and to poison the well if you end up stumbling at them
that is not unpopular either here or among normies
Yeah, they should live because it's fun to making them the punching bag of the entire world.
Student federal loans should be forgiven 100% and higher education should be free in the United States.
>Israel must exist. And we need to send all jews to live there.
Jews are cockroaches. The best we can do to them is putting them in a ghetto away from civilized people. The modern version of this is Israel. If Israel is destroyed we would have more jews in our communities.
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Also canela skins belongs to BWC btw.

If you say it's not that will make you Gay no matter what and you can't refute this.
Hitler was controlled op
National Socialism is socialism with racial characteristics
All modernist ideologies basically suck we need to go back to monarchy
Republics at best have a couple generations where they punch way above their weight then they go off the rails and can't course correct from their corruption except by becoming a disctatorship
Women should be married very shortly after puberty if the father can't do it within a short time she gets auctioned off, the woman herself should get no say in who she marries
Jeets are worse than Jews
Jews accelerated leftism but did not cause it nor would getting rid of them eliminate it
I didnt hate Dene Villanueves version of Dune....even with the jew and the zendaya in it. Lynch's was still superior, except for those stupid wierding modules.
Thunder Thunder Thunder Cats, HO!
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They couldve easily gone with a more attractive brown girl, but nooooooooo they had to go with the mutt

i agree that the movies are great thoughalbeit. I dont know how Villeneuve does it, but there is more "weight" to his movies than most blockbusters. The action scenes feel realer.than what you'd see in a marvel movie.
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I don't hate you anon
Probably true. I also suspect many jews are secretly German that just pretended to be jewish post WW2.
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>math is the universal language
aight imma stop you right there nigga
That makes me sick. Its like gore.
Israel is 100% politically irrelevant beyond its capacity as a financial humiliation ritual.

Israel is a meme.
War in the Middle East is kayfabe and the Palestinians got worked into a shoot.

The REAL "Greater Israel" is all around you and you just have to open your eyes to notice that your government is controlled by Jews, your culture is controlled by Jews, your economy is controlled by Jews, literally every aspect of your life is controlled by Jews.

Fools on this board think Jews care about Israel when the whole Western world is their private whore house and piggy bank. You actually see people here saying they don't care who wins as long as Israel is destroyed. What's the use in destroying Israel if it's just being destroyed by the Jews?
Christcuck! Christurd! Christain! Christard! Donkey head faggot.
Jews aren't actually a real people, they're a conglomerate of races whose only common attribute is their hatred of Christ.
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It's just biology anon, hateful, mutant xeno biology
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Platon was right and monarchy (a real one, not the castrated versions we have in European countries) is the way to go. Republics suck, especially the ones we have now. Let me recognize and swear allegiance to a true king.
Faggotry and Troons are distractions from what really matters. Race. If right wingers could stop their autism being triggered by the gays and troons for one minute we could make some progress tackling the real threat. The bloody nafri cunts, turks and niggers.
I think he is an actual artist. I have no idea of his personal beliefs, but that's pretty irrelevant unless he starts preaching. He should have gotten a prettier girl though.
I'm a Christian, but let's be fair the old pagans in of themselves on average weren't pozzed. The same way actual Christians aren't, but have larpers latching onto the religion who don't seriously believe the core teachings, just like some American tranny churches pushing LGBT even though Bible condemns it.
Paganism (on average some variants are) by itself is not pozzed, the problem with paganism is very few followers in the West re REAL Pagans. Most of them are larpers both left wing and right wing. Lefties who follow junkie "spiritual" stuff (any fringe thing that isn't Christianity and corrupt it) and right wingers who larp because they don't wanna be atheists they think atheism "is pozzed, leftist and cringe" they wanna be a "based TRVE European religious warrior", but they just base their truth claims of "Christianity originated outside of Europe ergo it is foreign and fake, European paganism must be true because it is European (ignoring the fact that almost all of Christianity's major theological development was by western thinkers and old middle easterners were similar to indo europeans and not arabs)" they just base it on race and not actual theology, just use it as an aesthetic (just like tradcath zoomies) and don't actually follow any religious aspects of it. There are of course real pagans who actually devote themselves to their gods and know actual theology and argumentation and not just because of the need to make every aspect of their lives larping about race and the need to feel superior to atheists.
I think larping is retarded, you can be a right wing atheist and be critical about the social phenomena of western atheism and leftism and even be pro-religion & religious values/culture without larping as a religious person, hell even Dawkins explained this.
Imo people should lay off the political junkyism, not every view you hold has to be based on racial politics, Europe for Europeans is valid no matter what faith member says it.
Fuck D&C
single moms' represent:

40% suicide rate among children
80% less likely to finish college or university
30% more likely to get into the hard drugs...

best for kids is two gay men
next is mom/dad.
next is single dads
worst is single moms.

estranging boys from humanity may kill the human race (with my consent)... lol
Agree with this, while lgbt agenda is a problem, it pales in comparison to demographic replacement, since we're on a time limit to get that sorted out.
Reagan already offered 3million illegals amnesty in the 80s and it permanently ruined the demographics and didn't stop migration. The ones here are hoping for amnesty, they think if they wait long enough they will get citizenship because americans are too pussy to deport women and children
your life is decided early on, by the time you're 20 it is already over for you.

it is a giant club and we aren't in it.

people give resources and groom all sorts of people from young age.

if you didn't experience it, it is because you'll never will.

if you got yourself in the (((schooling))) process and by the time you are 20 you didn't got a job that gives you slack, it is because you didn't make the cut.

some decades ago this was more obvious...
I don't really have any. I am /pol/ and /pol/ is me.
Now show the stats for kids molested by gay men.
your asshole is leaking.
>that flag
Im watching you, negro
and that's how scav tongues work
not a fag

just old soc.men stats
I don't mind some of Taylor Swift's music.
The one-time amnesty has been and gone a dozen times already and it vastly incentiviseals shitskin immigration.
alright that's too far anon
I want to animate this comic because Kassen's discomfort is amusing. I want to see what cruel things the author will do to him in the future. Did the drug dealing merchant clan/city leader ever hook up with Vizlet?
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It's not gay to let her husband suck you clean after you bang her, in fact it's gay not to.
>USSR, while far from perfect, is not the cartoony villain americans represent it as. It winning the cold war would be much better for White race
>Christianity's origins are jewish. We wuz the real jews is cope, pure and simple
>Despite this, it outgrew it's roots and is a force for good, generally
Roasties shouldn’t pay the toll.
we should come together and prioritize space travel, resource gathering, colonization.
oh you're a messican, no wonder. really stupid of me to think that an american flag wouldn't be a filthy brownoid
America is the greatest country on earth
I love my country
cultivating toe fungus and intestine bacteria for food and air is a good start (think ideal conditions for growth after extraction).
Christians, like the other abrahamic religions are nothing but the dregs of society. You must not be white though, so it's to be expected.
Of course and that's typically where the conversation breaks down. We just have no options here in plenty of places other than drive, and somehow people have convinced themselves that it will insulate them from niggers.
no but he gave her a bucket of slugs
Why do you post these horrible gay cartoons? I recognise the style now and don't bother reading them. What are they *for*?
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I just really like them.
What do you like about them? Did you draw them? Plus ew, furries, yuck.
No I just found the comic a while back and enjoyed it. The authors specific type of autistim appeals to me and I am now invested in the story of these freaky space monsters.
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I only entrust my money and gold to the most hook nosed yid orthodox jew bankers. If there were goblin or dwarf bankers Id bank with them. Imagine walking into a bank and seeing a nigger or a high elf running the bank. No! I demand my gold be handled only by the most gobliny, gold mining motherfuckers around who will stab anyone to death and feed them to a dragon for fucking with my small portion of our shared treasures. I just dont think jews should rule over humans is all, the way goblins and dwarfs shouldnt rule over humans. Jews can have a jew king and humans should have human kings, simple as.
Unpopular on here?

Satanism is actually pretty cool. And if people here actually read what it's about, they would be calling it "based" and saying "wow these are actually the good guys" etc.
Just because a dude takes it in the ass loves sucking cock and gargles cums that does not really mean he is gay though it's just a fetish
I've literally explained what God is and the purpose of the universe only to get 0 replies while people were more interested in discussing Christianity fairytales than my actual scientific explanation that should make sense even to normies.

God will either stop or promote AI. That goes with the theory, God is simply higher evolved consciousness in the future that can affect the past.

MRI mind reading is real and executed in symphony with 5g, cloud seeding, and vaccines. We are breathing and being injected with conductive metals as contrasting agents and conductive material, so they can read our minds and zap us dead any time they want.

The tinfoil hatters will be redeemed in the end. Literally wearing a metal hat will be the only way to protect your mind.
>57% English
>26% Germanic
>17% Scandinavian

>100% Turkish

ottomoniggers will never be white. cope.
Roughly 1/5 of Americans have toxoplasmosis – the brain parasite. This is confirmed to be true.
Jews are right about the goyim. What I mean is that most goyim are really so stupid that the jews can manipulate them into anything. And even if you show then the truth they will just not believe it because it is against their conditioning.
I came to the conclusion that I can't blame the jews for doing this because it is so obvious that the goyim have to be herded.
Yes, the faggot problem solves itself in 1 generation or 2. It has a good eugenic effect to weed out the ones who don't really want to put up with a woman.
qrd on satanism or a link to the kind you find cool?
I think christianity is a jewish cult and it only serves their benefit. They are the bad guys so it is obvious that something that they attack most may have values for us.
Lorgar was right and space wolves are gay and retarded
Global warming is real, manmade, and a fairly important problem (not the most concerning though of course).
Also overpopulation is a serious issue (but Whites should still increase the birthrates to 2-2.5 and deport everyone else).
>mutt vs purebred ottoman bvll
This isn't the ebin own you think it is muttmerican lolo
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to add to that it was accelerated by man, but at this point the permafrost is releasing gigatons of methane so now its in gods hands and all we can do is watch.
christcuckery is the only way that the jews have ever held any power, Trump only supports Israel to pander to christians that view the jews as the chosen masterrace and the middle east as the holy land
also I just said the most unpopular opinion for both pol and normalfags
I dont see why Trump would actually care about jews when they vote 80% democrat in the past few elections. He was just pandering to muslims the other day with the endorsement from the Muslim majority city in Michigan
Jews are just the decoys scared elites use to distract from themselves, that's why /pol/ is allowed to remain as it is.
It's also why the bots spam so much the moment someone poibts out that the elites prefer the servile asses of the muslims and protect them far more than the jews.
>christcuckery is the only way that the jews have ever held any power
that's literally the most vanilla take on /pol/ and has been discussed a lot of times
racism is stupid, and language is an OS

The Jews, like The Russians and Ukrainian dying right now, are being played by a super caste of Jews that give fervor to the masses.

Christ is Lucifer and there's validity in rejecting current religions, but emracing faggotry and niggerdom is what should be acceoted as truth.

The Boomdocks should be required viewing because you really dont have to be black to be a nigger.

Half the aryam larpers here fall under the category of nigga

Niggah Moments is fucking profound.

So is Jazz, which Bach has an influence in
the OP said pol
I'd say criticizing christcuckery isn't vanilla with how much it enrages shills and how many times I've been banned for it
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40k is Aryan!
(ignore the enshittification of the setting)


you can notice that jews have "german accent".

jews are all subversive dead end agents and the ones who are "right wingers" they do in the same way the goy does in the sense that their also aro submitted to all sorts of psyops.

the jews that goes against muslims or are right wingers, they are never successful.

the real elites know that there are alien spaceships and they also know that all religions were man made.

they know that they can improve their chances of succeeding with god with many ancient tricks but they also know that the gods work for themselves.

they have many ways to try to avoid people to get in touch with the gods...

anyways, I believe the jews will be used to make a one world banking and will always be the proxy to be used.

makes no sense what so ever the story of the jews in europe.

someone was backing those fuckers and were people from the older world.
Good to point it out, from what i've seen it seemed to be as you say.

But some people lack nuance and will falsly interpret menial things to confort their 100% evil VS 100% good worldview

Only discrediting themselves and their camp by doing so...
We had a guy who screamed Allahu Akbar and gutted a german tourist and someone called out the islamic mayor of Rotterdam for claiming it was unrelated the religion of peace, after which we had the exact same thing happening with questions about "islamophobia".

All that insincere deflection towards jews has gotten pretty stale to most, especially as it reveals the sandniggers to be dindus like their full nigger cousins.
Abrahamic religion has nearly destroyed Europe; it’s culture, languages, history and ethnicities.

For at least 10,000 years before Christianity arrived in Europe we had been following our native cultures with our own native beliefs and traditions, Europeans should abandon the stockholm syndrome attitude for foreign abrahamic bullshit and kick them out like the invaders and occupiers they were and still are.
Niggers are real unfortunately, they are just as horrible as you think they would be, sometimes you find a decent one who’s actually normal and just trying to get by, but 90% are awful.
>obsessed with purebred bulls

a white mutt is still white, faggot. perhaps you have too much slavic/ottoman ancestry in your veins to understand.
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>the OP said pol
The science says you're retarded
Praise Talmud!
Ernst Rohm was completely right about wanting to purge the Reichswehr of all the WW1 mindsetted generals who repeatedly plotted to kill Hitler and completely compromise Germany's intelligence & weapons procurement apparatuses, even if he was a flaming fag who was too soft on ex-communists and too keen on cannibalizing them into the NSDAP without sufficient vetting. The French-funded SA putsch is nebulous enough that it really could've been cooked up by Himmler and Goring.

The Frontbann-SA merger should've gone through as a bone thrown to Rohm to keep him from heading for Bolivia or rebelling against Hitlers' legal electoral pivot, which broke a Hitler/Ludendorff/Rohm triumvirate that likely could've effectively subordinated and devoured the Reichswehr into the SA without damaging the professional core of the former organization while successfully baiting the religious coup-plotters into making a Valkyrie scale mistake & exposing themselves in 1935 instead of 1945, well before they can implicate nearly as many aware but unparticipating officers in the fashion of Rommel, and clearing the way for all wings of the Wehrmacht to be years ahead of schedule in doctrine and armament.
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I think Christianity's obsession with proselytization is one of the most toxic forces against eugenics & racial separation, which will ultimately will lead to it's own demise and thus serve no purpose. All the while allowing any other more violent religion (and or race) to take it's place. Basically the Achilles' heel of white people.
I like cute girls.
Pro choice.
Ban money in favor of exchange and gold.
Aliens exist.
Nazism is a controlled opposition.
The Most Attractive Women On Earth Are Thaibois
That Hitler and Nazism were Team Jew. And that's not an opinion, it's a fact.

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