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who was in the wrong here /pol/? The Venezuelan delivering ubereats from this man’s restaurant or the business owner for freaking out like this

Looks like the coming race war is black vs Hispanic. Whites do nothing and win again.
this man had his life ruined. ubereats took his restaurant off their app. so did doordash. then the news came over to harass them and now the city shut down his restaurant all in the matter of a few days
>you will NOT insult illegal delivery drivers who don’t speak English
>nigger loses business
Sounds like a win.
>10 million illegals who don’t speak english still working for Uber
Damn racist niggers
both are retards as per usual with these videos
>DC police investigating him for a hate crime
You sound like an idiot. An illegal immigrant just put an American out of business because the Venezuelan is too lazy or stupid to use Babble? Fuck that.
>the enemy have success in oppression of legal citizens in favor of illegal immigrants
>this is good for me
you are the biggest nigger retard of them all
>links to Reddit thread
You have to go back, faggot
if he was white it woulda been national news
He was doing the job that whites refuse to.
>Whites do nothing and win again.
whites do everything to lose
because Uber pays their drivers less and less as the years have went on
niggers are the most racist.

unrelated but jews too

the most nepotistic and apathetic races
Honorary Aryan
learn english
Are Venezuelans slowly over taking jeets as the most hated group?
Coonsider the source.
non censored version not on YouTube
I missed the part where the invader Squatamalan is even supposed to be here...
all the reddit faggots doxing him

i seriously hope everyone who posts about politics on reddit is killed one day
>Telling a man to learn english is a "racist rant"
I hate Reddit.
You realize that these fucking people are going to have to be dealt with, right?
Millions of invaders flood into the country and it's somehow not THEIR fault.
No, it's "racist" to even have a problem with that.
These fucking people... will have to be dealt with.
No, a nigger retard that hates me lost his business for yelling about wetbacks, something we've been yelling about for decades and not a single nigger gave a fuck about till now. They can fuck off, enjoy your fucking diversity.
Blacks can't be racist!
Always a traitor before an enemy, JimJam.
Watching black people become anti immigration is going to be awesome.
>whites are too weak to defend themselves so rely on the BLACK MAYNE to tell these foreign ass niggas to go back where they came from.

being racist to these invaders is the second king cotton. you whites are so lazy, man.
Whites refuse to live 30 people to a house so yea that’s not going to cut it. We’ve been invaded with rat like subhuman shitskins willing bring down our quality of life so they can live in the white mans land. All the while jews throw our tax dollars at the invaders
>loses his business
>pays rent on a property that can’t make money
>fines everywhere
>illegal immigrants who get free stuff laughing at him
he’s gonna lose it soon
Venezuela has a lot of territorial oil and there's maybe 120 years of oil (plus new discoveries) worldwide...

k-know your enemy.
been using ubereats since 2017 or so. used to always be clearly americans delivering. now it’s all mexicans who don’t speak English. the app even tells you when they message you that their message is translated from english. they “forgot” items in my order too and couldn’t speak English to figure it out
>niggers dont know this is the main reason theyre getting mogged by venezuelan gangs
Maybe stop using it you retard?
no you’re the retard and I skullfucked your mother and granny
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Niggers must learn that Venezuelans are the new wholesome chungus immigrant and it's time they listen and learn.
ayo nigg yall betta be larning anyglish and shiet, gnome sayin' shiiiiieeet
>whites do nothing

The only part you got correct, they’ll do nothing and retweet pro black posts and cower before their black masters
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it'll be mexican vs venlizeueln vs nigger lol
some pajeets and chinks sprinkled in
gonna be kino
loser has to live in the shanty town
Notice all the replies before me. Everyone is so fuckin cucked. Blacks live life on easy mode everyone always has to come to their rescue. Its so pathetic.
KEK! Exactly what I was thinking. I have a chink friend who speaks english and bug. Her english is really good, but she asked me a little while ago why niggers don't speak good english. I laughed realizing that apparently niggers annoying everyone not just whites. Other minorities don't fucking like them.
You won't do shit. You know it too. The jews won stop complaining and get on with your life.
If you don't speak the native language of the country you are in it should be assumed that you are committing tax fraud until proven otherwise.
There is no reason for any communication between the orderer and the delivery guy. The orderer makes his own order from an app and all the delivery guy does is pick it up and bring it to the address. There is no need for communication, any problem with the order is the restaurant or the orderer's fault. That said that retarded nig needs to learn how to cook because ubereats is out of his budget if he wants to retire someday.
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maybe. indian and venezuelan males probably equal. i am okay with the hot venezuelan females. toss the indian women into a volcano (so they die and their smell doesn't escape)
he was the business owner cooking the food retard
Even Africans from Africa hate US niggers. They really are a stupid breed that needs extermination or to be confined to the state of Georgia. Their only practical use is for sports ball or UFC entertainment.
Then hand him the food and send him on his way. The delivery guy does not need to know anything about the order to deliver the food besides a number.
you have to be able to speak basic things to get the order from the restaurant. it’s not a speechless handoff unless the restaurant has the shelves for pickup orders that Taco Bell and chipotle have
Based Venezuelan. They need to keep expanding
>reddit link
Someone post the webm since OP is a faggot as usual.
You understand ebonics?
webm has no audio retard
What business? I want to give this based nigger 5 stars!
take him back amigo
CANNA coffee but apparently the name changed to “people are crazy”
You know, I’m wondering if globohomo is trying to fight racism in the US by importing the bottom barrel shit from the third world, an outside threat to unite Americans of all races.
I’m a pretty racist White dude and I can’t help but side with that nigger on this.
No. Venezuelans are retarded but not disgusting, pajeets are both retarded and disgusting while also being insanely dishonest, like gypsy tier dishonest.
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They got him bro :(

I’m seriously thinking that niggers are going to vote for Trump in November over stuff like this. Trump might get 40% of the nigger vote in addition to 10% of the black vote he already gets.

The nigger-spic wedge is real.
Then its a job that is not worthwhile and should not exist
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Why should he have to learn English? There is no official language in the United States.
Why would I do anything when my enemies are killing each other?
this is a job where the expectation is to know english to interact with the english speaking customers and restaurant workers. you wouldn’t hire someone who can’t speak English to work at a call center would you?
Hmm not really
and Reddit is cheering. if he goes postal this is reddits fault
Niggers are so dumb. They can't even speak English properly, if it wasn't for their huge cocks they'd have already been killdd
how would america get justification to invade?
Which one is the Venezuelan?
Rare nigger male W. Im so sick of hispanics and their "me no speaky englis" bullshit
The illegals who are here 30 years don't bother learning English because they come here on a mission to make money and send it all back home to Mexico. A lot of Americans don't like learning languages but then again most of us aren't living permanently in another country.

and gets investigated for hate crimes. the U.S. is already done. I hate being black pilled but it's the truth. the u.s. is already cooked even if by some type of mircale trump gets into office.
It's beyond disrespectful and then they expect you to speak spanish/whatever their native language is. I remember when I was a cashier and this middle-aged woman came into the store and grabbed something she didn't buy. I told her that she didn't pay for that and that she needs to put it back.
I kid you not, she babbled something in Spanish (or gibberish, I wasn't even sure), and walked out the door.
its not racist to tell an immigrant illegal or not to learn english fucking hate america
And they are a bunch rapists
liberals are evil
>This is now being brigaded by trolls.
What did Reddit boy mean by this?
>nigger and spic race war soon
Man today is a good day
They know that everyone not terminally online hates illegal no speaks English spics.
>news doesn’t mention legal status
You're right: Whites do nothing. And you sure as fuck aren't "winning" anything because of it.
Not even close. Jeets are an insult to creation itself. They're pure filth personified.
pure black dude, now he will be also labeled as an anti semit nazi
Niggers need to stop being racist bigots and finally learn that diversity is our strength. Stupid racist monkeys.
Watch ytpipo get involved when they have absolutely no business doing so, both left and right
Left trying to tell the niggers and spics to stop fighting
And the end result is niggers and spics saying "Hey yo fuck this, go pop those white boys instead"
he's going to jail for racism lmao
You're retarded.
Wait until you're forced to work with, above, or under someone you can't communicate with.
This is nation destroying shit right here.
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>Whites do nothing
for sure
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Timmy would never
I see what you did there and yes lately niggers have been doing what whites should be doing but are too afraid of being labeled racist.
Brigades of black guys wearing swastika armbands when?
The U.S.A. is the only country on Earth where you're not expected to pass a proctored exam proving you have an extra level fluency in the language prior to moving here.

We're also the only country that agent require you to have a bachelor's degree and proof of employment prior. Ironically you would never be able to do what this person did if you want to move to a different country. You would be barred from entry if you thought you were going to just show up and start Door dashing and using a translator app to communicate with everyone.

Why is every other country in the world allowed to do this but we're racist if we suggest if?
Whites should be doing it. Not going to celebrate some ghetto ape just because he's doing shit Whites are too cowardly to do themselves.
Reddit says he is
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I hope all the niggers and women enjoy getting thrown under the bus by the Democraps over 4'9" turd wurlders that can't even read.
You ARE the useful idiots enjoy...
Nojoda mano deje al blothel en paz relajadito rilax viva venezuela chamo nojoda dame tu billetera bruja
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They're all the same 5'2" dead-eyed locust people that never left the iron age.
those are niggers, i´m sure the ,mexicans will sit this one out.
You should start telling liberals it's racist for immigrants not to learn English because it's harder for black business owners to deal with them then show them this article. They'll get so pissed they'll just shut down
If I was in charge of a nation I would only allow females unrestricted immigration, no reason that they all should suffer.

Also children since they would absorb the culture and make good fodder if a draft is needed.
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It's racist to tell someone to learn the language if they are going to live here?

Sounds like friendly advice.

Who is the thinskinned snowflake?
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I don't think you understand.
This is beyond ideology now.
Shame or Guilt will not stop them until they are done destroying everything of real value and beauty.
They want suffering from everyone, regardless of skin color or nationality.
>tHiS pOsT iS lOcKeD. yOu wOn't bE aBlE tO cOmMeNt.
wtf is the point of memeit if they just SHUT IT DOWN any time people start engaging? fuck.
And (You), buy a fucking ad and stop begging.
>wants to sabotage black businesses
>hur dur black people lazy
black people are nepotistic
i will cock stomp you women guadalaraju
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>who was in the wrong here /pol/?
Americans. Why do they have to confuse their own population (immigrants) by not even having an official language? So rude.
Ay, why is this nigger being such a damn raciss n shiet. Dayum.
>Why is every other country in the world allowed to do this but we're racist if we suggest if?
Because we're being destroyed by a Judeo-Communist subversion.
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What you end up with is niggers that speak English and niggers that don't speak English, but yet somehow flooding our country with niggers that don't speak English is supposed to be a win for the White man.
The Venezeulan is more of a human being that the feral nigger is. That nigger should shut it's monkey mouth all the way back to africa.
the venezelshit is a nigger. nigger lover.l
>who was in the wrong here /pol/?
the government for forcing this shit onto us
like peas in a brown pod

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