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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How did barbarians manage to overthrow and conquer the greatest empire and civilization that ever was? Seems kind of sad. The legion was considered legendary in military might.
>How did barbarians manage to overthrow and conquer the greatest empire and civilization that ever was?

Roman virtues and ideals were subverted by a new eastern religion called christianity that preached tolerance and embrace of foreigners into the empire.

It ended badly.
because Rome was abandoned and move to Constantinople which lasted another 1,000 years and 2000 years later the same barbarians would be conquered by Christendom and convert, which led to rome conquering and controlling the planet for decades through the papacy, Rome had the final laugh
It was a gradual decline. By the time Rome "fell" it was already a backwater on its deathbed and had been in decline for hundreds of years. By the end they were just living off their name.
>The legion was considered legendary in military might.
the legion that built that reputation existed in name only by 400AD
roman patriotism had long been been stomped out by corruption, slave labor, mass immigration, and public dole. by the end, dozens of "roman" emperors were in fact "foreigners" themselves from such places as syria, balkans, spain, england, north africa, etc who had achieved power through corruption, assassination, coup, bribery etc instead of skill and merit
Rome itself had long ceased to be the actual center of power of the empire, having turned into a reeking cess pool of government expenditure without purpose, filled with masses of destitute citizens, immigrants, and slaves. the true power had relocated to constantinople.
due to lack of roman citizens willing to serve, a large number of legionnaires were in fact barbarians themselves who had been recruited to make up the short falls and had little loyalty to a foreign city many had never seen.
when the hordes made their move, often the foreign sympathizing legionnaires either ran or joined them. even when they fought, their skill and military prowess was mediocre.
and always remember. the "fall" of rome consisted of the collapse of the Western portion of the empire. but it was not a thunderclap, but an erosion of years and decades.
Meanwhile the Eastern portion was hardly effected and the rich elites who had long since abandoned Rome and relocated didnt miss a beat in their daily lives. the east continued for nearly another thousand years after rebranding themselves, the byzantine empire.
while much may be new to some, i certainly hope it all sounds very familiar to western readers, because youre living it.
The movie Zulu made the preacher look like a fag.
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Christcuks are only good at manipulation and very shitty at fighting even mildly technological equals. The only type of warfare where the christcuck prosper is when systematically killing savages in the New World that basically barely entered the stone age.

What helped them conquer Europe was the fallacy of "mandate from God" which basically gave rules added power and respect.
>You wouldn't want to anger God and revolt string and capable young men. Oy vey, that'd be very naughty. It would anger Yahve.

Naturally nobody really cared about the religion but rules all across Europe implemented it because it was a good social tool. Just look at how non biblical the early European nobility behaved.....
As time passed on and as people actually began worshiping the God of the Bible christcuckery fell out of fashion because it is just some incoherent ramblings of a middle eastern jew. The countries that secularized prospered (the west, with an emphasis on Germany and the USA) whilst the countries that remained christian never really progressed (my home country of Romania pour example).

So after this short rant, the conclusion is that christcucks are weak and that they'll naturally die out same as the kikes, hindus and muzzies.
Based atheists are always going to beat the countries that cling to their antiquated abrahamic ideas. Just look at China and Russia with their advances in biotech. Decades in front of us "westoids".
Cry harder

mainstream history is so full of lies, duplicates and ghost periods. This why much of this part of history makes no sense.

Most of you aren't ready to hear the truth though, so carry on
The other picture was better.
You shouldn't have replaced it.
feel free to enlighten us on this "truth". Of course, you'd have to actually have knowledge in order to present your beliefs in a comprehensible manner
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The topic is huge and I don't have time, but for example, the dark ages never happened. There are upward of 700-1000 years of "history" that never existed. Now, this has already been proven scientifically, so if you don't it doesn't matter, you're wrong, but you have been conditioned to immediately disbelieve the claim.

Here, I found a channel with some videos talking about this. It covers some of the science and history.


It also has a low sub count so I know you will also immediately discard it. But hey, I tried. There are many other videos from many other scholars too. You will not take any of them into account.
>Christcuks are only good at manipulation and very shitty
subhuman uneducated gypsy-kike, the Germanic tribes that conquered Rome, were Arians (Christians)

2500 AD?
9/11 signalled the start of America's decline.
I bet in a hundred years they would use that date as the decline of the American Empire.
Yes. There were 2 branches of Christiams in the 4th/5th century. Nicene and Arian.
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>How did barbarians manage to overthrow and conquer

Zion will flatten them.
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No he was a drunk, not that I can blame him with 100,000 naked niggers coming to kill him.
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They didn’t Rome actually recovered after the sack and rebuilt, suffered a pop collapse, city infrastructure was torn down and rebuilt after people stopped using it, and the city was depopulated completely after the Byzantines left and it was being considered to be remade into a sheep pasture, but Belasarius convinced the vandals not to, the city bounced back and started building cathedrals for the Catholic Church and the pope moved in being granted the land of the Byzantine province of Rome.

The senate even kept meeting for hundreds of years after they lost their empire. Rome cannot die. Rome is Eternal.
It took at least 1000 years for the Roman empire turned British Empire .
It took british empire 1000 years of bombing cities and ancient power plants to overthrow and conquer ancient white Civilization.
And then it was inherited by America to claim the glory of rome
Because the (((Severan))) dynasty overtook Rome in a coup, granted citizenship to all free males in the empire, debased the currency until it was worthless, and established Baal worship in Rome itself. What followed was the Crisis of the 3rd Century and the true fall of Rome.
Read about the late Roman Empire, it was literally bound to happen withe their current polices
>Roman virtues and ideals were subverted by a new eastern religion called christianity
Christianity allowed the Eastern Roman Empire to survive 1,000 more years. Do you not know basic history?

Rome was corrupted by REPLACEMENT. Same as today.
literally because of illegal immigration. the number of perigrinus outnumbered romans 8 to 1 and in some areas even more. the army was outnumbered and rome collapsed.
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>fate of empires
The people of Constantinople continued to call themselves Romans from the Land of Rome. Because they were.
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>The only type of warfare where the christcuck prosper is when systematically killing savages in the New World that basically barely entered the stone age.
How about Lepanto? Battle of Vienna (twice against the Muslims) How about WW2? You appear to know nothing about actual history.

"Christcuks" as you call them, field the finest Armies, Navy's and Air Forces in the world. And always have.
it all began with the Antonine plague
I am fucking begging you, mods, please moderate this board. I have been here for over a decade, nearly every day for several hours each time. The quality has never been this low. I'm even using filters and hiding threads, for fuck's sake. >>482921783
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Hold my beer.

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