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Why do Muslims do pilgrimage to and worship a black Anus?
Because allah is a feminine force of nature, that is why they buzz around it like a hive.

>On 24 September 2015, a fatal crowd crush resulted in the death of more than 2,000 individuals, many of whom were suffocated or crushed, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history.

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It's part of an ancient comet that the Arab pagans used to worship prior to Islam.
If the pajeets destroy mecca, then I have no problem with them immigrating here
Islam is just multiple religions cobbled together by a caravan robber. >>482922323 is taken into islam and made something that forgives sins if it's kissed.
They fuck goats for fuck sakes
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>Allah the shit demon and his gloryhole
They didn't put the stones in the toilet to destroy them, they put them in a toilet hole because that's where Allah lives. These beardless boy lover islamists also used them as anal beads.
only some too. the hole represents Muhammad's child bride Aisha. it is believed by some she was into hardcore anal play. to this day this controversial opinion has splintered the the Muslim world into the Shias and Sunis. one sice believes in butt stuff, the other doesn't.
What would hypotetically happen if I would find myself next to it in the middle of the muzzie swarm when they run circles around it, away from any possible exit, and I would get a diarrhea attack and shit into that whole so I wouldn't make a mess all over the place?
Arab men can't withstand Allah's big black pussy.
During the middle ages one persian guy shat inside.
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The stone and the Kaaba and the pilgrimage rituals predate Islam. There is nothing actually Islamic about any of it at all. It is actually pure Arab paganism that Muhammad incorporated into the Abrahamic religion that he created to help ease the population into accepting this new religion.

what was the outcome?
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Fuck off, kike
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goats it is always the goats
it looks like a toilet seat imo
Based Islam hating apologist
The black anus (pbuh) contains a meteorite. Mo thought that it came from the moon. And since muslims worship the moongod Hubal without knowing it, the meteorite was declared sacred.
Fuck you, shitskin
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This Hellraiser Cube is not from pagan Arabs it's ancient to the Middle East, Arabs believe the cube was built by Abraham from Ur of Mesopotamia on orders of Allah or Elohim. The New Jerusalem world the Jews and Christians inherit is also this cube, the metric system they used was cubic, it was even seen flying in a clear bubble by F15 pilots when they were chasing UAPs, the Cube is more ancient than the Pyramids and Muslim know it, if the pyramids were tombs the Cube is a portal of Hell.
And yet, you're probably a christcuck, believing in the EXACT same god. Yahweh, allah, elohim, hashem.. All the same god. Al-lah means "the god" in Arabic.
Judaism is a financial crime family
>Mo thought that it came from the moon
Wat? Meteorites don't come from the moon, kek.
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ewww they coomed in it
I would just love to go there and watch some fireworks into that crowd and watch them trample all over themselves like it cattle they are. Somebody did that at some place in India and resulted in about 1400 dead injured. They wiped it out of the news because portrayed India in a bad way
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>*weeeeooooo weeeeoooo*
I've been having an affair with a Muslim lady and they all love anal sex.
The dogs have good Instinct they know evil when they see it or smell it
Some one should shoop that latex toilet guy in there
the Christian God is not the same demon that muhammedans or talmudic askhenazi "jews" worship
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>Why do Muslims do pilgrimage

Every religion I have ever studied requires you to do something to earn your way or increase your chances of getting into Heaven or a better state in the next life.
All except for one.

The fundamental Bible believer that believes it is strictly through faith and not even with water baptism

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.
>POV: you're a six year old and muhammed hasn't thighed you yet
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Someone post the webm where they lick it like perverts.
That's a metal ball in a movie chud the Black Cube is real.
The Kabah represents the hexagonal storm in Saturn's north pole and the black stone was once part of the planet's ring system and escaped the planet's sphere of influence by de-orbit and eventually crashedd into earth.
that's just categorically wrong and some sola nonsense born within the last few centuries. traditional Christianity definitely held it was one water baptism that one needed for remission of sins and the Christian must partake of all the sacraments of the Church in order to be able to receive eternal life.
that verse doesn't entail that you can just "have faith" (whatever that means) and not do anything about it or not go to church or not go to confession, et cetera et et cetera
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>muh black cube
It's a remnant from judaism (kaba = kabbalah). Also, "Al-lah" is Yahweh, the jewish demon. All abrahamics worship judaism.
How did the theif on the cross get to paradise? Fucking faggot ass stfu kike
very Christ-like sentiment btw, but I'll answer your question: he accepted that his punishment was just for him because of his sins and he took his punishment and asked God to remember that he accepted his punishment. he showed true repentance. he didn't just think "oh I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, heaven now cool beans!"
It's Allah's vagina and by rubbing and kissing it they believe that their sins are forgiven.
It is baffling that muslims havent woken up to this fraud. The religion condemns paganism in all forms and yet they travel the world to circle an object and many die doing it. It is truly retarded. I have met some muslims that agree it is a big contradiction but they also werent very religious. Combine that with the fact that mecca is in saudi arabia, land of the crypto kikes, it should really be a duty of every muslim to reject the hajj.
yeah true you worship a crucified corpse lmao
You worship a pussy inside a black cube and some of you guys even lick it.
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You stupid Gypsy monkey
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He's not a corpse, He's alive, unlike momo
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To pay homage to this lil nigga, yakubadiddy.
The fact Mudslimes consider everything shirk but this is just baffling.

They literally do cunnilingus to a space rock.

Space rock mind you that was used by the Qarmatians as a toilet.
kek we don't
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Show me where Jesus said that in order to be forgiven of our sins we need to pray to his mother, speak to dead people, bow to statues, spend time in purgatory, etc.
What is this if not a pussy? >>482929811
Now search for this plus kissing and you see brown savages liking it like its a treat all over the net.
how does Yakub fit into muslims
Your people are sexpests even in their worship, just admit it we already know anyways.
The Black Cube is more ancient than Jews and Judaism. It's seen crisscrossing the planet from Japan to the Middle East all the way to US like some Amazon package delivery. It's some kind of drones used to monitor the planet or soul collecting cubes. The Muslims who worship the Cube say they don't worship the Cube but its maker Allah who lives in Arabia and only understands Arabic. No other group of people worship the Black Cube like the Muslims, they have a deep connection with the soul collecting Cube.
>pray to his mother
we ask the Blessed Virgin to intercede on our behalf, we don't pray to her nor do we pray to dead people because unlike you, I believe Jesus when He said that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life, therefore the Saints are very much alive.

>speak to dead people
we don't do seances and see above statement

>bow to statues
Second Council of Nicaea

>spend time in purgatory
i'm not a latin, i don't believe in purgatory

like confessing our sins to one another? literally in the Bible?
The thing is. Meccah, much like Rome and Constantinople is a city of 7 hills.
7 rings of Saturn
7 visible planets in the night sky
7 candles in a menorah

Then when they go to the rock, they circumvent it 7 times. To add injury to insult.

And then they run to kiss it.
also friendly reminder that Jesus' first recorded miracle was at the behest of His mother
Saturn the old geezer had the hots for beautiful venus too. They picked the worst attributes of saturn to worship.
Saturn/Chronos castrated his father Uranus. A possible reference to ritual castration aka circumcision.
He did this at the behest of Gaia the earth mother, a possible suggestion to the Vaginal nature of the Kaaba.

Islam is such a clusterfuck.
And saturn has to hate them on top of that since he likes order and mudslimes arent known to be orderly. Just look at them exploding everywhere.
They have a moon in their logo, no need for gaia.
Saturn is the god of chaos magick in mystical circles.

The day of Saturn. Saturday is called the day of destruction and murder.
Saturn is also the cannibal god that ate his own children.

The Jews have their holiest week day on Shabbos, Saturday.
And Abraham was supposed to sacrifice his first son to Elohim. Since Elohim likes firstborns as seen with the Exodus from Egypt.

The Muslims have the their holiest day on Friday which suggests a tendence towards Venus.
And again to the Vaginal reality of the Kaaba.
The Crescent Moon was already the symbol of the Asiatic Earth Mother.

Artemis, Astarte, Tanit, Cybele, Isis, etc.

The Crescent Moon is clearly a symbol of Lunar power with the Star and Crescent signifying Venus pictured in a Crescent.

Again Islam is a super clusterfuck.
>we ask the Blessed Virgin to intercede on our behalf, we don't pray to her
There's no point in doing this when God is perfectly capable of hearing our prayers. Jesus told us to pray to His Father at the Last Supper.
>Second Council of Nicaea
So something that happened hundreds of years after Christ ascended into heaven?
The wedding is not his first recorded miracle. It's the first recorded miracle *in the gospel of John*.
>all religions are the same
lots of Christian grooming gangs raping. it is known.
Ive read that chaos magic tries to channel the basic chaos which is much bigger then saturn havent seen it combined with saturn. Saturn usually is the one that wants everything structured in a orderly manner (chronos).
Their color is green too. In regards to the brain this refers to the limbical brain, the emotions. Hence their unhinged aggression and sexpest nature. Emotions not controlled by blue, the cerebral cortex. Thats exactly how they behave.
>signifying Venus pictured in a Crescent.
Well christians have this with Mary standing above the moon (chalice - again emotions) too. But as she stands over the open moon she is above the feelings. If I remember correctly they only have the moon but dropped mary.
flag checks out
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>There's no point in doing this when God is perfectly capable of hearing our prayers

there is though, He loves His mother very much and is more inclined to grant her requests than the average sinner because her prayers are better than yours or mine. she was exceedingly righteous on this earth, and as Scripture says "the prayers of a righteous man availeth much." you and i get distracted by the world or don't always pray on target (ask for the correct things) like the Most Holy Mother of God does, everytime.

>So something that happened hundreds of years after Christ ascended into heaven?

no it was being done prior, the Ecumenical Council denounced those who did not venerate icons

it was His first recorded miracle, and for a reason to show the importance of the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin. it's after that point one could say that He did many more miracles that were not recorded.
ur right about Saturn being order, laws, I would also add suffering.

chaos magic is an attempt to reduce magic to its base constituents (prep, meditation, ritual) and then see what works and what doesn't.
Saturn is much more associated with Chaos. Especially when you realize he has connection to the Nordic Sutr.

The Chronological argument would make sense in line with the fact that he is the titan of time.

The Virgin is Christianity is a clear copy of the Egyptian Isis.
Specially the Black Virgins.
wrong, Eris is associated with chaos. Saturn is logic, rules, suffering, savrifice
your wife does too, how else do niggers have their assholes cleaned?
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Eris is merely strife.

Saturn is associated with the fall of the celestial realm [death of Uranus].
Plus his natural tendency for social chaos and mixing.

As seen in the Roman Saturnalia where complete chaos reigned.
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>It's a vagina hole not a dookie hole
If it's a vigina where's the clit? where's the peehole? where are the vagina lips?
I know the old geezer is too slow to be chaotic. Saturn is more for the ceremonial ritual magic fags. The suffering comes from not moving orderly to be fair here. Hes a overly strict tho.
I agree with the canadian anon. While the chrisitan mary is a copy of isis it still symbolizes standing above the chalice (emotions) and she is always colored blue - cerebral cortex.
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Respect their culture chud.
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Gets me every time!
ment to link you here
The Virgin Mary is such an Isis rip off.

The Blue colour is also definetly related to Shiva and Krishna.
I think that has more to do with solstice celebrations generally being chaotic than any attribute of Saturn, in fact Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of abundance and peace. whereas Eris is associated with the Roman god Discordia and her mythology is actually about causing chaos and discord
Your picture depicts the basic chaos the chaos that started that there is something instead of nothing if I got that right.
The original gay niggers from outer space, duh.
thank you muhammad for the history lesson on islam
it's the chaos magic symbol Moorcock created in the 70s I dunno wtf it has to do with Saturn tho
The Saturnalia was supposed to be reenactement of the Golden Age.

Hence the Roman dominus becoming a slave. And a slave becoming a dominus.

Knowing this egalitarian myth. It reminds me of more Saturnian symbology.
can someone edit the image posting two hands stretching out this thing to make it look like its spreading cheeks? lmao
The sigill to depict the basic chaos. Thesis and antithesis spreading, birth of duality I think. Dont see the connection to saturn either.
Lol yis
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>You about to get educated white boy
The Ancient Egyptians were Black, the Hebrew israelites they enslaved to build their pyramids in 2600BC were Black. The Arabs who enslaved niggers using the curse of Ham were Black.
>The Saturnalia was supposed to be reenactement of the Golden Age.
Transmute lead (saturn) into gold (sun). Every alchemist tried it.
So, it wasn't Islam that made Arabs retarded? They were always that way. Got it.
generations of inbreeding
How did they go from doing all this to not having a wheel, an significant amount of agriculture or a sea worthy vessel when Europeans arrived? Where did it all go so wrong?
I still cant imagine how they once had a great culture. Remember when they had forests and during the bronze age they got rid of them all to melt the metal? I mean how retarded can one be?
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Or look at egypt. How does one even manage to build such a abomination let alone live there without trying to improve it?
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They believe it's the sacred poo of allah
the mongols
Nice flag, Ahmed.
apparently some foreigner invaders stole it and crushed it and pooped on it and then when the muslims found it they rinsed it off and glued it back together and that's why it looks the way it does
very retarded. they are a retarding force to balance the cancerous progressiveness on the other side of humanity
Pagan Arabs buried their children alive for their 360 Gods they worship in the Kaaba and once they unified them into one(Tawhid) with El and Yahweh to create Allah they are still sacrificing them as Jihadist.
>Mecca is a significant area
>Even Abraham was there and built the Kaaba there
>Even Adam arrived in Mecca
>There is a stone from paradise that turned black because of sin
>Prophet kisses it because the stone is from paradise
>Him and his companion acknowledge that it holds no power whatsover
Nuuuuu you can't! Please Islam stop growing!!! It's p-p-p-agan I swear!!!

hurrr durrr pagan you worship rock

Imagine not managing to build some aquaducts and grow some forests up to this day where desalination via the sun should be kids play. They dont even need to invent it as the romans did that a while ago and solar panels are readily abvailable.
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Looks like a pajeet toilet.
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You should sit in front of a mirror and listen to yourself.
This, it's even recorded in the Book of Idols.
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That'll do
The Qarmatians conquered Meccah and used the rock as a toilet. Shortly after Mohammed died.

Meanwhile christians worship blood
what's wrong with it? other than your personal feelings?
ever looked up maps of consanguinity by marriage? inbreeding is a real issue in islam
It was used as a pedestal.
That attack was one of the most hilarious episodes in history, qarmatians charged into mecca, chopped up the pilgrims while the attackers mocked the Muslims with quotes from the Quran, thoroughly desecrated mecca destroyed the Kaaba and put the dead into the zam zam well, stole the black stone and used it as a toilet. Muslims still haven't recovered from that humiliation, so much so that they never mention it.
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Never did but they remind me on this picture. Its the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. But they are even worse since its all desert now.
awww what a cute little victory for you pagan, where are they now?
>joseph raised a child not of his own
Allah let his black cube be used as a toilet.

Allah is terrifically powerful.
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>God made me. I can get Jesus (who is also God) to send a message to God for me, but my chances of the message getting through are better if I talk to Jesus's mom, who will then talk to Jesus for me, who will then talk to God (who Jesus also is).
It's all so tiresome.
yes. dr is pretty shitty but nothing compared to haiti
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Like this one if you give them money. How does one even manage to be that retarded? Is inbreeding really enough?
>Desert dwelling bedouin muslims taught water cleanliness to 2 Billion Muslims around the world including the European they conquered.
If you deny it you're an Islamophobe.
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You just don't get it bro
Are you retarded? The stone is not even relevant as an object of worship

>Al-Bukhārī reports that ʿUmar – Allāh be pleased with him – came to the Black Stone (performing ṭawāf, circumambulation), kissed it, and said, “I know that you are a stone, you do not cause benefit or harm; and if it were not that I had seen Allāh's Messenger – peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him – kiss you
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Imagine being a plumber in jeetlandia...
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And yet dubai doesnt even have a working sewer system. It cant be the money can it?
They don't care they will keep repeating themselves over and over again. Mindless monkeys.
Plant some fucking trees you desert monkey. I mean it.
Arabs shit from their mouths. Their language is literally barking and hissing.

To think that anything divine would communicate in Arabic.
Yet it's still cleaner than you, filth.
Lmao look at this schizo pagan rambling about Saturn. Filthy scum.
it's not enough on its own but definitely helps
it's more like I'm a terrible Christian and Im not great at praying correctly, so I ask the Mother of God to pray to God on my behalf to grant me what is needed for my salvation.
Because their parents-parents-parents-etc told them to. Religious dogma is very strong.
They were a branch of Shia. The black stone was supposed to survive until the day a judgment, where it would have a mouth to speak on behalf of the faithful Muslims. Though, it got stolen, used as a toilet and smashed into pieces. The Muslims have a few small stone fragments suspended in wax, with no way of knowing if the fragments came from the original stone. There are hadiths about how the stone used to be white, but turned black from menstrual blood and some scholars believe tge Arab pagans before Islam rubbed their vaginas on it for the sake of fertility.
No refunds arab.
Lords above. These Semites are metal.
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They buckbroke literally into pieces Allah kaaba hole stone.
>uh God prayed to Himself????
tier meme lol.
>supposed to survive
lol nice interpretation
If something is around during judgement day are you saying that God can't mend it or return it to its original form?

Retarded gotchyas.
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Ah yes, the divine portugese tongue is spoken by a sophisticated group of people

You're right there's no point in arguing with these eurotards. They rather die than be deprived of their scat fetishes and open relationships
It also makes them retarded even more.
And if you want a nicely written article about the study that tries very hard to make them sound smart:
>Him and his companion acknowledge that it holds no power whatsover
You kiss it to alleviate your sins and it's supposed to witness for you on the day of judgment.
it's just a cube made of wood idiot. google it
your prophet either had a micropenis or he commited severe internal trauma to Aisha.
I never said Portuguese was divine. But Arabic is horrible.
A picture of my capital. Compare it to yours. You should really listen to me when I tell you to plant some fucking trees.
Shame its full of Turks, Magyars and Balkaners.
So it's like I can email God, but I have to sign up for an AOL account, and I have to also pay AT&T for the connection to send it, and the NSA can read them too, but before God reads it his secretary is gonna read and decide whether or not to waste God's time with it but she needs to ask the other secretary what they think first. Then they'll paraphrase it and give it to God's nepo assistant. Got it.
Oh that makes way more sense.
Some do. Some from Mars. It's pretty cool.
Based huns destroying white dogs
Yes its truly a shame. Tide will change one day.
Oh yeah because Portugal was never browned for hundreds of years.
You believe everything the Christians do about Jesus. You believe it was a virgin birth. You believe he performed miracles. You believe he was a creator of life and champion of death. You believe he is the messiah. You believe he is the word of god. You believe he is the spirit of god. You also believe Allah has body parts and refers to himself as we/us. Tawheed means "unification", not "oneness".
Yeah. Brave Otto the Great for saving the West once.
Portugal is brown now friend. This is no offense to the Austrian.
OP's mum's dildo has arrived.
imagine being born and seeing your poo is the same color as your skin.
no it's more like I ask the vice-president of AT&T to talk to the CEO and he gives me AOL free for life because the vice president asked
Literal beta orbiters
Sucks to be you huh?
Otto would behead your swarthy looking ass
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Muslims have more pressing priorities like building Giant dicks and giant Kaaba gloryholes for Allah than sewers.
Still. Otto and Charles Martel saved Europe from West and East.

Great men.
You just admitted that the stone is supposed to have divine power.
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Who needs trees or a sewer system if one can build a gigantic dick plated with gold or a slim city to trap the citizens in or even a huge pile of rocks for worshiping?
So what you're saying is that he still didn't need baptism and communion and confirmation and all of the other sacraments? Repentance and faith was enough? Ok
It was a pagan shrine before, mudslimes have a fetish that you should humiliate the infidels by converting their temples into mosques or sacred places, same goes to this, besides that i don't know why they worship this rock
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Or a fake isle that looks like a tree (yet there is still not a single tree on it or maybe one but definitely not lush greenery to change the micro climate of the close city to a better)
They dont even know if its the same shards of rock that the Qarmatians shat on.

Organized Abrahamic religion is such a shitshow. Literally.
>NUH uh you!
Mohammed was a pedophile
It is a legacy of paganism as pisslam is a mix of christianity and judaism too
>i never read the gospels
he was going to leave Mary when he found out until an angel told him what had happened. He also had several children of his own with Mary after
Let me tell you. The Dutch, Americans and British made some money architecting this bullshit.
This again?

Yet millions of tourists and celebs come here and own properties
It matter not for them as the Quran preach that you should believe LITERALLY in everything that is writen there, so don't except them to be rational.
gotta send sewage trucks daily to that hotel because as u mentioned, no sewers. mmmm Muslim cleanliness comparable to the poojeets
>Yet millions of tourists and celebs come here and own properties
Mostly for the prostitution/pedophilia.
Well they didnt do a proper job its already sinking. But the most baffling thing is that they spendt so much money on this worthless shit instead of turning the desert green to make their country a home.
Ecelebs go there to get shat on for money. We know.
Mostly for laundering dirty money without property tax and government tax.
again? bro ur religion venerates a pedophile so uh expect this for the rest of your life and any of your inbred offsprings lives etc. etc.
>but muh celebrities
the state of idol worshipping muslims
Lol. The Dutch and the Americans do what the silly Arabs want.

Want an island made of sand shaped like a palm tree? 1 billion dollars.

50 years from now another billion to maintain sand castle.

Its called capitalism and planned obsolecence.
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Islam is an Arab pagan cult built by merchants to fleece the idolaters, they got Hotels and restaurants all around the Black Cube. It's business nothing personal.
I ment the ones that wanted the isle and payed for it. The engineers just make some money off of retards.
The Gulf arabs would rather spend their money building mosqued in Greenland and stupid ego projects like this rather than go to Egypt and practice some charity.

Truly beautiful.
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They rub camel piss on their bodies and drink it.
Catholics are fucking retards. Good grief
They would make even more money if they wouldnt have to import all the food but farm it.
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This isnt even the original colour. Its just really dirty form sand animals touching it every day and clerics refusing to wash the shit stains out of it.
oh ya, and some sects only bathe once a week so if ur behind them a couple meters you can smell onions and cumin just propelling from their bodies.

but yeah, imagine one of the largest hotels in the world, with giant vats of shit and piss in the basement that must be drained daily
Its not even about charity. Look at dubai. Its a shithole and only frequented because they take in criminals from all over the world and dont persecute them.
>B-B-BBUT thats not in ARABIC you have to learn ARABIC to get the full context of what this verse means
Give proof he married a child
He married her when she was 17 or 19
Dubai is a lot like a pig in lipstick
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Christ never says you need to pray to his mother. But lets go over the prayer shall we.

>Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women
that is literally just calling Her based

>and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
this is Just calling Jesus based

>Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
and and the end we ask her to PRAY for us. if it was worship we would be asking for her to pray for us. we are asking for a prayer the same way you ask a friend to pray for a sick loved one.

The whole Hail Mary is just showing Reverence to the mother of God and asking her to pray for us.

I wonder who Jesus will look more kindly upon those who honour his mother or those who disrespect her
The Arabs like their forefather Abraham are camel bedouins not farmer, it's not in their dna to be farmbugs.
When shown Aisha's hadiths talking about her being 6, playing with dolls and the diet of cucumber & dates used to fatten her up for Muhammad, you will become Quran-only.
Yah ( Jah or Iah) was the moon god. Khonsu in Egypthe was called but I find it funny
the word sounded like Hew-Haw. And so did they roman who mocked alexamenos worshiping the donkey on a cross.
Now you know why in It's a Wonderful Life Jimmy Stewart ropes the moon and pulls his ear and says "he haw" and why Jesus rode in on a donkey like Dionysus.
Arabs with blonde children. Had to be Hungary.
The moon god of the Semites was Sin.

Hence Mount Sinai and the Mosaic revelation.
Quran chapter 65 verse 4 details when it's ok to consummate a marriage with a child before puberty.

it's widely accepted Aisha was married at 6 and Muhammed, camel piss be upon him, consummated when she was 9, but if you don't follow the sahih hadiths, congrats on the mental gymnastics. your religion is disgusting
Dont be mean to pigs.
They just forgot about how to do it.
>f particular importance was the development of a local and sustainable food supply for the thousands of laborers involved in this monumental undertaking.
>They developed herding and farming, paving the way for greater human exploitation of the area during the Dynastic Egypt.
Imagine forgetting how to farm. Imagine forgetting ho to water plants.
Holy shit, I thought Muhammed drinking camel piss was a meme. lol!
I'm not Catholic
Stupid barnyard goyim anamils.
Oy vey!
All Bedouins drink camel urine. A camel is a walking water cistern. Plus urine is harmless. Although salty.

Mohammed was a sickly child and his parents sent him to live with Bedouins.
Forgot link, time to go
>Abrahamic religion
stop using that term, you dumb shit. it's pushed by muslims themselves since their whole fucking religion is completely fabricated and completely opposite to Christ's teachings.

when you use that term, you are conflating Christ with Mohammad, and Abraham was not Christian, Muslim or an Edomite kike talmudic scumbag
Bedouin women are pure sluts lol. I love and I'm in the middle east and you come across Bedouin women they are the most unspeakable sluts in this world. BUILT FOR BIG WHITE COCK
Muslims are children of the devil.

>Be Muhammad
>Most people in his area (Mecca) are pagan who worship the cube and cover up their women and kiss the black stone
>But there are Jews next door (Yathrib/Madina) who forbid pork and cut their cock skin and pray towards Jerusalem

Guess what he did next? He combined both religions into one and killed anybody who didn't agree.

Muslims don't eat pork and pray towards the cube in mecca, and they have to cover up their women and worship the black stone and they have to cut their cocks. Sounds like the most made up religion of all time he obviously just combined two pre-existing religions. Lol.
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Drinking Camel urine doesn't break the ritual purification of the Muslims or wudu unlike camel meat. The meat of the Camel is more unclean to Muslims than the piss of the Camel.
You gotta make wudu after digging your sister Ahmed.
Lmao no it's not. Your retarded logic knows no bounds.

All of you tards are sam shamoun puppets.
Where does it say that he drank it?
All Bedouins drink camel urine nigger.
he confessed to God and received absolution, crucifixion is a bloody process so assuming he was bleeding he was baptized in his own blood, by acknowledging that Jesus is God and sinless while the thief was a sinner deserving of his punishment for his crimes, he was confirmed in the faith.
Nobody worshipped the kaaba. They worshipped idols and placed them inside.

And there is nothing in the religion which tells you to worship the black stone either.

Retarded mutt.
>Because allah is a feminine force of nature, that is why they buzz around it like a hive.
Pipe down you rape baby, your ancestors probably grovelled at the feet of Arabs.
Nah we killed Arabs for sport.
Allah is the Arabic proper noun of the Hebrew/Aramaic word “illah” which means god. Yahweh is the actual name of the Abrahamic god it’s just Muhammad was an illiterate that didn’t figure it out when he plagiarized Christianity and because of that Muslims don’t believe god has an actual name, rather 99 names or something like that.
The Abrahamic deity has numerous names.
Elohim, Yaweh, Yah, Yahooh, Jehovah, Allat, Allah.

Allat is what Jesus called him in Aramaic.

Gotta love /pol tards. Pure retardation on display.

>muh christian plagiarism
Has never been proved and is nonsensical. If a person starts to copy the gospels it would be pretty evident. Go worship an Indian or something canacuck
All whitoids lived like pajeets in middle ages by shitting in a bucket and throwing it out in the streets
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In the 1600s a european explorer rubbed camel shit in there and muslims lick that hole in the stone, fuck I wish I remembered what his name was, what a giga chad
Lmao. Look at this retarded mutt who prays to someone to get them to pray for him.
Why don't you try it?
muhammed literally copied the Virgin Birth, which has no meaning in islam other than it happened.
he also copied the infancy gospels, in which the young Christ supposedly made clay birds and made them become alive
muhammed was a gigantic copycat
Because niggers tongue my anus
at least i pray to someone who's alive
Portuguese Chads baby. Afonso de Albuquerque goes brrrrrr
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>muh copy and paste
Lmfao. Nobody can prove it, you can speculate it all you want you retarded pagan. You're beyond ignorant and just spouting tabloid bullshit. Keep coping with your anonymous gospels.
We pray to God. Are you saying God is not alive?

Because I would never go to Saudi Arabia under any circumstances, have you licked that hole in the rock too?
Look at you all now, rats living in poverty and squalor.
Stop getting excited then pussy.
you don't pray to God, you pray to satan
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The butt kissing is a satanic ritual
Delusional pagan, keep going on with your ramblings and getting excited with weak gotchyas. You can spout whatever you want kaffir, it's you who will kiss hellfire.
It could have been portuguese but I'm fairly sure it was in the 1600s
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non offensively true. Impressive.
Ah yes 1+ 1 +1=1
alright what's the purpose of the Virgin Birth? other than
>it means he's the Messiah
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Why do I need AOL though?
look at the finncuck getting so excited enjoy hellfire kaffir.
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Muslims never answer the questions in picrel
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Why? Its funny that rock that you worship as god was smeared in shit and then muslims licked the shit out of it like pajeets
>portuguese but I'm fairly sure it was in the 1600s

The Portuguese controlled the Persian Gulf and Red Sea by then.
Is this another gotchya pagan? We don't have an explanation nor do we care for one. We only care about what God says. Unlike you pagan, you worship your clerics and popes. You disrespect both Maryam, Isa and God by praying to her.
>but but muh ot
More bullshit that has received countless updates.
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You should leave that basement of yours
None of this makes any sense
Enjoy that laughter, I'm sure you will enjoy drinking molten in hell. Pathetic weasel.
>We don't have an explanation nor do we care for one
i rest my case
Shmoking on that wallahi pack tonight.
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Yes muslims eating shit amuses me, seethe about it inbred, when the oil runs out your grand kids will be rolling around the desert riding camels again and start living in tents
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What case? LOL more retardation on display with delusional gotchyas.
>muh oil money
Are you jealous? Your parents will also burn in hell pagan.
christians worship a dead jew lmao
Sure I'm jealous about a bunch of desert dwelling inbreds who worship a stone and lick camel shit out of it
that muhammed copied stories without knowing the reason and created the cop out of "it just happened lol"
Again with the stone worship. Lol. Enjoy hell arrogant one. Your mother will be drinking molten and your father will be eating her excrement. Kaffir filth, a punishment which is befitting for the likes of you.
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Ohhh so now he's no longer an expert? Lmfao. Get the fuck out of here mutt.
muhammed? he never was
Man what happened to submission and peace muslimun?
You menstruating?
Show that to a Muslim in public kraut, let's see how far that gets you.
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ding ding time for you to worship a woman instead of praying to God.

Retarded pagan, as if christianity could not get any worse now we have retards like you.
It's a skibiddi toilet
tradition started from muslims worshipping space aliens as gods.
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>culling the herd
You do realize that your god is an old pagan moon goddess
Al-lat was who Muhammad worshipped before he had a stroke and realized he could be Allah.
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i don't worship a woman, i worship the God-man
2000 muslims is nothing. Even 2 million would he nothing.
Is she in the room with you when you pray?
Then you are praying to her.
>amerimutt iq at full display
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Imagine scraping some off and taking a bong hit of it.
pagan retard
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>you're le pagan for worshipping the true God
>no it's not
can u provide proof? because I already did. would love to see the proof Muhammed married a 17-19 year old. and then u can explain how 65 verse 4 in the Quran isn't explaining how to consummate a marriage with a female who hasn't had a period yet.

you broke your own rules

true god or gods?
>confessed directly to God, no priest or pope needed
>baptism is necessary, unless you die a violent bloody death - then you can skip it
That's quite a leap
>having true faith = confirmation, no ceremony needed
no, my theology is perfectly intact and i don't have to run around coping that i'm "pure monotheist" when A) i'm a monotheist and B) i don't have gigantic holes in my conceptualization of God that need sophistry to cope with.
Muhammad was a member of the Quraysh, a pagan tribe that circled the Kabbah 7 times, kissed the black stone and worshipped Al-lat.
point is that the thief went through several sacraments while on the cross and he's not an example that you can forgo the sacraments and expect to get into Paradise
>Afghans say women are for children and boys for fun
Muslims only marry these young girls for children but in Jannah they get their young boys. Allah the Genie makes ALL their wishes come true in Heaven, whatever they wish they get it except for Wine which can't appear on its own but has to be brought to Muslims by eternal pearl boys who are servants and entertainers like in their earth Caliphate. P Diddy would have loved Jannah.
They also worshipped the three daughters of Allah. Representing the three phases of the moon.
Gives credence as to why so many pedophiles convert to Islam in prison.
Muslims still can't into Trinity. but they can mental gymnastics around breeding cousins and siblings and marrying 6 year olds
you claim Jesus to be God when he admitted he does not know when is the hour only the Father does
so how does that make him an omniscient being when he is limited by his knowledge?
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yes but he was a monotheist Hanif
a belief originating from ishamel
because while on earth prior to the Resurrection, Jesus was displaying His human nature that he inherited when taking on flesh, we know Him to be the God-man so there's no issue in saying He purposely let His human side speak here, while still remaining God

65:4 talks about women who have missed their periods btw. Nowhere it says "yet". Compare all translations, not just cherry picked ones.
why is lying so commonplace in Islam? it's not just taqiyah it's borderline Jewish levels of ignoring reality
muhammed's mother was a jew, it's genetic
marrying your cousin is not immoral as long as its your distant cousin as not to cause any problems

didnt ur europig monarchs marry children as young as 10?

are you mentally challenged?
kek the cope.

>As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery.1

have not menstruated somehow equals skipped a period? lol
so we are considered jews but jesus is not?

holy fuck you're all retarded im done with you morons.
there's a difference between the judaism of Jesus' day and the talmudic khazarian religion that muhammed was born into
Rabbi Yeshua, jew on a cross
they probably did, but guess what, they don't any more. it's harmful to the children to engage in intercourse at such a young age.
betrothed they weren't raping kids at 9 years old like muhammed did
People got betrothed at 10. But not married until late adolescent.

Christianity judges sex as a sin. Contrary to Islam.

So sex at that age would be heresy.
here we go the schizo pseudohistory sperging begins
Have recently not menstruated...
It's essentially a pregnancy check. If a woman misses her period she's likely pregnant and the purpose of the 3 months wait is to check this. While a girl who hasn't yet menstruated is unable to get pregnant. Oh damn my plane is departing.
>yes but he was a monotheist Hanif
Then why did he say he "I have turned my face towards Him who created the heavens and the earth, following Abraham’s religion as a hanif, and I am not one of the polytheists."
That means he changed positions.
>ackmed says it's fine to marry and breed with your cousins
this is one of the reasons why the rest of the world thinks your religion is disgusting, and likely why it attracts dumb followers
>those who have not menstruated as well.
I hate the northeners in my country , they are the primary reason poortuguese is seen as a shitty , monkey-like , unregulated , semi-comprehensible if you try really hard , screeching . Though I admit us southeners aren't much better in regards to this shit . Some times I wish I was deaf . Other times the language flows in a rather beatiful way ( apparently , I am yet to hear it ).
conjugal union within the confines of Holy Matrimony wasn't viewed as a sin as long as it was done with procreation in mind, but they definitely would have frowned upon harming little children, unlike muhammed.
you seem to hold on to that part obsessively yet overlook. isaac marrying rebecca, lot's daughters making their father drunk in order to have kids, marrying your rapist, i can go on forever but i need to go to the gym since you buffons lack half a brain to take seriously
and exactly none of those involve raping a 9 year old like muhammed did.
if you're done with the whataboutism maybe you can address why you consider a pedophile to be your pattern of conduct?
Fornication was a sin.

Fornication is Islam is promised and rewarded.
Even in their heaven their greatest treat is fornicating with the houris.
that's why the first sentence is about Past the age of menstruation? versus those who have not menstruated? and the third line is about those who can no longer menstruate? and why there is widespread child marriage and consummation of said marriages in Islam?

your religion still practices this today, and defends the practice, today
true enough, there is a distinction between fornication and lawful conjugal union and muhammedism is based on fornication, a truly foul demonic religion
> forgets Rebecca's age
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They worship black cock too
if you don't use abdul-gebra you'll learn it wasn't three like dawah-gandists say it is, you'll also learn she wasn't raped at 9 like muhammed raped aisha
Where did it say rape you retarded ape?
9 year olds can't consent abdullah......

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