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How did barbarians manage to overthrow and conquer the greatest empire and civilization that ever was? Seems kind of sad. The legion was considered legendary in military might..
rome got too big and too diverse
everything ends anon
This. And then it caught jews and therefore abrahamism.
Don't forget that "barbarian" just means non-hellenophonic (later extended to latin). The Germanics were not neolithic troglodytes (read the Cimbrian Wars, for example).
Rome became inclusive.
>order requires more organized effort than barbarianism
You either keep your enemies outside your gates or you're forced to fight them in the streets
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He has his entire hand in that guy’s ass
Why did you shoop that painting to be a homosexual depiction of fisting?
Rome rotted from within.
I don't know if you know this but the byzantines and rome were constantly at war with each other

basically romans destroyed themselves over power
Maybe christianity was a jewish plot to destroy the empire kinda how this modern progressive brainrot made by kikes is a plot to reshape to world in their own image,Tikkum olam.They are truly the spawn of demons vile creatures torturing humanity for thousands of years and holding back real progress.
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>>yesteryear's status quo calls whites barbarian because they don't bow to the mutt empire
One of those make-you-thinkers.
Ug ug me smashes with hama
Rome got subverted by fanatics who told them race/gender isn’t real and to “turn the other cheek” and “love their enemies”
Tomans became mutted by mixing with all the conquered brown people and freed slaves and were unable to maintain complex civilisation, similar to what you see in the west today. They were merely put out of their misery.
>Maybe christianity was a jewish plot to destroy the empire kinda how this modern progressive brainrot made by kikes is a plot to reshape to world in their own image,

It absolutely was, it's undeniable.
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>rising tide of poo
There are two important groups of human capital you need to allocate well to promote civilizational vitality: the ambitious, and the communitarians. As a civilization becomes more sophisticated these tend to become increasingly misallocated, as a consequence of the upper classes becoming detached and cloistered away from the masses. The ambitious are frittered away engaging in effeminate court politics or becoming rent-seeking grandees, while the communitarians become disillusioned with serving any kind of grand cause. The results are mediocre leadership, the evaporation of the ability to commit the population to collective endeavors, and consequent sclerosis and dissolution
There are two important groups of human capital you need to allocate well to promote civilizational vitality: the ambitious, and the communitarians. As a civilization becomes more sophisticated these tend to become increasingly misallocated, as a consequence of the upper classes becoming detached and cloistered away from the masses. The ambitious are frittered away engaging in effeminate court politics or becoming rent-seeking grandees, while the communitarians become disillusioned with serving any kind of grand cause. The results are mediocre leadership, the evaporation of the ability to commit the population to collective endeavors, and consequent sclerosis and dissolution
It wasn't the north tribes, it was christkikery that destroy the roman empire.
and whoever draw that was a kike or faggot, no doubt.
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Just like they are doing today, subversion, erosion, manipulation. There is a reason as to why the ancients viewed christianity as a religion for women and slaves, it preyed on weakness and undermined the strong hierarchical values that had held the Roman Empire together. Over time, the once disciplined and resilient Roman legions were no longer the same force they had been, as the cultural fabric of Rome frayed. Foreigners, some of whom had even been recruited into the army, exploited this internal decay. The fall wasn't simply a military defeat, it was the result of internal rot, ideological subversion, and the loss of the civic virtues that had once made Rome great.
same reason why the west is falling today
faggotry becoming mainstream
You're watching it happen to the USA in real time now, albeit a tad slower...
Unbelievably tasteful edit lmao
if you check th history of Rome's pure silver coin, you will realize for how long the writing was on the wall
In the ass in the original?
they pushed over the rotting decayed remains of a much abused and broken has-been empire.
this is the fate of all empires.
Lmao I didn't even catch that.
the state is an illusion
because they were collapsing with a huge population decline and barely had an army, it was all mercenaries by that point who realized they could just walk in and face minimal resistance
It gave me a good chuckle since I've seen the original before.
look at the image, you have naked men taking over rich men
it is not about population, armies, or mercs
it is about the economy
Idk, how did turks and niggers conquer Germany, the Aryan masterrace unt stronkest soldiers of all time?
Rome didn't kill its jews off
Through homosexualité
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Andrea, you need to put on the helm of Scipio and go ham again.
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Manlets are weak simple as.
Animals from the east side of the Rhine get the cross.
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Bitch ass nigga
>if you check th history of Rome's pure silver coin, you will realize for how long the writing was on the wall
And yet the Christian East survived for a lot longer.
In a steady retreat sans Justinian. And what broke its neck? Ahh yes, when christianity made an oopsie and slaughtered their supposed christian brothers and sisters for a few measly shekels. But I guess those weren't rEaL cHrIsTiAns, right? Right?
unironically christianism, roman values became obsolete, there was no longer the will to preserve roman culture, just like is happening now
christianity gave to poor people (the majority) the dignity and freedom that romans deny them, rulers lost the compliance
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They were imported & given seats in government and preferential treatment. Completely different from what's happening now. Anyhow FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE! DO YOU THINK TAYLOR SWIFT WILL BE WATCH THE BIG GAME?
>muh christianity is weak and cucked
>Overthrows an empire
will you faggots at least try to stick to a single coherent narrative?
The spread of Christianity was a consequence of the empire's dissolution, not its cause. As people became disillusioned with the empire as an entity with which they could identify, and an increasing number of its inhabitants became subject to penury and servitude, they became attracted to a religion that was a repudiation of the previous one and which promised salvation for everyone
Are termites strong because they can infest your house and cause it to collapse eventually?
>empower the colored rabble and wokek
>their retardation reshapes society
>society is destroyed
>and that's a good thing
Pontius Pilate will kneel on your neck too and you will have deserved it same as rabbi yeshua
kek worth it
They didn't conquer shit
They literally took over ashes
as Rome's identity and culture kept becoming diluted and upended, nobody wanted to be in the legions. the only solution to maintain the borders was to hire the neighboring tribe to act as the Roman army in the area but soon the majority of the Roman army were these "barbarian" tribal allies/mercenaries, and they were starting to settle down permanently in the Roman areas they were hired to defend.

The result was that these tribes migrated to claim vast areas of Roman territory as their own and Romans themselves had no armies to defend themselves.
diversity is the downfall of ALL empires
Because they weren't barbarians.
Post the real one ffs.
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>no fisting
Nice fake Nigel
why did you shop the part of the dudes hands on the other dudes back? Are you a homosexual faggot you piece of shit?
what dignity?
They had already dignity if they served rome
what's with the spelling in this thread?
First some anon wrote Tomans instead of romans and now termites instead of semites? What the fuck is going on?
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Very kinky anon. Please face the bog.
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I actually meant the niggers of ants, semites would be too on the nose. HAHA ON THE NOSE.
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Maybe don't let jews inside your empire and let them create a death cult?
Comparing late stage Roman empire to heyday Roman empire is like comparing apples to oranges. Late stage Roman empire was weaker and far more diverse than Rome when it was a republic.
The Germanic tribes were already Christian.
It’s simple, the Jews invented Christianity by having their Jew die on the cross then their Jew missionaries moved to Rome to preach about their dead Jew.

Christianity brought about all the brotherly love bullshit that was unfamiliar to Rome and as a direct result they let the Visigoths settle within Roland territory. Who then backstabbed them because diversity is never a strength.

Jews invented Christianity to destroy Rome and the west and they’ve been fucking is ever since
>Jews invented Christianity to subvert everyone around them

Do you have any idea how much coordination that would take, it would be humanly impossible. Then there are the apostles and missionaries who went to their deaths preaching about Jesus Christ. Are you saying these same apostles and missionaries new it was all just a lie yet willingly went to their deaths anyway to strike at the goy?

Also western civilization is far less Christian now than it ever has been in the past so how do things get more degenerate/falling apart as western nations become less Christian yet it is still Christianity's fault? None of that adds up at all. The most basic application of logic to the whole "jews invented Christianity to destroy everyone" accusation is quickly picked apart with ease.
>the Jews invented Christianity
Let me make sure I understand.
These Massimo jews who are 2000 year old family and still knights of malta and big name?
>Do you have any idea how much coordination that would take, it would be humanly impossible.
Well, look at what jews are doing today, controlling pretty much every facet of society on the western hemisphere, that does require quite a bit of coordination, doesn't it?
As far as the rest of the post is concerned, I present to you the unholy trinity of abrahamism: christianity weakens, judaism subverts, islam conquers.
>controlling pretty much every facet of society on the western hemisphere, that does require quite a bit of coordination, doesn't it?

You are making a lot of assumptions especially considering back then there were a lot fewer jews, they were more spread out with no way to communicate reliably with one another especially over great distances, and most of them were not in the countries where Christianity spread to. Even in Rome jews were and extremely tiny portion of the population and not looked favorably upon even after Christianity enter Rome. You are applying aspects of today which is a completely different world in every way compared to back then. Jews gaining control of the west in modern times is still a very recent event in history yet you treat it as if they've always had complete control.

>I present to you the unholy trinity of abrahamism: christianity weakens, judaism subverts, islam conquers.

That doesn't answer anything and is just cringe edginess. What are you like 16 years old because this is the type of shit the edgelord atheist in high school would always say.
>greatest empire that ever was
>born after a collapse
>not even half the extension in trade routes of what fell
It's just a long fall to the bottom unless you live like a hobbit armed to the teeth.
Stop replying to this thread. 99%, it's a Canadian pajeet shill. >>482934217
This is what happens when you don't eradicate snow niggers, the Romans relaxed
Not fully

>Even as late as 406, a Gothic king by the name of Radagaisus led a Pagan invasion of Italy with fierce anti-Christian views.

They managed to keep going on steam alone but christcuckery was too much for them and they got rekd during the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

>For a brief period, the Visigoths controlled the strongest kingdom in Western Europe.

>The kingdom survived until 711
>The Visigoth king, Roderic, and many members of the Visigothic governing elite were killed and their kingdom rapidly collapsed.

>Over time, the Christian church and faith grew more organized. In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.

>The western empire suffered several Gothic invasions and, in AD 455, was sacked by Vandals. Rome continued to decline after that until AD 476 when the western Roman Empire came to an end

If the Latin Romans collapsed within 163 years of adopting Christianity and the Goths collapsed within 300 years. What does that say about the religion itself?
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They had beards
History is written by the winners.
Unless they can't write.
You don't need 6 gorzillion jews to fuck a society over, just ask the Spaniards when the muslims invaded their country. Letters as well as a postal system existed, and to be honest, once the framework is established, you don't even need that much coordination anymore. It's like a cancer that keeps growing once its let loose, kinda like mass hysteria that keeps perpetuating itself because of the hell meme and pandering to the rabble, destitute and women, so the majority of the people. And once these people get into power, you can only watch your society go to shit. Sounds familiar?
>That doesn't answer anything and is just cringe edginess.
On the contrary, it answers absolutely everything if you have even the slightest grasp on historical patterns throughout the last 1600 years. If you lack this historical awareness, you'll keep asking yourself how we got here where we are. The rot doesn't just magically show up, it is planted, nurtured and deliberately unleashed.
Military might has nothing to do with civilisational advancement.
It was the wills of God. Empire fall, and from the ash a Fire rises.

Original thread was made by a fucking faggot memeflag. So kys
The lack of clear rules of succession meant emperors spent more time watching their backs instead of fixing problems, like the open border to the north with barbarians streaming across it.
Centuries of constant infighting that weakened them.
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Everyday there is a christcuck claiming the christianity is the answer to everything. That if we believe and pray really hard the west and the European people will be saved. How? How the fuck is some retarded jewish moral framework that goes against nature and our material reality going to fix anything?

All of the current “evil” moral frameworks like feminism, atheism, white guilt and marxism are rooted in the ideas set by christianity. Equality/one god/souls, original sin/white guilt and utopia/heaven.

But muh Goth, Vandal, Muslim invasions! Do you think that the latin Romans and Goths didn’t fight as pagans? Do you think they never got invaded? Never had to defend themselves?

Wake the fuck up you retarded normies! Equality for all is not the answer! If you have no identity and no collective then you will never have representation that acts in your interests! If you don’t accept the laws of nature and the existence of social classes and the social hierarchy we will never move forward!

There are different species, races, ethnic groups, social classes and types of individuals. Most of them are either retarded or they want to enslave you for their own benefit.
Bad people that want you dead or enslaved need to be bogged. Bad people that want to take advantage without contributing shouldn’t benefit from the collective. Good people that represent you need to be bred as a caste and used as the leadership. You expect bird to lay eggs that hatch birds, you expect horses to give birth to horses and you expect Europeans to produce European children. Yet when it comes to humans and social classes all of this goes out the window?
The Romans grew decadent and rested on their laurels. They were no match for the hardy and warlike Germanic barbarians who conquered the Roman Empire.
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>be roman
>go out and conquer/manage territory with the phalanx boys
>say goodbye to your wife and your family members who are managing your farm
>your definitely neighbour Joolius Noseymu also runs a farm, but on slaves.
>he imports tons of them to do his work
>his farm earns a shitload and while you're away, your family's business can't compete.
>he offers to buy rights to the farm, he earns, your family earns, but with some rules
>rule number 1, import a shitload of slaves
>years pass and you come back to your family
>find out your business has been outsourced to Joolius Noseymu and your estate is filled to the brim with foreign slaves
>slaves now outnumber native romans 10:1
>Joolius Noseymu starts preaching about poor slaves, and this jewish guy called jesus christ and how sad it is how slaves are treated
>some faggot-ass slave morality religion starts popping up everywhere where there are slaves, women love it since it's far more gentle than Mars and the general masculine roman pantheon.
>soon the slaves, who outnumber you 10:1 start rising up
>combine that with a shitload of barbarians at every corner, which are not being held at bay as all the men are in far away territories collecting taxes for gods know who.
>native men are not motivated to fight since they don't own anything
>woman start propping up this big sad jesus faggot loser since he's way less "toxic" that the big manly roman gods
>everything around you is falling apart from multiple angles
>barbarians have gotten into the city
>slaves are rebelling
>women are happy that all things roman are being destroyed, to patriarchal after all!
>watch as your world crumbles in front of you
>out of the corner of your eye you see Joolius Noseymus smiling with a bag full of gold while he leaves for another kingdom
>turns out his real name was Schlomi Shekelstein, who would've guessed!
Very interesting.
X/X would read again.
>Within just three campaign seasons (20 months), Rome had lost one-fifth (150,000) of the entire population of male citizens over 17 years of age. The morale effect of this victory was such that most of southern Italy joined Hannibal's cause.

>20 officers of consular and praetorian rank, 30 senators, and 300 others of noble descent, were taken or slain,

>Livy illustrates the state of Roman morale with two vivid anecdotes. The first concerns Hannibal's brother Mago, who had returned to Carthage with news of the victory. He reported to their senate that in several engagements with the Romans Hannibal had killed over 200,000 soldiers and taken 50,000 prisoner; of six commanders, two consuls and a Master of horse had been slain. Then Mago concluded his report by having a collection of golden rings poured upon the council floor in front of the assembled senators. He explained that each ring belonged to one eques who had been slain in battle and had earned the ring through exceptional bravery.

>The second concerns Lucius Caecilius Metellus and three other military tribunes, who had taken refuge at Canusium with other Roman refugees. Demoralized at the defeat, they discussed the possibility of setting sail overseas and finding employment as mercenaries for some foreign prince. Word of this meeting reached the young Publius Cornelius Scipio who, with only a few followers, burst into the room where the discussion was underway.

Holding his naked sword over the heads of the wavering men, Scipio is reported to have cried:

I swear with all the passion in my heart that I will never desert our homeland, or permit any other citizen of Rome to leave her in the lurch. If I willfully break my oath may Jupiter, Greatest and Best, bring me to a shameful death, with my house, my family, and all I possess! Swear the same oath, Caecilius! And the rest of you, swear it too. If anyone refuses, against him this sword is drawn
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This, literally

Imagine all the the niggers, goat fuckers and jeets we are mass importing today were barbarians (it's not hard if you think about it) and we are Rome
Now imagine that ZOG goes to war with russia, and hires these guys as soldiers
Now imagine you have a legion of well trained, military niggers, goat fuckers and jeets
Now imagine you promise these guys gibs if they go destroy iran, and then they do, but your economy is collapsing and you can't pay them
What do you think happens next?

This is your future
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>the Goths originated on an island called Scandza (Scandinavia)
>gradual migration in the 1st centuries BC and AD
>The Goths, Geats and Gutes may all have descended from an early community of seafarers active on both sides of the Baltic
>The Vandals are associated with the Przeworsk culture
>Sometime after settling Gothiscandza, Jordanes writes that the Goths defeated the neighbouring Vandals

>Beginning in the middle of the 2nd century, the Wielbark culture shifted southeast towards the Black Sea.
>This was part of a wider southward movement of eastern Germanic tribes, which was probably caused by massive population growth.
>The Goths entered Oium, part of Scythia, under the king Filimer, where they defeated the Spali.
>The first incursion of the Roman Empire that can be attributed to Goths is the sack of Histria in 238.
>On the Pontic steppe the Goths quickly adopted several nomadic customs from the Sarmatians. They excelled at horsemanship, archery and falconry, and were also accomplished agriculturalists and seafarers.
>In 250–51, the Gothic king Cniva captured the city of Philippopolis and inflicted a devastating defeat upon the Romans at the Battle of Abrittus, in which the Roman Emperor Decius was killed. This was one of the most disastrous defeats in the history of the Roman army.

>The first Gothic seaborne raids took place in the 250s
>An unsuccessful attack on Pityus was followed in the second year by another, which sacked Pityus and Trabzon and ravaged large areas in the Pontus. In the third year, a much larger force devastated large areas of Bithynia and the Propontis, including the cities of Chalcedon, Nicomedia, Nicaea, Apamea Myrlea, Cius and Bursa. By the end of the raids, the Goths had seized control over Crimea and the Bosporus and captured several cities on the Euxine coast, including Olbia and Tyras, which enabled them to engage in widespread naval activities.
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This board would be faster and more efficient (as well as saving time-wasting threads) if everyone watch Asha Logos channel



There's a reason Jews would rather you obsess over Rome than the Barbarians.

Asha Logos on the barbarians:

Watch/Rewatch Asha Logos to enjoy white history without jewish bullshit

They had God with them. They were actually "sealed" (Christianized) before they sacked Rome. That was the beginning of the 7 trumpets. The Germanic (or Scythian) peoples were actually from the lost tribes of Israel.
If you don't like that, then how do you explain that we are fundamentally Christian in the entire White world? The idea to say "the jews" (a multi-ethnic Asiatic people) shaped the entire western white world isn't really satisfying, it doesn't really speak well about our own peoples and nations does it? and it comes from a modern post-ww2 perspective in which Zionism dominates the entire western politics. But before that, there was no such great jew conspiracy, it was rather the papacy that dominated and oppressed and murdered Christians for their testimony of Jesus Christ. The Zionist plot is a quite new thing that came later in the 19th/20th century. Behind all of that is the hand of satan. Satan and his synagogue doesn't want you to know who the people of the Bible actually are today. The re-deemed Israelites. Because THAT totally obliterates their entire scheme. It obliterates the race issue, it obliterates the zionist heresies, it obliterates the globohomo ideologies, the feminist ideologies, absolutely everything, and the Bible becomes alive. It actually speaks to us today and gives us meaning and a direction. We are supposed to prepare the kingdom of God on this earth, which is Christian (western) civilization. Is it any wonder why there is an anti-white and anti-Christ agenda in the world? why this dragon floods our nations with strangers and strange gods?
This is a war for the kingdom of God on earth.
No, after being infected by social parasites imagine that you import the jeets, arabs and africans. Claim everyone is equal and abandon all logical morals and just destroy all of the previous structures that your society had.

NatSoc Germany(pagan Swedes) borders you. NatSoc Germany says “hi” and makes a few visits. NatSoc Germany becomes a superpower with a massive population.
You die but your twin Greece lives on. NatSoc Germany has never had any contact with parasites, catches your parasites and goes to the corner to slowly die. Your twin is also infected and sickly but keeps going despite the illness. After being on life support for a long time your twin is finally put out of his misery and your family (Rome) is put to rest.
The Western Empire (Rome) became a backwater and Constantinople would spare the troops to defend or retake it. The Eastern part of the RE became the Byzantine Empire, and it lasted until 1479 CE, and was state-controlled Christianity. Rome had brought the Arian Christian barbarians into their empire as mercenaries, and tried to stiff them of the land they were promised - Rome deserved to be conquered.
-- not spare --
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>After a 10-year hiatus, the Goths and the Heruli, with a raiding fleet of 500 ships, sacked Heraclea Pontica, Cyzicus and Byzantium. They were defeated by the Roman navy but managed to escape into the Aegean Sea, where they ravaged the islands of Lemnos and Scyros, broke through Thermopylae and sacked several cities of southern Greece (province of Achaea) including Athens, Corinth, Argos, Olympia and Sparta. Then an Athenian militia, led by the historian Dexippus, pushed the invaders to the north where they were intercepted by the Roman army under Gallienus. He won an important victory near the Nessos (Nestos) river, on the boundary between Macedonia and Thrace, the Dalmatian cavalry of the Roman army earning a reputation as good fighters. Reported barbarian casualties were 3,000 men

>An enormous coalition consisting of Goths (Greuthungi and Thervingi), Gepids and Peucini, led again by the Heruli, assembled at the mouth of river Tyras (Dniester). The Augustan History and Zosimus claim a total number of 2,000–6,000 ships and 325,000 men.

>After failing to storm some towns on the coasts of the western Black Sea and the Danube (Tomi, Marcianopolis), the invaders attacked Byzantium and Chrysopolis. Part of their fleet was wrecked, either because of the Goth's inexperience in sailing through the violent currents of the Propontis or because they were defeated by the Roman navy. Then they entered the Aegean Sea and a detachment ravaged the Aegean islands as far as Crete, Rhodes and Cyprus

>The fleet probably also sacked Troy and Ephesus, damaging the Temple of Artemis, though the temple was repaired and then later torn down by Christians a century later, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
>Seems kind of sad.
If you knew anything about history at all you wouldn't think so.

The legion still had fine military might, but in Celts and other such northern there was always a great challenge. This was t the main issue. It whe poorly fed, unpaid military and guards let the Goths walk through the gates. Common Romans and military families claimed to be thankful for the Huns invading, because they loved better in wartime than in peace because the financial and land consolidation was so severe. Just like in the middle-late Republic, foreign slaves and their (also largely foreign) masters had taken most opportunity and housing.

Sound familiar?

At best 10-20% of the population was literate in this civilization, which is pretty standard. Many Romans on the borderlands in the military abandoned their posts to go live on the steppes because, echoing what would happen after the city had fallen, life among the Germanic tribes was just genuinely better. Better nutrition, better values, better chances without the decaying urban defacto slavery that awaited them even in the provinces.
Rome became Christian.
After the fall of west Rome the dark ages started which was Christianity.
Rome had public toilets. Christian dark ages literally took shits on the streets and out on the streets from some hole in their houses.
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>The Goths first attempted to directly invade Italy. They were engaged near Naissus by a Roman army led by Claudius advancing from the north. The battle most likely took place in 269, and was fiercely contested. Large numbers on both sides were killed but, at the critical point, the Romans tricked the Goths into an ambush by pretending to retreat. Some 50,000 Goths were allegedly killed or taken captive and their base at Thessalonika destroyed.

>In 270, after the death of Claudius, Goths under the leadership of Cannabaudes again launched an invasion of the Roman Empire, but were defeated by Aurelian

>Around 275 the Goths launched a last major assault on Asia Minor, where piracy by Black Sea Goths was causing great trouble in Colchis, Pontus, Cappadocia, Galatia and even Cilicia. They were defeated sometime in 276 by Emperor Marcus Claudius Tacitus.

>In the late 3rd century, as recorded by Jordanes, the Gepids, under their king Fastida, utterly defeated the Burgundians, and then attacked the Goths and their king Ostrogotha. Out of this conflict, Ostrogotha and the Goths emerged victorious.

>In 332, Constantine helped the Sarmatians to settle on the north banks of the Danube to defend against the Goths' attacks and thereby enforce the Roman border. Around 100,000 Goths were reportedly killed in battle, and Aoric, son of the Thervingian king Ariaric, was captured.

>through Gothic membership of a military covenant, which was based in Byzantium and involved pledges of military assistance. Reportedly, 40,000 Goths were brought by Constantine to defend Constantinople in his later reign, and the Palace Guard was thereafter mostly composed of Germanic warriors, as Roman soldiers by this time had largely lost military value. The Goths increasingly became soldiers in the Roman armies in the 4th century leading to a significant Germanization of the Roman Army.
>this is the fate of all empires.


Everyone should read Glubb's essay.
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It is clearly a Jew puppet master controlling the barbarian to destroy society.
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Lol lmao
Rome was a fucking mess by the time the germanics started moving in. Decades of civil war, mass monetary inflation, plague, and famines were eating the empire from within. The invading tribes were just the last nail in the coffin of a bloated corpse.
It was unironically the Christians that sealed Rome's fate.
Christianity was spreading slowly in the lands and the Romans were not having none of that so they drew out great campaigns to murder the followers of Christ.
With each martyr, Christianity grew even stronger. Pagans were starting to question their own culture. They were observing the Christians who wouldn't go to the public bath houses where P diddy's parties would look pious in comparison or honor their elemental gods.
Each Christian death spread the word of God even further. People started to question why these people were getting murdered for peacefully observing their God.

It is sad that Christianity is dying out solely because subversive Jews have been spreading falsehoods through TV and the school systems.
Because even the greatest can fall to their own decadent self-sabotaging.
Reality will never care for the delusions you spin for yourself.
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>Around 375 the Huns overran the Alans, an Iranian people living to the east of the Goths, and then, along with Alans, invaded the territory of the Goths.
>It is possible that the Hunnic attack came as a response to the Gothic expansion eastwards.

>Although the Huns successfully subdued many of the Goths who subsequently joined their ranks, Fritigern approached the Eastern Roman emperor Valens in 376 with a portion of his people and asked to be allowed to settle on the south bank of the Danube.

>Mistreated by corrupt local Roman officials, the Gothic refugees were soon experiencing a famine; some are recorded as having been forced to sell their children to Roman slave traders in return for rotten dog meat. Enraged by this treachery, Fritigern unleashed a widescale rebellion in Thrace, in which he was joined not only by Gothic refugees and slaves, but also by disgruntled Roman workers and peasants, and Gothic deserters from the Roman Army. The ensuing conflict, known as the Gothic War, lasted for several years.

>Following the decisive Gothic victory at Adrianople, Julius, the magister militum of the Eastern Roman Empire, organized a wholesale massacre of Goths in Asia Minor, Syria and other parts of the Roman East. Fearing rebellion, Julian lured the Goths into the confines of urban streets from which they could not escape and massacred soldiers and civilians alike. As word spread, the Goths rioted throughout the region, and large numbers were killed.

In the aftermath of the Hunnic onslaught, two major groups of the Goths would eventually emerge, the Visigoths and Ostrogoths.Visigoths means the "Goths of the west", while Ostrogoths means "Goths of the east". The Visigoths, led by the Balti dynasty, claimed descent from the Thervingi and lived as foederati inside Roman territory, while the Ostrogoths, led by the Amali dynasty, claimed descent from the Greuthungi and were subjects of the Huns.
The world does not get better when the destiny pretends to conform to the will of an amorphous majority, when the world-spirit becomes diluted among the masses. A truly noble and healthy civilization is only ever going to be one in which a small, noble class of warrior elite subsists on the labor of the many and as a result is left to generate culture.

Christianity was a subversion of the aristocratic power principle and the beginning of this age's slippage into a deep aboriginal miasma from which few shall escape. All values and cultural frameworks started being defined by flipping the weak on the strong, the merciful on the cruel, the ambitious on the lazy, and more. Every single frame of value of the western world, with scarce exception, has been defined by a concern of the many, of the aboriginal "people," who are mere peasants and laborers in every age who never would have dreamed of creating anything of note past a grain silo if it were not the definitive mark of a singular great man. All movements of history are decisions of great world-men who want to move and not remain.
the split between west and east weakened Rome just enough for them to take over
many of them weren't as barabaric as you think since they "romanized" themselves over the centuries
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>The Visigoths were a new Gothic political unit brought together during the career of their first leader, Alaric I. Following a major settlement of Goths in the Balkans made by Theodosius in 382, Goths received prominent positions in the Roman army.

>The Goths suffered heavy losses while serving Theodosius in the civil war of 394 against Eugenius and Arbogast. In 395, following the death of Theodosius I, Alaric and his Balkan Goths invaded Greece, where they sacked Piraeus (the port of Athens) and destroyed Corinth, Megara, Argos, and Sparta. Athens itself was spared by paying a large bribe, and the Eastern emperor Flavius Arcadius subsequently appointed Alaric magister militum ("master of the soldiers") in Illyricum in 397

>In 401 and 402, Alaric made two attempts at invading Italy, but was defeated by Stilicho. In 405–406, another Gothic leader, Radagaisus, also attempted to invade Italy, and was also defeated by Stilicho. In 408, the Western Roman emperor Flavius Honorius ordered the execution of Stilicho and his family, then incited the Roman population to massacre tens of thousands of wives and children of Goths serving in the Roman military. Subsequently, around 30,000 Gothic soldiers defected to Alaric.
Alaric in turn invaded Italy, seeking to pressure Honorious into granting him permission to settle his people in North Africa.

>In Italy, Alaric liberated tens of thousands of Gothic slaves, and in 410 he sacked the city of Rome. Although the city's riches were plundered, the civilian inhabitants of the city were treated humanely, and only a few buildings were burned.
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>Alaric was succeeded by his brother-in–law Athaulf, husband of Honorius' sister Galla Placidia, who had been seized during Alaric's sack of Rome. Athaulf settled the Visigoths in southern Gaul. After failing to gain recognition from the Romans, Athaulf retreated into Hispania in early 415, and was assassinated in Barcelona shortly afterwards.

>He was succeeded by Sigeric and then Wallia, who succeeded in having the Visigoths accepted by Honorius as foederati in southern Gaul, with their capital at Toulouse. Wallia subsequently inflicted severe defeats upon the Silingi Vandals and the Alans in Hispania.

>Wallia was succeeded by Theodoric I who completed the settlement of the Goths in Aquitania. Periodically they marched on Arles, the seat of the praetorian prefect but were always pushed back.

>Under Theodoric II the Visigoths allied with the Romans and fought Attila to a stalemate in the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields, although Theodoric was killed in the battle. Under Euric, the Visigoths established an independent Visigothic Kingdom and succeeded in driving the Suebi out of Hispania proper and back into Galicia. Although they controlled Spain, they still formed a tiny minority among a much larger Hispano-Roman population, approximately 200,000 out of 6,000,000.

>In 507, the Visigoths were pushed out of most of Gaul by the Frankish king Clovis I at the Battle of Vouillé. They were able to retain Narbonensis and Provence after the timely arrival of an Ostrogoth detachment sent by Theodoric the Great.
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>Under Liuvigild in the latter part of the 6th century, the Visigoths succeeded in subduing the Suebi in Galicia and the Byzantines in the south-west, and thus achieved dominance over most of the Iberian peninsula. Liuvigild also abolished the law that prevented intermarriage between Hispano-Romans and Goths, and he remained an Arian Christian. The conversion of Reccared I to Roman Catholicism in the late 6th century prompted the assimilation of Goths with the Hispano-Romans.

>At the end of the 7th century, the Visigothic Kingdom began to suffer from internal troubles. Their kingdom fell and was progressively conquered by the Umayyad Caliphate from 711 after the defeat of their last king Roderic at the Battle of Guadalete. Some Visigothic nobles found refuge in the mountain areas of the Asturias, Pyrenees and Cantabria.
You mean the Mongols? They used recurve bows and tiny horses to run circles and punch through roman heavy armor formations.
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The same exact way they're doing it currently... a mix of might is right and subversion
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I am not sure if you have read many fictions, light novels or mangas? But I have read quite a lot in my youth possibly thousands. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how complicated the premise, the beginning or the storyline seemed. The story could always be summarised in a very simple manner and that the entire story is just fluff used to flesh out this summary.

Now in my opinion moral frameworks are the same. The core belief/foundation myth/summary for many of the religions and ideologies can be identified.

For Christianity I think that the core/foundation myth is based on equality(the soul) with everyone being under one god. Secondly it’s a death cult with a promise of paradise after death. But for everyone to be the same. You, your clan, tribe, ethnic group and race would lose your identity. Identity is the core for any collective. A collective will compete and fight for its own benefit. Just like the cells in your body each have your DNA and follow a hierarchy with their own roles. So do humans in ethnic groups with social classes under a collective identity.
Communism, freemasonry and atheism(materialist feminism)+the white guilt sect all push this idea of equality.

When you consider who created and pushed these moral frameworks. You might start seeing a coincidence. If your entire ethnic group functions as a type of social parasite you wouldn’t want anyone to identify you. You wouldn’t want a collective to form to oppose you. You wouldn’t want a social hierarchy being visible since it would out you as the puppet master.

As such the opposition to such a moral framework would have be based on an opposite core/foundation myth/summary:
Inequality and life. We are different, we have our own roles, we have an identity.



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Rome never died. It changed its mask from one with borders to one without (the church) its fairly obvious.
The Roman Empire was overthrown in 476 AD by Germanic warlord Odoacer, who deposed the last Roman emperor of the West, Romulus Augustulus. This event is considered the traditional end of the Western Roman Empire, but the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire, continued for another millennium.
The Roman Empire had been declining for centuries due to a number of factors, including:
Military losses: The Romans faced successive invasions by Germanic tribes, including the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. In 410, the Visigoths sacked the city of Rome.
Internal corruption: The empire was plagued by internal corruption.
Economic troubles: The empire relied too heavily on slave labor and faced economic stagnation.
Division of the empire: Emperor Diocletian divided the empire.
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Christurd, christain, christard o you christcuck.
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It was purposely induced accelerationism.
Like today with all the nonwhite trash around.
To show Whites how subhuman they are.
Same back then, a bunch of nonwhite/nonRoman trash got in power to subvert things.
The real Roman Whites were ready for a change of order, and were calling for a purge.
Said the germans were acting more moral than the nonwhite fags who were in power.
Saw Christianity as the future and a purge was needed.
Very similar to today.
I'm telling you, truth is stranger than fiction.

The aliens are shitting on humans like a jealous older sibling. They ingratiate their worshippers into positions of authority, of a ruling government, with a population going towards prosperity.

They then sabotage that society from their comfy position in government, like opening borders, and sending moeny abroad, to causes that =have nothing to do with the populus under their purview.

Think Janet Yellen, and Schumer sending treasury money to the NAtional ZIonists larpung as the chosen ones.

Think Jewish Russian Oligarchs pushing for the death of the lower class Russian.

Think Ukrainian Jews Killing the population so they can replace the men while the women become prostitutes.

Think of the CCP, Korean capitalism and stubborn Japanese social edicate that has them fucking over their own people in order to preserve some manager's ego, in the form of madatory drinks after work, and no pay overtime.

This is deliberate, and if enough people wake up to this, things would be much more interesting.

Also, It's not the Jews, they're cattle too.

It's really a super caste of funny hat wearing men who have been sexually abused at birth.

Please youtube The Fall Of Civilizations and get lerned :)

Much love to you, and may this be the catalyst for you to break out of (their) spell and realize, we're al under the same sky
>the increasing interest of women in civics and politics...
T. Some guy in a book idk.
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>rome got too big and too diverse
Basically this. The Romans let the Barbarians in themselves.

They also exported too many Roman citizens to far flung territories to colonize and govern them. However as a result of that the Byzantine Empire rose from ashes of Rome. Which honestly was even better than Rome (longest reigning empire in the world btw)....which is why the Jews soft censor any mention of it in Western Education and Media.

Probably because they were the ones that made Jews wear pointy hats in public so people knew they were dealing with a Jew when it came to buying/selling, or making any kind of deal.
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Christianity weakened Rome to the point it wasn't even Rome anymore. Rome was the Roman people and the Roman religion. To do away with it was to do away with their culture entirely. The new Christian usurpers did not care about the Roman identity or ways, with a newly adopted globalist culture they imported foreigners in attempt to gain more followers and power. They forgot the old ways, dug too deep in their greed, and lost it all. Sound familia?
Cuz civilization is weak
>But before that, there was no such great jew conspiracy
You forget blood libel, well poisoning, and them being the basis of the vampire myth
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Fuck the byzantine empire and demon worshipers.

423 Emperor Theodosius II declares (8th June) that the religion of the Pagans is nothing more than “demon worship” and orders all those who persist in practicing it to be punished by imprisonment and torture.

429 The temple of goddess Athena (Parthenon) on the Acropolis of Athens is sacked. The Athenian Pagans are persecuted.

435 On 14th November, a new edict by Theodosius II orders the death penalty for all “heretics” and Pagans of the empire. Only Judaism is considered a legal non-Christian religion.

438 Theodosius II issues an new edict (31st January) against the Pagans, incriminating their “idolatry” as the reason of a recent plague!

440 to 450 The Christians demolish all the monuments, altars and temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities.

448 Theodosius II orders all non-Christian books to be burned. All copies of Julian’s work which could be found were destroyed, and they would have been lost entirely if bishop Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD), had not cited extracts from the first three of seven of Julian’s books in his refutation of him, while admitting that he would not cite some of his srguments!

450 All the temples of Aphrodisias (the City of the Goddess Aphrodite) are demolished and all its libraries burned down. The city is renamed Stavroupolis (City of the Cross).
Rome was weak. That's why it fell.
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392 On 8th November, Theodosius outlaws all the non-Christian rituals and names them “superstitions of the gentiles” (gentilicia superstitio). New full scale persecutions against Pagans. The Mysteries of Samothrace are ended and the priests slaughtered. In Cyprus the local bishop “Saint” Epiphanius and “Saint” Tychon destroy almost all the temples of the island and exterminate thousands of non-Christians. The local Mysteries of goddess Aphrodite are ended. Theodosius’s edict declares: “the ones that won’t obey pater Epiphanius have no right to keep living in that island”. The Pagans revolt against the emperor and the Church in Petra, Aeropolis, Rafia, Gaza, Baalbek and other cities of the Middle East.

393 The Pythian Games, the Aktia Games and the Olympic Games are outlawed as part of the Hellenic “idolatry”. The Christians sack the temples of Olympia.

395 Two new edicts (22nd July and 7th August) cause new persecutions against Pagans. Rufinus, the eunuch Prime Minister of emperor Flavius Arcadius directs the hordes of the baptised Goths (led by Alaric) to the country of the Hellenes. Encouraged by Christian monks the barbarians sack and burn many cities (Dion, Delphi, Megara, Corinth, Pheneos, Argos, Nemea, Lycosoura, Sparta, Messene, Phigaleia, Olympia, etc.), slaughter or enslave innumerable gentile Hellenes and burn down all the temples. Among others, they burn down the Eleusinian Sanctuary and burn alive all its priests (including the hierophant of Mithras Hilarius).

396 On 7th December, a new edict by Arcadius orders that Paganism be treated as high treason. Imprisonment of the few remaining Pagan priests and hierophants.

397 “Demolish them!”. Flavius Arcadius orders all the still standing Pagan temples to be demolished.
The Roman govt and society were promoting all sorts of fag shit, transgenderism and making foreigners citizens near the end, imagine being a Roman soldier,, or even a foreign Auxiliary soldier, would you fight to defend that?
Good evening sir, Christ is King :D
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Shalom, fellow goyim!
let us pray to rabbi yeshua!
Same way if the USA could presumably be toppled in no short order, they let the enemies through the gates.

Just like today with DEI and giving positions to the lowest common denominators like descendants of African slaves, Spanish slaves(Mexicans), and Mughal slaves(Indians), and even allowing 5th column traitor Chinese(Japanese slaves at one time), and of course the eternal jew(the great deceivers) the weakest races to come in and "integrate" themselves into all our institutions to weaken them for their host nations. It all follows parallels of allowing the conquered into Roman society. The Gauls, the Germanics, what are now modern day Balkan peoples, etc. Allowing them in and letting them influence Roman politics was their undoing in so many ways. America is doing the same thing right now.
They didn't conquer shit, they just migrated there and the Empire collapsed on its own because of a series of retarded leaders and overall mismanagement.
The peoples I mentioned are no more Americans, than those in the past that were allowed onto the senate floor of Rome. The lesson America didn't learn, we are going to be betrayed from within by these outsiders.

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