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If you don't think the Sun is divine then you are a soulless bugman and you are NGMI
the sun is a giant ball of hydrogen and helium
Sun worshipers are homosexual. You can see it in the likes of the pedophile Joe Biden.
Homosexuals hate Jesus.

The homosexual does not hate Islam.

The homosexual does not hate the Jew.

The homosexual hates Christ because Jesus is King.
god is an omnipotent willful entity
you can bitch all you want about christianormaitvity and colonialism and all that bullshit but if your idea of god deviates from this then what you describe isn't god
i hate the sun. its too hot and bright
God. With a capital G, please. Even if you are phone fagging, please take the time. Well thought out post though.
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agreed bro sol invictus
even believers in god should worship the sun because it makes living in our stellar nursery possible. praise sol.
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Seriously. It just keeps burning for millions of years. With no oxygen or atmosphere. If it wasn’t right in the sky, I would not believe that such a thing exists. It can create life and we can use it for food and energy. It is some bullshit scifi shit that we have been conditioned to accept
the pajeet invasion has literally reduced the general knowledge of the average canadian back to the dark ages
Bullshit. That would explode snd go up in seconds. How does it just stay lit like that?
You fuckin nerds will believe anything science says. Where did all of the hydrogen and helium come from? Planets are fake and gay too
>fusion i do believe the sun is a conscious entity
Why is this sun imagery (and all similar) have a paranormal aspect to them? What do they mean spiritually?
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I don't worship the disk, I worship the heat and light behind the disk.
sun cults didn't think the sun divine. stop thinking people in the past were morons. they understood perfectly the sun as a very good an obvious representation of God
a nebula nearby then it floated most likely until it reached the milky way and was pulled by the milky ways gravitational pull.
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very good saar
No offense but like worshipping the sun is like worshipping a turkey sandwich, they are both divine
also i want to stay nobody prays to the sun, they thank the sun for it's blessings.
even george carlin was a sun worshipper..
You ok, OP? Something you want to talk about?
What's so divine about it
You are profaned, worshipping the literal sun is for peasants and misinformed wannabe occultists, it is an allegory beyond your understanding.

op is a 1pbtid
The Sun is feminine. The Moon is masculine.
you got it backwards bud.
sun is masculine and earth is feminine as well as the moon.
"The sun is often associated with masculine or yang energy. It is linked to qualities such as strength, power, action, and assertiveness. The sun symbolizes the life-giving and illuminating qualities. The sun is seen as a source of light and energy, representing the active and outward-focused aspects of existence."
Isn't the sun a literal nigger? I thought we liked moonman?
>Homosexuals hate Jesus
Yellow goy, Jewsus was one of them... he was caught more than once having sex with boys. He was a Jew after all.
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B-b-based and SOL pilled?

This thread has not been authorized but you may continue.

SOL is the star that gives freely. The God of order, light and life in THIS plane of existence. Our sun itself, under a common name. The provider of our environment and enabler of our lives and existence continued.
Based jap schizo spamposter
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No actually. Evolution and mother nature produced a heterosexual species. This isnt a gay wheelchair Odin thing. Respect the systems of success that produced both the miracles of life and human consciousness.

Picture related is you. Do better.
No actually, that's what almost 2000 years of anti sober religious propaganda and imaginary personified divinity brings you. You're talking about imaginary characters that nobody can actually see your interact with, and religion and divinity really doesn't have to be that way unless you specifically pretend not to see whats in front of you every day of your life.

Actual true existing divinity doesn't rely on the fictional words or mental will of mortal human beings to exist
You might as well be walking on the surface of the sun!
Jews hate Christ.
You think like a homosexual. Re-read your post. Homosexual thought process.
Is poop gross?
Therefore is homosexuality gross?
The sun is not a human being, it does not have a face or arms or legs or gender or the kind of human mind that requiresarbitrary morality exchanges to provide its gifts.
You are a pagan hellbound faggot
i don't pretend that the sun doesn't exist
the sun isn't god
pretending it is is nonsensical
Is poop gross because its gross, Or because millions of years of evolution NA natural environment has brought us to understand that we probably shouldn't eat or consume or cover ourselves with things that undoubtedly contain bacteria that affects us negatively on a biological level?

One thing comes before the other.
It provides the Is light and warmth and environment needed to not only foster the creation of life, but it's continued existence, and has done so for billions of years now. Are you really going to compare it to an imaginary fictional character that only lives as far as human beings can spread it existence?

Pretending that divinity looks and sounds and deals like a human being will always lead you to worshiping fictional written materials. If true divinity doesn't come from the opinion of a mortal human being, even miraculous as we are.
~There is no social, evolutionary, or logical reason for the majority of normally functioning humans to arbitrarily restructure their cultures and systems of scientific understanding solely for the benefit of a minority that does not inherently improve the gene pool~
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>No actually, that's what almost 2000 years of anti sober religious propaganda and imaginary personified divinity brings you. You're talking about imaginary characters that nobody can actually see your interact with, and religion and divinity really doesn't have to be that way unless you specifically pretend not to see whats in front of you every day of your life.

>Actual true existing divinity doesn't rely on the fictional words or mental will of mortal human beings to exist
Alright namefag.
You obviously missed the point of my initial post.
Why do you reject Christ?
Do you believe in God?
Please keep your answer brief and not copy-paste.
you don't have to believe in god but pretending that the sun fits the definition is nonsensical
you're clearly trolling so i'll stop responding but i wanted to make that clear
Oh look! My favorite Mr Sheckleberg is here to remind us about how hes TERRIFIED of real divinity, and would prefer to argue over man's written word instead. Lol. Sad! Many such cases.

AI overlords, Alphabet agencies and Abrahamic demons ALL hate SOL. They cant operate in the light of day. It is known.

If you find your spiritual and religious center in worshipping the words of another moral human being, then that's cool for you. But you don't really benefit the species by arguing in the mud when the stars are out there.
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don't mind me, just casually worshiping the sun over here
I'm sorry that you're a literate, I'll try to keep it short and sweet for you.

I don't worship fictional characters that only exist as far as their books do. I also don't feel the need to apply the sticker of personification to a divine power that is clearly Existing before and beyond our ability to write anything down . It was doing its work for millions of years before anybody started writing down any of the psalms for hymns of the bible. And I don't need to beg it or perform arbitrary morality dealings with it for it to provide the light and the warmth and life that it has been already.

Simple. And yes I denote my identity clearly, even though I am not the OP of this thread period I'm wondering if they're trying to troll or if they're actually a fan
It literally does fit the description, and does so even better than an imaginary character that only exists as far as you can describe it. It has done its work for every single human being that has ever lived on this planet, and reliably every single day of our existence. Without asking for any thing in exchange for these gifts. If your only metric for denouncing it Comes to mocking it for not looking like a human being, then you really miss the entire point to begin with. You're all looking at what the sun does and slapping a sticker onto it with a different name and a human form.
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The way we relate to the Sun is more or less the exact way we relate to God.
I worship the one who made the sun
I denounce the Bible, the torah, and the Quran. Along with all written fictional depictions of the many different flavors of divinity that have been imagined. Helios, Apollo, Invictus? Also personifications. Odin? Personification. Anything inferring that god looks or thinks or sounds like a man
Not really. The sun comes and goes but God is always right there.
And who told you someone made the sun? Another person, with the same perspective and life span of any other person?
Lmao. If every human being on the planet today died, so would every single man created religion and personified deity. No one would know that I'm common a no one would speak of them, and no one would write about them.

The sun would continue to do its work however. And more life would come about here. Maybe new squid bears eith new squid bear gods...that only exist as long as the squid bears worship them.

See the issue with your logic?
That's because although religion is obviously a intricate and obviously naturally occurring part of our history and psychology, the need to apply the label of personification to powers beyond us will always result in an invisible DAT doing exactly what the sun does but without actually existing in front of us.
A giant ball that constitutes the reason that virtually everything we know and care about is able to exist
I am sorry that you are
>a literate
This was the point of my initial post. You have homosexual thinking in that you reject Christ. You are obviously an empiricist. So, ask yourself.. Why do homosexuals reject Christ and not Islam who says to kill them.

Here is another one. You reject books for some reason? Do you believe George Washington was real?

Your logic is trash.
by that logic gravity is more of a god than the sun is. the sun is just a star, gravity is one of the 4 fundamental forces of the universe which allows for the sun to exist in the first place
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Exactly. This guy gets it.

The air, the water, the Earth beneath our feet and even the moon above us are all part of our natural environment and only exist as they do because of the Weight and gravity and effect our star had on its surrounding environment. And in a seemingly barren universe, it not only produced life itself, but the miracle within the miracle that is human consciousness.

Praise SOL
Here. Sorry. This is my response.
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Did you know ra replaced the original sun
With our sun to kill the fungal infection weapon placed on earth?
Yeah, speech to text sucks but if you have more than 2 brains sells rubbing together you should get the inference pretty clearly

Is anybody declaring that George Washington was the living embodiment of true divinity in that we should worship him? Do you jump straight from wise man claiming to be a prophet to "he must be god!"?

No one said that anybody's rejecting books in general, but I'm not using the written word of man as evidence for outward cosmic powers and events that nobody was here to observe or write about in the first place. Should I be worshipping Gandalf?

Again...no homes allowed here. Did you absorb this?

~There is no social, evolutionary, or logical reason for the majority of normally functioning humans to arbitrarily restructure their cultures and systems of scientific understanding solely for the benefit of a minority that does not inherently improve the gene pool~

Evolution and mother nature produced a heterosexual species, and nobody but idiots worship genetic or systemic failure. Evolution and mother nature produced a heterosexual species, and nobody but idiots worship genetic or systemic failure. Sorry, everyone isnt secretly gay like you.
Oh! Well than point out the gravity? Unless you're just implying that you'd rather worship some invisible intangible force then the literal object that provides all light and life and warmth in your existence?

Yes, we know your trolling and only looking for bad excuses, but your logic really doesn't play there. You just want to worship a dark voidwithout any tangible factual existence.
Inventori lucis soli invicto augusto!
>point to gravity!
and you say im trolling lmao
look nigger at least the theists are logically consistent, theyll say that the biblical god created the 4 fundamental forces. youll just turn around and say 'lol you believe something intangible but the sun right right there!!'
impressively retarded
Imagine picking and choosing between abramaic religions when they are all based on imaginary personifications and man's written word. They're all fake. SOL isnt. Its literally right there. Maybe we should have a conversation about why you feel better about worshiping a invisible intangible void then the obvious and real source of your life when it appears every single day in front of you?

Kind of wierd.
If you really think about it, the possibilities that somewhere out there in the vast universal system, there are dinosaurs that weren't killed by an asteroid, and evolved, and are now flying spaceships and whatnot. Just throwing it out there. Kek.
Yeah I guess planets that create life just form in the middle of the complete void without any assistance from a star or anything like that. Theyre probably all over the place. Who needs light or warmth to exist?? Lol
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Is that when it changed from yellow to white?
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If they are out there, I want to go find them and compare hourexistence and consciousness, if only just to have another reference point.

I mean if the universe is actually full of life and we just can't tell right now, then obviously I will be wrong about the uniqueness of our situation.
alright riddle me this: if a factory produces a widget and you buy that widget from the market, does the widget originate from the factory or the market?
Imaginary fictional characters WOULD be able to stay consistent When the metrics of their existence arbitrarily change with the imagination of whoever's describing them or the rules of their existence. ;D
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Maybe we all died some time ago, but in the late 90s, we decided human DNA and encoded it digitally. Hence the matrix clown world we live in now.
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Widgets and all human technology are results of our Instinctu Divinitatis and urge to form order from chaos, in emulation of SOLs work. So not only is SOL entirely responsible for both the "factory" (lol) and the market, you are using the typical straw man fallacy to ask a question that has nothing to do with the intellectual honesty of the discussion.

Deboonked. The factory on the market and the human perception of a widget wouldn't exist in the first place if you weren't alive, and if you didn't have the light and warmth provided by our star then you wouldn't be alive. Simple.
Did Christ rise from the grave?
Not decided

> decoded
no factory, no widget. no gravity, no sun
you might genuinely be too low iq to understand metaphors
Once you start "noticing" its wild how often you see sun iconography plastered all over every culture and history. Theres a reason Constantine folded traditional sun worship into the new church, in the 4th century.
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And many other sigil, MANY.
Oh for sure! The sun definitely doesn't exist, whatever you're imagining today as far as a fictional character definitely does exist, and you have no need for the light or the warmth or even the environment where you evolved to continue your existence. ;D Nothing is real! Nothing matters! Wubba lubba dub dub!
>The sun definitely doesn't exist
i said the sun wouldnt exist without gravity, which it clearly does, because so does gravity
surely youre just shitposting at this point right
only uruguaychads and argentinabrads realize this.

ungrateful nigger the sun IS IN YOUR FLAG
Ur Gay.
Nice try.
/pol/ocks refute the belief of a sun. There mantra in current/pol/ is , mostly everything is fake and gay, especially space and space related things. I mean I've been here since pils inception, everything changes, as it's supposed to I guess.
And if you have the Ware with all and understanding of an intelligent human being, why would you choose the worship something invisible and black and intangible rather than the source of life that's right in front of you every day?

That's like edgy emo atheists choosing the cringey evil goat demon. That's a choice, but not a good one.

It's OK though, I can see you're having trouble following the logic of the conversation from reply to reply.

The worship of gravity is also entirely divorced from any naturally occurring religion were understanding that we have had as human beings. Sun worship was always a thing.
Heh. If he did, it's only after SOL gave him a gladius and sent him into the spaces in between to fuck shit up. "RIP and tear, until it is done" is what was said I'm pretty sure.
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The world is changed just by our posts. Stay relevant my fren.
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im not worshipping anything, thats entirely what you made up in your own mind and assigned to me. schizo behaviour
this entire conversation started because as i stated to >>482931993 without gravity there is no sun. so instead of worshipping the sun to make life possible, shouldnt you worship gravity instead that makes the sun possible which in turn makes life possible? maybe youll start to understand the factory-market-widget metaphor now
christ dude youre genuinely brown or something its like talking to a child

I am descendent from the Sun
Numbers, ok, I will continue.
So by SOL, did this entity create the universe?
Back to preddit glownigger faggot go worship your giant balls over there
Countable gods (g) are cultural figures that arose from divine inspiration as vehicles to encapsulate and make sense of the uncountable God (G) that is the highest principle of everything, the truth of all truths, the law of all laws, and the force of all forces. God having a "will" in the human sense could be dismissed as mere speculation if it weren't for the axiom that a supreme entity is one that is necessarily above all desire and constitutes the origin for the desires of all living beings; God is subject to nothing but itself.
I too study hermetics. I have an energy, directly connected to the all. I know, this is impossible. What i mean is, I use vibration to control emotion and thus controlling my surroundings at all times. I use vibration like Luke uses the force.
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and you a stick made of water and calcium.
so what?
Nope. As far as I know there hasn't been any evidence from the human perspective that someone specific created the entire universe. I mean it's easy to say so, but if someone were to say that it's their opinion, in my opinion. Which is fine! But I dont take "trust me bro" as enough evidence for a religion.

SOL is our star, our sun. As I see it, entirely responsible for the formation of our environment and the conditions that not only produced life itself in a barren universe, but the miracle within the miracle that is human consciousness. A lot of other people respond to this by talking about other stars or bigger stars, but as far as I can tell there's only one star that has produced human beings, the species that I belong to. The formation of order from natural chaos is pir emulation of SOLs work, and responsible for leaving our ecological niche and forming civilization.


I understand the metaphor, but its moot point when it doesn't actually apply to the conversation, Mr Sheckleberg.

We're not talking about hypotheticals, we're talking about actual reality as we exist in it. If there are gods that have sway over after lives or other dimensions, I am not aware of them and they have not contacted me.
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Keep saying this and more Tsunamis and Earthquakes will keep coming.
>only uruguaychads and argentinabrads realize this.
And if that were the case, someone would have figured out how to do that centuries ago and the power provided by such a act would be a intricate part of our civilization and life, were it a positive result. Like electricity or fire.

It has to work outside of your imagination.
>we're talking about actual reality as we exist in it
how about this reality then: without gravity, there is no sun. the need for gravity is more fundamental to life than the need for a star (sun in this case)
i dont understand how you struggle with this concept, maybe theres a reason americans say their public schooling sucks
Argentinian logic.
No thanks Pajeetly Silverstein. We know you're terrified of the sun and anyone providing an idea or path that isnt part of your Abrahamic circle jerk.

Dont be cringe.
These weird pagans are the slushiest debaters.

Here, I will leave you with this. In the Bible, there is reference to the unknown God. That is your SOL. Jesus the Sun. The SON of the Living God. It is your choice to believe it or not.
"I KNOW the abject source of all life, light and warmth is RIGHT there, making my life possible...
But what I worshipped something invisible and intangible and without form? That no one can see or interact with? Now THAT would be fulfilling!" ;D

Sure buddy. You definitely get the point of all this.
>wide nose
>thick lips
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it has only been one post since >>482934104 where i said
>im not worshipping anything, thats entirely what you made up in your own mind and assigned to me. schizo behaviour
and youre back to it again, also sounds like youre about to embark in flat-out denial of our reality by implying gravity is not necessary, sun is all we need
not gonna reply again youre so goddamn stupid its unreal
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>Argentinian logic.
>Loves his Flag
>Japanese anti-birth Otaku Logic
>Despises his own flag

Whatever Island Chink.

SOL was doing its work before human beings walked upright or wrote a psalm. Jesus didnt retroactively create the sun, sorry. That's not how time works. You can't infer what you'd like, but the logic and the explanation is very clear and always will be very clear. Especially when compared directly to any arbitrary imaginary fictional character that someone wrote into a book. Always.

I know that applying a human face and body and mind to the idea of divinity makes you feel better, but on a realistic level it doesn't exist like that. In the fact that you see it like that shows the bias of your perspective.
We get it, you're an edgy atheist who thinks that religion is stupid even though it's clearly an intrinsic part of our psychological profile as natural human beings. I bet your worship the rainbow.
By that metric every single human Culture formed across this planet on a natural level was schizophrenic, because religion is clearly something that's been around since the beginning of this process
All of this was refuted in the Bible. I am not saying that sun demons, etc. do not have power.

Here. Maybe this will convince you. These faggots in the the government worship what you call Sol. The Bible says you will know them by their fruits.
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i said i wouldnt reply again but i just have to point out youre literally making shit up yet again, ive not said or even implied im an atheist. youre not actually arguing against anyone ITT, youre arguing against yourself. seek help
I'm sorry, but the existence and work of a star cannot physically or intellectually be influenced by a mortal human beings or written word. That's not how it works.

Which government officials practice Modern Monolaterist SOL worship? Point them out. I'm not talking about secret demon Saturn jewish cults that you suspect, I'm talking about actual open worship. I seem to have missed them.
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Fuck the sun.
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"Nothing is real, nothing matters, and anyone who thinks anything is significant is stupid."

Go back to your grandmas basement, she'll be down with tendies any second!
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>I am not saying that ping ching ling pong it's not chong

Shut up nerd. Jesus is literally a cheap copy of Horus aka as the Sun - The Light and blah blah blah
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I can literally see and feel the star that gives freely through my window this very second.

Yes, we know. You have missed the point entirely
>durr i worship dis star cuz it close and briteee
Retard, do you also worship the moon? The ocean? You should pray in front of a cactus you gay ass nigga
Ok. We are on the same page.
Here. The reference to the Unknown God is in Acts 17:23
The Bible > Grimoires
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So...Hail Mithras...or something?

Sam Shamoun PROVING Muslim goatfuckers are satanic
It's just a ball of fire duuude
I would anyone worship the air or the Earth or the water or even the moon when none of those would exist in the form that they are and be perceived by living beings with consciousness if not for the sun forming our environment?

The a to b to c logic is easy here if you try just a little bit. One thing came before the others and is reasonable for creating 8 planetary environments, and ONE of them was exactly right for the formation of life. None if that happens as it doesn't without the warmth and light and weight of SOL.

Do you pray to a book that was written by cavemen?
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Sorry, the air I breathe and the water I drink and the food that is grown under the light of our star are the main building blocks that I need from my continued existence. What would the result of those meds be exactly?

What does YOUR world look like? Tell us.

Praise SOL
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>Do you pray to a book that was written by cavemen?
This idiot could choose Shen Long and would be way more respectable.
He is responsible for thousand of Tsunamis and Earthquakes.
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Based and Raised by Wolves pilled
joe biden is a christian retard
death to all abrahamic religions
worshipping the sun because it gives life is like worshipping the supermarket because it gives you food
youre missing the cause that makes both the sun and the food in the supermarket possible
ill never understand low iq brown brains how are incapable of 'following a to b to c logic' yet tell others to do the same >>482936653 just stop and c dont go to d please!
It's almost as if you're trying very hard to pretend as if you don't understand the difference between something that exists in reality regardless of man's written word, and fictional characters that only exists as far as you can write them. Do things work differently in your dimension?

DBZ is the only approved anime, by the way. Goku is the masculine example the world needs more of. Up until the Cell saga anyways.
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How ignorant would you have to be to compare a random arbitrary grocery store to the source of all light and life and warmth as you perceive them as human beings, and the source of the environment that allows you to have the grocery store and it's food in the first place?

It's almost as if you're implying that some random rock or some random cloudis the same as the objective source of all life as you know it. Kinda wierd.
The Sun is the only God I recognize. Sol Invictus
And is divine
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Take a step back and think, anons...why have "they" spent the last 2,000 years forcing us to forgetSOL on a basic and institutional level? What are they so afraid of? When you really think about it, there is no more profound or religious connection among all human beings across this planet than the fact that every single one of our ancestors and bloodlines and ancient families woke every morning to see the same thing...SOL. They built society under it's warmth, and saw its light illuminate the environment around them for the sake of survival. What a profoundly deep and shared genetic memory for all human beings, and in the end what's more religious than that? And that goes back even farther if you want to think about it, probably before we had the brain cells necessary to even ponder such things. Every living being on this planet has experienced the same warming light. So why are we taught from birth and on institutional level to see and feel and hear and appreciate anything and everything the world has to show to us, besides the giant burning star in the sky above us every single day? What are they terrified of?

Low IQ.
Homosexuals hate Jesus.

The homosexual does not hate Islam.

The homosexual does not hate the Jew.

The homosexual hates Christ because Jesus is King.
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Double sevens, must be true. It is known that SOL posting threads have a higher rate of recurring digits.
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this is the second time you display a clear lack of understanding what a metaphor is. its genuinely low iq and baffling. i can only conclude its trolling at this point. either way the concept of gravity existing sure drove you into a schizophrenic frenzy, and i just cant comprehend how you dont understand cause and effect. no gravity, no sun, gravity supercedes the sun in terms of importance to life no matter what the voices in your head tell you
now im done for good
>Praise SOL
Homosexuals are mentally Ill and genetic rejects. They aren't smart enough to hate EVERYONE when it's not shoved down their throat as needed for them to form an opinion. They're anti social in general.
death to all weebs
death to homosexuality
death to abrahamism
death to israel
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>its genuinely low iq and baffling
>don't have the Sun in his flag
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>burns you
>blinds you
>cancers you
>extrovert faggot worshippers

>cool af
>different phases EVERY NIGHT
>free superpowers
>werewolves howling
>it's party time
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Based and SOL pilled, may you all walk warmly in the morning light!

Good work today, you're not part of my organization but you're all super kewl.

Instinctu Divinitatis
Restitutor Orbis
And SOL Invictus!

Lots of Solar visualizations that I haven't seen, added to the collection!
Luna is absolutely part of our intrinsic environment and the system that produced us. While still part of our environment, it is the only a celestial body nearby that directly reflects the light of our star into the lives of those covered by the darkness of night. And I'm sure you could imagine how significant that was in ages past before easy fire or light bulb. Yes it is a cold light, but it is still visually glorious.
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>a lot of phases - all of them Gay
>can't see shit. giant cats kills you. giant dogs kills you.
I'd agree, symbolically, as divine proprietary.
hydrogen means 'generator of water'
helium means 'of helios, the sun god'

the sun is a god, nitwit. you just explained the alchemical processes of a god
a god that requires an external force (gravity) for it to exist
not much of a god if you ask me, a demi-god at best
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And the source of all energy on this earth* including the energy powering you reading this right now.

(*with the exception of fissile materials which were created by other Suns exploding)

Let go of (((modern day))), retvrn to Sol Invictus
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arbitrary and talmud definitions of godhood. all things are co-dependently emergent. light and dark were created in the same moment, on the same day
the talmud wouldnt know the first thing about gravity because its a desert cult from 2000 years ago
>all things are co-dependently emergent
thats not what theists believe, theists believe god created the fundamental forces of the universe rather than being reliant on them
like i said, a demi-god at best
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>only visible from reflected SUNlight
>tidally locked
>covered in carcinogenic regolith and has zero useful minerals
>associated with werewolves
>probably an alien observation platform for the social experiment biosphere that is Earth

Moon worshipping is gay and you should feel gay.
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The sun, all the planets and stars are gods.
The sun is a natural entity, but it has more divine qualities than any god.
If you don't think the archons are the bad ETs ruling this prison planet then you are a soulless kike and you're not White
The sun is a conduit for the spirit of the sun, and we can use the sun in order to recruit the powers of the spirit of the sun to aid us.
>I think, therefore, that those ancient sages, who sought to secure the presence of divine beings by the erection of shrines and statues, showed insight into the nature of the All; they perceived that, though this Soul is everywhere tractable, its presence will be secured all the more readily when an appropriate receptacle is elaborated, a place especially capable of receiving some portion or phase of it, something reproducing it, or representing it and serving like a mirror to catch an image of it.
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It's almost as if you won't admit that pretending that something invisible and intangible would also be omnipotent and all-knowing and the creator of the universe doesn't make a lot of sense.

You're kind of like an ant, standing in front of Human sized nuclear reactor, and laughing to another ant about how it's just a bundle of minerals and electricity. Just because you understandsome basics about how it works and what it does doesn't debunk its significance or power...ESPECIALLY When your best comparison is to an imaginary deity that no one can see or feel or interact with. "Trust me bro!"

The fact that you claim to know what divinity is and point to an imaginary character shows that you don't really understand the point of the thing in the first place. Respectfully.
not engaging with you mr schizo sorry
see >>482937766
>posting the truth on /pol/
Nobody on /pol/ is ready to accept the truth yet silly.
The Sun is just a big ball of hot gas that is far away. It's so hot and bright that we can feel it on our world.
From all the way over here we can feel it lol.
You know if you would actually openly describe what you believe and not just act like a contrarian to whoever you're applying to, the conversation might be a little bit more significant. The people who wrote the Bible and the people that wrote the torah were around at the same time as the people that wrote the koran. All mortal human beings without anything with their basic perspective and intellect.

Like, if you think that worshipping anything is stupid, then fine. I'm sure there are some bananas around somewhere for you to insert. But unless you're just trolling we can't even start to have a legitimate conversation while you're just saying the opposite of whoever you're responding to
b&b always good for a kek.
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Demi god at best based on what, specifically? Imaginary metrics?

You act as if there's a difference between the little g and the big, but as far as I've seen you haven't produced an example of either On any realistic level the way you describe it
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This is also why astrology that tries to use the real positions of the zodiac is a failure. The literal zodiac is essentially imperfect, while the spiritual zodiac is a perfectly symmetrical system. The literal zodiac is a manifestation of the universal zodiac, just like literal man is a manifestation of the universal man.
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>The sun is a conduit for the spirit of the sun, and we can use the sun in order to recruit the powers of the spirit of the sun to aid us.

>Full of Vitamin D
>Full of Life
>Full of Aid
>Full of Spirits
The Sun is a star, it is not a chariot, it is not Apollo, it is not a hot rock, it is a star nearest to us and by God's design has allowed the only life in the universe to exist on Earth.
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This guy gets it

Now that's interesting! Thank you for sharing.
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You couldn't even begin to do so if you tried, because you are illiterate And an edgy basement dwelling doomer zoomer. Sad! Many such cases. Here! Have a Cosmicus TurTur, it'll cheer you up.
The sun gives us energy, warmth, UV to cleanse us, and punishes Jews with cancer.
Gravity is a theory it's just an imaginary force that newton needed to exist brainlet
Beginning the conversation and bringing up the long forgotten topic is the first step. I don't know if you've looked out there recently, but there are millions and millions of people who feel discouraged and disenfranchised by the current hyperpolarized dichotomy of American politics and spiritualism.

It's a start. Obviously it's a hard topic to absorb for some people here.
lemme guess youre a flat earth enjoyer
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There are pretty much infinite solar spirits and infinite possible solar images that can be created.

The physical sun has mass and energy and is subject to entropy, the spiritual sun has no mass and energy, and is not subject to entropy. The spiritual sun is impersonal and a personality simultaneously, while the physical sun is impersonal, as physical things cannot be impersonal and a personality simultaneously, they can only be one or the other.
>MUH invisible thing that put things in place!
Shut up Nerd.
Your "god" is pathetic.
I mean you're right up until "...and Yaweh is the invisible hand behind everything" part. Because all the evidence you have comes from.the ancient written word of man with the same perspective as any other human. I disagree with the evidence chain, respectfully. But if you want to look at it that way and come to the generally same conclusion, that's fine.
ill take that as a yes
Imagine worshipping a creation...
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>mexican flag
a lot of flat earthers are south american spics especially brazil, remember the retarded superstitious mexican alien in congress, i mean im sure if you look deep enough a jew is unironically involved somehow but mexicans are so dumb.
I hear what you're saying, but who specifically told You that the star that has been in existence for billions of years was the specific creation of someone else, that you're aware of?

Elron Hubbard wrote some books with pretty specific religious inferrences... do you agree with his book and take them as gospel?
>remember the retarded superstitious mexican alien in congress
whats that
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>imaginary force that newton needed to exist brainlet

>A Giant Ball of Light that provides Light and Life
>Muh imaginary force! It make that apple fall!!!

Just Imagine
weebs tend to be into state shinto
>infinite solar spirits
>infinite possible solar images

Based Bong is Based

>Hey ma! I found the other guy that watched the show!
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It also applies to other spirits, there are infinite spirits of Mercury too for instance. And they have different effects when interacted with.
i want to know what the AI prompt is for this image. I love the art style.
kill yourself christkike
a.k.a. sun worship by proxy (amaterasu)
The Sun is the true creator of our lives and should be revered for its raw brutal power that has the power to give life and take life.
The Spirit of the Sun is God!
It's called Gravity! You have heard of it, yes?
Muh (((science)))
Can you fucking believe that they continued westworld for 2 dead seasons instead of continuing this off of a cliff hanger season finale?

Yeah it was pretty weird, but I kinda liked it. It had that Saturday morning cartoon pace where there was usually something interesting happened in without too much dead space in between. And has there ever been a more based black man than FATHER? And the chick who turned into a tree and the flying snake and WHEW now I'm mad.
You think like a homosexual.
You think like a Jew.
Both hate Christ.
Who is the kike?
why do facts trigger you so dear flaggot
Your Heaven is just another Hell! Maybe you should reconsider that because Heaven was really never a possibility - there is NO promise of residing in Heaven unless you consider the New Jerusalem to be Heaven.
I can't say that you will be disillusioned about Heaven, because disillusionment will be purged and eliminated when you get your new body. He [YHWH] doesn't transcend anger and jealousy. Heaven is sold as Paradise, and it's going to be more like another Hell in its own way, more like Adam before the Fall - ignorant, dumbed down, and reprogrammed in a new, more acceptable body with acceptable Spiritually Correct thoughts! You will have no freedom of thought, you'll be a singn' and a praisen' on your knees all of the time for Eternity, and you won't notice how absolutely stifling it will be because, again, you've been rebuilt not to notice much of anything! 'But, but... the Bible says...'; yeah remember the purging fires that eat up all your bad works - it's actually going to wipe a lot more than that! You will have access to all knowledge, but not be in any position to use any of it. God's "Love" is your Obedience, and nothing more, because you're not suited for much else there. You'll be at most a fieldhand. Your sins aren't forgiven, they're hidden from the Father by Jesus' blood magick. What if someone finks on you? How do you "reason together" when what you're reasoning with is a Narcissistic, Unreasonable Super Ego and an absolute Schizo Absurdity? Your Theology made Him that way! Find another religion! How is this politics? The Christian Nationalists want a "'christian' country" - just another Christcuck Hell, and that's politics because they want a state religion you must belong to - guess whose?!?
I am all for it, as long As we rememberat the end of the date the star that gives freely has no gender or face or human shaped body.

Dont tell anyone, but I've got a basement full of little sun worshipping robots making solar visualizations..and they do it for FREE
Jews make strange decisions. But yeah, I actually liked the show, even with the woke casting. The acting was great. It felt like they were on the verge of something profound. Then again it's just fucking TV.
Salud, Febo
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This is such a strong argument, there's no way to lose. Backed by the power of the Sun. A Solar cult may yet save the White Race, so der juden will resist it intensely.
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-SOL to Jesus before sending him into the space inbetween-
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Very true, in the land of absolute garbage, something slightly interesting and barely competent seems better than it is. Many such cases.
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As I've mentioned before... It's no coincidence that alphabet agencies, Abrahamic demons, and AI overlords all HATE the star that gives freely. You're right.

It think we all need the illumination of a better option.
>Light is one of the most universal and fundamental symbols. It is the spiritual and the divine, it is illumination and intelligence. Light is the source of goodness and the ultimate reality, and it accompanies transcendence into the Nirvana of Buddhist doctrine. It is the SUN, and it is the avenger of evil forces and DARKNESS. Light is knowledge. Purity and morality are connected terms as well. The masculine principle of evolution is symbolized through light. Cosmic energy, creative force and optimism are all related to light.
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I cannot take credit. These images are made by an Australian Anon during those first heady days of 4chan AI art.

Aren’t they amazing? Dude has a real talent. He pops up from time to time.
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One more.
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Look out clown world...SOL is bringing Instinctu Divinitatis back.
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These are great. Im stealing them to add to the collection. Not to brag or anything, but I'm fairly sure that I hold the largest private collection of solar propaganda currently existing. I got more varieties than there are dildos at diddy's mansion.
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Heres some more (not the same guy)
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Restitutor Orbis
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Take them with my blessing, Anon
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May you walk WARMLY in the morning light, traveler!

My little SOL loving robots are hard at work. They just LOVE working towards a humanity that doesn't rely on AI. They think it's real meta.
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SOL is rising
Thread theme
A Solar cult would really turn things around from these dead jew on a stick dark ages.
Mithraism is the most based religion, i agree.
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Bump for SOL. Great thread today
Humanity has more dimensions (good vs evil) than recognizing the sun is the source of life
Feels like you're talking about arbitrary politics or culture, and not the divine source of light and light for our entire species

I dabble in audio AI as well. Take a listen!

This ones a real banger

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Right? Japan is the country of the Sun.
>only visible from reflected SUNlight
Oof...a globie...thinks heavenly bodies are rocks, like his head. poor thing
Imagine thinking that every other example of a planetary body is round EXCEPT this one. Lol
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Praise SOL

Instinctu Divinitatis
Restitutor Orbis
And SOL Invictus!
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Well, I'd say the issue is more so about the fact that the major influences on religious levels are addicted to personified divinity in the form of imaginary characters that at best exist in another, separate and intangible dimention...and at worst are imaginary. Either way, they rely on mortal human beings for their existence and therefore cant be true divinity. Why grasp in the shadows for cryptic meanings and exchanged penis tip sacrifices when SOL is right there?
The sun is electric plasma and electricity is living.
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OP, have you seen my threads or message before? You seem pretty cool, even if you're a glowie and trying to co opt SOL. Whenever I see someone else SOL posting I get suspicious, but if Solar appreciation is actually getting out there then awesome! Either way keep the eye out for the next thread once this sun sets, I'll bake next time.

Daily SOL posting threads, from every corner of the empire.
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It is a chain of fusing light elements which involves combining hydrogen into deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen) and then fusing the deuterium into helium-3, and then fusing that helium-3 once again into helium-4. It would suddenly explode if it were not for the difficulty in actually fusing these atoms and surmounting the Coulomb barrier via quantum tunnelling. The conditions that would allow this barrier to be surmounted are only in the core, where the density and temperature are at the highest. Even then, the creation of these elements is hard to do how hard it is for these tiny particles to collide. This does not mean it is not divine, it does possess an inherent beauty as it is a marvel of the natural world that can teach us how to harness our plane of existence's energy.
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SOL is the warm cabin in the middle of the frozen void
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we have to get the plates back. there are only two genders on the plates.
Yeah we need to keep quiet until we have a fleet and extra colonies, mining asteroids too. Just in case.
i'll do it. its not that hard. elon can lift 100t, and i can do it with a fission fragment rocket with 100t within the century. no one else right now is even close. send the check and we launch this year. nuclear rockets are the only way.
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Ooohhhh dont day the "Project O" word anon, after seeing a 250 reply Sol posting thread I can only get so GROSSLY INCANDESCENT.

Yes, you're right. At least someone's trying. We need to get a outpost set up on Mars and the moon at least come on and then start figuring out how to haul asteroids back this direction for mineral extraction. Then a space dock so we dont have to make them with existing our atmosphere in mind.
Retrieving a Pioneer plaque would tamper with history too much.
I think itd be a good idea to go grab it. Otherwise we could have tricksy sneakthief aliens showing up with a Jurassic Park style uncanny valley clone of an ambassador to "welcome us back I to the galactic empire" to fool us into being friendly.

Not giving evidence of ourselves cant hurt anymore than it already has. If someone hungry finds it then it'll be THE mistake of our species existence.
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Maybe you're right.
It did explode, stupid! Watch out! It is burning up as we speak! We only have like 6 billions year left to get the fuck out of here!
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The sun is one of the best things imaginable.
Until we have rail guns on every moon in the system, of course.
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You're absolutely right. What a great way to end the evening. SOLs getting real low. I think I'll go commune before it sets, it's easy to face it, standing proudly as a miracle of life and consciousness.

May you walk warmly, everyone!

Praise SOL

Instinctu Divinitatis
Restitutor Orbis
And SOL Invictus!

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