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How old were you when you realized this country is responsible for everything bad in the world?
I had an innate feeling but I only solidly understood in the past year.
happened around last year
America did much more good throughout history than bad. Yeah, it had some mistakes like Iraq or Vietnam, but generally the US is the force of good.
About 13 or so.
Funny how you used an American invention to tell us that....
Shitskins really are retarded.
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u mad?
>generally the US is the force of good

>Cold War
>Balkan intervention
>the Ukraine

yeah nah nigga
it's the opposite
the Americans i met were genuinely cool people and i'm sure much of America is good to live in, but whatever America decides to do, it's usually bad for the world
let's say the people who do it (the State Department and the Pentagon) aren't the real America, but still, their existence is a cancer on the world
that the average American doesn't support what they do is poor consolation for the rest of the world
>realize someone made a bioweapon and successfully deployed it
>wonder why nobody is getting bombed
>conclusion is that the USA created it
All they know is mudhuts and jigaboo dances. It's quite sad really
Good guys won
Good guys won
>Cold War
Good guys won
Enjoyed by all
Ok, we might have fucked up here
seems reductive.
jews. not americans. jews.
about 13 or 14.
As a kid, their hollywoodpropaganda worked on me.
>but generally the US is the force of good.
Wrong, everything you do ends up bad in the end.
As an example:
> mutt christcucks send food aid into the turd world
> they feel good about themselves
> populations in the turd world explode
> mutts send more food
> farmers are forced to innovate because of it
> large industrial farms rise up
> those farms need more and more subsidies to buy new equipment every couple of years
> the christcucks are still sending food into the turd world
> turd world populations still explode
> a giant aid industry grows, it's funded by charity and subsidies
We are here
> global trade breaks down
> food can't be delivered anymore
> massive refugee streams or starvation

In germany we got a saying:
"Der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert."
This describes mutts perfectly in my opinion.
It's almost as if our government is occupied and completely controlled by a hostile foreign entity using our economic and military power to push its globohomo agenda...
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The hook nosed sandniggers where will never talk about this.
Both colossal European fuckups with typical shortsighted navel-gazing stupidity on all sides. US weren't the bad guys in either of those wars for sure.
>Cold War
Sorry that US was on the other side of the Warsaw Pact but communism is a cancerous, economically illiterate ideology and the Soviets have never been the good guys, ever.
Trivial issue.
True, but Western Europe has been cucked on multiculturalism and white guilt over colonialism for much longer than the wokeshit has been big, and the US can't be blamed for this.
>the Ukraine
Not entirely denying this one I realize US elected corrupt Biden but ultimately it's still Russia that chose to invade and Russia bears primary responsibility for that war.
Hell even Israel is heavily Europe's fault. The Balfour declaration establishing the Zionist mandate came from Great Britain, not the US.
>Both colossal European fuckups with typical shortsighted navel-gazing stupidity on all sides. US weren't the bad guys in either of those wars for sure.
just off yourself, you kike
americans are guilty of not giving shit what US politics were/are doing around the world as long as they have it good
Now when the gravy train is coming to a stop suddenly people start to wake up
Then again maybe they arent, people around world just dont have power
Representative democracy is a scam, voting is hijacked
>"Der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert."
Yeah we have this saying, too. I prefer the term pathological altruism. Affects young white liberal and white christian women most.
Either way, these countries were all under European colonial control until they couldn't stop bickering and fighting massive costly wars with each other.
Sorry, it's just true.
I don't care if you want to blame France or Britain or Hitler or the Russians or Serbian nationalists or whatever. Neither World War can be blamed on the US.
>enjoyed by all
You support a child rape assembly line? Justin bieber only blew up because of gay nigger rape.
I hope the USA becomes isolationist and you all kill each other over nothing, again.

>Good guys won

Oh you sweet summer child
>communism is a cancerous
no arguments there
but you didn't exactly take up the Holy Mantle of Commie Slaying, America just did stuff when it was convenient
hell, you were the main reason the Soviets got to absorb Warsaw Pact countries to begin with
don't care about refuting the rest but i didn't want you to think only commies have a beef with America
2000s. Before it wasn't as obvious, but after 9/11. YEP. DOWNHILL.
show penis hat, zoggy.
>cargo cult nigger thread?
>cargo cult nigger thread!

o say can you seethe....
I've known since I was about 13, so for nearly 17 years now.
now how about all the wars AFTER WW2?
>Desert Storm 1 and 2
the biggest and most humiliating lost to date.
About 14 years old when i've figured out some patterns after two to three years of reading history
o really, because to hear you tell it its not yours and doesn't represent you blah blah blah...so stop squatting and fuck off ay?
What did your ind do to make it better, Jew?
It was sometime in the late 1990's. It was a gradual process.
uneducated, retarded take. not surprising considering how retarded the average person is. i wish smartphones werent invented so people that are as retarded as you couldnt access the internet
not the question now was it KIKE?
514 marcus lane hunstville....you wont do shit bitchlet.
Shalom, Moshe. Shouldn't you be in your containment thread jerking off your fellow shills over corpses?
>he's got cooties no one play with him...i mean he's a jew
kek post foreskin faggot
>Enjoyed by all
t. Jewish pedophile
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Just a reminder that ameriKKKa and iZZrael are opposite ends on the same coin.
i did, now show or blow you loud mouth dickless brown mutant faggot
>the kike wants to see cock
>cant show us the cut of his jib because he is a kike
kek ok so you are a cunt and can't back up that flapping cocksucker, got it
Excuse me
It’s the Jew bankers running the country
Filthy Jew nigger
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i was fairly young
It wasn't so bad before they entered WW2. Before then they were an isolationist country that actually had a decent set of values and moral code.
America didn't burn the Library of Alexandria or cause the Black Death
>Good guys won
Bad guys won
>Good guys won
There were no good guys
>>Cold War
>Good guys won
Same as above
>Enjoyed by all
Especially Jewish pedophiles
sure i did faggot....i can see why you got fired from dominoes delivery

considering i grew up in a post-9/11 world (but too young to remembrt 9/11), pretty damn fast.

fascists came out of the woodwork in the 2000s in the way vaxxies did a couple years ago. something about global crises really seperate the sheep from the player characters.
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hey shitskin kike 1pbtid faggot, you accidentally the wrong picrel
>demonstrates beyond doubt why his kike ass got fired by dominoes
>Please show me your cock!
how much you offering?
well, clearly not you anymore...kek!
Like 17, maybe 18
About 3 years old. 9/11 solidified it later.
But no I'd never give my actual age on this data collection and trap hentai chatbot forum.
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>the biggest and most humiliating lost to date.

The Biggest so far...

My hunch is Kosovo 2.0. Where Several European States start mass-killing Wogs, and the USA - on edge of a civil war - refuses to intervene. (As the Soviets refused to intervene in East Germany 1989)
I was brainwashed by the jew into thinking this was the case during high school. Now I know it was not America, but the jew.
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When I was a child I used to idolize everything American and Americans in general. When I visited in the early and mid 00s it really seemed to be paradise on earth. When I went again a decade later it was unrecognisable. All the people went from friendly, happy & light spirited to the opposite. Honestly like I was in a different reality. Of course the same can be said of mine and all white countries. We are now just economic zones with planned demolition and replacement. I refuse to participate in any demoralization of my extended family. I refuse to kick a dog whilst its down. Yet I guess that is the difference between us and you.
Things only a fucking nigger would say.
it's not the country it's the jews
the only thing america has to do is kick the jews to israel or whatever and their problems are solved
USA is mostly a benign hegemon of the world.
Yeah we invaded some shithole countries for no reason and killed browns but just imagine how bad it would be if it were the aztecs
>america invented all of those things
Are Hungarians literally this retarded
Good goy.
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>Be born in the wealthiest, most prosperous nation in human history
>Be circumcised at birth so you can’t even enjoy it
>Have an objectively lower life satisfaction than your caveman ancestors because at least they could jerk off and enjoy real sex
Lol, the American life isn’t worth living. I don’t even care if I get hit by a bus tomorrow. There’s nothing of any meaning in this country. Just lots of dollars to spend on more plastic chink shit.

White Americans let Puritan retards and Jews convince them that sex isn’t important, so they all gave up their offspring’s opportunity for a healthy, fulfilling sex life. Now we live in the wealthiest nation in history that also somehow has the highest rates of depression in the Western world. And yet nobody can seem to pinpoint the problem lmfao.

Fuck this country. Can’t wait until every stupid white Shabbos Goy American finally fucks off.
Gradually, I began to hate them, but was probably around 15-16 till I figured out what a misfit of a country it truly is. Not all mutts are bad, though. Some of them are pretty cool. Have had many good conversations with them in here over the years. But most of them belong in camps.
Hahha you faggot more good than bad that's why the faggot cops are only concerned with stupid tickets and allows needles all over the place, kys
>America did much more good throughout history than bad. Yeah, it had some mistakes like Iraq or Vietnam, but generally the US is the force of good.
w/o your fu****g shithole the world would be a way better place UShitholer.
>I don’t even care if I get hit by a bus tomorrow.
do a flip.
Good for whom? Some fat fucking retarded faggot? Oh hey can he as fat degenerate faggot and stupid as want, actually what they want so can take advantage of
When i was a kid in the 80s i noticed their media was bad. Especially TV comedy which was just not funny.
In the early 90s I noticed their video game magazines were poorly written, uninformative, and had more ads than actual content. Especially when compared to british mags like mean machines, super play etc.
I found this highly suspicious but it took until GG for what was really happening to become clear.

I think it wasn't until i was in my 20s before i realised they were behind many of the worlds problems. And it was a bit later still before i realised that it's not actually america that's the problem, it's the parasitic tiny hat tribe controlling american foreign policy from the inside.
Without America, you'd be speaking German.
It took too long for me to realize, I realized probably like 4 or 5 years ago. I’m not a religious man but it truly is a satanic creation that’s the only way I can describe it.
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Ever since they bombed my house and raided my house
You cunts really need a more realistic boogieman. What are you? A time traveller from the 1300s? Are you lost.
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Close, huemonkey, but wrong flag.
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But you probably did that to yourself. You're as bad as the fucking yanks or the jews.
You all just keep harming yourselves nowadays.
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>being a slave for Israel
Nice bait faggot, death to Jewsa
America was always an idea. It would be amazing if it was just kept that way, but in practice, no.
Look at this White cope.
It's mostly the jews responsible for every bad thing in the world.
America is just their puppet.
>But you probably did that to yourself.
9/11 wasn't even my country's fault you dumb ape

Is that why so many are trying to get in? Please get them to understand that those who enter will turn evil, please take them back or prevent them from coming her.
I still think it's funny that Wall Street isn't punished for essentially failing at their jobs. They control the investment of money, and their leadership has led to all industries stagnating or degrading.
We can't compete in making automobiles (Ford, Dodge, and GM just sell expensive trucks to overpaid white men and fleet sales aka government handouts), we can't compete in manufacturing computer chips (Intel is toast, and Apple and Qualcomm immigrants merely design them), we don't manufacture phones, and the phones we do design (Apple and Google) are ass, we are behind in battery technology, solar technology, Boeing shit the bed while shareholders stole money for their personal livelyhood, we have no proper public transportation, our cities are fucked and look like the dark ages compared to first class cities in China and elsewhere.
The entire stock market is temporarily propped up by AI "innovation", which mostly seems to be used to generate imagery, summarize search results, and allow stupid people to cheat in school and their jobs.
Chaos is coming when all that Covid cash settles.
кoгдa я был peбёнкoм мoя мaмa гoвopилa чтo нe мecтa в миpe хyдшee чeм CШA
я cпpocил eё o пpичинe и oнa cкaзaлa чтo y eё мaмы (мoeй бaбyшки) пpи CCCP был лyчший ypoвeнь жизни чeм y aмepикaнcких зa тoт жe пepиoд
ecть тoлькo oдднo мoжeт тeбя пoмoгaть: пepeeдy cюдa и yзнaй o poccийcкoм пpeвocхoдcтвe
мы лyчшиe! мы из poccии
That's like saying England did more good than bad because they introduced their government and courts to the world...
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We all know it. But what can we do ?
There’s a lot of blame to be thrown around on a global scale as to why things are bad today. Statistically we are at the best time in history, folks live longer, better and are healthier. May the one without sin cast the first stone.
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Part of the reason America got subverted so hard by jews was because it was settled by commoners.
The European aristocracy didn't come over for the most part.
Commoners are not able to resist jews very well due to the jew's use of unseen dark magic kaballah stuff and deception.
The Founding Fathers could have been an aristocracy, but they sort of pissed it away when the jew bankers took over fairly early.
For Russia, jews had to murder the White aristocracy with the bolshevik revolution.
With America, there never really was one.
About 17, 41 now
Cлaбый пepeвoдчик, пoпpoбyй eщё paз
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Right around the same time I realized jews were responsible for all the evils of the world.
35, I'm a late bloomer.
Yeah it was the US's fault, but they blamed islam in general.
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>Dude America is so good, remember WW2? We defeated HITLER. The EVIL NAZIS! Who did the HOLOCAUST! Land of the free. We fight for DEMOCRACY! Lets not talk about Picrel AT ALL!
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Yeah they're almost as evil as the EU nowadays.
Because no one ever talks about the grand strategy of the EU unified forces.
Everyone sleeps on the giant that is the EU. 1 billion strong and no one ever talks about them being an evil autocratic militant system with a sophisticated network of subversive operatives.

Oh no.
They're the good guys amirite.

>Fuck Europe.
Seethe bricshit.
nice baits mutt
I were jews years old.

Thats a lie.
>these countries were all under European colonial control
so? you are under jewish colonial control
I was somewhere some time where drugs were still illegal. Having beauocracy AND nepotism sounds like the worst kinds of hell imaginable. When it’s outside of your system or influence. Maybe 17-19
>and white guilt over colonialism
guess who promoted that?
Thats not the tranny kike flag!

The U.S. literally owns the world dude, we are the best at everything and ever have been.

Germany is our vassal state, same with Holland and France.

If people dont like it then gtfo America and live somewhere else thats my opinion.
Bollocks, the EU controls more and more of the US likely through it's pharmaceutical and tech lobbying nowadays.
There's a reason why EU protocols were so thoroughly followed by the US. The US obviously trusts their standards more and more than their own standards.

It's this shit that controls states now.
you dont belong here
Don't forget that war in Vietnam that apparently didn't happen.
overall i have to disagree with OP, largely the US empire has been benign. we have no era of east India trading company. Its easy to hindsight critique but due to circumstances not thankful to the USA, the USA is albeit forced to remain a benign empire. This statement is not ethnocentric its fact, nothing is stopping the United States of America from printing enough money to buy every single corporation and hold it with her military might.
America is the greatest country on earth. No, I will not pay mind to the opinions of poorly educated brownoids.
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It's not, though. You just say that because you're a loser.
requires some nuance, being the smartest kid with down syndrome isn't exactly a compliment.
That was the French, and we had to claen up thier mess. Always having to clean up Eruropes mess. Just like Iraq, Europe needed that cheap oil and couldn't beat Iraq itself.
We subsidize your concept of being "the rest of the world", from a unified germany to russia usurping the soviet unions spot at the UN, so even your idea of your dad being an asshole doesnt change that its his house. Dont get confused, you are recipients of propaganda which either says you are separate and we dont own you, or that we are seperate and choose not to own you. We own you.

Any imagined alternative is worse. Btw i have more respect for every russian and chinese than for any German or s***h american. The true inheritors of America are our so-called rivals. Cry more.
You mean the French and UN fuck up we had to clean up? You're welcome.
forgive the frogs, the are a necessary evil enabling to ensure EU is perma fucked
>didn't post the swedish flag
Sweden is just yet another vassal state of the American Empire

What other fucking country has

1. The US constitution

2. The bill of rights including the second amendment

3. The ability to basically plant your own flag anywhere in America and be a homesteader and have a family.
The American plan is openly to create a melting pot zoo slave system of compliance for the corporations and ruling class lol. America is an economic zone based solely on the worship of money and absolutely nothing else. They don't have any real identity or culture. It's a giant Walmart with employees from all over the world. A global democracy filled with global citizens: all one race, religion and nation, all holding hands singing kumbayaa forever.

All America is consumerism, degeneracy, nigger worship, race mixing, pride, mindless npcs. No community. All "muh bawsed right wungers" are Zionists. Israel is America's only ally and if you don't AGREE with them you HATE AMERICA

>Everyone has an AIPAC guy

Are there LGBTIQA+ parades organically elsewhere? No. they are part of Americans culture that Americans love to export. Including that you are ‘nazi’ if you don’t believe in integrating refugees invading your country non stop. In america where women can just sign the divorce papers and take a man to the cleaners. Living in a retirement home with black nurses beating you


Whenever i ask Americans what they feel is unique about America a common answer i get is that they are a melting pot of cultures and races etc. Americans are unironically a rootless people. They are the product of those who left their homelands and then mixed with each other. They are too new to have a coherent identity, and the nationality identity after WWII has mostly been dissolved by various forces at work inside our country. With "cultural heritage" being nothing more than a poor euphemism for "skin color". Their skin color really means the world to them. Because that's all they will ever have

Only sportball, Walmart, STD/STI, Disney, Pride Parades. Feminism. Onlyfans, Buffet Line, Abortion. AIPAC, PACs, ADL. Exporting multiculturalism and diversity for everyone. "American culture"

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