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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>attack a country that had non-functioning army and navy with overwhelming 5x numerical advantage
>barely advance 20 kilometers inside Georgia during 2 weeks, then... just withdraw to the previous positions
>still end up with more deaths than the defender

how is this considered a MASSIVE success of the Russian Army?
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both putin and zelenski are jews. they are working together, with jewish globohomo, to deplete both countries.
>muh puccia is yuuugeeee
>muh n00ks
>muh numbers
>their army must be really well trained and good
cause they were inexperienced and got wrecked by georgian tactics until they managed to overwhelm them with firepower and numbers, that's how. now, if you're another pole who dislikes russia, go join the jewkrainian army and die for what you believe in. i need to expand my dead zogbot webm collection.
Lol I have to laugh how naive and ignorant one can be. It's not about Russia or Ukraine, not at all.

Look carefully and you could see through one day.
bump 2
>withdraw to previous positions
You are aware this is the norm when the enemy surrenders right? A peace treaty gets hashed out and you return to the previous border positions.

>more deaths than defender
They didn’t. Russia lost 65 people. Georgia lost 169. Last I checked math wise 65<169. Did common core change that too???

They had the ultimate position:
>enemy has to come through a single tunnel
And STILL Georgia was unable to win the fight. Embarrassing given they could shell the tunnel from day ONE
>They didn’t. Russia lost 65 people. Georgia lost 169
>Russia lost 65 people
>source: Russia
real number is 10-100x that amount, Ivan
>You are aware this is the norm when the enemy surrenders right?
"the norm" is taking the rest of the country and installing a puppet government when the enemy surrenders. they weren't able to do any of that
bump 3
Lmao, you’re delusional. Made up numbers larger than claimed by either side. And if the Russian had that many KIA, they’d have been 100% combat ineffective and Georgia would have NOT surrendered.
bump 4
>All wars are like WW2
The vast majority of wars have ended in a conditional peace settlement you retard. Even after Napoleon was ousted by the coalition powers they weren't able to install a direct puppet

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