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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Power games.
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To masturbate to later, I reckon.
I get blackmailing others, but why would Diddy have his own blackmail recorded? Is it some kind of weird sexual thrill of the possibility of being caught and exposed?
>but why would Diddy have his own blackmail recorded?
Dumb nigger doing dumb nigger things.
Is it October yet?
Anon, explain to me what goes through the brain of a nigger.
Where are you getting he recorded it? Is there a store of recordings?

Why did the sex worker have a copy?
How could I forget Noggam's Razor. Makes sense now.
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Black male's blackmail.
if they don't take peoples cell phones at the door people are going to record things. especially people who are around celebrities, they want to record things to show their friends. hell, if i saw jennifer lopez eating pudding out of diddy's ass i might record that too.
>Why do so many elites record their crimes
Ask Hugh Hefner and Ghislane Maxwell
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It will contain Diddy buttfucking Obama. Screenshot this post.
obama has a big ass head, i never realized this

So the males are "professional sex workers" and the females are sex trafficking victims ? This whole thing has set up written all over it.
wow I hate niggers so much
What did Hugh Hefner do?
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Jews throwing Blacks under the bus, just like with Eric Adams. Jews elevated all these Black people into positions of power during the woke era, then immediately started throwing them under the bus after they wandered off the plantation of Jewish bullshit - specifically their support of Palestine and growing anti-immigration sentiment. Plus the guys who take the fall aren't Jewish, even though all the racket leaders are.

Look at all these Big Tech companies started and run by Jews, but with Indian CEOs. You think that's an accident?
he allowed women to intoxicate themselves with alcohol and drugs, and as you know, that means they can not consent, therefore RAPE
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And, might I add, this is all totally Kosher because Kamala's running the U.S. and Kamala is Black. Oy Vey too many Jews are getting in trouble. Let's get the Blacks in trouble instead, so Goyim don't notice!

>Jewish logic
there goes that sweet summer child Anon, ascribing planning & forethought to niggers
>I get blackmailing others
Do you? I don't think you do. These types, like Diddy, ranier, epstein, Franklin, oprah, etc are doing a job for a blackmail industry. There is infrastructure in place around them always, entire mansions wired for kompromat production. Diddy is retarded also so he had no clue what footage exists. They're all sure it won't matter because of what they do have. They believe mutually assured destruction is sufficient to maintain the status quo and they have no reason to suspect otherwise
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ibb: kGXS3pk
High def version for the phoneposters.

Taking correction edits and addition requests: Subject must either be in
1. Photo with Diddy
2. Video with Diddy
To be added.

To Be Added:
>Bow Wow

Entries To be Corrected:
>Leonardo Dicaprio
>Perez Hilton

ibb: kGXS3pk
High def version.
What a niggery ape.
Are you fucking serious?
He was the OG of modern-day sex and blackmail rings, and built up the Hollywood sex-leverage industry.

What do you think "Playboy", the magazine, was?
>A monthly physical advertisement of the newest fuckmeat
What were the "Playmates"?
>The 'models' (glorified temple prostitutes) that you could fuck if you wanted to 'pay' to join the club and meet them in person at the "Playboy Mansion".
That sex-cult running nigger had tunnels going everywhere from the mansion too. This is on the record shit, also. No 'McMartin tunnel' psyop bullshit cover-running here can hide that fact.

Bonus for the glowniggers and "those in the know" cover-runners lurking here: Hey Lois Elizondo; your mother, a former playmate, was a luciferian fuckmeat whore-puppet for these satanic trash. Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
This but also hubris
It is 2024. Being on the downlow is not a crime.
Why does he look swollen
>a threesome with drugs between consenting adults on camera

ngl that's pretty tame for degenerate sex acts.
that used to be called the weekend in my 20's
t. 40yo boomer

get to the orgies with politicians doing this stuff on camera or im assuming he's just a patsy.
I'm sure he probably even says he does this in one or multiple rap songs.
Interesting. Thanks.
I’m really wondering just how freaky these freak offs actually were. I mean how bad could it be? Did people emerge crippled? Dead from BBC overdose? Maybe 1000 bottles of baby oil just wasn’t enough?

This was all above board and perfectly acceptable in jacks day.
You think Diddy would have been the mastermind behind some twisted plot to blackmail celebrities? No, he'd just have been a tool for the Jews who planned it all. Of course he needs to be blackmailed too for good measure.
Freak-offs are something else and you want to memorialize that shit, obviously, otherwise it will only exist in your head.
He probably wanted the guy he fucked to forever know Diddy fucked him, and there's a tape of it.
Niggers record their nigger shit. Their not leites. He wasn't elite. He was fucked in his ass... Like.. Idk.. More than a gay porn actor. These guys are not the elite. They are the fanboys of the interlink people who have contacts to the elite.
This nigger, or others, people you will never see on TV, never know their name, are not the elite. They are people trying to get into the club or just be at the entrance without knowing. Elite? Look at Kim Carey and his edit talk about the elite.. Or the pddo who killed himself so he don't have to suffer Mc good guy. They're all not elite.
Trump ist elite. Biden isn't elite. Bush wasn't elite.
Rockefeller or Ford were not elite.
From our perspective.. Yeah..but NO.. In that matter.. Nope. Just little fishs with big mouth.
>record their crimes
of others?
of themselves?
power tripping
Ever been to a party, anon? They aren't exactly places for rational thought. It's why the elites choose this type of person.

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