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Da gloriovs hybrid vigovr offspring of da bbc...
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Well will people awake to the true enemy...
It's not the Jews, the Nigs, the Jeets or the Muzzies.

It's the global Brazilian. Everywhere Globohomo conquers, he follows. He will chase down everyone on this earth until no one is left but more copies of himself.
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They look like Peruvian.
>rich pretty actress
Stupid cunt whore.
Aus and NZ actually promoted race mixing with Mauri for political reasons. How many of those mutts are running around?
Looks like si generated slop

Is it?
This reality is fucked
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Holy shit, Beff Jezos
This is the issue with white DNA, not race mixing. Whites look like that and when you mix them with a nigger you get a weird (white) looking nigger.
That one is AI from a joke account about a fictional truck stop. The rest however are real. The scary part though is AI can't create stuff on its own, so it got the base from somewhere.
She looks good
>Gas station guys
Never trust someone who regulars a store that sells diesel, slushies, overly decorative knives, and 12 inch ceramic dragon bongs.
This one is fucking horrifying that kid should be euthanized.
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Nigger genes are literal faeces
she's seething they don't look whiter
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>That feel when you are 100% Nordic and ZERO % Non White

God, beautiful
Jesus wtf is that demon
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India is the original Brasil
you're a shitskin memeflag so of course the nigger goblin looks appealing to you
Sometimes I day dream about shooting these abominations in the street as I pass by. Gosh I hope that happens, at least this jewish psyop faggotry would provide some well-deserved fun in the end.
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I'd still much rather have indian neighbors than hueniggers.
I think he was talking about her mom
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dios mio el goblino la creatura americana
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This is what modern Indians would look like if the Aryans never racemixed
kek makes me feel like a chad to see such mutts
Cute, but needs to keep his mouth closed
Cute ig
Goddamn ugly
To be honest ACTUAL whites could pull off afros and still look good
Both look friendly
Cute lol
What the actual fuck
Are these supposed to be the average Brazilians?
Both are cute, hapa man has a harder life though
Last dude looks very strange. Is the image stretched?
I hate Indians
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if you want to view live the horrors of racemixxing you can always visit america
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Race mixing is sin.
It harms your forefathers and your children.
My penis craves asian pussy.
Show tits, you stupid, retarded whore.
How did you know who I was without my name?
El Ogro de las Americas
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1) men don't use cute
2) no one but a roastie would say all of these abominations were cute, you stupid fuck. Kill yourself and your nigger offspring.
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Niggers n Jews...
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in reality jews are the most mixed people around
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Successful hybrid
Racial schizophrenia is a real thing
no wonder everyone considers us ugly mutts.
Race mixing is evil.
It's honestly fucked up to do this to your children
Race mixing is good it's the hottest thing in all of existence
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>Race mixing is good it's the hottest thing in all of existence
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She is
However whites are still superior
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assigned Irish at birth
mormons were right all race mixing should he punished by death.
That's a white child with a genetic disorder. Still of more than all the niggers in the world.
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Another successful hybrid
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amerimutt here. fully informed as to the JQ. Mother is a racetraitor and father is a nigger, both brother and sister are pozzed and vaxxed in the zognavy. i will fight for Jesus Christ until the end, as He and his Father are the light of my life. will you accept me on your side? my mom's sins are not my own, and i desire to see a world free of degeneracy and evil of which my children will inherit.
You're not an Amerimutt, you're a nigger. Amerimutts are whites who are a mixture of different European ethnic groups.
>Amerimutts are whites who are a mixture of different European ethnic groups.
>mixture of different European ethnic groups.
>Amerimutts are whites

Errrr NO.
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Booba hybrid
I swear to Christ every zoomer I see around here looks like this or is Mexican with the "edgar" haircut.
she's cute
They're a living refutation to the value of human liberty, if this is what people think it's acceptable to create when left to their own devices then they are subhuman vermin.
whites are whites, "whites" are kikes, amerimutts are like me, as far as i see it. who's going to make black people question the jew for you if not people like me?
Would. I would cream that pie so hard.

i saw that monkey in the new Gladiator trailer
ok which one of you /pol/chuds would breed this pale mulatta to save her from eternal damnation of being a mutt?
imagine cursing your children to a life of racial isolation. fuck
America was created for whites, so only whites can be American. Everyone else is just an unwanted invader.
Denise has a drop in her? No!
she died
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what a waste
so where does that leave the Christian men with eyes to see who's parents fell for the hebrew lies of modernity and feminism? my maternal side traces back to the colonies, and my paternal was brought over by the kikes
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they remind me of the mystery mutts from idiocracy
damn way to kill a meme and not even be funny. it doesn't even make sense because there's no muzzies in 1100?BC

who has that other one graphic?
Me. She was born a mutt but she doesn't have that aura of entitlement that most spawn of niggers have. She's wife material.
Also she seems kind of sad and that triggers my "I can save her" trait.
I bet you want her to do that on your don't you?
atleast they look normal than nigger mutts.
she has amazing hair and just needs a tiny bit of makeup to look amazing.
I am netanyahu's greatest weapon I'm a native American, German, Scandinavian, Irish, French, Italian, mutt. I serve israel I am the strongest golem goy to ever exist and ever will exist no race or species in the cosmos can defeat me I am a planet killer.
she cute

ooha booga tier downgrade
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The funniest part is that this kid mogs the shit out of all you basement dwelling fat fuck incels now
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>I'm a native American, German, Scandinavian, Irish, French, Italian, mutt.

>albino nigger with dog shit twists growing out his head
>mogging anyone other than asian "men"
lol, lmao
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i want to fuck her ass
>her ass
nigger in ireland detected
Same she's sexy as fuck
This is a tragedy.

i am white

she'd bite her lip and moan

ask me to go slow
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>HUMANS of ny
This one mogs me too
Probably funded from birth by kikes to become a super athlete to perpetuate a narrative. A regular white could out compete them with 10% of the time and effort invested.
She is fucking ugly . . .have some dignity lad.
90% of mentally ill are mixed race
100% of mixed race are mentally ill
what would you define it as?

she is sexy imo
You have low standards anon.
But each to their own.

i have very high standards
She is he's just a turbo virgin
>i have very high standards
Ok . . .now I know you are just having a laugh.

i hope he meets someone

38 years old
only ever had one GF
fucked her in the ass
one of my teachers sucked my cock
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don't care still fucking brown girls
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Honestly man, I just feel bad for you people. In a sane world you wouldn't exist. If you can become awakened on the JQ and fight for what is Right and Good in this world then more power to ya and I won't hate you personally. If you are mixed but yet mix yourself and continue to propagate the sick mindvirus then you are my enemy and I hope you die. As a whole though I just feel bad for you guys
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your sheboon? or mine?
Niggerball man is gud at niggerball
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Wake up babe, new meme just dropped.
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yeah she’s probably got a nice little ass
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>2/10 point elbows
the she boon
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A muttoid race, stupid, ignorant, impulsive mixed brown garbage. No culture, no history, no identity, a nothing people.

Dysgenic, disgusting hellscape
Muhammad Ali on Race mixing
mark wahlberg sheboon fetish
U calin mi gredy u bastur bich BENCHOOD! DELET THIS NOW, blardy!
When we reclaim our glory and deport these savage abominations back to their homelands, we shall slaughter these creatures and everyone related to them.
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>2/10 woudnt bang
These are abominations. That which should not be.
Man-made horrors beyond your comprehension
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>low iq nigger-take
fuck off bogan cunt
What’s her name where did you find this?
I'd get her genetics back on the right path
I am an amerimutt
My ancestry is primarily norwegian with english and french mixed in
I consider norwegians to be white
I consider english to be white
I consider french to be white
I consider myself white
That’s the definition of amerimutt
thanks anon, its depressing desu. i hate my mom for the cursed life she decided to give to me, but its my mom you know? knowing what i know now i'd never propagate the filth that exists around us, and the only thing that seems real anymore is fighting for Jesus and what's right.
I agree. It is a sad situation
you can tell by the look on her face she knows her mom is prettier than her lmfao
she’s completely flat and twiggish, all the bad genes of a white woman and a negress combined good grief.
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here's hoping history will repeat itself, and my people will find their place in the fight. there were blacks in the wermacht

what did you mother do ?
had children out of wedlock with a nigger, circumcised her sons, rejected her traditions and culture, turned her back on God and Jesus, shilled vax, voted biden, probably going to vote kamala. still love my mom because that's what God wants but damn
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guess again chuddie
Very sexy she's cute as hell
What is worse, being a child of 2 gays or a child of a racemixing couple?
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would you rather be a pedo or have no cultural identity?

had children out of wedlock I SUPPORT HER
with a nigger, CUNT
circumcised her sons, CUNT
rejected her traditions and culture ME TOO
turned her back on God and Jesus, ME TOO
shilled vax, CUNT
voted biden, CUNT
probably going to vote kamala.
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I honestly think being a child of a gay couple is somewhat better because you would actually look like an actual human since you were adopted from a non mixed race couple, whereas you will always look like a freak no matter your sexual orientation if you're mixed
Based hondureño brother
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i think she's sexy
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>too black 4 me!
id rather live with a bag over my head than be attracted to faggots and children
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lmao kill it with fire
she burned the coal, and now i pay the toll.
why'd you turn your back on Jesus?
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You don't have to be a faggot if you were raised by faggot parents, yes the chance is much higher, but you can condition yourself out of it. Being a racemixed abomination however is not something you can ever grow out of.
>manmade horrors
Is it better to be 100% black or 50% black 50% white? Not from the perspective of a white person who diluted their genes, but from the perspective of a black who added white

when i was 16 i played truth or dare with 2 girls

it was fun

Jesus is a fictional character
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>cherrypicked images
post pics of their parents. they are ugly too. that's why they resorted to racemixing in the first place. mixed race kids don't look like this is their parents are both attractive.
im sorry that you feel that way
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You're brown
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The official mascot of the mutt hero.
I look like this
I do feel for this woman. Nobody deserves this kind of self-esteem decimation.

i am in a bad place here buddy . (No joke)
That's an unfair comparison, Baraka is cool

i am white

she deserves to be loved
Absolutely wasn't her choice to be born
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>i am white
i went to school with a kid who looked like this. idk why this breed of goblin is so short. but the kid was tiny
She is upset because she feels she is entitled to Chad's and won't settle for anything less
mixed people aren't accepted in the nigger community, and the black community isn't big enough to split off into its own faction as of this point. that leaves mutts attempting to find a home within the white community, in which they find limited success. obviously to whites they're seen as being black (one drop), but in reality they're lost in the middle.
on the other hand, being 100% black runs you the risk of being a nigger, but having a cultural home.

are you sorry you were born ?
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op is at least half abo
the offspring of the dregs of society he holds so high
very true
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i wore that suit the day my father was buried
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>What a NIGGUR!
He has got to be retarded.

If not, as in if this is a "sane" person's version of communication, it needs to be killed.

she will meet someone
You look like a half chink (which is nonwhite btw)
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Multiples passages in the Mormon book says people have dark skin because of their transgressions.
God turned away for from them, permanently dumbing them down.
2nd book of nephi
Nonwhites truly are subhuman.
The battle is dealing with their orc resentment.
Mutt detected

i am 100% white
Imagine her puking in your mouth
If you date a non-White, your only solution is to get her emotionally attached to you just long enough to spawn the abomination, then kill it in front of her eyes, then kill her too. You'll still be a traitor, but it'd at least he entertaining for your superiors. Gotta teach them their place, no greater bliss than to extinguish a non-White's life!
Nigger if you could see how pasty my lineage is, I'm white up the family tree as far back as we could record
Good movie lol the Indian dies btw so you know it's kino
if you want a change, all you have to do is work on your relationship with Him, anon. Do you want prayers?
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Friendly reminder that racemixing created the jeet race. They are walking examples of why you shouldn't racemix.
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what i want is something that might never happen
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Post mudshark tears
Im as racist as the come buddy boyo and that girl is fucking beautiful lmao i mean please lets be serious
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all things are possible through God.
what do you desire?
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Me. I have so many races in my DNA that my offspring with her would be chad mulatoes blue eyed aryans
Which is really fucked up that it's allowed. The child is going to grow up with unrelated parents and will never form a genuine connection with anyone. Kill this chink bitch immediately

my ex back in my life
This disgusting ghoul is the face of modern day America
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Non of you ugly faggots look anything like that nor will you ever have a wife and good looking sons either.
He looks like that naked mole rat from that one spy show, also his frame is shit
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I remember they found a fresco somewhere in italy, depicting 'foreign monsters.' One of those monsters looked just like this.
ah a woman. whyd you split up?
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