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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>nothing happens
Do you guys feel embarrassed?
They did die though
I am vaccinated. I'm still alive.
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In your dreams. In reality barely anyone.

True. Most people are. I am vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hib and still fine.
I never said that, but you did tell me that I was going to kill everyone. Do you feel stupid about that? Not only were you wrong but you lost all of your dignity. Do you ever reflect on how pathetic you are under pressure?
my coworker literally had a heart attack two days after getting the required vaccine by our employer. Suck my dick you disinfo faggot.
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Tbh that goes both ways tho, have you forgotten the fear mongering from the media, governments bullying people into getting the jab?
>retard meme

Thalidomide affected less than 20k worldwide. Most of the flipper babies are already dead. Thalidomide is still remembered as the (now second) largest medical scandal in western history.
Why do chicks put shiny things where they want the cum to go?
>I am vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hib and still fine.
why if you just stay in your soviet apartment bloc spamming this thread all day

do you feel embarassed by the fact that 1 billion indians exist without vaccines
An ad came on my radio the other day about doing hands-only CPR if a teen or adult around you "suddenly collapses"
I found it odd.
Indians are very vaccinated. In the past 20 years. It's why they don't die out anymore, but now are more in amounts than chinks.

Even drinking piss water from ganges doesn't cause diphtheria anymore.
Probably because your genes weren't deemed rebellious enough to cull.
>the vaccine is 100% effective
>the vaccine is at least 90% effective
>the vaccine is at least 50% effective
>the vaccine didn't kill anyone who took it
>the vaccine didn't kill everyone who took it
Excess deaths are still high worldwide, well above and beyond prime 2020 Covid levels, along with an increase in cancer rates, cardiovascular issues particularly in youth, and fertility issues -- all this especially in countries with high vaxx rates which did not have high early exposure rates.
But I'm sure it's just 5th or 6th strain of C19 which is weaker and weaker as time goes on causing it and not the vaccines. It was always normal for teenagers across the world to have massive heart attacks, strokes, and various other pulmonary issues... part of growing like getting the chicken pox! :)
You probably took saline water. Those who the actual clotshot are suffering from myocarditis, thrombosis, turbo-cancer, VAIDS and other issues and they're getting injured and dying like flies.
I'm pretty sure they'd die WITHOUT all those viruses and bacteria in their system at this point
>Sudden death not immediate death
Yeah. Also if you only received the primary series your chances are better than those that had the boosters.
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Empty barrels make the most noise..
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I am unvaxxinatd. I too.

We both are not the same.
The vaccine had a higher mortality rate than the virus itself did. One of the three main reasons (concluded by some research, not definitive) of the high mortality rates during the covid period (2020-2023) was the vaccine. The two others were stress and non-vaccine-related medication.
The decline of the vaxxers will be substantially noticeable in mid September. I'm talking cars parked sideways in the middle of the street with the driver looking up at the sky, lost and confused. I'm talking people in grocery stores screaming because they don't know where they are or what they were doing. I'm talking about a real fucking zombie apocalypse. Get ready because this is going to be some fucked up shit you won't be able to comprehend. Family members shooting each other because they didn't know who they were and what they were doing in their house, your own mother won't even recognize you. We have about 3 to 4 months left until hell on earth. Good luck to you all.
It's mid September now you stupid fucking Q faggot. Two more weeks.
Difference between a virus which nobody forces you to catch, and a vaccine which the government forces you to take. You are either a shill or a midwit.
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There was some genuinely spooky shit in the fall of 2021.
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Saline is salt + water
Saline water is salt water water.
You are fucking retarded.
Vaccine deaths are real but this is fake and gay.
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b o o b a
>nothing happens
Do you guys feel embarrassed?
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More fake and gay shit. KyS anon. Two more weeks
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Wish had more vids of all the pro athletes that were dropping like flies in 2021 and 2022.
20% increase in death rate. You´re probably a nigger so the numbers mean nothing, but still...
Some idiot dude spinning in circles are trips? Lmfao "k"

Kill yourself Q faggot
Thats a stroke. Such a faggot Q bitch lol.
man I miss posting H0NK F|\/| links
You already posted that under your vpn. Fuck off and Die, kike filth.
I got like 4-5 covid vax
Still working out and fucking
The good thing was I didn't get covid in this year wave
do you ever feel embarrassed about the Holocaust?
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Airman Retard is on the case.

Heh, I got the coof and it was nothing. Two days of food tasting weird with no other symptoms.

All of the field hospitals that was setup along with the two hospital ships sent to NY and LA were never used. Why the fuck should I worry? It's already endemic now so we should see dead unvaxxed everywhere, if we don't why the fuck not?
MEMEFLAG, only thing you got was aids
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Deadly bug. More you're fucking pathetic. Kill yourself already, stupid sad nigger.

>if you die from the vaccine, you're going to heaven

That's probably next.
>/pol/ wasn't right
no one here, with the slightest intelligence thought that the vaxxies were gonna die. people that were that way inclined were most likely 2016 tourists that haven't fucked off yet. they soon will, either that or this place will will become intolerable. why would the kikes try and kill all vaxxies? that would cause the leftovers to become a hardened underground guerrilla force. they don't want that, that never werks, check history. it was just a humiliation ritual at the end of the day. by refusing it we've probably put ourselves on some list or other. that should be a game that we play, who can get themselves on the most lists. we can check the results when we defeat their ebil plots. the winner should get a prize, maybe unlimited tendies for life or some shit.
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>literally 2021
>for a random npc still nothing happened
>"OMG GET THE JABS (that don't provide immunity or stop the spread) OR EVERYONE WILL DIE!"
>vaxxies continues to seethe years later after their 5th shot didn't prevent their 3rd case of the coof
Embarrassed on your behalf.
First of all, leave the fucking leaf out of your ass.
>meme flag
Like I fucking care you're inner faggotry
The vaxxie holocaust? nah, they were warned
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holy shit so many godl>>482941454
y erections which kills them
This is the whole thing.

It takes AT LEAST a decade to make a vaccine. Almost every one will be rejected at some point in this process. Prior to 2020 this was the main argument in favor of vaccine safety, they said that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to mass inoculate with anything that wasn't properly tested in this way. None of this was done and will now never be done to the covid vaccine.

It has fundamentally broken almost every medical establishment in a way that just can't be recovered from. If it's not acknowledged obviously there will be immeasurable harms from releasing untested medicines into the future, if it is acknowledged whole medical establishments and even governments will collapse.

This would be true even if it had turned out to be safe or effective, because it convinced so many people that medicines don't need any kind of testing for safety or efficacy.
What's this condition called? I forgot the name, and can't find it again.
I think anon killed himself for posting this dumb ass shit. Thank God.
Well, he is Brazilian
Its fake you fucking retard, and some are just other deaths non vaccine related.

You're thinking about it wrong if you don't think they wanted people dead. They want everyone dead, they just don't want people to catch on easily. So if the VAX was a bullet, too sudden. But if it gives a baby a heart attack because mom got vaxxxed 3 years ago. Win.

There were always going to be tons of deaths and Satan has no problem sacrificing his most loyal subjects should the effect be better to his plans than their survival.

But, no one knew how may or how few would die and we still don't. They literally faked an entire global pandemic so that they could put shots in arms. If it were just a humiliation ritual, then the mask was enough. No, they wanted us to put something INTO our bodies because of what it is, not just because of what it signifies. I stand by, we still can't know for certain what the intended effects of the science juice was until we uncover their own words through leaked convos or we see it first hand. But vaxxxies can rest assured that the shot inside them, left untended to, will do "something" unless they die first.
>vaccine related deaths were good for the climate
Major Study: 3% of Covid Vaxxed Have Died Suddenly the study asserts that 6.67 million were killed by the injections in the United States alone.

It's Vertiginous epilepsy, you tard. And it's real.
some guy who just died suddenly has entered the afterlife
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it killed the weak right away. Have family that were vaxxed and had cancer go into turbo mode. One was in remission and after vax died from it. We going to forget about the collapsing reporters/athletes?
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>Excess deaths are still high worldwide
People are becoming extremely unhealthy. Young kids use all kinds of shampoos and hair products. Do you use soap? - it causes cancer too. Do you drink from a plastic bottle - cancer. You live in a room without air filtration - cancer. etc
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They are. Imagine saying shit like in picrel and not be embarrassed today...

maybe there is some kind of advanced crispr control method in there, we've got to hope not. if there is we're pretty fucked.
>They want everyone dead
this is unfeasible, they're not retards. they know they need certain people for their ongoing society to function. unless they're totally incompetent, they know that there are a lot of retards among their ranks. they're gonna need some competent people. ones that are there willingly. there just isn't going to be any big event though. slow and steady wins the race.
Yeah, I also have troubles grasping how bad the vaxx is. WEF trying to save India's ass by dumping all their vaxx damaged on the rest of the world before the local population figures it out. Meanwhile the rest of us are left to deal with all the crazy Pajeets walking aimlessly in circles with their horrid stench of rotting flesh.You just hope for the sake of the Pajeets they get to die suddenly since they are much too far gone already to seek out Bill Gates, WEF, or their government that poisoned them all.
I see this thread daily now.
That means we're about to see its happen.
The more they mock, the sooner we're to happening.
Read my post again tard

Heh, they will trot that out too.


They will gaslight you into forgetting.


Why do people listen to this clown? Why do people believe in this university dropout?
get a cancer screening anon. I'm serious.
Don't know, but he had a major hand and the vax and has previously committed bioterrorism.
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>two more weeks...

you are the laughing stock of society..

Bullshit. Prove it.

His foundation caused two polio outbreaks around 2010 or so. They used oral polio vaccines which can revert into wild types and kill the vaccinated.

WHO admitted that two of the main 4 wild strains of polio came from those two outbreaks.
He also released malaria into the populace.
But yeah, that's bioterrorism.
The thing about not getting jabbed is there are no regrets. Enjoy your white fibrous clot.
Holy cope
>It... It wasnt the Vax actually!!!!
I’ve heard these as well they even say brought to you by Pfizer
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Stroke caused by the clot shot, you absolute disingenuous faggot.
Vaccine die off confirmed lawsuits all over get off the board pig
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Crisis in wuhan jumping confirmed thats called eyesight keep yelling people reality is not real protocols is real all vaccines are damaging you are a reality tinfoil hat wearing labotomite of society raelqins posadist and Scientology etc and 1000 other culys are labotomite hpyim for rabbi ball cult the tinfoil hatbis on your ads regan admitted this and stated payong out blood moneybfo4 the zog cogs bill gates direct wuotes 2003 and sars 2 you sre reality kennedys are shit eating you are just protcols of Zion mardidt stupid trying to mond bend bullshit wear labotomite ball earth pedo snuff film israel rabbinical shit is hunted down and prpsecuted you are the tinfoil hat wearing shitheads same dumbassea in a state of reality its amazing hoe discredited and evil you srupid pieces of shit are earth is flat not a ball dinos never exosted no vault acid rain all rain contains acid zetetic elon fuck musk is amrxist dtuoid zionist asshat communist party the cia has no inyelligence you morons need to learn you lying no credibility you keep getting caught lying and fsking judt make up lies you are stupis marxist zionidt communist and jewish UFO cults are the tinfoil hat fagz not us we are always right
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Last time I had an appointed with the doctor was when I came out of the cunt decades ago can you say the same?

Don't lie to us son of my bitch you are a sick fuck and you are going to get cancer indeed

Imagine unironically using this word you outed yourself don't you realize we are pro vaccines because we hate you 37 millions and counting died by the vaccine
Source needed
>you are the laughing stock of society..

By society you meant Redit or Facebook?
No. Thanks for being guinea pigs for pharmaceutical companies. I always knew you midwits were good for something.
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It's a massive stroke. I forget the medical term.
vax sheeps:
>reeeeeeeeeeee all the non vaxxers are gonna DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and THEY KILL EVERYONE!!!!
<nothing happened
Do you sheeps feel embarrassed?
>you are the laughing stock of society..
kek people don´t even laught anymore.
before 90s people walked on the streets with a smile on the face.
after 2000s chaos erupted and now we don´t see people smiling anymore.
we only see angry people.
Slide thread
except 7 million of them died, what’s your point
Just wait till' your cut in line at a taco bell drive through, your new inner psycho will manifest as you waste a wine aunt with your shotgun, then yourself.
So accurate..

December 2020
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
January 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
February 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
March 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
April 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
May 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
June 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
July 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
August 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
September 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
October 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
November 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
December 2021
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
January 2022
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
February 2022
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
March 2022
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
April 2022
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
May 2022
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
June 2022
>all vaxxies will die in two more weeks
July 2022
>all vaxxies have aids and vaids
>all vaxxies have cancer
>all vaxxies have brain disease
>all vaxxies have cardiovascular disease
>all vaxxies have autoimmune disease
>all vaxxies are injected with robotic 5g nanoworms
>all vaxxies are infertile
>all vaxxies have syphilis
>all vaxxies have liver disease
>all vaxxies have monkeypox
>all vaxxies have prions
>just two more weeks

uh oh guise?
>literally had a heart attack
>massive heart attacks
>gives a baby a heart attack

>all the vaxxies have heart disease
>all the vaxxies have brain disease
>all the vaxxies have autoimmune disease
>all the vaxxies are infertile
>all the vaxxies have cancer
>all the vaxxies have aids
>all the vaxxies have prions

Two more weeks right?
>the sooner we're to happening

Man, I don't care about people dying because of the vaxx. In fact, I hope they don't.
But I don't want to risk it without the collected data only acquired with time. Which has not been enough.

Moreover, wanting to inject something with the potential to alter one's DNA, even if on a small percentage of the body, which can be found anywhere in the body, is beyond me!
Also, bowing down to the State this way is disgraceful.

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