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ibb: kGXS3pk
High def version for the phoneposters.

Taking correction edits and addition requests: Subject must either be in
1. Photo with Diddy
2. Video with Diddy
To be added.

To Be Added:
>Bow Wow

Entries To be Corrected:
>Leonardo Dicaprio
>Perez Hilton
hey op

it might make things clearer if you put little stars of remphan to all the kikes in your pic
Bump, you deserve it for all your hard work. This image will be usefull for anons researching this incident in the future. Yo other anons, stop bumping dogshit bait threads and bump this motha fockaaaa.
Fun things with AI:
Flip horizontally and place image through a facial recognizer.
Shit brix
Don't forget the red stars added for kike former and current spouses.
>its a pizza party gate thread

y not purple

it's (((their))) color afterall
So what's the big deal here? Rich guy got weird? Who fucking cares.
Guy made rich buy jews, controls influencers, to push degeneracy onto your children through music and movies. This is called psychological warefare you fuckin idiot. Casualties are created by suicide, drug overdose, and failure to reproduce due to sexual perversion. Also the Jews have been able to push theire political ideas onto western society forcefully using these puppets in a way that doesn't represent a free market of ideas.
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i fucking KNEW IT
Was my first impression too
It's really shot as you need to dig into his business connections

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This is what an Anon made last night using the horizontally flipped chart as a base by asking an AI to facially recognize "The Merchant"
all these rapers took names to describe their boipussy

puffy had a puffy mangina
biggie smalls had a small anus relative to his big ass
busta had a busted prolapsed asshole
slim shady had a slim shitter that stank real shady
easy e had an easy penetration butthole
Jizzy Jay Z had a jizzy shithole that always leaked out jizz

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he looks uncomfortable
maybe niggers aren't allowed into the epstein type world? so they started their own dei version.
>Yo other anons, stop bumping dogshit bait threads
this would be nice but i can't see it happening.
It's not like it's up to us, when jew / glowniggers want something bumped they get bots to do it. No amount of saging will change that.

Also bump
>It's not like it's up to us
you've never bumped a dogshit thread then? i know i have. i'm sorry about the times i have and wish i hadn't though. sometimes the seethe makes it unavoidable, the glowies are not as stupid as they look.
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No idea who 3/4 of these people are tbqh
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top lad
And that's a good thing!
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When the first post is also the best post
>>482944223 #
How long until they to institute compulsory military service?
Frenly bumparino to keep this on page 1
guaranteed there are jews above Diddy directing all of this shit. They have used blackmail and vice for thousands of years. The entertainment industry is no different than politics.
they are just lower tiers than epstein clients.

I know of one, but is there non jews too? It seems mysterious

is that your ass or your moms half a reindeer?
Who cares about "celebrities"
Could we get a better quality image, by chance?
newfag mutt
Jewish Billionaire Clive Davis kickstarted Diddy's label at 24 and funds the operations. He happens to be notorious for blackmailing others himself.

Can I get a E___ S_____ T___ from the congregation?
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Posting on Nicki Minaj's timeline is the sweetest, most delicate troll of all time.

Beez in the trap, amirite?
Is that my old mentor P Diddy?

That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I dildozed him raw in a Beverly Hills blackmail-mansion dungeon. That shit had to be the loosest, blackest, wettest buck pussy I've ever laid silicone into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gnarling that wonderboy's guts while going suction cup deep into his shitter. I had Diddy screaming into the camera with Zest too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga throttled plastic cock until he busted in his mouth, I had to reset the camera. That nigga Diddy been tonguepunching non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "kong" Diddy, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is not ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his camera, get ya toys, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his color white, and his size thick. Pale skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That nigga Diddy stole biebers heart and drank his sneed.
What do the colors mean?
>Holy shit my cock can only get so hard with all this raw data
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Will you cut this fucking shit out? Barack Obama is NOT a "victim!" Everybody, as I did, will take one fucking look at Obama being labeled a "victim" and immediately ignore the rest.
Add a key for the meaning of the different colors.
Nigga loose on the goose but bro on the left aint smoking? Im sorry but he a lil rat.
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>Barack not a victim
Come on anon
What the fuck is Salman Rushdie doing there?
Red = Bad Bad Not Good
Yellow = Questionable
Green = "Likely incidental passing"
Grey = Neutral, but pinned with Diddy, more info needed.

I'll add a colour code on next patch. Currently bullying celebrities online because its funny and ontologically correct.
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Why do I see a jew?
Alright think of it this way. He got stung, thats beyond doubt. In the vid, he's clearly compromised with Diddy's crew were all sober. Diddy then delivers the Obomo to Clive like a good adopted son. They all cheer mazeltav and Obomo has to do actions that can only be explained with the JQ.

If the shame is removed, we can cut the strings on the puppeteer with meme surgery and Obama does whatever he wants. Likely pro-Republican-ly.

Akin to the mouse removing the splinter from the lion's paw.

As for me? Im more a centrist. But man, fuck Democrats. Their followers are starting to devolve into thinking animals are humans.
This is unfathomably based but you need to add a visual key to the image so that the meanings of the various symbols and colors can be recognized at a glance

that will make this image perfect
Because Clive Davis, Billionaire Jew that kickstarted, trained and bootstrapped Diddy, is a Jew.
am I the only person who finds it amusing when some proper-speaking white news anchor or talk show host calls these dumbasses by their "rap" names? I remember listening to some interview on the radio when I was young with some Ohio-voiced news anchor sounding dude talking to a rapper and was like "Now, Mr. Dirty Bastard, what inspired you to blah blah blah...". it was one of the most absurd things I'd ever heard at the time. It's up there with NPR hosts talking with their white bread radio voices and then suddenly switching to spanish soap opera voice to pronounce "Nicaragua".
>Diddy raped Obama
there is no fucking way, if true I demand Diddy be pardoned and given a medal lmao
Okay, but if I were Obama and I got buttfucked by some piece of shit rapper, he'd be the first guy I murdered the minute I got the presidency.
Thanks for clarifying

>Currently bullying celebrities online
based extra curricular activity
>obama as a victim
>not as one of the masterminds
obama likes hotdogs and so does big mike
Wouldn't be surprised if Davis is MOSSAD...
Plus Obama got hit early. The tapes look like old VCR and Obama looked fresh. Way before presidency and significant power.

Stockholm syndrome is a thing too. Sometime people just "accept".
No that js your free market jew
>Big brain shit.

If this is all one self fulfilling prophecy by "The Whos" (tm) then it is not far fetched to grasp how Obumbaclot was bred (his mother allegedly clearly was) born, groomed (once again...), bred again and puppeted with his effort included {Make it stop, JESUS, i'll do it.} into his previous roles as he was groomed to as he was bred to, as he was born to.

One could say the same of Biden but that is a bit different. That's why they were buddies right?

>We're not so different you and I. -speaking of

Americans Are Actually More Unified on Political Issues Than We Think


>How polarizing.
posting in a gay niggers thread
Its a zesty smelling sewer for sure.
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how about:
Flavor Flav
Ice Cube
Tupac Shakur
Vanilla Ice
Dr. Dre
Sir Mix-a-Lot
Snoop Dogg
Rappin' Rodney
i'm glad robert brownie, jr. isn't on this list
>Flavor Flav
this guy's legit, been naming the jew since the 80's. i think prolly all of Public Enemy are it's why the jews didn't elevate them when they took over rap.
what retardedly lame shit. approaching 80% of the niggas here are retarded no cap
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Just a lil' Diddy "Beat" I whipped up. Thank you. It's great to be here.
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Worrthy of a (You).
Why is nobody talking about BMF and big meech? They used to host parties with diddy in the 2000s

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