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They're dancing again.
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Isrealis dead - 0
Isn’t the iron dome intercepting everything tho?
cope or pure retardation.

>IDF spokesman:

>The missile launched from Yemen was successfully intercepted by an "Arrow" interceptor. The alarms and explosions that were heard are the result of the interception process and the interception fragments.
I'm dancing too. Celebrating the plight of the eternal Jew. I'll stop only when they finally decide to hang Netanyahu.
Those faggots mudslimes won't do shit, it's all gonna be red(dit) flags wooooo so scary Israel has crossed a line this time! Final warning!
They're both kike tribes
imagine netanyajew and jewlinsky hanging side by side?
that would make me so happy
When will you shitskins and SEAmonkeys realize you're fucked.
allah is a faggot.
Kikes win Everytime.

go read the book of Obadiah, viper
That's the Sex Offenders results.
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>regularly getting hypersonic missiles launched at you from YEMEN
>this means we are winning
No, the money printer can't print ammo, only more money, which means they're screwed.
Literally this. If Jews decided to do these two things I would stop hating them but for some reason they want to keep sucking mossad cock.
it's noting compare to what is happening in Lebanon ,retard
do you denounce isreal?
Doesn’t matter they still lost, no amount of hasbara will fix the mess bibi did

The millennial and zoomer are all red pilled, left wing or right wing
Only some Xers and the nigger cattle boomer that will soon die still support them
Nice try, this is just the map of registered pedophiles.
Why don't you Jewish weirdos just relax for once instead of trying to start wars with anything that moves?
Kek no. It doesnt have a perfect success rate and each missile is like $50k and they fire dozens at a time. Yes, America will foot the bill but they take time to be made.
it's mean islamishits fail to destroy us and so far had total of Tens of thousands dead in Gaza, about thousand in Lebanon, dead in Iran and Yemen and they're happy about siren.
Tiresome. Unless they show something equal to what have they done to Palestinians and others, i can only presume they're launching fireworks and playing that fucking siren again.
Oh boy
They’re about to feel what their neighbors felt if true
>100 bottle rockets
>0 dead
>1-2 wounded
I hate kikes, but holy shit muzzies are pathetic, lmao
We're all dancing
most of them are heavily impoverished. lebanon was in one of their worse economic crisis of date. Iran has some pretty advanced weaponry as seen by their attacks a few months ago. simple fact is the west is propping up pissrael with their tech.
im genuinely amazed that jews still didnt do russian style invasion. nobody will give a shit just like nobody gives a shit about russia out of fear of escalation.
Where's mah lile asian bro Dam Son at?
still better than crosskikes

you have a negative kill death ratio to kikes because you went to die for them in the sandbox and they kill you with immigration and tricked you to abort millions of you every year
Apologize for the USS Liberty as well as 9/11, and hang everyone in Mossad as well as Netanyahu and I will cease loathing you.
My bad bro that you I gave to myself was meant for >>482937942.
It reminds me a lot of EVE online with the goon swarm, dedicated solely to wasting Iron dome missiles to soften them up. But yeah, it's going to be priceless to see. I wish I was in Tel Aviv with some lawn chairs and a few beers.
Based, total kike death.
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to win all they have to do is make enough Jewish Israelis with secondary passports scared enough to flee
think about it logically - the poorest country in the Middle East is regularly launching a weapon system (that your country doesn't even possess) at your largest city, making - what - 2 million or so people hear sirens and flee to shelters
anyone who isn't scared would be stupid
lots of people are making the logical choice, and more will follow
Every mind exists a universe. Therefore if even a single jewish demon is killed, the world has healed that much. Have hope. All of the debauchery and subversion can end. There is ALWAYS hope.
Huh, the kikes really are outsourcing their internet force to India.
What a world.
Yeah, Israel would be fucked without white goys to kiss their asses. But Iran isn't as strong as you think it is. Their little flag larp should tell you everything you need to know. In urban warfare and guerrilla warfare they'd probably be strong, like Afghanis and other muzzies, since it's their specialty, but the West could carpet bomb them and cripple their whole world in a matter of a month or two if we really wanted. Would be way easier if the West just stopped supporting kikes, so we don't have to spend money on bombing muzzies that otherwise wouldn't be our enemies. And while we're at it, we should send them all back.
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this looks like the pedofile map
Last time they did that in 2006 it didn't go well, its not that amazing at all, jewish military leaders know that their capabilities are limited
every single rocket will be shot down
I think you found the map of local pedophiles.
>heavily impoverished
Turns out committing to terrorism is bad for the economy and civilians. Not my problem.
Their goal is not to kill civilians. Killing civilians actually hurts their cause as right now they have the moral high ground on the global stage. Their main goal is to exhaust israeli's extremely expensive air defenses and terrify israeli public and get more people to flee northern areas to burden the israeli economy with more israeli refugees.
Do you measure who wins by the number of civilians they kill? Or by their military accomplishments?

Invasion won't help Israel. They would have to genocide and destroy Arabia itself for that path to be successful
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it's like annuda shoa

kek Yemen is opening a third front on the kikes

it's over kikes, you're surrounded by 500 millions of people who hate your guts, better go back where you came from
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that's a map of all the pedophiles
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>Killing civilians actually hurts their cause as right now they have the moral high ground
Hexbollah shoots rockets into soccer fields killing the children there. Explain the moral high ground.
yeah americans never committed terrorism against the british occupation
they absolutely have the capability to level these shitholes. mudslimes are like russia, they only respect strength and sitting like a pussy behind a defense system is not a show of strength.
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>exhaust israeli's extremely expensive air defenses
Guess who is going to be paying for as much missiles as they need?
I thought that was the registered sex offender map
LOL it was a single ballistic missile and the Jews literally blew it up in outer space W Jews!
2006 was almost 20 years ago, Hezb is much much powerful now and has its own version of the javelin and an endless supply of fighters from Iraq (thanks the Ziocons!) and Syria and Yemen, and I'd wager Turkey too if shit hits the fans
Sex offender list
Probably, but we all know that Israel, if it really feels threatened, will just turn their cities to dust and bring them on their knees, so they're ready for negotiations. And then Iran will raise its stupid flags a couple of times, and some politicians will be "outraged", and then there's "peace" in the region for another decade, where both parties can acquire rockets for the next war.

Two tsar bombas could end that fucking shitshow.
t. Soviet rapebaby
>americans never committed terrorism against the british occupation
You have to stop or fight a real war at some point. Muslims can't fight.
But Bibi is in America.
You're talking about an israeli false flag attack on Druze kids. Keep lying, it won't get you anywhere.
If they have that capability why aren't they using it in your opinion? I would say the israeli military is proven to be incredibly incompetent, over 10 months against Hamas with 10 to 1 advantage in numbers and probably 1000 to 1 advantage in every form of weapon and they still cant get the job done, how are they going to destroy Hezbollah which is several times stronger than puny Hamas is? Reality is that if they had the capability they would immediately do it but they dont have that capability
is getting someone else to do your fighting considered fighting in your book?
you sound like a bitch
>Hezb is much much powerful now
How many fingers do you have left.
you have the audacity to criticize countries at war with Israel when your own country already has lost the war to Israel 80 years ago and is a cuck bitch nation which only serves their interests, lmao
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>Hexbollah shoots rockets into soccer fields killing the children there. Explain the moral high ground.
Coincidentially killing no jewish Israelis only Druze, funny how that worked out, just while the most famous druze person was the lawyer leading the case at the ICJ against israel for genocide. Weird coincidence
Like with those earlier misses and interceptions?

When will you lot manage an attack that is at least partially real in its results, rather than just the moronic posturing and pretending.
nothing happened AGAIN. maybe next time! right guys?
>Guess who is going to be paying for as much missiles as they need?
The thing is, they are being used up faster than they can even be made or resupplied, so even if more are brought in, this creates gaps in the air defense supply chain which could be capitalized on with mass bombardment of the biggest/most advanced/expensive missiles during these gaps
>he fell for the false flag
>over 10 months against Hamas
Hamas and leadership is mostly wiped out. Just keep the Egyptian border and block military supplies.
If any nation has been jewed and is a cuck bitch nation, it's France. What a hell hole. It's also full of really horrible people - the French. I hope your stupid church burns again. Fils de pute.
>Probably, but we all know that Israel, if it really feels threatened, will just turn their cities to dust and bring them on their knees
This won't help Israel. Doing to Beirut what they did to Gaza will just hurt Israel now. Diplomatically, israel has done more damage to themselves than Hamas/hezbollah has done in their entire existance. Everyone under 50 in the west is either apathetic or antagonistic to Israel, this ensures that time is on the side of the Lebanese/palestinians as they just need to wait for boomers grip on power to weaken and then israel will likely be cut loose as a misguided catspaw from a time when the western powers had a strong interest in destabilizing the region to aid in their exploitation of the regions energy resources, which are far less important than they ever have been before.
>expecting jews to do manual labor
invading means advancing their position with infantry and that means manual labor, they wont do that, plus that's quite risky, that's why they need good goyim to do that job
>If they have that capability why aren't they using it in your opinion?
because they are pussies trying to appease western idiots that screech genocide whenever they kill terrorists. the pager thing should be a clear indicator that nothing will ever please them. they should just go along and do it the way that any other country would do it disregarding civilian casualties because they should only ever care about their own citizens safety.
he said civilian, jews are animal
Isn't that just the sex offender map?
huge amount of dead
i saw at least 5 bodies and was told that there's 10 more ahead

I hope our gov will revenge
Ok, as of today 18% of the jewish population of israel is displaced and living in camps and group housing (warehouses with mattresses on the floor), do you feel like you're winning?
True, it is possible to saturate the air defences of Israel but not with this level of token rocket strike or two, they would need hundreds of rockets and missiles per day and a sustained attack lasting for a while
So why isn't the operation over then? Its not over because Hamas is still not defeated, they have mostly done carpet bombing of civilians which will only make more people willing to join Hamas, if your house is destroyed and your family incinerated why would you not pick up a gun? Israel couldn't have done it much worse from a military POV if they actually want Hamas gone, a catastrophic failure by them imo
They have too much to worry about at home.
When the Fedniggers and State of Texaniggers were performing their little border fence show early this year, you could hear the good-ol' boys around me firing their guns on automatic.
And they weren't preparing for any hunting season that time of year.
Dead civilians, duh. A jew left alive today is one that will subvert you tomorrow.

Jews kill each other pretty regularly for weird reasons though. They're as bad as Indians who trample each other while worshipping the jagananth.

A behavior typical in demon worshipping races.
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>muzzies that otherwise wouldn't be our enemies
this isn't true
Cause throwing money at it magically increases the production rate.
Quite the contrary, Israel has the unmitigated support of the west, especially the US and if you go by the UN definition then yeah they are conducting a genocide against the palestinians, if western leaders were not fully obedient to jews there would atleast be massive sanctions against Israel, Netanyahu is already a convicted war criminal yet western countries do nothing to stop him
good. digits and israel falls by the end of the year.
You will give them as much as they need because of the Israel lobby and general jewish control over the US, even if it significantly cuts in to your own supply
you know no one cared about Notre Dame burning xD Everyone made memes out of it and were thinking "oh no our taxes will be used for that" and that's all
lol you're dutch
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Muslim countries used to live in relative peace, occasionally cutting off each other's hands for stealing. Eye for an eye, etc.

Now, israel has turned every Muslim country into a GOLEM FACTORY with arabs born into a state of perpetual hell. Jews facilitate the migration of these hellspawn golem into other countries for their own financial and political gain.
that's because jews invited them, tardo. No muslim country is strong enough to fight conventional war against western world, without jews you can just put strict border regulation and there will be no stabbing problem
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damn, RIP christianity in France
Retard who fails to understand: money =\= goods. The iron dome production line has been running at 100% capacity since October 7th. It would take years to spin up new production lines and train new workers.

This is the definition of a good with an inelastic supply. Infinitive funds doesn’t translate to a single new missile.
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Jews invited them yeah but nobody made muslims act like inbred retards, they do it all by themselves
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You already said that, do you want me to repeat that they will use your storages again or something?
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Nothing to worry about stupid goy
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We don’t HAVE stores of Iron Dome missiles. We don’t HAVE stores of air defense missiles. We ALREADY burned through those assisting Ukraine. And we cannot take our remaining SAMs from their positions to defend Israel because they are ALREADY being used to defend Israel.

You are retarded thinking we have some magical ammo dump that shits out iron dome and Patriot missiles. We don’t, and thus the production rate is NOT going to change for years (actually not true it’s going to go down as Israeli component manufacturers get BTFO).
you guys consider this a success? god damn you guys are desperate
Don't worry, that's what the air raids and possible ground invasion are for.
To shut off the tap rather than trying catch the falling water.
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waiting for hesbalah's sophisticated missile systems to strike israel...
Lmao, air strikes and a ground invasion have not stopped HAMAS. Why should they work on the larger more extensive Hezzbollah? Further with what army? Your army is currently in Gaza. Are you going to retreat from Gaza with your tail between you legs allowing HAMAS to score a massive victory? Or are you going to throw random untrained mobiks at Hezzbollahs professional fighters?

Israel bit off more than it could chew and Netanyahu cannot back down or he ends up in prison for the rest of his life. Fun to see when he gets couped
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From Yemen to Broken Hymen
"Trying to destroy Israel" is redundant. Look at any street view image of Israel. It's a shit hole. A cursed place.
coping soon to be dead ass like faggot
You know I like the jews fried
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>Hezbollah doesn't have America giving them military equipment but kikes do, hehehehe

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