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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Nice "free speech" platform you have Elon, apparently if someone says Nazis were good then that's "violent speech".
Fuck this kosher WN garbage Thiel and Elon are cooking up, I hope Trump gets BTFO in the election and Twitter crashes and burns. If you think Trump will do ANYTHING for White people, instead of just being an attack dog for Zionists, then you're completely delusional.
Haha nudger got banned.

You won't do SHIT you pussy.
I'll just stop posting on Twitter since it's nothing but a Zionist playground, while Trump is going to lose get thrown in prison and assraped.
Israel is being destroyed by Kamala, why are you so mad at Trump? She's doing it right now you know.
It seems like Twitter has been banning more people in the past couple weeks. It's probably related to the election. Ultimately, if the US government tells Twitter to do something, Twitter will do it.
Wtf based Kamala, she's destroying Israel and flooding dumb zio boomer towns with Haitians??? I'm going to legit vote for her.
Maybe push the fucking appeal button, saved me a hundred times.
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You have a tiny jewish penis
I got banned for being pro-Nazi on Elon's supposedly free-speech platform you retard, but keep thinking kosher faggots like Trump or Elon will save you as they flood jewmerica with infinity shitskins (but legally!).
X sucks and America is cooked
have a reddit gold kind-doer
isnt that what ur posting for, u fucking faggot?
Wow you're so smart
Kamala will totally save the white race
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but nazis were the good guys. there was almost none dead before jews bombed pearl harbor and london to get npcs angry enough to firebomb whole fucking european continent resulting millions of civilian deaths and some jews died in camps because nazis couldn't keep jailed pedophiles alive anymore as everything was destroyed
>nazis are heroes
Hey two wrongs don't make one right
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Trump is the other side of the coin, and the coin is jewish
At this point you are voting not on who will fix shit, but who will accelerate the shit to hit the fan so that its rebuild back better(holy shit i sound like a cuck demoncrat)
Unless Trump removes jews, media and niggers at the same time, theres no saving for the world. That would never happen, so destruction it is. Vote Kamala. Tired of this tug of war rope game
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You're basically a jew. And like all foreigners, you know nothing about America. Trump is the chaos candidate. He's been the main character of politics for nearly a decade now. Trump means record turnouts and political engagement levels. Even when he loses, politics are about him and what he's doing. Without Trump, people just sit down and die. When Trump is involved, millions get radicalized in either direction.
free speech free consequences

we are gonna remove all anti israel content
You must always have a master to serve right you cretin jeet?
Dude some people get piled, make another account and get back in. You're right about trump.

>You must always have a master
Kamala's team just gave israel 8.7 billion more you dumb faggot, why aren't you complaining about her?
>yes jew massah we will do your bidding
The eternally service pajeet

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