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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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ITT we theorize what the world will be like when Jesus Christ returns. Will it be a post scarcity world? How will that effect the prices of product and services? Will we eat only kosher foods? Will we all honor and rest on Shabbat? Will there be any lotteries(no gambling?) in the Christ world? Will the Christ world be exclusively White? Will there be some non-Whites in the Christ world? Will it actually be full of multiracial Christians who are all seen as equals under Jesus Christ? Will Jesus Christ institute White Supremacy? Will Jesus be rich? Will he be a poor king?(lol?) Will Jesus own a Lamborghini? Will the Lamborghini company even still exist? What companies will exist? Discuss.
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Jesus likely never existed to begin with. There are no primary sources for him being "real" beyond as a Jewish mythic folk hero. The earliest gospels we have were all written decades after his purported crucifixion by anonymous authors. Odds are, he never actually existed.
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It will be a paradise beyond anything your carnal mind can fathom. Only the meek and pure of heart will inherit it. Only those childlike in faith and conform to the True ultimate love that is christ will lay their eyes upon the eternal untold wonders to come.
No one can even fanthom that, I know that youre just clowning but theres a reason for your clowning
Youre too attached to this world and what it offers
He will wipe away your tears, your sufferment, your pain, your misery, that is one description
How that will happen its up to Him, we can only wait in faith
Nice Square and Compass, faggot.


they say when Jesus comes he kill everybody. ah yes and you supposedly go to heaven or something. but he do kill everybody, it says so in their books.
but he is generated by humans
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Arianism is heresy.
I'm Jesus or rather the one who will claim to be Jesus.
Jesus knew someone like him would come in the future, so he laid the groundwork for him, knowing he would inevitably claim to be him to reap the benefits of his religion.
Yes I will become humanity's God-Emperor and do exactly what Jesus said and bring the kingdom of heaven on Earth.
What is the kingdom of heaven?
It's the stars and I will take you there.
Jesus is there too, he was taken by aliens because humanity wasn't ready for a God.
But now you are.
Also faggotry will become a capital offense.

You guys are so dumb, Watch the videos I posted. Movies and Videogames that are objectively programming you to resist and hate God's plan in which he destroys the world and recreates it anew in perfection. It's so fucking obvious. Thanos represents yahweh. In Jrpg's they always want you to kill who wants to destroy the world and cleanse everything when in the bible it's god's ultimate solution.
>It will be a paradise beyond anything your carnal mind can fathom.
>No one can even fanthom that

These are cops outs. Actually I can fathom it faggots. I can theorize what it will be like. You sound like you both only use religion to control others. Maybe you're part of a death cult that will eventually succumb to mass suicide.
99% of all life will be erased from earth and spirit.
The remnants will exist forever in perpetual worship. They won't do anything, forever, other than worship.
Considering our definition of what it means to be alive, everyone will be dead (or at least not alive), since there will be no maintenance of vitals and no free will.
Sounds great doesn't it.
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christcucks be like
>gotta support diseased shart sex for the sodomite ally!
cop outs*
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Will Jesus own a Lamborghini? Will Jesus Christ live in a royal palace? Where? In Jerusalem? Jesus Christ claims to be royalty. He must be treated like a royal correct? So he will be rich, right? Imagine Jesus driving an Aston Martin.
literally i see it as the emperor from warhammer 40k
maybe not day one but it will get there
It's not a cop out, why do you even know exactly how it will be? Are you so carnal minded that you can't comprehend the idea of a joy and ecstasy beyond your carnal senses?

"But, as it is written, 'What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him' – these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God" (1 Cor. 2:9

Do you get it? You won't even have your current body, It will be like what jesus had after his resurrection, Your body will be beyond human. You won't feel boredom, your mind and heart will be different, and you will have superpowers. Death and Hell will be cast into the lake of fire. Think about that, The very fabric of existence will changed. There will be no sun or moon. It will be a joy beyond comprehension. It will be continuous intense love. What will you be doing? No one knows. But it will be awesome beyond anything you can imagine. Better than owning a mercedes or skydiving or being balls deep in a big breasted japanese waifu. Think beyond all that.
Earth will be scorched into dust and rebuilt in his will.
The contradiction is that it is said that the new world after will be a perfect paradise, but all will exist only to worship the father. There will be no struggle, no fear, no illness and no harm to anyone, thus making everything pointless and leaving our only wish as being worship.
It is my understanding that this means that everyone will be pretty much like the angels, standing around him and receiving some sort of energy or pleasure from it, forever, without doing anything else.
Reminds me of the notion that as entropy diminishes in the universe, everything stagnates and eventually freezes at the subatomic level.
I guess that's what is going to happen. Everything will be stuck in time. Perpetual worship for an all-powerful entity that in fact never needed and never will need us at all. Existence here is pointless and the only guarantee is the complete and utter destruction of all that is human and flesh. Call it intelligent design somehow.
We were built to self-destroy through our own will or to be destroyed by god at the end anyways.
If Jesus creates post scarcity how will he prevent the economy from crashing? Will e regulate the supply to prevent prices from crashing?
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Appearances to the mind are of four kinds:
>Things either are what they appear to be
>or they neither are nor appear to be
>or they are and do not appear to be
>or they are not and yet appear to be.
Rightly to aim in all these cases is the wise mans task
If carnal things are so bad why did God makes us carnal beings? Maybe God should have made us all ghosts instead.
wait im going call him and ask him
now that you're here can you please fix things. i'm sure we'll get the full rundown on the faggot situation as we go
We were given carnal bodies so that we can either destroy ourselves with it, or see god destroy it for us at the end anyways.
We are not protagonists or essential in the grand plan, that is the biggest blackpill. The father is more of a lovecraftian eldritch entity than a warm and caring parent. We are ants, no, we are bacteria, crawling on a rock he happened to step over one time, and hoping that he comes back (to step on us).
oh thank god. he's greek
it'll be like in the days of Noah
Tis is schizo babble I am not going to read this garbage.
Keep worshipping the Holy Jew, two more weeks and he'll be back!
the faggot thing had me worried. they were so close to winning
it is always more difficult to be than it is to appear
LOL retard!
When our lord and saviour returns everyone is going to pray for the anti christ to save them with the karmic retribution about to be unleashed.
it's not a laughing matter
Jesus isnt a jew. His coming opened the covenant to all man and the jew became accursed because they rejected him. This isnt hard to understand. It's like saying elvis is actually dave mustaine since they both play a guitar.
Ahh yes. The afterlife meme. Don't worry about your sisters and daughters getting raped and murdered by the savages we let in. Turn your eyes away from the fact that your society is doing a complete nosedive and your people likely not existing anymore in a few decades, it all pales compared to your jewish hotel up the sky.

Top goy
>Jesus isnt a jew.
Stop lying.
>Jesus isnt a jew.
What kind of people celebrate Passover?
Sry bro I have no clue what I am doing
I have the soul of a God in a mortal body
It took me 30 years to even achieve immortality
I don't even have superpowers or anything yet
It might take me 10 years to start shining or 100, I have no clue
Right now I am content living a nobody's life with my family, I have no urge to rush things since I am immortal
I will stay with my parents and cherish them until they die, I will live forever but I will only have them for a precious few decades more
Probably I will live a full normie life for as much as I can cause I will only get to do this once (until people realize I don't age)
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>believing in a jewish religion about jews being better than you
i played a game where i killed god with the power of friendship
it is also written that your jewish sky fairy is evil and amoral.
jeez dude, you like to be a bottom.
If you want to take an unwilling to understand position that's on you. You cant deny he didnt open the covenant so you cant say he was a jew. He was more. My question is why do you look upon someone who preached love and kindness with such hatred?
somebody back me up on this or correct me if i'm wrong, but i think the scripture says lots of mf's are gonna die
according to the bible jesus is a jew, you lose faggot.
You are lying yet again. What does your goy manual say about bearing false witness? Better repent and take your meds.
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[1Jo 4:3 KJV] 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
According to the bible the jews rejected him.
What am I lying about? Why do you hate so much? You cant say you dont since you go out of your way to exclaim your position. If you didnt care you wouldnt bother. What burns in your heart?
I ve tried to wrap my mind around what exactly having a creator implies from an objective, logical point of view.. Something like the multi verse theory would open the possibility that another realm which is heaven exists.. I figure it probably doesnt exist within this universe.. The fact that Earth and life exists is a true marvel in itself given how empty and desolate the rest of the universe is as far as we can observe.. something i have been trying to wrap my mind around is how time is most likely an eternal/infinite property which has always existed and therefore entities and realms completely outside of our realm of comprehension have and do exist and therefore there is an all powerful God, which created us here and insulated us from the rest of the realms

Do you use Linux?
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>jew kikes rejected him
doesn't change bloodlines, someone who is black is still black despite niggers rejecting niggers. besides the jews didn't even "disown" him as a jew, just as their savior to their fictional jew fairy.
make a better case and stop being shit.
The book of Revelation claims 1/3rd of people on Earth will be killed by the 200 million strong army that crosses the dried Euphrates river bed of Revelation 9.
>What am I lying about?
About the origin of your cult. You can pilpul and cope all you want, rabbi Yeshua bar Yoseph was as jewish as a shtreimel. What other people went to passovers, had their dicks cut off and were squatting around judea at that time? I think it pretty much narrows it down.
>What burns in your heart?
You really don't want to know.
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dumb lying kike
your tribe is a bunch of goyim converts who were duped by the remaining pharisees after AD 70 and AD 125, two massive rebellions where most,if not all the non-repentant Judahites perished. AD 70 was prophesized, the second was just Roman maintenance. The remaining pharisees regrouped in Mesopotamia and after a long while wrote the babylonian lunacy known as the talmud.
now go kvetch somewhere else.
pic related
You're saying the son of god is wholly bound by human flesh? Holy shit good luck in life bro.
You can never see truth through a lens of hate. And yes I do want to know.
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that anon is right.
I've had visions of Heaven in near-death experiences.
It's a place of unimaginable bliss.
It almost feels like dejavu/nostalgia, like it's your true home that you completely forgot about.
I didn't see my loved ones in the flesh, but I felt their love and company.
It's a place of pure harmony and fulfillment. No questions, no wants, no fear. Only pure joy and satisfaction for infinity.
Jesus came back like 1200 years ago you insufferable, have-ye-not-read asshole.

What was it like? Check out 'antiquitech'.

Of course you pricks just blather on about your scofield indoctrination vs actually reading.

Matthew 16:28 is Mark 13:26 is Revelation 1:7
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well since your fictional sky jew doesn't exist, i won't concern myself with my life since i am doing very well.
even if so it still means he is jewish because half jew, but let's be honest, mary was a whore who got pregnant by fucking someone, and joseph is a cuck, so realistically and genetically jesus is a jew.
you lose faggot.
ok retard
>You guys are so dumb,
>Watch the videos I posted.
The /pol/ intellectual
Jesus will return in 2112 and I will rape him vigorously with my cybernetics enhanced turbo cock. I will melt him down into viscous bio waste from the inside out
>can't even into partial preterism
Anon if Christ did come back already we would all know it. It would be an undeniable historical event.
The Bible says when Christ does return, there is no doubt. Even the nonbelievers will kneel and say Jesus is Lord.
It's an explosive, massive happening that can't be denied.
Japan's trying to trigger the Day of Reckoning, before Jesus returns. What happens if they succeed?
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>believing in a jewish sky fairy
>calls a sane person who doesn't hear voices a retard
pic related
2033 seems more likely.
Since Jesus was crucified at age 33 and we're coming up to the 2000 year anniversary of His crucifixion AND things are accelerating extremely fast (faster than ever before in human history) my gut tells me 2033
>i won't concern myself with my life
Ok then you do you
do better and be less retarded. you still haven't proven how the jew jesus is not a jew, and here is a tip, you can't unjew his blood.
>satan back to decieve the nations
>yea bro everything he said was true but it's my time now
What exactly do you think this deception entails you scofield indoctrinated moron? Go get a bible without all the stupid man notes in the column so you can unfuck your retardation.
There ain't much to deceive the nations on
>what? what kingdom? Yea that never happend!
such a stretch huh? that the father of lies would lie about the millennial kingdom?
Gfy dweeb.
Looking for evidence of this when JC said what he would do in PLAIN ENGLISH and it didn't involve some 2000 year wait.
>before some standing here taste death
in fact just KYS already its that obvious and you're that evil or dumb.
Treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath.
But that's just what you fools do.
>is born of jews
>gets rejected by jews
>becomes king of mankind
Seriously dude. Why do you insist he is bound by human flesh?
>some standing here that won't taste death before you see me coming in the clouds with my kingdom (with power) lol
Why are you retarded children sucking the same exact doctrine as the 'muh greatest ally' retards?

>some standing here won't taste death
>wait 2k years
fuckin clowns kill yourselves.
Kill your grandparents and whoever else molested these views into your head - you sure as fuck didn't read them.
The have ye not read crowd is liars and all liars go to the lake (soon)
he's a stupid hylic like most of these retards on the tubes
So you can't answer a simple question? You can't say what sort of people celebrate Passover? I know why you can't because you know where this is going. I'll answer for you: Jews celebrate Passover, Jewsus celebrated Passover, hell, he was arrested during preparations for Passover. He was a Jew
>He was more
No, he was a normal Jew rat
>My question is why do you look upon someone who preached love and kindness with such hatred?
He was an evil Jew rat. Why wouldn't you hate a baby dick cutting Jew?
>According to the bible the jews rejected him
So? Why should I care about Jewish sectarian bullshit?
Hey retard
what part of
>deceiving the nations
do you not understand
please enumerate what types of deceptions would be on the docket here
>no kingdom come and past
>muh jew muh gentile
>nobody assumed any fraudulent identities
>nobody forgot their rightful identity

you people are such clowns
get ready for the lake
finish circling the camps faggots
its about that time.
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>implying this has anything to do with his skin
nigger, i spelled it out for you, he is at the very least half jew if you really believe the story of mary's pregnancy, so he is by definition, still a jew.
and again, realism for you, mary was a whore, she got pregnant by some rando she serviced, joseph was a cuck, so jesus is 100% genetically kike. you can't unjew his blood.
also, also, the bloodline that your "god" chose as the "chosen bloodline" is literally the jews, you're sucking off a jewish sky fairy who according to you made mary pregnant, meaning even if you had it your way, jesus is STILL 100% jew.
you lose faggot.
You're not asking a relevant question. You can read my other posts if understanding still escapes you. You just want to unaccept and that's ok but dont be deceitful in your intent. What are you even barking at? The wind?
according to you jewish man isn't jewish, so no one should take stock in what you have to say since you've been proven wrong.
2k more years
You're a heretick to believe a day longer than the lifespan of a man.
>muh muh muh wheres my worldly evidence
fucking clown that's the thing its everywhere
you could just believe the bible instead lmao.
You galileans don't even have the slightest idea of how much damage you have caused, but it's all just worldly and therefore worthless right? The heaven meme makes you forget about all the misery and suffering around you, it's all just dust and ashes, isn't it?
You're obtuse and have nothing to offer beside misguided hate.
You didnt prove hes not the king of man so...
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>believing a jewish book about jews
i have proven time and again you cannot unjew a jew's blood, he's a jew, you lose faggot.
Kek you fucking demons are so easy to obliterate
Jesus said he will bring war. He said you should buy a sword. That's what he said. So? Your dumb pic is nothing what would be there if....
War. Only war.
Read the Bible, he said it. Sell all you have, buy a sword, to fight.
That's what he said.
You have a severe misunderstanding. Why would a guy whose only real worldly concern for you was to be clothed and own a sword? Going so far as to say sell your garment if you cant afford a sword? Doesnt sound like life being worthless. Is it outside your scope of reasoning the message was perverted along the way?
why would you believe you can unjew a jew?
>using the physical to classify the spiritual
You are of small mind
>forgetting you cannot unjew a jew
your god is still a jew too, you still lose faggot.
Explain why. What drives you? Put the shit aside and talk to me.
what drives me? being amazing, why are you a faggot?
you still haven't managed to unjew a jew.
You're acting like a nigger
you're really easy to upset, what's the mater, can't handle that you suck jews off?
And what good a sword to you, if you supposedly die by the sword if you live by it? If you cannot use it to resist evil? If you are compelled to turn the other cheek? Its more decoration, the fatal illusion of defensibility, and why is that? Because you've already been spiritually disarmed.
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Come back soon Jesus!
I've been around enough niggers to know how they behave when upset. Repeating themselves often over dumb shit and being hostile. So quit being a nigger.
You can defend yourself. Living by the sword means using it proactively or for money.
Heaven just means sky. God lives in the sky. God lives in outter space. German Bibles translate heaven as Himmel which means sky in German. The Hebrew word for heaven is Shamiyim.
The dead will be resurrected. Following that will be the judgement of both the living and the dead. Those in Christ will be given new bodies that are immortal completely maxed out and perfect in every way.

Everything will be remade. There will be a new heaven and new earth and they will overlap. Life will be nothing like it is now. It will be like Eden but better. Nothing within our frame of reference can do it justice.
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you still haven't unjewed the jews blood.
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I'm talking about Jesus Christ's earthly reign not in heaven. I'm wondering if wagies will still exist. But if Jesus Christ is king why would he work and not live in luxury? I guess he would work on community projects like planting trees and stuff like that kind of like how modern royalty does. But that is all work and idk if laboring and work will still exist or if we will use magic or something to do all the work, or if we will use AI in a fully automated society(FAS.)
Revelation 21. The perfect Bride of Christ arrives, in the form of complete faith and love among His followers. The good is elevated and the evil banished. God dwells among us and within us all fully in version of the world that's something like a new and improved Eden.
Explain why it matters other than your own hatred.
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jewsus would turn the world into a sandnigger-tier jewish theocracy, enforcing under threat of death the proto-jew laws of the old testament
>Jesus came back like 1200 years ago you insufferable, have-ye-not-read asshole.
Why are there no records of his return?
will he be delivered in a giant space-mushroom?
Classy outfit. Jesus being a motivational speaker needs one of these headpiece microphones so more people can hear his speeches.
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i don't care, i just want you to admit, you love jews because you're a sub to the kikes.
there also are no real records of that person really existing anyways, so either jesus really did exist and his corpse was thrown into a ditch or a hole somewhere, or jesus never really existed and it's all a big jew story to keep you under the jews control.
Jesus already came and went away, we were in dire need with evil enslaving us with debt, it will get better now over the course of a few generations
Paladin to Death Knight.
Its th e jews. alien space shit is always the jews now. They're programming for a fake invasion rapture terror
They'd label him a far right extremist and do their best to cancel him the moment they realized he wasn't going to kowtow to whatever happy corporate bullshit the MSM is spewing on any particular day.
>You can defend yourself. Living by the sword means using it proactively or for money.
If the sword is truly for defense, then why does rabbi yeshua so explicitly warn against its use? 'Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.' isn't a casual mention but a fundamental rejection of violence as a solution. And again, he tells you to 'turn the other cheek' it's clear that physical defense is not the mandate, it is the illusion of spiritual fortitude. The idea that you can wield a sword defensively but not proactively is the same illusion - one of control over violence, when your scriptures tell you the opposite: that once you wield it, it controls you.
>>some standing here that won't taste death before you see me coming in the clouds with my kingdom (with power) lol
They did witness the transfiguration and ascension.
You haven't actually read the Bible cover to cover, have you?
Once Jesus returns no army or police forced can stop him. Correct? Jesus will be the one laying down the law not human governments or Satan's governments. The angels are a heavenly military according to the Bible. That is Jesus' army.
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>believing you know what is or is not a jew
God wrote all about you in his book. Every little quip and quibble you retards come with is foretold with alarming fidelity.
>the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not
checks out
I'm sure you're proclaiming your wisdom from the hilltops lmao
bro 1997 wants its rhetoric back btw
and also you have to be 18 to be on this site
What do christian think of pic related? BlazBlue is a japanese game with christian religious themes. One of which is the "Day of Reckoning", they want it to happen NOW. even before Jesus returns. They argue the world is near it's end now, so the day of reckoning should happen.
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>2000 more years
This just goes to show early Christians were already preemptively coping for their Messiah never actually existing.
Anime looks White I like anime. I would rather the Japanese add Christian themes to their animes than Muslim or Jewish themes.
My God is an angry god
An angry god
An angry god
My God is an angry god
You will roast in fire
Trust the plan, yeshua in control, in the meantime resist no evil.
based. imagine believing in this jewish fairytale and thinking you're not a fucking lunatic.
>if someone strikes you on the cheek turn to them the other
A cheek slap is petty. As in dont let petty aggression or annoyance drive you to wield the sword. That's not saying you should let someone murder you.
no nigga thats you boutta be put in the lake, hesitatin' n scammin' your (attempted) way out of surroundin' like ya will.
suffer you no more on account of getting redeemed lmao sux 4 u! I'm sorry this is what you chose I would have had better for you .
thank you for setting it straight. I would say though that sword doesn't have to wait until they're about to kill ya. Robbing, beating, binding whatever - not happening
>carry a sword
>literally all I care about
>for no reason
Salvation is for Whites only. Disgusting non-Whites do not possess the genes or intelligence to follow His word, they will all fail, as they only exist to demonstrate what a sinful world looks like. We are given dominion over animals.
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Jesus in charge
Of my days
And my nights
Jesus in charge
I will cuck
To any fights

>Verification not required.
There are literal documents worth of proof ranging from the romans to the people who knew him.
>Disgusting non-Whites do not possess the genes or intelligence to follow His word, they will all fail, as they only exist to demonstrate what a sinful world looks like.
Look but we can go throughout the world and colonize the bitch - 2-3 generations in with reproduction guided wisely everyone wins. The kalergi plan scenario is acceptable if it is actual white men conquering the world and getting the job done.
'Salvation is from the jews'.
jesus already here but how would you know...
We're human. Human reactions apply. Theres always a path to atonement.
Very based post
No there isn't. The Pontius letters are considered forgeries even by the Vatican.
You mean the jews?
It will be a boring dystopic hell and the jews will try to kill him again. Probably why they're working 24/7/365 on digital currency and state surveillance/sousveillance.
Aliens will descend on the Earth and conquer it in the name of Jesus Christ. They will save us and our planet from the coming cataclysm. These aliens will claim to be angels and or the God of the Christian faith. In the year 2033, Jesus Christ will return. He will rule over the whole world as king. He will hand pick 144,000 white men to serve as a form of government and as representatives for the human race. They will be taught the secrets of creation and be given eternal biological life, so that their authority is not without substance. These 144,000 priests will be the new human role models that define our culture and our society going forward. The angels will establish a permanent residence on the Earth and live alongside the priests, teaching them and nurturing them into the best possible role models. Eventually the 144,000 will have powers equivalent to Jesus Christ, capable of miracles far greater than anything in the Bible. Humanity will be uplifted and transfigured into forms suitable for God. Every person will be a vessel for God, and not just the priests. Then we will ascend together and populate the universe with more angelic beings, uplifting civilizations as we go along.
Jesus will invade the Earth with his angelic military, according to the Bible.
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You've been done for years. There will never be "new world order". Go directly all the way back to before twenty years of nine eleven total crap.
everything from the relevations pretty much came true. The only thing left to happen is a New Heaven and New Earth for Humans to populate after Jesus has burned all the bad trees producing bad fruit(Hindus).
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The Book of Revelation is widely misunderstood.
>Judea was occupied by Rome during the advent of Christianity in the 1st century.
>Those Jews who resisted Roman rule were killed while those who gave in where spared.
>Slaves were marked on the hands and condemned men were marked on the head by Roman authorities - which is where the idea of the "Mark of the Beast (Nero)" comes from.

Nero is the Beast (Satan) of Revelation.
>When you actually look at the original text, you'll see that in this passage, the letters of 666 are actually written in Hebrew, which places a higher significance on numbers meaning words and words meaning numbers than ancient Greek. The writer was very clearly trying to tell us something.
>And sure enough, if you translate the Hebrew spelling of 666, you actually spell out Neron Kesar - the Hebrew spelling of Nero Caesar.
>Even if you take the alternative spelling of the number of the beast, which has been found in several early Biblical texts as being written 616, you can translate that out as being Nero Cesar.
It could only be a coincidence if just 666 or 616 could be translated out to Nero's name, but not both.

>tl;dr the Book of Revelation is a political allegory about a Judeo-Roman feud thousands of years ago

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