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Was letting women vote a mistake?
i want to be suffocated by her thighs so bad
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Letting anyone vote for the uniparty is
Incel thread
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Capitalism was a mistake.
>fake gender war shilling
hang op and repeal the 15th
She probably extracts more wealth from third world countries than OPEC.
free market not even once, all her paypigs live off the government with fake jobs and welfare
fuck, that's a good way to look at it.
>Was letting women vote a mistake?
After thinking about it. Yes.
capitalism punishes paypigs for their bad decisions though. This ones aren't organic.
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Yup, and you'll never get it reversed because they outnumber the voting base.
>best option is plan B
>Legally increase female responsibilities
>Force them in the draft and deny them the same benefits men who aren't registered are denied.
>Manditory minimums for when women commit crimes that equal the average sentences of minority males to "fight racism"
>Harsh punishments for men acting in defense of a woman who is not their friend, family, or gf.
>Transwomen get preferential treatment over bioholes.
>Remember men, you can identify as a masculine presening transgender lesbian and that is hecking valid
>female identifying men get to go to female prison.
>Build a national employment data base to help employers not hire onlyfans models.
Women will still have "a vote" but they will be unemployable, isolated, in danger by the people they voted to let in, and seeking protection.
Fucking truth.
no it was not making them subject to the same responsibilities as men are to vote that was the error

draft a bunch of them and the anti-suffragette movement will erupt from the grave with the force of a WWZ horde

want women to stop voting? remove tradsimps and wokeshits from house and congress and make women subject to selective service
nothing repels women like responsibility
No. Build a society where every human has a voice and can contribute to its future together.
If you want babies figure out how to build artifical wombs, pregnancy fucking sucks to go through.
Did this whore really make 27M $$?
how is this in any way related to women voting?
its literally mens fault
>Was letting women vote a mistake?
You can tell she was built for BBC.
Do you think letting all the other livestock vote would be a good idea?
Black boys in America could vote in 1870. White women had to wait until 1920. This will never not be funny.
I hate this bitch. I‘d rail her all day and night long, but I still hate her.
In the future, there will be no more George Soros, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Sheldon Adelson, Mark Zuckerburg, or the Koch brothers to worry about, Instead, we'll have to worry about a handful of railroaded old thots who are sitting on $50 trillion in simp gibs each.
Blame both the crack addict and the crack dealer.
what a black pill.

This bitch is average at best
Democracy was a mistake

i want to fuck her in the ass
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Reminder, they just use it as birth control.
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I still can't believe women are allowed to murder just because they don't wanna keep their legs closed
Abortion is the biggest meme of all time
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Holy FUCK bros
> only paid 16% in taxes on $32M
Can an anon explain to me like I’m a braindead retarded down syndrome nigger moron why?
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What a time to be a woman.. And yet they still find a million things to whine about.

i love when they moan with cock in their ass
It's a filter.
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Why are these silly boyim so easily deceived?
eeeh, women voting is just a symptom produced by the real problem: letting men vote
i wish you would just stay on her OF page and fuck off from here, is what I think.
pretty sure that's the cut OF takes


The biggest mistake we've ever made.
No, start paying whores and stop paying ewhores - if you have to do it.
I want to swallow her semen so bad.
Little brown incels money. As if I give a fuck.
Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, anon.
Letting every swinging dick non-land owner vote automaticaly turns your republic into a democracy and democracy is the stupidest fucking form of government there is. So yes. Big mistake.
lol no. There's a jumpcut before/after the phone is shown.
Why do I see this coom bait roastie all the time?
For fat, ugly, balding poor white men
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does anyone here have the GIF of the crying mascara girl being slapped across the face juxtaposed with the old creep laughing and drinking a large glass of brandy
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before the 20s you'd NEVER see these opinions outside of blackpill pages
Gentlemen, I regret to inform you,
Don't hate the player, hate the game
It's not her fault simps waste their money on her
>$17 million from messages
Seems to me like letting MEN vote was the real huge mistake here.
I have to start robbing OnlyFans whores apparently.
>No, start paying whores and stop paying ewhores - if you have to do it.
you're on to something. feminists have all but shunned prostitution but hold sex workers in high esteem. need to promote a simp to sex worker pipeline advanced as sex positivity.
would simultaneously cripple ewhores and resolve the simp-incel issue.
I wouldn't doubt straight up spooks the world over are diverting massive funds towards e-whores to further destabilize the culture.
Voting is anti-human, we aren't designed to deal with conflict and disagreement like this.
I mean robbery must be legal since niggers are allowed to steal things with impunity.
Well Margaret Sanger was trying to keep the nigger population down, be grateful.
Strategically yes, but you cannot go back to the pre-1965 world now. Pandora's box is open. Talk to most women and they obviously will be repulsed at the suggestion of not having rights.
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Incel thread
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Allowing secret societies to conspire against society was a mistake. Freemasons invented feminism/transgenderism.
God, I despise smug women so much it's unreal. It is such a uniquely infuriating sight, knowing 9 out of 10 times she has nothing going on behind those windows to the soul. Let's see how Princess Chickenlegs would cope with having to learn a real skill or trade and apply it in the real world as opposed to just being a prop.
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did someone break your heart ?
>talk to most women
You should talk to the the women of afghanistan, there was absolutely zero trouble going back.
Thirdies aren't paying her. They're writing on his public Instagram and looking up leaks
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unedited version
Just put women in a comfortable position that their work is no longer needed. Its pretty ridiculous how every kind of decadence and creature comforts are created en masse by men when women got the vote and yet they have the tenacity that it is still mens fault. Men came out of Women. Women needs to be more responsible for good Men to happen.
For fat, ugly, balding white women.
Lets gooo no confederate flag based. I am off the hook.
27+ million dollars in a single year? holy shit not even most big bank CEOs make that much
kek, but why
there's no fucking way this shit is real. there's not enough money for all these random thots to be making literally tens of millions of dollars for nothing.
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>bowling pin build
Hoeflation is real
It's the God damn CIA I swear on my mother, please God have giant asteroids turn Colorado and Virginia into lava filled craters.
If she was a CEO in the US, the richest country in the world, she would be literally among the top 100 paid CEOs.
Voting was a mistake, it just took women to make it obvious.
Doesnt look like she has all that.
why the fuck do niggers pay for porn?? 27 MILLION??? cant you just fucking go into xvideos or something?
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>Talk to most women and they obviously will be repulsed at the suggestion of not having rights.
Of course a snake wouldn't want its venom removed, how else would it be a threat to a human who can just step on it? Women rely on the 1-way streak of protection society gives them to perform any political activism whatsoever through the assertion they will be valued. Women are never to be engaged with for any other reason politically other than to use, as if you were to talk about any other topic with the average "political" woman for more than 5 minutes you'd quickly come to realize how irresponsible it is to allow these people pull in society by pure virtue of their awful character.
If you are a man, do not speak to these people as if you are speaking to a peer. They are tools, and solely exist to be broken in any way possible when not in your hands if their ability to work as a tool becomes inconvenient. Your enemies see them this way, and now they wield them. If you can't force them without repercussions, shame them, make them feel lesser about themselves, and break down their social support networks, especially those reaching out to gullible men or ZOG, that maintain their ability to indulge their destructive vices.
Culture is a war and the goal isn't victory, it's to destroy the enemy until the recede.
To give you faggots an idea, according to the list she literally made more money than fucking Walmart and BlackRock CEOs this year.

Letting non-property owners was really a mistake. Really the thing that should be done is a citizen should get a number of votes equal to the net taxes they’ve paid since the last election, minus any direct benefits received, removing the moral hazard of the electorate voting themselves benefits, as well as discouraging tax evasion among the rich.
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Jerry Nadler and then Barney Frank and then Larry flynt in the globe container
its not real

OF is a scam, these women do not make anywhere near this, the whores that do actually have serious cash flow going through their accounts are money laundering, they keep very small fractions of the total, usually less than 1 %.

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