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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The validity of trans and nonbinary identities is a viewpoint held by all of Western Medicine, no one cares if you agree or not, science has moved on, it has gained a more complete (and vastly more complicated) understanding of these things.
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Faggots lie:

this is a good thing
>our kids
>study says
>experts believe
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Has anyone ever seen a trans that didn’t look dead inside?
>think of the children

I bet you do, pedo, they're better off dead.
Do you need anti-murder laws? It's not obvious enough?
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Not my problem.
They aren't your kids they are OUR kids
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There's no science left in western institutions. It's all about money. Western doctors push transfaggot shit because Big Pharma makes Big Money on retards who think they're an imaginary person.
>suicide attempts

So what's the real number of successful suicides?
you can't hold people hostage via threats of or attempts to.

that's abuse.
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Chuds have a sad outlook on life, femboys/trans girls are cute and playful while all of you are shriveled emotionally stunned retards, fantasizing about us dying and causing harm
> mentally unstable are infact mentally unstable.
>Trans kids killing themselves

Why does /pol/ support white genocide?
Ok, if they are so valid, then why the fuck I can't get extra testosterone for bodybuilding purposes, or even just to revitalize my libido, improve my fitness and health? It's fucking impossible to get testosterone if you are not a degenerate leper psycho.

The reason is because this entire "medical" subject has been concocted by the democrats with the sole purpose of pandering to women and lepers and getting their hysterical insane votes back. That's the 100% of it. None of it is valid, it's just democrat black female insanity propaganda.
>pay me to cut my dick off
>or I'll kill my self
Yeah, totally not a corrosive ideology.
>Disingenuous faggot acting like femboy erasure isn't 80% of the reason people hate trannies
Stupid Anti-Trans laws! It's definitely not the mental illness that kill them! It's the frickin' laws!
>looking for any reason to kill themselves
I could speak for hours on the sheer corruption of academic sciences. I dropped out of my education because of it. After seeing the corruption in math and physics, I no longer care about scientific (((consensus))). In fact, I no longer care about the human race. Every child that dies is one less slave of my enemy.

Neither science nor medicine exist to "validate identities" you retards are hellbent on eroding scientific method, integrity and turning science into nu-religion because that's the only way you'll get a veneer of legitimacy for your deranged ideas
>people commit suicide when someone opposes the one thing a person decides to make their entire identity revolve around in order to avoid true self acceptance.
shaky foundations lead to building collapses... transgender ideology is inherently flawed in the aspect that if someone makes their gender a load-bearing pillar of their identify, when they are met with the actual difficult challenge of accepting themselves and living with their own flaws they buckle under the stress.
Transgender ideology is just insecurity all the way down, hurt people looking for a reason to push the real problems deep down inside. Instead of breaking free from the actual gender roles of society and living however you want regardless of born gender, Trans people decide to double down and actively play into what makes those gender stereotypes oppressive to begin with.

I really want to say fuck trannies to stay edgy and part of board culture, but deep down I legitimately feel bad for them because they have prescribed themselves to a train of thought that usually ends in pain and sadness.
People gaslight themselves into thinking that they have been trans their entire life
>Oh wow I've felt insecure about myself my entire childhood because of the gender roles imprinted on me
>it SURELY couldn't be just that I've been permanently taught that my sex is a part of my identity, no siree!
>What's the use in learning to face my insecurities and break free from the gender roles placed on the two sexes when I can just pretend to be the sex I'm not!!!! Wow!
so many people are treating transgenderisin as a silver bullet to achieve self-actualization, when in reality it is just complete surrender to ones own insecurities.
they'd kill themselves after pushing to 30s anyways
No they're not, they're literally assholes, even the LGBT community distances themselves from them because as soon as they accept them, they get called chasers and homophobic. Transfags did this to themselves, and they just want fo rape children since they can't find other trannies/women willing to accept them.

Also it's usually the most ugly mother fuckers who are always the problem, you don't see this issue with passers who just act like normal people. I've even considered being trans myself, but I find the community intolerable. If you want to be a weight lifter you have to go to the GYM, it's the same logic, like just look normal.

Filtered to hell and back. Besides, id have no problem with trans except for the fact that they have serious mental issues going on.
Oh no this is terrible news. What can we do to make sure these attempts don't fail?
fpbp and /thread
Brainwashing children to think they are trannies then pumping them with propaganda that they are being murdered and they will be genocide by republicans is evil.
Sounds like fucky stats.
xy and you’re a guy
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More kids get raped into trannies every day so not killing fast enough
>muh femboys
faggot detected
rope yourself
>our kids
Not my kids
Not my problem
I raised my kids at home with my wife on a farm. Jews didn’t influence them to tranny out.
Wild that even with all the camera trickery, purposefully flattering angle, and the outrageous amount of filters, the INSTANT that jaw comes into frame it's clear as day that it's a man.
this. studies don't mean shit anymore since peer review endorses anything as long as it pushes the left wing agenda
fpbp and /thread
They will kill themselves anyway.
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Anti trans laws are SAVING the kids from chemical castration.
>all of Western Medicine
Thinks circumcision of a child is fine because of jewish influence and profit motives... It's ALL profit motives, tranny surgeries are a fucking brilliant grift.
not really, lets be real now, if a doctor tells a mentally derange faggot that he wont magically become a women when his dick will be replaced by an open wound he will lose his job,house and family
>cute and playful
Ugly and pissy mentally ill people and I hate how much shit they control online, hilariously all very male spaces too. So much for those switched brains hah.
50% are on estrogen and 100% are firm believers in gender ideology and tranny rights. Plus if you're into that shit you're one step from being a pedo. Also GAAAAAAAAY.
When did I deny that you fucking gypsy? I completely agree and you know why this happened at all? Because transitioning makes infinitely more money than not.
no you stupid slav monkey soon to be replaced by pajeets. It doesnt make money, i have a medical background, if anything is time consuming and it yilds no profits. they need to flay the dick and balls with such a precise care ( because one mistake and the mentally ill can became millionaire ) , plus the treatment you have to give to that zone in order not to get infect is expensive as fuck. That neovagina they have its nothing more then an open wound , which the body doesn't know how to react and very very very prone to infections
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>seething chud ottoman rapebaby cries again about trans for 100th time
Please take a heaping dose of radium and apply your leeches before the lobotomy. We'll get those bad humours out of you in a jiffy.
The medical industry supports it because they make millions off of it.
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They are actually killing their kids by refusing to acknowledge they have a SEVERE METNAL ILLNESS
Do they do better after post op?
>headlines are real and scary
grow up
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>THX sound amplifies
Rated post
>it's working
That literally doesn't mean anything. At one point, so was lobotomy.
>anti-trans laws
And, somehow, they're all White. Hmm. Weird.
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Yes, a very cute and playful response indeed.
Don't talk you be dissin' Zaječarsko, bitch ass.
Nigger it cannot cost 100k in materials. Yes it is a retarded surgery, I have watched how they perform it.
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trannys have ruined femboys, tomboys, and the reputation of gay people
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