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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Poor lil stinky Hindu rape rats. After all these years of destroying tech companies by infesting them like parasites and leaching them to death, now their "karma" has finally come to pass. White tech companies have been burning through billions with Hindu rapejeets scamming them and doing nothing or being failures. They had enough, they are outsourcing to BASED east asians. Look at them crying about finally getting jeeted after all of these years of boasting about being worthless inbred parasites.
It's over for Pajeets.
vietnamese stink too in their own way but I would prefer being around them 1000 times over being near a jeet
So over. That's why they aren't "Asian".
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>Hindu rape rats
>they can barely speak english
>they cost very much less
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Viets, Pakis, Chinese, South Americans, Eastern Europeans, literally anyone is better than the Hindu rape rats. Have you ever worked with them? First they will lie about everything on their resume. And then they finally scam their way in , usually because you hired another Hindu shitskin and he wormed his way up the ladder by backstabbing and making others do his work. They will lie about being able to do tasks and try to get others to do it for them. If they can't, they will just lie about having done it. They actively try to sabotage others so they can make themselves look good, they are selfish backstabbing rats with no concept of team play or when a company does well everyone wins.

Never hire Hindu rape rats, never ever ever. Not to work at McDonalds, not to work in IT, not to work in hospitals. Just fucking NEVER
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Saars, we are CEOs and codarrs saars, we rule you. Sarrs it's the Indian cent- ACK!!!
>race to the bottom
jeets out jeeted by gooks. mexicans learned the same lesson when the guatemalans showed up.
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>Can barely speak English
>Very much less
I looked at the reddit and they're talking about "American mid skilled IT" with the clear inference that Pajeets are somehow highly skilled when in reality they're all retards.
I hope they replace all the Pajeet tech CEOs with Vietnamese ones too.
This makes zero sense, Sukdeep.
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>looks at Vietnam
>looks at India

There isn't a country on the entire earth that is as bad as India, which would tell you about whether you should hire Indians or literally anyone.

Does anyone notice how these Hindu pedos brag about being CEOs n shieeet, but not a SINGLE ONE of the successful tech companies was started by Hindus or in India? Tech is famous for having very low startup costs and India supposedly has so many code monkeys. Why couldn't they build any startups that aren't revolving around outsourcing? I thought the Hindu rape ape has high IQ?
That's the number of rapes he's done.
Pakis are the exact same as poos you fucking paki lying nigger.
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>makes zero sense
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>Viets, Pakis, Chinese, South Americans, Eastern Europeans, literally anyone is better than the Hindu rape rats.
Now let’s guess who the winner would be without daddy USA protecting them
>brag about being CEOs
what they fail to mention is who's sitting on the boards of those companies. streetshitter incompetents are extremely under-represented for a reason.
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>daddy USA
looololololo. poojits got jitted and are shitting themselves. SAR HOW CAN THEY REPLACE?!?! HOW CAN THEY REPLACE?
>looololololo. poojits got jitted and are shitting themselves. SAR HOW CAN THEY REPLACE?!?! HOW CAN THEY REPLACE?

the op fag;s post happened years ago
the new replacer is AI
not viets

regardless india always wins
amazing how whole thread on reddit about everyone yaking how everyone is undercutting everyone. how about instead of undercutting everyone and racin to the bottom to please jew every "developer" unites and set a worldwide price for their hour. but no one will because each "race" is racist against other races and will happily cut their price by few bucks so jew hires them. had everyone adhere to their standard global price then clients would pick based on porfolio and quality. It is so with lumber and steel. Steel in USA costs just as much as it does in India or Vietnam, so does Lumber and brick and concrete.
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Nobody likes you ranjeet, you're a fucking plague upon the world
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ai is shit just like your streets. all this Strawberry AI examples of it's making snake game is bullshit. of course AI can make a snake game because there are 10000s examples of snake game on github in every language imaginable. I want to see AI make me a novel app or a game that has not been developed before nor has any examples of it. like Uber app a year before Uber was made. ask your AI to make MS PAINT app that's web hosted and watch it cover it's feet with shit like you do every morning when taking shit outside of your house
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i guess that's their problem
>Nobody likes you
We dont want anti jews to like us
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I am so fucking sick and tired of these Hindu rape rats shitting everything up bros, from tech to 4chan to everywhere else.

They are a plague upon the digital world and the natural one.

Their very existence is a crime against humanity.


Just ignore him, you know that Hindu rat is seething inside. Not only does this mean they won't be getting tech visas, but also the lack of income means those invasive Hindu roaches can't migrate anywhere else. Thank you based viets for removing poo!
everyone hates you, streetshitter. even you hate yourself. and why wouldn't you? everyone else does.
tell that streetshitter to clean shit off his forehead, there is diahrea splatter and two clumps that need to be removed
It's begun. Companies will pull out of India and go to much better countries like Cambodia, And third world countries. India is worthless
You’re a jeet Jew? I don’t get it.
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AGI before end of decade
Free Energy Nuclear fusion by 2028
God by 2027
Aliens by 2027

Depopulation by 2040
Great Tribulations 2027 to 2034
Mayan Apocalypse 2012 to 2040

Lots of anti jews die off
New world is totally different
Not greed and money driven

Lots of suicides as well because people couldnt achieve their set standards of a good greedy life
>Everything was going well
>They got rid of all of the Indians.

From my experience. You hire a Indian or 2 thats fine. But you hire too many, or start putting Indians in charge of others and their annoying/selfish attitudes take over.

Even the Westernised Jeets have the same attitudes as the ones who just turned up.
A Vietnam or cambodia programmer is far far better than some rapist retarded Hindu piece of shit

So yea more companies are gonna simply pull out of India.

do you truly feel the hate within you when you type these comments?
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yeah right one of the dudes was hindu even
Indeed. Anyone is better. Kenya, Congo, any African programmer is gonna be better than some retard Hindu poopjeet rapist
bwahahahahahaha.. you streetshitters will be swimming in shit up to your neck before AGI will be a thing and even if it will become a thing that only means shit countries like yours are goin back to stone age because sure as shit jews ain't giving you access to AGI and letting 1 billion streetshit running rampant
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cute pic
I am a Hindu

>they can barely speak English
>ESL post

Fucking kek get fucked jeet
Quick they’re attacking Indian turd worshippers!
>Pajeet used suck Israeli cock
>it was not very effective…
i hate pajeets, therefore i am.
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BASED quads of truth. We need to use AGI to ask the AI how to most efficiently exterminate every single one of these Hindu rape rats
why is basic sanitation such alien concept to you, why is rape and scamming such a pastime in a land that claims to be spiritual?
They will. Western companies are failing and companies like that Chinese company that owns the Path of Exile game are having tons of success.

Chinese programmers are easily beating American companies since US companies are full of Indians and fat white women. America and pretty much any country infested by indians is fucked and destroyed by now.
Mass layoffs was gonna happen stop being butt hurt retard. U can’t compete with ai. Nobody can. It’s time to jump off the bridge mister poo
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>how to most efficiently exterminate every single one of these Hindu rape rats
poison the cow dung supply
Why do you rape?

do you truly feel the hate within you when you type these comments?

Now the result is you are cultivating cancer cells inside you at this moment

All excuses for hate
Be yourself
hate with gusto

I support you

A lot of people are going to die
If my people's existence can make you hate and thus create cancer within you which takes you out

We both win

You have lived a happy hate filled fulfiling life
I keep on living in a world without you in near future

and if companies do cost cutting measures
the first jobs to go will be the highest paid first world jobs
>Now the result is you are cultivating cancer cells inside you at this moment
i got bad news for you, if you don't want to get cancer
The more they infect the rest of the world, the faster the the hate will increase against them. We should be thankful indians are infesting everywhere because it's forcing people to wake the fuck up
poojit had a stroke and typed out same shit twice as seen >>482946621

see >>482946841
Ok well I’m not a Muslim so I don’t know if your retarded or high but either way shut the fuck up.
not really
the near future, things are going to go overdrive
your mind creates the disease faster than environment could
LMAO. Literally no race of women wants you losers. Meanwhile, every single indian woman in the West is riding white cock. Does that make you seethe, you rapist hindu?
U can’t undo ur shit colored skin. Just live within ur shitty existence and don’t leave the border. Nothing wrong with u besides existing
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Look how casually Hindu rape rats rape. To them it's just like grabbing a beer. This is also why India is so filthy and disgusting. Imagine sending your women or children outside to shit on the streets knowing Hindu rape rats are lurking to rape them. They would shit and rush back inside with their shit encrusted asses before they get raped.
i welcome the cancer more than i welcome you, you filhty disgusting streetshitter. i'm sure most rational people would feel the same if they knew the truth about you and your kind.
You are a RAPIST
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>your mind creates the disease faster than environment could
your mind that nurtured your environment though
and now you'll definitely risk getting cancer over pollution
Indians clearly aren't human. No human can live like that.
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Delet this Dalit
sar pls do the needful and turn of the xiaomi pocophone we already deposited 5 rupees to your account no need for more spam
hey Ranjesh, care to comment about >>482947235 video?
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Canada STILL hasn't woken up, nor the UK. We can't afford to let everywhere turn into Canada before something is done (no jobs, Hindu rapejeets raping everyone in hospitals or even at the dentists, hordes of Indian invader rats roaming around in big packs and sexually harassing white children for rape). The rapejeet invasion must stop NOW!
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Saar we do not rape! This is a paki!!!
>The more they infect the rest of the world, the faster the the hate will increase against them.

truly hope so
the haters should perfect their art
because this is the last chance
after 2027 their systems get shutdown extremely fast

you dont have to believe me
experience it first hand

I do feel difficulty in writing these comments because I am letting you now you will be dead prematurely in a few years

I know whats going on in grand scheme
you dont

at the end of the day I dont care much
because I did not spend today's time dividing cancer cells like you did
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>I’m not a Muslim

Streetshitashan, care to comment on this video? >>482947235
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Before he claims it's an isolated incident, here's some casual Bollywood viewing. This wasn't some extreme, it's the norm in Bollywood. Rape is portrayed as casual fun, just a prank like lifting up a girl's dress. The Hindu religion directly encourages Hindus to rape, not to mention their own pedophile gods raped children, women, even animals. so it's all holy.
>the near future, things are going to go overdrive

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>I do feel difficulty in writing these comments because I am letting you now you will be dead prematurely in a few years
so talking shit about india = bad karma, death
shitting up india in real life = good karma, knows the grand scheme of things, enlightened
hmmmmmm makes you think
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>you rapist hindu

Typical D and C
Good talk
the cancer cell count in your body just increased
>e I am letting you now you will be dead prematurely in a few years
is that something one of your monkey god that likes to keep trash like yourself from raping babies? if anyone is dying in the next few years that's you, streeshitter, probably from dysentery
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>i welcome the cancer

you are what you say you are
like a mantra

I am Hindu
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hindu dindu nuffin' muffins now on sale

yeah, all those shit fumes are getting to his head and he thinks he's an oracle now.
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Hindu religion:
>eating beef = bad, lynch innocent Muslims just for transporting beef
>raping babies = holy, get very much good karma
>gang raping on a daily basis? also holy

How many Hindus lynch each other for raping or pedophilia, compared to them lynching for eating beef?
>you are what you say you are
>like a mantra
demon worshipper superstition
That is not how cancer works. Cancer is a recent thing caused by processed foods, chemical water, dirty air, network signals.

I do not hate u I just want separation of the races. We should not mix into a hideous shit color. It is disgusting thinking about a pool of shit walking in the airport.
A lot of people have woken up. Even normies are openly calling for deportation. See what people are writing on the india videos on Facebook and Instagram. Everyone hates hindus and knows they are rapists. Most don't say it out loud cause they are still afraid.
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mind creates the disease and death faster during the next few years

basically hate begets death

I will be here for you to hate

I want you gone

>if anyone is dying in the next few years that's you, streeshitter, probably from dysentery

basically hate causes heart attacks and cancers
some even lead to troubled minds that cannot be repaired.. so suicides

this awaits you
remember this comment from me
tf is raj gon do?
Hindus are so mentally sick and demonic that they take all criticism as a personal attack and an attack on their rapist gods. Hindus are incapable of change Or remorse. They are rapist animals
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india super poo-er 3020
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>basically hate begets death
>I want you gone
looks pretty hateful, sounds like you're about to die ;)
>basically hate causes heart attacks and cancers
lol, says the faggot to scams old grandmas out of their pensions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4AbvGQxJZ4
The divine force is real and pretty much 90% of Hindus will be gone. Remember, 95% of them got vaxxed. The vax is divine judgement upon this earth.
Hindus see nothing wrong with rape Or crimes. They are literal demons from Hell. Their country is the worst country on earth and they feel proud of their rapes and dirtiness
Hindus are demonically possessed. They are truly satans
>yeah, all those shit fumes are getting to his head

Do you feel the hate flowing through you like sith lord?

You are happy
I am also happy thinking about a future without you

>That is not how cancer works. Cancer is a recent thing caused by processed foods, chemical water, dirty air, network signals.

Mind over matter
Cancer is just one disease where a few cells decide to rebel
This is because the mind is filled with stress hate and bad thoughts
so it gives mixed signals to cells... some cells revolt

This process is accelerated
Science causes of cancer are sugar and glutamine.. but they feed cancer cells... the original mutation when good cell becomes bad is caused by hate and bad karma

and no
its not just cancer
Heart attack is the best one.
I say Cancer because I like the word, slow painful... makes for a good warning

heart attacks will be poof.. gone without suffering except for family members... doesnt sound like a good warning disease

But heart attacks it is... hate causes heart to reject your existence ....
heart is where God resides
besides I have Jesus and an army of angels behind me. Christianity rose up to be leader of the world while poojits being prosperous nation thousands years ago became worse of the worst.
>hates hindus and knows they are rapists.
You are a mentally ill rapist and the actual divine living force, aka "God", hates you. You're a cancer on this earth, demon.
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Our culture is is beautiful you bloody benchods!
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This is the average normie complaining about 40+ Indian Hindu rape rats grooming and trying to rape their PRETEEN CHILDREN. Notice how at first she hides the fact that it's Hindu invaders, and then when confronted, says "I dont want to make this political"?
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>I am also happy thinking about a future without you
>hate begets death
At least I can sleep knowing over 90% of jeets took vaccines that used modified mRNA vaccines.

mRNA instruct the body to create specific proteins. Ur flesh made out of proteins btw. It’s crazy how the Jews manage to fool the entire world to take them. Some did not even have to.
I doubt india was ever rich. They have always been a poor dirty shithole and that is divine judgement for their crimes against women.
I want all ego maniacs gone
Where there is ego
there is no God

and after 2027, there is only God

so guess where haters go?

I am already aligned 90% with God
10% I am not because I use this to converse with lesser beings like on 4chan
Yea that's a stupid fucking white woman. But even white women are becoming anti-indian. Even the SJW scum is becoming anti-indian.
>lol, says the faggot to scams old grandmas out of their pensions.

Good Good
you are on right track
towards a premature death
this dumb faggot saw poojit equalent of THE SECRET (mind over matter) and now spewing this retarded nonsense on here. just all the reddit spacing is enough proof of too much shit that crossed the blood-brain barrier
These Hindus are demons who feel proud of rape. I think it's safe to say, God hates them and divine judgement is coming upon them.
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India was civilized under Muslim aryan rule. The Hindu rape rats just bred like cockroaches, took over, and destroyed it. It's important for everyone to understand India is not like Africa, it's not a DEVELOPING country. It was developed, India is the ultimate fate that awaits any country that allows Hindu rape rat infestation. They just breed like cockroaches until they take over your civilization, and then turn everything into rape, filth, and unimaginable savagery.
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are you wishing for death upon those that only spoke words?
damn, that's pure hatred
rip in peace
>I doubt india was ever rich.
it was under muslim and brit rule, but the moment those let these raping retards free they went back to their raping/scamming ways
Ur mentally I’ll… u trying to be a shamen?
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>this dumb faggot saw poojit equalent of THE SECRET
The vax was God's judgement upon this earth for the crimes that the human race has done against women. And india has done the worst abuse of women out of any country on earth.
ooh noo benschode, how will I recover, please sar, no. I send google gift cars for you to redeem now sar
Hindus have nothing but hate and evil and ugliness inside them. That's why they are such vile, toxic people.
>besides I have Jesus and an army of angels behind me.

he got spiritual
Jesus doesnt like you in the current format
You are going away from this world
The most favored people jesus said to be inheriting this earth are the HIndus

2027 to 2034 Great tribulations started by antiChirst Hindu God

All haters including 1/2 christians and 3/4 muslims dead by 2040.. for the simple fact that they will be locked in.... LOCKED IN... to behavior of hate and complaint

because God is hindu, jewish messiah
This is true. Under the muslim rule, india was so rich that india was 25% of the entire world economy. This is a historical fact.
You just know they share the photos around with their friends and pretend they fucked a giant white girl from the west.
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They are truly disgusting. Everyone knows it and everyone despises them. Outsourcing and allowing them to infest the tech industry is the worst mistake in human history after giving them fertilizer.
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>The most favored people jesus said to be inheriting this earth are the HIndus

Keep an eye out for indian behavior, There's not a single person in the world who would defend india/indians but indians. There's not a single person who would add india to any conversation but indians. There's not a single person who would give excuses to the state of india but indians. There's not a single person who would blame "the pakis" but indians. There's not a single person who would try to explain how india is different from pakistan/bangladesh but indians. There's not a single person who would refer to india as Asia but indians. There's not a single person who would try to convince you to eat cow shit because of bioavailability of vitamins but indians.

No matter where the poster says he's from or how his name/profile pic looks like, if they so much as bring up india in any way, they are indians; don't believe that someone who speaks english is American/European. Blaming "the pakis" is something that only has meaning to indians because no one in the world cares or knows enough about any of them to know any differences. Anyone who blames indian hate as shills from other nations are indian because they actually think others are jealous of them. Anyone who posts anti-christianity and uses the term christcuck, or uses cuck as a type of insult are invariably indians because they are obsessed with cuckoldry. Anyone who blames britain for the state of india is an indian because they are incapable of self-reflection. Anyone who brings up "indians are CEO" are indians because they take credit from others. Pay attention to the seething your posts will attract if you say key indian trigger words, they will begin to spam the thread to "defend" themselves: saying anything bad about india, posting pictures of indians, posting pictures of pakistanis and claim they are indian(you won't even know they aren't), say anything bad about cow shit, say anything about hinduism, talk about eating shit
Hindus are mentally ill rapists.
>>I am also happy thinking about a future without you

I am Aligned with God 90%
God doesnt want you on earth since you are aligned with hate and ego

I feel right when I say
I am happy haters will be dead soon
When will you hindu rapists stop raping women?
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>can we meet her Sanjeet?
>ah no no, Ranjeet, that's impossible
>why so?
>ah, Visajeet... s-she shits in a different street
Yes. Only indians defend india. Literally every other race feels nothing but disgust towards them.
She is going straight into his folders of sex
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you are spewing hate so fast that i feel i might need to order flowers right now
When will you stop rape?
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>are you wishing for death upon those that only spoke words?

my words are warning
but yes its also a wish

I fully support ego death
and people who align with ego will be dead soon
Which will make me happy
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>but yes
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>this thread
It's a mentally ill hindu that hates women so much that he feels proud of rape.
Saar pls do the needful and drown yourself in the Ganges, God will grant you very much beautiful reincarnation
Jews have ego. U support the destruction of isreal?
When will you stop hating women and raping women, demon?
Why can't they just promote being gay and raping each other?
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Never ever trust Hindu rape rats

>Hindu rape rat bank manager befriends Russian woman on facebook, invites her to India, rapes her

>Hindu rape rat drugs his friend so he can rape his Russian wife while he was invited over for dinner

>Self explanatory:
Saar we hindus are known for being respectful people who venerate nature, other religions worship a calendar but not us, the reason for our rape, inbreeding and coprophagy are entirely rooted in nature sir, these things are observed in nature and so we do them
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>Jews have ego. U support the destruction of isreal?

a valid point
but they also have more truth to their side

Since Israel is behaving badly in this kali yuga .. where even Good become bad

There will be Jacob's trouble for Israel
Same as Great tribulations for Christians

from 2027 to 2034
But God only brings Jacobs trouble for israel after all its enemies are eradicated.. with a great shaking of earth... basically all muslim rat tunnels under earth gone in 1 day just before 2027
you still haven't commented on video, streetshitting rapist scammer! >>482947235
comment on it, faggot!
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God is always on side of Israel
Some jews willl be punished
Israel will go through a new birthing pain
But all enemies of Israel will be dead as well
No shit, as soon as any workplace gets actual Jeets they instantly see a decline in productivity.
Most of them can't even turn on a computer.

Based Pajeet. If we armed you guys, how many men would it take to conquer Pakistan?
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>God is always on side of Israel
like that time they killed His Son
and that time that titus holocausted them
and all of those 111 times they got kicked out

Always remember
God is Hindu
>like that time they killed His Son
>and that time that titus holocausted them
>and all of those 111 times they got kicked out

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oh yes, God, who famously said for people to worship idols
specially golden bovines
His favourite
God isn't real saar
>उन्होंने हमारी नौकरियाँ छीन लीं!
>TL: They Took Our Jobs!
Cry some fucking more Raj
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Jesus Christ, not even the ugly poojeetas are safe.
Pakistan is already a failed state because of their egoism which arose from islam

Islam will be defeated in 2027 by Hindu God
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Your pedophile hindu gods are rape rats too. Like when Shiva raped 6 year old Rukmini or the time he said "use of children to relieve the lusts is purer for they have less bad karma attached"
God is singular, moron. your shit religion is polytheistic
Giddyup partner, you are one aryan indian, much like myself might I add. How much would it take to conquer those subhuman, third worlder, streetshitter, muslim, rapist PAKIS? Good god do I hate those PAKIS, I'm sure you understand that partner, those brown smelly PAKIS that are not indian at all, why, I consider you white just as myself, an honest to god white american, not another ethnicity, I'm white, sir. Let's do the needful handshake and get rid of them.
why are you avoiding to comment on the video? >>482947235
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>saars pakistan is a failed state
>pakistan closes its borders to keep Hindu invasive rats OUT, not the other way around
>millions of Hindu rape rats infest pakistan and refuse to go to India despite Modi begging them to go and offering free gibs

I wonder why anyone wastes time talking to these lying subhuman Hindu rats.
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>God isn't real saar

Unfortunately not true

Sathya Sai Baba being the father
Resurrection of walter cowan



miracle experiences from lots of people
>I wonder why anyone wastes time talking to these lying subhuman Hindu rats.
it's fun, i always crack up from their attempts at making sense
The desperation you guys go to...
This woman (half spicy) and the man aren't even dating, I looked into her social media.
It's a pic she took at a chess tournament for social media.
When you guys aren't larping as niggers and using AI, I guess you're using pictures out of context, probably should have cropped the names tho lmao
wrong topic
talk about how you hate indians
more fitting for your brain
wrong topic, streetshitting rapist. comment on the video of your cousin rapin a woman tryin to shit in the river >>482947235
Braindead take, anyone can say they're god, doesn't make it true. Some shitskin with an afro is literally just that, as shitskin with an afro
And the gooks are dumbass enough to invest their lives into a dead end career as a code monke when 4 year old white girls are using Ai to build algorithms
>This woman (half spicy) and the man aren't even dating, I looked into her social media.
>It's a pic she took at a chess tournament for social media.

basically this pic is an example of a white woman salivating for her senpai
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if you believe in Jesus being The Son of Man, like you said before, you should know that He said:
>I came to confirm the Testament, not to defy it.
so it means He, like God, thinks golden calf is a no go, idol worship and satanic
so how can you meet that concept and talk about Jesus and God being hindus, if they are completely against the very animal you worship the most in hinduism?
crazy talk bro
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It's like trying to debate Shakespear with a chimp at the zoo while it thinks its winning for flinging poo at you.
this is God
it will be revealed in 2027
When he does pic related

What your counter then?
Indians aren't anymore than Asians. Both Chinese and Indians dominate computer science departments. Asians are already capable and represented so it doesn't get counted in the victim total.

It should be Chinese-Americans next, but we're just grasping straws here.
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pretty sure if God was a jeet, india wouldn't be so fucked up
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How are gun laws in India? Maybe if jeets had access to firearms, perhaps the jeetas could defend themselves against the gang-raping shit-smeared jeets.
Give it some time and you'll find out how full blown retarded the termite mound, dwelling jungle gooks actually are. It's just trading one third world shitehole for another
>I came to confirm the Testament, not to defy it.

said nothing about idols

christians worshiping jesus idol is also idol worship

hindus dont worship cows

our main Gods are shiva vishnu/krishna durga hanuman ganesh

all else are entertainment
like talking to your 100s of relatives
The fuck are u saying Jews being good… there is only a few Jews that are considered good. They died Christians handful of them.


The Epstein tier shit is all Jews buddy

>jeets getting outsourced to viets
cool. I bet the code quality will actually improve.
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>said nothing about idols
it does, retard, i just explained it
if He came to confirm the Testament, that includes God literally killing a bunch of people for worshipping a golden calf
>hindus dont worship cows
i can see the golden statues myself just by searching it online, all around you
you worship a golden calf and you think that Jesus would meet you with nothing but a whip?
>they can barely speak English
that post
these pajeets barely have conversational English let alone academic English which they should have for academic jobs like doctors, comp sci, and anything that requires high school math and reading comprehension. dont pick my English apart I'm basically a meet with extra steps and better pay, kek.
>year old reddit post
hearty chuckle but still going to do the options thing.
God is a shitskin poorly photoshopped onto a picture of the moon? I'd say you need to quit huffing those dung fumes Ranjeet
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Imagine them looking at Dubai, Turkey, America, France, Brazil, literally everywhere and realizing their shitskin pedo gods shiva vishnu krishna favor their Muslim and Christian superiors, even hating hindus so much they made them the ugliest most dysgenic filth on the planet. Imagine eating cow dung to please these pedo gods and just watching them get richer while Hindu shitskins keep getting more savage and inbred.
>35 posts of jeetcope
>First world will collapse and India will become a superpower
Kek, is this some 4D cope and seethe I'm seeing here?
But really, Ranjeet, you should focus your hatred towards China, they're funding the anti-indian campaign online right now
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You think he has a job to go to now that based ricechads took his copy-and-paste-from-github job? I can't wait until IT jobs disappear once normies figure out how to use chatGPT. Surely that is the end of importing Hindu rape rats right?
he is just going to blame muslims and the british if you say this
How can jeets still be so arrogant when they live surrounded by cow feces, urine, human feces, train victims, designated shitting streets, rape, rape, and more rape?
I've got a pajeeta teaching an English grammar class at my university

>Dis assaignmernt will be wery wery difficalt if you do nort study

Every fucking week with this broad, how she's a Ph.D candidate is beyond me
the testament says several evil things
Jesus does not confirm each and every thing with one sweeping generalizing comment

also Jesus is son
The spirit is willing but flesh is weak
no one knows except the father
Full powered Father
Father in pic

something that will happen after 2026 , along with his two, TWO resurrections from death
Sathya Sai Baba being the father
Resurrection of walter cowan



miracle experiences from lots of people
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since we're new world master race and only got conquered once, we can't even relate with how many options he's got to pick
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Reminder Hindu shitskin rats are getting real uppity and gloating about conquering white Christian countries now
but saar, we killed Alexander the Great… surely that alone redeems our military ineptitude?
Because they are blind to the conditions they live in

they think indian hate is chinese propaganda because they are jealous
The West, especially the US is trying to decouple and derisk from China. Germany moving Seimens plants to the US etc. US and Euro countries banning Huwei and Tiktok and Chinese cars.
China Tencent is massive and probably has a grand total of ZERO Pajeets there. There aren't even direct flights between India and China anymore.
Competition is good and will drive innovation but if Western tech companies want to continue to compete against Tencent/Huwei/Temu etc they will have to remove Pajeets.
shows how much you know about Jesus and God, he does it repeatedly
but for you, specifically, that probably calls muslims "abrahamites", here:
>They answered and said to Him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham.
abraham's children means his house and religion, you do not follow His wishes, you do not get to enjoy His Salvation
the quote is John 8:39
Asking them to stop raping women is "hate and racism". But of course, raping women isn't HATE. Hate towards women.
Ask 100 normied what the best/most significant city in the world is. Guaranteed not one of them will name a city in streetshitter land . And that should tell you all you need to know.
>pretty sure if God was a jeet, india wouldn't be so fucked up

India is hospital
God is doctor
rest of world is where people get sick of earth life
They birth in India for treatment and final life ..... sort of like buddha, before achieving self realization

India has Godly truth
and lots of suffering poverty
makes it easy to reject earthly life

If one was born in comfort of first world, they would be too attached to this world

Be in the world But not of it
This lesson can be easily embodied with life in India
Sathya Sai Baba being the father
Resurrection of walter cowan



miracle experiences from lots of people
D and C
I live in a Vietnamese area in California and overall they're cool people.. quiet, at least as clean as the whites... and they shit in a toilet
WAYYYY better than jeets
God has an afro, my nigger. God plays as a tank in World of Warcraft and takes aggro too.
>shows how much you know about Jesus and God, he does it repeatedly

you are not the arbiter of Jesus truth
which one of your gods? because you have a bunch of demons too
>India has Godly truth
i differentiate between religion and hygiene, but go off my man
Rape rats fuck off. Get the fuck out of Japan before we nuke you.
i'm quoting The Bible, which is actually the arbiter of Jesus' truth
>Get the fuck out of Japan
They love Hindu
Chinese companies don't hire indians. That's why a Chinese game like Path of Exile is number one while Blizzard games like Diablo and WoW are dogshit now cause they hired a bunch of lesbian white women snd indian programmers. For real man, blizzard games run like total shit now. Probably cause indian programmers. Indians ruined world of warcraft

not after 2027
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Better yet, ask them to name a single thing of value that came from India. Just one.


Not anymore. Hindus are the #1 foreign background rapists in Japan.
Thankfully, Elder Scrolls Online still runs well so i guess Bethesda mostly hires white men still. Another great game is Guild Wars 2 so Arenanet probably only hires white people.

Pajeet programmers have absolutely ruined Blizzard and Activision.
Pajeet is a demon worshipper who follows a false prophet. All you can do is pray for him.
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easter requires you believing in Jesus Christ's crucifixion and ressurection
for that, you have to accept that Jesus is the Last Word of God, and noone that comes claiming to be God after Him will actually be - His own words, again, from this thing called The Bible
if you celebrate easter, you cannot accept this man as "god", because that would be a denial of Jesus' own words
you see where i'm going with this?
everything you're saying goes against the next statement, even your beliefs
nepalese are sick with low skill low IQ
Meet the controversial godmen of India: The dark side of 'babas' https://sg.news.yahoo.com/meet-controversial-godmen-india-dark-slideshow-wp-110323400.html
is this all paki propaganda sirs?
>or that, you have to accept that Jesus is the Last Word of God,

Jesus never put this condition
He was misinterpreted by Saul-Paul of tarsus who himself was a murderer of jews.... so basically an idiot who made himself an authority on what jesus meant
Japan is the polar opposite of India. It is an environment of cleanliness, trustworthiness, and honor. India is a country characterized by crime, filth, pestilence, and scamming.
Get the fuck out of there NOW and leave them alone before we blow your miserable nation off the planet with all of the nuclear weapons in our arsenal.
Oh yea man, most of those gurus are rapists and pedophiles too.
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this will be clarified when he resurrects in 2027
jeets cannot develop software
believe me, I've had to deal with this
chinks/gooks are much better
chinks are better than gooks though, more expensive
they understand how to develop software and if you respect them, they respect you
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Those are Indian Hindu rape rats. There's too many videos of you shitskins walking around Tokyo openly molesting and trying to rape drunk women, not to mention bringing prostitutes back to hotels where 10 Hindu rats are lying in wait to gang rape her.

Get the fuck out of civilization before we start flushing you rats.
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>Jesus never put this condition
yes, He did
He is the last covenant, the last sacrifice, Christianity has no prophets or "avatars" of God born after Jesus, which He said would be the case
if you believe Jesus is the Son of Man, you must believe in His Word, fully, you don't get to pick what you want
>He was misinterpreted by Saul-Paul of tarsus
that's also heretic talk, btw, Christ said He is the Light, the Truth and the Way, and that nobody gets to God except through him - everything in The Bible directly confirms that reality, Jesus came and didn't defy anything that was already written like He said, so there's no reason to believe he'll defy what has been written in His Second Coming.
>there are actually people here that still try to argue with jeets in good faith
>Indians ruined world of warcraft
Add it to the very long list of everything else they've ruined.
Chinks are really living the dream aren't they?
>great firewall, jeet free internet
>no direct flights from India
>most chink companies don't hire Jeets
>most chinks never see or have to communicate with jeets
>Rapejeets aren't allowed to infest china
I can see why Jeets always seethe about them. Just sheer jealousy.
I am feeling pretty jealous myself right now.
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it's not about winning, it's about showing lurkers (the silent majority) the content of their character, every reply is a win because they all act the same way
>He is the last covenant, the last sacrifice,

God is more powerful than Jesus
Jesus himself admits he is just a lackey when he says no one knows except the father

2027 soon
Why are mudshits so shit at fighting lmao
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>And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
here is the full chapter with Jesus' quotes and the Holy Spirit's commentary too
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Pretty much. Chinese, Muslims, whites are all builders of civilization. Hindu shitskins have never once built anything, they relied on infesting what others build (Muslim aryans/Mughals), or having civilization built for them (British). They are literally incapable for building civilization because it would conflict with ever part of their subhuman Hindu religion. How do you build civilization when your doctors gang rape a gang-raped victim when she's screaming and bleeding in the ER in front of you?
>Holy Spirit's commentary

Only Jesus direct spoken words are true

anyone who says anything any interpretation about them are speaking their half truths
>Chinese, Muslims

Good luck
it's literally in the chapter i posted for you
the last sacrifice, once and for all
His words, Jesus
>It's just trading one third world shitehole for another
Trading UP. Bigly.
I always found the jeet cope about inventing chess to be very amusing, because nobody gave a shit about their stupid game before the Persians refined it into the ultimate battle of wits it is today.
>the last sacrifice

this is relevant how and how does this go against ... when Hindu God man resurrects TWICE?
>ultimate battle of wits it is today.
This is amazing news. Blessed thread. I will gladly deal with Vietnamese people
Mr. Sanjesh, would you be so kind as to post images of the finest feats of Hindu architecture your country has to offer? Surely Hindus must’ve built something even more impressive than the Taj Mahal, no?
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this is relevant because you denied Jesus' Covenant here: >>482952020
> when Hindu God man resurrects TWICE?
you can't believe in Jesus being the Son of Man and other gods, as well
Jesus said: I am the Light, the Truth, and the Way, nobody gets to God without going through me.
he clearly is saying there is only one God, it's His father, and He Is
so you can't claim another god exists while ALSO claiming Jesus' Divinity
it's exclusionary, Christ is King means that, it's above everything and everyone, no ifs and buts. HIS WORDS, JESUS CHRIST.
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Pretty much every kind of civilization the Hindu rats have comes from Muslim aryans, from Persia and Pakistan. The Hindu itself invented nothing, absolutely nothing. They spent their time breeding like roaches, raping, and creating only unimaginable savagery. Even biryani (their national dish) originates in Persia. Just watch vlogs of Iran and compare to India to see the difference between aryans and the Hindu subhuman shitskin.

The collapse of big tech can't come fast enough, once all these white collar jobs die out the jew run governments will have a hard time selling 2 million rapejeet invaders every fucking year.
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stones btw
We need to talk more about doctors. They're replacing all the white men doctors with browns and women and it's costing us our lives
> ethno nepotism
n-n-no not like that!!!
fuck indians. the instant one of those cunts becomes a manager all future hires are indian.
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>you can't believe

but I do
and when this happens in 2027 what will be your counter?
This is absolutely true. The original aryan religion was created by whites and the scum poojeets stole it and claimed it as their own. A race of thieves
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well, i assure you, whatever you're practicing when the Day of Revelation comes, 2027 or not, Jesus will not like it
not one bit
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This is literally all the architecture and "civilization" the Hindu built
Truly best Jewish golems
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>no ifs and buts.
>it's above everything and everyone

he is a lackey
he doesnt know when end times are
Only the Father knows
Sathya Sai Baba being the father
Resurrection of walter cowan



miracle experiences from lots of people
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Imagine ever trusting a Hindu doctor knowing that they gang rape other doctors, rape victims, and children, in hospitals every day in India. In fact they even rape corpses

>Jesus will not like it

who cares what the lackey likes or not

he is not all powerful

Sathya Sai Baba being the father
Resurrection of walter cowan



miracle experiences from lots of people
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>he is a lackey
you were the one that brought Jesus up
if you believe he's anything at all special or different, you already defeated your point, because He expressly said to not do what you are doing
>Only the Father knows
and it's not your jeeto
2027 was already predicted by Ron Wyatt in 1987 btw, nothing an indian has done is original ever
India actually has one redeeming quality and that’s being the most racist society that has ever or will ever exist on Earth.
When the economy finally collapses, the jew media will blame Indians while the jewish bankers flee to israel
>who cares what the lackey likes or not
you brought Him up
accepting Jesus had power means accepting His Godhood
which means you are heretic
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very true
Haha amazing original content. Good job
lots of them were destroyed by muslims during conquest
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That's OK, the rapejeets will head to Canada and then get a six hour car ride to jew york and then spread all across the fucking US
>accepting Jesus had power means accepting His Godhood

He was sent by God to be an example to BE like

not to be worshiped though thats not a bad thing, its just baby steps to knowing self divinity
any asian over poo
are you actually brain damaged?
IF he was sent by God, that means what HE said was TRUE
and HE SAID: I am the Light, the Truth and the Way, nobody gets to God except through me.
again, it makes absolutely no sense accepting Jesus' Divinity but calling him anything BUT the Son
>except through me.

regardless what is true is one needs to be like Jesus to enter the new age or to see God working in daily lives

Jesus is a lackey
not all powerful
just a son
an example to be like

God the father is all powerful
knows when the time is
arrives 2027
makes 1/2 christians who are dogmatic egoic retards ... cope and seethe
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It's the opposite. After destroying Canada the rape rats are flooding the border illegally crossing the US. And many of them are pretending to go to Canada and hopping the border right away. Trump will give them all diplomas and import them legally.
Even though anyone can be better than project, Viets coders are manlet thinks who will sexually harass their male coworkers. They will invite you to their home, feed you their homemade cooking with water spinach, the next thing you wake up with your cock in their mouth.
Beware of those little faggots.
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>shit all around the ugly ass hindu shitskin pedo temple
>move stone up by stepping on the shit
>wait for monsoons to clear the shit or for Hindus to eat it

My company terminated 15 remote rapeapes this spring and hired 10 Central Asians and a Russian speaking manager to handle them for the same money.
Their output so far has been fantastic and they deliver everything by deadline almost religiously.


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ah of course
1700 years of Bible Theory couldn't compare to one single jeet
>regardless what is true is one needs to be like Jesus to enter the new age or to see God working in daily lives
satanism's first rule: "I am my own god."
i'm already saved, you have no power here lucifer
>God the father is all powerful
>knows when the time is
very true, in fact, He even said: "Nobody knows when Revelation unfolds."
so when you say
>arrives 2027
we know it's bullshit

this is done by pakis in greece
oulosP on twitter has great threads
>ah of course

Yes and this is why
Hindu God will be called Anti Christ
Dreadful judge of dogmatic Christians
>Capitalism is just a race to see who hired the most pathetic race first
Looking forward to Aboriginal plane mechanics in a few years.
>Viets, Pakis, Chinese, South Americans, Eastern Europeans
The only thing worse than a Jeet is a muslim Jeet.
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>Hindu God will be called Anti Christ
since everything you are saying goes against Christ's words, your hindu god will probably BE the anti-christ
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Absolutely based. In my experience, you can hire literally ANYONE and they will be an improvement. Hindu rape rats are the worst because they are pathological liars, scammers, and all around subhumans. You literally cannot civilize them and the gypsies of Europe (Hindu invaders for hundreds of years) are proof of that.

>saars its acksually the pakis who do the thing everyone knows hindus do
>probably BE the anti-christ

Yea to 1/2 Christians he will BE antichrist
and they will get raptured OFF the planet
while the meek hindus and good goys will inherit THIS earth
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Cope Rajesh. You Hindu rape rats simply get mogged in every way by pakis, it's just a fact. Aryan DNA cannot be equal to inbred shitskin dna.

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What the heck bro
I don't stink
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So basically TOTAL HINDU AND JEW victory
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so in your larp, Christians will be raptured, something that is not supported by The Bible and came up in evangelist popular culture instead
i see
i thought you had all the insights on The Holy Book? was that misinterpreted too? which part exactly?
>pic rel
Ofc it's a scumfuck boomer helping them out kek

i didnt want to say culled off this earth
but yeah basically total-3/4 muslim and half christian death

by AntiChrist who is Hindu GOD who is Jewish messiah
>by AntiChrist who is Hindu GOD who is Jewish messiah
so it went from "will be called" to "who is"
>so it went from "will be called" to "who is"

these distinctions dont matter to me who is not Christian
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>these distinctions dont matter to me who is not Christian
why were you citing Christ and Revelations and the "rapture" (that you didn't know is a meme), then?
i guess it's not weird for satanists to despise Jesus
OP, bump limit is almost reached. Please make the next Hindu rapist thread and link it here
dont care
still voting AntiChrist
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not my soul, bucko, you do with yours what you want, i'm saved
remember that one monkey that tried to reason with you though, when you are burning in the heretic pit down below
japan <3
anyway remember me in 2027


>muh english
Rapejeet please
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67 retarded copedex maxing poosts by this id
lol fish sauce is the only stinky part of Vietnamese life that is unique to Vietnam, it's fishier than the other SEA fish sauces i think
i mean i thought the "don't care, still voting antichrist", despite what implies, was pretty funny for a jeet
so call it 66 (the number of the beast)
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9 times out of 10 those USA, UK, and Canada flags are Hindu shitskin invaders. It's always them, it tells you just how bad the infestation is.
It's complicated because Chinese-Americans are HK and Taiwan. Not mainland Chinese. Chinese-Americans are probably employed and they just need more hires.

Indians were probably overhyped anyways. I can see the problem getting worse as they cluster. They don't really assimilate and aren't that smart when there's still Asians. Not like anyone needed their help with all they built without them.
You can tell when they are Hindus because they defend india
We had one case of a Paki shitskin raping a 15 year old kid in 2012. He was almost lynched twice by mobs during court transfers. A couple of lynch mobs beaten and stabbed a couple of dozens of random shitskins downtown for educational purposes. Police didn't do shit.
Since then we had no cases of rapes against local women. What they do to each other here is not our problem.
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Also the dead giveaways
>pakis are just as bad
>b-but da pakis saar
>high caste hindus don't do that, it's just dalits
>what about China?
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new copy pasta dropped
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How did the west compete against China for thousands of years? Do you think if India was to ever somehow get to China's level of power, they wouldn't be a thousand times worse? You always inverse the Jew. If the Jew wants us to fight with China and suck up to India, we should be doing the opposite. If we allied with China to conquer and cleanse India of Hindu savagery (turning a blind eye for china to do war crimes), in 20 years India could be livable for humans again.
it's just like jews and muzzies/mudslimes
they give themselves away instantly because they can't help it
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How many Hindu rape rat rats? Those tend to be hidden by the Jewish media, they quietly hide the title as [city name] man rapes kids. Then Hindu rats who infest the internet ban you if you post it on Reddit/X/Facebook.
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>t. inbred Hindu rape rat seething about its Muslim superiors

Muslims create Dubai, what do you Hindu rape rats create? Oh yeah, only rape, filth, and unimaginable savagery. Every Hindu rape rat must die.
what are the chances this "pakistani" is genetically indian like so many that converted? you bug-eyed. bloated orcs stand out like day and night compared to indigenous pakistanis that were there before "pakistan" ever existed

poojeet "pakistani" rapists are like "white" hispanics in the USA, I know exactly who you are
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no one is rapier than hindu rape rats

We're about a decade behind everybody else here on the woke shit.
In fact it was actually the opposite in 2012, the news reported only about "racist attacks" but said nothing about half a dozen dead shitskins back then.
We're a country of just 10m people, it's not easy to hide the news here.
They did rape a few tourists and some other migrants. Our news literally reported those as "3 Pakistani migrants arrested for gang rape of a South African".
This year's:


Nobody hid their ethnicity.
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You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at euros and you look at jeets and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with a white rapist, you got a 50/50 chance of coming out unraped. But jeets are genetic abherrations and they're not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at avoiding rape. Then you add their gang to the mix, your chances of being unraped drastically go down. See the raping in India, you got a 33 1/3 chance of being unraped, but jeets, they've got a 66 and 2/3 chance of raping, because women KNOW they can't go unraped, and they're not even gonna try!
So girls, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus their 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of going unraped in India. But then you take their 75% chance of raping, if we was to talk one on one rape, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, they've got 141 2/3 chance of raping. See Anon, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for women and grandfathers in India.
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>The Redeeming


>The Coping

>Head bobbling

>The Seething

>Poo poo is my favorite food
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For pakis yes because Jews own the media. But for Hindu shitskin rape apes, they always hide the title. But in the UK and Canada they even rape in hospitals and schools so obviously Hindu rats rape more.
Next thread please!
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You don't need to go to India to get raped by Hindu shitskins, the rape is being mass imported to us.

Make one

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