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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why the fuck doesn’t this absolute queerbag own a god damn suit?

You are meeting the president of the United fucking States. In the oval office. Show some respect you asswipe.

This guy is a fucking dickhead. He has to wear that stupid fucking green jacket and khaki pants so we can all think he’s some hardened soldier.

NEWSFLASH ZELESNKY we arent fucking falling for it.
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yea I mean, he could have at least worn his high heels for the occasion
Are you an idiot or pretending to be retarded? You don't go with a suit anywhere if your country is at war. It would make him look bad.
His persona was created by Disney. He's the leader of the Rebel Alliance. A Judai Master.
/uhg/ tranny
/pol/ faggot
You can’t see it with the crop, but the guy was wearing flip-flops. Very disrespectful.
He is a fucking parasite, I hope the FSB assassinate the shit out of him once this fucking war is over. This guy wants to start WW3 over his shithole fucking country which is better off under Russian rule anyway.

If he is commander in time of war, there should be a dignified dress uniform. That’s standard practice.
Its actually laughable that he still dons the boots and tshirt at these events, how can anyone take this midget seriously?
trump is the only guy that know how to wear suits than all the politicians
do not use the Lord's name in vain.
/pol/ seems extra mad today at Ukraine.
>This guy is a fucking dickhead. He has to wear that stupid fucking green jacket and khaki pants so we can all think he’s some hardened soldier.

Yeah basically you abridged the modern world: the only thing that matters is optics, because real solutions are impossible in (((democracy))).
Ireland was better off under British rule, retarded fenian
Oh right I forgot the time Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Putin, etc. never wore suits and never looked nice!
This is the same exact thing as Justin Trudeau driving around in a wheelchair, or doing black face.
I wish Russia would hurry up and capture this asswipe already.
jews can do whatever they want dont be anti semitic
And a shit one at that, hes the once that signed off on the failed offensive in the south and that stupid operation in Kryki where they lost a shit load of their experienced soldiers. Hes also great at "fight to the last man" that worked well in Bakhmut and Adivka which has literally costed the AFU the War,
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Crazy that the lives of millions of people are in this guy's hands
He could at least wear some dress military uniform. Instead of a shirt. Are you one of those people who wears logo tee’s to church?
if i was meeting the president in the oval white office house i'd be wearing sweatpants and my lazy sunday cheeto shirt
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he wore that because his next stop is his homeland Israel, hes going to volunteer with the IDF to defend his parents' house
Nah, we dont do servitude like you kiwi cucks.
Yeah what a gay, retarded joke the world has become. Still not demoralized though, death to all commies
That I agree
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He could wear webm related and old Joe wouldn't even notice
What the fuck are you on about? Hitler whore a military uniform almost exclusively, Churchil whore a hat and long jacket most of the time, and Stalin also whore a military uniform most of the time. Only Putin often wears a suit.
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Those were actual leaders though, Zelensky is a circus clown
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>tenet media sponsored thread
obviously ai
Pies on the president, piss on the US
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Real respectable leaders right there
He only wears a suit when he does important stuff
what kinda faggot owns a suit? very booj-wah-zeeeeeeeeee of you nigger
Biden is old
but it seems the Americans chose him themselves
so there is no need to choose old people anymore
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> how can anyone take this midget seriously?
nobody does. In fact, the zogbot gave him that position given because he can't be taken seriously
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>but it seems the Americans chose him themselves
When there is only shit and diarrhea to choose from it doesn't matter which option you choose
Did he just shit himself ?
It would look bad if he went around in bespoke suits while his country is fighting for its survival. I'm pretty sure he's gonna drop the beard and wear a suit as soon as this whole war business is finished.
Why don't you take a homeless ex-santa helper seriously? No gifts for you this christmas.
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Well, this time let them choose someone young.
>Stalin also whore a military uniform most of the time
he was a faggot poser lol
uh oh! stinky!
What is zelensky thinking?
Actually it looks like Zelensky told a dirty joke and Kamala feels uncomfortable
he's pondering the aroma
what the fuck is this shit. people elected this guy?
Shhhhh he's playing a role
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It's his brand, and now he's stuck with it. It's like Fedderman with the hoodie track suit; or that girl from the Olympics who was forced to do that smirk thing in every picture going forward
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President Poopy Pants !
what the fucking the shit, now this war makes alot more sense.
someone should an hero him already

Parkinson's open and shut case. Its elder abuse what the Demonrats did to this man

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