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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Florida is a PvP zone
Probably a fellow /pol/tard idea of burdenmaxxing
The cops are absolutely useless in FL
Watched this stream live
I was laughing my ass off
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Lotta gas cans there.
Trying to give people excuse to not make it into work, god bless you hero
is this in preparation for chaos by creating more chaos?
Is it the feds who are cutting down the trees?
Are they trying to prevent people from leaving or from getting in?
there are so many questions that I want answered right now.
this is so weird
No actually most rural areas in America have a general understanding that if SHTF that the road to town lead to the thugs. They view the road as something that is problematic and dangerous. He’s probally trying to block the thugs from coming to loot white areas.
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Ah, so one of those maui fire cops.
They do it so the blacks can’t come loot
that makes sense. smart guy.
I hope he doesn't get caught.
Rural folk know how to protect what's theirs. Checked. What are the odds that a PoC has a chain saw and a timber jack in their hoopdie? About zero.
Ah you have a hurricane coming, right?
That's smart. Niggers are too stupid and lazy to move trees or walk. It's basically like a temporary nigger forcefield that you can come back and clear out in 30 minutes.
>Confronted for blocking roadways
>Runs into woods.
You think a gator will git im??

Hwy 98 is notoriously swampy...
hurricane of niggers
These are called survivalists in "The Postman" novel.
Essentially accelerationists who try to make a bad situation worse in order to bring about the new order they desire. Weaken the government so much it collapses.
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You seemed well versed on the subject matter.
I guarantee you he got out there in a side by side or a four wheeler. Besides, gators are bitches mostly if someone were to run around in a swamp. It's crocs he has to worry about and I doubt he's anywhere near SoFlo.
glow niggers want to make it impossible to escape a hurricane.
the weak should fear the strong.
They called him crazy...
Someone get that man an excavator.
im not sure 5x5gallons jugs will keep that car afloat
This. Stopping looters to/from his area. He's protecting his home and community.
High chance it's those covid faggots again
Probably was a gangstalker setting up a roadblock to harass his target, but got a wrong time assignment or something.
Yeah and it's not like the trees are a problem for emergency personnel or crews, just nigger highwaymen.
doctors are vultures, if you can't cauterize it then might as well die
that's kind of based
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>temporary nigger forcefield
The whole hurricane was faked
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The merest of obstacles perplex the nigger. The nigger cannot comprehend the tools of the white man.
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>sensational claim
>somewhat related image that doesn't actually include any evidence of the thing being claimed at all
Why is this simple propaganda trick so effective?
I thought we were doing a Katrina thing here? Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm not up to speed on the news, but are there ambulances and fire trucks driving around during hurricanes?
When it comes to *after* the hurricanes, do the emergency crews not have plans for ... fallen trees?
In my opinion this is stopping nearby niggers from easily accessing White neighborhoods that have many abandoned houses. A totally reasonable fear that merits planning and proper countermeasures to prevent.
Saboteur: cause mayhem, disrupt every day life, piss off everybody.
I need a penny for every fucking time I've heard someone say "yeah, but who'd want to do something like that?"
Anyone determined enough.
>In my opinion this is stopping nearby niggers from easily accessing White neighborhoods that have many abandoned houses. A totally reasonable fear that merits planning and proper countermeasures to prevent.
That's a fact, not opinion. They organize on social media.
Where is the tree? Is he the skunk ape and dragged it into the woods with him?
Based chaos agents.
Stay strapped florida anons
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It's the ole commie playbook.
Roads get blocked immediately
>dirtbikes & atvs are also extremely fun to ride
probably cuttiing down trees that are rotten/dead to save some retard like the nigger on twitter from being smashed when it comes down in the hurricane
Those are not Florida license plates

The cops probably approve of it.
>Oh no he's very slowly getting away
So the ideology Peter Thiel follows. He follows Curtis Yarvin and Nick land's "dark enlightenment" ideology which is the basis for redpill stuff.
>peter thiel made jd vance, funds red scare, funds sam hyde
The difference here is survivalists are more of the opportunistic warlord type than any grand conspiracy. They are what happens when you have a failed state that cannot exercise physical force over the population. You get local warlords sequestering themselves in pockets of the nation.
Happens in Africa all of the time.
>cops are useless
Fuck thats great! They can take out the trash with little interference, finally! Damn I wish the cops were useless where I live.
This but also its just a picture of people stopped changing a tire. I dont see any trees on the road.
Cops don't take out the trash, retard. They run and hide then arrest anyone defending themselves.
How do you know the trees aren't directly behind the camera man?
The mind is happy to believe in a conclusion that it can take credit for reaching
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>in florida
he's just havin some fun leave him be
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Shut up Bhuthead.
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the one place no one ever looks
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Milwaki Hackzal and a Diablo rough cut lumber blade, if you look close you can see it. I have to clear trees and I hate carrying chainsaws because they are fake and gay.
He's blocking traffic from one direction only, anon. Like others have said, he's preventing niggers from coming to loot during the hurricane.

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