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>Quick Rundown
Helene has made landfall and is now progressing through Georgia as I believe still a cat 4 as of 12:30 EST (wow!) but will weaken quickly going inland but because of her quick speed, should see hurricane and tropical storm condition well inland (well up to even Kentucky and the Ohio river valley! In addition, we have another storm being sniffed by the GFS so that will be fun to check up models on.

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


>Twitter Feeds

>Preparations and Safety


LIVE streams:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTnlp7qrTYg [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ktY30sV6RM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo0NhYV00pk [Embed]
Category 1 on landfall, it's another retard general
not as bad as a cat 1 nigger invasion
>Jewish Fragility
Why do shills hate hurricane threads?
This is the first major storm where i have not lost power. A couple flickers but nothing besides. So either those tornados a few months back cleared out all the trees that could possibly fuck shit up or this is truly done fuck all to us.
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ez filter
They are deeply afraid of meme magic
Media shill
finally, a real thread.
we're not allowed to have /comfy/ places on this board anymore.
I remember the faggot who spammed gay porn during Dorain, that was just peak
The latter, they overhyped it and seemingly lied about how strong it was. Storm surge is kind of bad in a few places like Tampa but the "unsurvivable" surge in the Big Bend doesn't seem to be happeing and that's where it was directly hit.
congrats on calling this before anyone, i saw your posts back when you mentioned it.
nobody was talking about it or really knew about it.
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Helene still has a clear eye over Georgia
Still waiting to see a single wind measurement over 100 mph. Should be easy to prove considering this is a monster storm of the century cat 4
Take note anyone on this thread trying to still deny that the storm was not a category 1. 4chan is inundated with shills and bots posting any jewish backed campaign, this is no different
Conflicts with their 'nothing ever happens' narrative.
Thanks, though anyone could do it with enough attention to model behavior like this new system the GFS is right now, I think there's a good chance it actually becomes something, what will be become and where would it go? Don't know now.
yeah, someone could post evidence and you'd say the source is a psyop, another ez filter
now that the dust has settled
why did Helene fail?
because you touch yourself.
a hurricane doesn't have a mission or an agenda, lol
She’s coming for us
Savannah here. I'm getting a lot of flickers when the gusts pick up briefly. Had a 6 second brown out an hour ago and the 1-2 second brown outs are becoming more frequent now. Also loads of limbs beating the shit out of my house. One loud clam woke me up even and made me go look to see if it punched a hole in my roof. Guess im awake for the rest of the night
TAD bros!
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I'm gonna miss my porch
My power has flickered off and on a few times tonight but now it's been off for a while and it probably won't be back on for a while based on past experience. Hopefully the cell tower gennys will keep working so i can keep phoneposting
t. south GA on an island
didnt they kind of perfectly estimated dorian or whatever it was and still got a bunch of dead people because nobody took it seriously? after that they started over-hyping to get people out of asses
Glad to hear it's just kinda meh levels of serious. Got family in Savannah. Stay safe, fren
Not an argument faggot. I've lived in Florida my whole life and enjoy following hurricanes. Was near the eye of Ian two years ago and measured 135 mph wind myself. You don't think it's weird that nobody can show a single source of even a 100 mph gust on a supposed cat 4?
Think about retard, if your attention is here, how can they influence you ? They would have to come here, and do wut?..
Gives you the opportunity to build something new and better. Men need projects and you'll feel like a badass when you put that final screw in and sit under it, kick your feet up, and crack open a beer.
Yes large teams of people are paid to shill here.
I'm on the islands and power went out 15 min ago. Winds are sustained and getting stronger.
>iq DoR
Also, I had one 15 second blackout ne of atl, most likely multiple blackouts then down for 2 or 3 days
it was a widowmaker from neighbors tree that bounced off their roof and smacked the side of my house
As I type, the power is fading in and out pretty hard now lmao, the outage is taking me finally it seems
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Sorry i don't have my fuckin anemometer handy, instead i've just got 29 years of living in florida through actual cat 4s and 5s and i can tell you this was not one
In a vacuum i'd think this was a tropical storm, maybe a cat 1 at worst
It amazes me anyone has the brain damage to try and claim they don't when there's literally declassified reports about how they failed to do it in 2016 lmao
Huh funnily enough I had forgotten I had one of these, thanks fren
Braves gonna get rained out again :-(
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And look where those people are located
they're not dumb, they're lying, it's their job
No anon forget your first hand experience with hurricanes. The experts on reddit told me wind speed is measured at 6 million feet altitude and wind has never been measured above 100 mph at the surface on a cat 4 before. Trust the science
you're trying too hard, I can hear your nasal jewish whine through your posting
1 on-topic thread = 1 less nigger dick jeet thread
Our influence on the 2016 election more or less came down to the fact that we had fun doing it. It was funny. They've been trying to make every thread miserable ever since, as per that study about 'making these sites less interesting to their users' to drive down engagement and eventually traffic.

It's literally and exactly demoralization shilling.
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Valdosta Airport measured 102 MPH with 133 MPH Gust
you guys all have the same script?
Hopefully the next hurricane can clean up the threads.
Scratch that, maybe she isn’t
So how long until helicopter/drone footage of all the flooding to come starts surfacing? Tomorrow evening? Saturday?
You're trying way too hard. Just post a wind speed measurement and prove me wrong
And that's an hour inland. Imagine the path of destruction it carved through Florida first
I left for an hour and a half
Anything substantial happen?
this southern gentlemen already did
>I know you're gonna call it fake though
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>picrel is what triggers their semitic neurosis
what pathetic creatures
This is boring as fuck.
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Ocala reporting in. We got nothing but light rain and some wind. Nothing ever happens here.
That's just me pulling a prank.
We like to have fun here at GA Power. How're you enjoying the higher rates btw?
The loud clams are the worst
No, it was Matthew where they started overhyping things in response to some hurricane I'm forgetting. That's where Rick Scott and Shep Smith were doing the "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE COAST OR YOUR CHILDREN WILL DIE" shit.
Can I expect anything more than rain in Knoxville?
How the fuck does this bitch still have an eye? It's been over land for 3 hours now. My fucking God
Attention thread:
The category 1 storm has passed.
Not really, NC is getting all the shit while the Appalachian Mountains mostly protect you from the windy wind winds that might knock over some porch furniture and losing power.
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yeah he's jewish 100% you can tell the way he types shit lol
It won't because nobody really cares about non-Florida gulf coast hurricanes unless it's some freak Harvey/Katrina event.
Man, reminds me of some of those old flash games. Y'all know the ones I'm talking about
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it's crazy how this happens every day in florida
ngl, I've got a bit of a jew fetish. I hate myself for it, but I desperately want one of those forbidden romances with a jew girl with me being a bit of a nazi and all
Welp, just a reminder to all who say nothingburger, you all have been EXTREMELY spoiled in the last 7 years. only 2004-2005 match in terms of major activity, otherwise it'd take 50 years to reach this level of landfalling major hurricanes. years were quite mid and sparce with hurricane activity.
Ryan Hall might post some midday tomorrow
I suspect posts like this are government agents / bots specifically put here to fight back against online doomerism lmao
sounds very reddity
piss tinkles of rain might have to become the new word for hurricane if threads like this continue
Jax here. Power just went out. No wind or rain right now, so probably grid shit.
idk how or why I missed Michael. I remember all of this, but for some reason Michael is just this black void of nothing. Weird.
Cat1 piss tinkle over and out
Wouldn't the glowies be promoting doomerism?
ffs, I'm just trying to give a bro some encouragement. God damn
The panhandle is full of nothing but trees and the occasional old white guy, that's why.
Less service for more inconvenience
A touchstone cooperative
idk what the fuck you were doing, michael hit right in the middle of the day, maybe you got a job or something
glowies actually really hate doomers, true doomers have nothing to lose, they're worried the borderline doomers will become real doomers en masse
Yeah, but Irma ended up being mostly a nothingburger, but I remember that storm.
I thought it was mostly niggers around Tallahassee
It's pretty bad in Baldwin, but just heavy winds and rain. Power flickered a lot.
Any good Georgia streams?
eh, fair.

I've never had a traditional day job, so absolutely not lol
Maybe I did follow it and just forgot it? idk, shit's weird.
A couple panhandle towns are literally gone.
You had an agreement with Saturn not to make that event part of your holographic reality bubble.
The drone footage is going to be boner inducing.
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Part of me wishes I cared enough to go full anthropologist and figure out why it was Saturn that got selected as the super spoopy planet.
Yeah some of the storm chaser footage I've been seen is showing extensive damage, the daytime footage should be crazy especially the storm surge shots.
you wouldnt be able to fly a drone in those winds unless you mean the aftermath lol
This stream has been the most kino

He went from getting out to help people clear trees off the road with his chainsaw to getting fed up and weaving around them while yelling that it's not his problem and they're all stupid
where were you all day faggot

It makes funny music noises, that's why
I know it's not, but a small part of me thinks he's Mitch West, so he's been in Perry.

They all do, even Earth.
It controls the magnetic field which determines what 4th dimension holographic events appear on your personal television screen of consciousness. People dislike it because their thoughts influence what they pull into orbit of their being and they don't want to take in what they dish out. The rings of Saturn symbolize the circular motion of projected energy which will always circle back around its source and return to the sender.
Why do so many faggots act as if this is new for Florida?
paid shills and bots disrupting discussion of real political topics with fake events
umm... working
I guess the state is paying me to stay at work and be on standby until the storm clears .. but I don't think you had that in mind.
Florida will be mostly okay except for some areas, It's Georgia that's in trouble
>real political topics
>one thread about a hurricane
by definition a slide yep!
Power has been out for about an hour here in Middleburg. Just enjoying the sounds of wind gusts, frogs, and the occasional siren.
this is all cope for another nothingburger of a storm
It's basically that skit where the KKK guy talks about hating niggers, but the only thing he does is hate niggers and gets annoyed with people talk about things other than hating niggers.
Anything good happening?
>he quotes in reverse order
you bums are so easy to spot
This general slowed way waaay down. What happened did the storm turn into a nothing burger
It's landed, it's late at night, many people are without power and internet, and so many people have probably gone to sleep.
Right, it's the most brain dead logic ever posted...
>big storm not political
>billions in federal aid is not political
>bandwagoning based off how each party in power handles the aftermath in each respective county...ermm not political
The type of people politics are made for
but I wanna talk about Chinese people
dont forget the inevitable blm looting spree
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would you help her get unstuck
There have been many measurements over 100 mph. You need to know how to do simple math though. Wind speeds were measured at 130mph 3k feet up. Typically, in these kinds of systems the wind difference is roughly 10mph per every 1k feet, so surface levels are 100mph give or take. Gusts have been recording over 100mph from every major source reporting on this, and there is data published showing proof. Look at the NOAA reports.
kek I was just watching that
where is he and where is he headed?
My strength isn't high level enough for Gorlack the Destroyer.
Remember that guy who kept posting his location and asking "how fucked am I?" Haven't heard from him in a while...
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Yes, yes I would
Going to find out soon if that's about to come to fruition
literally nothing has happened
another nothingburger
2 weeks moar
2 category 1 hurricanes
BTW surge did perform, Horseshoe Beach had a camera 17 feet above sea level which was completely swallowed.
which one, there was a lot before the hurricane hit land
I guess he was fucked
New Orleans is so fucked next week
nah niggers is normal
don't know where it'll go but the GFS has been VERY happy with something forming here next Tuesday
>forgot pic
>nothing is happening because I'm not there
Did a pope shit in the woods?
we're gonna be back here next weekend
next weekend? Try after the weekend?
Turns out the place when the storm surge is hitting the hardest isn't that populated.
>Shills seething
hurricane helene balls deep in georgia, definitely seething
Irma buzzsawed up the center of the state in areas where people actually live.
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Atl is only a few hours away, and it's already not handling it well
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Trees already falling in Atlanta
If it was the 352 dude that's me. Just been on my phone since I have data and the storm here was just caused a power outage and limbs being broken off, hoping for power soon this morning since they usually get it quick
It's late on a weekday. Also while this cunt had a good landfall area in terms of relatively minimal damage she had a shitty one for chasing and entertainment. Right over a bunch of swamps and wetlands with few roads to the coast. The best place to go was nearly 50 miles away. People got turned off from watching cause of that.
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also, half a million customer just about with no power
ITT we laugh at burgers for choosing to live in a place where they get their shit pushed in by the fucking weather lmao
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How many of you are in the /cozyzone/?
Cat 1 landfall, cat 5 chimpout
It's happening
at least we get to see the sun nigel
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oh, did I mention it's already flooding in Atlanta?
it's more like a semi-anually purge and you get to watch all the morons panic and act funny, plus a nice dopamine reset when the power goes out. true floridians fucking love hurricanes unless you live in a trailer park
When the sun rises all he'll is going to break loose
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wish me luck gays i'm in direct path. it should hit within the hour. my home is surrounded by gigantic oaks. i don't feel so good bros
protect pupper at all costs.
How's everyone holding up? I prepped food here in Indian River, and the storm completely missed us.

How am I gonna eat all of these publix chicken tender subs now?
does this mean it's trending even more eastward than predicted or is it still on track?
Now why would you say that? I'm sure the fine citizens of Atlanta have carefully planned ahead for such an event which should keep unrest to a minimum
thanks to the anon who posted the paramount weather stream, great energy
The lower pop fox live chat has been a fucking blast all night I’ve been laughing for 3 hours everyone calling everything fake and goonposting
Ive been wanting to go shooting again. Cases and cases of 556 and 9
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It's on track, just is going to have an obvious eastern bias
I'm in st pete and underwater
why does this jew spam these threads so much
>Just realized that with my porch being gone, all of the lizards and curly-tails will probably leave our yard because they enjoyed catching bugs on the screen
I'm sorry, reptile frens...
I've made one thread today
Right in the middle of it. Been sitting here all night with the window open listening to the rain.
There is a lack of hurricane porn
Can I get a screenshot of the radar for the East Coast right now?

My connection is too shit and it won't stop sprinkling here and I want to know if it's from this hurricane
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Checked and here
I do miss the la palma koikatsu girl (volcano chan?)
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I got you
She's big
Thanks, Needs to include Ohio, but that's looking like a yes.

It's like constant sprinkling with the occasional stop. I was trying to sit on my front steps and drink beer while browsing pol and its super obnoxious because the phone isn't water proof, I i had to hold my finger over the headphone port and keep locking and unlocking the screen because it was drenched and glitched out the digitizer. Then my ass fell asleep so now I'm inside but the connection is still too shit because I'm on always on data and don't have another hookup
>literally a nothing burger
No more threads you fucking queers. It's not happening. Just a little rain is all. Let it go already.
it could still ramp up again and be a cat 4!
Cat5 chimpout is coming
Screen cap this
Lol it's already in Georgia??
And yup, I'm up in Ohio, see >>482976256
Nigger, my shed is fucking gone. Kill yourself
>/ahsg/* overhyped it
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I think I seen it somewhere, actually.
My porch is gone, nigger.
Damn. Sorry bout the shed bro.
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Fucking kek
Voters dying isn't political?
Give it up already you fucking queers. /AHSG/ was wrong again. Big fucking nothing burger is what you queers have been hyping for days now. Admit it, you were wrong. All these faggoty threads were for nothing.
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Good, fuck those niggers.
no it's still happening!
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Homes were destroyed in Perry just from the winds, it'll be shown in the day
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Stop lying you fucking queer.
>Give it up already
Nothing is happening you fucking tard. It's literally breezy with some rain. Just a big fat /AHSG/ nothing burger.
Meds now you delusional queer.
Lol this psy op is so retarded. This hurricane is weak as duck and literally caused no damage. All it's done and will do is rain for a day off and on. Lol big whoop. Sorry shills your retarded psy op is too obvious I've seen worse random storms then this weak hurricane. Completely hilarious how people fall for this media pay op
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Kill yourself
Lol this guy agrees with me. This is a weak storm with some drizzle. Big whoop. Complete psy op distraction.
Seethe moar, fag. Sorry you literally thought florida was going to drift into the ocean, like a bugs bunny cartoon
idk, 10% of Georgia has no power right now, and it's not even a 5th of the way through the state.
Your shtick is gay and played out. Do something original you trash posting ape.
Also thanks
No one cares about your busted ass rickety porch you humongous faggot.
I swear there is a single guy who hates these threads and has a VPN and a 4chan pass account and proceeds to filter everything BUT ahsg threads and has spent years just hating on it because we're not talking about kikes or niggers for a single thread.
Your porch should have been built to withstand Gale force winds
Ho away shill bot. Your weak ass cheap ass shed would fall over if a drunk guy fell into it. There is no hurricane that's as bad as they say. I see it for myself now. Complete fake n gay psy op. A little breeze and some drizzle. Oh no!! Lol I'm always right wtf
it's extremely forced and obvious. sloppy job. flat earth level shit.
he's starting to lose it
>rain is a psyop, guys
K, keep me posted
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All of SE Georgia is out of power and Helene is closing in on Atlanta
Probably, its some stupid concensus cracking attempt never ever works here.
The shill doesn't even know how to change posting styles.
Seriously? How do you knowM so basically they are false flagging the power grid and blaming it on some drizzle rain?!?! God damnit. I hope your lying Im not in the mood for a mozzad false flag power outage
/AHSG/ were the ones saying florida was going to drift into the ocean, like a bugs bunny cartoon you queer. I told you tards this storm was a nothing burger for days now. All you fags insisted Florida was done for. Sure as fuck I was right and /AHSG/ was wrong again as usual.
outside of Asheville, NC, they keep updating the flash flood warning every fucking 10 fucking minutes in the middle of the night I fucking swear, it's obnoxious. Just fucking tell us flash flood warning until like noon tomorrow for fuck's sake quit giving minute by minute updates while people are trying to fucking sleep
only blast our phones if we have to fucking evacuate
man I hate having to have moved here.
fuck the south so much
take your meds you are probably in your 30s living at home or unmarried still getting excited about people dying and property getting destroyed in hurricanes using words like comfy insanely cringe
I will say, the irony is the anons in the storm's worst path have probably lost power and can't post on cell service.
Go back to China dude if you hate white Europeans so much. I'm not stupid I can see you. Your op sec is trash chang
I was browsing properties in that area how is that part of NC? sounds like you hate it
>no u
U said this was HARRP, and the government would make it disappear. You could have gotten someone killed.
This guy knows. It's all fake. It's seriously a weak ass storm. Posting from panhandle of Florida ON THE BEACH! Literally a breeze guys
Oh, you're fucked.
>He's not a Kek cultist
You sound old and cucked
It's a jew posting from tel Aviv why do you think he wears the memeflag
>Posting from panhandle of Florida
Ez to prove
Just getting rain so far. Earlier in the day the hourly forecasts said 60mph winds in the morning but that's been downgraded to 25-35mph.
>In May 2014, it was announced that the HAARP program would be permanently shut down later in the year. After discussions between the parties, ownership of the facility was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in August 2015.
schizo-kun's retard posting.....
Green text posting shill fag. Dude rain isn't gonna hurt you. This storm is not as bad as you losers are making it out to be. I'm standing on beach right now. Lol you guys are so gullible
duvalnigger, I just bought some ground beef and put it in my fridge today, power's been out an hour and a half.
haven't opened the fridge, don't plan on it, how long until it and the other shit is fucked (milk, eggs)
Holy mother of rent free. Take your meds. There is no bad man lurking in the shadows. /AHSG/ is just a faggoty nothing burger general these days. It's your own fagoot's fault for hyping up nothing burgers instead of waiting for actual happenings. /pol/ is sick of you faggots. Fuck off back to /reddit/ where you belong.
>transfer the program to contractors
I'm on mars, rn
Great false flag power outage incoming. How many mozzar agents are in our power plants??
I bet he doesn't even know how to tri-force
You’re literally jerking your cock to the attention you farm. Very homosexual behaviour.
I guess the difference is I like hurricanes and covering storms so it makes sense I would be active. Though you hate them, yet you're more active than I am. Talk about rent free.
Dude I'm NOT lying. It's just raining. That's it. Nothing more. And rain just stopped an hour ago. 0 wind 0 rain. This hurricane is weak and fake
Take your meds you delusional liar.
types like this always kept the threads alive though, despite the quality decrease.
the heebs are getting hysterical
over weather..
I fucking hate it yeah, I'm from the west, I much preferred it there but family stuff brought me here.
I mean it's pretty but I never had to deal with hurricanes out west.
I also hate that everything is nigger fucking sweet tea.
I hate the accent
I hate the humidity (and as far as I know this is supposed to be mild humidity for the south but it's like 3x what I'm used to)
I hate that none of the roads are marked so you never know what road is what like at an intersection you just have to guess "is this my turn?" because there's no sign above the road with the lights, until you know the area by memory
I hate that roads never have shoulders, are really narrow, and are in bad repair so you can blow a tire going too far to the right to avoid some dipshit driving on the median.
seriously what's the deal with southerners. If you have an appointment for a contractor to like, redo your floors? They're an hour late, guaranteed.
Now I'm on the same beach you are, very windy, much rain...and it hurts..
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That being said, please God don't let my power go out I will go insane please
>living at home
..no shit people are living at home?
You guys really need to ask your boss how to post.
>greentext posting
What level of schizo shill is this lmao
Eggs will be fine as long they arent cracked
Milk idk, better if unopened
just ignore the homojew, it wants attention and every fag in this thread is giving it what it wants
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this is not political
I think this one’s a bot with the retardation slider set to high.
Well you must be very proud of yourself Johnathan
oh I know, it's raining a little it's not even that fucking bad
but they keep blasting our phones in the middle of the night just to extend the already in effect flash flood warning another half an hour or some shit.
It's woken me up at least 3 times tonight.
The difference is you are an egotistical namefag responsible for shitting up /AHSG/. This general went to shit when you showed up and starting forcing it as a meme. /AHSG/ was better without you and Confederate Niggerologist. Fuck off and drown.
Aussie flags are all CCP shills. Prove me wrong.
I'm proud of you, anon
Turn your sound off then you lazy nigger
It's time for you to go back, Carpetbagger Scum
You sound like a complete faggot.
Have the courage to reply properly or lurk more you coward.
t butthurt cletuses that are always late and lazy as fuck.
Eat a bullet Niggerologist
Yup I hear ya brother. I'm wondering why the MSM hyped it up so much? I mean all my friends and shit have been freaking out about the past 3 days. I told them "yo listen I guarantee it's not gonna be bad at all, they are just hyping it up for some other reason. I mean how many other hurricanes have EVER got this much attention in advanced?" Then tonight I saw some friends and said "see I told ya, I'm always right lol" then they were like "oh well yeah but it's raining tho!! "
>Have the courage to reply properly or lurk more you coward.
Sounds like you need to learn to drive. Also sweet tea is the nectar of the gods.
Meds now schizo
Only if it has honey
what if it's something actually important like, an evacuation notice I don't know, the creek near my house could flood its banks.
that I might need to fucking know in the middle of the night
what I don't need is a repeated warning not to drive at 3am
simple as
Now Micheal don't make me call your folks and tell them your shilling on 4 chang again
I've heard many people are without power in that area so you're bound to lose it soon too I'd imagine.
not the cletus driving over the yellow lines?
They do. They work in tandem with that turkroach who alternates between his flag and memeflags.
I'm in that part of GA. Powers working perfect and it's just a drizzle. Try harder just weirdo sholl bot
Bubba will pull him over (maybe) don't worry
You can probably turn that shit off.
I turned all mine off after they kept blasting amber alerts for missing niggers 5 hours away
prove it
power flickers a little every once in awhile but doesn't actually go out. we'll see though. Asheville itself is fucked but I'm not actually LIVING there, thankfully.
I'm potentially worried the creek might overflow its banks and so that can be an issue but so far there's not even standing water on the road
it's just raining
I mean, it's a good rain
but not even like "a torrential downpour"
I’m about 20 min north of Nashville.
Will I survive?
Even with the settings turned off, there's supposed to be alerts that can still bypass them. They're really rare though.
How's the weather in Israel Ari? Now this is your dad, get off this website and do your talmoood studying and fake humping of the demon shakina! Don't make me take your laptop from you now
I’m waiting for him to fuck up, I thought he was done for when he nearly got bogged the first time. It’s not too late for a kino finale.
>*RWAARK* take your meds
>*RWAARK* take your meds
Post your talmood books first Ari. You should be studying right now
>literally just a cat 1 now
You do realize we can see your location right?
I just wish they'd like, do 1 thing for the night, just "flash flood warning until noon tomorrow" something like that at 10pm or something
and just leave it
that'd serve its purposes
like I think that there's a reason to have the alerts on phone just not spam them every hour or so just to extend them.
that's the issue
but everything in this fucking area of the country works backwards I swear.
It's gotta be the inbreeding.
Why were the COVID deaths so much more important than the everyday deaths?

Why is there not a kill count for Helen? What is the current score? Hopefully 0.

When does the lockdown return? Are there going to be more happy nurse dances to goon to again?

Are stores going to have toilet paper and PPE in stock during this crisis?

How might society better function because of this?
How crazy would it be we (OF ALL PEOPLE) ended up being targets of some Mossad operation.
Not in a thousand years will you ever get it right, nor did you call anything...if you did where's the screen cap?
Well I mean its like 11am in tel Aviv so prime time kike posting hours. They must be big mad that their slide threads arent working.
Eye passed by me but I'm still in the westsouth of her ass
Am I in the clear? Just rain from now on? No sneaky tornadoes?
remember when people were prepping for the end of the world over a solar eclipse?
shit is just stupid now the media blows everything out of proportion.
At least 3
yeah you should be mostly chill now, only people that ought to worry about tornados are people in NC. and mid-atlantc
Lmao gottem
Cry more you little bitch.
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kek rescue boats in Atlanta already
Your done mister
Vlog off
show up to work late in a civilized non inbred area of the country and you get fucking fired.
I thought only niggers were this fucking lazy NOPE
everyone in the south.
Yo it'd be great if Florida would quit voodoo conjuring up these fucking storms
When do the supra powers kick in? Why can only one superpower be chosen?

The media said to stay inside again. Should I obey or disobey the screen?

>At least 3
Always sad.
Guys listen. This storm Is ridiculously weak. Don't believe the MSM bot boy shills. I'm not lying. Seriously ask anyone in Florida or Georgia
Cry moar, carpetbagger
I'm in ATL. There is nothing. Not even barely raining you lying fag
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what's gained by trying to hide this
umm... it isn't turning north... Total South Carolina Death? Unexpected
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in Florida they're being told if they're not evacuating they should write their name and date of birth on their leg in a permanent marker so their body can be identified
like is this shit real?
>Cases and cases of 556 and 9
Feldman, is that you?
Ok I'm done. I speak the truth. Believe me or not you'll all see tomorrow how fake n gay this week storm really was
YNBAW no matter how much you cry like one.
>ask anyone in the towers
>there were no jets
go fuck your cousin Cletus
If I was staying on android I'd flash cfw and delete that shit. It's beyond obnoxious, yea some you can't turn off like presidential and I think amber alerts I turn off.
Fuck this gay shit
It's the fact the MSM is trying to make it like a nuke. It's a normal weak hurricane we see every year. Lol
Imma spic, they're called primos
never claimed to be one.
you're just butthurt over your "southern pride"
pride over what
losing a fucking war because you were so desperate to keep pet niggers?
pride over being able to marry your sister?
I live out in Daytona and I was getting over 40mph gusts that far away from the storm. Shit was windy as fuck, even across the state.
Psy op to get people to stock up on essentials
They grocery shop less for the next month and don't notice the price inflation as much, feel like economy is fine
Camel wins in fl/ga
K troon.
Literally NPCs wtf they're just gonna sit there and wait for the tree to move itself or what? Jfc nobody is cleaning that up for at least 2 days
I'll try turning off severe and just leaving extreme just in case there's some sort of evac order, I don't think there will be but leaving some prudent precaution in case we just get fucking dumped on while sleeping and the creek overflows
That's wrong, the leg is awful. Things wash off legs all the time, most city officials say to write it inside of your foreskin.
I mean, with those digits. Though something to be mindful is I think this is the least active I've been with a major hurricane in the last 7-8 years. Just was very busy with life you know?
what the fuck is this shit?
I was trying to find out the first historical hurricane ever recorded, and google served me up fake info from this faggot wiki
how are we going to prevent AI from intaking all this bogus bullshit and fucking things up?
nothing burger
so... is it over? is georgia dead?
>dead thread
>Just was very busy with life you know?
No, I doubt they have any concept of what that's like.
If you're in a holler I'd be a little concerned.
Maybe rig up a float alarm at some point, literally an old fuel pump in you yard connected to an old car horn so when water raises the float lifts up and activates. Might have to use a voltage divider and put it on an online relay or just put an inline wet switch so it's not constantly putting weak voltage through the relay making it burn out and will only activate when there is water them honk after certain level..

Good luck, threads archiving
It is swinging hard to miss atlanta as well?
Go fuck up asheville then.
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georgia is fine, nothing burger, not happening

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