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Previous >>483009023

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>BREAKING: Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/_iVOqEKYWEo [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
Urgent | Reuters, from a source close to #Hezbollah : Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is alive
>Urgent | Reuters, from a source close to #Hezbollah : Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is alive
Urgent | Reuters, from a source close to #Hezbollah : Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is alive
>Urgent | Reuters, from a source close to #Hezbollah : Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is alive
Urgent | Reuters, from a source close to #Hezbollah : Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is alive
>Urgent | Reuters, from a source close to #Hezbollah : Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is alive
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Let us hear what Nasrallah has to say about these latest developments
>loser general
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we got the bastard
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Thread theme:
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Muslim Shithead Cope General


And the cope from the spin rooms begins:

Urgent | Channel 12 Israel, from an Israeli source: Whether the assassination operation by bombing the suburbs succeeded or not, it is a strong message
please god may Iran nuke Israel. for the good of the world.
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Our boy is alive
FUCK EM honestly
Maybe we got his bulbul
He'll be a more relatable leader to his dickless followers
close but no cigar!
Accept Christ and repent.

his ass is deader than fried chicken if this is what they're going with
inb4 syrian rebels invade lebanon and behead all shia kuffar innit
where did reuters say this? i am not seeing it
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If this doesn't prove that Nasrallah is protected by God then I don't know what will. Multiple 2000 pound bombs rained right above his head and he comes out of it just wounded. This is literally the worst case scenario that Israel could have asked for, his status as a heroic figure has just been cemented among his Shia followers.
Mediterranean Man trolling
Don't play with my heart like that.
Christ is in hell, boiling in feces.
if he's alive then he is most certainly a vegetable LMFAO
it will take a while, if he were alive and not there they would publish a vid of him, i think they are still digging him out, it will take a while
>if they say hes wounded then hes dead
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Why aren't these retards doing a second sortie and drop 10 more JDAMs???
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Urgent | Israeli Army Radio, citing a military source: Indications are increasing that Hassan Nasrallah was injured in the bombing of the suburb
kek that would be even better than dying lol
did you see the blast zone? nobody survives this shit
map pointing all chicken coops and dairy farms in northern israel
axis of le resistance does it again
same as sinwar & deif for gazans
our top commanders are cucked by muttmerica
they've barely even started excavating the site. it's been less than 2 hours, there's no way they managed to dig down to him in that time. if they say he is "wounded", that means he was at the site, and is almost certainly dead.
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Al-Qassam Brigades targeted a D9 military bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell in the "Sofa" area east of Khan Younis city in the southern Gaza Strip.
>they still think the sorties are coming from israeli airbases
cypruszisters how we feeling?
kek here come the shill brigades trying to distract everyone
i mean some whatsapp channels and x channels are posting vids of him saying " i will stay forever with u " looks like as a way to ease the news that he he is dead ?
God is with our people bro, it's insane. Let's give em hell
mashallah, the boys in Palestine still going strong
I can’t believe how shit Hezbollah turned out to be, all I’ve ever heard about is how tough they are
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No one cares about gaza right now bro
i hope so, but i dont trust anything untill i see official confirmation
So it's too early for Hezbollah to tell whether or not he's alive but it's not too early for Israel to be able to tell its brainwashed people that he's been injured? Lol okay pal
I hope Nasrallah dies and someone more radical takes over
sir, you are speaking to a bot
you invented conflicting sources
>Urgent | Axios quoting senior US officials: We have no knowledge of the attack on Beirut and reports of us being informed before the attack are incorrect

Bald-faced lie.
>Still in Lebanon
>still hanging out in the KNOWN HQ
Totally normal.
This whole thing is farcical, I've met corner boy drug dealers with better OpSec than this. Whole thing is suspect until proven otherwise.
so 6 full civilian apartment buildings were bombed and kikes are gloating about military success. hold on to your ass people
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have you seen their latest vid?
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>still hanging out in the KNOWN HQ
he thought he was safe, the shills ITT keep coping the Hezbollah is all underground and its some kind of invincibility cheat
where are the sirens you promised
I'm curious to see how the shills spin this over the next 48hrs. A minimum of 7 lies will be used
This is how kikes have been operating since their festering first began in 1948. Their army operates based on the principle of the Dahiya doctrine, which you can look up online. Here's a brief synopsis taken from its Wikipedia page:

>The Dahiya doctrine, or Dahya doctrine, is an Israeli military strategy involving the large-scale destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile governments. The doctrine was outlined by former Israel Defense Forces Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot.
Yeshua son of Pantera was a blaspheming mamzer.
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>The Nazis used the same method everywhere. However, this issue was politicized, in order to falsify the truth, and later to prepare for the transfer of the Jews from Europe to other areas, or [rather] to Palestine. The Jews who came to Palestine are Khazar Jews, from east of the Caspian Sea. They were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. They emigrated to Europe, and from there, came to this region. They have nothing to do whatever with the [ancient] people of Israel."

Bomb again
it wil lbe even funnier if nasrallah actually survived
i have

>fuckin hell, its been 1 year and Hamas has only gotten stronger whereas Israel is completely attritted & burned out from CQC urban combat
hezbollah said they'll release a statement more than 40 minutes ago. that fact that they still haven't shows how fucking broken the organization is
Who are you talking to? is your schizophrenia acting up again?
>Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to advance his return to Israel, and will take off from the United States this evening.
During the shabbat. Yeah shit about to go down.
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Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to advance his return to Israel, and will take off from the United States this evening.

>Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to advance his return to Israel, and will take off from the United States this evening.
They are all really sick people who cheer for this stuff. I can only wish these Isntreal shills will a taste of their own medicine.
if our military leader ship wouldnt be american assets we would be nuking every hospital within 10KM of beirut
These threads are proof that anime is gay
im talking to those who listen
are you a voice in my head too?
Not necessarily. israel doesn't have to tell its slaves anything. Especially something as major as potentially killing Nasrallah. If they get that chance they're not waiting.
It's been 40 minutes you fucking neet. They don't have to meet your demands for constant material for you to live vicariously through all the way in South Africa.
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reminder to everyone not to trust any 'axis of resistance' sources
see you on the other side
who even listens to US officials unironically
the entire IDF leadership in in the hq right now. if hezbollah had the balls they would attempt something funny
He should be in Iran. I don't buy it, none of it. The whole thing reeks, they've been acting super weird for a while. All they've done is play into israels hands, they're acting like their Mossad's proxy and NOT a rival state.

If I were a Hezbollah grunt I'd take on my fucking toes because the leadership is sus.
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Fuck off Arab, this is a weeb forum.
nasrallah is fine, i just saw him doing tai chi to nightcore
You should bomb the electricity on respiratory hospitals so they suffocate
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They sure love that "Butt Finger"
sounds like cope to me. how long does it take to make a statement
why is that important? bibi is just a posturer and spokesman, he has no power
You are supposed to win in Gaza by now, instead you opened up another front.
Gaza started out the same as this northern war.Large israeli airstrikes and targeted strikes yet israel failed to destroy Hamas.
You are going to fail in Lebanon just like how you failed in Gaza.
>Pentagon press briefing happening right now

Okay... the Jews might have blown off his arms, legs, and balls, and he'll have to shit and piss into a bag for the rest of his life... and he's brain damaged... BUT HE'S ALIVE, ALRIGHT YOU KIKES!?!?!
They're in an extremely secure underground bunker and hezbollah has no bunker busters
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If your cock does NOT get hard after watching femboys fuck each other in anime I have some bad news for you fren....
>in order to pressure hostile governments
seems like a surefire way to create hostile governments and people
Do you know something we don't Cletus?
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what a cuck
>The Nazis used the same method everywhere
The allied forces were the ones who started bombing Dresden. Terrorism like this began when jews/masons took over europe post WW1.

TTGL was decent
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He literally has all the power what are you on about retard?
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based prince kassad
Reuters livestream from the searches in the scene if anyone wants to see
>Christianity is polytheism and worship of a man with several layers of cope designed to disguise that fact. Chrstianity is the largest pagan religion to ever exist.
That's SUPER interesting in-all but...uhm... you didn't answer my question, so I'll ask it again:
Elohim is PLURAL, are you a pagan?
I know that we don't waste 900kg of bunker busters unless we know the target is there
fun fact the israeli Air Force one is called "Wing of Zion" and it has a full apartment complex for the Bibi
Too many civvies and ambulances gather after first round, can't.
They being said they should have just dropped more initially.

>its ok for us to have our terrorist HQ's beneath "" civilian"" apartments because ughh, its just is ok??
they should have done the Deif treatment and just bomb it even after the strike ffs
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Guys we've prepared the cope a few weeks in advance make sure to use this material
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>Scene from the sight of the strikes
serbbro, if anything, hamas won in Gaza, straight up, mano y mano
bashy has always been the cute one out of his family. maybe it was good that basil died
Yea this sequence is proof that the survival cope is indeed cope. Nasrallah is dead, the IDF has been nothing but credible in Lebanon and Dahye in particular.

I guess next they could do the Hello My Enemies guy. Running out of spicy targets though. Or just have the Lebanese Army start to arrest the remaining Hezbollers.
Lebanese are higher on the ladder than gazans, no one cares for gazans
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Nasrallah is alive... but at what cost...
Do you think HEzbollah will respond tonight?
surely, thru pagers as usual
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They got him holy fuck
If they don't they've lost this war and they should just withdraw north of the Litani.
they have to reports say the successor of nasrallah was killed
Muslims say Allah has body parts, sits on a throne and made Adam in his image, but isn't a man.
for real though Why does Lebanon's military do nothing? Same as Iran's? Are they controlled? The prime minister should be declaring war on Israel at this point
I think they’ve been totally decapitated, no one is going to take the top spot now anyone who does gets a bunker buster on their heads
Yes, their speech just leaked
>Israel are terrorists
>this has crossed 5 red lines all at once
>we reserve the right to respond in a manner most severe
>Allah will avenge us
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>why is that important?
He expects shit to go down

If he's dead yes if not nah
That would be the best indication on his condition instead of all the rumors
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>serbbro, if anything, hamas won in Gaza
>You are supposed to win in Gaza by now

There's fucking nothing left of Gaza but tents you dumb copefiends. 23/24 Khamas battalions absolutely gangraped. They got messed up so bad they passed emergency leadership to that shit ABBAS, lmfao, another billionaire Palishit crying while shopping in Paris, Dubai, while your retarded arapes burn alive and seethe some anti-semitic mantra.

Its absolutely insane how you think they've won lmfao.
The only pagans are Christians who worship a son of an adulterer as God and larp as eating his flesh and drinking his blood. We Jews are the only pure monotheism.
>Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.
Surely the 11th JDAM would have finished him off when the first 10 hit they were already out... aren't you people supposed to be smart ?
I think Nasrallah is in a coma
and they will fight with what? israel has upper hand in everything, and even if they didn't, they have nukes
literally untouchable, militarily and politically
ideal position to do whatever the fuck they want
What if there’s nobody left to leave a statement?
Bro do you think that their statement will say anything about Nasrallah? theres no way they'll be able to his body for at least the next few days, have you seen the scene? the amount rubble is insane and lebanon already doesn't have that much heavy machinery to clean this all up
Usually i'd say yes but with how cucked they've been all week I have second thoughts.
Israel is unable to meet their war aims whereas Hamas was able to meet their war aims, simple as, im not saying its a clean victory, its a pyrrhic victory, but a victory nonetheless
Does it matter what they fight with? Honor dictates that you should respond whenever someone strikes you, even if you know you have no chance of winning.
guess we will have to wait for their statement
i mean they can at least realease a statement saying they don't know or are unsure. that's what they did for shukr, right?
>US given no advanced warning
Even if he's not dead, he lost his successor and who knows who else was in that hole. The question is if they're able to mount an actual response(and no a 10 rocket barrage is a joke I mean some real shit).
all the hezboshits die tonight
sanctified with dynamite
die die dynamite
>Hamas was able to meet their war aims
Of freeing Palestine? When?
Where do you people come from? How long have you been here? Where do you think you are?
>Urgent | Pentagon: We do not believe that an Israeli ground incursion into Lebanon is the right way forward

Because they know that a ground invasion is what Hezbollah has been training for for decades now and that Israel would get bogged down and fail to achieve any of its objectives just like in Gaza. Seriously, why bother invading when you can just continuously strike them from the air without any real retaliation?
lol, no, in shukr they constantly pumped out messages (although indirectly) that hes alive to all sorts of media channels, see >>483015241
Lebanon's military doesn't even have fighter jets or air defenses capable of taking down our jets, we'll just bomb all of their bases if they join us the fight
they have underground launching sites and depots in beirut and bekaa.
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AkTuAlLy sweaties, It's non canon for Hezbollah to release statements this early. They'll will do it when they're ready and in the correct state of mind. And that's brave and valid.
the only objective is a security zone in Lebanon, not the complete destruction of Hezbollah
>deif treatment
Leave him alive? They just did that.
If Nasrallah is dead, I think they will invade.
that pretty much explains why israel is expanding and arabs are getting genocided like cattle
dont forget bombs and bullets are produced faster than humans, and you dont hold upper hand there either
Just like you won't completely destroy hamas, at least this time you're being more realistic.
hamas literally had plans to divide Israel up into "cantons" and documents talking about how all the 'educated jews' would be enslaved and forced to work under their new islamic state. they actually thought they were going to capture all of israel on 10/7.
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>Oh God, protect our master Nasrallah for us

>Pray at the top of your voices, O Lord, protect our master Nasrallah for us.

>Arab channels doomposting
It's over
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>ABC network from American officials:

>Nasrallah and his chain of command made a short visit to the Beirut area at the time of the attack
24 hours ago I rolled for BBB (Big Beirut Blast) on pol and it happened.

Which event would pol like me to predict next?
stock market crash pl0x
Hamas has already been destroyed for the most part
>OY VEY LEBANON! you can't import modern military technologyzzz!!! thats antisemitic
>oy vey, lebanon! dont buy Pantsirs from Russia! you have to slurp jewish semen! thats the (((democratic))) way!
>hamas literally had plans to divide Israel up into "cantons" and documents talking about how all the 'educated jews' would be enslaved and forced to work under their new islamic state.
>STILL hasn't answered MY QUESTION. I shall ask thrice and perhaps may get lucky!:
ELOHIM is PLURAL, are you a pagan?
>the Lord is One.
The human mind is also one, and YET, Conscious, sub-conscious, unconscious. Also, ELohim is PLURAL.
What an interesting piece of trivia, thank you.
>israel is expanding
the amount of people who will risk to punish them
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There are 473.27 million Arabs alive in the Arab World alone right now. There's no getting around the inevitability of Israel's death, whether it be politically or demographically. The question is only when.
why would timmy pray to God when he has fairy God parents?
Palestine still exists. Hamas still exists. Hezbollah still exists.
Status quo ante bellum minus a couple hundred Israeli hoes and Israel's public image in the eyes of basically everyone at this point.
Meanwhile the Ultraorthdox Talmudtards are still outbreeding the Ashkenazis 3-1 and once they make up a large enough share of the population Israel will simply collapse.
You can win as many battles as you want. Israel's doomed. Jews will not exist in a couple centuries.
IDF confirmed his death though.
show me a single death that IDF confirmed that wasnt true
At this point... fucking nasralla is the damn mole.
who's winning
>There are 473.27 million Arabs alive in the Arab World alone right now. There's no getting around the inevitability of Israel's death
They're busy making alliances with kuffar, EVEN ISRAEL, to better fight other Arabs.
The wisdom of the world is foolishness to God.
of the 10 million like 2.5m are palestinian, so its even worse

literally the dozens of times they said he was dead?? like the war from 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO
gore enjoyers
>show me a single death that IDF confirmed that wasnt true
lol. lmao even
Gaza and Hezbollah would still be intact had Sinwar wasnt so damn stubborn lol. Well good riddance
I think that we in /chip/ finally need to accept that israel killed NasrALLAH and Deif countless times, just like so many of the other leaders of the resistance.

The poopish shills and isntreal is simply admitting to us, that pissrael is simply fighting literal immortal GODS. The subhumans then have to accept the fact that subhuman beasts can never win against Gods. No matter what they do, israhell will no longer exist within a few years time. Even jewish prophesies admit that it is impossible for shitrael to exist in 4yrs time. Even netanyahu and his cabinet are literally freaking out per israeli media, that they know that isntreal cannot exist for much longer and the end is very near for the jews
and there are 700 million cows, pigs, and chickens in the USA right now. does that mean the US is demographically doomed?
Arabs are subhuman livestock, not people. their numbers don't matter. they can be industrially butchered whenever needed.
Gaza can and will be rebuilt kike
They probably kill their moles in the strikes and just get new one desu.
How many of them are willing to sacrifice their lives, families and property to destroy israel? Very few.
the smartest thing israel has done is splitting iran from hezbollah and from hamas
>Hamas' goal for the war was for Palestine to still exist, so they won
Wow, congratulations.
>literally the dozens of times they said he was dead
they never OFFICIALLY confirmed it tho
>You can win as many battles as you want. Israel's doomed.
jesus christ, I wasn't expecting to see this level of cope even in this thread of all places
Sincere question:
When was the last time in your lived experience good won anything? When was the last time the hard worker got the promotion? When was the last time the nice honest boy got the gurl? Welcome to the soultrap / Looshfarm.
nothing ever happens bros win yet fucking again, we can't keep letting them get away with it

Looks like Netenyahu was right all along. Absolutely massive L for Iran
>literally untouchable, militarily and politically
>ideal position to do whatever the fuck they want
were until they attacked Russia , a much more untouchable, much more effective nuclear superpower. they broke thus changed the rules and now it will bite them. nobody cares if they thought they could do it with impunity
yea in like multiple decades from now kek
UN said it was gonna take two decades to just remove the rubble but go off queen
Probably the most Jewish sentence I've ever read in my life. Straight out of that one Hitler quote about arguing with kikes.
Idk man my life is nothing but losing.
Damn bro. I sidnt know nasralla died 13 times:(
>Reincarnation jutsu intensifies
you're country has literally cucked to israel
when did they attack russia? holy shit they are double based
I hear you barking big dawg.
Putin when he saved the Russian Federation from khodorvskike and the other parasites
>Moshe, each mole is fiddy dolla
>I take shlomo from shebaa farms. He cheaper and looks arab
ya allah...
israel blew up a russian helicopter with a bunch of generals on it, i think that was when Putin said "fuck it, im arming hamas"
when they took part in the coup and the azov organization. based nazijews signed their own death sentence
>Urgent | Israeli Broadcasting Authority quoting an Israeli official: We have passed a stage, the direction is clear, and the consequences of the step may lead to a regional war

Straight from the horse's mouth. We can only hope that this will result in total war.
In a few decades and using Arab money
Hopefully, but let's not count our chickens before they've hatched.
It's simple data.
Unless the Jews physically execute every Gentile on the face of the earth. They will die off fairly quickly at this rate. The speed at which this is occurring is expedited by their attempts to resist their coming ethnic displacement.
You cannot with a war with a battalion full of Torahtards. They are sickly, cowardly welfare-siphons.
Russia refuses to acknowledge that they are in a war with international jewry. They will never attack israel.
This isn’t total war already?
you mean those azovs who were exchanged for putins boyfriend Medvedchuk? yeah they are training new battalians rn

lmao, something recent? I missed this
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>Lebanon gets obliterated whilst Iran asks for negotiations with Europeans
A war with whom?
Do they need to acknowledge it to you? Or to CNN? I thought fighting the war against international "jewry" is more important than what they call these delusional satanic empire of lies
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>BREAKING: Lebanese officials have notified France and the United States of an immediate ceasefire request from Hezbollah.
>Gaza can and will be rebuilt
With tents. And nothing else.
>no changes in home front commands/instructions
Jesus christ Hezbollah are fucking wimps even those khat munchers did more than these retards
imagine having to appease europe (demilitarized fags) for favors
No it's not. Right now it's just Israel fighting proxy groups. We hope that there will be a regional or perhaps even global war that will encompass all countries and their respective militaries.
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>The Pentagon said that Israel had not informed the United States in advance of the attack on Hezbollah's central headquarters in the Dahiya quarter of the Lebanese capital, and that U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Defense Secretary Yoav Galant spoke during the attack.
picrel of the conversation
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They're on Iran's overwhelming control and orders, and they told them to absorb any and all attacks from Israel until the elections. Iran is thinking long term. one or more commanders as popular as they are are will not hinder their endgame and plans.
>Do they need to acknowledge it to you?
Yes. To everyone on earth.
>A source in Hezbollah is quoted by Reuters:
>“Hashem Safi al-Din, head of the executive council in Hezbollah and Nasrallah's cousin, is alive.”
>Hebrew media is spreading lies that he got killed in the bombardment.
I mean everyone involved with zelenskys gang of nazi-jews. from kolomoishe to the graveyards. its not about a few mercs being exchanged, but the impending death coming for every last nazijew on the territory of the Ukraine.
non-Haredi Israeli jews have a higher birthrate than the white population of any western country on the fucking planet. their birthrate is higher than most Muslim countries. only the worst shitholes (afghanistan, pakistan, egypt, syria, etc) have higher birth rates than non-Haredi Israeli jews.
If Vladimir Putin is still afraid of being canceled for being "anti-Semitic", he may in fact be a dumbass.
I made it up
i rather they do the productive thing and win the optics war for most efficient way to dismantle jewish narratives
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fucking sold my "Israel x Hezbollah Ceasefire in 2024?" no bet
They prob have several commanders lined up. As long as they have ayatollahs and grand ayatollahs in iran, they will be fine.
jews laugh at you when you call them nazis. It lets them know that you are no threat to them.
BREAKING: Tel Aviv targeted with nuclear missile from the direction of Iran.
>BREAKING: Tel Aviv targeted with nuclear missile from the direction of Iran.
BREAKING: Tel Aviv targeted with nuclear missile from the direction of Iran.
BREAKING: Tel Aviv targeted with nuclear missile from the direction of Iran.
BREAKING: Tel Aviv targeted with nuclear missile from the direction of Iran.
>BREAKING: Tel Aviv targeted with nuclear missile from the direction of Iran.
why is hezbollah incapable of making a statemetn themselves? they need to be killed just for this
So.... This incident just turned out to be more evidence for the icc/icj
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>Gaza can and will be rebuilt kike
He's not afraid, he's doing the most expedient plan currently figured out
I'm sore laughing will divert Kinzhal off course
ruh oh
You cannot win an optics war with the people who controls international media and defines what "good optics" means.
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>source: coping arab ass
US is scared of going into a two front war against Yemen and Iran while also having to deal with Israel's protection against Lebanon
>optics war
Putin is the unchallenged dictator of an entire section of the earth. There is no need for "optics" at that point. There is only war.
Please beautiful jewish womanz I need to marry you and do the needful. We make many beautiful white babies as I bleach your babies for you.

Poopeesh's were literally made to breed with kikes
he didn't get the memo
that chubby kike was responsible for most of the shit in Ukraine, supporting AZOG battalion, predictive programming and installing Zelensky, banning the Russian language, and starting a war in the Donbass which brought in Russia.

The fat fuck then lickety split to Israel, leaving all those people in Ukraine to their fate at the hands of the Nuland/Blinken Mafia
it's a lie

fuck you

WE WILL KILL u ALLL revenge regenve
So in your opinion all 2.142 million people currently residing in Gaza will just fade away and die?
Of course you can, because they don't define it. they need to herd their niggercattle. any declaration by Putin would need to be something that makes our populations more inclined to fight against jews, and jew-brainwashed populations less inclined to fight against normal people. What you suggest is counter productive, why do you even suggest anything related to optics of Russin narrative if you think you can't win optics war?
Based. thankS ALLA
The US is overextended and cant cope with all their wars.They are losing in ukraine.China is getting too strong to contain and Iran is becoming a little Russia with similar technology(from Russians).
They are slowly losing everywhere.
imagine if he didn't die but his beard burned off like the dictator and that's why he can't show himself
>secular Jews below 2
>religious and Haredi Jews above 4 and 6
Yeah, Israeli's fucked. Have fun with Yahweh.
>Urgent | Lebanese Ministry of Health: Two martyrs and 76 wounded in the initial toll following the Israeli aggression on Haret Hreik in the southern suburb

What? Only 2 people dead? Something is wrong here.
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the "muslim demographic conquest" meme is so far out of date and so detached from reality that it's astonishing even the most retarded sandniggers still bring it up.
Israel is spanking your fellow Muslims right now. We have better weapons, better training and more troops than Israel.
Lmao yes. Nobody actually cares about Palestinians
apparently we used 60 bunker busters to nuke this nigger, no way he came out alive.
do you have this with sound
I straight up think Israel will just murder them, theyve already killed 10% of that easy just from the bullets and the bombs, nevermind the disease and getting crushed from rubble
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it means they dig out 2 teared apart corpses
they are busy to even cunt the bodies
Polish people will revenge for us,
Go and DESTROY ((())
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>Iraq: 2.94
Why so low?
Russia's propaganda about "nazis" is literal comedy to the rest of the world. Russia is not winning any optics war ever. Optics are also irrelevant; israel has the worst optics on earth and it does nothing to hurt them.
Takes a long time to dig through one collapsed building let alone several.
>So in your opinion all 2.142 million people currently residing in Gaza will just fade away and die?

they'll leave. they will end up in egypt, turkey, and of course, europe. ireland will invite hundreds of thousands of them to make sure any young irish women who haven't yet been raped by an arab and/or nigger don't miss out.
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Recovery efforts will take a while, lol
We are too comfy to fight, sorry
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>Average egyptian
Why do you guys have such low IQ?
can't wait to see you seethe later
If this is true Iran is really dumb for saying it.
>they think this tunnel survived
Russia is beating your superproxy who have your training,your weapons and your intelligence.
secular jews are (just) above 2, which is higher than most of the arab world and higher than the white population literally anywhere in europe or USA.
religious jews and haredi are not the same thing.
go and start pogroms, now.
>1500 meter
When did they dig this?
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>1500 meter
Lmao okay
ditto mutt, thanks for the bombs
Lmao seethe nafri, isssa fact.
How's your anglo-kike puppet Sisi?
Wallah, you will eventually miss the days of Mubarak.
the 76 are in the hospital. hundreds are under the rubble
>attacking jews ever
What are you smoking, bro?
I think at this point it's obvious that Nasrallah is alive but he is wounded to the point where he can't actually give a statement just yet. It's possible that Hezbollah medics are currently operating on him to try and resuscitate him if it's a fatal injury. If by tomorrow there's no speech by him then it's settled.
around the same time jews were digging tunnels in new york
they tried the same shit with president helo crash
>all is good nothing to see here
while lil nigga was roasting in the wreck
You zogbots will have to make the choice between protecting pissrael from succumbing to lebanese ground forces because we all know an invasion will not end well for them, or allocate all your forces to its proxies, which will definitely cost a lot of your peoples lives and deal a massive economic blow to your MIC
without my bombs your state would not be failing this hard. Best taxes I ever spent.
You lying kike, the exact opposite was just reported by Tasnim:

Urgent | Iranian Tasnim News Agency, citing informed sources: Hassan Nasrallah and Hashem Safieddine are alive
Israel can do that because they have a fifth column in every major western country.
Russia can because they are big enough to be self-sufficient and trade with non-western country who got the most part don't care about what Russia does.
The Jews are already gone, we already pogromed them in 1946 and 1968.
>and they told them to absorb any and all attacks from Israel until the elections
Well, that's a BIG ask! There's strikes going on and hundreds of dead bodies and thousands of crippled are being pulled from rubble. Also, think of it from the boys doing the launching perspective, you're risking your fucking arse getting airstriked doing something that's purely symbolic. If I were a Hezbollah grunt, I'd take on my toes. You're asking people to get themselves killed for some long term objective that may or may not be legitimate and bear fruit? Playing a rigged game is for suckas.
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biggest chad on the planet atm
iraq is an impoverished war-torn shithole and isn't waging war on anybody.
one outlier country with a 2.94 birth rate is not going to conquer the world.
>If by tomorrow there's no speech by him then it's settled
not necessarily...he hardly said a word this last few weeks
They all miss Mubarak.
2 more weeks ;^)
Nothing ever happens
israel can do it because every western country is ruled by israel.
Israel just killed 100+ civilians
Served them right after they felt for ayyrab spring meme.
Why are nafris so dumb?
So even if Nasrallah is dead there's likely an SOP in place for such an event. Which likely involves attacking Israel but this time there's no one up above to say "okay that's enough let's stop and assess the situation before we continue".
Your shit-monkey prime minister just unleashed hell on earth if he's dead.
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>lebshit poster hasn’t made an appearance yet
Told ya he was going to fucking die, lmao
Ukraine was a nobody a few years ago. I'm not sure if they even had a military. Most Americans don't care about Ukraine and assume it's just a money-laundering operation. Also, Russia could take on all of the Muslim countries combined.
Assuming religious Jews are primarily Mizrahim, that still isn't good. The Mizraim are retarded.
Atheist Ashkenazim and Sephardim are the only valuable part of Israeli society.
Your entire fake country is subservient to jews lol.
They can do it because there's a shadowy organization of bankers and other elite figures that are pulling the strings of every government on the planet, including Hezbollah.
Yes but they don't live here anymore so we can't pogrom them
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There is a need, both to keep things in check about WW3, and to keep his population following his plan, and foreign populations passive and even working for his plan. I sympathize with those who are in the line of fire, part of my people are too, and you know what i would do to traitors here? But without optics it's simply nuke exchange
Optics is what prevents nukes. Optics is what allows Russia to keep denazifying and China cooperating with them in case of nato escalation to nuclear war. Because what we call optics here is in fact the real, coherent understanding of the situation and boundaries of each pole of the new world. Declaring a boundless war will open the floodgates to nuclear war for no good reason
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What’s the SOP when the entire chain of command is killed? LOL
That organisation is called world jewry.
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its over
336 more hours and Israel will surely be destroyed by axis of resistance
>Optics are also irrelevant;
then, again, why do you care what Optics Russia declares?
that was always the plan. The october surprise is a surprise to no one.
Likely the indiscriminate targeting of anything Israeli
>What’s the SOP
same like when they are all alive and doing nothing: COPING!
>Optics is what allows Russia to keep denazifying
ukraine's entire government is openly ruled by jews. Do you have any idea how dumb it sounds when you call them nazis?
we killed the SOP too you dumb nigger
What chain of command? Do you really think Hezbollah has a chain of command? It's just a bunch of splintered groups that are held together by their dedication to the destruction of Israel. We're not talking about a conventional army here. This is an org. chart that some intern in the IDF drew up to peddle to the homos in Tel Aviv so they're reassured.
Ask and ye shall receive
It's even more pathetic with his voice and emotions. It's in english

>You can always find sound videos by taking a 1st frame screenshot, then doing a yandex or google image reverse search to find the videos on various platforms.
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Bake a new one you khommies, I want to keep laughing at (You)
I don't care. I'm simply pointing out that it demonstrates that Russia is not going to do anything about the problem.
>The Mizraim are retarded.
>Atheist Ashkenazim and Sephardim are the only valuable part of Israeli society.

oh, so NOW the intelligence and value of demographic groups matters, not just raw numbers?
ukraine had massive military potential that Nato used to build up a large army after 2014.
They had thousands of tanks and many more thousands of armored vehicles and hundreds of airplanes that they inherited from Soviet.They just needed to re activate them and integrate them into the army.
They also had an officer core trained in the Soviet union.
Russia beating Nato in this proxy war is going to be a huge blow to Nato.
because his fairy god parents are legit retards and he knows deep down he can only rely on God.
what do you think that means?
Bro, you watch these Muslims get humiliated every day and still cope. Your country is flooded with Muslim males who ran away, abandining their women and children who get bombed.
No? Do you have any idea how dumb you are for not calling them nazis, when nazis killed more than 20 million Russians, and these nazi-jews are using literal nazi symbolism and idols? fucking retard
the Russian rockets would be more devastating against the nazijews of ukraine if Putin said its a jihad, not an SMO?
Your face is buried too deep in jew ass for anyone to hear your laughter.
are egyptians really this retarded?
>oct. 2023

>september 2024
>uh..uh… they are… a decentralized armed group…

>january 2025
>uh sweaty. Hezbollah never existed you were chasing ghosts.
You are responding to one of those men what do you expect?
his replacement i guess
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We're gonna see that nigger Nasrali cry on TV aren't we?
>january 2026
>Hezbollah is le idea, you cant kill an idea!!!
Make a funny greentext about August 2006 now.
He's dead
I hope so
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I don't care about the yahud, I am only here to laugh at shiites incompetence and cuckoldry
And that's why you'll never win an "optics war."
>the Russian rockets would be more devastating against the nazijews of ukraine if Putin said its a jihad, not an SMO?
My point is Russia is never going to attack israel and never going to declare itself in opposition to world jewry. Thus it's worthless.
next bread
>I don't care about the yahud
That's what allows them to rule your country. Congrats and enjoy your pride parades and brown immigrants.
How come America couldn't call Israel to help them in Iraq or Afghanistan (not even that far away) but Israel can call America to come help them from the other side of the world? I don't get it. Israel doesn't send America money and weapons every time they're in a war in the middle east, but America sends Israel money and weapons every year?
Also, how come Israel bans dual nationals from its legislature, but America's congress is like 1/2 Israeli dual nationals? I don't get it?
If he was in Iran they would've bombed him like they bombed the Hamas leader. So no matter where he goes he will get bombed
Someone mentioned a mideast version of a vidrel like this one where they want to kill all the jews. But this one is still funny, as the paki wants to kill all the poos

We handled both countries quickly, militarily. The problem was that the faggot leftists wanted us to rebuild, educate and promote democracy -- an impossible task in a Muskim country.
>europe. ireland will invite hundreds of thousands of them to make sure any young irish women who haven't yet been raped by an arab and/or nigger don't miss out.

grim and accurate
why do you care so much about what they declare? declarations are just optics, and Russia is already fighting against the "jewish" world order in an effective way. you're clearly just wasting my time.
>you'll never win an "optics war."
but we would win it if we did optics your way and carried the century built stigma of nazism rather than use it against nazi-jews.
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>So in your opinion all 2.142 million people currently residing in Gaza will just fade away and die?

They should go to Iran and live there.
Anyway. Despite the adversarial rhetoric please go to your shelter, Schlomo. Nobody wants civilian deaths.
>We handled both countries quickly, militarily
Yeah we saw that, you handled it so well that you left afghanistan with hundreds of millions of millitary assets including weapons, aircrafts etc. and the talibans are still in control of the regim. Nothing fucking changed, meanwhile you lost everything
[crowd laughs]
Russian army advances. but maybe its a double negative, and since they called them nazis killing them azov jews doesnt impress you

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