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Previous: >>483014009

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah is fine
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/_iVOqEKYWEo [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
Response to blowing up the hezbollah HQ status?
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Good pic stinky
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He’s dead
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>Hezbollah HQ gets destroyed and cut off
>all Lebanese flags on /pol/ disapear except the friendly druze who loves christ
really gets the noggin joggin
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>mfw khommies
You're literally Puerto Rican.
For anyone who hasn't been following since the strike: Nasrallah is safe but not necessarily sound. It's possible that he's been wounded. My sources tell me that he has been evacuated to Iran and is undergoing intensive medical care there.
>hezbollah still hasn't made a statement
I want to support both Israel and Muslims in their effort to kill each other.
but why do muslims suck so much, Israel keeps scoring win after win after win. there are 2 billion of you muslims, how the fuck are you so incompetent
It's kind of Obvious now that Israel let the october 7 attack happen, because the only time you guys are winning is when Israel let you win
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>millions lost in 2 dead militias
>>mfw khommies
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Senior US officers: Hezbollah Secretary General declared KIA.
Never fuck with us you Arab subhumans.
>STILL being in the KNOWN command HQ during war.
Fucking shit glows. My nephew who sells weed to his classmates has better OpSec ffs
>intensive medical care
hope they're good at laying 1000 piece puzzles
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Press S to shit on Hezbali

raising a glass of wine to his death!
thread theme:
keek, kikoid cope, can't even assassinate 1 guy correctly
Never posts source, many such cases.
Kike source, until an official channel says something. We don't know. If he has been killed hopefully a lunatic takes his place that won't hold back.
Not caring about this country too
This nation gets what they deserve
Even if Nasrallah was killed they’ll just deepfake some older footage since nobody has actually laid eyes on him for years.
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Nasrallah was the idf mole 100%
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>evacuating someone critically injured to a country 2 hours away on flight
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Self-check, Heil Hitler!
uhhh hezb bros?
it's like the departed all over agains
pretty sure its at least 3 if not more, and thats on a jet
yeah they might do an "el cid" to win this war
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This paki is a a true inspiration. We need to get him to pilot school asap

It's over, they're all dead with zero houris
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Death to Islam.
strap him to a hypersonic missiles he'll be there in 20 minutes
not.... like..... this..... shiite bros.... not like this
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>My sources tell me that he has been evacuated to Iran and is undergoing intensive medical care there.
Where did all the Lebanese flag go?
Were they all in the hezbollah bunker when it got hit or something?
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The last remnants of the good ole' times
there's 2 billion Muslims in the world
hezbollah is a militia with a few throusand
this flood seems desperate. I'm going with he's wounded but will live, and the cope will be
>we disfigured him just like all his pagersisters
>BREAKING: Sources tell me that Nasrallah is safe and sound and only has superficial injuries to his left shoulder. A speech by him is imminent in the coming hours.
sussy wussy:
There are less Muslims every day.
Real talk with you, buddy, I've had my suspicions for a while that shits not right, but the recent airstrikes prompted me to start posting my thoughts. I reckon the grunts / cannon fodder are a good bunch of lads, but the leadership is fucking comped like U.S. congress. I'm telling you now, Young-Blood, a bunch of innocent people are after being slaughtered during a rigged game they weren't even playing.
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> The prevailing assessments in Israel are that Nasrallah was injured in the raid and the chances of his survival are zero
It's a jeet with a VPN. No self respecting polish would ever be pro-kike. Your country even had anti-jew laws until maybe the 60's or 70's
Being pro-jew from a poland flag simply means that its pooland (india) with a vpn larping as poland
Hamas > Hezbollah

At least hamas managed to kill some IDF soldiers and disable tanls
Nasrallahsissies, I dont feel so good
all leb-anons were paid for disinformation shills
unironcially, Sinwar still lives and his fuckery got Nassrallah killed lol, they literally died for Sinwar like dogs
Lebshit poster is dead
>it's hard to tell the condition of nasral because he was in the bunker which got obliterated into smithereens with 0 survival chance of anyone within 100 meters
>what a mystery this is
Poland has a long history with Islam, which gives them plenty of reasons to hate Muslims.
a smart move would have been announced a dead man switch in one of his speeches
>if I die, we'll fire everything
>prerecorded speech
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>nasrallah is fine
That poopiejeet is just loving his VPN today. Picking the flags of the regulars of /chip/ and then trying to do jewish shilling with a mentally retarded 45 IQ brownoid incest rape baby brain
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>CopeAllah is fine. He just is.
but they're all migrating to the west
wew lad. you don't say

Please stop spamming the board with copium Muhamad
What am I coping about exactly? I'm just telling you what my sources are saying.
>No self respecting polish would ever be pro-kike.
i remember seeing an old pic from poland from after the six day war where they had a sign that said "our jews beat their(the russians) arabs"

people like winners, as we massacre our enemies, people will love and respect us
Holy wordsalad
israel lost less tanks in a year in Gaza than Russia lost in a single day at Vuhledar last spring. hamas red triangle videos are always edited to cut away a milisecond after the RPG launch to hide the fact that the merkava is intact due to the trophy APS.
It would be so fucking disappointing. If nasrallah and all his cronies turned out to be backstabbing eachother over some petty politics. And thats why what happened, happened.

It has been so predictable for israel since summer of this year to pinpoint every hez commander/leader.
what happened to the mighty Hezbollah arsenal and its grollion rockets inventory?
poland is the most pro america country on earth, which makes it the most pro jew country on earth even though poles are too stupid to realise it. polish antisemitism is a myth.
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that's a lot of kike shills
You mean dome died bravely and didn't let the idf win, but yeah hamas > hezbollah.
إتحشرو في طيز أمك
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Can Jews be defeated?
lower your tone tourist when /sg/ veterans are talking
Never thought there was another egyptian under this flag besides me
all the lebanese shills are dead so...
They never learn
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>the response
why are multiple shills suddenly claiming i'm a muslim? I am not, don't have to be one to wish for death to israel
But israel keeps whining about how antisemitic poland is.
under the mountains probabbly. only questionis can they fire them effectively
The 6 million ballistic missiles of Hezbollah are coming any minute now
lurk moar ya 3ars
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Sinwar actually fought a competent military and gained experience and knowledge, Hezb killed retarded syrians and thought they're tough shit. We'll get to that rat eventually too.
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anyone else notice the bbc spam stopped once the hezbollah bunker got busted?
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>In his book "ON WAR", Carl von Clausewitz writes that a policy that believes in proxy armies is likened to snake arms of the same body that can devour each other.

>On 7/10 Hezbollah were not in the cauldron.
>Nasrallah didn't wanted to intervene.
>Iran informed him that he must enter the campaign.

>Reluctantly he started shooting and then was already dragged inside.
>No matter how you look at it - Sinwar finished off Nasrallah.

>Sinwar killed Nasrallah.. Was it worth it..?
No need to reply to poopish shills. They just want a reaction, but it's better to just use uBlock Origin and block them out. Hell, I even just added usa flag to uBlock Origin browser extension since all the other burgers besides me are poopish shills
In order to extort more property and money from them.
Why don't Hezbollah and Iran fight back?
Probably because your country got cucked by Muslims.
Nah you won't, already you (or another israeli) said that PLO palestinians will rule gaza. This would mean they definitely won't bother sinwar.
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>ddum ha m
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this has been the biggest humiliation to arabs since the 6 day war, they’ll never recover from this embarrassment
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waiting patiently for official announcement
there's at least 2 of us then
Iran's whole deal in the past few decades was building proxy groups to fight for it, so it'll never have to get its hands dirty and face direct retaliation.
Hezbollah are trying, but they basically lost their entire command structure and comms in like two weeks.
Shills are out in full force it seems.
Probably the assasination failed.

>inb4 we only meant to send a warning
>Was it worth it
If sinwar believes it needed to be done. Then it was most likely worth it.
Lil chippies are mostly products of leftism and cousin marriage so the lack of prefrontal cortex development causes them a total lack of shame and introspection. They are quite literally bug people. No facts will dissuade them.
The aussie flag is just a jeeta trying to do false dichotomy. Just ignore her. Poland is super anti-kike. They unironically had laws against the jews until about the 1970's.
Israel literally ships israeli stufents to poland, after brainwashing the kids that polish hate them for no reason and want to kill them. The israeli kids then antagonize the polish people to get a reaction out of them, and then claim antisemitism. It was in that documentary from the stickies- defamation
who here is /cozy/
هههه ليش انت زعلان صحبي
كل شي منيح؟
soon abdul, your day will come, day of the rope were we hang your asses in the streets
>Total radio silence from all Hezbollah sources

according to Al Jazeera reporter live on the air
based israeli? heh?
>people like winners, as we massacre our enemies, people will love and respect us
No, they will not. People like those who value them and if not look out for their interests, then at least don't undermine them. What you're talking about is Mafia shit, that's not respect, it's fear you're talking about. And that's fine, but just come and say it. Nobody likes the cunt everyone is afraid of. I doubt you have real world experience, so let me paint a picture. When people are at a party and villainous gangsters how up, the fun stops and everyone gets on edge. People tell you they're going the toilet and use it as an opportunity to slip out from the party unnoticed. They then hope for the day they go the shop for the morning milk and see the newspaper headline that such and such a horrible cunt of thing was gunned down, and they smile relieved.
he is an arab desecrating our glorious flag
Even if nasrallah is down, hezbollah would rain hell upon israel, right??
You predicted it. They said that this was a warning shot.
if Nasrallah was dead, kike shills would be a little more jubliant, it would be their biggest happening in years. 6 apartment buildings massacred is only enough for this much spam and gloating for all the caffeine and paid per post basis
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he ded
Not looking good, lil’ /chip/pies
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>Defeating militias with double digit IQ fighters with nothing in there hands but AK47s and ww2-tier missiles using F-35s and Patriots is now a manifestation of kike supremacy.
Reminder that Russia eliminated more than half a million hohols, the entire kike army btw in terms of numbers, who have the entire might of NAFO without going to full war mode.
He's one of the few sane ones because he's not jewish.
do you understand what would happened to dahiye?
>rain hell upon israel
you mean lob some rockets over the border in the general direction of empty villages?
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Iran backed Hezbollahinflicting (wew) many casualities (really?) upon IDF child killers (HAHAHAHAHA) at northern Israel.
>A-Al-Quds S-SOON lads !!!1 Dx DDD:
B T F O (as usual)



>muh Hezbollah
>muh Houthis
>muh Hams
daily (daily) reminder (to remind you) that only commies (communists) support assd the degeneracy promoting untermensch backed by khomeinist child rapists
Don't forget that those cucks gets bombed by the jews without even bothering trying to counter them (and that pootin doesn't give a fuck lmao)

/chip/celoid subhumanic chipcels BTFO

as usual


The same faggots (yes, faggots) who said that Hezbollah shelled IDF (lol they got BTFO) and got bombed by jews while later saying that nothing happened.
the same claiming that there is an alliance between ayy lmaos, israel, USA, KSA, ISIS, AQ, EU, Israel, Ukraine, Turkey, Israel, FSA, Koweit, Jordan and Israel against ASSad and ir*n (they are stupid).

subhumanic khomeinist subhumans are subhumanic subhumans

The same weebshit NEETs that larp as nazis while they support commies and make "russian liberation" jokes.

stay mad, assmadists
stay mad, assmad

and don't forget
>ToMoRoW wiLL Be BuSy DaY foR RePorTErS
>ToMoRoW wiLL Be BuSy DaY foR RePorTErS


fuck al bolandi, fuck al irani, fuck the triggered pole, fuck al fingoli, fuck al baathist bongi, fuck pedro al mexiki, and FUCK YOU ALL

i hope net & yahoo will bomb more khomeinist terrorists
The Axis of resistance doesn't do a whole lot of resisting nowadays
Where's Iran Leb bros? Why didn't they come to help?
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unfortunately Israel is a globohomo liberal state that permits disgusting Arabs to live here and insult our country, for now
How does that metter? Israel already crossed miles into hezbollah's red lines, theu must retaliate.
they are going to shmoon like 20 rockets and kill a few chickens
>Getting you’re entire command structure wiped out in 1 (one) air strike
The absolute state
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The radio silence could mean one of two things: either the strikes seriously damaged their ability to communicate with one another and they're waiting for more information before making a statement, or Nasrallah is dead and some kind of retaliation is imminent and this is their way of building up suspense
titus and hadrian were right, we need a new rome NOW
>The Lebanese army, instead of defending its soil & people, is now deploying forces to the American embassy to protect it from possible riots …
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they raise the flag of stabbing lebanon in the back
first time ive seen an Israel flag say something truthful
Hopefully not, for years they've been building up the image of being capable of more.
these niggers should be taking the opportunity to mobilize and take back whats left of their country from shitzbollah
>Poland is super anti-kike.
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The utter definition of being buckbroken
He is fucking dead you dumb fuck coping sandniggers.
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>We will not die for Iran
This is the second time it happened to them. In the same neighborhood too.
At this point it's eugenics.
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>There are indications that Nasrallah was in the compound that was attacked. Those who were there have a very small chance of getting out alive
He’s dead
may i see proof?
>inb4 a roundabout way of saying no
>blowing up the hezbollah HQ

wonder how will be called in the future this jewish genetic mental illness
He's more alive than you are dutch.
Going roman isn't the only way to eliminate jews, just look what happened 80 years ago.
>Nasrallah is fine
>Oh fuck we hit an empty bunker
>Get the Shills to their shill stations we need to do damage control!
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Kek, America is like a pimp, bitch slapping Lebanon by supporting us and then having the Lebanese army defend her embassy
Egypt has not won a single war in it's entire existence. You couldn't even best the Yemenis in the 60s. You are pathetic. Cairo is a sprawling mass of inbred buck toothed scammers
where are the lebanese fags?
or he might be in a critical condition, meaning they are unable to give out a statement that he is alive in case he dies the next day
Does anyone have the location on a map where this happened?
Criminal behavior
That's a retaliation. LOL

leb bros....
>capable of more
Well judging by the last year they've clearly been reserving such capability for later. Much later.
israel is very weak now. they are depleted and can't win a war vs egypt.
I'd take 10 Arabs over a single Miz*ahi. At least they can do construction general labor
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Don't (You) me ever again, swedoid swede.
TFU! on (You)
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They all died in the air strike, LMAO
Hezbollah's leader is safe and sound, it's just like the 10000 times Putin or Kim Jong Un died of cancer, it's complete cope BS of the ZOG

Basically they're saying that they have no confirmation that Nasrallah is dead but they're surmising that he is because the bombs caused so much destruction that the chances of anyone making out alive are slim. This however doesn't mean that he is definitively dead. We might be looking at another Deif situation here.
Factually wrong.
Egypt won the October war. Egypt almost eradicated the rotten Ott*man empire in the 1830s if it weren't for the kikes who sponsored and still sponsor it.
Hezbollah has no one left to make a statement KEK
How much later? The houthis have done more ffs.
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Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
Buck broken
>Buck broken
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lmao wtf
earlier this year lebanese currency went from 16k to 100k for 1 euro
Whenever the Hidden Imam ends his Major Occultation™, or Two More Weeks™, whichever comes last.
Except we had a gaza style war a few years ago when we had mini civil war and won and in yemen too
Lmao u have to go back to the 19th century to find a victory? Reminder you weren't a country yet, retard, you just managed to scape together partisans with European support against the sick man of Europe. The pride of Arabs will always be their downfall
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>t. jewish jew
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his mangled corpse is under the rubble and likely will never be recovered.
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What the fuck is this nigger? do you think wars are like the world cup? We should win a war in every generation or what exactly?
>lost the last 2 battles in the war nonetheless
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This is the real graph, Google doesn't have the real data
>We might be looking at another Deif situation here.
meaning "he's deader than the fucking dinosaurs you filled your gas tank with yesterday but muslims claim he's still alive to save face despite not even believing it themselves"?
1. Deputy Secretary General Naim Qassem

2. Chairman of the Executive Council Hashem Safieddine

3. Member of Lebanese Parliament Ali Ammar

4. Chief of Staff Talal Hamieh

5. Head of the Liaison and Coordination Unit Wafiq Safa
No, meaning that he's potentially survived this assassination attempt and will continue to be a thorn in Israel's side for the years to come. Or, it's possible that he's dead. No one really knows. Definitely not you.
You don't need to cope about this one. You lost the war and we got Sinai back. The rest of the middle east is not our problem. Keep rekting those punching bags called Hamas and Hezbollah.
Imagine believing deif is dead.
Fine, I'll restructure my assertion:
You have never won a war since the turn of the 20th century. You are nothing but an upjumped open air museum infested with Gypsy beggars at every turn.
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Oh boy
>We should win a war in every generation or what exactly?
the jewish-american custom of losing one in every generation has to be pilpuled against normal countries somehow
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don't worry hezbosisters
the green busses are ready to take you
Hezbollah better shoot 50k rockets in the next hour or they some bitches
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LebAnons completely disappeared
>LebAnons completely disappeared
LebAnons completely disappeared
>LebAnons completely disappeared
LebAnons completely disappeared
>LebAnons completely disappeared
LebAnons completely disappeared
>LebAnons completely disappeared
LebAnons completely disappeared
>LebAnons completely disappeared
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Honestly that has to be one of the worst ways to die
The Hungarians will one day throw you and your fat mother out of the country you filthy immigrant
> they some bitches
they are. And so is Iran.
NasrAllah is protected by Allah

that's why he didn't get hurt during the pager terrorist attack and thats why he didn't get hurt today
they won’t do shit, arabs are cucks
You are seething
Sinai is 3x bigger than your entire strip
Somehow, the Muslims lose way more wars than us kek
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there are gorilloion drones and spies watching hezbollas movements. i doubt they can ever do anything signficant
>flag checksout
>protected by Allah
>hides in a bunker
Based Kangs. You guys gonna jump in on the games if pisrael goes full retard and invades lebanon?
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>protected by Allah
majoosi magic doesn't come from Allah
5 stages of grief
now imagine this is done to you by your own people, this is every kike hostage's life in Gaza
don't forget the bunker is under civilians
>Urgent | Channel 12 Israel on Netanyahu in response to a question about whether the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah succeeded: Wait (2 more weeks)
Urgent | Channel 12 Israel on Netanyahu in response to a question about whether the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah succeeded: Wait (2 more weeks)
You realize how pathetic that makes your nation right? Egypt's GDP is less than Ohio
ولما انزل اكونت تويتر الاهبل بتاعك وافضحك الوقتي يافلسطيزي؟
>chosen people

>2 weeks

Nasrallah is alive and will make ole benny boy look like a clown.
even hezbollah doesn't know lol, how can you expect israeli intel to know
Most likely the area of destruction is so large that all the numbers someone would call to confirm, don't answer anymore. This could mean the person is dead or the device doesn't work, nobody can tell until physical access to the location - or the contact calls back because he was at a different location and is alive.
نزلوا في طيز أمك عايزة ترتاح
You both claim to be the chosen people and are obviously both wrong.
To make an omelette you gotta crack a few eggs mang
Hamas did some significant stuff.
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>Yemen’s Houthis claim attacks on Israeli cities, US warships
>Iran-aligned group says it will continue its attacks on Israel until its ‘aggression on Lebanon and Gaza stops’.
Gigachad Houthis Warriors attacked 3 USA navy ships + israel ships with many ballistic missiles and others

Hey guys
Remember 24 hours ago when you were telling us that tel aviv has been destroyed by one houthi missile??

Nasrallah is safe and sound back in paradis.
what makes this even more funny is thay they were crying for a cease fire last night while bibi tunred is phone off and he just gave his speech in the UN calling the UN a swamp of anti semitism KEK
I am actually worried. Where did the Leb anons go?
Nobody cares.
They are next, lmao
/chip/ is the losingest general in the history of /pol/
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alright #TeamBasedMuslims what is going on. why can't they get a hit in.
Don't go against your own PM. He's telling you to wait.
you can tell what's really happening by the amount of soap people doing extensive damage control in here
>The Houthis
I'm quite fond of them, BUT if they don't take out the airbases, glows....
You were pretty scared last last.
>I am actually worried. Where did the Leb anons go?
Nasrallah was the leb cope poster KEK
Arabs are such losers Wallahi
buck status : HEZBROKEN
So is it finna pop off or no??
ايه الشقاوة دي يافلسطيزي؟
كيوت اوي الشتايم دي
>Urgent | Israeli Army Radio: Shelters have been opened throughout Israel

Finally the kike flags are going to go away, if only for a few hours.
They're fine, some people just can't handle the bantz when on the receiving end so they skulk away and lay low for a bit.
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Anyone pretty much stop being antisemitic after October 7?
Not out of sympathy but because kikes are pretty fucking based and haven’t backed down one bit.
I’m a chud, but I love Jews now
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Don't worry - NOTHING is stopping Israel from dropping few more bombs on this exact place to finish the job. Just wait till Hezbollah will gather more people trying to dig Nasrallah body out, and the bombs will bury them all in even more massive grave. That is what i would do.
absolutely not, typical stupid mutt take
You said this yesterday lmao
I ride that bus everyday to work asshole
you have no idea how deep our hatred for you runs
No, kys.
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70s kino makes Moshe a happy man
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It's Yallover
I did? I thought I was out with my friends yesterday, but I could have been dreaming that. Were you here all day? That's pretty sad anon
all chuds are welcome in Zion
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sandniggers, you've actually done it
you've gotten so fucking pathetic that it doesnt even feel right to make fun of you anymore
i genuinely feel bad for you now
>H-h-hes not dead
>ok even if he's dead hes not that important!!11!!
Here comes the cope
this is a nigger bot, run by jewish cunt niggers.

OpSec Moshe OpSec!
Why are shills always baited into giving my rapidly changing chan ID's so many free (you)'s?
Unlike the shills I don't get paid for (you)'s, and I also don't read shill posts. uBlock Origin blocks all the shills automatically for me. Either by shill flags or by chan ID
Nasrallah is very important
Literally all Hungarian Nobel prize laureates are Jewish you are a monstrous product of fetal alcohol syndrome
I always wonder why they never target the angry crowds at burials. Maybe target it this time, it will be the big one, even Khamenei and Sinwar will attend.
Who are you greentexting?
Gawd no! Fucking with jews is a sure way to finally book my ticket out of the soultrap / Looshfarm early, otherwise it's potentially another four decades of clownworld.

Imagine loving the material third dimension in current year. kek, lmao even.
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I am gonna say this

the guy was pretty entertaining

he had a reputation that took 20 years to build too , snarky little speeches too

now hes gonna get replaced with some lacky and the fun is over

rip in piss
Hitler was right about the nobel prize.
Oh god you sound like my girlfriend
You mean you dont like to have another piece of plastic that looks sophisticated?
Deif is dead. Hamas has produced no proof of life in months later after Israel said he’s gone

Not even a audio tape recording
greentext isn't just for quoting, often it's used to parody strawman a position for comedic purpose.
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Intelli Times -
>Exclusive: Tonight we reveal that the complex that was attacked and used by Hezbollah and Hassan Nasrallah was identified by us as the headquarters of an engineering company that was added to the American sanctions list in 2020 as providing engineering services for projects of the Hezbollah organization.
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I love you too anon
did that kike got page'd in the 70s ? if he can still smile after that, so can Hezbochads
How Meloni working out you a Sicilian son of an Arab rapist
They're going to put Nasrallah's corpse infront of a camera while someone moves his mouth to prove that he's alive.
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>now hes gonna get replaced with some lacky and the fun is over
I always think so, then out of nowhere some guy appears and it turns out he also has reputation, long history, bad shit crazy ledger of crimes, yet somehow i never heard of him before he took the top post. Its like they get spawned out of thin air, the moment the top guy dies, like in that game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
I liked his speech about how everyone is addicted to smartphones, snarky and concise indeed.
For me it's the opposite. I wanted to root for the few ayyrabs fighting the kikes, but the majoosi have been too pathetic in the last year, I don't want to be associated with such cuckoldry, so I'm glad they're dying.
Me too, anon. I AM ISRAEL CHAI
smart move, I knew it was some kikery to collect intel
Worth noting that there was a blood libel riot in Poland after WWII. Child was later found okay.

Point is there was a high distrust of Jews, despite being the most tolerant of Jews during Medieval times, aside from Al-Andalus Iberia.
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Did you complete your bottom surgery? Does the Israeli health care system cover that?
Us yids are unhinged thanks to never ending generational trauma, its great
Britt fags just got told to take the next flight out of lebanon KEK
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He had his way with words and funny lil jabs.
Compared to most cut and dry Jihadists he was very entertaining. Which is what made him so popular and liked in the first place.
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well Moishe if you guys just decided to be whites and not play any of the bullshit games your tribe is responsible for, and let white christians move to israel too, you would have greater israel.....but noooo. You guys flooded our countries. So Im sitting back and watching the festivities.
Thanks for the map, but to be fair this doesn't look like the strike location from the image.
>all Hungarian ... are Jewish
schizo, we aren't a members group, we're a nation
They got Nasrallah, now it's 100% confirmed.
with a stick up his ass
remember hezbollah killed 20 people to gete one guy. don't listen to their bullshit about 'muh civilians'
I hate meloni, instead of stopping immigrants she just brought in more. Btw how do you feel about athenazi who killed jews getting applauses from the canadian government?
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The IDF is confirming it. It's most likely over. They wouldn't risk looking like fools over something this big.
Stop posting misinformation nigger.
>Lebanon nukes Tel Aviv, Iran sends 1000s of missiles into Israel, uprising in West Bank, Jordan overthrows its cook king, Turkey liberates West Cyprus including the Anglo bases. Big war.

Reality: Israel just bombs the shit out of Lebanon and Iran pussies out with strong worded tweets and negotiations
your situation is far far wose than arabs

at least arabs know who their enemeis are, you're litterally giving billions to Zelenskikes to kill other Europeans (both Ukrainians and Russians) and put a kike in the Pantheon because she made it legal to murder 200,000 White children every year, on top of this they flooded your country with millions of nonwhites while they forced yours to defend their ethnostate's crimes making you complicit and possibly getting fucked in the future

this is how low you are
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arabs are the biggest hypocrites, every single dumb rocket they shoot is amid at civs
Jewish shills ste too poor to afford cars. The ones that can afford one lack the ability to drive. The car accident rates in isntreal are sky high, and rocketed more since the war began. Countless israehell car accident vids are posted to chan. Including a jew cop motorcycle that gives the finger to a jew at the same time he slams head on at full speed into another kike car that slammed short
In my opinion it seems that the silence from Hezbollah points to the success of the assassination attempt. However, Hezbollah has always been honest about martyrdoms within their ranks and there will be confirmation or denial of his death in the coming hours, unlike Hamas which doesn't provide much information and prefers to keep things as ambiguous as possible.
Sadly only budapest is worth visiting. The rest of your nation is a bunch of scattered villages not to mention your shit economy.
Maybe if you kept your yids you could have had more
Just like deif was eliminated 200 times.
We live in clown world
it's bullshit
didn't read
get the fuck out of europe
you muslim vermin are gonna be cleaned out of France within the next 10 years. screenshot this.
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Shkoyach anon, you are invited to the fabrengen.
>Netenyahoo in New York for a week to avoid retaliation
Big Brain move
>he's flying back
what ?
thank you for defending the Arab people
>Its like they get spawned out of thin air, the moment the top guy dies, like in that game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
KEK! that tickled
yeah i already changed my mind
That was the only time canada was based, have fun living with literal ukrainian nazis who erect statues of based jew killers.
he'll be under a bunker
I cried after Issam
was mad after Soleimani
don't care about Nasrallah
majoosi can fuck off and die
Coming back to celebrate with the ziochads
And literally all the media, the UN, europoors and thirdies stump for them.
complete opposite, I used to defend Jews and attack antisemites, now I think Hitler was a leftist
Hamas hasn't proved Deif is alive. They could in 3 seconds if they wanted to, like they do with Sinwar
Whelp time for hezbollah to elect a new leader and keep the cycle going. LOL
Oh hello /sg/ fren.
now I feel like batman without a joker

Iran is too boring to start shit

its over
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Leb channels posted the neighborhood names if you wanna look em up on google maps

>The raid on Beirut between Burj al-Barajneh and Haret Hreik
the actual genocide of muslim invader vermin in europa is closer than you think.
the cucked leftist governments illegalizing firearms will only make the purge more brutal. from sweden to germany to france and beyond, we will see ordinary europeans taking up hammers, pipes, hatchets, meat cleavers, any tool that can be found and putting an end to the muslim infestation once and for all.
more what? shitskins?
fuck off hezballess shill
The muslim population of France is only going to increase as long as israel exists and jews run the world. You live in a fantasy.
of course truth hurts
Gee what a charming fellow you are. You must have a great circle of friends and be super content in life. Wishing you the best and that you can heal your soul.
then what is?
What proof? So that israel will bomb his new estimated location with 100km radius?
The dozens of Muslim relatives and friends that I have that are living in Europe are telling me a different story. They keep begging me to come over and talking about how good it is over there for them. Are you sure you're not just coping?
That is true but didn't it take them a day to announce Fuad Shukr's death?
Deif is an immortal God. You cannot kill immortal God's, which is why only maybe 5% of the resistance leaders claimed to be killed, remain dead a month later. It's why Deif was killed 13 times by then put out a video confirming he was alive once again. Or NasrALLAH this time an previous times they tried to kill that God.

So yes, jews keep killing every single resistance leader. However most of them being immortal God's makes it nearly impossible for them to remain dead
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>mfw khommie
They still bomb it regardless lmao. All they need is a recent recording of his voice or anything but they don't because he's dead.
IDF has been fully credible in Dahye. The only miss was that one guy where the bombs didnt explode for whatever reason. Israel really chewed those guys up, a spectacular victory and end to this shit.
Judapest is sodom and gomorrah. No need for Pressman but we'll be keeping the Cohens and Kohans though until further notice. Economy is a meme anyway, either we escape to Russian sphere or it's time to calculate who to kill for not letting us
muslims are based as fuck
they're the only ones left in europe who stand against faggotry and amerikikes
They caused the largest non-nuclear explosion in history in the main port of the country
Where's Iran?
Hezb is winning they don't need to help...
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Look at the 2 adjacent buildings on the far right>>483021497, they don't correspond to the alleged bombing location. Are they hiding something?
Wishing the best for you too, death by cossack or oven.
Lmao Orban going sending you to the Gulag for anti-Semitism you Nazi larp
probably trying to send messages to pagers, and no one is readin
this thread is full of bots as always. and as always kikes keep on projecting. TKD.

keep telling yourself that. every real historian/analyst came to the same conclusion that it was pissrael who did it
I wasn't posting during the days of /sg/, only lurking there.
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>why yes we do need 25 shills to tell you what happened
Surely, they're telling the truth this time.
So why did Pozzbollah cover up every investigation?
One of them survived the explosion guys, send the F35s for round 2
Lmao you're a faggy leftist who let's his inner Jew hatred only come out online, you're a coward and a Redditor
>still no lebanese flags
Hey LebAnon, welcome back how was the earthquake?
Did u get some food?
>>still no lebanese flags
its really fucking funny desu hezbollah HQ hit and not one flag KEK
are you in Beirut ?

lmao , just surrender retard , why the obsession with seeing your country flattened ?
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Kek if ever heard what me and my friends talk about you'd have a heart attack. Pathetic kike.
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>War Monitor

>AFP: Source close to Hezb-Allah says group's leader Sayyed Nasrallah is 'fine' after Israel TV networks say he was the target of strikes
War Monitor

>Reuters says the same

oy vey
Hitler was a leftest. National Socialism
I guess he is alive too
may we see him?
Orban is my leader not yours, and he knows the only path to salvation is with Putin. We will achieve our destiny
> Source close to Hezb-Allah
Why would they say the truth?
Muslims absolutely claim to be the chosen
>a spectacular victory and end to this shit.
I mean you kikes can't be this retarded right? You still have 50,000 fighters and limitless weapons to contend with. Leaders don't mean shit, fighters do. If BiBi got merc'd tomorrow would jew armies fall apart and stop working? NO!
Trvth nvke
Orban will restore greater Hungary with the power of the jews
isn't he some arab zoomer?
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>khazarian queens
imagine having to reproduce with these... this is why kikes are so psychopathic
Is Nasrallah in the room with us right now anon?
lol the cockroaches (kikes) have come out from hiding in the hundreds.
the hypersonics and the ballistics will be running errands in the morning. youll see no trace of them as they scurry in the shadows of the rubble left behind. their cowardice will shine like a blaze, exposed for everyone to witness, the missiles will rain on the battlefield they call “their home”
lol, you are the new guy i guess? damn they are quick to hire new shills
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Please hold still while I circumcise you
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Was Hashem in the gas chambers ? Why didn't he give a shit about his goblin looking chosenites ?
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imagine having to reproduce with these beasts, if I were a kikette i'd turn pyschopathic too
it was nothing but a scratch.
Fire will rain on Tel Aviv.
Make sure there are enough human shields near Bibi the Polish Rat
They have an electonic shill army of millions of poopiejeets LARPing as jews. They literally make $16/mo for shilling 30 days a month for 14-18hrs a day. For only $192k they get 1000 shills for an entire year. It's even cheaper than AI chatbots but less than 1% as effective.

Like how amzn used poopiejeets in their cashierless stores, paying poopiejeets in india to watch everything that they purchased- amzn claimed it was AI, but then leaks confirmed it was cheaper to hire jeets than to buy AI software
That's why every jew girl runs to rape arab men. Even in jewish jails the female jews all rape the arab men. Some arab prisoners have sex with 5 or more of the jewish woman guards while in prison
He's dead bro lmao

>try not to be arab cannon fodder for the mullahs for 5 minutes challenge (impossible)

Is the fire raining down on tel aviv also in the room with us right now anon? Show me on the doll where Komeini diddled you
yeahhhh investigating 9/11 gave you real results right?

you're jewish hahahahaha

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