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Previous: >>483019089

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/_iVOqEKYWEo [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
Hassan is dead, quit coping retards
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>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
Retaliation status?
HQ status?
Bulbul status?
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>mfw I told all the lebflags they were gonna die
>mfw it actually happened
how much longer can you guys cope? Iran won't do shit, Hezbollah is finished.
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>tfw kikes failed to kill one guy again
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Everyone hates Shia Muslim countries because they’re in the way of greater Israel. Tell me why all Jews shouldn’t be exterminated for fuck sake who lives with rats in their house…
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Let's all thank him for all the lulz
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need new baker
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If I was a senior commander in Hezbollah, the first thing that I would do is to establish to all the units under my command that the attacks on the north will persist, with or without Nasrallah. The constant attacks on Dahiye point to Israel's increasingly frantic and desperate attempts to goad Hezbollah into raising the temperature outside of just lobbing a few Katyushas into the north every few hours. This action alone is costing Israel a lot of cachet because the north is completely evacuated, so why get pulled into something bigger when all you have to do is just throw a few rockets at the northern settlements every now and then? Feel free to comment on my assessment.
All the leb anons calling everyone a shill for siding with based bibi, have not been seen since the hezbollah HQ got turned into rubble really makes you think
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hi roy
Red Sea status?
Wait a little, now they have to burry and mourn for him. Two more weeks. This is going to be the biggest funeral you ever seen, the best funeral in the world, you never seen funeral like that.
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>mfw khommies khoping about nASSrallah dying
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>In Israel they now estimate - Nasrallah has been eliminated
Can't wait for the cope :D
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>Karhi and an Iranian General were probably also present

this couldve probably been the biggest strike in Israel's history
You're a complete retard, you know that? They have been posting.
and i hope we nuke the shit out of it
Hey look I found where they chippies hang out
HEY I KNOW, before all that, why not make another meeting in Beirut? It worked amazing so far xD
>so why get pulled into something bigger
Why would ANYONE fight for a cause, when the people shilling that cause think hundreds of dead and thousands of crippled being pulled from rubble is acceptable collateral damage?
Why is your country full of pro-palestine fifth columnists? I think you're going to lose kek.
>commies, lefties and palestinians are all on the same side
imagine my shock
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what kind of background flag will they use in vicepresident speech ?
symbol of revenge? mourning? urban rubble cleanup?
Palestinians still fight.
I just saw Hassan Nasrallah at a grocery store in Beirut. I told her how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but hr kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hands shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Do you mean this post to read like Donald Trump, or did it just happen by accident?
Did you think the destruction of Israel would come without thousands of dead? Perhaps even millions of them? Yes, they are acceptable casualties, because they die for something greater than themselves.
Fight their acid reflux from being fatties
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>You're a complete retard, you know that? They have been posting.
the amount of cope, here have a F-35 pic to trigger your sand monkey brain even more
Buddy, it's different, the Palestinians are cornered without a choice. But there's also other differences.
If Nasrallah is dead, it changes everything. The objective of keeping jews out of the north will seem pointless and completely inappropriate.
You can't even get the most basic things right, kek what a dumbass.
>pointless and completely inappropriate

Why? Supposing Nasrallah is dead, what does that change strategically?
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Here's one for you.
still waiting on evidence that isn't literal who twitter accounts and the IDF pulling shit out of their ass.
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I get to cum.
The ukrainians still fight even though russia regularly bombs civilian apartments.
Do you expect everyone to become coward cucks
that not a pic of Hezbollah HQ
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whoaaa, palestinians can toss their children all the way to america taking down jets!!
shalom a leikum nasrala bizmila!!! alalallalalalalalallalalalal annalu snackbrah!!!!
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>israeli airstrikes on mount lebanon. there are martyrs
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The retaliating just got 2.0x times more likely.
Oh boy, here we go again
>Do you mean this post to read like Donald Trump
Yes. The joke is that they WANT to get martyred, like its their goal and a giant funeral is the victory for them. In a way i think they don't even want to win on the battlefield, they just want to earn big funerals for themselves and get some holy status in history.
The problem is israel isn't suffering any destruction. Just some economy injury and disruption of normal life. Hundreds of thousands of deaths are only tolerable if israel is hurting too. You can't ask people to sacrifice for nothing.
>IDF: We got him. We got Nasrallah.
so who is right?
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>We are le warriors for bombing defenceless children with fifth generation jets we get for free
What did he mean by this?
>israelis believe
Come on now, nigger
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>We are le warriors for bombing defenceless children with fifth generation jets we get for free
It's impossible to destroy Israel in one fell blow. You know this and so does everyone else who is rooting for the downfall of Israel. You're just responding emotionally now. The moment you start to get emotional, Israel has won. You have to think with your brain, not with your heart.
>average pro palestinian opinion
Muslims must be the least inventive at naming children of any culture on earth
All Nasrallah has to do is go in front of the camera and record something quickly, even 10 seconds video to prove he's alive
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what is Iran gon do if true?
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Because most people don't care about jews being in the north. If the leader of your movement is murdered spectacularly, people expect something much more than a few useless rockets exploding in an empty field.
how about a tiktok dance
>>We are le warriors for bombing defenceless children with fifth generation jets we get for free
Maybe if you pussy fuck arabs built a army HQ away from the middle of the city hiding among women and kids sounds like a arab problem
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heres a pic oh him
>*muffled gurgling noises*
No clue, just telling you to at least post something credible kek
As a Egyptian, can you give your version of why Egypt has been blocking Gaza from their side since ~2005?
Legitimately interested what the other side says about it.
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What medal do you think he'll be awarded now he's back home in Israel?
Invasion when?
Who cares what the people want? Hezbollah isn't doing this for the cameras, they're doing it because they actually want to cause damage, and the only way to do that with an enemy stronger than yours is by whittling away slowly, slicing the salami over many years. This isn't a spectator sport, it's an actual war.
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Get with the cope, currently its how it doesn't matter Nasrallah died. Make sure to repeat this mantra.
Buddy, don't give me that shit, people aren't these disposable pawns to be sacrificed at your whims. It would be different if their deaths meant something and there was retribution for it. Just asking people to die with their kids in rubble for some nebulous greater future end is ridiculous. If you want people to fight for you, you have to fight for them and give a fuck about them. The moment those airstrikes hit and several hundred dead bodies and a thousand cripples were pulled from the rubble changed things, Hezbollah lost all moral authority because of how they treated what happened those people.

They either should have avenged those people and deterred it happening again, or took the L and retreated and re-grouped and formed a new strategy. Instead what's happened? More atrocities - and they'll keep happening - and why? Because Hezbollah didn't avenge and deter, but instead just kept plodding along the same course of action used to justify the atrocity.
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You just kno......
Schrödingers Nasrallah, all are right
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>ASS-sadists are assmad
Reuters says he's alive. Do you think he will finally snap and tell start all out war with israel?
>Supposing Nasrallah is dead, what does that change strategically?
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Nobody knows what's true nigga. The other side has dead silence
>Muh Ukrainians
Dude, men are literally battered in the street and abducted to go to a meatgrinder, it's wrong as fuck and most of them want peace but the 'west' won't allow it.
well you pulled it off, well done.
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Why did God's chosen people choose to buy such a piece of shit? Do they like being scammed?
>Israel winning irl
>Jdf winning in the thread
Zion just can't stop winning lads
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I like how the kikes in these thread re-affirm that hating them is the morally correct thing to do.
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Jews/canaanites don’t deserve to have a nation. They need to be eradicated across the globe. The Talmud is their handbook. A global Jew hunter task force.
3 day special operation Gaza, sister? When we totes going into Lebanon?
jesus christ this is so embarrassing
Well yeah, they've just been bombed. That's why it's retarded to say kikes know
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22 too many in this bread, got nothing better to do, chaim?
>whittling away slowly
Hezbollah is losing fingers far faster than that. The "whittling away slowly" is the "fuck around" phase.
The peace all ukrainians want is where russia stops occupying their land, they don't want to surrender.
What you're asking for is the complete surrender of Hezbollah, which is unacceptable not only to the fighters of Hezbollah, but every free citizen in the Arab world who is cheering them on. If ordinary people were really sick of Hezbollah and their tactics, there would be an uprising against both Hezbollah and Hamas, instead, the opposite has happened, both groups have only gotten more popular among their constituencies as a result of their resistance.
Nasralla status?
I didn't say anything about one blow. The thing is that Hezbollah hasn't scored ANY hits on israel since the 23rd. There is currently no indication that israel is being hurt by this conflict, which makes sacrifice appear not worthwhile.
>The moment you start to get emotional, Israel has won. You have to think with your brain, not with your heart.
Emotions are part of warfare and basic humanity. Everything israel does is motivated by the extreme anger and embarrassment they feel over 7/10. Hezbollah needs to start getting angry too.
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>the shill literally admits he works for the idf
Holy kek.
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Great cope line, 20 rubles have been deposited to your account.
Reportedly alive.
>Why did God's chosen people choose to buy such a piece of shit? Do they like being scammed?
you need to have a jet to be able to crash a jet COPE AND SEEEEETH
>Iran's Supreme National Security Council has convened an emergency meeting
prepare thine anus
>There is currently no indication that israel is being hurt by this conflict
You know other than the entire world hating them and their economy collapsing.
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>Reuters says he's alive.
Not anymore they don't

>Reuters changed the headline...the word "survived" has disappeared
One of the least moronic paddys on here in a while
We will help you import some nice kebab merchants Even. Your women will line up to service the BAC and you can watch from the cuck chair
He is like Frankenstein they just replace him and spread rumors of invincibility.
So hezbolllah has to do something drastic to make up for all this. Are they going to try invading? It would be retarded but what choice do they have?
Reportedly by who?
>Who cares what the people want?
Bad attitude to have if you want to be a popular movement.
>Hezbollah isn't doing this for the cameras, they're doing it because they actually want to cause damage
They're not doing any though.
>This isn't a spectator sport, it's an actual war.
It's only a war if more than one side is fighting.
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>mfw when khommie speaks
Never forget that this is what these kikes are celebrating. Share it high and low. Eventually the cowards in power will have to go with the will of the people or be hung on the streets.
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Formerly alive
>They're not doing any though

Then why is the IDF even attacking Beirut? Why not let Hezbollah just fire rockets at the north all day every day if there's no damage caused?
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think what stops being posted when pissrael is getting bombed
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Yeah go ahead and invade, you can do it.
shitskin lives dont matter
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They raised the flag
>think what stops being posted when pissrael is getting bombed
Oh i saw a little girl get saved from the rubble good to see you made it out
Nigga thinks everyone is hezbolllah
Why are there so many Palestinians in Guatemala? My friend from university was from there and his family was originally from Beit jala
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>durr hezbollah are da dumb ones because dey dont got da jet to crash!
Sounds like cope friendo. God's chosen people got grifted.
>20 rubles have been deposited to your account
You sound jealous
>celebrate and joke about 9/11, holocaust, slavery, Oct 7th, Russian invasion of Ukraine, mass rapes, pedos, every deprived shit imaginable
>but mocking Muslims too far!
Copy and paste into google search bar then click enter.
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jews ultimately don't care if you hate them as long as they have power over you. And since they control the global economic system, any damage their economy has sustained can be mitigated and repaired very easily.
According to the jew fantasy they are all going to go home, burn their rifles and start sucking jewish penis like good goyim slaves. What hubristic cunts you kikes are. Kill more of their women and leaders, that'll make them love you.
>Sounds like cope friendo. God's chosen people got grifted.
anon you payed for those jets KEK
They're going to raise the red flag of revenge again
btw roy / hiyoriX showed up on this thread.
If they dont respond in the next hours, they are done for and civvies will most likely turn on them.
again the kikes keep on projecting. you need billions of dollars to keep a few guys with AKs and non guided missiles away from your borders. we will never forget bint jbeil
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Cope >>483026856

The shitalian is still in denial
see >>483026856
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>A source close to Hezbollah said he is alive after the strike, which hit Beirut's southern suburbs, a stronghold of the group. Hezbollah has not commented officially on the attack.
reminds me of obama expressing "deep concern" at every happening
I'm in Honduras and we have the second largest population. Most came under the ottoman empire.
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>He thinks that's alot
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Every time a Jew posts blacked porn they think they’re stabbing a goyim to death like literally. They think they’re beheading a goyim.

Next hours is too soon, give them 48 hours.
And this nigga thinks everyone is a Zionist
I caught some big ones
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>And since they control the global economic system, any damage their economy has sustained can be mitigated and repaired very easily.
Is that why the Israeli port went bankrupt? Because they control the global economy? How does Hezbollah and Hamas keep getting ammunition if they don't control the global economy?
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Hezbollah niggers on suicide watch
336 hours, best I can do
Kings thought the same way, up until their heads disconnected from their royal bodies. The peasants always rise up and not a single king or empire has failed to fall. Keep living a lie.
Retarded jeet, reuters still say he's alive, read more than just the title dalit retard.
Seems my comment triggered you kikes. I'll keep exposing you. Till nowhere is safe for you subhuman inbred mutts.
>Then why is the IDF even attacking Beirut?
In order to destroy Hezbollah and weaken Iran by neutering its biggest proxy.
>Why not let Hezbollah just fire rockets at the north all day every day if there's no damage caused?
Because israel is powerful enough that they don't have to let Hezbollah or anyone else do that. It costs them nothing to bomb a few rocket launchers.
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>implying I pay taxes
Wrong again friendo.
>, they don't want to surrender.
Then why do the men need to be BATTERED and fucking ABDUCTED off the streets? Shut up...
>What you're asking for is
First off, let me be abundantly clear, I'm not asking for SHIT! In any given situation, assuming you have options, those options will be quite limited, I'm only pointing out the obvious and it's not my fault Hezbollah put themselves in this situation.
> but every free citizen in the Arab world who is cheering them on.
>cheering them on.
Let me stop you right there, mate, that means fucking NOTHING at all! If those loads want to be cheered on they'd go play fucking football, I think they'd rather you in the field with them rather than cheering on the internet.
> If ordinary people were really sick of Hezbollah and their tactics, there would be an uprising
It's coming, the people will eventually start to lobby and the govt will call the burgers to help them deal with Hez.

Like I said, when Hez communicated that several hundred dead bodies and a thousand cripples being pulled from the rubble was acceptable collateral damage, they lost ALL moral authority in this matter.
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Oh my bad I'm on mobile and your flags are similar. Second largest population other than? So how long your family been there?
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pls dont commit sppuku, your cope brings so many smiles.
>he acts like he isn't gonna try and tax me for it
How much do you make in the IDF? Do they feed you enough to fill a diaper a day?
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stupid potato, killing kikes is a mitsvah, it's the only joy in life, it's like removing a shit stain from a toilet bowl or a tick from a dog, it makes life better
She wishes that he worked for JIDF or IDF. She's a poojeeta LARPing as a jew since even a patheric subhuman jew is superior to the poopiejeetas. Back when we had real jews shilling on /pol/, before it became 100% poopiejeets, they knew never to mention who they worked for. As the point was to hide their identities as shills. They used to flee threads if they couldn't pillpul their way out of anons realizing it
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>sandnigger shitskin is a leftypol commie troon
imagine my shock
You know he seems like a nice guy just misguided
>city that is literally 99.9% Arab
GG Hezbollah
war it is
The lebshit is in hell now. I told him it was going to happen
I don't need a payment, your cope provides more fulfillment than anything else in life.

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>Seems my comment triggered you kikes. I'll keep exposing you. Till nowhere is safe for you subhuman inbred mutts.
>Is that why the Israeli port went bankrupt?
Has that done anything to impair israel's warfighting ability? No. Therefore it's irrelevant.
It's not the middle ages anymore. Conditions are completely different.
Nasrallah status?
Ok, I want TKD as much as anyone, but this is funny. Iran better actually do something.
>is going
They already already?
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Safed is 92% jewish, kys kike.
Hezbollah is gonna destroy Ramat David for the sixth time as revenge
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nice command of english, shitjeet
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shitskins need teaching a lesson
>99.9% arab
Safed is a holy city for Jews, aka Tzfat
99.2% Jewish
Nothing I said was "left" why because I told a historical fact that kings always fall and the ones people hate most fall faster? Nothing I said was left or right.

All countries fall, all kings lose, it's only a matter of when not if.
>acting smug with pepe pics while yelling cope at random faggots over the internet makes me forget I'm poor and gonna die soon
Good for you Schmuli
fucking kek fucking kills me the arabs cant understand that ppl are going for the kikes over them
The houthis are the only ones left now, time to shake them up a bit too.
God, are we truly seeing the end of terrorism in the Middle East? I hope so.
It was one of the only Jewish majority cities under the Ottomans then the Brits. That and like Netanya
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>mfw yahud killed over a thousand of shiites in 2 days
>hi, I'm a jeet behind a memeflag, let me tell you about your country
Redeem the rupees sar
>The problem is israel isn't suffering any destruction.
physical destruction ? not yet but they're a pariah state to the normies, only bribed politicians pretend nothing happened
>99% arab
maybe in the 1920s
there are no arabs there now.
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Is Fagrallah dead, yes or no ?
No they are not. All empires fall. No exceptions, thinking you are the exception to history is the definition of hubris. Keep flapping towards the Sun Icarus.
See the Saudis are smart
Can't wait to get fresh dead kike kino. If you ever have balls to invade
Normies have no power. jews view them as cattle.
Not even in the 20s
Houthis are the only ones who pose somewhat of a threat to israel. So disappointed of iran, hezbollah and lebanon military operations
>celebrate and joke about 9/11, holocaust, Oct 7th, Russian invasion of Ukraine,

no innocents died during these though
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>__literally__ indians
Ahahaha the literal poopjeet dares open his feces filled mouth
It's better to post screenshots of the page vs just a link. That way it can then be shared a lot easily. Most anons don't click links
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sir get the food ready it is going to get cold sir!
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I've been to Russia, I know how poor you and your family is. Cope more.
>Safed was the centre of Safad Subdistrict. According to a census conducted in 1922 by the British Mandate authorities, Safed had a population of 8,761 inhabitants, consisting of 5,431 Muslims, 2,986 Jews, 343 Christians and others.[126]
No innocents died here either
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Whatever those munafiqs are up too
is he alive?
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You mean collaborating with the US to get rid of Saddam who kept Iran and shias in check?
Kings in the middle ages didn't have total electronic and satellite surveillance of their populations, nor a global mass media machine that molds people's minds through the most sophisticated psychological propaganda ever devised. You need to wake up to the reality of just how much power jews have now.
>I are not from India, I wear memeflag because fuk you bloody
Ok jeet
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ask julius caesar, ask hadrian, ask your ancestors from India, ramdoosh
Real talk
The fact nasrallah didn't fuck out of Lebanon after the beeper attack is bewildering. He must have known he's on the target list and should have flown to Iran the same day.

The Irish lad is right >>483019504
Terrible opsec and tactical planning.
Apparently the jews have taken to larping as poojeets larping as fans of israel to get other poojeets to work for them. It truly is embarassing.
Why do you think that jews love the poopjeets so much? Both are obsessed with eating feces & smelling like feces
that's because you're become yourselves kikes
That's not 90 percent Arab retard lol u just proved my point. Also, the downtown area was Jews and Arabs were mostly around in farms and such.
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israel is the most gigachad country in the world rn tbqh
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>Ok jeet
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Absolutely based

Why do you care so much? The jews living in occupied palestine still deserve the 1940s treatment. Sorry, that's just how it is.
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>pajeet math skills

no wonder microsoft and dell are dogshit now
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>Has that done anything to impair israel's warfighting ability? No. Therefore it's irrelevant.
>Why would having a huge number of disenfranchised, unemployed jews hurt our war effort?
Nevah been dun befo.
Russians will unironically shit on India pretending that half of them don't have a functioning bathroom. Utterly hilarious.
So whats next for hezbo and proxies?
So confirmed ded?
But you are powerless to do anything but seethe and type little beta male posts online lol
If he was dead, this shilling would be uneccessary.
lmao if you think the fake anti war movement of the '60s had any impact on the Vietnam war.
kikes have zero power over our minds, everyone hates them, those who don't are on their payroll like Mutt politicians or journos, get a grip, no one cared when the 7th of october happened, actually most people cheered in private
I'm sorry you don't understand city planning achmed
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Triggered much?
they are currently bombing the Hardei shithole of Safed, doing us a favor really
Thanks fren. Saved
That explains the jewish and poopish mindset really well
UN humanitarian aid
Muslims invaded Christian land. The Muslims are occupiers.
>lmao if you think the fake anti war movement of the '60s had any impact on the Vietnam war.
Ah yes, the disastrous and embarrassing Paris Peace accords and America's withdrawl was totally motivated by purely military and tactical concerns. Truly, you are a scholar.
that inbred assymetrican ectoplasm is "indigenous to the middle east"
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iF israel is so stronk why does it need an aid package from the US every week to fight literal nobodies?
war with whom? hezbollah is kill.
>kikes have zero power over our minds
How many people on earth have a Netflix subscription?
Yes but modern jews have nothing to do with that land.
>New cope just dropped
Lol around you, do I look like the triggered one?
kek, goy mad as he drains the mutt of 2 billion a year, go slave building your supreme leaders new capital fort abdul
I heard the entire country of Iran was in that bunker, as well as Hitler, the Boogeyman, and Your Mom. Israel wins another total victory with 0 casualties since the 6 billion dead on October 7th
Egypt got 50,000 Soviet soldiers to fight their war for them and still lost to Jews
The US invaded South Vietnam in 1962, and offensive clandestine action began even earlier. The "anti war movement" didn't even begin until 1968, was extremely unpopular, and the war ultimately didn't end until 1975. Stop getting your history from Forrest Gump and PBS propaganda.
Without the eternal anglos they wouldn't even exist in their current form as a terrorist state.
>and still lost to Jews
Sinai status?
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i have one and still hate kikes more than Hitler bro
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Kek one ship cut their GDP by 3/4 for a month
This. If things were as hopeless as the poopish shills pathetically attempt to claim it is. Then, there would be zero need for shills to do it. They are only here because things are going so poorly for the jews, and the resistance will be victorious in the end. In the meantime, the jews experience non-stop suffering in each and every aspect of their lives. From shekels, to sanity, to kvetching levels, to fearing for their lives or suicide, to the entire world hating them, and many more.
>ask julius caesar
>ask hadrian
The difference is they HIT BACK! Hezbollah didn't! You don't get to ask people to die with their children in the rubble when YOU WON'T EVEN HIT BACK FOR IT!
Urgent | Advisor to the Iranian Leader: The resistance includes strong leaders and cadres, and every leader who is martyred will have a replacement
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>All Hezbochad leaders got martyred
>Hezbochads are now a leaderless unorganized mob
>All their ammo got blown up
>Hourly ironing of jews still continues

What they mean by this bros?
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Good for you, but the average person is not the same.
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Lebanon needs to get rid of Iranian influence. They're gonna get all the Lebanese killed.
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>muh democracy
lmao you have been ruled by the same guy for 25 years now
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>We made red dots
Is this really the extent of Hezbollah? I thought you were scarier than hamas but apparently it's just cucks.
weakest race on the planet
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What do indians have to do with the Vietnam war? Are you a malfunctioning bot?
this is how i know you are a muslim rat shill
>We're the religion of peace
I have yet to see one actual Muslim say this. It's almost always a strawman by those who seek to mock and gloat.
This shilling is unbearable
and he was elected 10+ times despite the amerimutts desperately pouring millions to try and color revolution him
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go back to uttar poopdesh, poopesh dikshit
>elected 10+ times
>the war ultimately didn't end until 1975
America's withdrawl began in 1968 as a result of the embarrassing tet offensive which turned public opinion against the war. America was gone by 1972 and the last three years was just South Vietnam being slowly buckbroken on television for most Americans.
>The "anti war movement" didn't even begin until 1968, was extremely unpopular
Lmao what? All those draft card burnings must've never happened. Also I know for a fact that's bullshit as the anti-war movement was already in full swing by 1967.
yawwwwwwn that all you got?
>serbian flag
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>still trying to insult jews by calling them white
You can simply filter them. Or wait when houthi chads lanuch another missile making all tel aviv faggots shit their pants.
They failed to kill one guy and so they authorized JIDF overtime. It’s up to 0.25 shekels per (you) now, oy vey!
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>Sources in Lebanon: Zainab Nasrallah, daughter of Hassan Nasrallah, was also killed in an attack in Beirut.
I thought israel could destroy Hezbollah and restore jew security to the north but all they do is bomb random civilians and kill Hezbochad leaders which doesn't seem to affect the ironing of north israel.
You can't even invade and defeat this leaderless mob lol.
Post source nigger.
just gotta have to teach our kids about the kike problem, they've made it easier for us this time by calling it the "Jewish state", that way they won't be able to dodge their responsibility in their crimes, I am confident
Lotta sources today, huh?
Israel lost if you have any idea about politics and warfare
Kek you are schizophreniac uncle fukkar
Bitch asshole. Fuck you!!! I fuck MOM bitch my 7 inch lingam stretch her hole and in give her cum and make you sisterbrother chode bitch. Do not talk to me or I hack IP and send wirus
>Mudslims consider this to be a sign of victory
When are you going back to Sarajevo?
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Oh god inject the this cope to my veins.
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god damn that inbred whore was hideous, wouldn't even put my BWC anywhere near that
>its a victory when we bomb lebanon
>its not a victory when you bomb us
Interesting cope.
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>if your enemy kills you you win
>Insider IDF sources report Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in the bunker at the time of the attack.
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>What do indians have to do with the Vietnam war?

you are a shitjeet in Australia shilling for your jewish masters
>If you kill your enemies, you lose.
I bet you believe Hitler won, according to this logic, lol.
As long as Hezbochads ironing the north jew objectives remain unfulfilled.They gotta invade to restore security.
Can the diaper army manage that?
What our kids? Zoomers are already redpilled, and gen alpha might even be the most extreme nazis that ever existed.
Who's baking?
If not I will
>Ali Larijani, adviser to the leader of Iran Khamenei, in an interview on local television: >"There is a replacement for every leader of the resistance who is killed"


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>west collapsing on itself
>facism resurgent
Sounds like he won to me.
He didn't?
yeah, I'll be keeping that in mind as israeli tanks are displacing lebanese residents from south lebanon
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>having pale skin makes you white

kike detected
Just enjoy the cope poland bro, that's why Im here they're completely brain fried to think.
>if we make the jews duck for cover we win
Is it time for /CHILL/?
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Chronic Self hate is why your grandmoms had to repeatedly bleach themselves in europe
You guys are retarded. What, do you expect Hezbo to just sit on their hands and do nothing? Lad, we are going to see a retaliatory strike of never before seen proportions. They crossed one red line too many, and now fucking civilians are going to get pulverized in Tel Aviv. You voted for this. You cherred for this. Now reap what you sowed
Public opinion has zero effect on policy. This is a well established fact. Millions of people demonstrated against the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and it achieved absolutely nothing.
>Also I know for a fact that's bullshit as the anti-war movement was already in full swing by 1967.
'67, '68, big difference. The point is the "movement" started far too late and was despised by the majority of the population. If anything the "anti war movement" made average americans more supportive of the war.
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Khamenei and the Iranian leadership are meeting at his home, just thought I'd post this in case someone is interested in their current location.
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How can arabs even defend them?
It's victory when the bombs actually do something lmao
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>Good for you, but the average person is not the same.
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so where are they indigenous to abdul?
>What, do you expect Hezbo to just sit on their hands
Because they don't have hands anymore, lol.
Now this is some important news.
>, we are going to see a retaliatory strike of never before seen proportions
and what do you think israel will do in response? hezbollah knows if they go all out, lebanon will be setback 50 yeras
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>Chronic Self hate is why your grandmoms had to repeatedly bleach themselves in europe
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We been here jew.You did the same with Gaza and couldn't destroy Hamas now you are trying the same with Hezbochads who unlike Hamas have access to a steady stream of supplies from Iran.You can't remove them so they are just going to continue ironing northern israel permanently.
You live in a Muslim countries. Muslims already conquered Egypt 1400 years ago.
>I have yet to see one actual Muslim say this.
That's the entire point. They don't have to play harmless when they already have power over other groups
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>knafe handouts starting
i predict mass celebrations with free candy in all of Israel on sunday
Hell has a special place for people like you
>They crossed one red line too many
once ONE is crossed and it doesn't result in equal action being taken, they become meaningless. Hez's inaction has only assured Lebanese are being slaughtered.
What do indians have to do with jewish media control? Are you a malfunctioning bot?
It will be /chibs/ but no not yet
But SA bro, this is their best, they're not Hamas they're completely incompetent.
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a pozzed sodomite's asshole
kek, muslimad
only muslims, the religion of satan goes to hell
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When are you going back to Syria Abdullahi?
Hitler was winning tactical victories over and over again while slowly heading for a strategic defeat, just like how israel is today.
They are celebrating these small victories while their overall strategic situation continues to deteriorate.
Its oyvey.
Why not do it now? What are you waiting for?
they purchase indians to shill online for cheap.
Satan and his children cause destruction and despair, yeah.
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>Satan and his children cause destruction and despair, yeah.
Memes don't impress me.
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>Advisor to the leader of Iran Ali Khamenei:

>"Everyone has a replacement"
Do what?You misunderstand their strategy.It is a strategy of attrition.They just keep ironing your north every day and you can't remove them.
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>Public opinion has zero effect on policy.
You know except for the part where the extreme public scrutiny made actually winning the war impossible. Just like how Israel is now fighting with its hands tied behind its back. If you think public opinion doesn't have an impact on public policy, you are a retard. This is also delusional when you consider the same people protesting in the 60's later became politicians themselves. Militarily, all Israel has to do is nuke Lebanon, Iran, and Gaza and win the war in an afternoon and yet they don't. Are they cucks? Or is this some 5d chess play?
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you are a pajeet, you shill for jews and israel, getting you off script is funny because you are so stupid
>2 more weeks
That's why ADL's Greenblatt was literally kvetching and freaking out in leaked conference calls. Jews were losing the propaganda wars, israel was unable to push false propaganda lies, no one was listening to (((MSM))), and every youth generation preferred palestine to israel by ⅔.
He blantanly admitted that social media was redpilling the youth generations, and that jews were unable to counteract all the countless evidence that the youth was viewing. His only solution was to get any company that allowed jewpills to be forcibly shut down and/or censored heavily
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>Princeton University study: Public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law.
>(Advisor to Mr. Khamenei: The resistance includes strong leaders and cadres, and every leader who is martyred will have a replacement)

>We would like to clarify that this news is not from today and is from yesterday.
>It is a strategy of attrition.
they are dying like rats while the muts are eager to refill our missile stocks
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