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Previous >>483030259

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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/chip/ - Can't Handle Israeli Pagers
Arabs are the absolute world champions of coping
Dark Semitic triad of the desert
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>The Wall Street Journal, citing sources: Hezbollah has lost contact with several senior officials following the attack.
So is there going to be an invasion after all these relentless bombings
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Imagine being this much of a retarded nigger
Lebtranny desperately trying to maintain his hugbox KWAB
at this point only biden can save lebanon
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>shia dogs running from beirut
christcucks need to do another sabra and shatila on these niggers
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>inb4 iran literally does nothing as usual
Why does Nakba keep going back to Nabka whenever it got fixed. There were shill bakers that used to fuck up the stickies intentionally. They'd used an old saved version of it, remove links and parts, and add bitchute links and other undafe links. That Nakba part got fixed a minimum of 5 times already. Whenever it got fixed, almost immediately a shill would do a put the wrong spelling and mess with the stickies again
لعنة على رأسك وعلى كل أفعالك السيئة، لتعاني العذاب الأبدي في جهنم
they would need major support because the west would get involved if iran does
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anyway im off to sleep, im fucking sleep depraved already... cant wait for the pics of shia burning tomorrow, a nice poster of Nasrallah.
shalom frens, this will be a glorious shabbat for the ages
Who knows, Israel is pretty bogged down currently and seems to be afraid of actually invading but maybe they will try anyway.

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I’m thinking that this will be the next big thing they shock the world with
It would be really bloody and costly tho. The US is def going to be involved too
This will depend on if israel invades Lebanon or not. A offensive war will not have support in europe.
ok keep doing nothing, it just means they can keep killing you and nothing will happen lol
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>Wall Street Journal: Hezbollah lost contact with many senior officials after the attack

>The Wall Street Journal, according to knowledgeable sources: Senior officials from Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were at the target site.
Where are the sources that Nasrallah is one of the casualties. All I see here are kikes mentally masturbating at the thought of him getting killed.
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Works for me....
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this, /chug/, and /ptg/ are the best cope threads on 4chan and the glowies keep them running 24/7 kek
If they do they will need major support from the US and i['m not sure the US is looking for another conflict considering they are busy with Russia and looking to pivot the the far east.
لعنة عليك وعلى كل من تحب، أن تعاني في كل خطوة تخطوها
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Inshallah Assad and Khamenei are next
>still coping
if he survived that strike then allah is real
I wonder how they know that.
This song is more relevant than ever now
I'm also going to start filtering these faggots mif they had something of value to say. I wouldn't. But it's all spam.
their ass
At this point, I'm fully convinced that hezbo and iran are working for mossad or at the very least, have disloyal men
bin laden and baghdadi would be in heaven inshallah
If he's alive then it would take 5 minutes to take a photo and disseminate it through media.
Hey what is happening in the Eastern world? I'm getting all my news from Jews.
Genuinely why do they keep meeting in the same neighborhood Israel keeps assassinating their leaders in? There was literally an assassination there yesterday
I wonder what these retards at Hizballah are waiting for? Israel is picking them one by one and all they do is bomb some shithole in Tzfat.
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>I'm also going to start filtering these faggots mif they had something of value to say. I wouldn't. But it's all spam.
The source is that their brain made up the fanfic fantasy and keep repeating it. It's bot a lie, since they believe it once they read the script. Just like how they believe it's God's will to rape toddlers and it doesn't count as sex or rape if under 3yo. It doesn't count as sodomy if they're under 9yo, and under 9yo is not allowed under jewish law to refuse sodomy from old gay jewish men
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Um, /chip/sissies, cope status?
Did we know who this glowie is irl?
Bibi going to strike more apartments soon due to them hiding anti ship missiles the fire works are going to rival the ones we just saw
iran status?
>h-h-hes ok frens pls trust me
kek these muslims are a joke.
Want me to ask my friend for his filter lists? He's a regular in chip, and the reason why I'm starting to get hooked on chip
>reveal Nasrallah real location we bombed 6 civilian apartments after all! if you dont you are cuck! stop waiting for us to lose steam and attritioning our iron dome!
neck yourself kike
>At this point, I'm fully convinced that hezbo and iran are working for mossad or at the very least, have disloyal men
Because they can't be lured like fools? Iran's sphere of influence has been growing for decades without a hot conflict. Why should they give america a reason to intervene? Israel can't keep up the war economy forever either.
Erdogan still lying and deceiving people by claiming to invade Israel yet still perform trade with them yet they claim it's (((Palestine))).
Hahaha and the Muslim shills I'm this thread tell you they all love each other and it the evil joooooos trying to cause divide
>plzzzz frens h-h-hes still alive!!!!!!
lol, lmao
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>Israeli senior official to the Telegraph: Netanyahu's trip to the UN was part of a fraudulent plan, and its purpose was to make Nasrallah believe that Israel would not take dramatic steps while Netanyahu was in the US

Kek he got JEWED.COM hard

arabs never learn
You are replying to a butthurt armenian cuck btw
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There's been no statement because there's no senior leadership anymore
2 billion muzzies and they can't even handle 8 million yahudies. What a fucking disgrace.
Yeah because it's impossible to take a photo in a nondescript location and strip it of any exif data right? Get serious.
They did the same thing in 2006 when they bombed the Shura council.
He popped out a couple days after but I don't like to speak too soon on these things.
He's alive. And you better dont mess with me kike, i'm mad at you for even trying to hurt him.
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>Communication has been lost with Hezbollah's senior leadership, a source close to Hezbollah tells Reuters.
/chip/ L status?
how hard would it be for you to shut the fuck up you filthy subhuman?
ya allah muhammad
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Anon you need to use the updated flag

Shabbat Shalom anon
>2 billion muzzies and they can't even handle 8 million yahudies. What a fucking disgrace.
As if you wouldn't immediately run to the west in tears if they did something.
Israel about to blow up Beirut AGAIN
i wonder where Lebanese anons are
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Yeah that's what I thought, retard. lol
That is not how things work. Dead or alive you don't disclose any information immediately. Anyways where are the sources that support the claims that Nasrallah got killed?
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Arya (man wit a woman's name) is on full copium.
True. But they won't do shit kek.

Captcha: NADAH kek
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>there's no senior leadership anymore
Honestly, good, all the decent lads seem to be the grunts and the foot soldiers.
kill yourself
Idf and us sources only so far
how did they gather all this crucial intel on their arms depot?
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Kill a jew. Then we'll talk.
They have a spy network
Jews are so predictable, that when they finally invade, they're going to be caught completely off guard like 2006, and be totally confused when they get their ass kicked again. They've already lost this war because they can't even take back northern Israel or keep troops stationed there even after wiping out Hezbollah's senior leadership.
Us military might be gone. But not CIA presence.
If Hizballah had fought and lost then I would have had respect for them as warriors. But they are just sitting there getting pummeled. What a bunch of sad losers.
Hahaahahaahahhahahahassh I fucking can't take it anymore the Arab cope never ends
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so lets say nasrallah is dead, and they find whats left of him and they give him a good old hizbollah funeral parade.
how high is the likelihood Israel detonates something at said parade?
Pretty much. Theyve now proudly demostrated to iran what their airforce is capable of and iran is taking notes.

Now iran needs intel on their ground soldiers.
are there even any higher-ups in hezbollah that are still alive
Practically guaranteed.
hezbo machine broke
Very high unless nasralla was the idf mole.
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>The locations of the buildings that the IDF is about to attack in Beirut.

They didn't strike the last 2 funerla even when Naem Qasen was the in the open
khamenei will pray over him and get bombed probably
They're heroes and the world knows it. Without infinite tax money Israel wouldn't be even remotely capable of this
This same exact scenario happened in 2006. Absolutely no different. This time around, however, Israel doesn't have an army, so I don't know if they'll ever invade or not. They'll just bomb civilians forever while the US gives them billions, and Hezbollah continues to flatten Tel Aviv and extend the buffer zone to southern Israel as 1 million kikes hide underground.
>the Arab cope never ends
>never ends
but really, why is that? apartment building after apartment building bombed, decade after decade, and the number of Arabs who are actively fighting israel keeps growing
When is that useless old fart gonna die already?
>sitting on thousands of missiles
>do nothing
>>The locations of the buildings that the IDF is about to attack in Beirut.
IDF said they got anti ship/ballistic missiles under those apartments
why are you teasing Hezbollah and begging for the load like some hungry bitch?
Syrians celebrating Nasrallahs death
stop thinking all goyim are as retarded as mutts, we're not

any autist on the internet can find a location from a photo with zero exif like that Shia Laboeuf kike story

the only proof of life we need is heavy shelling of kikery tomorrow morning and a lot of burning and dead kikes
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What will be the new Arab chimp cope when Hez releases the official holographic trading card.
I never read kike flag posts because I hate kikes with all of my strength
>let jews kill 700+ Lebanese civilians in 3 days
>kill 0 jews in return
The fact we also bombed the location of hezbollah's navel missiles makes me think we might have plans to blockade Lebanon at some point
That's not syrians, retard
I'm genuinely embarrassed for them. Hamas which has nothing has shown more balls than all of the shiia losers.
the kikes didn't bomb Haniyeh's funeral
It is not unusual to forego technical communication when you are the technologically inferior side. Besides, which senior Hezbollah official talks to reuters about internal affairs?
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No one cares Moroccan
>Genuinely why do they keep meeting in the same neighborhood
Arrogance. Unreconstructed delusion, these are the people who tweet their joy at seeing Israelis trip and have their homes catch fire and literally 2 hours later will be like "why must we suffer so much?". Just not correctable thought.
Oh I get it. Media must be just like this thread, filled with fake stories about Israeli triumphs. Its a total flood of deception and demoralization.
Ukraine is winning against Russia, too, I understand.
Lol bunch of lying jews.
>but really, why is that? apartment building after apartment building bombed, decade after decade, and the number of Arabs who are actively fighting israel keeps growing
Have you not noticed the gloves are of now? Bibi has had enough playing nice with you dumb arabs you took kindness for weakness for way to long, enjoy total war
They might be able to bomb civs until 2025 when the genocide case will get finished.

Why would you ever doubt the "40 babies were beheaded and then roasted in ovens" people?
Those are all Mossad agents, silly me
I read all kike posts so I can hate them even more
chip cope status?
Did they try paging them?
>Lol bunch of lying jews.
Always were. They push it for some time. >>483038123
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>Nasrallah was never needed anyways
Based and checked
I can't wait to see how zesty they make him look
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I'm going to sleep now, I hope I wake up to some more good news tomorrow
>Without infinite tax money Israel wouldn't be even remotely capable of this
lol. War isn't a refereed match. If they weren't able to deal with it, they should have noped out.
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>This level of cope
Shia labouf they did via stars. Joe rogan was flabbergasted by the 4chan autists and detailed how they did it via stars. Then had local anons drive past and keep honking as they drove until they heard it on the live stream. Then they went to the site and fucked with it
Nasrallah is very important. He has the light of God
They'll say that NOW Iran will SURELY retaliate
I refuse to read, talk, listen, or touch a kike
Goodnight friend, I'm glad you can sleep more safe knowing narshallah is gone
Good news indeed. but why would an evil creature such as yourself wish for good news?
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>be hunted by Israel
>guys lets do a meeting all together
>snacks on my bros
>get bombed
Why are muzzies this retarded?
you won't wake up kike
>Why are muzzies this retarded?
Have you spoken to one recently?
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Anyone who uses “IOF” is a certified malding coper
It is clear the old guard of Hezbollah and Iran have to go. They've completely lost the revolutionary zeal of newer groups like Iraqis and Yemenis.
Nasrallah is probably killed. But I will tell you that the west/Israel is misinterpreting Iran's reactions as weakness. Iranians, even the secular, are hardwired to join the caravan of Karbala like Jews are hardwired to subvert and lie. But Iranians are nationalist first. They won't join this war until there is a real day of ashura for Iranians. If mullahs join first Iran will lose, but if Israel/USA initiates war with Iran then Iranians will join by the millions ready to die.
Old guard Iranians are too focused on protecting their dynasties to risk commitment into this. It might surprise you because Jewish media spent decades saying they're religious radicals.
Good point.
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That's nice, go back to rape donkeys, mocro ape
Dark Semitic triad of the desert
They're very smart. Set in their ways. Rarely it makes them unflexible. Most often it lets them keep the true wisdom and virtue even as things change
1. We absolutely should
2. Unfortunately our gov doesn’t bomb funerals
3. We absolutely should
they had nowhere else to meet, they would have been bombed in iran too
bro I'm starting to feel bad for these niggas stop
dahiye currently getting bombed. let's go
based and same
If true they all deserve to go. Shia axis needs some turn over. all these old guys got too comfortable with their dynasties and gained too much to lose.
Bro, the war used to be in every nation surrounding Israel. It didn't exist in Israel. Now Iran and Hezbollah own 60 km of Israeli soil and 1 million tunnel kikes are hiding underground like rats. The war is now on Israeli soil, Israel has no army left, and all they can do is bomb civilians. In just 23 years, the war showed up at Israel's doorstep. In five more years, ten tops, Israel won't exist. The gloves aren't off, Benzion Milekowski is just lashing out because he's cornered.
How about don't meet? kek
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Gloves are coming off
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>IDF spokesman: Inital: The IDF is now targeting weapons belonging to the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which were stored under civilian buildings in Da'ha in Beirut.
Iran won't do shit. They didn't needs those IRGC officers anyway.
>trusting any word that comes from a kike's mouth

>trusting the IDF

why are kikes this retarded ?

how many assatinations did Mossad do in Iran ? What has it achieved actually ? Uranium production increased and Iran can now send sattellites aka has ICBM capabilities

propaganda works on your pedo sandy echo chamber but the rest of the world sees your bullshit
yeah they were either extremely retarded or extremely desperate, most likely both
This. The kike will die in it's sleep
Muslims are just weak, you should all just convert to judaism, I mean you are already circumcised...
Ziokikes get their own country yet they still scheme, subvert, and kill
Happy we gassed them until they fucked off, lucky to get to see kikes die from a distance and not having to extirpate these kikes from my country
Invade or stfu! Hezbollah is still bombing you faggots and owns the northern part of your country. Either go get it back now that all of Hezbollah's leadership is cooked, or quit talking.

I'm already fucking annoyed as shit that you useless faggots backed out at the last second three days ago.
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Attackss in Dahya now.
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Foreskins are coming off
My point that it wasn't some sophisticated 007 assassination thing, they held a meeting in their own HQ in a time of war. How retarded do you have to be?
>>why are kikes this retarded ?
Either due to all the incrst, or more likely because it's an incestual poopie rapie baby
You're gonna invade right? Either invade, or stfu!
It's only just beginning. You've been fighting at 100% for a year in an area the size of Malta.
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Complete and absolute humilliation on the muslim side. Begging civies to stay in place and get killed along with them is laughable.
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Retaliation status?
lel saved
Why do you need a homeland zio kike, your rightful place is right here, shining my shoes
That's cool. Either invade now that their entire senior command is wiped out, or stfu! We're tired of listening to you run your mouths.
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major shia dog cope, iranians hate arabs and palestine, shiism dosent consider aqsa holy, and iranian shiites are becoming apostates
houthis are different because zaydis do consider aqsa the 3rd holy mosque and they are arab so they can relate with palis
hezb is corrupt and just a drug cartel at this point they rather keep their position and keep selling captagon than risk losing in a war, but the war will be imposed on them whether they like it or not and it seems they decided not to fight and just die
Southern Cone friendly fire
How things are going I don't think we need to invade anything.
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war of the high rise buildings phase 2
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>noooooo you must invade immediately! invade now now. not later. do it now.
lmfao. were you an adviser to putin's smo?
im gonna say israel never lied about killing a leader, every claim they did was true, you have to admit this despite being enemies , because they dont wanna embarrass themselves they double check with intel to make sure hes dead
oh shit, they will fire a rocket on an empty field in response kek
Dark Semitic triad of the desert

The last cope is telling we are redditors for not wanting to deal with Semitic religions on 4chan
You actually are outsider , not that 4chan means anything anyway
Bunch of religious normies
Yes. If true they deserve to go.
The problem with hezbollah and Iran is they still think Jews can be negotiated with. So they are still walking into this like it's going to blow over. If Israel gives them a day of ashura it will change very quick. They haven't realized they're in an existential war yet.
iranian cope
Dont jews hate arabs and dont like when goyim convert to judaism?
>Hezbollah not slowing down
>Israel can't re-populaye north
>can't invade Lebanon
>lost 60 km of country
>still can't take it back
>even after wiping out senior command
>23 years ago war was everywhere else
>now on Israeli soil
>Iran has tens of thousands of officers to replace Hezbollah with
>Israel has no ground forces left

Israel needs to invade or stfu.
How they push the same video of 50 people celebrating in syria again and again on twitter. I hope assads guys visit these 50 for reeducation.
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if iran doesnt want trump to win then their best bet would be to go to war with israel
did it occur to you that they don't give a shit ?

figureheads like Obongo, Ahmadinejad, Nasrallah, Biden are actors, they are not military masterminds and whether they live or die tomorrow doesn't matter
>The problem with hezbollah and Iran is they still think Jews can be negotiated with.
giga cope. The problem is they're pussies and iran wants a peace deal. Even the iranian president said so
You will be second class jews...
Bro, have you seen the news? Check your pager!
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why are you talking to yourself, rabbi?
THERE IT IS! Now come the excuses. Hezbollah is still hitting you, and still owns the northern part of your country. Either invade to take it back, or you're cucks!



This chap's got moxie. I like that, you just don't see much moxie these days.
if 1 million african niggers become jewish will you let them demographically replace you?
>Either invade now that their entire senior command is wiped out, or stfu!
Why do they need to invade? Hezbollah will be paste and then the caretaker government will capitulate and order groups to stand down. It'll turn into more of a police action than a war.
IDF is so desperate now that everyone hates Israhell theyre trying to appeal to the disenfranchised 4channers, and it's still not working out because nobody likes kikes
No there are controls for that kind of thing
That's cool. Either invade now that their entire senior command is wiped out, or stfu! We're tired of listening to you run your mouths.
They are still salty when they were force covered back in the inquisition days in Europe.

They were called Marranos
same shit, if arabs became jewish they would demographically be dominant so jews would never accept that, the european jews are white supremacists, you castrated the ethiopian jewish niggers
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>when they were force converted to Christianity
Ok but seriously, is there no way to defeat israel? how are they so fucking strong
Pretty much. But because they keep replying to eachother, theyre believing their own lies.
if you jews dont do a ground invasion you're fuqqn pathetic. have jews ever done a proper mechanized assault in history? or is it just bombing and driving on empty sands? wow so fucking exciting, walking around looking for 5 Hamas rocketeers in your assigned district at 5 km/h as hungry civilians cover in windows. good fucking job losers, boring cucks.
Hezbollah still owns 60 km of Israel and is still bombing them and Israel is bombing civilians. Israel needs to fucking invade or stfu! They're never getting that 60 km back.
yeah who cares?
Seems to be a LOT more jews on 4chan than I can remember.
you did the same shit to us
Iranian president didn't say that. Your media deliberately took it out of context. Pezeshkian represents Iranian cosmopolitans and he talks like them.
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Invade or stfu!
>how are they so fucking strong
nukes and mutt meatwaves
your a nazi like south africa
Spies man. Hamas isnt even being close to defeated.
wow, i'm sure this impresses everyone. literally trying to sleep but a bomb drops from a lazy jet pilot. what exciting warfare, army morale must be booming to take part in this by sitting on its ass
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Do something then
>haha Israel has not done a ground invasion we are winning
The new arab cope has dropped KEK
Why would they rush? Clearly they can soften the area before going in and take their time. Defender has 3x advantage.
Shill wave for damage control during this media blackout.
If we go by facts alone and not bluff shit like the red flag of cucking, every claim and assassination the jews broadcasted so far was confirmed.
See >>483040765 even the muslims acknowledge this.
Why would they risk a rushed ground op inside enemy territory when they already have the upper hand and their enemies turned into a laughing stock?
US just gave them more money so now they can afford to pay the shills money.
>Seems to be a LOT more jews on 4chan than I can remember
Never underestimate their Chameleon skills. The parasite you often only notice when it's too late.
look up arab-israeli wars
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>Many secondary explosions of munitions in Dahyia

>muh civilian buildings
you wont survive without mutts you are just a colony of whites
>Defender has 3x advantage
nice maths fucktard. Hezbollah soldiers are 20x more skillful than jews. you can bomb all the civvies you can afford it wont soften anything only your already limp dick. there will never be a time in history when a jewish ground force is raring to go in guns blazing in a mechanized assault. boring weakminded faggots
bro all you do is talk
>Hezbollah still owns 60 km of Israel
If they want to own it they will need to ground invade and hold it. Hezbollah's bottle rockets are barely an inconvenience dude. They are getting correctly policed away for this dumb chimpout by authorities.
Because that is the Semitic desert tradition, to subvert others to their God

Now kneel to Jesus the King of Jerusalem
cope lmao
Because if they don't invade now, Iran is just gonna replace all their dead leadership. It's literally RIGHT NOW or never. The reality is that Israel doesn't actually have an army, so I'm just pissing the shills off because they know Israel isn't going to invade with 4000 guys they can't even find.
If arabs acted like men and owned up to their actions instead of crying victim they would have more support, I'm riding with bibi for now on
fuck beat me to it
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>bro all you do is talk
And why are you hanging around here instead of putting on your diaper?
Because Im Shia and I understand our faction. Almost nobody understands us because Jews spent 40 years poisoning the well with control on media.
Currently they misinterpret inaction as weakness. But Shia don't fight wars on the front foot, there has to be ashura before millions are willing to join the caravan of Karbala and fight to the death.
There's no IDF in Northern Israel anymore, no Iron Dome, and nonfuntional bases because the "hezbollah bottle rockets" destroyed it all. Israel needs to invade to take it back, or shut the fuck up!
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Is it time? Will they bring the cows to the temple?
calm down nigger
the coping coper
nasrallah status? LOL
Knowing who iran chooses. i bet it is someone thats gonna be a bloodthirsty sicko.
>dropping jdams on 300 civilians to blow up literal chinese fireworks
good job, you bombed a civilian who liked flashy celebrations. retaliation will take it into account and your cucked ground assault will still never happen
go take your meds. sorry for your terrorist guy death
>Muh ground assault
Na it's pretty comfy up in the F-35
Seeth more pls
>if you kill your enemies they win
>Shia will only fight under this very specific condition
OK, so the jews will just make sure that condition isn't met. Then what?
>Is it time? Will they bring the cows to the temple?
Their entire organized religion revolves around the deception of God. The tenth red calf was born in 2018.
Oh....we are back to the 1st day of the war when all the airfield were destroyed by Hezbollah rockets KEK
Can't invade lebanon with an f35. Which is what netenyahu wants.
yes we are seething right now indeed LMAOOOOOOOO
nasrallah speech status?
>Nasrallah dead
>jews rightfully celebrating the death of modern Titus
Kill yourselves 65 IQ subhumans.
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Arab alt reality lore will never not be funny. Truly head in the sand.
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>Can't invade lebanon with an f35
But they can sure bomb you faggots into paste while you cry muh civilians while narshallah was sleeping under kids beds
Why would they invade when they can just keep bombing?
ah, well, nevertheless...
you think bagdadis in heaven you scumbag is this nicks little house nigger
The poo in the loo brigarde is here.
>unironically using the fireworks cope
The copium supplies must be dangerous low at this point kek, try to not neck yourself when hezbollah doesn't do anything substantial as retaliation
>Nasrallah dead
>jews rightfully celebrating the death of modern Titus
Nasrallah is alive. Believe me if he was dead jews would be dancing in the streets and bump limiting these threads in minutes. But they just killed some civilians from.... i m trying to find the words but it wasnt an air raid or a bombing run. it was just a limp dicked jdam drop. no ground assault, no morale, no exhilaration. just cuckolds being told to smile about boring shit.
So nasralla is just on his way to iran now.
Where can i find videos of dead mudslime offspring? I need something to cheer me up
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The seeeeeth is of the charts today MUH GROUND ASSAULT fucking KEK
Basically this. For having such a supreme intelligence apparatus they sure seem nervous that they have no idea what Hezbollah leadership is doing or where they are.
>So nasralla is just on his way to iran now.
I hope they have learned from the last hit.
We'll have to wait and see.
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Sure he is lmao
Is there even a official confirmation that this Nasrallah guy is dead?

How can you ruin information with muh cope and not actually provide real information.
Some here could care less about your favorite war team like ziggers and nafo sisters, but actually just follow credible updates .

But all we get is retard internet wars
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Dude you gotta start moving on. I'm worried for you. he's gone.
thats literal fireworks being blown up by a sleepy pilot who killed some sleepy civilians with a dull no risk drop, nobody even targeting him. good job, very exciting worth getting circumcised to take part in such glory i'm sure the barracks are in a frenzy waiting to ground assault into lebanon
Depends on if iran wants to replace him or not.
>How can you ruin information with muh cope and not actually provide real information.
First day in jewish world?
dahiye hit again
That fucking image kek, how can Muslims even shill the Hezbollah is winning
Why is there a green circumcised dick on their logo?
How'd you figure that out? What tipped you off? The 4-5 consecutive shill posts between most organic posts? The 10 consecutive shill posts at the thread start? The 20 consecutive shill posts with 1 organic post in between it? Most of this thread is filtered out for me
why dont you make some images like that for Russia. just slap together some KIA petty officers in a random hierarchy and pretend thats the extent of RU MoD command structure. well maybe it wont work cause large parts of that are public..
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there is no modern titus, sadly, POO POO IN THE LOO!
The ramifications of these attacks will be unlike anything we have seen before. Hezbollah and Iran are going to go full scorched earth on the kikes
I wonder who represents the middle east version nafo sister and ziggers in this general
Absolutely delusional, Israel used 20k soldiers on 2006 and it was on the muh end of history paradigm were the usa censored all it's allies while now monke finished end of history and flatlining cities and goreposting is allowed by us standards.

If whoever comes after nazrallah escalates southern lebanon is fucked, israel does not even has to move artillery inside lebanon to flatline everything to the Litani river.

>Inb4 won't happen

flatlining everything up to the Litani would probably take less artillery than 10% of what was used in gaza and israel has more than 100k troops there.

The most likely scenario now however is the israeli air force targeting all hezz members for a few months, this will piss off a lot of groups in lebanon that feel that a minority group pushed them for war.

I don't believe for one second the meme of how their civil war ended with christian or druze militias dismantling since every general of those is still in politics somehow and they were pretty massive.

Won't be suprising if the entire country is full of glowing shadow armies ready to take a side if shit hits the fan.

Hope it does not happen tough Lebanon could literally trigger ww3 by getting turkey, russia and others involved for different reasons and interests.
>The five stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance
>That fucking image kek, how can Muslims even shill the Hezbollah is winning
How is the loss of a dozen guys bad, sar? If it were bad, Hezbollah would no longer exist, sar. But that's not how the world works, sar.
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rajoosh, you need to leave australia
>KIA petty officers
Hahaha, they already dismembered 2000 "petty officers" with pagers those are the Top command dumb inbred arab
maybe if your army had some balls it would act like it. but it doesnt cause its only boring shit from top to bottom
> "yes i'm at the UN, bomb some apartments confirmed, epic operation coming"
>what do you mean our soldiers aren't chanting and roaring to invade Lebanon???? ACHH. oh you are tired ? good night.
i can hear his nasal groans
>replace the leadership
To do what? Nothing and then blame it on Iran for binding their hands and not allowing them to do anything?

Dude, you need to hear me and hear me well, they're comped. Right, there's high level drug traffickers that have their devices custom made, are you telling me an international paramilitary organization doesn't know to do such things and just buys their devices on the open market? Nah, man, they're comped and compromised people - at the behest of Mossad - came up with that idea. What about all the 'red lines' that were crossed and no retaliation? You reckon the boys doing all the work didn't want to get some? They did, but the comped leadership told them to hit some no-name settlement that's been evacuated since the beginning of the year for the umpteenth time instead. What about the start of the airstike atrocities, several hundred dead and a thousand + cripples pulled from the rubble, and they didn't avenge it, you don't think that's weird?

The top echelon and upper middle management have direct - or indirect - relationships with Mossad or Mossad affiliates and it's after ending in fucking catastrophe for them. They've been playing into israels hands like israel are pulling their strings, consider maybe israel actually are pulling their strings. The real victims here are the innocent civies who got BTFO in a game they weren't even playing. Sucks I know, but there's a fuck-ton of lessons here, why let them go to waste.
kek. why do jews still seethe about titus? if they didn't want to be BTFO they could have chose not to riot over having to be equals with others
Nah we good, nice public funerals are absolute prime real estate for intelligence gathering.
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i wish they would
>Is there even a official confirmation that this Nasrallah guy is dead?
No and in 2006, Israel claimed to have assassinated Nasrallah in an operation targeting the Imam Hassan complex. Nasrallah made a public statement 3 days later.
>ground assault
Crossing enemy lines with a gopro and some old assault rifles while shouting aloha snackbar only to get 404'd by a drone seems to be the muslim approved "strategy".
Getting bombed down to ashes and your senior command killed means nothing, if there's no enemy personnel on soil you are still winning the war, of course.
I'm getting paid neetbux by the Israeli government to derail threads. I don't even need to post half the time because paranoid schizos here think everyone that doesn't spam TKD is a Jew anyway, it's good and honest work, 4/5 star glassdoor.
Then we lose. But Jews will do it because as I said they are misinterpreting what they're seeing and they're murderous people. They've never defeated a Shia faction in any war, either themselves or their proxy USA.
There's a first time for everything.
just dont cross those enemy lines and bomb civilians, that wlil surely get you the necessary morale boost. if youre proud of being a cuck its not Muslims fault who run and gun and live as warriors. its barely worth getting out of bed for your military
Unit 8200 is like 60% of IDF's budget...
tinfoil hat deaf poetry

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